storage storage hhh

Sing once again with me, our strange duet
My power over you grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me to glance behind...



[box="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; text-align: left; line-height: 130%; text-transform: uppercase;"][center][font=georgia][size=18px][color=black]Sing once again with me, our strange duet
My power over you grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me to glance behind...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=georgia][size=17px][color=#427f56][i][b][color=#427f56]T[/color][color=#447d55]H[/color][color=#457c54]E[/color] [color=#497852]P[/color][color=#4b7751]H[/color][color=#4c7550]A[/color][color=#4e7350]N[/color][color=#50724f]T[/color][color=#51704e]O[/color][color=#536e4d]M[/color] [color=#576b4b]O[/color][color=#58694a]F[/color] [color=#5c6648]T[/color][color=#5e6447]H[/color][color=#5f6346]E[/color] [color=#635f45]O[/color][color=#645e44]P[/color][color=#665c43]E[/color][color=#685a42]R[/color][color=#6a5941]A[/color] [color=#6d563f]I[/color][color=#6f543e]S[/color] [color=#72513c]T[/color][color=#744f3b]H[/color][color=#764d3a]E[/color][color=#774c39]R[/color][color=#794a39]E[/color][color=#7b4838],[/color] [color=#7e4536]I[/color][color=#804335]N[/color][color=#824234]S[/color][color=#834033]I[/color][color=#853e32]D[/color][color=#873d31]E[/color] [color=#8a392f]Y[/color][color=#8c382e]O[/color][color=#8e362e]U[/color][color=#8f342d]R[/color] [color=#93312b]M[/color][color=#952f2a]I[/color][color=#962e29]N[/color][color=#982c28]D[/color][/b][/i][/color][/size][/font]
[color=white][size=11px]——— [url=""] [color=WHITE]CLICK FOR TAGS[/color][/url][outline=black][/outline] ⋆ 20 MOONS ⋆ HE/HIM ⋆ [abbr=former deputy]WINDCLAN EXILE[/abbr] ⋆ PENNED BY [url=""][color=WHITE]BEATLES[/color][/url] ———[/size][/color][/center][/box]

  • ooc.
  • SNAKEHISS —— exile/rogue , former deputy of windclan ✦ father to rowanpaw , viperpaw , and privetpaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cis male / he/him pronouns / 20 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— medium combat difficulty / may start fights, likely won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 77053620_v7IN9LxSdUc41lI.png

    a shorthaired black solid with green eyes. a skinny-legged yet average-sized tom cat adorned with battle scars. a solid shorthaired pelt, once groomed to perfection on the daily, is now unkempt and messy. snakehiss is thin to the point where his ribs are beginning to show, mostly from a lack of food.

[tabs][slide=and in this labyrinth][b][color=#427f56]ooc.[/color][/b]
[slide=( where night is blind ) ][color=#427f56][b][outline=black]SNAKEHISS[/outline][/B][/color] ——  exile/rogue , former deputy of windclan ✦ father to [abbr=penned by beatles]rowanpaw[/abbr] , [abbr=penned by antiigone]viperpaw[/abbr] , and [abbr=duskclan, penned by tempest]privetpaw[/abbr] ✦ penned by [b]beatles[/b][size=12px]
[outline=black]✦[/outline] cis male / he/him pronouns / 20 moons & ages every 1st
[outline=black]✦[/outline] single / bisexual & monogamous
[outline=black]✦[/outline] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking 
[outline=black]——[/outline] medium combat difficulty / may start fights, likely won't kill

[outline=black]✦[/outline] [COLOR=#427f56][B]"speech"[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR=#427f56][i]thoughts[/i][/COLOR], all opinions are ic
[outline=black]✦[/outline] [url=]biography[/url] — msg on discord for plots — [url=]toyhouse[/url]
[quote][b]a shorthaired black solid with green eyes.[/b] a skinny-legged yet average-sized tom cat adorned with battle scars. a solid shorthaired pelt, once groomed to perfection on the daily, is now unkempt and messy. snakehiss is thin to the point where his ribs are beginning to show, mostly from a lack of food.[/quote]
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. "Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC." This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

  • 85571681_SLofIqs1ogOtlez.png
    an apprentice of skyclan, lionpaw is seven moons and is mentored by crowsight. he is the son of doeblaze and blazestar. an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt. 
  • Love
Reactions: bluberry

  • LIONPAW ; named after the tales of lionclan that blazestar shared with doeblaze
    — trans male; he/they
    — apprentice of skyclan
    — 7 moons / born 3.09.24 / ages on the 9th
    — penned by beatles; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
  • 85433805_iYG9llph6u5Mz1J.png
    Lionpaw takes after Blazestar, possessing locks of silky, cream-colored fur that make up a majority of his coat color. Swaths of chocolate and streaks of ginger decorate his face, legs, and the entirety of his tail. Darker stripes cascade down his limbs and draw inward from his head. Eyes of azure settle against his multi-colored visage, undoubtedly the most eye-catching feature about him. A child of the pines, Lionpaw will heavily smell of fresh needles and eventually the sandy ground of the training ravine. Humble and reserved, Lionpaw has a polite and leveled manner of speaking, not tending to raise it unnecessarily. Lionpaw will learn to carry himself with a confident swagger, though not to be confused with an overbearing arrogance.

    A thin scar runs diagonally from the top of Lionpaw's right eye, across the bridge of his nose, and down to his left cheek ( from Skyclaw ).
    full personality wip

    loose character inspo/kinlist
    — clark kent ( my adventures with superman )
    — simba ( the lion king )
    — kevin von erich ( the iron claw )
    talk about how easily they trust or whatever blah blah blah
    SOUNDS LIKE: description. voiceclaim if you have one
    SMELLS LIKE: description.
    speech is #ad6e47

    BLAZESTAR xx DOEBLAZE littermate to candorpaw and hollypaw | half-sibling to fireflyglow, howlfire, moonwhisper, burnstorm, morningpaw, skyclaw, and duskbird on blazestar's side | half-sibling to lupinesong, crowsight, and drowsynose on doeblaze's side | mentored by crowsight
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: hollypaw, candorpaw, stormpaw
    LIKES: butterflytuft, orangestar, figfeather
  • ► SONG NAME - artist
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    SONG NAME - artist
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  • [ 2024 ] born to a newly-widowed bobbie alongside his littermates, hollykit and candorkit. he spent a normal kithood in the nursery making new friends, albeit he was always the quietest of his kin. hearing stories of lionclan and blazestar, young lionkit set his sights on becoming a great skyclan warrior.

    in june, he was apprenticed to his half-brother, crowsight. not long after his apprentice ceremony, lionpaw accidentally trespasses on thunderclan territory while hunting and gets attacked by skyclaw ( who he does not yet realize is his half-brother ). at july's gathering, crowsight takes lionpaw to meet skyclaw which leads to them both realizing their relationship to one another.
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .  +     ˚       ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐈 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐈𝐃][fleft][img width="150px"][/img][/fleft][quote]an apprentice of skyclan, [abbr=trans male, uses he/they pronouns]lionpaw[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 9ᵗʰ]seven moons[/abbr] and is mentored by [abbr=penned by velou]crowsight.[/abbr] he is the son of [abbr=penned by dejavu]doeblaze[/abbr] and [abbr=penned by Marquette][s]blazestar.[/s][/abbr] an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt. [url=][color=#18183e]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]


  • SLATE ; a name that is simple yet strong
    a gruff, no-nonsense former rogue who can bark as well as bite, with an intimidating hulking dark form to boot. he is very opinionated and butts heads even with his own clanmates, unafraid of putting up a fight for what he believes in. hidden underneath this aloof and fiery exterior is a moral conflict as he finally begins to accept an identity as a clan cat while still clinging to roguish, selfish tendencies that he had adopted as a street cat.
    ⤷ named after his dark-colored fur. his family all had naturistic-themed names.
    — cis male; he/him; bisexual
    — lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    — 40 moons / created 4.27.21, brought to tt 11.26.22 / ages on the 1st
    — penned by beatles; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
    Slate is a purebred Maine Coon and is hefty, weighing approximately 20 lbs and standing 14 inches at the shoulder. He has long charcoal-black fur with a rusted underbelly and wisps of tan on the tips of his belly fur. He has amber-colored eyes that are comparable to the flicker of a steady flame. He possesses many scars scattered across his body, namely two across the bridge of his nose, a torn right ear, a long scar along his right eye,bite marks on his neck and shoulder, and deep scarring on his underbelly. Slate also has a folded left ear due to an ear mite infestation, which has since been treated by twolegs. Descended from show cat parents, his features are quite handsome and sharp.
    Once a street cat living with no sense of honor or integrity, clan life is forging Slate's character and unearthing traits that he previously thought himself incapable of. He is someone who won't back down and wants to succeed at everything he does. He is driven to work and complete tasks and missions and doesn't enjoy messing around on the job or wasting time; he likes the sense of purpose a clan has given him.

    Socially, he is pretty reserved and offers little words to most, keeping others at arm's length. Rarely does he loosen up, especially around those he doesn't know well. Since he tends to be so focused on his job, he comes off as distant and usually takes some time to truly warm up to others. However, he is quick to unleash sarcasm onto just about anybody. Straight to the point, as he doesn't prefer to sugarcoat things or beat around the bush, which makes him come off as blunt.

    Morally ambiguous. He is unopposed to siding with "good" or "bad"; ultimately he will support whatever benefits/appeals to him. Although he supports individuals and their agendas rather than specific alignments, he is more likely to agree with more strong-willed and iron-fisted leaders. However, distrust and wariness of authority figures have arisen within him for personal reasons. It is rare for him to wholeheartedly pledge his loyalty to anyone.

    Slate has a short fuse and will lash out if provoked (which doesn't take much). He is often quick to argue and even violence in order to solve his problems. He is rarely apologetic and is incredibly stubborn, though when he is sincere he tends to be uncomfortable simply because he's not used to acknowledging his emotions or making amends. He is not used to being shown patience or gentleness and reacts awkwardly when done so.

    Due to feeling manipulated/not feeling in control during his youth, Slate can be incredibly controlling over other people. He is very adamant about ultimately being his own boss and, although he may work under a leader, he will only obey orders if they suit him. Slate may have the capacity to be very ambitious and power-hungry as well if given the opportunity.

    He is a hypocrite, holding others to a standard that he doesn't hold himself to; will be quick to judge others but will turn around and do the exact same thing, except he'll find a way to justify his actions. Wants to believe that he's always in the right and gets ruffled when he's called out on it.

    Slate is very loyal to those whom he forms bonds with and would perhaps even sacrifice his life for them, though such individuals are few and far between. Somewhere in his heart, he has the potential to be a loving and genuine man, though rarely shows such qualities as he is lonesome and detached from other people.

    flicks a single ear twice when feeling nervous or awkward
    does not trust nor make friends easily
    SOUNDS LIKE: matthew daddario
    SMELLS LIKE: fresh pine needles and bark
    speech is #a36047

    ROCKY xx BROOK littermate to cloverjaw and primrose | mentoring coffeepaw | mentored cherryblossom
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: orangestar, cloverjaw
    TOLERATES: howlfire, dogbite
    DISLIKES: bobbie, thunderclan, windclan, kittypets, twitchbolt
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: twolegs
  • ► SONG NAME - artist
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  • [ KITHOOD ] Born to two purebred Maine Coon parents named Rocky and Brook alongside his littermate named Clover. Pampered and doted upon, Slate and his sibling were always told that they were highly desired by twolegs and were born to be pets who were admired for their looks. Wanting a more fulfilling life for himself, Slate ran away from his adopted twolegs to live the life of a "wild cat".

    [ THE STREETS / ADOLESCENCE-YOUNG ADULTHOOD ] Overwhelmed by the outside world and after nearly being run over by a monster, Slate joined up with a pair of rogues and learned street survival skills from them, including how to hunt rats, fight other cats, and outwit predators. They were apart of a rogue group called The Blackguards, which Slate was a part of by association.

    One day his "mentors", out of selfish desperation, literally threw Slate to the hounds as bait. Only eight months old, he managed to escape with a few scars and lived on his own from then on. He met a Pine Colony cat named Orange Blossom a few months later and began a casual situationship with her, though he stopped seeing her when they began to grow too close.

    Slate met another rogue named Silver and scrapped with him over a mouse, which ended in him nearly taking Silver's right eye.

    [ 2023 ]
    After living in the twolegplace as an aggressive rogue for years, he shows up on SkyClan's borders and is vouched for by his brother, Cloverjaw. He reunited with Silversmoke, refueling a long-standing rivalry from before the creation of the clans. Not long after Slate joins, he participates in a battle against WindClan and witnesses Blazestar lose a life.

    Slate aids a small patrol in driving out a fox from SkyClan's territory, though the tip of his right ear is torn off. A murderous rogue named Kuiper is put on trial, where Slate and several others speak out against his heinous crimes.

    Weeks after multiple cats have been taken from SkyClan's territory by twolegs, Silversmoke and Slate get into a heated argument and near-altercation before being interrupted by a stray dog. Not long after, Slate himself is trapped by twolegs and taken away to the shelter.

    After a moon spent in the shelter, Slate and the other SkyClanners are freed and return to camp. In the following meeting, Blazestar apprentices Howlpaw to Slate and promotes him to Lead Warrior.

    An attack from WindClan occurs at random, and Slate battles a warrior named Cygnetstare. They engage in a proper scuffle, and although WindClan technically wins the fight, Slate has nearly torn her throat out.

    Slate gets into an argument with Bobbie and Sweetybee when Fantastream brings toy mice into camp. He voices his concerns about the way that SkyClan handles joiners, especially kittypet joiners, in a council meeting. Unexpectedly, and begrudgingly, Slate takes on Cherrypaw as his new apprentice.

    Yellowcough plagues the clans, and when Blazestar makes a call for volunteers to embark on a dangerous journey to find the cure, Slate offers himself in a perhaps surprising turn of events.

    Through all of the dangerous and treacherous events that face the journeying cats, Slate perseveres. However, he finds himself truly feeling hopeless during the cave-in event, where he has a panic attack and is talked through it by the ShadowClan medicine cat apprentice, Magpiepaw.

    Slate saves a WindClan apprentice from a badger attack, teaming up with Figfeather in the process. He also happens upon the scene of Little Wolf's death, where he promptly scolds his apprentice Cherrypaw for venturing off on her own in the first place.

    The journeying group, almost home, is ambushed by dogs and Slate freezes out of fear right before being knocked into reality by Orangeblossom and Milkpaw. Utterly flustered from nearly being mauled, Slate urged the group to continue on despite there being injured party members. Much to his dismay, Slate and Figfeather are the only SkyClanners who return home on time. Shortly after, Slate breaks the news to Blazestar that his former mate and the mother of his kits, Little Wolf, had been killed on the journey.

    Slate realizes, after a period of denial, that he still has romantic feelings for Orangeblossom.

    [ 2024 ] The rogues descend upon SkyClan. Slate's patrol runs into a rogue, though he kills them in the name of SkyClan. He is seriously injured in the process, landing him in the medicine den for a few weeks.

    Blazestar dies, leaving Orangeblossom to take her place as SkyClan's leader. He begins sleeping at the entrance of her den, feeling that she could use extra protection. Slate's apprentice, Cherryblossom, receives her warrior name. After tensions escalate between the daylight warriors of the clan and the small anti-kittypet crowd, Orangestar gives her lead warriors a stern reprimanding.

    A border patrol is attacked by a pair of foxes, killing Orangestar and wounding most of the others. Slate received medium-grade injuries, landing him back in the medicine den.
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .   +   ˚     ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐄][fleft][img width="180px"][/img][/fleft][quote]a lead warrior of skyclan, [abbr=cis male, uses he/him pronouns]slate[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 1st]forty moons[/abbr] and is mentoring [abbr=penned by tasmagoric]coffeepaw.[/abbr] he is a hulking longhaired maine coon with black fur and prominent reddish rusting on his chest and belly. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face. [url=][color=#92534e]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]


  • rXFCH3a.png

    SNAKEKIT SNAKEPAW SNAKEHISS ; a family name that he bears proudly
    once the second-in-command to windclan's tyrant queen, snakehiss is now an exile roaming the outskirts of the clans. cast out for condemning sunstar, claiming that starclan was angry with windclan and had chosen him as their messenger, he vows to return to his homeland one day and restore it to its former glory.
    ⤷ named after his grandfather, snake.
    — cis male; he/him
    — rogue ( exile ) / former deputy of windclan / loyal to the moors
    — 20 moons / created 2.20.23 / ages on the 1st
  • rXFCH3a.png

    A void of a cat with emerald green eyes that can appear to pierce right through your soul. Snakehiss has short, black fur with only one white splotch across his chest. A few flecks of white are beginning to emerge on his pelt as a result of stress. A sneer is ever-present on his sharp and defined features. He has a thin-legged and slender stature and appears more unkempt/scrawny now that he doesn't survive off of much food. He is about average height. Snakehiss has healed bite marks from a fox on his right front leg as well as a thin scar across his chest ( given by Sootstar ). Newer scars include scratches across his left cheek and across the base of his throat ( from Harrierstripe ).

    — SH solid black tom w/ green eyes, low white, vitiligo ( carrying longhair )
  • rXFCH3a.png

    It feels as if he has hit an all-time low, being cast out of the only home he's ever known and having to fend for himself. Desperation and selfishness cause Snakehiss to resort to stealing and thieving in order to secure resources. Any morals that he may have possessed as a clan cat stands on shaky ground as the life of an exile tests his resolve.

    He is a spiritual tom—a religious fanatic, even—who prays to the ancestors for strength and guidance. However, as Snakehiss spends more time in the wilds, he finds his faith beginning to waver and chip away.

    Vengeful and bitter, Snakehiss vows to destroy the current state of WindClan, even if it means sacrificing his own kin. He is blinded by a seething hatred of the current leadership and has centered his purpose around taking back his homeland once and for all... when the time is right.

    — Snakehiss is widely known for being a bully, plain and simple. With prejudice and self-importance hammered into his brain starting at a young age, he thinks himself above many of his clanmates and of course those from other clans. He is not afraid to call others out on their flaws to try and make them feel bad about themselves (which, in turn, only makes him feel better about himself). Snakehiss relishes the feeling of hovering near the top of the social ladder, so to speak, so he does not take any attempts to besmirch his reputation lightly.

    — Often overlooked by others is Snakehiss' brilliance and intelligence. He has a knack for problem-solving, offering solutions that seem reasonable and logical through his eyes all while avoiding letting emotion cloud his judgment. He may not be the most brutal fighter but he knows where his strengths lie and uses them to his advantage. This also applies on a mental level as well, as Snakehiss will utilize manipulation and deceit in order to persuade others and get what he wants. He makes mental notes about others, including weaknesses and rumors and secrets, to use against them at a later date if need be.

    — Cunning and ambition make for an almost dangerous determination to succeed. Pressured to bring glory to his bloodline and make his parents proud, Snakehiss grasps at all opportunities to prove his worth and rise above his clanmates (even if it means putting others down). With his ultimate goal of becoming an infamous and feared WindClan leader, Snakehiss is quick to make a grab for leadership roles in group settings if only to catch the eyes of his superiors. He also enjoys the thrill of competition, is arrogant and egotistical when he is in a position of winning, and is peeved and sulky when he doesn't get his way.

    — Hidden beneath his spiky exterior is a coward, a scared kit forced to mature far too quickly and abandon any childlike curiosities. Having witnessed plenty of violence and bloodshed as a kit and young apprentice, the concept of death and dying and the afterlife weigh on him almost daily. He fears anything to do with death — how it's going to feel, life's essence draining from his earthly vessel, being forgotten by the living and disregarded as just another pawn (thus his goal to forge a legacy for himself and his family).

    mannerisms blah blah blah
  • rXFCH3a.png

    father to rowanpaw, viperpaw, rosepaw and privetpaw (duskclan)
    SOUNDS LIKE: draco malfoy
    SMELLS LIKE: petrichor and wild grass
    speech is #4b5c58

    SHADOWSIGHT xx ROSEPOOL paternal cousin to whitedawn | mentored by badgermoon | former mentor to rivewhisper
    DISLIKES: other clans
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: morningsong, cottonsprig, foxglare, sunstar, windclan, duskclan
  • rXFCH3a.png

    ► SONG NAME - artist
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  • rXFCH3a.png

    [ KITHOOD ] Born to two proud doting parents, Shadowsight and Rosepool. Snakekit was raised to be prejudiced against those with outsider blood, though mostly rogues and kittypets. His lineage also consists of moor cats who roamed the hills long before WindClan, which he is very proud of.

    Not too long into his apprenticeship, Snakepaw was reassigned to Badgermoon. He participated in his first battle against RiverClan following the murder of Juniperfrost. After saying mean comments toward Sunflowerpaw, he was punished by Wolfsong, thus creating resentment toward the Lead Warrior. His father was not pleased.

    After months of practice, Snakepaw finally catches his first rabbit. Another milestone is visiting the Moonstone and baring witness to StarClan's presence with his bare eyes. However, his training progress is interrupted when a fox injures his arm while he's out with Sedgepaw.

    Snakepaw heals in time and is discharged from the medicine den with only a moon left to complete his training. He harbors a growing resentment toward his mentor, Badgermoon, for focusing on his new family and gives him the cold shoulder with a vow to keep the deputy at a distance. Feeling isolated from most cats, Snakepaw turns to like-minded apprentice Heatherpaw in hopes of an alliance.

    Speaking of seeking connections with his peers, Snakepaw also kindles a friendly relationship with Cottonpaw during the last few weeks of his apprenticehood.

    [ WARRIORHOOD (2023) ]
    Snakepaw is given his warrior name, Snakehiss.

    Yellowcough falls upon the clans. When it is time to recruit volunteers for the StarClan-sponsored journey to find lungwort, Snakehiss volunteers himself immediately in order to look good in front of the clan. Sootstar turns him down, claiming that he needs to stay behind to defend the camp, which disappoints and frustrates him.

    Not too long after, Badgermoon and Curlewnose flee the clan after Sootstar claims they attacked her. In utter disbelief, shaken to his core, Snakehiss gives himself little time to process these developments and instead offers to pursue the traitors.

    His mother, Rosepool, shows symptoms of Yellowcough and is taken to quarantine. She quickly succumbs to her illness and dies, leaving Snakehiss devastated.

    Rogues take over WindClan territory, forcing them into ThunderClan territory and eventually into ShadowClan. Snakehiss looks to StarClan, hopeless and distraught, pleading for answers. While temporarily living in ShadowClan, he and Sootstar run into WindClan traitors Hyacinthbreath and Pollenfur, engaging in a fight.

    The clans band together to take back their territories. Snakehiss fights a rogue, though loses his upper hand and is nearly killed when Sparkspirit saves him. After WindClan is back in camp, Snakehiss is assigned to mentor Rivepaw, one of Sunstride and Wolfsong's kits.

    Sootstar's reign grew more intense, with the loyalists beginning to separate themselves from the non-loyalists. Snakehiss, along with other loyalists, defend Highstones from Smokeheart and nearly kill him ( though he does not partake in the action ). Trying to isolate Cottonpaw from her friends and ensure his place, Snakehiss proposes that they become mates when the time is right, which she accepts.

    He provokes a physical altercation with Sedgepounce, trying to paint him as disloyal to WindClan.

    The tensions between the loyalists and the rebels finally snapped, with Sootstar declaring war on Sunstride and anyone who supported him. Snakehiss, torn on what to do, meets his father in battle and pretends to fight him while being told to remain in WindClan and masquerade as a loyalist. He hesitantly agrees, and Shadowsight flees. After the battle, Snakehiss is named Sootstar's deputy.

    Shortly after, Snakehiss catches Sparkspirit and Morningsong fleeing WindClan in the dead of night but ultimately lets them go. Cottonpaw breaks off their relationship in front of the entire clan, humiliating him. Feeling emotionally charged and testy, Snakehiss gets into a fight with Sedgepounce, causing him to accidentally plunge into the river and disappear. Distraught, he thinks he's killed Sedgepounce.

    He he makes his new relationship with Berrysnap public. She falls pregnant soon afterward.

    [ WARRIORHOOD (2024) ]
    Snakehiss served as Sootstar's loyalist deputy for over a moon, carrying out her orders and even participating in an attack on the rebels' hideout. However, guilt and uncertainty grow within him as he wonders if he's made the right decision but feels trapped into submitting to Sootstar.

    Eventually, the rebels attack camp for a final time. Snakehiss turns on Harrierstripe, deterring him from injuring Sparkspirit and ultimately switching sides. He is severely injured by Harrierstripe and is downed, eventually fainting from shock and blood loss.

    Snakehiss wakes up after the battle in the medicine den. He is put on probation until Sunstar can trust him again, though Snakehiss' resentment for the new leader begins to build more and more.

    He is finally exiled for speaking out against Sunstar and claiming that a string of bad luck ( the eclipse, the wildfire, the dog attack ) was due to the other tom's leadership. He asks his children to accompany them but they refuse.

    [ LIVING IN EXILE ] Snakehiss wanders loner lands aimlessly, praying to StarClan and waiting for a sign. In the meantime, he has a run-in with DuskClan and nearly escapes death.

    He meets a ShadowClanner named Maggotfur on the edge of the Thunderpath and they confide in one another for company only for a night.
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=ill show you a god][b][color=#982c28]ooc.[/color][/b]
    [slide=( who falls asleep on the job ) ][color=#982c28][b][outline=black]SNAKEHISS[/outline][/B][/color] ——  exile/rogue , former deputy of windclan ✦ father to [abbr=penned by beatles]rowanpaw[/abbr] , [abbr=penned by antiigone]viperpaw[/abbr] , and [abbr=duskclan, penned by tempest]privetpaw[/abbr] ✦ penned by [b]beatles[/b][size=12px]
    [outline=black]✦[/outline] cis male / he/him pronouns / 20 moons & ages every 1st
    [outline=black]✦[/outline] single / bisexual & monogamous
    [outline=black]✦[/outline] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking 
    [outline=black]——[/outline] medium combat difficulty / may start fights, likely won't kill
    [outline=black]✦[/outline] [COLOR=#982c28][B]"speech"[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR=#982c28][i]thoughts[/i][/COLOR], all opinions are ic
    [outline=black]✦[/outline] [url=]biography[/url] — msg on discord for plots — [url=]toyhouse[/url]
    [quote][b]a shorthaired black solid with green eyes.[/b] a skinny-legged yet average-sized tom cat adorned with battle scars. a solid shorthaired pelt, once groomed to perfection on the daily, is now unkempt and messy. snakehiss is thin to the point where his ribs are beginning to show, mostly from a lack of food.[/quote]
tinkering with a code by pikaihao!

⤷ penned by beatles heartchart pinterest playlist
lion. noun. panthera leo, native to africa and southern asia; for the legendary tales of lionclan that blazestar used to regale to doeblaze paw. noun. denotation of rank
afab trans male ⋆ he, him, they, them
8 moons old ages 1 moon every 9th born march 9th, 2024
skyclan apprentice no former allegiances

    references lionpaw takes after blazestar, possessing locks of silky, cream-colored fur that make up a majority of his coat color. swaths of chocolate and streaks of ginger decorate his face, legs, and the entirety of his tail. darker stripes cascade down his limbs and draw inward from his head. eyes of azure settle against his multi-colored visage, undoubtedly the most eye-catching feature about him. a child of the pines, lionpaw will heavily smell of fresh needles and eventually the sandy ground of the training ravine. humble and reserved, lionpaw has a polite and leveled manner of speaking, not tending to raise it unnecessarily. lionpaw will learn to carry himself with a confident swagger, though not to be confused with an overbearing arrogance.

    diagonal scar across face
    Elaborate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo. Vestibulum nec pulvinar nisi, eu dictum erat. Proin mollis magna non nunc rutrum, quis vestibulum libero sollicitudin. Aliquam tellus augue, feugiat efficitur leo quis, congue semper ligula. Vivamus efficitur, elit et tempus tristique, nisi enim laoreet nulla, vitae scelerisque erat augue sit amet nibh.

    Etiam facilisis urna nec tristique facilisis. Proin tincidunt, elit sit amet pharetra eleifend, orci mi euismod eros, nec dictum justo sem ac risus. Ut condimentum metus enim, sed vehicula velit pulvinar sit amet. Proin efficitur dui sed lorem tincidunt efficitur. Phasellus finibus, eros eu congue tincidunt, nunc mauris commodo libero, et consequat erat sem nec nisl. Sed tincidunt bibendum tellus, id lobortis sem ultricies id. Curabitur non congue diam, tincidunt accumsan nunc.

    — clark kent ( my adventures with superman )
    — simba ( the lion king )
    — kevin von erich ( the iron claw )
    trusts his own clanmates fairly easily but is guarded. remains cordial but distant to other clans. is wary of outsiders, especially rogues.

    BLAZESTAR xx DOEBLAZE littermate to candorpaw and hollypaw | half-sibling to fireflyglow, howlfire, moonwhisper, burnstorm, morningpaw, skyclaw, and duskbird on blazestar's side | half-sibling to lupinesong, crowsight, and drowsynose on doeblaze's side | mentored by crowsight
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: stormpaw
    LIKES: orangestar, butterflytuft, owlheart, twitchbolt
    DISLIKES: batscreech, rogues
  • speech is #18183e, thoughts are #18183e, attack in underline
    — may start fights, may end fights, may run away, likely will not kill
    SOUNDS LIKE: a teenage boy whose voice cannot stop cracking lol. robbie skinner ( cavetown )

    ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ HUNTING: still learning. he is working on hunting quicker prey like mice and small birds.

    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ CLIMBING: almost average. he can climb branches but is currently working on hunting and fighting in the trees.

    ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ TRACKING: knows the basics. can smell prey in the area and any other obvious scents. sometimes gets confused on what is what.

    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ COMBAT: cautious. still working on finding his strength.
  • • LEO / EARLY TEENS / ~5'4" & ~120LBS
    — beige-skinned with freckles, medium-length brown hair with ginger highlights. thin scar across his face from a fight.
    — tends to dress casually in loose-fitting tees, sweaters/sweatshirts, hoodies. wears joggers, loose jeans, cargo shorts. wears a beat-up pair of sneakers.
    — smart, quiet kid who reluctantly lets others cheat off his homework. his twins are much more outspoken than he is and he often tags along with them on their adventures.
    — school sports: baseball, wrestling, soccer, track and field
  • [ KITHOOD ]
    born to a newly-widowed bobbie alongside his littermates, hollykit and candorkit. he spent a normal kithood in the nursery making new friends, albeit he was always the quietest of his kin. hearing stories of lionclan and blazestar, young lionkit set his sights on becoming a great skyclan warrior.

    [ APPRENTICESHIP ] in june, he was apprenticed to his half-brother, crowsight. not long after his apprentice ceremony, lionpaw accidentally trespasses on thunderclan territory while hunting and gets attacked by skyclaw ( who he does not yet realize is his half-brother ). he returns to camp, embarrassed and upset at himself for accidentally breaking the warrior code.

    at july's gathering, crowsight takes lionpaw to meet skyclaw which leads to them both realizing their relationship to one another. skyclaw outright rejects lionpaw which causes him extreme distress.
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .  +     ˚       ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐈 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐈𝐃][fleft][img width="150px"][/img][/fleft][quote]an apprentice of skyclan, [abbr=trans male, uses he/they pronouns]lionpaw[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 9ᵗʰ]seven moons[/abbr] and is mentored by [abbr=penned by velou]crowsight.[/abbr] he is the son of [abbr=penned by dejavu]doeblaze[/abbr] and [abbr=penned by Marquette][s]blazestar.[/s][/abbr] an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt. [url=][color=#18183e]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
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⤷ penned by beatles heartchart pinterest playlist
slate. noun. a fine-grained gray, green, or bluish metamorphic rock easily split into smooth, flat pieces; for his dark pelt color
cis male ⋆ he, him
41 moons old ages 1 moon every 1st born march 1st, 2021
skyclan lead warrior former street rogue

    references slate is a purebred maine coon and is hefty, weighing approximately 20 lbs and standing 14 inches at the shoulder. he has long charcoal-black fur with a rusted underbelly and wisps of tan on the tips of his belly fur. he has amber-colored eyes that are comparable to the flicker of a steady flame. he possesses many scars scattered across his body, namely two across the bridge of his nose, a torn right ear, a long scar along his right eye, bite marks on his neck and shoulder, and deep scarring on his underbelly. slate also has a folded left ear due to an ear mite infestation, which has since been treated by twolegs. descended from show cat parents, his features are quite handsome and sharp.

    ripped right ear
    torn, folded left ear
    right eye scar
    nose scars
    misc body scars
    once a street cat living with no sense of honor or integrity, clan life is forging slate's character and unearthing traits that he previously thought himself incapable of. he is someone who won't back down and wants to succeed at everything he does. he is driven to work and complete tasks and missions and doesn't enjoy messing around on the job or wasting time; he likes the sense of purpose a clan has given him.

    socially, keeps others at arm's length. he does not share much about his personal life, and while technically considered an introvert, he is not afraid to voice his opinions. since he tends to be so focused on his job, he comes off as distant and usually takes some time to truly warm up to others. he is quick to unleash sarcasm onto just about anybody. straight to the point, as he doesn't prefer to sugarcoat things or beat around the bush, which makes him come off as blunt and at times insensitive.

    morally gray/ambiguous. he is unopposed to siding with "good" or "bad"; ultimately he will support whatever benefits/appeals to him. having grown up with a deeply rooted distrust and wariness of authority figures, he only pledges his loyalty to leaders who are strong-willed and show conviction. even then, he does not hesitate to challenge his own superiors if he feels he should. at the end of the day, if he disagrees with an agenda or a leadership style, slate will not bow down to anyone he dislikes.

    slate has a short fuse and will lash out if provoked ( which doesn't take much ). he is often quick to argue and even violence in order to solve his problems. he is rarely apologetic and is incredibly stubborn, though when he is sincere he tends to be uncomfortable simply because he's not used to acknowledging his emotions or making amends. he is not used to being shown patience or gentleness and reacts awkwardly when done so.

    he can be incredibly controlling over other people, mostly because he believes he is right and wants everyone else to agree with his way. he is a hypocrite, holding others to a standard that he doesn't hold himself to; will be quick to judge others but will turn around and do the exact same thing, except he'll find a way to justify his actions. wants to believe that he's always in the right and gets ruffled when he's called out on it.

    slate is loyal to those whom he forms bonds with and would perhaps even sacrifice his life for them, though such individuals are few and far between. somewhere in his heart, he has the potential to be a loving and genuine man, though rarely shows such qualities as he is lonesome and detached from other people.

    — roy kent ( ted lasso )
    — wolverine ( marvel universe )
    does not trust nor make friends easily. protective of his clan and is distant/wary toward other clans. extremely suspicious of outsiders and hostile toward rogues.

    ROCKY xx BROOK littermate to primrose and cloverjaw | mentoring coffeepaw | mentored cherryblossom
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: orangestar, cloverjaw
    TOLERATES: figfeather, silversmoke, johnnyflame, cherryblossom, owlheart
    DISLIKES: doeblaze, emberpaw, thunderclan, windclan, rogues, kittypets
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: twolegs
  • speech is #92534e, thoughts are italicized, attack in underline
    — will start fights, will end fights, won't run away, will kill if necessary
    SOUNDS LIKE: matthew daddario

    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ HUNTING: decent. will more than likely bring home at least one kill, but quicker prey such as mice and small birds may be scared off by his pawsteps.

    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ CLIMBING: one of skyclan's worst. slate can manage to climb to the lowest branches. jumping from tree-to-tree is considered a death sentence by him.

    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ TRACKING: basic. a decent tracker but subtle, more difficult scents can evade him.

    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ COMBAT: skilled. one of the biggest and toughest opponents in skyclan, though he falls short when facing smaller, quicker foes. don't get caught underneath his weight as he aims to crush.
    — capricorn sun, capricorn moon, aries ascendant
    — olive-toned skin with scars. short, dark brown hair and muscular, though not overly bulky.
    — tends to dress in dark, monochrome colors. jeans and pants/jackets and tees combo, wears athletic shorts and joggers as well as tank tops if working out.
    — mma fighter and personal trainer who comes from a shady past. he lives in apartment and drives a black bmw m5 (and yes, he drives like an asshole).
    — enjoys indulging in high-end purchases like high-end sneakers, watches, and clothing. however, he does not flaunt any wealth he has.
  • [ KITHOOD ]
    born to two purebred maine coon parents named rocky and brook alongside his littermates named clover and shale. pampered and doted upon, slate and his siblings were always told that they were highly desired by twolegs and were born to be pets who were admired for their looks. wanting a more fulfilling life for himself, slate ran away from his adopted twolegs to live the life of a "wild cat".

    overwhelmed by the outside world and after nearly being run over by a monster, slate joined up with a pair of rogues and learned street survival skills from them, including how to hunt rats, fight other cats, and outwit predators. they served a rogue group called the blackguards and slate would often help them in completing their missions and bounties.

    one day his "mentors", out of selfish desperation, literally threw slate to the hounds as bait. only eight months old, he managed to escape with a few scars and lived on his own from then on. he met a pine colony cat named orange blossom a few months later and began a casual situationship with her, though he stopped seeing her when they began to grow too close.

    slate met another rogue named silver and scrapped with him over a mouse, which ended in him nearly taking silver's right eye.

    [ 2023 ]
    after living in the twolegplace as an aggressive rogue for years, he shows up on skyclan's borders and is vouched for by his brother, cloverjaw. he reunited with silversmoke, refueling a long-standing rivalry from before the creation of the clans. not long after slate joins, he participates in a battle against windclan and witnesses blazestar lose a life.

    slate aids a small patrol in driving out a fox from skyclan's territory, though the tip of his right ear is torn off. a murderous rogue named kuiper is put on trial, where slate and several others speak out against his heinous crimes.

    weeks after multiple cats have been taken from skyclan's territory by twolegs, silversmoke and slate get into a heated argument and near-altercation before being interrupted by a stray dog. not long after, slate himself is trapped by twolegs and taken away to the shelter.

    after a moon spent in the shelter, slate and the other skyclanners are freed and return to camp. in the following meeting, blazestar apprentices howlpaw to slate and promotes him to lead warrior.

    an attack from windclan occurs at random, and slate battles a warrior named cygnetstare. they engage in a proper scuffle, and although windclan technically wins the fight, slate has nearly torn her throat out.

    slate gets into an argument with bobbie and sweetybee when fantastream brings toy mice into camp. he voices his concerns about the way that skyclan handles joiners, especially kittypet joiners, in a council meeting. unexpectedly, and begrudgingly, slate takes on cherrypaw as his new apprentice.

    yellowcough plagues the clans, and when blazestar makes a call for volunteers to embark on a dangerous journey to find the cure, slate offers himself in a perhaps surprising turn of events.

    through all of the dangerous and treacherous events that face the journeying cats, slate perseveres. however, he finds himself truly feeling hopeless during the cave-in event, where he has a panic attack and is talked through it by the shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, magpiepaw.

    slate saves a windclan apprentice from a badger attack, teaming up with figfeather in the process. he also happens upon the scene of little wolf's death, where he promptly scolds his apprentice cherrypaw for venturing off on her own in the first place.

    the journeying group, almost home, is ambushed by dogs and slate freezes out of fear right before being knocked into reality by orangeblossom and milkpaw. utterly flustered from nearly being mauled, slate urged the group to continue on despite there being injured party members. much to his dismay, slate and figfeather are the only skyclanners who return home on time. shortly after, slate breaks the news to blazestar that his former mate and the mother of his kits, little wolf, had been killed on the journey.

    slate realizes, after a period of denial, that he still has romantic feelings for orangeblossom.

    [ 2024 ] the rogues descend upon skyclan. slate's patrol runs into a rogue, though he kills them in the name of skyclan. he is seriously injured in the process, landing him in the medicine den for a few weeks.

    blazestar dies, leaving orangeblossom to take her place as skyclan's leader. he begins sleeping at the entrance of her den, feeling that she could use extra protection. slate's apprentice, cherryblossom, receives her warrior name. after tensions escalate between the daylight warriors of the clan and the small anti-kittypet crowd, orangestar gives her lead warriors a stern reprimanding.

    a border patrol is attacked by a pair of foxes, killing orangestar and wounding most of the others. slate received medium-grade injuries, landing him back in the medicine den. once released, orangestar invites him to sleep at the mouth of her den once more.

    primrose, one of the newest daylight warriors, confides in slate that she had a littermate with his same name. he confesses that, had his parents birthed a she-kit, he would have had a sister named primrose. this leads to the two realizing that they are, indeed, long-lost siblings.

    one night, orangestar shares with him her dream, insisting that she leave for the moonstone at once. as much as slate protests this idea, as rogues and foxes are running rampant around the forest, she embarks anyway. this leaves slate feeling restless and worried, and he takes this out on his clanmates when orangestar fails to return as planned.

    after orangestar returns, slate speaks with her in private and confesses his feelings.
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .   +   ˚     ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐄][fleft][img width="180px"][/img][/fleft][quote]a lead warrior of skyclan, [abbr=cis male, uses he/him pronouns]slate[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 1st]forty-one moons[/abbr] and is mentoring [abbr=penned by tasmagoric]coffeepaw.[/abbr] he is a hulking longhaired maine coon with black fur and prominent reddish rusting on his chest and belly. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face. [url=][color=#92534e]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
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⤷ penned by beatles heartchart pinterest playlist
snake. noun. any reptile of the suborder ophidia (or serpentes); named after his grandfather. hiss. noun. a sharp sibilant sound; for his "ferocity and wit".
cis male ⋆ he, him
21 moons old ages 1 moon every 1st born november 1st, 2022
rogue exile former windclan deputy

    references a void of a cat with emerald green eyes that can appear to pierce right through your soul. snakehiss has short, black fur with only one white splotch across his chest. a few flecks of white are beginning to emerge on his pelt as a result of stress. a sneer is ever-present on his sharp and defined features. he has a thin-legged and slender stature and appears more unkempt/scrawny now that he doesn't survive off of much food. he is about average height.

    diagonal scar across chest
    scars across base of throat
    bite marks on right leg
    torn left ear and torn-out left eye
    it feels as if he has hit an all-time low, being cast out of the only home he's ever known and having to fend for himself. desperation and selfishness cause snakehiss to resort to stealing and thieving in order to secure resources. any morals that he may have possessed as a clan cat stands on shaky ground as the life of an exile tests his resolve.

    he is a spiritual tom—a religious fanatic, even—who prays to the ancestors for strength and guidance. however, as snakehiss spends more time in the wilds, he finds his faith beginning to waver and chip away.

    vengeful and bitter, snakehiss vows to destroy the current state of windclan, even if it means sacrificing his own kin. he is blinded by a seething hatred of the current leadership and has centered his purpose around taking back his homeland once and for all... when the time is right.
    does not trust nor make friends easily, will more than likely indulge in conversation for his own personal gain.

    SHADOWSIGHT xx ROSEPOOL | mentored by badgermoon | mentored rivewhisper
    TOLERATES: n/a
    DISLIKES: n/a
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: cottonsprig, sunstar, windclan, duskclan
  • speech is #427f56, thoughts are italicized, attack in underline
    — may start fights, will likely not end fights, will run away, might kill if necessary
    SOUNDS LIKE: jamie campbell bower

    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ HUNTING: average. nothing notable about his hunting skills. excels in catching moor prey like hares, rabbits, and field mice.

    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ STEALTH: better than average. snakehiss has always been a skilled stalker, often utilizing this to advantage as he spied on enemies or even his own clanmates. skills may be slightly diminished depending on energy and composure.

    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ TRACKING: detail-oriented. is naturally observant and pays attention to detail, has a good nose and can also pick up on evidence like fur, paw prints, etc.

    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ COMBAT: quick striker. his style is assess, circle, and strike when the time is right. heavier opponents may crush him.
    — scorpio sun, capricorn moon, leo ascendant
    — pale-skinned with short platinum blonde hair. scarring on chest is hidden by sweaters, turtlenecks, and longsleeved shirts. skinny and lanky, though not overly tall. facial hair can be grown out if he's feeling unmotivated.
    — former trust fund kid, now has an unknown occupation that barely keeps him afloat.
    — comes from old money and grew up living in his family's mansion. had a lot of nice things and would flaunt his wealth. after his family lost their money, he moved away and now lives in a rickety small apartment.
  • [ kithood ]
    born to two proud doting parents, shadowsight and rosepool. snakekit was raised to be prejudiced against those with outsider blood, though mostly rogues and kittypets. his lineage also consists of moor cats who roamed the hills long before windclan, which he is very proud of.

    [ apprenticeship ]
    not too long into his apprenticeship, snakepaw was reassigned to badgermoon. he participated in his first battle against riverclan following the murder of juniperfrost. after saying mean comments toward sunflowerpaw, he was punished by wolfsong, thus creating resentment toward the lead warrior. his father was not pleased.

    after months of practice, snakepaw finally catches his first rabbit. another milestone is visiting the moonstone and baring witness to starclan's presence with his bare eyes. however, his training progress is interrupted when a fox injures his arm while he's out with sedgepaw.

    snakepaw heals in time and is discharged from the medicine den with only a moon left to complete his training. he harbors a growing resentment toward his mentor, badgermoon, for focusing on his new family and gives him the cold shoulder with a vow to keep the deputy at a distance. feeling isolated from most cats, snakepaw turns to like-minded apprentice heatherpaw in hopes of an alliance.

    speaking of seeking connections with his peers, snakepaw also kindles a friendly relationship with cottonpaw during the last few weeks of his apprenticehood.

    [ warriorhood (2023) ]
    snakepaw is given his warrior name, snakehiss.

    yellowcough falls upon the clans. when it is time to recruit volunteers for the starclan-sponsored journey to find lungwort, snakehiss volunteers himself immediately in order to look good in front of the clan. sootstar turns him down, claiming that he needs to stay behind to defend the camp, which disappoints and frustrates him.

    not too long after, badgermoon and curlewnose flee the clan after sootstar claims they attacked her. in utter disbelief, shaken to his core, snakehiss gives himself little time to process these developments and instead offers to pursue the traitors.

    his mother, rosepool, shows symptoms of yellowcough and is taken to quarantine. she quickly succumbs to her illness and dies, leaving snakehiss devastated.

    rogues take over windclan territory, forcing them into thunderclan territory and eventually into shadowclan. snakehiss looks to starclan, hopeless and distraught, pleading for answers. while temporarily living in shadowclan, he and sootstar run into windclan traitors hyacinthbreath and pollenfur, engaging in a fight.

    the clans band together to take back their territories. snakehiss fights a rogue, though loses his upper hand and is nearly killed when sparkspirit saves him. after windclan is back in camp, snakehiss is assigned to mentor rivepaw, one of sunstride and wolfsong's kits.

    sootstar's reign grew more intense, with the loyalists beginning to separate themselves from the non-loyalists. snakehiss, along with other loyalists, defend highstones from smokeheart and nearly kill him ( though he does not partake in the action ). trying to isolate cottonpaw from her friends and ensure his place, snakehiss proposes that they become mates when the time is right, which she accepts.

    he provokes a physical altercation with sedgepounce, trying to paint him as disloyal to windclan.

    the tensions between the loyalists and the rebels finally snapped, with sootstar declaring war on sunstride and anyone who supported him. snakehiss, torn on what to do, meets his father in battle and pretends to fight him while being told to remain in windclan and masquerade as a loyalist. he hesitantly agrees, and shadowsight flees. after the battle, snakehiss is named sootstar's deputy.

    shortly after, snakehiss catches sparkspirit and morningsong fleeing windclan in the dead of night but ultimately lets them go. cottonpaw breaks off their relationship in front of the entire clan, humiliating him. feeling emotionally charged and testy, snakehiss gets into a fight with sedgepounce, causing him to accidentally plunge into the river and disappear. distraught, he thinks he's killed sedgepounce.

    he he makes his new relationship with berrysnap public. she falls pregnant soon afterward.

    [ warriorhood (2024) ]
    snakehiss served as sootstar's loyalist deputy for over a moon, carrying out her orders and even participating in an attack on the rebels' hideout. however, guilt and uncertainty grow within him as he wonders if he's made the right decision but feels trapped into submitting to sootstar.

    eventually, the rebels attack camp for a final time. snakehiss turns on harrierstripe, deterring him from injuring sparkspirit and ultimately switching sides. he is severely injured by harrierstripe and is downed, eventually fainting from shock and blood loss.

    snakehiss wakes up after the battle in the medicine den. he is put on probation until sunstar can trust him again, though snakehiss' resentment for the new leader begins to build more and more.

    he is finally exiled for speaking out against sunstar and claiming that a string of bad luck ( the eclipse, the wildfire, the dog attack ) was due to the other tom's leadership. he asks his children to accompany them but they refuse.

    [ living in exile ] snakehiss wanders loner lands aimlessly, praying to starclan and waiting for a sign. in the meantime, he has a run-in with duskclan and nearly escapes death.

    he meets a shadowclanner named maggotfur on the edge of the thunderpath and they confide in one another for company only for a night.
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐇][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .   +   ˚     ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃][fleft][img width="160px"][/img][/fleft][quote]a former windclan deputy living in exile, [abbr=cis male, uses he/him pronouns]snakehiss[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 1st]twenty-one moons[/abbr]. he is a skinny, disheveled black cat with green eyes and a single white patch on his chest. he is heavily scarred, including a blinded left eye and a torn left ear. [url=h][color=black]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
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⤷ penned by beatles heartchart pinterest playlist
buckwheat. noun. any of a genus (fagopyrum of the family polygonaceae, the buckwheat family) of eurasian herbs with alternate leaves, clusters of apetalous pinkish-white flowers, and triangular seeds; reminiscent of the countryside where he was raised
cis male ⋆ he, him
30 moons old ages 1 moon every 24th born january 24th, 2022
windclan warrior ( trial period ) former loner / barncat

    references buck is a ruggedly handsome black tabby tom. he stands at a slightly taller than average height and sports lean muscle as opposed to bulky and thick limbs. a classic tabby pattern consisting of dark swirls is present all along his pelt. there is a nick in his left ear as well as a small scratch on his right lip. he smells heavily of hay and wood chips. speaks with a vague southern accent.

    nick in right ear
    cut on lip
    bite marks on left foreleg
    a thrill-seeking tomcat who plays hard, often spending his time chasing adventures such as riding livestock, outrunning predators and running into thunderstorms head-on. his craving for excitement and confidence can lead him to make reckless decisions. while buck is wild at heart, often called dumb and mousebrained, buck is not brainless. he has a penchant for learning and is curious about the world and everything in it. his main area of interest is weather and natural phenomena.

    egotistical and a bit of an unapologetic showoff, buck often is a cause for rolled eyes. he likes to tease and make comments toward others, often flirtatious ones if someone catches his eye, though he seldom takes them seriously. while inexperienced with commitment, he is not against the idea though he does not fall in love easily.

    beneath his showy and rugged exterior is a genuinely caring tom who would put his life on the line to help anyone, even strangers. he is a gentleman when the situation calls for it and will suppress his fears in the name of courage.

    — tyler owens ( twisters )
    makes friends somewhat easily, though can also butt heads with others depending on how they receive his egotistical personality. he trusts somewhat easily because he doesn't have a reason not to. often flirts and sweet-talks cats he finds visually appealing.

    BANDIT xx MOLLY littermate to npcs
    LIKES: hollyhockpurr, webwing, kite, shrike
    DISLIKES: foxes, rogues
  • speech is #edb153, thoughts are italicized, attack in underline
    — may start fights, may end fights, won't run away, likely will not kill
    SOUNDS LIKE: glen powell

    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ HUNTING: average. knows how to hunt mice, rabbits, and other common farm prey. doesn't have as much experience hunting larger prey and birds.

    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ CLIMBING: could save himself in a pinch. depending on what he's climbing and for how long, he could probably hold his own but he's not confident about it by any means.

    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ TRACKING: average. does not have much experience with tracking as he's never had to use it for much. can pick up on basic scents.

    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ COMBAT: nothing special. could likely hold his own in a fight but does not know any specific moves.
  • • BUCK / EARLY THIRTIES / ~6'0" & ~185 LBS
    — leo sun, taurus moon, aries ascendant
    — beige-toned skin with amber eyes. short, dark brown hair and possesses lean muscle though not overly so.
    — tends to dress in blue jeans and short-sleeved tees; will occasionally sport jackets.
    — has had a number of professions — ranch hand, bull rider, mechanic. he tends to fluctuate as he dislikes stagnancy. he lives in an apartment and drives an old ram pickup truck that he constantly repairs and modifies.
    — amateur storm chaser; generally a lover of weather phenomena. interested in meteorology and general earth science. studied it in community college but never pursued anything in the field.
  • [ LONER LIFE ] Buck was born in a distant countryside to two barn mousers. He was raised around plenty of livestock and grew to be fearless in the face of twolegs and predators, choosing to face his fears head-on instead of running away from them.

    He left his home at around a year old as he wished to see what the world had to offer. Buck travels from place to place, never tending to stay anywhere for long.

    Buck decided to check out WindClan's borders for himself, meeting a handful of clan cats and getting an idea of what such a life entailed. Shortly after, Buck witnesses a WindClan cat being attacked by a fox. He jumps in to the rescue, afterward being praised for his bravery and even being invited back by Hollyhockpurr to camp to seek medical attention.

    He is approached by Sunstar and Wolfsong while in camp and is begrudgingly accepted into the clan on a trial period.
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐈 𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐌 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .  +   ˚   ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐈 𝐆𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄][fleft][img width="150px"][/img][/fleft][quote]a horseplace loner, [abbr=cis male, uses he/him pronouns]buck[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 24ᵗʰ]thirty moons.[/abbr] he is a ruggedly handsome tom, sporting lean muscle and a slightly taller-than-average stature. there is a nick in his left ear as well as a small scratch on his right lip. he smells heavily of hay and wood chips. [url=][color=#edb153]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
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⤷ penned by beatles heartchart pinterest playlist
rowan noun. a mountain ash, in particular the European sorbus aucuparia; named for their reddish patches. paw noun. denotation of rank
afab demigirl ⋆ they / them, she / her
8 moons old ages 1 moon every 17th born february 17th, 2024
windclan apprentice

    references rowanpaw is a mixture of their parents, much to their feelings of inner turmoil and dismay. one half is solid black fur, reminiscent of snakehiss, while the other is reddish patches passed down from berrysnap. their eyes, blue and amber, are mismatched to emphasize their mismatched identity as well. white markings decorate their left muzzle, chest, and left limbs. they are small in stature but they are graceful and sleek. they smell of heather and moss. rowanpaw also possesses an english accent that accompanies their rather low-pitched, monotonous, voice.

    scratches across right eye
    born to not one but two windclan traitors, rowanpaw has high expectations of themselves and their littermates. they are determined to be the fiercest, most loyal windclanner in history and already demonstrate a strong sense of duty and responsibility. they have inherited the emotionally distant tendencies of their father, building up walls and deeming themselves a dutiful soldier of sunstar. rowanpaw is perhaps more relaxed around their littermates but is guarded to their clanmates.

    does not trust nor make friends easily as their demeanor is rather cold. however, they are fiercely loyal to windclan and would die for their clanmates. distrusts outsiders and other clans.

    SNAKEHISS xx BERRYSNAP littermate to viperpaw, rosepaw, and privetpaw
    LIKES: cottonsprig, scorchstreak, bluefrost
    DISLIKES: rogues, kittypets, loners
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: duskclan, privetpaw
  • speech is #756177, thoughts are italicized, attack in underline
    — may start fights, may end fights, won't run away, likely will not kill
    SOUNDS LIKE: rhaenyra targaryen ( as an adult )

    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ HUNTING: average.

    ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ TUNNELING: still learning. improving quickly.

    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ TRACKING: average. more accustomed to tunnel scents. recognizes scents of different clans and cats.

    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ COMBAT: has potential. strikes quick and fiercely like her father.
  • • ROWAN DRAKE / MID TEENS / ~5'3" & ~114 LBS
    — aquarius sun, virgo moon, scorpio ascendant
    — medium-toned skin with heterochromatic eyes. neck-length naturally black hair with ginger bangs. has some visible, lean muscle.
    — tends to dress in dark colors, favors black and pale green
    — sports and hobbies: track and field, archery, lacrosse, playing the drums and bass
  • [ 2024 KITHOOD ] born to berrysnap in duskclan, a group of former windclan rogues, and brought to windclan's borders days after their birth. the kittens are given to their father, snakehiss, and he takes them to gorsepetal ( npc queen ) to be raised.

    snakehiss speaks out against sunstar after a fire torches the moors. he asks his children to follow, though rowankit refuses to leave.

    [ 2024 APPRENTICESHIP ] rowanpaw is apprenticed to webthorn ( npc ) but is shortly reassigned to swiftshade afterward. their tunneling training commences. they confront cottonsprig about her relationship with their father, discovering that the two were once meant to be mates.
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐈𝐌 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐘𝐎𝐔][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .  +     ˚       ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐈𝐓][fleft][img width="150px"][/img][/fleft][quote]a tunneler apprentice of windclan, [abbr=afab demigirl, uses they/she pronouns]rowanpaw[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 17ᵗʰ]eight moons[/abbr] and is mentored by [abbr=penned by rev]swiftshade[/abbr] they are the child of [abbr=penned by beatles]snakehiss[/abbr] and [abbr=penned by halimede][s]berrysnap.[/s][/abbr] split directly down the middle, their right half is solid black and their left half is tortoiseshell patterned. they also have amber and blue heterochromia. [url=][color=#756177]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
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[box="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 130%; text-align: left;"][fleft][img height=140px][/img][/fleft]

[size=27px][color=#eed8a4][b]AINT NO LOVE IN OKLAHOMA[/b][/color][/size]
[size=17px][color=#e3a66a][i][b]JUST THE WHISTLE OF A LONG BLACK TRAIN[/b][/i][/color][/size]
[size=13px][color=#a48363][i]YOU'LL KNOW WHEN IT'S COMIN' FOR YA' — RIDING IN ON THE WIND AND RAIN[/i][/color][/size] [size=13px][b][ WINDCLAN —— [url=""][color=#e3a66a]CLICK FOR TAGS[/color][/url] ][/b][/size][/box]
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SNAKE after his grandfather, HISS for "ferocity and wit"
⤷ proudly bears his family name as well as a fitting, fierce suffix
SNAKEHISS a WindClan exile roaming the outskirts of the clans. Cast out for condemning Sunstar, claiming that StarClan was angry with WindClan and had chosen him as their messenger, he vows to return to his homeland one day and restore it to its former glory.
☆ ─── BASICS
    ⤷ Prefers masculine titles and terms; bisexual
    ⤷ ages every 1st
    ⤷ born 11 . 01 . 2022 ( leafbare )
    ⤷ former moor runner and deputy of windclan
    ⤷ devoted to starclan and only cares for their judgment. will forever be loyal to the moorlands, his ancestral home.
    ⤷ holds a hatred for windclan, especially sunstar. does not care for the other clans either.

    A void of a cat with emerald green eyes that can appear to pierce right through your soul. Snakehiss has short, black fur with only one white splotch across his chest. A few flecks of white are beginning to emerge on his pelt as a result of stress. A sneer is ever-present on his sharp and defined features. He has a thin-legged and slender stature and appears more unkempt/scrawny now that he doesn't survive off of much food. He is about average height. Snakehiss has healed bite marks from a fox on his right front leg as well as a thin scar across his chest ( given by Sootstar ). Newer scars include scratches across his left cheek and across the base of his throat ( from Harrierstripe ).​
    Shadowsight's traitsRosepool's traits
    ⤷ stands 9 inches in height • body length of ~14 inches
    ⤷ weighs 8.5 pounds
    05 . 17 . 2023 • He suffers a bite from a fox on WindClan territory.
    12 . 13 . 2023 • After being chosen as Sootstar's deputy, Snakehiss receives a diagonal chest scar in a scar ceremony.
    01 . 25 . 2024 • Cheek claw marks and throat scars from Harrierstripe after turning on Sootstar's loyalists in the middle of battle
    Brief description of item.
    ⤷ Received how or from who?
    ⤷ Significance.

    ⤷ It feels as if he has hit an all-time low, being cast out of the only home he's ever known and having to fend for himself. Desperation and selfishness cause Snakehiss to resort to stealing and thieving in order to secure resources. Any morals that he may have possessed as a clan cat stands on shaky ground as the life of an exile tests his resolve.

    He is a spiritual tom—a religious fanatic, even—who prays to the ancestors for strength and guidance. However, as Snakehiss spends more time in the wilds, he finds his faith beginning to waver and chip away.

    Vengeful and bitter, Snakehiss vows to destroy the current state of WindClan, even if it means sacrificing his own kin. He is blinded by a seething hatred of the current leadership and has centered his purpose around taking back his homeland once and for all... when the time is right.​
  • TwFM5Tx.png
    Character's thoughts on themself and general psyche. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's thoughts on faith. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's principles. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's thoughts on relationships. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.​
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

    LIKES .
    • Hares
    • StarClan
    • The moors
    • Winning
    • Twolegs
    • Loners, kittypets, and rogues
    • WindClan/Sunstar
    • When nobody listens to him

❝ A quote that feels particular relevant or resonant for the character. This is mostly here for aesthetic reasons. ( Source ) ❞
    ⤷ How easily do they form platonic and / or romantic bonds? Conversely, how easily is their ire earned?
    ⤷ How freely do they give of their trust, and how do they respond to betrayal?
    ⤷ Do they appreciate romantic advances or overtures? How do they react?
    • Open to interaction, rivals, enemies, minor injuries, scuffles; closed to long-term romance, severe injury, death.
    Smells of scrubland, loner lands
    Sounds like Jamie Campbell Bower
    • Speech is #4b5c58; thoughts are italicized; contact and combat is underlined.

    ☆ Prefers to size opponents up and circle them from a distance before choosing an opportune moment to strike like his namesake. Relies on agility and speed to evade attacks.
    Will start fights; may flee; may end fights; likely won't show mercy; will kill if necessary.​
    ☆ Cousin to Whitedawn ( Rosepool's side )
    ⤷ Raised by both parents but distanced from them when he became an apprentice at 3 moons.
    FAMILY :
    ☆ Mate to no one
    • Father to Rowanpaw, Privetpaw, Viperpaw, and Rosepaw ( via Berrysnap )
    ☆ Mentored by Badgermoon
    • Mentored Rivewhisper

    ❤️️ FRIENDS: N/A
    LOVES: N/A
    LIKES: N/A
    MIXED FEELINGS & NEUTRAL: His kits, Maggotfur
    DISLIKES: Other clans, loners, rogues, kittypets
    💔 ENEMIES: DuskClan, WindClan, Sunstar, Cottonsprig​
  • + PROFICIENT IN: Tracking, stealth, agility, speed
    -- LACKING IN: Strength, climbing, swimming
    ☆ CLIMBING: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    Little experience. Knows next to nothing about climbing. Could try to climb to save his life but probably wouldn't know what to do next.

    HUNTING: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
    Average. Nothing notable about his hunting skills. Excels in catching moor prey like hares, rabbits, and field mice.

    TRACKING: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
    Detail-oriented. Is naturally observant and pays attention to detail, has a good nose and can also pick up on evidence like fur, paw prints, etc.

    COMBAT: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
    Striker. His style is assess, circle, and strike when the time is right. Heavier opponents may crush him.​

    • Leviathan Drake / Early twenties
    • 5'11" / ~165 lbs
    • Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon, Leo ascendant
    • Pale-skinned with short platinum blonde hair. Scarring on chest is hidden by sweaters, turtlenecks, and longsleeved shirts. Skinny and lanky, though not overly tall. Facial hair can be grown out if he's feeling unmotivated.
    • Former trust fund kid, now has an unknown occupation that barely keeps him afloat.
    • Comes from old money and grew up living in his family's mansion. Had a lot of nice things and would flaunt his wealth. After his family lost their money, he moved away and now lives in a rickety small apartment.​
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐇][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .   +   ˚     ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃][fleft][img width="160px"][/img][/fleft][quote]a former windclan deputy living in exile, [abbr=cis male, uses he/him pronouns]snakehiss[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 1st]twenty-one moons[/abbr]. he is a skinny, disheveled black cat with green eyes and a single white patch on his chest. he is heavily scarred, including a blinded left eye and a torn left ear. [url=h][color=black]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
LION for the stories of lionclan that blazestar used to tell to doeblaze; PAW for his rank
⤷ does not particularly find his name fitting at the moment but carries it with great pride
LIONPAW is a SkyClan apprentice who is currently processing the throes of apprenticeship and kin. He feels a great pressure to not only live up to his namesake but also the memory of his late father and SkyClan's founder, Blazestar.
☆ ─── BASICS
    ⤷ Prefers masculine and neutral titles and terms; pansexual(?)
    ⤷ ages every 9th
    born 03 . 09 . 2024 ( newleaf ) / adoption thread
    ⤷ deeply devoted and loyal to his clan and finds the idea of betrayal abhorrent. his father founded skyclan, after all.
    ⤷ thoughts on other clans / allegiances

    Lionpaw takes after Blazestar, possessing locks of silky, cream-colored fur that make up a majority of his coat color. Swaths of chocolate and streaks of ginger decorate his face, legs, and the entirety of his tail. Darker stripes cascade down his limbs and draw inward from his head. Eyes of azure settle against his multi-colored visage, undoubtedly the most eye-catching feature about him. A child of the pines, Lionpaw will heavily smell of fresh needles and eventually the sandy ground of the training ravine. Humble and reserved, Lionpaw has a polite and leveled manner of speaking, not tending to raise it unnecessarily. Lionpaw will learn to carry himself with a confident swagger, though not to be confused with an overbearing arrogance.

    A thin scar runs diagonally from the top of Lionpaw's right eye, across the bridge of his nose, and down to his left cheek ( from Skyclaw ).​
    Blazestar's traitsDoeblaze's traitsRagdoll mix traits
    ⤷ stands 09 inches in height • body length of 13 inches
    ⤷ weighs 08 pounds
    07 . 07 . 2024 • A thin, long scar stretching from above his right eye down to his left cheek; earned by accidentally trespassing on ThunderClan territory and being attacked by his half-brother, Skyclaw.
    Brief description of item.
    ⤷ Received how or from who?
    ⤷ Significance.

    KIND . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Might write in a second person POV or first person narrative from the character, because that honestly feels easier, for some reason?

    RESPECTFUL . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

    LOYAL . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

    COWARDLY . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

    SOFT-SPOKEN . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

    INSECURE . A brief description of this trait, how it affects daily life, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.​
  • 5rEOmri.png
    Character's thoughts on themself and general psyche. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's thoughts on faith. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's principles. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's thoughts on relationships. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.​
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.
    • List of character's mental and physical mannerisms, as well as their physical demeanour and any habits. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et.

    LIKES .
    • His clan
    • Spending time with his family
    • Climbing
    • Squirrels
    • Bullies
    • Foxes
    • Twolegs
    • Rogues

❝ A quote that feels particular relevant or resonant for the character. This is mostly here for aesthetic reasons. ( Source ) ❞
    ⤷ How easily do they form platonic and / or romantic bonds? Conversely, how easily is their ire earned?
    ⤷ How freely do they give of their trust, and how do they respond to betrayal?
    ⤷ Do they appreciate romantic advances or overtures? How do they react?
    • Open to interaction, friends, enemies, one-sided crushes on him; closed to long-term romance, severe injury, death.
    Smells of pine sap and fallen leaves
    Sounds like a teenager whose voice can't stop cracking lol. Voice claim is Robbie Skinner ( Cavetown ).
    • Speech is #18183e; thoughts are italicized; contact and combat is underlined.

    ☆ His fighting style is still a bit shaky and lacking confidence. May be able to pull off certain moves but may freeze up if they fail to work. Honorable fighter and does not aim to kill or fight unfairly.
    Will / won't start fights; will flee; likely won't end fights; will show mercy; won't kill.​
    ☆ Littermate to Candorpaw and Hollypaw. Half-sibling to Fireflyglow, Howlfire, Moonwhisper, Burnstorm, Morningpaw, Skyclaw, and Duskbird ( Blazestar's side ) & half-sibling to Lupinesong, Crowsight, and Drowsynose ( Doeblaze's side )
    ⤷ Half-uncle to Wolfpaw, Hawkpaw, and Blazingpaw in SkyClan & Scarletkit, Meadowkit, Mottledkit, Beetlekit, Dovekit and Littlekit in ThunderClan.
    ⤷ Raised by a widowed Doeblaze, never knew his father
    FAMILY :
    ☆ Crushing on no one
    • Other relations of this sort.
    ☆ Mentored by Crowsight.

    ❤️️ FRIENDS: Stormpaw
    LOVES: His kin
    TRUSTS: His kin, Stormpaw, Butterflytuft
    ADMIRES: Doeblaze, Orangestar, Figfeather, Crowsight, Silversmoke, Johnnyflame, Twitchbolt, Owlheart
    LIKES: Johnnyflame, Butterflytuft, Owlheart
    MIXED FEELINGS & NEUTRAL: Skyclaw, his ThunderClan kin
    💔 ENEMIES: N/A​
    -- LACKING IN: Swimming
    ☆ CLIMBING: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    Almost average. He can climb branches but is currently working on hunting and fighting in the trees.

    HUNTING: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
    Getting there. He is still working on hunting quicker prey like mice and small birds.

    TRACKING: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
    Knows the basics. Can smell prey in the area and any other obvious scents. Sometimes gets confused on what is what.

    COMBAT: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    Cautious. Still working on finding his strength.​

    • Leo / Early teens
    • ~5'4" / ~120 lbs
    • Beige-skinned with freckles, medium-length brown hair with ginger highlights. Thin scar across his face from a fight.
    • Tends to dress casually in loose-fitting tees, sweaters/sweatshirts, hoodies. Wears joggers, loose jeans, cargo shorts. Wears a beat-up pair of sneakers.
    • Smart, quiet kid who reluctantly lets others cheat off his homework. His twins are much more outspoken than he is and he often tags along with them on their adventures.
    • School sports: baseball, wrestling, soccer, track and field​
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .  +     ˚       ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐈 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐈𝐃][fleft][img width="150px"][/img][/fleft][quote]an apprentice of skyclan, [abbr=trans male, uses he/they pronouns]lionpaw[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 9ᵗʰ]seven moons[/abbr] and is mentored by [abbr=penned by velou]crowsight.[/abbr] he is the son of [abbr=penned by dejavu]doeblaze[/abbr] and [abbr=penned by marquette][s]blazestar.[/s][/abbr] an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt. [url=][color=#18183e]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
SLATE for his parents' theming of natural names, plus his dark-colored pelt
⤷ thinks his name is strong-sounding yet simple and uncomplicated on the tongue
SLATE is a gruff, no-nonsense SkyClan lead warrior who is currently trying his best to shed former associations and ties to his rogue past. However, he grapples with conflicting morals as he struggles to grow out of deeply-ingrained roguish tendencies.
☆ ─── BASICS
    ⤷ Prefers masculine titles and terms; bisexual
  • ☆ 41 MOONS • ADULT
    ⤷ ages every 1st
    ⤷ born 03 . 01 . 2021 ( newleaf )
    ⤷ loyal to skyclan and never wishes to return to the streets again. he doesn't always get along with his clanmates but he would fight for them.
    ⤷ doesn't really care about the other clans unless they cross or threaten skyclan. specifically dislikes thunderclan, as he thinks that they're arrogant.

    Slate is a purebred Maine Coon and is hefty, weighing approximately 20 lbs and standing 14 inches at the shoulder. He has long charcoal-black fur with a rusted underbelly and wisps of tan on the tips of his belly fur. He has amber-colored eyes that are comparable to the flicker of a steady flame. He possesses many scars scattered across his body, namely two across the bridge of his nose, a torn right ear, a long scar along his right eye, bite marks on his neck and shoulder, and deep scarring on his underbelly. Slate also has a folded left ear due to an ear mite infestation, which has since been treated by twolegs. Descended from show cat parents, his features are quite handsome and sharp.​
    Rocky's traitsBrook's traitsMaine Coon traits
    ⤷ stands 14 inches in height • body length of ~35 inches
    ⤷ weighs 20 pounds
    Leafbare 2022 • Slate got his trademark eye scar from a dog attack after literally being thrown to the hounds by his "mentors". He proceeded to get his nose scars soon afterward.
    02 . 06 . 2023 • His right ear was torn off by a fox on a patrol.
    01 . 26 . 2024 • Slate kills a rogue on SkyClan territory but not before rceiving deep belly and shoulder scars.
    04 . 24 . 2024 • His folded left ear is snagged by an attacking fox and torn.
    Brief description of item.
    ⤷ Received how or from who?
    ⤷ Significance.

    ⤷ Once a street cat living with no sense of honor or integrity, clan life is forging Slate's character and unearthing traits that he previously thought himself incapable of. He is someone who won't back down and wants to succeed at everything he does. He is driven to work and complete tasks and missions and doesn't enjoy messing around on the job or wasting time; he likes the sense of purpose a clan has given him.

    Socially, keeps others at arm's length. He does not share much about his personal life, and while technically considered an introvert, he is not afraid to voice his opinions. Since he tends to be so focused on his job, he comes off as distant and usually takes some time to truly warm up to others. He is quick to unleash sarcasm onto just about anybody. Straight to the point, as he doesn't prefer to sugarcoat things or beat around the bush, which makes him come off as blunt and at times insensitive.

    Morally gray/ambiguous. He is unopposed to siding with "good" or "bad"; ultimately he will support whatever benefits/appeals to him. Having grown up with a deeply rooted distrust and wariness of authority figures, he only pledges his loyalty to leaders who are strong-willed and show conviction. Even then, he does not hesitate to challenge his own superiors if he feels he should. At the end of the day, if he disagrees with an agenda or a leadership style, Slate will not bow down to anyone he dislikes.

    Slate has a short fuse and will lash out if provoked ( which doesn't take much ). He is often quick to argue and even violence in order to solve his problems. He is rarely apologetic and is incredibly stubborn, though when he is sincere he tends to be uncomfortable simply because he's not used to acknowledging his emotions or making amends. He is not used to being shown patience or gentleness and reacts awkwardly when done so.

    He can be incredibly controlling over other people, mostly because he believes he is right and wants everyone else to agree with his way. He is a hypocrite, holding others to a standard that he doesn't hold himself to; will be quick to judge others but will turn around and do the exact same thing, except he'll find a way to justify his actions. Wants to believe that he's always in the right and gets ruffled when he's called out on it.

    Slate is loyal to those whom he forms bonds with and would perhaps even sacrifice his life for them, though such individuals are few and far between. Somewhere in his heart, he has the potential to be a loving and genuine man, though rarely shows such qualities as he is lonesome and detached from other people.​
  • TwFM5Tx.png
    Character's thoughts on themself and general psyche. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's thoughts on faith. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's principles. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.

    Character's thoughts on relationships. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel enim sagittis, congue justo nec, facilisis magna. Donec luctus tincidunt purus, convallis dignissim ante hendrerit et. Duis at ante erat. Proin ullamcorper aliquet dui a gravida. Nam nisi urna, ultrices efficitur tortor ac, venenatis feugiat arcu.​
    • Flicks an ear twice when he feels uncomfortable or awkward
    • Often shoves past others in an attempt to get as close as he can to something

    LIKES .
    • Personal space
    • Stargazing
    • Sparring
    • Squirrels
    • Cramped spaces
    • Twolegs
    • Kittypets
    • Rogues

"It costs nothing to be kind."
"Shutting the fuck up is also free." ( Deadpool & Wolverine ) ❞
    ⤷ How easily do they form platonic and / or romantic bonds? Conversely, how easily is their ire earned?
    ⤷ How freely do they give of their trust, and how do they respond to betrayal?
    ⤷ Do they appreciate romantic advances or overtures? How do they react?
    • Open to interaction, rivals, enemies, minor injuries, scuffles, one-sided crushes on him; closed to long-term romance, severe injury, death.
    Smells of pine needles and tree bark
    Sounds like Matthew Daddario
    • Speech is #a36047; thoughts are italicized; contact and combat is underlined.

    ☆ Throws his weight around in battle and relies on his brute strength to overpower opponents. Unafraid to fight dirty and use his environment to his advantage.
    Will start fights; won't flee; will end fights; likely won't show mercy; will kill if necessary.​
    ☆ Littermate to Cloverjaw and Primrose
    ⤷ Raised by both parents though did not form too close of a bond with them as he was adopted out to twolegs at 2.5 moons
    FAMILY :
    ☆ Mate to no one
    • Other relations of this sort.
    ☆ Mentoring Coffeepaw.
    ☆ Mentored Cherryblossom.

    ❤️️ FRIENDS: Orangestar, Cloverjaw
    LOVES: N/A
    ADMIRES: Orangestar, Blazestar
    LIKES: N/A
    MIXED FEELINGS & NEUTRAL: Twitchbolt, Doeblaze, Silversmoke, Johnnyflame, Figfeather
    DISLIKES: WindClan, ThunderClan, Kittypets
    💔 ENEMIES: Twolegs​
  • + PROFICIENT IN: Fighting
    -- LACKING IN: Climbing, swimming, stealth and agility
    ☆ CLIMBING: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    One of the worst. Slate can manage to climb to the lowest branches. Jumping from tree-to-tree is considered a death sentence by him.

    HUNTING: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
    Decent. Will more than likely bring home at least one kill, but quicker prey such as mice and small birds may be scared off by his pawsteps.

    TRACKING: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
    Basic. A decent tracker but subtle, more difficult scents can evade him.

    COMBAT: ★★★★★★★★☆☆
    Bruiser. Slate is one of the biggest and toughest opponents in SkyClan, though he falls short when facing smaller, quicker foes. Don't get caught underneath his weight as he aims to crush.​

    • Nikolai Lucarelli / Late thirties
    • 6'3" / ~200 lbs
    • Capricorn sun, Capricorn moon, Aries ascendant
    • Olive-toned skin with scars. Short, dark brown hair and muscular, though not overly bulky.
    • Tends to dress in dark, monochrome colors. Jeans and pants/jackets and tees combo, wears athletic shorts and joggers as well as tank tops if working out.
    • MMA fighter and personal trainer who comes from a shady past. He lives in apartment and drives a black BMW M5 (and yes, he drives like an asshole).
    • Enjoys indulging in high-end purchases like high-end sneakers, watches, and clothing. However, he does not flaunt any wealth he has.​
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .   +   ˚     ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐄][fleft][img width="180px"][/img][/fleft][quote]a lead warrior of skyclan, [abbr=cis male, uses he/him pronouns]slate[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 1st]forty-one moons[/abbr] and is mentoring [abbr=penned by tasmagoric]coffeepaw.[/abbr] he is a hulking longhaired maine coon with black fur and prominent reddish rusting on his chest and belly. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face. [url=][color=#92534e]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]