STORMYWING x ICICLEFANG ; cross-clan shpr litter

Jun 6, 2022

    a cross-clan shpr litter

    Their story begins at the Twoleg Bridge, when Iciclefang chases a vole over the bridge and into Stormywing’s paws. The two of them bicker over the lost prey, but ultimately, Iciclefang leaves and Stormywing keeps the vole. Unbeknownst to the two of them, their rivalry would be challenged when the two of them meet at Highstones to prepare for the journey to the mountains to find the cure for yellowcough. Though initially, neither is impressed by the other’s presence, they reach an understanding—they are both there for their kin and their Clans, and they will work together as necessary to achieve their respective goals.

    The journeying cats come across a broken Twoleg bridge, and the RiverClanners swim to hold it taut so the non-swimming Clan cats can pass. Stormywing falls through the slats and into the water, and Iciclefang leaves her post to save her from drowning. The favor is soon repaid when the cats near the mountains and a rockslide occurs; Stormywing pushes Iciclefang to safety. The two she-cats are buried alive with a group of cats from the other Clans, and they must rely on one another to safely navigate their way through the cave system they’ve fallen into. Stormywing supports Iciclefang, who had injured her shoulder in the rock slide, as they make their way through the tunnels. While trapped, the two she-cats feel themselves getting closer, though both remain in denial about the feelings beginning to develop. Once they emerge from the tunnels and regroup, Stormywing realizes she is beginning to fall for Iciclefang.

    The cats continue their journey. Iciclefang teaches Stormywing to fish, and once they reach the mountains, Stormywing helps Iciclefang climb her first tree. The two of them enjoy the view—both of the mountains and of each other. After the Clans rejoice about discovering the lungwort that will heal their Clanmates back home, Iciclefang and Stormywing confess their feelings beneath the moon.

    The journeying cats come to a forest thick with undergrowth, where Stormywing's Clanmates reveal her kittypet history to the rest of the group. Humiliated, Stormywing runs into the forest, and Iciclefang reassures her she's perfect no matter her heritage. The group continues, breaking up after Stormywing's cousin Stormpaw is grievously injured by dogs. The patrol splits, and as they near Highstones once more, Iciclefang and Stormywing say a final heartfelt goodbye, knowing nothing will be the same once they return.

    Only... the two of them can't seem to let the other go, even returned to the Clans they've always been loyal to. At the next Gathering, the two promise to meet at Sunningrocks, where they at last declare their love for one another. They meet again and again, but their luck can't hold forever. Iciclefang's littermate, Ferngill, discovers her returning from one of their rendezvous, while Stormywing is caught by her friend, Lightstrike. Still, the two Clanmates hold their tongues...

    Until Iciclefang discovers she's pregnant. Then, she knows their relationship is doomed. She will have to make a choice—to raise their kits are pure RiverClan warriors, never knowing that across the border, their other parent lurks, heartbroken and filled with longing...

    • This is not first come, first serve. Applications will close on 03/08/2024. The birth will be 03/15/24, so chosen roleplayers have time to get accounts set up.
    • Kits will age up after birth to 2 moons old.
    • Disabilities and birth defects are permitted, but must be thoroughly researched and played realistically. No genetic mutations.
    • There is no posting quota for this litter; however, we do ask that this kit is your RiverClan main. Iciclefang and Cragkit are both our RiverClan mains, and we'd love to have an equally active member of the family! We reserve the right to rehome your slot after one month of inactivity.
    • Kits must stay in RiverClan until adulthood, after which they may leave if a plot calls for it.
    • Please stick to the names or themes on the naming lists! These kits will be named and raised solely by Iciclefang, so only names discussed ICly with Stormywing will be added to the list.
    • Please adhere to the genetics provided.
    • Number of slots are subject to change, but will likely remain at two.
    • There is no set form, but please include all the basics.
    • Please include alternative names in case names are taken by another applicant. Please avoid names used by actively played characters!
    • These kits will be half-ThunderClan. Their parentage will be a carefully guarded secret, but there will be an opportunity in the future for them to find out the truth about their heritage. Until then, these kits will be raised to be loyal RiverClan cats.
    • This does mean these kits will be raised by only one parent, Iciclefang. Iciclefang will be a stern parent with high expectations, but she will not be purposefully or willfully cruel to the kits, so keep this in mind while plotting please!

    Cragkit, penned by Blitz Krieg​

    slot two​
  • OnlxE9Y.png
    Sire: SH blue braided tabby with low white (carrying longhair, solid, chocolate, point)
    Dam: SH tortoiseshell with low white (carrying dilute, chocolate)
    Toms can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, red tabby, cream tabby
    She-cats can be black, black tabby, tortoiseshell, torbie, blue, blue tabby, blue tortoiseshell, blue torbie, chocolate, chocolate tabby, chocolate tortoiseshell, chocolate torbie, lilac, lilac tabby, lilac tortoiseshell, lilac torbie

    - Kits will have short hair
    - Kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    - Kits without white can have any realistic eye color but blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    - Tabby kits will display a braided pattern
    - Tabby kits will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; shorthaired kits may carry longhair; black-based kits may carry chocolate; kits may carry point
    - Red-based kits will mask black, black tabby, chocolate or chocolate tabby

    Stormywing is gen I | Iciclefang is gen II | Kits will be gen III
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    — After the journey: Cliffkit, Rock-kit, Sunsetkit, Lungwortkit, Azurekit, Violetkit, Scratchkit
    — Familial names: Tempestkit, Galekit, Gustkit, Mistkit, Dustkit, Soilkit, Earthkit, Leafkit, Brackenkit, Sheerkit, Frostkit, Rimekit, Glazedkit, Pitchkit, Gloomkit, Murkykit, Flowerkit, Bloomkit, Blossomkit
    — RiverClan names: Jetkit, Lampreykit, Eelkit, Scalekit, Streamkit, Glidekit, Divekit, Crabkit, Stonekit, Reedkit, Finkit
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    — Pinekit, for the tree they climbed together
    — Mountainkit, Icekit, Icykit, Snowkit, for the journey and for Iciclefang
    — Strikekit, Firekit, Boltkit, Tornadokit, names she likes and finds fierce
YEAHH other mama and brother track

Here is Crag’s WIP info for others to bounce off of :)


" push through hell and they will remember you "


If a tangible reminder of his parents’ love ever existed, he is it. With colors plucked from each of their pelts, he wears his tricolored fur proudly on his lanky juvenile form, mostly gray and white but flecked and spotted with his known mother’s black. Black freckles cover his legs, while blue freckles dance across his white blaze, one that is reminiscent of his dam’s markings. His right eye shares its brilliant blue color with his known mother’s eyes, but the other is fiery golden, just like that of the forbidden parent he doesn’t know of. His eyes are high-set on his cheekbones just like Iciclefang’s, sitting above black whiskers and a matching nose, but round and expressive like Stormywing’s. Though his size takes more after his RiverClan heritage, average without any standout height, his build is all ThunderClan, lean, muscular, and athletic. His powerful legs inherited from Iciclefang are destined to aid him well in battle, and anyone who looks at this tom-kit is sure to see a future fighter with the same skills of his mother and grandfather.

— As a juvenile, Cragkit is skeptical, abrasive, immature, and sharp-witted. He expresses subtle envy that he is not nearly as talented as other members of the clan, especially when his mother is a lead warrior who graduated from her apprenticeship early. To cope, he dives deep into tradition, pointing out rule-breaks and other misfit acts. He stands firmly by his leader’s word and the Warrior Code, believing that straying from it will throw RiverClan into chaos. Knowing there is nothing too special about him, he tries to put on a confident mask and takes his responsibility as protector of his family seriously. He holds some doubts in StarClan as a dubious youngster, often calling them the "magic cats in the sky" to poke fun. He is a witty one, always trying to crack jokes or make fun of ideas he finds to be silly. However, he can become serious when he desires to or when the need arises. He is incredibly protective of his littermate. WIP

  • Notes
  • Notes
  • Notes
  • Love
Reactions: Marquette


i can see it in my mind, there's a version of us that's fine

to be named by iciclefang, perhaps to properly twin with cragkit, or to honor pieces of her riverclan family.
she/her | sibling to cragkit | unknown to her thunderclan family
pinterest board
sh blue / blue chimera with high white & green eyes
» upon her earthside arrival, this child appears not unlike either of her mothers. whilst still clearly holding onto the chub of a newleaf kitten, she appears well muscled, too. a prize to behold, her initial appearance alone lends her to become something of a strong asset to her clan. her fur, though sleek and short, glistens beneath the dim light of the nursery. 'a strong swimmer, that one,' one might say, eager to see the child in action already.

moons will tick by and almost like a colorpoint does her riverstone colors trickle in. though definitively blue, it seems that she could not decide what shade of blue she'd prefer, and thus retained both. her paws appear as if they've been muddied by the color, her pelt splattered but not brindled. some joke that all the white that's crashed into her pelt must be hiding iciclefang's ginger brindling, for surely her mother has some sort of influence on the youth. thankfully as she grows into her legs and body, she holds steady onto her mother's downward, angular gaze. and although she is more often positive than iciclefang, her resting expression mirrors that of her condescending (but loving) mother.
outgoing, athletic, perfectionist, competitive, hair trigger temper, impatient
» although born inconsequentially, secrets buried deep into her white and blue fur, this child is not silent in her existence. she's friend to all, just as much as she is a rival to many. she follows conversation easy and bids her opinions fearlessly - her mother would never teach her to be scared of her own thoughts, after all! and while she is neither brains nor brawn, truly, her jack of all trades functionality is as much of a treasure as it is a hindrance. duality, much like her doubly blue fur, is of a central importance to this child's very being. it's almost as if she has a paw in two worlds - an obedient, hardworking life, or a wildfire, raised by wolves.

perhaps too willing and too eager, this child will find it easy to follow the crowd as well as make her own way in the world. she has a natural knack for both swimming and climbing (odd...) and seems to perfect both skills rather early on in her apprenticehood - though her 'perfect' is never enough for her, and she may be found overworking herself in order to retain her ahead-of-the-curve title. additionally she's a bit short tempered, especially when it comes to the skills of herself and her family, and would lay everything on the line to prove herself right.

a stormywing raised by an iciclefang; jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one; child prodigy gone child burnout

note: she would become my main in riverclan. i have previous plans with brookstorm that would backseat her regardless of if i am picked or not; i can share them in dms but i would rather they be largely a secret for now :) ♡
her larger ref does have scars already woven in, and i do have a short plot for about mid apprenticehood to achieve them. she would not be terribly injured or traumatized in any way - just a means to make her art more current!
her opinion on other clans is rather ordinary - just like her clanmates, she is more than ready to protect her clan's territory by any means necessary. were she to find out about her thunderclan family, however...
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(alt names: tempest, frost, flower, bloom, stream)

Every step I take, every fallen tear
Weaves another lie, a curse I will bear
There's a part of me, struggling to break free: It lives within the dark


She/Her | AFAB


carrying solid and longhair

Much like her brother, this kit symbolizes her parents' union, forbidden as it may have been. Her body is covered in her Thunderclan mother’s gray and braided stripes, all broken up with pale-hued flames like those that she shares with Iciclefang. Along her body, she is heavily masked with a hue of snowy white, from the majority of her face to a significant degree of her body, and the tip of her tail. One of her eyes is a bright sunflower yellow, while her other is a soft frosted blue, ironically a mirrored look to Cragkit’s dual-hued eyes. She has a small and sleek body build, reflecting her Riverclan heritage, though her petite size is more reflective of her Thunderclan mother.

  • Born to Iciclefang alone, and unknowing of her forbidden heritage. Snowkit is a frosted-over flower that grows amongst the rushing water and shallow sands of Riverclan’s camp. A girl who speaks softly and constantly tries to push herself to be a worthy Riverclanner in her mother’s eyes.



    CON ●●●●●●○○○○

    DEX ●●●●○○○○○○

    INT ●●●●●○○○○○

    WIS ●●●●○○○○○○

    CHA ●●●●●●●○○○

    In youth, Snowkit is reserved and soft-spoken. Beyond family, authority figures, and her denmates, she typically won’t go out of her way to bother most older cats. She is a sweet kit with an obvious admiration for her mother, and an even clearer ambition to be just like her and earn approval, despite having already earned some by being Iciclefang’s daughter. She loves stories and poetic words, having a natural fascination with more creative hobbies and skill sets that thrive within Riverclan. She is also an anxious and empathetic child, and very clearly dislikes causing an upset to anyone, as it will make her further upset in turn.

    NOTES: Her personality & plots will be a very ‘play by the ear’ development style. For the most part, this is a base guide concept, since I would like for some of her traits to develop through ic interactions completely ♡

  • CASTOR AND POLLUX: While considered the “little sister”, Snowkit has an evergrowing love for her twin, Cragkit. She loves her brother dearly and is always ready to spend time with him. Even during a day of bickering and bantering, she will always be found right at Cragkit’s side through thick and thin.

    DAUGHTER OF ICE: From the moment she has full awareness as a kitten, Snowkit will quickly develop an idolized view of her mother, along with a personal ambition to be like her. This combined with Iciclefang’s high expectations, causes a weight to develop on this anxious girl’s shoulders. Despite her love and firm bond with her mother, she’ll eventually discover that some of the skills and hobbies that Iciclefang has built her legacy around, simply don’t come as easy to her.

    LITTLE MERMAID: While constantly trying to earn her mother’s approval, Snowkit will eventually discover her affinity for the water and seems to excel at both fishing and swimming. It is a discovery that will bring her immense joy, an achievement to earn approval from a mother who carries high expectations.

    FEAR OF HARM: It started as a small thing, a case of kit fighting that went too rough and ended with either Snowkit or a denmate getting hurt (though not significantly given they are kits). Nothing seemed to come of it at first, yet any time after, during kit-play, if it seemed to transition into any form of fighting, Snowkit would seem to shrink back and shy away from it, visibly discomforted by it. Even early into her apprenticeship, before ever seeing real combat, Snowkit seems uncomfortable and struggles with methods of physical combat. She’ll develop an intense dislike for getting hurt and causing harm, though she’ll also try to suppress her discomfort to not disappoint those that she respects.




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Aunt and great-uncle track 😈

Tempted notes below - FINISHED




There is something that immediately draws the eye about Lungwort. Both pretty and slightly offputting with her blank stare due to her blindness. Lungwort inherited Stormywing's short, and athletic frame but has more of a sleeker pelt like that of Iciclefang. Even without a diet of fish, it would maintain a certain sleekness to it, due to her tendency to groom. Her pelt is a pale lilac shade with darker braided tabby markings. The lilac colouring is broken up by white on her face, chest, and three of her paws. Her eyes are small and narrow, and a dull yellow in colour.

From a young age, Lungwort strives to please. She wants to make her mother, clan, and more importantly herself proud. Due to being blind from birth, Lungwort will have her fair share of troubles, but outwardly she won't let that hold her back. She will be confident and curious, desperate to keep up with Cragkit and the other RiverClan kits, even if sometimes she might get jostled. Inwardly, she's a bit more of an overthinker, thinking she's somehow lesser than her peers due to her blindness. Although she may struggle with certain tasks, Lungwort will work hard to sharpen her skills, notably focusing on skills that don't necessarily need sight. Although a well mannered and all around good cat for the most part, Lungwort will not be without her flaws. At times she will be competitive, pushy, and sometimes quite demanding. In her youth, she may display more childish outbursts if she does not get her way with certain things, whining, pouting, and sometimes even stomping her feet if she's in an especially bad mood.

  • Future names: Lungwortheart, Lungwortbloom, Lungwortstep, or to be determined by the leader
  • May struggle to find her place in RiverClan for a while. Toyed with the idea of her becoming a Drypaw potentially due to being unable to fish and possibly struggling with picking up swimming.
  • Will be quite taken aback if/when she finds out about her half clan heritage. It would shake her beliefs and her feelings towards Iciclefang. Despite initially taking it poorly she would be interested to know more about Stormywing and her ThunderClan kin.
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tracking.. i think with tempest-, gloom-, or murky- :) maybe black tabby, red tabby, tortie, or torbie... undecided. tiny guy with a big attitude i think is the archetype ill be going for. super loyal to riverclan & naturally skeptical of anything other clan cats are doing to the point of dislike. overconfident and cocky and overly critical of others






a lithe, graceful black / blue tabby chimera tom with sleek fur and piercing, cold sea green eyes. his build and the colors of his pelt take much more after the average riverclanner's than the average thunderclanner's, though that doesn't transfer to his demeanor and attitude. his legs, body, and tail are long, and his ears are tall. he is a gifted swimmer and runner, but lacks physical strength. he walks with his head low in something of a perpetual stalk, the tension never leaving his shoulders, the fur on his neck never fully settled.

a riverclanner through-and-through, but mostly in loyalty. the fire and ferocity within him is decidedly thunderclan. as a kit, he's already overconfident. as opposed to the mask that cragkit wears, his confidence is entirely real, even if it is misplaced, though it begins to waver as he grows into an apprentice and the stakes get higher. he's a bit of a know-it-all, and lectures the other kits on anything that he's learned (or thinks he's learned) from observing the warriors and apprentices, and "corrects" them whenever they get anything wrong. he speaks whatever he thinks loudly, and does not hold back; this carries on into apprenticehood and somewhat forward.

but when he actually becomes an apprentice himself, from the very beginning, he lacks hunting and fighting skill, being better at taking in verbal and visual information than actually doing things in practice. to compensate for his lack of ability, he is overly critical of others and points out any flaws that he sees, and is especially venomous whenever his poor skills are pointed out to him, even in kind words. he is icy, but is quick to anger, and arguments with him quickly become personal. despite his attitude, he remains close to his brother. maybe in part this is due to the fact that neither of them have turned out to be prodigies like their mother. though he refuses to acknowledge it, deep in his heart he feels as though he's a disappointment to her, and his critical nature is also a manifestation of this.

tempestkit is incredibly loyal to riverclan, and is from the very beginning. like cragkit, he strongly believes in the word of their leader and the warrior code, and would go to great lengths for riverclan, wherever that would take him. in contrast to his littermate, however, he also has a fairly strong belief in starclan and disapproves of his brother's attitude towards it, and sees it almost as a form of disloyalty. his devotion to his clan causes him to greatly distrust other clans, to the point of blatant dislike, and occasionally disrespect, moreso as an apprentice than as a warrior.

as a warrior, he matures out of being outwardly as critical and from getting into spats with other cats, but he's still cold and very prickly. he still critiques others rather harshly, but thinks more before he speaks than he used to, though he never becomes gentle or particularly kind.

  • he is a fast learner and is good with information, but is a clumsy hunter and a worse fighter, both in play and later as an apprentice. he eventually grows to be a competent warrior
  • is a massive hater. softens into a big hater as a warrior. turns into a massive hater after the secret is revealed. he gets very power of three about it and reverts back to his apprentice self, at least at first. how things go depend on character development though of course.
  • once the secret is out he gets closer to crag-- again because they're in it together and turns his venom on his mother(s), and becomes rather extreme trying to prove his loyalty and worth to riverclan
  • would definitely be my riverclan main as i don't have any other plans for a riverclan cat and probably one of my main characters overall since i don't have many
  • info is subject to change based on character development
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Carrying a darker appearance than that of his littermate, Boltkit is adorned in short fur made up of a night-sky base, with white encapsulating his paws, stomach and face. Like lightning across a night sky, a shock of light tabby fur strikes his back in an asymmetrical way, perhaps to give a means to the name bestowed upon him.

Though on the smaller side, Boltkit is graced with agile limbs and nimble paws born to scale trees that will only grow in strength in their adaptation to the water and an eventual achieved skill in weaving reeds.

Poised and analytical, it is perhaps Boltkit that is eventually seen as the talent of the litter.

Whether that is true is up for debate, as initial hesitation may reveal it to be more likely the effort he puts into his skills that would give him such a title, rather than natural-born talent. In an effort to make Iciclefang proud, the kit will strive for greatness akin to his mother's own in his training and will often push himself more than he might need to. An importance held in his training and eventual warriorhood, he will carry a more serious, confident demeanor — one that grows especially so in his late kithood or early apprenticeship.

If it's not his dedication to training to hunt and fight, as well as learning the ways of the Warrior Code, then perhaps it's his love of solving problems. Whether it be a simple puzzle put together as a kit game, or a much larger conundrum, Boltkit's focus will be put on the issue at hand until it's solved.

With confidence still yet to flourish, such a demeanor might find him in a position to be pushed around by others in his youth, and he'll be closest with Cragkit of all his peers. When leaving the nursery, Boltkit will stick as close to Cragkit as possible, finding a comfort in his brother's wit and charm that makes interacting with others easier. Without him, Boltkit will find himself more quiet and subdued, uncertain of himself.

As an apprentice, Bolt will find his confidence and gain a more assertive tone to his voice, being able to fend for himself more and taking his turn in stick up for Crag when the opportunity arises. Interacting with his peers will still be something of a struggle at times but he'll find ease in relating to others, and grow closer to his peers than he would've in his earlier days.

  • Boltkit will carry an urge to dwell upon higher elevations, finding an inexplicable comfort atop boulders and branches.
    Will think highly of RiverClan and carry judgement for the others. Between this and his dedication to the Warrior Code, the chance of finding out he's half-clan will be a blow to his being to find out he'd been born a code-breaker. Any ounce of disappointment he's seen from his mother shall be turned on its head and sent toward her instead.
    His name will be a point of contention, if he learns his true origins. Carrying a name more fit for a ThunderClanner will bear a weight upon him, an embarrassment he'll either have to learn to get over or to get ahead of.
    Holds himself with a straightened posture, especially around those older than him / those he looks up to. In times of lowest confidence, he'll shrink down, only making himself smaller.
    Uncertainty in himself without Cragkit at his side will make initial attempts at teaching the kit alone difficult. Hesitation in his earliest days of Iciclefang's training may lead him to seeing his mother's disappointment for the first time: a spark for his dedication to training / a driving force in his tendency to push himself.
    Will take any failures / looks of disappointment hard and will mull over them as if to solve what he could've done to fix his flaws.
    His mother's tales of the journey will be of great interest to Boltkit — further proof of his mother's greatness, he will dream to one day take part in such an important mission himself.
    Swift fighting style, a darting tendency in his movements.

  • ALTERNATIVE NAMES: Cliffkit, Reedkit, OR parent's choice
    WARRIOR NAMES: Boltfur, Boltstrike, Boltstorm — likely a one syllable suffix, more traditional / appearance based.
    Would strive for 10-15 posts per month if chosen and place him on high priority!
    Personality is subject to change with IC events!
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withdrawing ! gl everyone i <3 this litter !
  • zwxv0m.jpg

    SNOWKIT* ; after her mother, a reference to the chill of leafbare, though "snow" conjures up a somewhat more romantic image, and is decidedly softer beneath the paws.

    ⤷ *subject to change, will be chosen icly
    — afab; genderfluid-nonbinary; he/she pronouns; all gucci with gendered terms
    — kit of riverclan; loyal to the only home she's ever loved
    — unborn ; ages every ???
    — penned by eezy; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST


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    Kit appearance.

    Smallish but sturdy, with an athletic physique, glossy-pelted and pastel-colored, with hearth-warm amber eyes.
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    (an ever-smiling prince with a flair for the dramatic, artistic overachiever. the vibe of a high-achieving student/varsity athlete that so badly wants to go to art school. many things will seem to come easy to him, though his un-serious attitude and proclivity for being a huge Ham will rub some the wrong way. will later settle into a real "work hard, play hard" mentality but will struggle to confront difficult emotions. will think "will so-and-so like me if i do this..." as opposed to "is this the correct thing to do..." ultimate wingman, uplifting and cheery, thinks himself a beacon of hope(and a generally fun cool awesome epic beautiful girl). self centered and filled with cornball-level vanity/flirtatiousness but there is a core of genuine altruism beneath all the hot air.)

    - Kitten most likely to say "LOOK, MAMA!"
    - Loves playing pretend and hearing/telling stories.
    - main mission in (his kittenhood) life is to make her mama smile
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    PARENT xx PARENT | sibling to who
    Extended family
    AESTHETIC: sunsets over shimmery water, doves, feathers, a knight taking off their helmet to reveal beautiful flowing hair (lol), roses, basking in the spotlight, inflating your confidence so much nothing could ever touch you, a grinning GirlPrince kissing your ring in greeting, also late 2000s/early 2010s indie sleaze music

    talk about how easily they trust or if they have a crush or something
    FEARS: nothing! (abandonment, being shunned, hopelessness)
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    - has a childhood close call in the river (a near-drowning incident?) that leads to her harboring a fear of water, but doesn't want to disappoint his mother with a land-locked child and muscles through it
    - carefree attitude creeps too closely to carelessness, putting either herself or a loved one in an unnecessarily dangerous situation
    - brief cross-clan romance? (not again ! smh can't break the cycle.../lh)

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    (Can be named icly, but here are some options im vibing with....) Potential Names:

    • Snow - after her mother, a reference to the chill of leafbare, though it conjures up a somewhat more romantic image, and decidedly softer beneath the paws.
    • Blossom/Flower - a familial name, a fitting name for a child born at the dawn of Newleaf, and a nod to a sweet-tempered aunt he would have lived in the nursery alongside, had fate been kinder.
    • Violet - after the journey, a picture of hope, of a cure for all cats, and of two fates tied together with purple petals.
    • Gloom - a family name, subtle and honoring, will become somewhat ironic attached to a kitten who acts as if he has never had a day without the sparkling spotlight of sunshine in a clear sky.
    • Sunset - named after the remaining warmth of dayglow, of a painted sky over the far-touching horizon, and perhaps the end of a matehood that could only exist in a dream.

      extras :3
    • apollo motifs ...
    • character refs: oikawa tooru (haikyuu), tamaki suoh (ohshc), haruka tenou/sailor uranus (sailor moon), miyamura izumi (horimiya), hilda valentine goneril (fire emblem: 3 houses), inigo/laslow (fire emblem: awakening/fates) ((yes im injecting so much anime into this character i apologize))
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sighs.,, i bring a menace who will probably appear in riverclan even if not chosen bc i like the little guy a lot. troublesome adhd child to tired teenager is so real. also distant/deceased family track

  • hmlkzi.jpg

    CRABKIT ; a fitting name for a troublesome kit
    Just as much a pest as his namesake, Crabkit at first glance seems nothing like his mother. Where Iciclefang is a cold and capable warrior, Crabkit tumbles around upon clumsy paws that are built for little besides making trouble.
    ⤷ named for his clan
    — male; he/him; amab
    — kit of riverclan
    — 02 months / ages every 15th
    — penned by foxlore; PINTEREST
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    shorthaired red braided tabby (x cream braided tabby chimera) with low white / masks black braided tabby / carries solid, dilute, chocolate
    Light and lean in build, Crabkit's frame will remain mostly the same throughout his kithood and apprenticeship. He carries the typical build of a RiverClanner, with a short, sleek coat and powerful legs. His fur is a flowing patchwork of orange and yellow, swirled through with patches of pristine white. Beneath vibrant leaf-green eyes are a pair of striking swipes of white, freckled with dots of orange, and over the bridge of his nose is a patch of orange outlined in white. Both his forepaws are dipped in socks of orange, capped with waves of white at their tops. His tail is the only part of his body without any yellow, with a white-webbed underside and a cloak of orange across its top. He typically carries himself with a childlike bounce to his step, striding along without a real care in the world.

    Crabkit is deaf in his right ear. He will often not react, or will have slower reactions, to sounds coming from his right side.
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    Bright and bold, Crabkit is a splash of color against a blue-brown river. From the moment he's old enough to begin learning, his fascination with the water is apparent to all those around him. He wishes to explore everything that the land around him had the offer, wants to experience every interesting sight and sound—often to his own detriment, as his wandering tends to be looked down upon by those who agree that kits should stay in the safety of RiverClan’s camp. As a kit, he shows a disdain for being told what to do, and may even go out of his way to break rules if he is outright told not to do something. Unfortunately, this often leads to trouble for Crabkit, whether by way of a scolding or finding himself in a truly dangerous situation. While he is confident and courageous, however, he is also highly emotional. Crabkit may be the first kit to burst out laughing at a funny joke, or approach a clanmate with a huge grin on his face, but he will also be the first to break down in tears over a stubbed toe.

    As a kit, Iciclefang is Crabkit's hero. He is highly appreciative of all that his mother does, and shows a surprising amount of respect for her despite his usual lack of care for authority. He looks up to many of the she-cats in positions of power within RiverClan, and is more likely to obey orders from Lichentail than he is from Snakeblink.

    As he grows older, Crabkit will shed the overeager and rebellious attitude of his kithood. Fiery and quick-tempered, he tends to be more harsh than necessary especially when it comes to broken rules. He has no patience for recklessness or laziness, and takes joy in chastising others for their mistakes. He is strict and stern about rules and laws, and is quick to turn a scathing tongue upon those who he sees as rulebreakers or troublemakers. Apprentices and kits are not spared this harshness, although Crab is willing to take a more nuanced approach when it comes to the youngest of the clan breaking rules.

    A new tension has fallen over his features, serious and stony, though still a kitlike curiosity clings to him like morning dew. His ferocity is often tempered only by this curiosity, and the surest way to grab his attention (and keep it) is by drawing him into some sort of new experience.

    He has a great deal of confidence in himself and his abilities, though this tends to shift into a sense of arrogance that leads to him overestimating himself. He takes himself and his duties as a warrior very seriously, and believes that his strongest trait is his loyalty to RiverClan.
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    ICICLEFANG xx STORMYWING | sibling to Cragkit
    ⤷ extended family
    NOTABLE INFLUENCDS: Iciclefang, Lichentail, Mosspool
    AESTHETIC: Seaside, sand, orange and yellow, seafoam

    trusts easily as a kit, but grows more cautious as he gets older
    SMELLS LIKE: freshly cut grass
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    ► Jim’s Theme - John Rzeznik
    Hoist up the Thing - The Longest Johns
    Captain - Derina Harvey Band
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
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    • Alt names: Leafkit (I assume after Fern, based on similar appearance), Lungwortkit (after the plant that saved the clans and ultimately brought his parents together). I’m very attached to the name Crabkit both because of how much of a nuisance he is and because of the color palette, but I’d be open to changing it.
    • Warrior name concepts: Crabfrost, Crabstorm, Crabstone, Crabsplash. Leafstorm, Leafwing, Leafclaw. Lungwortflight, Lungwortstem, Lungwortfrost.
    • A menace of a kit, Crabkit gets underfoot constantly. He plays too rough, bites too hard, and uses his claws when he shouldn’t. He is a rule breaker and unabashed about it. Eventually he either does something truly awful, or the little things finally add up, and he is punished with an apprenticeship delay of a month (or some other equally-devastating punishment for a kit).
    • After being held back a month from his apprenticeship, Crabkit decides that he doesn’t want to be held back again. He begins to work on shaping up and being a more serious, hardworking RiverClanner. He is dutiful in every aspect of his apprenticeship, and works tirelessly to be a better swimmer, fisher, and fighter. By the end of his apprenticeship he would consider himself a perfect student (and in reality, even if he isn’t perfect, he’d still be a great apprentice) and would be diligent and overall much more mature than at the start of his apprenticeship. He’d likely seem like an entirely different cat as a whole.
    • Finding out that he isn’t a full-blooded RiverClanner does not go over well with Crab. He reacts poorly to the news, and it’s likely that he would have a very out-of-character outburst of some sort. How exactly he reacts depends HEAVILY on where he is in his development. If he was already an older apprentice or warrior, he would turn the cold bite he inherited from Iciclefang back on her, cooly accusing her of being unfit for her position within the clan (and he would refuse to meet with "the other parent"). If he was still a kit or younger warrior, he would be more open and accepting of the admission, and would want to meet Stormywing, even if the idea of both his parents being disloyal would linger in the back of his mind for months afterward.
    • As he grows older, Crab becomes arrogant, too prideful. He knows that he is skilled in hunting and fighting, but at some point he must confront where his faults lie. Something happens that makes Crab have to hunt land prey rather than fish, and it quickly becomes clear that while he is highly skilled in water, he is poor at remaining stealthy and can't pounce for shit. This tempers his "deserved" arrogance somewhat, and he pushes himself into a period of work on bringing his land skills up to par with the rest of his skills.
    • Chaotic Neutral/Good as a kit. Screw the rules, he does what he wants. Not mean or ill-intentioned, but definitely doesn't show any great deal of care for rules or laws. Immature and irresponsible, and hates being scolded. Can be seen as defiant toward authority figures unless he specifically respects them. Lawful Neutral/Good as an adult. Passively good-aligned, and typically a strict rule follower. Cares about following rules, and will not break them unless he feels it must be done to prevent tragedy. Responsible and upstanding, but scathing toward those who he labels as rebellious or non-rule followers.
    • Paladin (Oath of the Open Sea). A seafaring warrior who seeks the thrill of the ever-changing river current. He strongly believes that a warrior should be adaptable, and that no one cat should exert their will too forcefully over others. Freedom and obedience butt heads within him, finding a natural balance, and he seeks to gain as much knowledge about the world around him as he can.
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A mere scrap of coal and sparks at birth, Pinekit will soon grow to capture every bit of her Riverclan heritage. As she becomes older, boldened ribbons of fire will begin to snake themselves throughout short, plush fur, a slightly shifted reflection of her mother’s own patchwork. The rest of her pelt is a canvas of ebony, only interrupted by the little white that touches her tail tip and dips at soft kitten forepaws. Round facial features are not excluded, freckled with the same amber that wraps around her left eye, and the alabaster that blossoms across her maw, stretching above her right brow bone to create a striking arch. The only evidence left from her forest-touched blood is seen in her sturdy frame, large paws, and larger than life honeyed hued optics. Her growth spurt is destined for much later in life, and throughout kithood, Pinekit is made to carry herself with a short and stocky build. Despite this slight disadvantage against her peers, Pinekit often carries herself with an upbeat and confident attitude.

EARLY KITHOOD ❅ Starry Eyed Sweetheart
energetic ❅ inquisitive ❅ adoring ❅ charming ❅ impressionable ❅ naive ❅ obsessive

SLEUTH. Pinekit will be a spark in need of taming. Consistently, her nose is stuck where it doesn’t belong. Inquisitive and a natural taste for venturing the unknown, Pinekit has a constant thirst for knowledge. A bubbling fountain of youthful energy, coupled with an insatiable taste for erudition, Pinekit may more often than not find herself in hot water with her nosey antics.
STARSTRUCK. Naturally, her mother is her hero, an image of perfection that Pinekit is determined to replicate. Despite her seemingly trouble-making ways, from the day she began walking Iciclefangs word has always been law, the values and morals she teaches being what Pinekit strives to shape her mindset and being with. In turn, she more often than not also looks to Iciclefangs own role models, and makes an effort to learn from them as well.
BOUYANT. An optimist in her youth, Pinekit sees the silver lining in everyone, oblivious of her craving for validation, she strives to interact with all walks of life. This blend creates a very impressionable mindset, easily influenced and molded.
INFATUATED. From even her earliest days, Pinekits possessive nature begins to shine through quickly. She is a burr, clasping to the flank of the cat that has piqued her interest the most for that moment. Most prominently seen towards her littermate and cousins, who will form the entirety of her social circle. Stars help the poor soul that makes the mistake of brushing her off.

When her gears begin to shift from becoming familiar with the world around her to her impending apprenticeship, others will begin to see a change take place in Pinekit’s personality. Once a chatterbox, her tongue will become held. Juvenile prodding fades away to hefty questions pertaining to an array of topics such as Starclan, ambition, the importance of the council, and more. During this time, it will seem as though Iciclefang's discipline and lessons will have finally begun to stick for good...

INTO APPRENTICESHIP ❅ Venomously Diplomatic
diligent ❅ envious ❅ ambitious ❅ insecure ❅ vain ❅ dismissive ❅ adaptable ❅ intelligent ❅ loyal ❅ vengeful
GOAL-SETTER. Pinepaw’s priorities now lay in a more goal-oriented direction. Under her mother’s guidance, she has stepped into the world of becoming diligent, responsible, and incredibly loyal to her clan, blessed with a buzzing mind with growing potential and a talent for adaptability, to an outside perspective her success may seem inevitable.
GREEN WITH ENVY. With this new mindset an inexplicable heightened sensitivity is born. Where she fails and another succeeds, Pinepaw is faced with overwhelming feelings of jealousy, and a strange desire to sabotage her peer in order to regain the spotlight once again. In Pinepaw’s mind, only she may come out at the top.
HIDDEN NIGHT. Being at the bottom of the food-chain that is her peer's hierarchy, when feelings of inferiority begin to trickle, Pinepaw will decide that her budding ambition must rain. Her taste for adventure and the unknown undying, Pinepaw will not be afraid to find out how far her capabilities stretch. In an effort to find herself, walls will be raised and a certain distance between herself and her kin will be placed. Her obsessive nature will take a new direction, and cling to those with power behind their names. To those she once held close, this change in her behavior may reflect as her becoming cold and dismissive, a stark difference to the clingy kit she once was only a few short moons ago.


► SKIN AND BONES - David Kushner
► PACIFY HER - Melanie Martinez
► PARIS, TEXAS - Lana Del Rey
► WOULD THAT I - Hozier
► ALPHABET BOY - Melanie Martinez
  • This is a blueprint! Certain characteristics are subject to change based on future IC development and interactions.
  • Will not take learning the truth about Stormywing well, finding out the truth about her heritage would lead to her being incredibly torn between loyalty to Iciclefang and her loyalty to Riverclan, how she ultimately decides which path to take will be based on IC interactions and development.
  • Iciclefang is her biggest role model, because of her impressionable and adoring nature this will lead Pinepaw to taking all of her mothers teachings as law, wanting to shape her mindset and behavior to be a reflection of Iciclefangs. Yet, perhaps going down this path causes Pine to discover something much deeper and darker within her own self, an untamable ambition that roots itself too deep to shake, and ultimately places her in a consistent battle between being good, valiant, and moral, and being herself.
  • While I am confident that I will be able to prioritize Pine’s activity as my main Riverclan OC, throughout early kithood and up until her apprenticeship, I can guarantee a minimum of ten posts per month. This time period will be heavily focused on her personality development and relationship building with her family and peers. After her apprentice ceremony, this quota is subject to change to ensure she is a more involved and active presence within Riverclan as her role calls for.

May be back tweak to add some finishing details / more plot concepts >:)
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alt names. boltkit, glidekit
- SH Lilac Braided Torbie W/Low White and Hazel eyes
- Trans masc
- Eventually Asexual Panromantic
- They/He
- Ravenclaw
- Phlegmatic
- Lawful Good
- Shimmery and bright
- Will utilize mainly she/they pronouns as a kit and as they age will confess their preference for masculine pronouns
- KITTENHOOD: Jokester/Silly (as a push against their mother's more guarded/strict nature)
- APPRENTICESHIP: Eager/Challenging (a need to feel unique in a clan of bright personalities)
- WARRIORHOOD: Determined/Cold (coping with the reality of being just as standard as the rest and trying hard to prove his worth)
- Will receive a serious shock when discovering who their other parent is
- Can get temperamental when the right buttons are pushed
- Scalekit is born into the world with a symphony of purrs and mewls, nestled warmly beside his mother, the river's blessing evident in his hearty presence. From the outset, his striking appearance earns him praise, tiny peach-kissed nose and pads, with short, triangular ears framing bright, almond-shaped hazel eyes that gleam. His lilac and cream torbie pelt, adorned with rounded tufts of fur, adds a touch of charm to his already plump kitten form.

As he grows, Scalekit's sleek fur transitions into a velvety pelage that shimmers in the sunlight, a nod to his namesake. Despite the transformation from short and rounded to average and muscular, his gentle facial features will remain a constant, offering a glimpse into his kind and amiable nature. Adorably their tail will stay obviously short in comparison to his adult size.

- Personality-wise, Scalekit exudes warmth and friendliness toward his clanmates, his loyalty to Riverclan unwavering as he holds other clans to a near-unattainable standard. Rarely venturing beyond the confines of his own clan. Growing up with his mother's expectations Scalekit will strive to be exceptional in a very naive way. Through pure chauvinism and heavy-emphasis on his whole mindset revolving around being a Riverclanner. Unlike his sweet appearance Scalekit has no fear in stepping on toes or biting ears to make himself seen. Whether that be positively or negatively.

In moments of silence, Scalekit is quick to fill the air with his chatter, unafraid to voice his opinions or challenge authority when he feels it necessary. During his paw' phase, he may test boundaries and intentionally go against demands or correctives, asserting his independence and individuality within the clan. Unaware of the tensions this may bring when his real heritage comes to light. In his warrior moon's he'll take pride in his swimming and fighting abilities, viewing them as a testament to his clan's superiority.

Despite his more brash nature, Scalekit also harbors a deep sense of responsibility and duty. He holds himself to high morals and strives to uphold justice (albeit in a very close minded way). This sense of righteousness guides his actions as he navigates the complexities of clan life. Backing most of his claims with laws or clan cats perceptions of Starclan's societal rules. In addition to his vibrant personality and dedicated demeanor, Scalekit possesses a keen intellect. He thrives on being perceived as wise and seeks to expand his understanding of life around him. This natural curiosity fuels his eagerness to challenge others and question the status quo, often leading to thought-provoking or infuriating conversations.

When Scalekit is educated on his bloodlines he will grapple with the reality of his own heritage and small-minded behavior. The discovery of his other parent's identity will shake the foundation of his beliefs, forcing him to confront difficult truths about himself and his place in the world. This internal struggle may manifest as moments of cold determination, humiliation, and irrational anger as he seeks to prove himself and assert his place within Riverclan. Maybe even ending in conflict between him and the mother he treasures.

- PLOTS: With his insatiable curiosity, Scalekit is destined to find himself embroiled in numerous arguments and debates. Perhaps in late kittenhood or early apprenticeship, his inquisitive nature will lead him to challenge a peer or demand the 'truth' from his mentor, ultimately sparking heated confrontations and kickstarting his 'punk' phase as he revels in the thrill of discourse.

Despite his boldness, Scalekit is hesitant to admit when he's wrong, often denying any involvement in the trouble that arises from his curious escapades. Whether it's experimenting with mud to their sleeping siblings coat or attempting to sneak out of the nursery, he remains steadfast in his innocence, at least in his own furry little head.

While Scalekit may show disinterest in outside clans, he possesses an almost obsessive interest in Riverclan history. He eagerly seeks out knowledge from elders and his mother's coworkers, fueled by tales of rogues and the formidable Smokestar, which ignite a sense of urgency to grow up quickly.

Under Iciclefang's dutiful guidance, Scalekit flourishes in the idealized power dynamic, presenting a glamorized version of himself to outsiders. However, this facade crumbles in moments of anger or when ignored, revealing his true vulnerabilities beneath.

They'll struggle in making friends with more reserved cats, former kittypets, rogues, or loners. Yet, Scalekit maintains a sense of respect for those who willingly chose to be apart of Riverclan. While he may distance himself from them, he will stand up for them if challenged by outsiders, recognizing the courage it takes to embrace clan life.
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