STRONGER MONSTERS ✬ pre-gathering chatter

In a rare show of the season, the snow has paused long enough for the Clans to trek to Fourtrees. The night remains frost-ridden, pawpads stinging with every step, but the clouds have parted enough to reveal the full moon and some twinkling stars to light the way. It's been five sunrises since the Clans were snowed into their dens, and while new trails crunch through the occasional snowbank the powdery white has hardened enough underpaw that they can walk on the remnants.

SkyClan is the first to breach the clearing, for which Orangeblossom is grateful, and she takes a brief moment to take it in. Realistically, Orangeblossom knows that she shouldn't be here tonight. She needs support to walk so that she doesn't reopen her wounds and her muzzle remains slathered in frosty cobwebs. Yet despite the way they subtly sting in the cold under their dressings, Dawnglare had said she'd be fine to make the Fourtrees trip - "probably" - and so the SkyClan deputy accompanies her delegation in thoughtful silence. She's been to a Gathering before, but never as her Clan's deputy. Daisyflight had filled this role the last time she'd attended. So much had changed since then, and even more so in the last moon. Her thoughts stray to WindClan, and the side of her lip that isn't covered with cobweb curls in disdain. Would the moor-scum even bother to join them this moon? And if they did, how long would it take them to pick another fight and demand more herbs from their enemies like the senseless kits they are?​

  • open for interaction, but will have slow responses for a few days<3

  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg. injured!
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.


Presumably being led in by Emberstar and Howling Wind was the rounded blue she-cat. She is likely strutting in at the side of other apprentices, or perhaps her mentor if she was attending. This was Ragwortpaw's first gathering and as promised by her clan-mates she was astounded by the beautiful sight of fourtrees. Scents of all five clans immediately took to overwhelming her as she looks at the boulder several fox-lengths away from her. A few leaders have already taken to perching, their pelts absorbing the moonlight that shone right down upon them. Ragwortpaw finds herself starstruck.

"Oh my StarClan! Is that who I think it is?!" She practically "elbows" the random cat who happens to be beside her to get their attention. She is of course referring to the leaders on the rock. Ragwortpaw has heard all their names, she takes to trying to guess who was who- having no idea that a deputy sat among them tonight.

//open for interaction, please tag!!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTKIT, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Sharpeye kept his head held high as he strode into the clearing, focusing on finding a spot in the heart of the place so he could keep tabs of all goings on. Though he knows that this Gathering could potentially be volatile given recent events. However, he seeks no violence himself. The Gatherings were meant to be sacred, free from the stain of blood. It would be up to the leaders to sort through the sharpness of words.

As he sits himself down he finds himself pondering about the WindClanner he has fought. Bunnywhisker, was it? Did they make it back safely during the blizzard? He hoped so.

//Open to interactions, just tag me :)


Silversmoke, who held next to no interest in the going-ons of other groups and would rather work to improve his own, only had one reason for attending the gathering that moon. As he'd told the other warriors, the thought of prodding a WindClanner amused him more than it should've. The tom, normally dour and weighed down with one negative opinion after the next, looked toward the northwest with his head held high and the faintest of anticipatory smirks on his maw. He didn't acknowledge when ThunderClanners began to arrive, nor did he acknowledge his Deputy, whose injuries likely made the threat of WindClan less of a challenge and more of a concern. It was a rogue's cruelty that prompted him to want to ask who the catmint had been used on and if they'd been successful enough to save the wretches in their clan, and a fighter's desire to goad the moor-cats into breaking the truce that the others held as dear as home. Settled in the corner of the gathering place by himself, Silversmoke began to make up scenarios in his head to the point of daydreaming as they stared into empty space.

[ open for interaction, please tag me where possible ! ]


The strident chatter of gathering cats rang in the chimaera's ears, a stentor of a knell that only served to make the Skyclanner grumble underneath his breath, about how he 'didn't want to be here' but 'had to show up for his clan.' Chrysalispaw trailed after his deputy's strides, head dipped downwards and staring at the path in front of him, as though more interest could be gleaned from rime-bitten leaves and hoarfrost-laden ground than of the scene in front of him. Icy winds nipped at his willowy pelt, tugging at it with playful fingers, though he knew how cruelly sprightly those paws could curl into claws. The season had spared them its spells of ire, it seemed. Thank Starclan, he spoke internally. Ears careened to and fro, catching small spouts of conversation that he couldn't be bothered to tune into.

The wispy-haired feline sat down at a rather empty part of the gathering, underneath a bough bowed and beaten, which casted a taloned shadow upon the russet-and-sable feline. Heterochromatic gaze razed over strangers and acquaintances alike, with unfamiliarity far outmatching the faces that he did know - not that it truly bothered him. At times, it was better to blend into the crowd than to stand out like a bird aflame. The apprentice began to groom himself in wait of the leaders' announcements, curling a gracile tail upon dainty paws - he was still quite ruffled from the raid that he was just in. He'd rather not present himself when he looked so... in disarray. Underneath the comforting embrace of the shade, he watched the world with a glare of smoldering coal.

( Open to interaction (no limit)! )
Little Ragwortpaw exclaims, "Oh my StarClan! Is that who I think it is?" Raccoonstripe smirks down at the heavy-pelted blue she-cat, flicking his own near-black gaze to the three cats on the Great Rock. Peculiar. They're missing one rat-faced fucker. "Well. Some of them. That's Blazestar, and that's Sootstar. But that black cat on the end looking like they're about to collapse isn't Pitchstar."

He frowns, contemplative. There's no way the rosette tabby has succumbed so soon after his mother, right? ShadowClan maybe despicable, but even they couldn't be so smited by StarClan! "That's, uh... Chilledgaze, the deputy. Guess Pitchstar might've croaked. Good riddance."

Raccoonstripe peels himself away from his sister's apprentice, walking proudly through the throngs of warriors. There's a new cat in Deersong's old spot, a stern-looking young she-cat with ginger and white fur. "I don't think we've met. I'm Raccoonstripe, ThunderClan warrior." He gazes about, faux confusion on his face. "Are you, um... waiting for Deersong, or...?" Playing coy. He does it oh, so well.

// interacting with @RAGWORTPAW and @orangeblossom


In spite of everything, the drama in his home and the growing pressure from both inside the clan and the outside world, Snailpaw's smile was authentic as they ran towards the gathering place. It was their first time away from WindClan territory, the first time their mentor lacked the ability to stop them from going, and the first time they'd get to see what the other clans were like outside of the occasional border talk. Breathing in the air, they felt the mixture of different scents almost overwhelming them, but they were able to shake their head and keep it together. SkyClan's presence did not escape the oblivious feline's notice, they didn't look behind them for Firepaw or Smokepaw, but they could imagine their snarling faces aimed toward the kittypet clan. The marbled tabby would be the contrarian, offering passive nods of greeting towards anyone that they passed. Some were cordial to the apprentice, others grunted and turned away - Snailpaw felt a lump growing in their throat. 'StarClan... how many of these guys want us dead outside of tonight?' Snailpaw never kept up with clan politics, but it felt like a lot, and it didn't make them feel any better about their home.

Then, through the sea of tabbies and solid felines, one caught their attention. Snailpaw gasped, placing a milky paw to their mouth as their eyes settled upon the younger SkyClanner there. They ran closer, weaving through the growing congregation of cats to talk to the enemy. It was the clan that had hurt his friends, but if they stopped talking to every dangerous individual capable of damaging them then they'd have stopped talking to half of WIndClan a long time ago. Stopping a short distance away, their blue eyes wide with wonder, the marbled tabby resisted the urge to reach out and poke the other. With his long fur dappled like a forest floor and his eyes burning two different colours, the apprentice only had one conclusion about the other. "Oh. My. A real-life kittypet! I've never seen one before! They're not really a thing in WindClan but you... you're... real! And fwoo..." They gestured to the other's belly, far from the rotundness of an actual kittypet (or even some of the other cats present), but noticeable enough for one surrounded by bony moor-runners on a near-daily basis. "They feed you well! Is it true you eat kibble made of mouse droppings?" They fell back on their haunches and tilted their head.

[ talking with @CHRYSALISPAW -- open to multiple interactions if tagged !]

  • Haha
Reactions: icebreath
TAGS — Cranecatcher is undeniably curious about the other clans- meaning gatherings are some of the things he looks forward to most, perhaps besides a good trout. And this gathering would be particularly interesting, he thinks. The scent of SkyClan and WindClan mingle on his tongue as he enters the clearing behind the rest of his clan. It's almost funny to see them reunited so soon, but he can still see the devastation that had been wrought on that battlefield. SkyClan may not have lost any cats, but they certainly hadn't escaped unscathed- but WindClan couldn't even say that much, he supposes. It'll be interesting to eavesdrop on their chatter, he thinks, and he's right so far. Cranecatcher's lips twitch into a grin as he overhears Snailpaw goading another apprentice (at least, that's what he thinks they're doing, but they sound so genuinely curious...).

He's got his sights set on a different cat, though. "It's you," the cream-hued tom assesses, stilling before @SILVERSMOKE . His ear twitches as he recalls the memory of the last time they'd spoken. Did you see Blazestar die? or something like that. Briefly, his bicolored gaze flits up to the SkyClan leader, but is quick to re-settle on his new companion. "I don't think we met properly the other day. I'm Cranecatcher," he speaks with a grin. "How's SkyClan?" He doesn't ask to be cruel. Really, he hopes they're recovering well.

/ interacting with @SILVERSMOKE ; open to more interactions if tagged!​
The brisk night air pierced the thickest of pelts, frost clinging on whiskers and stinging paw pads as cats entered into the clearing where tall, ancient oak trees stood. The sky was cloudless, and after what felt like ages, the night sky revealed itself. Moonlight bathed the ground in an eerie silver, only the snow to contrast against it's glow.
A shadow glided gracefully into the clearing behind her RiverClan clan mates, keeping herself to the edge and away from most. The Gathering was not something she particularly enjoyed, but tonight was going to be quite interesting to say the least after certain events. Cindershade placed herself into a sitting position, her back towards the edge of the clearing to void herself of having cays approach her from behind. She glances around her, vibrant eyes sitting from one cat to the other with a narrowed gaze. Soon, her eyes land against Silversmoke, a SkyClan cat she had seen not too long ago. She gives him a brief nod in greeting, but no words were shared. She'd prefer it that way.
A bouncy apprentice was shooting off rounds of questions to what presumed to be another SkyClanner apprentice as they used the term 'kittypet'. She watches Snailpaw, her usual solemn features now darkening slightly in annoyance. Apprentices were annoying to the rosette tabby, their bundance of questions seemed to be never-ending. Cindershade sighs, briefly closing her eyes before opening them again. Her thick tail wraps around sturdy paws, coiling herself up to be as small as possible so cats would not accidentally brush up against her. She hated to be touched by people she didn't know, it made her uncomfortable.

(Open for interaction! Please tag <3)

Nodding at @SILVERSMOKE and briefly glaring at @SNAILPAW


7 moons - windclan apprentice - speech

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ───────────────── ☾ ───────────────── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

// ooc: tagged for interactions. open for anyone noticing slatepaw very quickly split from his clanmates to seek out ashpaw :)

this wasn't slatepaw's first gathering - but it was the first time he showed up with a purpose. the windclan apprentice was more than eager to tag along to this moon's gathering, despite the recent tensions between windclan and skyclan.

as soon as windclan streamed into the clearing, slatepaw split off from his clanmates, leaving no time to mingle amongst his own clan. or follow the other apprentices to create their own bonds - or enemies - with cats of other clans. instead, the black and white tom-cat moved towards riverclan, with an uncharacteristic smile on his face that he was blatantly struggling to hide.

though, instead of moving amongst riverclan's ranks (he felt doing so would be a social death sentence), slatepaw paced around the edge of the group, trying to ignore the rank smell of fish that came off of them. one by one, he scanned their heads for familiar orange ears, until he found her. he beamed, ears perked and tail high in the air as he crept towards the crowd of riverclanners, towards the fiery tabby he recognized all too well.

thankfully, she wasn't too far in the center of their group, and he felt he could get her attention without no more than two other cats noticing. "pssst!" he hissed towards @ashpaw! , giving her a toothy grin whenever she looked his way. "ash! c'mere!" if she happened to look his away and accept his offer, he'd move slightly father away and sit down in an empty spot in between the two clans, waiting for her expectantly. in the case that she didn't hear him (or ignore him, but that wasn't a possibility in his mind), he'd just keep trying. to grab her attention

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ───────────────── ☾ ───────────────── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

༶•┈┈⛧┈★ just a castaway, an island lost at sea



The last time Howlpaw had attended a gathering she had been a ThunderClan cat and her pawsteps had been heavy with grief. Now she was a SkyClan cat and she trekked into the clearing with her head held eye, a newly earned scar on her nose, and a warning glance to any WindClan apprentice who so much as looked her way.

She hadn't intended on stopping to chat with Chrysalispaw, but seeing her fellow apprentice looking how she could only describe as gloomy and sullen she couldn't help but say a little something to him. "Cheer up, Cricket," She said, giving him a playful wink at the use of nickname. "The night has only just begun, there's no need to look so gloomy!"

All her good humour faded upon the arrival of Snailpaw, who questioned if Chrysalispaw was a real life kittypet and suggested he ate kibble made of mouse droppings. Howlpaw pulled a face at the WindClan apprentice. "He eats forest caught prey like the rest of us," She responded, before giving Snailpaw a mocking glance. "Judging by the state of you I'd guess you know what mouse droppings taste like though."

// Interacting with @CHRYSALISPAW and responding to @SNAILPAW
  • Love
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
Fireflypaw can feel eyes on him as @DAWNGLARE pushes through the throng of cats, shaking out his fur. Was he going to leave again, with that black-pawed tom? Leave him to be the center of all of this attention, without any help? He tucks himself close to his sister, searching out for familiar eyes- his mother, grandmother, family; Moonpaw, Burnpaw. His baby siblings, were they healthy?

Howlpaw is smarting off with some apprentice, faintly smelling of WindClan; Firefly shifts uncomfortably. "Don't disappoint Dad, Howie. Be on your best behavior." He warns softly, nervousness in his gaze. He didn't like the idea of having to break a fight up, especially when he couldn't fight well in the first place. With eyes shut now, he leaves his sister's side to join the other medicine cats at the base of the rock where he and his mentor should be. And if Dawnglare is there, he sits proudly in front of his mentor- willing to give Dawnglare all of the glory for his decision.

Come on, Fi. You're the Chosen One. Meant to be the greatest. You can do this!

// open for interactions!

Hyacinthbreath pushes past a few cats as she makes her way into the clearing, RiverClan in a group around her- Cicada wanted to show off their strength, and Hyacinth was no stranger to overcompensation. She spares him a thankful look, knowing that she had to watch her behavior in front of the other clans. But the thought of seeing her babies again, of seeing her friends. It makes her feel less numb, especially with the loss of her precious Wisteriapaw.

Her tail flicks against her thigh, eyes searching to and fro for anyone she knew. Anyone she cared for- Pollenfur, was she here? She only hoped Juniperfrost was smart enough to stay out of her sight, or else this whole gathering would turn into a fighting pit with her trying to reach his throat..

// open for interactions! looking for @Periwinklebreeze. and @ASPENPAW and @CLOUDPAW , but is open to more interactions!!​

❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞
He feels as if he shouldn't be here.

This was something of a sacred tradition implemented by the clan cats, upheld at every full moon, apparently blessed by the ancestors above. Slate had been informed about what purpose the gathering serves, a place for all five clans in order to discuss recent events and stories on neutral grounds. He attended on SkyClan's behalf; lots of cats were injured, including their own leader, so he had been approached to attend. Slate had a sneaking suspicion that he had only been asked to go so that SkyClan could look strong and not too battered by WindClan's cowardly attack. Not that the dark-haired tom particularly cared about the politics of the clans and whatnot, but hey, what else was he going to do tonight? Lounge about in camp?

Slate slinks in, trailing behind the main SkyClan group and shifting his yellowed gaze about observantly. The former rogue wonders if WindClan dared to show their ugly maws here after that pathetic attempt to raid their herb stock. He'd be sure tempted to give his battle opponent, Speckleclaw, a bite on the leg in return for his own.

The other cats in his group had broken off to mingle amongst the other clans, and Slate feels... awkward. He's an imposter, not yet a clan cat but still a rogue on the inside. A light scowl burdens his masculine features, as he pensively wonders if this was all really worth it. Slate was only staying for his brother's sake, holding onto hope that they could rekindle their familial bond and never lose one another again, but was he really cut out for living out here?

  • open to multiple interactions!

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.
  • —— decided to officially remain in skyclan as a warrior
    —— participated in battle with windclan, currently recovering from belly scratches and a bite mark on hind leg



Windclan attacked while he was snowed in. The nerve! The audacity! They were lucky there was a truce! He would show them who's boss otherwise! He had some muscle under his fat! He's smacked dogs before!

He strode into the clearing, a purple scarf adorning his neck this time. He was a little thinner, his twolegs thought he was too fat, so they started FEEDING HIM LESS!!!

He couldn't believe them!!!

He sat in the clearing and awaited the coming drama. He hoped Blazestar and Cicadastar ripped Sootstar a new one! Or he would- wait. Sootstar looks pregnant. He can't beat her up now.

But he would TOTALLY win if she weren't.

(( Open to interactions!!))
Fatigued, she follows Chilledgaze grimly into the clearing. Their deputy is despondent, frosty even to the cat they share an allyship with. Flickerfire gives the leaders a dull look. Emberstar isn't there yet, but it hasn't been that long since she's seen her, pressed her pelt into the golden she-cat's fur.

But every day is an eternity when you're starving.

WindClan is naturally thin from living on the moors, and SkyClan is perhaps a bit more compact from leafbare, but ShadowClan in comparison resemble walking skeletons. Flickerfire is gaunt, ghastly. Hunger sharpens her tongue, her gaze, so that the relative plumpness of the other cats sends a fire simmering in her belly.

Then she notices the wounds. SkyClan and WindClan both, limping around Fourtrees.

The tortoiseshell closes the gap between her and a burly dark-pelted tom. He barely wears SkyClan's scent, and he looks uncomfortable. She disregards this. "Y'all look like you got into a fight with a badger," she declares untactfully. She gives him and the sleepy-eyed tom a critical look. "SkyClan okay?"

She doesn't necessarily care, but the distraction from her morbid troubles is nice. The lead warrior is using distractions like an illicit substance these days.

// interacting with @SLATE and @Sharpeye

I won't apologize for being who I am
As Sootstar leads windclan into sacred area of fourtrees Coyotepaw branches off. Cream colored paws guide him into a multitude of mingling cats though he keeps a respectful distance. The true might have been in place but he'd be a fool to believe emotions were not running high, especially after the unnecessary raid on skyclan. The tension would be thick tonight, he could feel it within his very core. As casually as he can muster Coyote sits among a random throng of cats to make himself look busy with idle chatter. However, as he watches skyclan disperse to speak with others his eyes attempt to seek out @ThistleBack within the thickening crowd. Hopefully he was stealthy enough, never allowing his gaze to wander too long before glancing back at the opposing apprentices to give rehearsed smiles and a single word or two of affirmation.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

The frigid cold does not suite her thin frame. It strikes her bones if she stills for too long. So instead she continues moving along the throng of other Riverclanners. Wolverine did not want to come and she can understand why so she asked him to watch over their kits while she is gone. Her small family is all she has left and she will be damned if she allows for them to go unguarded while she is away. Even though her stomach is tense with hunger she steps with the ever silent paws that she grew up learning how to do. Her training has not started yet to be able to swim and hunt like a Riverclanner so she utilizes what she knows best. Even now as she looks around the clearing her vivid gaze looks over the Skyclanners first. She knows what happened and she hates the fact that she was not able to help them against Windclan. She never like the moorland cats, cowards for attacking during leafbare like that. Even though she has her own misgivings when it comes to Skyclan she had never thought to do such a thing as that.

Especially when each clan is at its weakest. Her muzzle pulls taunt for a moment before she releases a sigh. Windclan has proven time and time again to he distrustful, and killers to boot. Shaking her head she turns away and settled in a darkened corner. Really her only reason for coming here at all was to catch up on clan news and see what has been happening. Really she has drawn herself further and further away from her previous home purposefully choosing Riverclan because they do not share a border. It eases her mind and she is moving on. The only ones she cares about are the kids. Starling and her siblings. But she has already condoned herself to watch them grow from afar.

-- open for interactions
periwinklepaw | 06 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
These past days have been naught but chaos, and the child can't help but wonder if something else will go wrong tonight. It is his first gathering despite his age - the first missed from a delayed apprenticeship, the second from his still healing wounds. But he's been given the all clear now, and as one of the very few uninjured of the clan he's been shuffled here to fourtrees.

He doesn't mind much - his stress addled mind seeking the clarity that can be found (he hopes) in his mothers advice. His world has been flipped upon it's head, twisted and bent until his mind feels as though it might snap. One friend has been stripped of his titles, and those very same titles forced upon another of his friends. It is a terrifying realization he's still coming to terms with.

As pale gaze lands on his mother, he notably sags in relief, though his eyes are clouded with pain and grief. "H-h-hyacin-th," he manages to mumble as he slips over, graceful frame weaving around the clustered groups of those gathered. His figure has grown long and lean since he's last seen her, his body freshly scarred. Jaw works for a moment as he tries to find the words, but he ultimately settles for a tumultuous smile and goes to try and push his head into the fur of her chest.

He does not care who sees - he's practiced the words that will fall from his lips if questioned so many times he can recite them almost without stuttering. She deserved to know of Wisteria's passing. My loyalty is to windclan alone, but she is still a mother, He thinks, perhaps, if he acts honest enough, it might convince his pregnant leader that he isn't a turncoat. She may not be a kind queen after all, but she certainly understands motherhood.

// interacting with @hyacinthbreath ; doesn't really care about hiding the fact that he's talking to her ; open to more interacts
last time every clan had been gathered beneath a full moon like this the mood had been anything but amiable, skyclan and thunderclan were reeling from the death of morningpaw which led to a new law being implented while the other three clans began butting heads over skirmishes and exiled cats. overall it wasn't the most pleasant of events to be a witness to.

brushing against a clanmate, fawncloud followed the wave of cats that entered fourtrees wearing his usual lax expression while an olive gaze sweeps across the multiple figures dotted about the clearing and humming lightly. from what he could gauge, it seemed like something serious had happened considering there were folks baring bandaged wounds. hm, he supposed it would be brought up when the time came and there wasn't a doubt that it'd end up like the previous gathering.

the chocolate and cream tom tucked the observation towards the back of his mind for now while he found an open spot to occupy, folded ears twitching in response to the idle chatter surrounding him.

;; open for multiple interactions !!