Super Cool Things! (storage)

SmudgeflameSmudge- for their tortie fur, flame- for their bright spirit and warm persona

⤹ afab nonbinary androgynous ( they/it/he )
— pansexual ⋆ mono ⋆ panromantic
⤹ from Shadowclan, Warrior
— previously loner
⤹ 18 moons ⋆ ages every 2nd ⋆ creation date
⪼ penned by wolfie

APPEARANCE — black and orange tortie with low white and yellow eyes. reference
⤹ carrying dilute, chocolate, long hair ⋆ masking nothing ⋆ etc

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum commodo bibendum orci vitae ornare. Maecenas commodo orci ac elementum facilisis. Donec mattis lacus quis dignissim consectetur. Nam congue lacus non dignissim semper. Vestibulum erat mi, congue non maximus a, tristique non orci. Nullam imperdiet metus sed turpis convallis sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum commodo bibendum orci vitae ornare. Maecenas commodo orci ac elementum facilisis. Donec mattis lacus quis dignissim consectetur. Nam congue lacus non dignissim semper. Vestibulum erat mi, congue non maximus a, tristique non orci. Nullam imperdiet metus sed turpis convallis sodales.

MENTALITY — mbti, ❝ the xxx❞ ⋆ dauntless
⤹ suffers from pica and anxiety disorder
positive traits:
neutral traits:
negative traits:

While not the brightest leaf in the pile, Smudgeflame is a very sweet and selfless cat. They wear their heart on their sleeve and overly trusting of cats around them, despite the rather difficult upbringing they had. They always try to see the bright side of things and care strongly, quickly and deeply for cats that show even the slightest bit of kindness to them. Smudgeflame though is also stubborn, feisty and one to always speak out loud when things go awry but sometimes theyre loudly wrong. They’re a loyal cat and love their home in the clans as they had been dropped there as a kit and raised by Roseflurry (NPC). They do have attachment issues and problems with constantly, chronic anxiety that makes them tremble or shake from time to time. They’re always willing to give themselves 100% even if the person in question only gives less than bare minimum. Smudgeflame can be rather bull headed and stuck in their ways though, standing up for what they believe is right and show the clans are a good place to be. Compared to the hellish place they came from at least. Though they have no real ‘memories’ of these days, just nightmares. Regardless, theyre an average, sweet cat and always trying their best.

⤹ littermate to no one
— other kin Hawk (uncle/NPC)
⤹ friends with who
— admires who ⋆ likes who
⤹ enemies with who
— dislikes who ⋆ loathes who

interaction information here: how they react to others (clanmates, outsiders, enemy clans, etc) ⋆ how easy they trust others (family, clan, other clans, outsiders, etc)
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will not start fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at what ⋆ poor at what
— sounds like who ⋆ smells like what

⤹ plot 1 .
— plot 1 impact
⤹ plot 2 .
— plot 2 impact
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