TEMPLES GET FORGOTTEN [✨] February Gathering Chatter

The scents of SkyClan and RiverClan always caught her attention the most, beneath the full moon... She's gotten enough of WindClan and ThunderClan stink for a lifetime, really (—and distantly, she tries not to cringe at the sight of Raccoonstripe, winking his way toward Amberhaze. She'd really rather not notice him, but all the guy did was take up space). Of course, saying she wasn't sick of the other two yet didn't mean she never would be...

But she's more willing to look a SkyClanner in the eye... More willing to linger on the sight of them. Figfeather sits where Twitchbolt typically would. Was Orangestar trying out every possible flavors, before eventually landing on the guy again? Copies of each other, three of them, wade amongst the crowd before splitting into sets of one and two. He wonders how SkyClan caught much of anything, as bleached as so many of them were. Then he remembers they dont have to, and some of them surely had twolegs tapping their paws in wait, right now...

Familiarity is natural in a place like this; but its a different sorts— pale tail tip and not-quite-sky-blue eyes. Her eyes widen a sliver upon the pelt she nearly brushes past, before shes pausing... and gawking.

"The mountains," Sharpshadow swallows. How long ago had that been, now...? At the end of Stormywing's claws, it felt like seasons and seasons... but she can see stones tumbling around this figure. She remembers... the impassive look that had made her angry. "You were there, weren't you? You..." His ears flatten against his head. He feels the need to defend himself, in case this cat's always been here, and Sharpshadow was the only idiot too stupid not to notice for this long... "...I never saw you again."

bumping into @CHALK!

Fluffypaw has not been to a Gathering since her first at six moons, and stars, that seems a lifetime ago now! She feels a bit lost without the crutch of Candorflight's flank to press against, or Greeneyes' heels to chase, but she is fifteen moons old and a near-warrior of SkyClan. Twitchstar leads them into the clearing with quiet determination, and Figfeather matches his stride, her golden gaze shining with the pride from her recent promotion. Their Clan had spiraled, after Kite's betrayal, after Edenberry's rogue-sired kits' arrival, after Orangepath's decision to step down, but Fluffypaw finds her faith in her Clanmates and her warrior ancestors has not been shaken.

I'll bring all the gossip home for mama and Budpaw, she thinks; she searches for Weedwish, whose dark pelt has likely blended in with the shadows beneath Fourtrees, but instead finds herself shoulder-to-shoulder with a pale she-cat. Fluffypaw turns, her jaws parted to apologize, but the younger girl beats her to it. She's lovely, with windblown, cloud-colored fur and stunning blue eyes, and her diction is precise and easy. Fluffypaw smiles, almost instantly charmed by the WindClan apprentice's friendliness.

"I'm not sure I've ever been called graceful before." Fluffypaw smiles, her tufted ears tilting forward. "This is already your second Gathering, huh? This is only my second, too." She relaxes, letting her thick tail cover the snowy caps of her paws. "I'm Fluffypaw. And you're right, I'm from SkyClan. Nice to meet you, Silkpaw. Who's your mentor?"

Silkpaw is quick to make conversation, and Fluffypaw obliges easily enough. What haven't we been up to! She gives her chest fur an anxious lick, wondering just how much she should reveal. "Well… Twitchstar is our leader, now. And Figfeather is our new deputy." She points to the golden silhouette perched near the base of the Great Rock. "We're doing as well as we can, with all the… changes, and with leafbare being so harsh. But it will be newleaf before you know it, right?" She tries for a smile. "How about WindClan? Are you all faring okay?"

interacting with @Silkpaw ; open to other interactions :]
Fluffypaw is a SkyClan apprentice. She is slightly smaller than the average cat, but her thick, puffy pelt somewhat makes up for her size. Her fur is mainly solid-appearing cream, broken up by swirls of chocolate and amber. The tip of her tail, the center of her face, and her paws are white. Fluffypaw's eyes are a round, innocent jade-green.

Dandelionwish x Butterflytuft / sibling to Weedwish, Daisydrop, Budpaw / mate to none / mother to none
mentored by Greeneyes / mentoring none
15 moons old as of 02/08/2025
penned by Marquette



Though it's far from his first gathering, it's been a moment since Greeneyes has stepped foot in this clearing. He's nearly forgotten how the trek feels, how excitement and nerves mix under anticipatory rays of moonlight as Fourtrees comes into view — especially when news as big as SkyClan's looms overhead. The red tom walks between seal-pointed and tortoiseshell fur, exchanging words with his mate and his apprentice as they approach. Malachite eyes take in the view before him, scanning the growing crowd and its shrinking familiarity.

Fluffypaw has already strayed from his side, so Greeneyes takes the opportunity to linger around his mate a little longer before the healer has to take his place among the rest of the forest's medicine cats. When the warrior feels it's time to depart, he leans forward to press his face against Fireflyglow's shoulder. " I'll see you, my love. "

The SkyClanner turns to wade through the crowd in hopes of finding a familiar face, but white paws don't stray too far from the front of the crowd. (He should stay up front anyway, for Fireflyglow, for Figfeather too.) Someone comes to him first, swift-pawed and bright-eyed, and — "Oh! " Greeneyes recognizes the bouncing ThunderClanner in front of him from the other day's border patrol: the first leg of her tour of the oak territory with her apprentice. A grin spreads across the tom's clouded maw.

" Hello, there! " he returns her excited greeting. He nods in confirmation of her recognition. " Yes, yes. The border. I remember you too! I'm Greeneyes. It's nice to meet you, Dayfern! Or... officially meet you — How are you doing? " His gaze drifts to the crowd behind them, searching for her night-furred companion.

" Is your apprentice here too? ... Scarpaw, right? How's their training going? " He assumes such. If their recent interaction was the young apprentice's first border patrol, then their first gathering should be under tonight's moon. His hooked tail sways behind him as he searches further, this time for flecks of multicolored fur. " Mine should be here somewhere too. Fluffypaw, my niece. "

briefly speaking with @Fireflyglow and interacting with @Dayfern !

Greeneyes is a stout, red and white tabby tom with a hooked tail and a scar across the back of his neck. His fur is often adorned with accessories, such as the colorful feather at the base of his tail, or the clover carefully placed behind his ear.

- Daisyflight † x Raven Ramble ⋅ Mate to Fireflyglow
- Sibling to Butterflytuft, Figfeather, Snowpath †, Violetnose †
- Mentored by Sheepcurl † ⋅ Mentor to Fluffypaw, Falcongaze †
- Penned by Abri


Silkpaw's ears flick forward with interest as the she-cat introduces herself. Fluffypaw. Cute name. Suits her! The WindClan apprentice lets her smile grow just a touch warmer, as though pleased by the answer; though in truth, she's pleased by how easily Fluffypaw seems to be falling into conversation. "Oh! Your second Gathering too? Well, don't we have something in common already?" She purrs lightly, brushing her shoulder with a neat lick to smooth her fur. "I knew you seemed approachable. SkyClan cats really are something!"

At the question about her mentor, her smile broadens with obvious pride. She tilts her head with practiced ease and shrugs as if it's no big deal. "Oh, my mentor is Scorchstorm, the WindClan deputy. I'm learning a lot from her so far!" As Fluffypaw shares SkyClan's updates, Silkpaw listens with a look of rapt attention, eyes widening at all the right moments. Twitchstar? Figfeather? She glances toward the marmalade she-cat pointed out to her, committing the names to memory. The mention of hardships and leaf-bare draws a sympathetic hum from her throat.

"Oh, Twitchstar? Impressive. He seems like a strong leader. And Figfeather! Such a striking name. Honestly, I'm jealous." Her whiskers twitch as if sharing a playful secret. "I can't wait to find out what my warrior name will be! You've got to be pretty close to earning yours, right?" Then, when Fluffypaw asks about WindClan, Silkpaw gives a soft, airy sigh. "Oh, you know how it is! WindClan always pulls through. But leaf-bare's been cruel, hasn't it? The cold bites when you don't have trees for shelter. Still…" Her smile softens, her gaze gleaming with confidence. "WindClan's strong. We'll be ready for newleaf." It'll be her first time seeing the blooming season, and she's beyond excited. She hears that the moorland becomes filled with flowers, far more than the dried ones they have now. And oh, the butterflies!

// talking to @FLUFFYPAW
[ interacting with @SCORCHSTAR and @Ternstar. briefly; bumping into @Scarletdust ]

Could she call this comradery and honor... embarrassing? Bunnyglow isn't sure. The insistence she was given was initially one of flattery. She should be marveled at like any other new warrior, despite her disability. But when they break into the clearing, she realizes that she's only alowed her Clan down. Her ears burn when eyes turn towards her and the rest of WindClan, her body lowered to a spot of plush grass. Celandinepaw waves away the gratitude and joins her friends, Splinterpaw is warned to mind their paws before they wander off. Bunnyglow nearly clings to her leader's tail when another molly approaches, cold eyes glowering down at her. Introductions, Introsuctions. StarClan, why is this hard?

"Hi - um, sorry, I'll just -" she pushes herself to her well muscled forepaws, ears craning back. She doesn't give the ShadowClan leader her name, not out of disrespect but rather discomfort and anxiety. She pulls herself away from the duo, swiveling between swaths of cats. The scents cloud her nose, and she swears she can hear someone cuss about her lame tail and legs. She squeezes her eyes shut, and - thunk.

It's not a tackle, more like her forehead colliding with the side of another cat. She recoils, immediately applying a salve of, "Sorry!" as she does. Bunnyglow looks up at the molly, clocks her scent as of that from the ThunderClan border, and simply stares for a moment, uncertain. She kind of looks like Laurelpaw and Rowanheart, with the way her red mingles with the darker hues of her pelt. Pretty, even, though the point wouldn't voice that out loud to any of the aforementioned.

"I..." she tries again, pushing herself to speak, to say anything. "I'm Bunnyglow. You are...?"
⊱⊰ The other apprentice greets her with a smile, one that seems too kind for a cat of another clan. But they're sort of a team, since they're both medicine cat apprentices, aren't they? That's the reason Hopepaw had approached Celandinepaw in the first place. "Coping… that's. Yes. I'm glad you're alright." She wouldn't call six—five? She can't even remember—vigils in the past three months coping, but ThunderClan is at least in a similar position to WindClan, it seems. Lilac paws shift for a moment, awkward and a bit uncomfortable with the lack of anything else to say, but thankfully Celandinepaw asks how ThunderClan is doing in return. "ThunderClan is… doing okay. I'm learning a lot!" She attempts to inject some cheer into her voice, because at least if her clanmates are getting hurt, she's learning something new. But even the gilded gift of knowledge isn't enough to offset the losses that her clan has suffered, of the way that they weigh on Hopepaw's heart. "I don't think I'll ever get rid of the rosemary smell though…"

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    HOPEPAW ❯❯ she/her, thunderclan medicine cat apprentice
    skinny, thick-furred lilac molly with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and a bit of a grouch.
    daughter of batwing and leopardtongue ; adopted by roeflame
    mentored by gentlestorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ; does not typically like physical contact from anyone besides her family
    penned by foxlore
[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] This will be Fawnpaw's second gathering, and though his first time had been nervewrecking and even overwhelming the boy had found himself easing into coming to the gatherings, bi-color gaze searching for the familiar tones of the other medicine cats before spotting Hopepaw and Celandinepaw who both seem deeply immerse in a conversation already, and the boy hesitated to greet them, but they're all medicine apprentices so, him joining in wouldn't be too much of a bother, right?

He moved to greet the two with a nervous look, plume tail swishing slightly before dipping his head to them. "Hello... I hope all is well in your clans, and sorry for interjecting myself" he stated softly. Gaze flickering between the two of them. He hoped he wasn't too much of an annoyance to the two but might as well listen or share what they've all learned this moon, right? Maybe the two would even offer some knowledge to Fawnpaw too since both have been training far longer than him.

Male (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤHetrosexual/Aromantic
ㅤ7 moons oldㅤ/ㅤAges on the 1st
ㅤMCA of Skyclan for 2 moons
ㅤmentoring N/Aㅤ/ㅤmentored by Fireflyglow
"Speak" 𓆩✧𓆪 Thoughts
ㅤpenned by Rynnarooㅤ/ㅤmessage Rinnaroo on discord for plots!

A lithe fawn tom with blue and yellow eyes, a plumed tail, and adorned in accessories (flower petals, plants, etc.). Fawnpaw appears meek and soft compared to his other clanmates and carries his heart on his sleeves, gentle and easygoing yet has a dash of sass mixed into everything as well.

Attempting to interact with @CELANDINEPAW and @HOPEPAW ))
〕Bubbleburst feels a rush of embarrassment when she realizes that the stranger in the crowd that she is speaking to is from the very clan that she had been talking about. Still, she hadn't been speaking poorly about them (or Orangestar, for that matter) or wishing ill upon them. She smiles, uncomfortable in her mistake, and nods as the SkyClan stranger tells her what has become of the cream-coated molly. "Oh, thank StarClan!" she echoes the sentiment set forth. How terrible it might have been for them to lose their leader.

"Congratulations on your new leader, too," Bubbleburst says with a small nod. There is an awkward pause between them- likely a holdover from her fumble- and then the RiverClanner remembers her manners. "Oh, I'm Bubbleburst by the way. It's nice to meet you!"

  • ooc.
  • BUBBLEBURST —— warrior of riverclan , mentoring twinklepaw . mudjaw x breezeflower . littermate to swanpaw ✦ penned by carat
    she/her / 16 moons & ages every 13th
    single / bisexual / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— not a strong fighter, often prefers diplomacy and strategy over strength and battle skills

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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    a mediumhaired silver marbled tabby with moderate white and blue eyes

It has been more than a season since she'd walked the familiar path Lichenstar takes to lead them into the Fourtrees clearing. Iciclefang walks with some trepidation, now; it feels strange to be included in Clan life again, to be a warrior who is not squirreled away from others out of shame. She regards the warriors milling throughout the glade with wary blue eyes, hyperconscious of any gazes that linger on her fur for too long.

She is almost blindsided when Roeflame crosses her path—she collides with her and immediately earns a critical leaf-colored stare. "Iciclefang." The ThunderClan deputy's expression is unforgiving. She meets the smaller she-cat's eyes without flinching. "Roeflame." She matches the other she-cat's tone, imbuing it with stolid frost. There is no love lost between their Clans, especially not now. Pinefrost and Shellpool had made sure of that.

It is embarrassing enough, she thinks, that Roeflame knows any of her business at all. The pale she-cat regards her like some lesser being, and Iciclefang is inspired to square her shoulders back and lift her chin. I am a RiverClan warrior. I do not answer to you, no matter what you may think of me. Her kits are little more than Stormywing's mistake to ThunderClan, but to her, they are warriors capable of protecting and defending what belongs to RiverClan. "I trust your Clan is faring well, though you wouldn't know it from the trespassing." Her eyes narrow. One of Roeflame's lead warriors had driven Lichenstar onto the ice, had watched her plunge into frigid water, and for what? The Sunningrocks still belonged to her Clan.

interacting with @ROEFLAME .
Iciclefang is a warrior of RiverClan. She has a muscular build beneath short, sleek tortoiseshell fur. The upper half of her muzzle breaks into white, stretching up and across her face in a sharp point. Her paws and the tip of her tail are white, as well. Iciclefang's eyes are a deep blue.

Mudpelt x Icesparkle / sibling to Lilybloom, Steepsnout, Darkwhisker, Ferngill / mate to none / former mate to Stormywing / mother to Cragpaw, Pinefrost, and Crabchill
mentored by Smokestar / previously mentored Cicadaflight and Pinefrost / mentoring none
33 moons old as of 02/17/2025
penned by Marquette

✦•··········•✦•··········•✦ Maybe it would've been better for Shellpool to be here instead. He just— in theory, of course, he knew there would be many cats here, and that had seemed exciting at the time that Lichenstar chose him to tag along, but being here is another beast entirely. It's an open clearing, which is helpful for gathering a crowd of cats, but not so helpful when burdened with the heavy awareness of an encroaching predator, one that remains frustratingly faceless. Maybe it lurks in ThunderClan, among those bitter over the rightful retaking of Sunningrocks, or maybe WindClan, with the bloodied waters between them.

He can't even take comfort in the presence of his own clanmates, save for Beefang. Yet her presence weighs him down, too, if only because he needs to ensure there aren't any teeth bearing down on her from behind.

For a time, he searches ThunderClan's ranks for the one who stole his sister's toe. Violence here is forbidden, but it doesn't reassure him of his or Beefang's safety, so if he could keep an eye on at least one known threat, that might help. A little. He will not fail his fathers in this.

In his slow creeping closer to the loose arrangement of ThunderClanners, he hadn't realized he's neared SkyClan— close enough to overhear Roeflame and Figfeather, and his eyes widen. His gaze leaps to the former SkyClan deputy, now leader, and hadn't he heard there was a large SkyClan patrol not long ago? He edges closer to the pair, and maybe it's rude to butt in, but it's the first time since arriving here that he's more interested than cautious. "It's Twitchstar now? But you say that Orangestar is well?" He frowns, thinks of Sunstar and wonders before shaking the thought away. "I guess your new leader will explain it all soon. Do you feel any different now?" Loveburn asks her, partly curious and partly attempting to make up for barging in, though he eyes Roeflame much more warily than Figfeather.

/interacting with @ROEFLAME . and @FIGFEATHER

loveburn (formerly lovepaw and starlightpaw) — currently nineteen moons old
son of cicadastar & smokestar — brother to cicadaflight & beefang — he / him
single & not really looking — peaceful/nonviolent actions may be powerplayed
please note that loveburn has persecutory delusions & sometimes personal prose
will make patently untrue assumptions and mischaracterizations of other people.

glowingsun & 13 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan warrior

Relief flashes across her face, a faint smile on her lips as she settles down without a second thought. It seems she's also interrupted a conversation in her wanderings, her vision struggling to see anything more then distinctly colored shapes without time to focus and adjust, though the scent of riverclan sets teeth on edge as realization settles in. Fear. Scars ache and throb with phantom pain, and if anything she tries to make herself smaller - a useless task, given her large size. Even with her poor vision, she knows this cat - knows the feel of his claws tearing through her fur and flesh.

She jols, Stonestrikes words drawing her from her spinning thoughts. Name - her name? " I- Glowin'sun. My name is 'lowin'sun, " she says, spooked. Still - it's the full moon, isn't it? And the gathering is a time of peace. If she coud sit beside Wrathpaw, could curl herself into his nest evenknowing what he'd done.. surely, she could stay quiet for a single night? Crossing paths with enemies was inevitable.

" ... It's nice to meet you, " she adds, if only to be polite.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

W E ' L L - A L W A Y S -B E -S O -P E R F E C T L Y- H A P P Y

// interacting with @STONESTRIKE and @CRABCHILL
  • Like

Status: Happy

Dayfern listens as the now named Greeneyes introduced himself. Her tail wagged slightly behind her, side to side, showing her joy. "Yes!" She hopped slightly in place, almost unable to contain her excitement. She liked Downyfur well enough from the last gathering but she thinks she might like this Greeneyes better! "Am good. Great! You? Happy?" She briefly waited for a response before looking around behind her. She didn't know where Scarpaw had got off to after they had parted ways. She probably followed her sister but the lilac torbie wasn't sure. "Yes. Somewhere. Told to make friends. Hope she does..." She had noticed Scarpaw was twitchy. Hopefully it was just nerves, but compared to Rosepaw? Dayfern couldn't help but worry sometimes. "Is good. Teaching observation. Stillness. Very good." She wasn't purposely vague but it was also hard to explain because it was different from how most warriors trained she was pretty sure. "Lots left to learn." She nodded and left the subject there on her end. "Oh! The little one! Yes remember!" She remembered the little apprentice at the border that day. She was very fluffy, an apt name.

  • OOC:
  • Dayfern - lilac ticked torbie/chocolate classic tabby chimera w/ low white ☼ She/Her ☼ Warrior of Thunderclan ☼ Penned by Snowy ☼ 26 moons
    ☼ Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting

  • Love
Reactions: ABRI

Scarletdust barely registers the movement before something small and warm bumps into her side. Instinctively, she tenses, split-colored eyes flashing as she swivels her head toward the source. A WindClan she-cat - young, about her age - stares up at her, wide-eyed and apologizing before the tortoiseshell even has time to react. She flicks an ear, irritation flaring for a brief moment. Watch where you're going, nearly slips from her tongue before she actually looks at the warrior. Her sharpened gaze rakes over her, taking in the way she holds herself up on her forelegs, the limpness of her hind legs trailing behind. She's never seen anything like it before. A warrior who can't use her back legs? How does that even work?

For once, Scarletdust is at a loss for words. The surprise must show in her face, because the sepia hesitates before speaking again. 'I'm Bunnyglow. You are...?' The warrior recovers quickly, shaking off her initial shock with a flick of her tail. Straightening, she schools her expression back into something neutral. Aloof, even. She won't gawk. She refuses to look like a fool. "Scarletdust," She replies smoothly, voice filled with her usual easy confidence. "You're a warrior?" It's a question, but her tone makes it sound almost like a challenge. Not meant as an insult, just blunt, direct curiosity. Her gaze flickers down to Bunnyglow's well-muscled forelegs again, then back to her lilac face. "How do you fight?" It's a genuine question, no mockery in her tone, only the glint of intrigue behind her dual-toned eyes. She wants to know. She wants to understand.

// talking to @bunnyglow

"Hah, I totally get it. Once you spend enough hours just sorting through the herb stock, you start to think you've become part plant by the way you smell." Celandinepaw let out a hearty chuckle, sensing naught of the slight awkwardness from Hopepaw. It kindled warmth in her heart to hear that Hopepaw's journey through her medicine cat training seemed so similar to her own. Appointed under a bad moon and a festering plague, she often felt out of place with those that had received their duty with honor. Even from differing clans, there lie that commonality between them, like a gentle blanket underfoot. A somewhat familiar face interjected into their conversation, and wheat-hued eyes settled upon Fawnpaw's lithe form, like a silken adornment opposed to the rough-hewn crowd she knew. She supposed she expected nothing less from the "kittypet clan," as some of her more uncharitable clanmates sputtered out. Whiskers twitched as the scent of pinesap lilted into her nostrils, mingling with the pervasive aroma of strong herbs. "Hi, Fawnpaw! How's Skyclan?" The yellow tabby purred to the fellow medicine cat apprentice, as the thought of the other clan popped into her mind, though she hadn't any strong opinion on them. It's not insensitive to ask that of Fawnpaw, right? I hope I didn't miss any big tragedy or something. She patted the ground besides her with her thin tail, as if to signal for the younger apprentice to sit at the empty space next to her.

  • OUT OF CHARACTER. Interacting with @HOPEPAW and @Fawnpaw~

    — MEDICINAL EXPERTISE: Celandinepaw is the current medicine cat apprentice of Windclan. Although she is quite new to her position, she also has much expertise with treatment regarding infectious diseases and basic remedies. As for anything more complex... you're better off asking a more experienced medicine cat.

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    —— Medicine Cat Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Cottonsprig
    —— A shorthaired, wheat-yellow spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild. Broad-shouldered and tall compared to her smaller clanmates, she stands out through a Windclan crowd.
    —— Outgoing and terribly saccharine, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan as one of their healers. She is prone to outbursts when spurned or stressed. She also tends to follow her own personal code and will often go for a safe, painless option.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.