THE BEGGAR'S HYMN — seeking refuge

So many cats… so little space. Drizzlepelt has never had the honor of seeing ShadowClan's territory prior to now, and even if it's exactly what he expected, it's surreal to be here. He hadn't yet processed that he would be sharing his home with RiverClan when the rogues came and took it away too. Seems like it really was all planned out, what with Thunder and Wind here at the same time as them. It's not like rogues to be this thorough… the sense of dread in his stomach is palpable.

Chilledstar isn't hostile, exactly, but not welcoming either. Though, he's not sure how he would react seeing so many cats on his doorstep out of the blue. Most of ShadowClan isn't sure how to feel either, it seems. Some air their gripes out loud, but most just stare with unease. Drizzlepelt instinctively makes himself look small and unassuming, not wanting to be perceived as a threat. He dares not speak either, lest he makes things worse.

He's glad he does so, as Chilledstar immediately gets aggressive as soon as Sabletuft forgets his place. He winces in pity, even if the black and white tom did kind of deserve it. What a threat… thank StarClan Blazestar rarely loses his temper. At least the ShadowClan leader does ultimately allow for them to stay, even if it's in the more unpleasant part of their territory.​

Sootstar leans away from her deputy's ear to look at Sabletuft, his jeer confusing. Raccoonstripe's response makes Sootstar believe the ShadowClan warrior meant to insult ThunderClan, she snorts unsurprised, Sabletuft has a history of not knowing where their voice is welcomed.

ShadowClan, to her surprise, grants them the burnt sycamore (a landmark that was actually foreign to her, maybe even confusing to hear about). However, a landmark certainly not foreign to her was the carrionplace. The small moorland leader looks at Chilledstar outraged, this demand alone is enough to void them of any of her gratitude. "The carrionplace?! You mean to condemn us to more disease?" That dump was somewhere they only hunted in out of desperation in the marsh colony days. She'd look to Howlingstar and Cicadastar in support in her outrage, but neither present or able to speak for their clan. "You know as well as I do there's nothing but buzzard-food and fox-dung to be hunted there."

Sootstar does not take a step forward in her dismayed state. Did Chilledstar joke?!
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

chilledstar spins to face sootstar, teeth pulled back in a hiss. they do not have time for this, and yet... here they are. arguing with the one leader that got under their skin in a way no one did.

"and you know as well as i do that shadowclan is not blessed with prey as you all are! we do not have enough prey to give! we are going hungry without four other clans to feed! we hunt there when we are desperate and you all will do the same! otherwise run back to your territory with your tails tucked like a crying kit!"

they snapped. end of discussion. she didn't have to like it. she could leave and get her live ripped from her slowly and painfully for all they cared.

"it is not up for debate. hunt there or starve. we cannot give you what we do not have."
Ptarmiganpaw follows after Lilycrest dutifully, also curious to see what was going on. Anxiety gnawed at him with the information that so many cats were at the border. When they reached the border, it was worse than he had imagined. He could never have imagined so many sickly and injured cats. It made his blood cold. They had all been driven out?? All the clans, driven from their homes? No, that couldn't be right. Yet the evidence is in front of him, and he cannot deny reality.

How were they supposed to help? Were they next? They couldn't sit and do nothing though, could they? This is such a mess. So many cats pleading for help and he feels his heart go out to them. But he doesn't know what they can offer... Shadowclan had its own problems to worry about.

He looks up to Lilycrest to see his reaction, and sees that his mentor is looking towards Chilledstar....So he looks to Chilledstar too through snowy white bangs.

Chilledstar speaks, and he supposes...That's fair. The other clans can stay at the burnt sycamore and hunt in the carrionplace. They probably won't like the carrionplace....But it has plenty of rats, and they should be grateful that they get to stay on their territory at all. He worries this kindness will bite them in the tail, but he also wants to believe that the other clans wouldn't be so ungrateful in their current situation.

That hope is dashed rather quickly as Sootstar speaks out in protest against the carrionplace. He knows better than to speak, but he wants to tell her and any other dissenters that they should be thankful they get to hunt on their territory at all. He agrees with Chilledstar's retort. Hunt there or starve.​
First WindClan's territory had been lost, and now so had ThunderClan's. Would nothing be enough to satisfy the ever-wanting of the rogues that pried the land from their paws? Frowning, Violetheart stood among the crowd, though he listened intently as the leaders spoke with one another with animosity that wasn't veiled in the slightest. If the rogues didn't finish them all off, they would each other, he thought grimly.
His ears flattened against his skull when Chilledstar ordered that all but queens and kits find refuge and prey in the carrionplace. Logically, he understood the leader's demands, just as he'd understood when the WindClan refugees had been forced to take refuge in ThunderClan's sandy hollow - but Violetheart also knew that this would invite all the more animosity between the Clans, far from what they needed; and Sootstar made her feelings on the matter very clear.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Defeat has taken its toll on Roeflame as they made their trek to Shadowclans border, surrounded by Riverclan and Windclan alike, forced to unite and grovel at Chilledstars paws for sanctuary.
When crimson-speckled paws rest against marshland, an instinctive prickle ignites along the cinnamon warriors spine, her stomach only just beginning to knot. She is flanking Burnstorm, keeping Mothpaw and Toadpaw well within her sights when finally the group comes to a stop, and she can relieve the weight between her shoulders by leaning against an ever-comforting raven pelt.
It doesn't take long before she can hear the shouts of both Chilledstar and Sootstar, and the warrior feels her ears flattening in exasperation, slightly shaking head turning to hide in Burnstorms fur while she waited for the signal that they could go, that the groveling was done and they could rest and lick their wounds- even if it was in the mud.

Sootstar's fur bristles at Chilledstar's scolding. They tell her ShadowClan cannot give the clans what they do not have, but Sootstar is convinced a sliver of any land but the carrionplace would do them all better. She growls and lashes her tail but says nothing before the black and white leader would turn around to lead the clans into the swampland. Violetheart is nearby, she cannot tell what he thinks of the matter but she hisses "Our queens and elders best get fed better than what we're about to be..." ShadowClan better not shove poisonous slop down their gullets too.

Yet there was one thing she could not deny Chilledstar was right on. She didn't have a choice, WindClan must make their nest here.

Flicking her tail in a silent order for her clan to follow she steps into the swamplands. The soft, damp earth beneath her paws instantly floods her with memories of youth. A time before WindClan, a time where she had been a mere soldier of Briarstar's. She'd never trade what she had now to go back, but there were some fond memories she could still appreciate.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Snakehiss certainly had not expected the likes of RiverClan and SkyClan awaiting upon ShadowClan's borders tonight as well. He had heard about their troubles with rogues, though it was apparent now that they had launched a full-out attack all in the same night. Those barbaric brutes! WindClan was reduced to mere refugees, traveling from territory to territory, weak and weary to their bones. How would they ever recover at this rate?

The leaders (minus Howlingstar and Cicadastar... huh), after negotiating with Chilledstar, finally secured a safe haven near the Burnt Sycamore... whatever that was. They were all expected to share a space with RiverClanners, ThunderClanners, and SkyClanners?! At least they had the entire Sandy Hollow to themselves back in ThunderClan. This was definitely a downgrade. Hopefully the other mangepelts would keep far away from the moor-dwellers.

And, to make matters worse, they had to hunt in the infamous Carrionplace in order to feed themselves. "The Carrionplace?" Snakehiss scoffs with an indignant flick of his ear. Chilledstar was mad, expecting them all to eat mangy, rubbish-covered, disease-ridden rats! However the ShadowClan leader is firm. "Ugh." A humble, grateful cat wouldn't be complaining. He should be thanking the stars that he's even alive. However, Snakehiss cannot deny the disappointment of having to traverse the Carrionplace, which he had only heard of in gossip and rumors about ShadowClan. Chilledstar had best not forget their decision today, because if they were to ever seek out WindClan's help, Sootstar would likely treat them even worse.

Hesitantly, with a scowl upon his tired features, Snakehiss fell into step behind his leader and began the trek toward their makeshift camp — their new one, anyway.

  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

Blood crusted the split skin of Twitchbolt's ear, a fresh cut from ravenous claws. There were no trees here, not like SkyClan's- it was the first think he noticed, shamefully. Never would the bicolour tom admit it out loud, but ShadowClan's territory would be the last place he would want to flee to.

The rogues had robbed him of that choice, that favouritism. Was it some sick joke that the rogues didn't even want this place? Oh, he was- he was hurt, clamped his jaw together to keep anything errant from springing out, though he seized and shook like a kit being snarled at by a dog. Once he had found Quillstrike in the fray of migrating warriors, among the panic of it all, he'd stuck close to his mate's side. Not one of them would lose the other. Not today, and- and he was not so ready to die anymore, knowing what they were now.

It was expected, probably- definitely, that Chilledstar was not welcoming. They never had been much of a conversationalist, eternally unimpressed- and it was only the queens and kits who were given access to ShadowClan's camp. The rest... the rest, the carrion place. Disgust curled the lips of many cats in the crowd, and Twitchbolt's whiskers quavered with annoyance. Rage boiled in the back of his throat- though he glanced around to find Butterflytuft, attempting to offer her a long blink of encouragement. At least she'd be somewhere nice.

Less-impressed eyes sought Blazestar, and at last Quillstrike. To carrionplace it was, then.
penned by pin ✧

Leaving SkyClan would have been hard for any cat. Factor in being heavily pregnant, sore and uncomfortable, and stressed and it was just about the worst day one could have.

Howlfire files in close with the rest of the fleeing queens, her size now making her walk more of a waddle now. She wants to rest again but knows she must remain strong and steady for now. Although they have all fled to ShadowClan, there is no guarantee of sanctuary within the marsh home. She watches with a tired expression as the representatives of the clan plead their case, surprised at how cold the ShadowClan cats treat them. Well, not wholly surprised, but some sympathy would have been nice.

Eventually, Chilledstar consents to letting the queens and kits to camp, and Howlfire realises with a jolt she would be separated from her family and from Coyotecrest when she was so close to kitting. She looked around for Coyotecrest in particular, knowing that he had helped the queens in SkyClan and that he wouldn't be far. "Don't worry," She tells him, doing her best to reassure him despite her own fears. "We'll be fine."

/ mentioning @Coyotecrest
( ) russet blood stains darken the fur around the molly's maw as she catches her breath, nerves on fire from pain. the gashes down the front of her chest and throat ooze sluggishly, not actively pouring but clearly not protected. her body aches, her paws tremble with the effort of continuing, yet she pushes through the crowd of what she now realizes are four of the five clans to find her kittens. dull green eyes spot the shaking, sobbing bundles as they huddle by apricotflower's paws, and tears prick immediately. she cannot let them see her like this, yet she cannot stay away. "oh my babies," she murmurs, moving towards them and bending to nuzzle each small form. something akin to a sob shakes her shoulders but she gasps it down. "it's okay, i'm okay."

in her ears echoes the screams of her children as she had broken off from them, desperate to defend their escape. the cries of confused kits turns into the growling argument amongst the clan leaders and the feline can't help but lash her tail. smokethroat stands alone and desperate as chilledstar makes his declaration and not for the first time, guilt sours the taste on willow's tongue. this is why she was a lead warrior- this exact moment when authority has no where to turn. she needs to step up again, aid her friend, but she cannot leave her kits. had they been apprentices, it could've been different now.

the announcement that queens and kits will be separated from their clans flares fear in her stomach again and she looks to smokethroat, terrified of seperation, desperate for any kind of leader. the tomcat is in no such state, but he is all they have. curling around her children, the queen waits.

// mentioning @Smokethroat @carawaykit @TIDEKIT. @Bumblekit

Was it really cruel? If she had somehow stepped within Chilledstar's position, she would have chosen the exact same. She would have reacted the same. How could they trust them? How could they survive with all three clans suckling from them? How could they trust the wave of rouges not to follow suit? Eyes flicked to Smokethroat for his reaction and opinion in curiousity. The patched lead would take a step back as of a silent suggestion, "I think it's best." She spoke in simplicity, nudging her nose in the direction of the carrionplace. Being stuck with Skyclan was some amount of tolerable but sheltering along Thunderclan and Windclan was dreadful. Being all together... She didn't believe it would bring unity; only mere headaches to come in the future. An impatient sigh fell from Petalnose's lungs, flicking her gaze around for any agreement. Any input. Any other suggestion besides the failure to convince the stubborn ears of the Shadowclan leader. It wasn't worth to strain their voices. It wasn't worth to drag every clan down upon each other. She'd chose the same for her clan and it would be with ease.


Such misfortune! The huge tom towers over many, particularly the small framed WindClanners, and so seeing the ShadowClan cats that slink out of the marsh is easy enough for the one-eyed brute. While many scowl, mewl, and whine, Tigerscar bears his signature cheer in the face of adversity. A smirk coils his fanged maw as tall, tufted ears take in the voices of those that had been driven from their homes. Chilledstar offers a bitter solution, But Tigerscar isn't entirely sure what some expected from them. Did they really think the ShadowClan leader would just let four sick and starving clans shelter in their own small camp? There was hardly enough room in this territory for ShadowClan, much less everyone else. Someone dares to laugh amidst it all, a snicker cracking through the cool leaf-fall air. One flaming eye finds the source, Sabletuft, and Tigerscar shoots them a toothy grin of shared amusement. He's glad to see that someone else can find humor despite the chaos, even if it is considered cruel.

A shame Chilledstar lacks such a bold personality. They rebuke their own warrior and Tigerscar flicks an ear toward Sabletuft in what might have been sympathy. For now, it seemed the four clans would be moving to some Burnt Sycamore, where they'd be forced to hunt in a place known for it's rats and disease. Tigerscar is just glad to have a place to lay his head down at night, somewhere that isn't overrun with rogues. He finds himself nodding in agreement with some RiverClan cat called Petalnose. Any place was better than where they'd come from, at least until they could chase out those blasted rogues that had taken control over the territories. As for Tigerscar, he is bloodied and wounded, though he hides his pain well enough. There was no time for rest just yet.

(minor interactions with @S A B L E T U F T and @Petalnose )
  • Like
Reactions: Petalnose

A sun-drenched flank was still speckled red from the battle, pelt burning an equal shade from the shame of not being able to help. Sickness still racked him, and usually Shinepaw would keep his distance for fear of infecting his clanmates, but the fear he felt on this unfamiliar land made him stick to his mentor's side like glue. the shaft of sunlight wished he was small again - able to hide between the legs of the much stronger cat - but the feeling of fur against his own would have to do as a substitute.

Shinepaw was quiet as Chilledstar and the others argued, sky-blue eyes flicking fearfully between everyone in attendance, anxiety convincing him that a battle was about to break out. Who should he attack? It felt wrong, searching the crowd for a weak-looking cat, someone he might be able to handle without assistance. It took a few moments after the crowd began to follow Shadowclan's leader for the weakling to realize that there would be no more bloodshed for the moment.

Shinepaw tried in vain to steady himself during the walk to the carrionplace, shaking like a leaf in the wind after experiencing his first real battle. Flycatcher had been so capable; why wasn't he the same? The anxiety-ridden apprentice began to mumble to his mentor; a half-formed spew of gratitude for saving his hide and apologies for being such a burden in the fight.

// minor interaction with @Flycatcher
His eye burned, he felt as if he could not focus for longer than a few seconds a time but eventually the realization hit him that this was his decision to make. Cicadastar was...not here. The dark tom listens quietly as Soostar asserts herself in her usually abrasive manner, understands her anger but finds it pointless in this instance. As much as Chilledstar acted uncaring, who could really ask for more than this minimal bit of aid when as he had mentioned prior ShadowClan had next to nothing to offer. His head lifts and he glances behind him to the rest of RiverClan, the queens huddled worriedly by the kits and his gaze briefly finds Willowroots own before he turns to Petalnose and gives the faintest of nods before turning back to Chilledstar's still bristling form, "...I'd like to escort our queens and kits to your camp myself and have a word if you do not oppose..." He turns to Petalnose once more, "...ensure the clan gets settled at this burnt sycamore and prepare hunting parties." If the carrionplace was all they had then they would have to manage. Smokethroat frowns to himself, unsure of his own voice anymore-he didn't sound familiar, his words hollow and his tone more quiet and he wonders if he'd ever find his usual fire again or if it had died out with whatever had become of his mate.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

The sick were wobbling their way over with the rest of them, Fireflypaw circling a severely wounded Elder's side as they arrive to the boggy marshes of ShadowClan. He had never been here before, had never wandered past the Thunderpath in his life, let alone gone all the way to the swamps here. His eyes blink momentarily, clearing exhaustion as he sets down a kit hanging in his jaws. He passes the kit off to a warrior, before he pushes his way through the throng of cats to stand beside his father.

"Starlingheart," Fireflypaw greets the ShadowClan medicine cat with a nod of his head, though he soon falls into silence. He doesn't want to cause any trouble here, not with his whole family here to watch. Instead, he keeps his cool and seats himself down, head tilting owlishly towards the sound of ShadowClanners arriving. It isn't until Chilledstar arrives does he finally tense up, the fur along his spine rising. They condemn them all to the Burnt Sycamore, and Fireflypaw exhales a shaky breath of air through his nose.

"I'm here to help where I'm needed. I'm no good at hunting, but I'll try." He's a medicine cat, after all. He's best hunting for herbs, but even then he's unsure if Starlingheart or Chilledstar would be fine with that on their territory. Oh, stars.. "We will make do with whatever is given to us." He murmurs.​

carawaykit clung tightly to apricotflower's back, watching the pines fade into the distance as the scenery once again changed. it wasn't fair that this was happening again, she missed the comfort of the river's soft lullaby more and more with each step. she tried to imagine it in her mind, when she wasn't focused on that her head was whirling around looking for willowroot's familiar smoke pelt.

she hadn't seen the queen since being forced out of skyclan's camp, the last image she had was of jaws aiming for the soft fur of her neck. face wet and fur a mess, carawaykit had barely even noticed when they arrived at shadowclan's border, barely even felt her paws hitting the ground as she descended from apricotflower. the first time she felt again was when willowroot's voice cut through the chatter of leaders and warriors like a beacon of warm light, her head spun before she had even recognized where it came from.

eyes wide and brimmed with tears, she reunited with her mother, leaning into their touch. it didn't matter that they were all on a strange border with strange scents and cats, carawaykit felt safer than she had all morning.

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, three moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


she's tired. she's scared. her pelt is heavy with crusting blood and she has no one to lean on, to shoulder her weight despite the way her paws shake and waver with each curving step. her eyes are stuck wide, glazed, like the open stare of a squirrel from their freshkill pile. her fur is wild, thick with leaves and debris she'd pelted through in her evacuation, but the pull, for once, does not cause her any mind. when freckleflame emerges behind her thunderclan patrol, or, rather, amongst all of thunderclan, the best of them are arguing at the front. chilledstar is distrustful, and she finds she cannot blame them, as tired and hungry, as weak and frightened as she was. they had always been the hungriest of them. flycatcher speaks and she finds she wishes howlingstar were here still, assuring them with her sharp, no - nonsense words in warm, lilting tones. she was not here, and neither was cicadastar, smokethroat standing bloody in his stead.

the burnt sycamore.

" all.. all of us? " its nothing more than a whisper, a worried, tear - lined flick of seaglass eyes towards where windclan mills snakelike in the grass. they had lead those rogues to them. they'd come with tails tucked looking for refuge and where it had gotten them — was carrionplace. she didn't know what that was, but the name alone pins tufted ears to her skull. carrionplace. sootstar howls her outrage and for once, she finds herself listening, taking in this information and finding the terror in her chest rise at it. more starvation, more danger, more lives at risk. she thinks about her siblings, two only recently apprenticed, she thinks about her loved ones. she wonders where they are, but scents and voices mingle, and her head swims. the warrior felt dizzy, hazy, her head full of cotton and honey.

fear into further fear.

  • i.
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form.
    in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a lazy, bright - eyed grin.

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.
  • FRECKLE-removebg-preview.png

Do you remember eating rats, Snake?

A weary, gritty-eyed Snakeblink flicks his ears, one after the other, in an effort to dispel the old memory. He remembers his first leafbare, going hungry in the marshes where his mother settled for a time after giving birth, the huge rats that were as big as him and his siblings, their flesh tough and permeated with the stench of the carrionplace.

His taste for freshkill runs weirder than most Riverclanner, but even he cannot look forward to that particular feast, let alone fighting over scraps with other clans.

It's still better than the alternative, so he nods gratefully to Chilledstar and pads up to Petalnose in the wake of Smokethroat's words. "I can take a patrol out to the carrion place immediately while you get the clan settled," he offers. He's unhurt save for a few scrapes and bruises, and it may give a moment for their clanmates to rest before she sends the next patrol out. Besides, he needs the distraction: he doubts he could settle down otherwise.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

XXXXXChilledstar's mercy is not friendliness; despite his weary paws that yearn for a soft nest and a ragged, cold body that yearns for shelter, the Burnt Sycamore—wherever this is—is more than ShadowClan to offer so many cats. The ebony feline allows all four Clans shelter in their territory, confining their sleep to one portion and their hunting to another, but Chilledstar begrudgingly permits their ill and their young to sleep in camp. Blazestar dips his head to the ShadowClan leader. "We thank you for your generosity." Though Sootstar protests and Smokethroat insists upon seeing the camp, Blazestar only accepts the situation they are in.

XXXXXAfter a heartbeat, he finds himself in agreement with the RiverClan deputy. He wants to know where his most vulnerable Clanmates will be staying. The Ragdoll turns to @TWITCHBOLT , standing nearby with a torn ear and exhaustion dragging his movements. "If permitted, I would like for one of my lead warriors to safely see our queens and ill to camp." His voice is firmer when he speaks, hoping Chilledstar would not deny them this. "After he ensures they're settled, Twitchbolt will join the rest of us at this Sycamore you speak of."

XXXXXSnakeblink of RiverClan offers to take a patrol to the Carrionplace. Blazestar turns to his own Clan, searching for those still able-bodied, still strong enough to hunt. They are losing those numbers with every setback. "Anyone well enough to assist Snakeblink, I want you to go with him. Most of SkyClan is not familiar with the marsh territory. We'll need to be shown the way."
