THE BEGGAR'S HYMN — seeking refuge


XXXXXA slate-pelted warrior appears to stand beside his leader opposite the four Clans, divided by the fuming Thunderpath. His green gaze is watchful—he flicks his attention from one Clan representative to the next, wondering. Cicadastar is missing—his tall, skeletal frame would be hard not to see. Smokethroat, the white-freckled deputy, stands warily in his place. And Howlingstar—the ThunderClan leader leans fitfully into the flank of the lead warrior she’d visited their camp with. She looks more decrepit than he’s ever seen her look, and the smell of sickness permeates the air, cutting through even the stench of the monsters and their road.

XXXXXHe listens to the leaders all plea for refuge, and he can feel Chilledstar’s cold anger rolling off of their pelt. They don’t want the Clans in their territory. Granitepelt doesn’t particularly want them here, either, though—

XXXXXHe looks past Sootstar, looking for familiar shades of gray fur, wondering.

XXXXXGranitepelt turns to Chilledstar and meows, “If it is your wish for them to stay at the Burnt Sycamore, I can escort them there. That way we don’t have anyone wandering where they aren’t supposed to.” His tone is curt and professional, speaking about the multitudes of Clan cats as though they aren’t there at all, as though they can’t hear what he says.


There was peace in pain. When reality's grip began to weaken, and the world made little sense outside of the bubble one had made for themselves, it was pain that kept one going, because it was something instead of nothing. Silversmoke's pain was rage, every nerve from his face to his tail twinged with madness, lightning striking in his eyes at each new revelation from the arguing leaders. They would be living amidst the other clans, they would be hunting rats (rats, the similarities of past encounters did not escape him), and they had no plans for what to do next once another unsustainable partnership reached its limits. He wanted to scream until his voice turned to ash in his throat, he wanted the forest to know how cruel it was to take away his most beloved ideal, he wanted to know what he could turn to when mortals were too weak and the Stars were too apathetic to protect what mattered more than life itself.

Shame filled the Lead Warrior's expression as the Ragdoll called upon his clan to follow Snakeblink if they could. "I can't, Blazestar. I'm sorry." The expectation had not been there to begin with, surely. His right leg was more red than silver, caked in ichor, both his own and the cat's whose life had almost been lost by his own black claws. A wound just below his neck seared like the hells themselves, slashes and bites further down his body tried to match the intensity of the front wound. It seemed to be pure spite that had allowed the large tom to drag himself to ShadowClan's territory, but it would take him no further. He cocked his head to the overcast sky, hoping a craned neck would give him some semblance of pride that he'd numbed himself to since running away from his home. A wobbly paw connected with the ground and the Lead Warrior fell back onto his hind legs, eyes narrowed. He needed healing, sooner rather than later, it was a plea that would not leave his lips when it was so obvious, nor when he felt it would be begging to ask for help when failing to do his part on the battlefield. He turned his head left and right, looking around him, looking to where the rest of the clans were being led to - where were they meant to be going, again?


Red weeped down his flank as he listened to the clan's representatives speak amongst one another. It was baffling how much territory the rogues had overrun, pushing them to the borders of a single standing clan. How much longer would it be before they came to stake their claim over these marshes as well? A tired, albeit relieved, expression covers his face as Chilledstar finally relents and allows them to stay. Although their swampy territory was far from desirable, beggars could not be choosers.The stipulations however cause a frown to immediately overtake his face. Confined to this burnt sycamore, wherever that was meant he would be separated from Howfire. Weary evergreen eyes swiftly meet her own. "Don't worry..." She told him. But how could he not? Her reassurance did little to sway the unease bubbling beneath his coat, however the circumstance could not be helped. With one final solemn look he nods dejectedly. "Stay safe..." He would see her again, this he tells himself. (responding to @Howlfire)
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw walks alongside Sablepaw only to see that Smokethroat had found his way to her and she wishes to press herself against his side but remains where she is feeling like she'd fall over at any moment, the Riverclan apprentice watching through a half-lidded gaze as they approach Shadowclan and the young molly doesn't quite fancy the marshes that they have entered. Her fur bristles at the sight of Thunderclan and Windclan arriving as well yet her bicolored gaze focuses onto Chilledstar listening as they declare that the queens and kittens will be within the safety of their camp while the rest of them are to be sent off to the Burnt Sycamore and allowed to hunt in the Carrionplace. It sounded unpleasant but the apprentice didn't have the energy to be complaining like the grown leader known as Sootstar, a part of her snorts at the display. This was the Windclan leader? She feels disappointed in what she sees and hears.

Her eyes turn to Smokethroat briefly who seems to want to lead the queens and kits of Riverclan to camp and have a word with the Shadowclan leader. A part of her doesn't want him to go and leave her again but she bites down on her tongue and glances at her snowy paws deciding that it was best if she kept her maw shut. Instead, she glances around for Cicadapaw and Starlightpaw with large ears perked forward. Her insides twist and she feels sick to her stomach "Could you help me find my littermates, Sable?" She asks the older molly who she's leaning against, she wants to make sure that they're safe and hadn't dealt with any injuries or worse like she had.

/ talking to @Sablepaw and looking for @STARLIGHTPAW and @CICADAPAW

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed

Berryheart did not think he had ever been so tired. Would his exhaustion eventually begin to spread like yellowcough itself? Stripes kept at his mother's side, and the rest of his patients Berryheart herded like sheep, standing as statuesque as he could manage in an effort to act as something for them to lean on. At this point, he felt he could do little else. Cruel forces had dictated he discover the cure, but soon be unable to use it- and even when he treated them all equally, some died when others did not.

It made no sense. Nothing was right or wrong, it was both and neither.

Omnibenevolence did not find the ShadowClan leader, but they were not cruel enough to turn all four Clans away to their rogue-rotted territories. Berryheart fixed them with an even, unreadable look for a few moments- not pride, not appreciation, not anger. It was what it was, and the marshes smelled oddly of nostalgia and kithood, and he could live here if he had to. Their designation to the Burnt Sycamore, to the Carrionplace, ignited disgust in many, but Berryheart felt nothing but odd, depressed familiarity.

Voice low, he looked to Stripes. "I'm not fond of the prey here," and maybe it was humour or complaint or simply a fact- he betrayed it with little inflection, his words monotone. He had chosen to leave this place for a reason. But if it was home once, it could be home again.
StarClan, please, her prayers, she knows, will go unanswered. Snow dipped paws trod in beside cats of too many kinds - undergrowth dwellers, tree climbers, water treaders - all to ask the swamp for asylum. The stars do not listen to WindClanners any longer, no matter what sky they decide to sleep beneath. They are alone - she is alone, even as her shoulders brush with those of RiverClan and SkyClan too. She wonders if any of her fellow moor cats feel as lost or as empty as she. Or, if they're each like her mother instead: as mad and as they are undivine.

She stands frightfully still as the leaders chat. Cottonpaw, like many others, notices how Cicadastar isn't here. She has the bitter thought of wishing that Smokethroat hadn't arrived, either, but her mouth is tight lipped and she makes no motion to express such verbally. Chilledstar gives them grace - if they can call it that - and divides the nursing from the sick from the healthy. Wouldn't it be safer if all cats with claws thrived together in one space? Sending them off like this...

She shakes her head, pulling herself closer to her mother's flank, "Let me help Brightshine and her little ones to camp," Wolfsong and his, too. So many kittens, not enough paws to keep them in line. "I'm sure I'll be directed back to the Clan right after," she finishes. In truth, ShadowClan as a whole gives her a similar ick to RiverClan, but given their situation... it would be pathetic to bring up old drama.

[ speaking with @SOOTSTAR , mentioning @BRIGHTSHINE! & her troop! ]​

There was a bit relaxation within her when Smokethroat had agreed with her suggestion, there was no use in arguing. It only made tensions worse even if she had cared less if it did. It only wasted time and energy for her clan. The kits were tired.. the queens.. the sick. She was tired and she couldn't quite pinpoint when she had actually gotten sleep, even if she did her best to hide it. Head lifted and ears twitched at the instructions, stepping a paw closer to the carrion place, "Got it." She announced, dragging her attention to her fellow clan and flagging her patched tail as of guide. "The rest of you follow me!"

The voice of Snakeblink made her head turn once more, a firm nod made his way. "Right. I'd advise taking Carppaw and Lichentail plus her two apprentices for now. The rest I'll handle at the burnt sycamore." Petalnose knew Snakeblink would get the job done proper but his choices of other cats weren't the best in her eyes. Lichentail worked hard and put all her energy into her responsibilities, a good choice for a first patrol if she had wanted to attend. Carppaw was an obvious decision, his apprentice needed to be taught in yet another hunting environment. Same went for Brookpaw and Dipperpaw. There weren't many able warriors in her list of decisions which had made her mind start to spiral in plan. But also spiral in concern. They had more apprentices than they did warriors, most were fresh within learning. She scanned the crowd for her own, eyes gluing on Beepaw who seemed to speak her mind. She had paused to search for the duo before she would turn and lead Riverclan on their way.

// interacting with @Snakeblink and mentioning @CARPPAW and @lichentail .. helping look for @STARLIGHTPAW and @CICADAPAW before leading Riverclan to the burnt sycamore!


The ivory striped molly found herself glancing back every so often just to make sure they were not being followed by their attackers. Thankfully they were not. While that in itself was a relief it did not take away the grief of being chased out a second time. Despite the pain coursing through her shoulder she continued to firmly plant her paws every step of the way, acting as a living crutch for Beepaw who heavily leaned against her. Silence holds her tongue as Smokethroat issues orders and Petalnose follows up with guiding the group towards the burnt sycamore. She had her own opinions of this place, none of them pleasant, but there was no use whining about it. At the very least they were safe for now and that is all she could hope for. Her friend begins to speak, asking for her to aid in searching for both Starlightpaw and Cicadapaw. "Yeah, of course." She uttered softly, head lifting to peek across the crowd in search of the two. Hopefully her littermates were okay. Thankfully her own sibling had been safely moved during the chaos and she made a mental note to check on Stalkingpaw later. (speaking with @BEEPAW. searching for @STARLIGHTPAW and @CICADAPAW)
≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖
They've been run out.

ThunderClan, his home, is now begging on the doorstep of the swamp. He feels disgusted with whatever guided them all here today. The walk here (he would more call it a shamble) regards Skypaw in complete and utter silence. Claw marks mar his pelt just as they have in scuffles prior and yet the tom feels no honor in the idea of new scars. His gaze floats around the crowd of cats once, twice, three times, just as a cat with much too much family to watch over and worry about would do.

He catches sight of a blue tabby she-cat with long silky fur. He looks away, and focuses instead on the mutterings and arguments of the cats around them. Staying by the great Sycamore - whatever that is. Hunting in the Carrionplace - great. This can't get any better.​
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Everything ached. Falconpaw had been getting worse, sinking to the bottom of what felt like a mud-filled pit, when Fireflypaw pushed him to his paws and forced him out of an attacked camp. He had barely registered what was going on, but the further they had trekked from Skyclan's camp-safety, the more he realized. His paws were dragged and each step, someone was reminding him to keep his head up.

He missed Greeneyes.

Cats of all clans joined around them. He was kept with the other sick so he wouldn't infect the rest- parts of him were grateful for that. Eyes searched the crowd around him. Lupinepaw. Beepaw. Plaguepaw was here somewhere too, right? Where were his sisters? Doubt threatened to choke him, fear that he had been shoving down since they left the sewers those moons ago wrapping around his heart and squeezing it tightly. His vision turned towards those on the other side of the Thunderpath.

"It... Can I make it?" He whispers to no one in particular, then let a hacking cough out. His head was aching, and oh, how he itched to close his eyes and not open them again.

// looking around/at @LUPINEPAW @BEEPAW. @Plaguepaw @mothpaw. @ZAPPAW and staying near @Fireflypaw

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
The light form of the Windclanner bristled with a distasteful vigor. Anger reflecting in Harbingermoon's tired gaze as he limped forward. Chilledstar's voice felt like claws on gravel and if it weren't for his injury or their current circumstances he would've chanced a nasty swipe.

Limping forward as his clanmates spilled into the territory towards the sycamore. Injured paw sore and throbbing from thorns and the earlier Rogue's gnarly bite. Lips peeled in a snarl as he passed the Shadowclanners. He would be showing no gratitude for sending them for scraps and void lands.

Gradually, his hunched frame blended into the mesh of fellow Windclanners. Sticking close with his clan rather than mingling with the other groups.

☾ ooc ☽
// out!​

Sootstar looks to the medicine cat apprentice. She gives the blue cat her blessing in the form of a nod, ”Very well, take @Bluepool with you. I want you both to advocate for the comfort of our queens and kits. They’re not to be tossed aside.” Though she was still somewhat frustrated with Bluepool, she knows her striped sister knows the camp well. She’s familiar with what the marsh colony and in theory ShadowClan is capable of providing.

Then the rarest, but briefest of smiles, ”Keep in mind while you’re there, thats where your mother grew up.” At Cottonpaw’s age she had been training in the camp and sleeping in it’s dens with Bluepool and Mintshade.
  • >> @cottonpaw (mentioning @Bluepool )
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Eventually, Chilledstar does relent and allow the fleeing clans a place to rest. The Burnt Sycamore for them to take up temporary shelter and the carrionplace to hunt. Flycatcher frowns a little a the latter but he isn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. It was not an ideal situation by any means but given the alternative which was no shelter at all. "Thank you, Chilledstar," Flycatcher mewed, dipping his head in appreciation. "ThunderClan appreciates your aid in this difficult situation."

The deputy listens as a few of the other leaders ask if one of their warriors could accompany their queens and kits to camp. It was a good idea, Flycatcher thought, though he could not say for certain how the ShadowClan cats would react to such a request. "If possible, I would also like to request one of my own warriors accompany our cats to camp too," Flycatcher requested politely. "Just to ensure everyone is safe and settled."

blind, he's blind—lost in a sea of pelts. a thousand starbursts of voices and colors explode into fiery sparks around him, and cicadapaw trudges along, blind to it all. his paws are numbed and sore, his curls the worst they've ever been. his matted, tangled pelt hardly befits the son of the riverclan leader, but he can't bring himself to care. blood encrusts his old shoulder wound and the dimple in his fangs is still fresh, but otherwise, he has incurred no wounds from the second raid—physically, at least.

he stares, dead-eyed and hollow-cheeked, from beneath a curtain of mussed curls. his own eyes, burning ocean, catch his sister's twinkling ones where they search the crowd. petalnose and sablepaw stand by her, eyes sweeping the crowd. his chest twists guiltily. they're looking for me.

"here." cicadapaw battles his way through the ocean of color and sound, teeth snapping together in veiled anger every time a pelt brushes his. he draws up besides his sister, gaunt and jutting with every bone lined in black fur. hunger has done little to flatter his already-suffering looks and he's painfully aware of it. "i'm here."

"are you okay, bee?" he presses his cheek into the mane of curls about her neck if she'll permit it, weary rage suffusing every syllable and step. his voice is a bitten-off rasp. "is pa—is smokethroat okay?"


  • talking to @BEEPAW. & near @Sablepaw and @Petalnose
  • 5mGwJgx.png
    cicadapaw ; apprentice of riverclan
    x. he/him ; 4 moons ; tags
    x. unsightly black-and-white tom with heterochromatic amber and blue eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    cicadapaw is the wayward son of cicadastar and smokethroat, veritable riverclan royalty who fails to live up to his legacy. veiled in a perpertual miasma of internal conflict and rage, he finds solace in his anger when he can find it nowhere else.

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Her eyes continue to search and when her brother finds them, she can feel herself breathe with her muscles relaxing when she feels his cheek press into the curls of her neck. She rests her chin briefly on his head with a subtle nod when he asks her if she's okay... Maybe not okay but she's alive and she can thank Sablepaw for that. "I'm okay, Cada..." Beepaw mumbles quietly to him not wanting to be apart from her brother, the molly grateful that he hadn't obtained more wounds than he had already received for the first one. A soft, shaky breath leaves her at the next question and her eyes briefly glance to Smokethroat then focused once more on Cicadapaw with a tired smile "Yeah... We're alive..." She states removing her chin from Cicadapaw and gave his shoulder a light bump of her head.

She can't imagine that he's comfortable being around so many clans all at once and her own smile falters at the thought of having to stay in Shadowclan with plenty of enemies at any turn, her ear flicks momentarily and mumbles to Cicadapaw "Let's see how long we end up staying here," Before they drive us out again or... Kill us all. Beepaw hopes that Starlightpaw will find their way to her and Cicadapaw soon, she needed to make sure that they had left Skyclan unharmed unlike her.

talking to @CICADAPAW

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
( )  Starlightpaw's legs are unsteady as they make their way through the still growing throng of cats. An echo of the confusion of before, the upending of her world repeating itself in a near-perfect mirror. The scents of all five clans mingle with blood-stench and swamp-muck in a sickening miasma, dizzying and unfamiliar. Starlightpaw grits her teeth and keeps her head down, wide eyes darting around in search of familiar faces. The chatter of cats rings in his ears amid the memory of screeching violence.

Starlightpaw is unharmed, by some miracle. A blessing. Starflesh still too holy to tear, and yet -- and yet her father was not spared, her siblings were not spared. The sight of Beepaw and Cicadapaw brings both relief and dread. A new wound on his sister's leg, the old one on his brother's shoulder. He feels sick.

For a moment, they want to turn their eyes away, not look at the beaten, half-starved sight of their siblings (wrong, wrong, wrong), but the hesitation does not last. Deer-fawn legs stumble forwards in a charge, barreling towards both siblings. "Cada," they warble. "Bee. You're here," as though affirming the presence of both of them, affirming that they're alive. "You're -- you're okay?" She tilts her head like a baby owl, questioning note creeping in alongside a tinge of desperation.

  • //





♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- It’s been one thing after another for Mothpaw, he can’t seem to catch a break after his father’s passing. He was angry and tired.. all he wanted to do was to curl up in a safe place, where he knows it’s safe. His fire colored eyes showed nothing but sadness. The tom sat in silence, doing nothing but staring out in the distance.

Overall, Mothpaw was nothing but confused at his current situation… unlike others, he stayed out of talk, believing that the rumors about how many rouges were around were just folk tale. Oh boy was he wrong… To be forcibly taken away from your home was a memory he would live with for the rest of his life. However, The sound of the sick grabbed his attention, knowing that his clan mates were probably suffering made him tense up. He felt powerless, and so he decided right then that he had enough time being depressed, and sought to help those around him instead of just staring. It’s better to be useful when you are still young and valuable, he thought to himself.

Mothpaw began searching for his mentor, peering over the cats that lie below him. The crowded lands caused him to wiggle his way through, causing a ruckus along his way. Eventually, after almost losing hope, he finally met up with Roeflame. He lightened up, ”Do you know of any way that I could assist?” he asked with determination while brushing the dust from his fur.

Talking to @Roeflame .

  • Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 11 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual

Played by @Dutch

cicadapaw leans against his sister, feeling her white chin rest against the tangled crown of his head. the back of his eyelids is stinging for some reason, dampness he blinks away now that he's finally found beepaw. the idea that his sister, his anchor, had been lost forever—it was unbearable. perhaps he would always feel the eggshells beneath his paws around cicadastar, or shame branding his face when he sought out smokethroat. maybe starlightpaw would never really understand him—but beepaw did, and that was all that mattered.

"thank starclan," he rasps, indifferent in the moment to whether the prayer is genuine or not. finally the mess of curls separates itself into the two cats and he smiles wearily, a glimpse of pearly teeth reserved for his family. "i thought—i couldn't find you guys," he settles for, nodding agreement. cicadapaw eyes the swamps warily, a cut-glass eye surveying the murky puddles and blackened mud.

"i'm okay," he affirms when starlightpaw stumbles over on their identical deer-legs, regarding them with a hesitance but inevitably softening. they might not always see eye to star-clouded eye, but they were family. his headache retreats to wherever it nests in the bases of his temples. "my tooth will come back, i think—i hope."


  • talking to @BEEPAW. and @STARLIGHTPAW !!
  • 5mGwJgx.png
    cicadapaw ; apprentice of riverclan
    x. he/him ; 4 moons ; tags
    x. unsightly black-and-white tom with heterochromatic amber and blue eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    cicadapaw is the wayward son of cicadastar and smokethroat, veritable riverclan royalty who fails to live up to his legacy. veiled in a perpertual miasma of internal conflict and rage, he finds solace in his anger when he can find it nowhere else.

Through the fog of sleeplessness, Bumblekit's ears registered her mother's voice like a lifeline.

As Carawaykit galloped away, the urgency in her voice spurred the exhausted kit into action. Her green eyes flashed with alarm, and her bruised paws propelled her from her earlier prone position, scattering mud and muck. The urgency and hope carried her forward, determination outweighing her fatigue.

With small and haphazard strides, Bumblekit covered the swampy ground quickly. Then, she found herself within the protective embrace of Willowroot's grizzled fur, and her heart swelled with an overwhelming mix of joy, relief, and tears. "MAMA!" She cried, voice muffled as she pressed her tiny frame into her mother's soft coat.

Frame shaking with emotion, but in this moment, all the weariness and pain of the long trk were more than worth it to be reunited with her family. Bumblekit clung to Willowroot, cherishing the moment.