camp THE HEAVENS AND THE EMBERS ♡ wolf baiting return

All she felt was numb. The grief had overwhelmed her, and at this point her heart just felt empty. There was nothing left to feel, but Stars, was she tired. Tired of losing her clanmates, tired of seeing blood staining the earth, tired of hearing their cries echoing around her mind. Their mission had been successful, in most ways, and they had been able to lure the wolves into plummeting to their deaths over the gorge. But they had only been able to do so because Batwing had sacrificed himself to draw them in. And Howlingstar had lost two lives to the jaws of a stray lupine, and Duskbird had been mauled in his brave efforts to keep her from losing any more. If it hadn't been for him, their leader likely wouldn't be limping along beside her now. Just like Sunfreckle, they had been selfless and courageous, and had been given nothing in return.

It wasn't fair that they should be the ones to go, and a weak spirit like herself had been left unharmed, forced to return to deliver the news to their loved ones.

Her claws unsheathed angrily into the ground beneath them as they trod along, keeping their pace slow so that Howlingstar didn't strain herself to much. She supported her leader's weight as the dark tabby leaned heavily on her shoulder, unwilling to leave her side again until they were safely within the confines of camp. "Let me know if you need to stop and rest," she murmured meekly to Howlingstar. Occasionally she'd spare a glance back at the rest of their group, and found that they all wore equally grim expressions. They had all paid witness to the brutal deaths of their fallen warriors as well, and it was obvious that the constant losses were taking a heavy toll. Several of them were now carrying Duskbird's broken body, so that he at least could have a proper vigil, where the others had not been able to. At least there had been something left of him to bury. She grit her teeth and set her eyes forward once more, determined to have this horrible chapter finished.

It seemed to take an agonizingly long time, but eventually the camp's recently destroyed entrance came into view. She breathed an audible sigh of relief, finally feeling some of the tension of the past few days leave her body. Carefully, making sure she didn't allow Howlingstar to bump into the bramble thickets that encompassed the camp, she guided them into the clearing, to where the rest of their clan awaited them. They would no doubt soon realize that not everyone had returned with them, and she wasn't at all prepared to answer their questions. Her dull blue gaze fell immediately to the medicine den, her voice hoarse but urgent as she called for help. "We need Gentlestorm over here now! Howlingstar was badly hurt." Hopefully someone would run and fetch the medicine cat, if he hadn't already heard her.

While she waited for her leader to be cared for, Palefire's eyes hesitantly scanned the crowd, looking for a particular chimera warrior. She was dreading the moment Skyclaw found out what had happened, but she would do her best to be there for her friend when the time came. Leopardtongue and her kits, too, would have to be told that Batwing didn't make it. Her stomach rolled at the thought, making her feel sick in the face of so much heartache.

[ this thread takes place immediately following the wolf-baiting thread! palefire is looking for @GENTLESTORM to help @HOWLINGSTAR ]
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Softpaw had been busying herself with rebuilding camp and patching up what the wolves had damaged to keep her mind off of what the older warriors and apprentices were doing, out there risking their lives to lead the wolves away so that the rest of ThunderClan could live in peace once more. As much as she wanted not to think about the matter at paw, terrible thoughts continued to plague Softpaw, and she feared that she wouldn't be able to calm down entirely until the cats returned safe and sound.

And yet, as Palefire passed through the destroyed entrance with Howlingstar at her side, Softpaw felt her stomach tie in knots. If Howlingstar was injured, what did that mean for the rest of the brave souls who had gone out to lead the wolves away? But Softpaw's paws were tired of twisting together sticks, as reassuring as the monotonous action was, and she stood up and sprinted to Gentlestorm's den when Palefire called out for the medicine cat.

"Gentlestorm," Softpaw echoed Palefire's words, trying to keep her face from giving away too much of her fear. Gentlestorm was brave, and could do great things, and Softpaw trusted that he would be able to help Howlingstar and any other that needed his help - she needed to be brave like he was. "It doesn't look too good."

ooc: getting @GENTLESTORM !

How long had she been staring at the camp's tunnel? Her eyes had been glued to it for so long that blinking stung. The queen had originally been sitting, but overtime she had slumped into a laying position with her front paws tucked underneath. Moonwhisper had been doing her best to ensure the kits were well rehearsed in their evacuation plans, but she couldn't find herself willing to sit inside the den and wait. She was the deputy...she should have been out there helping, not staying here waiting. Howlingstar should have been here, not out there chasing wolves.

After what felt like eternity, she noticed shuffling at the tunnel. Flamewhisker rose to her paws, her pelt prickling anxiously. She flung her muzzle into the nursery's entrance, "Something's here." she hissed, keeping her attention glued to the movement. Crimson scents started to fill the camp before her clanmates did. Her pelt relaxed as she saw cats padding in. "They're back!" The coast was still not clear, they could be returning to tell them the plan had failed. She must find out what happened, soon.

The red tabby trotted over to them, her expression filling with horror as she saw their leader. A flash of white passed by, as Softpaw raced to the Medicine Den. "
Howlingstar! Great Starclan..." Her gaze whirled around to the rest of the patrol members that were returning, trying to count faces. "Is everyone-" Her throat tensed, but the question had to be asked. "Is everyone okay? Did...Did it work..." [/B]She trailed off as her gaze latched onto a figure being carried in. A dark pelt was strung across a few of her clanmate's backs. Starclan please...not another clanmate! At first, she thought it was Burnstorm. Her heart jumped into her throat, he has kits to still meet! but she soon realized it was Little Wolf's other kit....Duskbird. "No..." Her voice was weak, and her face squinted with grief.

  • IMG_1447.png.webp
  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 30 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    currently mated to Flycatcher / / mother to: Falconheart and Stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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. ° ✦ Bravepaw had done as he promised. He stayed within the nursery from the moment they left to the very second he suspected their return. He hadn't been watching through the gorse as intensely as Flamewhisker had, though, as he was still glued to his mothers side but when the scent of iron crept closer he felt cold dread wrap itself around his chest. The deputy kept herself focused ahead and he took a hesitant step behind her.

By the stars mercy it was their Clanmates after all and the chimera tumbled forward to get out of the nursery and sit stationed at the entrance. His gaze set forward in an uncharacteristic silence, Bravepaw didn't even glance at anyone who came into camp that wasn't Batwing. Not even Duskbird's death, or the gruesome injuries pelted across Howlingstar's coat deterred him. The muscle in his jaw tightened in his quiet observance, not even a peep to question where his father was. Why he hadn't been with them.

Why? The thought prods him and his vision gradually turned blurry as tears welled over. Bravepaw's sniffle is quick and short to what could have been mistaken for a sudden inhale but the streaks that paint his face make it obvious. In the face of realizing his father's not with them, he swallows down his cries, his sides jolting with each soundless sob.

This is my fault. He thinks with a tearful blink. I had a horrible thought, and StarClan granted it true.
° . . °
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes.
There wasn't much she could do... she knew that there were very few that thought of her nervous steps as a burden but under the strain of recent horrors, the will to be better than just a wobbling girl felt like a particularly heavy weight. She did her best to be a beacon of support for her den-mates, those that knew her and had spent time with her, Gentlestorm too, who'd been nothing short of a safe haven when she'd first arrived. Poking her head into his den often lent itself to the reek of fresh poultices being made, undoubtedly for the injured... or soon-to-be injured (this thought makes her shudder).

Bravepaw was lucky enough- jealousy is an ugly feeling, one that suffocates her like a snake wrapped tightly around her throat- to have his mother to turn to, to bury his face in her fur and drink in her scent to calm himself. Others too, had that kind of support where all she could hope for was the touch of her sisters... the reassuring drawl of her mentor.

Maybe... it was a gift, to not yet be so invested in the lives of these cats that the loss of them could hurt so badly, could cut so deeply. For every fallen clan-mate, she feels.... guilty... but the sorrow ends there. A obligatory need to feel bad for those that were left behind to suffer the grief... but not an ounce of personal loss to be felt. Doepaw doesn't like to think about it... doesn't like to wonder if only her siblings would be sad to see her chewed up by a wolf if she'd been a little slower... a little less adapted to her blind wanderings.

Skyclaw would probably laugh.

The parade of paw-steps near the entrance of camp pulls fluffy ears to swivel in its direction, to try to discern how many she could hear, what shapes she could make out in their dappled, shifting colors. It smells of copper... and tears.

Flamewhisker asks after everyone's safety and she hopes, prays that means everyone has returned and been accounted for, even if they're injured. Even if they need the attention of Gentlestorm (he is smart... he is good at his job he can fix them as long as they're here. As long as there's a body to be fixed). But there is a hesitation.... a silence... one that begs for confirmation- Please say yes... please say everyone...

There is an odd sound nearby... like someone is shuddering. Claws dig at the ground in a way not too unalike Pigeonpaw's furious swiping from before.... She sniffs the air, confused. She knows that sniffle... though it's usually not so phlegmy, so tense and restrained. "Bravepaw...? Are you okay...?"
birds sung their heavenly choir while the patrol solemnly made their way back. duskbird's body slumps across her and several clanmate's back, the heavy brush of limbs across the ground muffled by song welcoming to starclan. he was so young, barley a warrior, now a pile of fur and blood she struggled to identify. batwing less so, though he still had a life ahead of him, the tom's kits were just in their sixth moons.

leafhusk had cried when they found the bodies, sobs wracked her shoulders for a few moments until she forced it back down; it is over and has still just begun. the wolves are gone, the danger has subsided for now but what is next? rebuilding will take well into greenleaf, a majority of their high positions are on some form of medical leave (congratulations to the queens, of course). she wishes she could apologize to windclan for nearly dooming them as well.

there is no applause when the gorse tunnel parts. only calls for the medicine cat, flamewhisker's mournful voice and a thick scent of blood. i'll need to wash this off later, leafhusk thinks, but she isn't sure when an appropriate time would be for that considering— nevermind. later.

"the wolves are no more. thunderclan is free." she announces, swallowing a lump in her throat. "but we—"

she can't do it. a trembling jaw shuts tight, her teeth grinding together, then her head bows in shame. there is no easy way to say they lost batwing as well.

this is no victory.

// helping carry duskbird :(​

If he could, Burnstorm would lay Duskbird's body across his shoulders and he would walk as far into the mountains as his legs would take him. He'd bring him as close to his mother as possible so that they could rest together, so that Little Wolf wouldn't be alone and so Duskbird would at least have their mother to rest beside because he is convinced if she had been here then this never would have happned. She would've done better, she was always so much better than he ever could be. He had failed in his endeavour to protect the ones he loved. It had all happened in a flash. The wolves ripping into his grandmother, his little brother flying in to save her. Before he could stop it it had been too late. That brilliant kid was gone and there wasn't a damned thing he could do about it lest he ascend to the stars themselves and beg them for mercy.

When they lay the body down in the clearing finally he sends a nod of thanks Leafhusk's way but otherwise he does not speak. Instead, he lowers his head to rest his nose in the shoulder fur of his kin. "I'm sorry" he mutters softly, tears blurring his vision as he tries to hide them by keeping his head bowed and his eyes closed shut. He's sorry to Duskbird, who he was supposed to watch over and keep safe, he's sorry to his mother, who he has failed and his grandmother who would walk again but with even less lives than before. He had no idea how many she had left... What if next time she didn't get back up? He isn't ready for a world without Howlingstar in it.

The rest of their solemn patrol's chatter is like a fly buzzing in his ears. The wolves are gone but the cost had been so high.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
Rainsweptblossom followed her Clanmates back to camp, her blue eyes glistening with sorrow. She saw Burnstorm remaining in the clearing while everyone else had gone to either rest and grieve peacefully in their nests or to get ready for Batwing and Duskbird's vigils. Seeing the high amount of grief and pain etched onto her Clanmate's facial features, Rainsweptblossom's ears drooped and she padded over to the tom.

Upon reaching Burnstorm, Rainsweptblossom sat back on her haunches and wrapped her tail around his shoulders comfortingly, hoping that her presence would be enough and she wouldn't need to say anything. If the ThunderClanner were to be honest, she couldn't find the words to comfort Burnstorm. Rainsweptblossom knew he had lost a lot, and Duskbird's death - as well as Batwing's - would only add onto the pressure crushing him beneath itself. Instead, the dark ginger and white molly only let out a soft murmur.

''I am so sorry, Burnstorm.''

[ Rainsweptblossom is currently interacting with @BURNSTORM ]
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Freedom from the threat of the wolves and the arrival of spring cost too many lives. The hush that had fallen over the forest had lifted beyond the gorse, the birds singing their usual song again, a few pieces of prey scuttling across leaves in the undergrowth, the flowers unfurling their petals to catch the sunlight without fear of being trampled by huge, strong paws -- but the tension remained within, and with the cats that had gone on this mission. Once he had caught his breath, the shock came to fruition, and he wasn't sure what to do with himself. Joining with the rear guard had brought more dreadful news, which he had had a sense of already, a pit of dread and grief forming in his stomach and sprouting its cruel roots, gripping him the entire way back to camp. As they carried the body of Duskbird, and as Howlingstar was helped along, the sun shone brightly overhead.

It was an odd, stark contrast. Was it a gift, A breath of fresh air after going through so much? Or was it a mockery that the world was so bright and beautiful while the blood of cats stained the softening ground?

Brushing through the camp entrance, once they set Duskbird's body down, he lingers in the clearing, expression solemn and tired. His body aches both from the running and from the grief, and he can't bring himself to go any further now. Not when his clanmates needed comfort -- when they were all receiving the news of the losses that the runners and rear guard had had a moment to think about, though it wasn't much help. Gently, he sets his tail across @leafhusk's back to try to reassure her, shooting an apologetic gaze at Bravepaw.​
The pessimist he is (or realist, if asked,) Skyclaw had not anticipated any sort of grand return. Regardless of how successful the chasing party was, ThunderClan suffered too much loss for it to suffice properly. Not losing anyone would be a surprise - but that doesn't mean it hurts any less to watch his grandmother be helped into camp and a too-familiar dark pelt to slip onto the blood soaked ground. Perhaps if he had less connections to the party he would have noticed Batwing's lack of appearance, too. Skyclaw unfortunately won't make that connection until much later.

Everything shifts, and though the newleaf sun filters through leaves and dapples his pelt with warmth, he feels too cold. Ants make home in his pelt and his paws are heavy, trudging forward wordlessly to the slumped body, bloodied and battered. "What..." he croaks. Duskbird... His littermate, dead. His negative world view bites him almost as ferociously as a wolf would have, for as much as he believed chasing the wolves to be a neutral-net cause, he had not considered that one of his own family members would be maimed. Much less, his littermate - the very tom that witnessed his crimes, their crimes, who knows -

He chokes, and though he does not sob, he cries. Skyclaw cannot help the remnants of an accusatory tone in his speech, "What happened...? Burnstorm, what..." Skyclaw sinks slowly in beside his older brother, knitting his claws into the rumbled pelt of Duskbird and clutching him close. He says nothing more, heart aching too much to speak. He buries his nose into the pelt of his littermate, uncaring of the emotion he's displaying.​
Rainsweptblossom dipped her head in greeting to Skyclaw as the Tom approached, her deep blue eyes glistening with grief for the lost cats. ''Batwing and Duskbird sacrificed themselves for the Clan,'' The dark ginger and white ThunderClanner murmured softly, her gaze on Duskbird's body yet her words aimed at Skyclaw. There'd be no retrieving Batwing's body. He'd thrown himself into the gorge. ''Howlingstar has lost a life, as well.''

The warrior looked at Burnstorm, then turned her gaze to Skyclaw. ''I didn't know Duskbird well, and I don't know you two well, either,'' She explained quietly, unravelling her tail from Burnstorm's shoulders to let his brother comfort him. ''What I do know is that I am deeply sorry for your loss, and I would do anything to change Duskbird's fate for the both of you, but only StarClan knows that I can't go back in time.''

[ Rainsweptblossom is interacting with @BURNSTORM + @skyclaw ]
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  • Sad
Reactions: skyclaw
He returns looking even more lifeless than before. Sunken eyes with no light in them are trained on the ground as he focuses on putting one paw in front of the other. He's exhausted, both mentally and physically. His body screams for rest and his heart cries for better days. He dreads bearing the news to the families of those lost, that he will be sharing his grief. Nobody had to die.

But here they all are, carrying back grim news and bodies.

It's not fair.

He lets others talk before him, announcing the.... Success... Of their plan. He does not look up when he decides to speak.

"Batwing drew the wolves over the gorge...." He explained, voice tired and broken. "He.... Sacrificed himself so that we could all live. I'm sorry."

He doesn't lift his gaze from the floor as he sits, resting his legs.

It's not fair.

He wants everything to just stop.​

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The sound of Palefire's voice alerts him immediately and Softpaw rushes to his den informing him that it doesn't look good, he can already imagine the sacrifices made so that the wolves left them alone permanently but he doesn't want to face it. He nods his skull in the direction of the pale molly after clearing his throat "Thank you, Softpaw." Gentlestorm quickly wraps cobwebs around one of his paws, wrapping marigold and poppy seeds into a leaf bundle, and stepping outside of his den to the stench of copper wafting into his nostrils. It's one that he will never get accustomed to despite having been exposed to it even before he had taken on the path of medicine cat, he hates the smell knowing it either meant death or injuries. His feathery ears laying flat against his skull for an entire heartbeat feeling the air leaving his lungs watching as some of the warriors had carried Duskbird back and laid them onto the clearing of camp, his throat grows dry and his head spins. The very same tomcat that Little Wolf had gone onto the journey for was now dead... He shuts his eyes for a single second wishing for the sight of their crumpled body to be gone yet he knows that he'll have to hold a vigil for him and anyone else that sacrificed themselves.

The large healer swallows as his eyes open quickly approaching the wounded leader and he places down his bundle to speak "Get her to her den, I'll tend to her there." His heart feels like it's being squeezed when he realizes that Batwing isn't among the other warriors, Skyclaw approaching to rest by their sibling, and two of the warriors announcing that the blue chimera had sacrificed himself... The gorge. Gentlestorm straightens his posture despite the way that his eyes stung and how he wished to cry, he sees Bravepaw from the corner of his eye noting Doepaw already by his side, and he shakes his head momentarily. How would Leopardtongue take to the news? Not well. He's hardly taking the news well but he didn't want to break in front of everyone so he had to stand and do his duty. He can rest easy in the slightest knowing that Batwing never promised to keep himself safe especially for such a sacrifice like Sunfreckle, Batwing would be remembered as a hero. Gentlestorm would make sure of it...

He casts a sad glance over in the direction of Burnstorm and Skyclaw, he gives a quick dip of his head before picking up his bundle and making a beeline to Bravepaw only to nuzzle his forehead gently. He would've said more but he needs to tend to Howlingstar, Gentlestorm walks to join Palefire and his leader.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • ZdQdGHj.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Silently Leopardtongue had been waiting within the nursery, staring out towards the entrance as those around her spoke with hushed tones and tried their best to placate the kits that wanted oh so desperately to go out and play instead of being stuck within the crowded walls of the den. The rosette tabby stood there with body pressed reassuringly against her son's as the two of them watched and waited, unsure if she was a source of comfort for him or if it was the other way around. They both had the same cat on their mind though, this the queen knew as hushed whispers turned to murmurs and the sound of something breaking through the entrance of camp reached her ears. She moved then almost at the same time as Bravepaw, her head peeking out and eyes widening slightly as she realized it was the patrol and that they were walking into camp, not running, so it meant good news.

It meant that the wolves were dealt with and they could breathe again. It filled her with relief and quickly it coursed through her, a soft smile etched into her maw as it opened, ready to congratulate the patrol for their win.

But as more cats moved into camp the smile faded, eyes cast over the body of Duskbird as he was carried in, as Howlingstar moved alongside Palefire and yellow eyes flicked to each movement as more cats filtered in, none of them the scarred blue smoke that she loved, none of them "Batwing?" Quietly her voice broke as she looked to the patrol in front of her, eyes pleading as she looked to each clanmate. Batwing was fine right, just stuck behind the patrol and hiding in case a wolf somehow lived, he's in a tree somewhere waiting for the right time to come back to make sure the clan was properly safe. "Where's Batwing?" Quieter still as eyes cast to Bravepaw, watched as he silently connected the same dots she herself had and quickly she moved towards him once more, and attempt to comfort him the best she could as side aimed to connect with side once more.

It was when she herself began to break, when the silent violent wracking of Bravepaw's body caused her to sway slightly with each hitched breath when she heard Rainsweptblossom and soon after the voice of Rabbitnose and it was then that the dam broke and soon she found claws digging into the ground as she tried her best not to fall, the grief that crashed into her too much as her own tears violently fell from eyes.

Instead of silence as the queen cried, a mournful wail split through her.

  • 66370681_ZKFiQjB8RKuI67u.png
  • 74598874_4e8bHlzZFEFADh0.png
    ⊰❣⊱ LH chocolate rosette tabby with yellow eyes
    ⊰❣⊱ 39 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    ⊰❣⊱ heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    ⊰❣⊱ mother of Bravepaw, Cougarpaw, Hazepaw, and Foxpaw
    ⊰❣⊱ easy to interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    ⊰❣⊱ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⊰❣⊱ hard in combat, focuses more on defensive tactics/protecting
    ⊰❣⊱ peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Sad
It was then - and only then - when Rainsweptblossom broke away from Burnstorm. He'd be fine. Skyclaw was with him. The ThunderClanner rushed over to her Clanmate and pressed herself against her comfortingly, her tail stroking the grief-stricken Leopardtongue's back gently. ''It's okay,'' She whispered, giving Leopardtongue's ear a comforting lick. ''Batwing has never left you. He's watching you from within our ancestors. StarClan. Don't let him know you're hurting, Leopardtongue. Know that he died to save you. To save ThunderClan. Batwing sacrificed himself so you could live. Let Batwing arrive in StarClan knowing that you're proud of him.''

[ Rainsweptblossom is interacting with @leopardtongue ]
Tybalt stood a few tail-lengths from the rest of the gathered cats. Everything had been said. Batwing and Duskbird were gone. Howlingstar was being tended to. He was not close enough with any of his bereaved clanmates to do much more beyond offering the same apologies that had already been given. He swallowed thickly and turned his head away as Leopardtongue broke into sobs, his ears pinning back against his head as Rainsweptblossom did her best to comfort the mourning queen.

He wondered if it made a difference. Knowing that Batwing had died to save them. Died a hero's death. It had been a truly selfless act to hurl himself down the ravine, but selfless or not, he was still gone. He would not meet his children. Leopardtongue would never have the chance to give him a final goodbye.

Don't let him know you're hurting.

Tybalt bit back a sharp response, forcing the anger the statement had sparked in him to smother itself out. He was silent for a moment, and then said, "Hurt as long as you have to. Batwing will know you're proud of him anyway. All of ThunderClan will remember him well."
Rainsweptblossom's ears perked up at Tybalt's arrogant retort, and she whipped around to glare at him. ''I didn't tell her to stop hurting, Tybalt,'' She hissed angrily. ''I told her not to let Batwing - in death - know she was hurting. She doesn't know if he hear her.'' Spinning around, the warrior stormed off with a lash of her tail. Of course, if Rainsweptblossom tried to comfort any of her Clanmates, there would always be one cat to ruin it for not only her, but the cat Rainsweptblossom may have been trying to comfort. Just like Tybalt had done just now.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ although most of the weight was likely upon leafhusk's shoulders, duskbird's body feels like lead across her back. she couldn't feel if it still held any warmth, the blood seeping into her pelt chilled her too much to tell. they cross through the tunnel and gently the weight is lifted, and no matter how deranged it sounded she could still feel it.

skyclaw fills the side beside his littermate quickly, and gentlestorm's somber gaze burns right through her sticky pelt. nightbird wanted to dart right back through the tunnel to cleanse it, erase what had happened. but leopardtongue stood in anticipation of her mate, who nightbird had learned since the walk back had met the same fate as the wolves that plagued them.

rainsweptblossom sweeps in to explain, the lead warrior nearly flinches at the saccharine delivery. "it's okay", the molly begins to assuage the queen. but it wasn't, none of it and nobody was. she talks about sacrifice, as if knowing someone gave their life so that another may continue theirs was not a heavy weight to bear. "batwing sacrificed himself so that you could live." it sounded like more of a condemnation than anything. nightbird gives leopardtongue a heavy, apologetic look.

stagstrike responds sharply, rainsweptblossom bites back, both tell leopardtongue what she should do. of all times for her clanmates to argue, this was not one of them. "both of you shut up. if leopardtongue needs your help she will ask for it." her snap is cracked, pained. they kept saying his name, batted it back and fourth like kits with a damn mossball. it was grating to her ears.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 31 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

its flamewhisker's voice that brings her back to attention ; lost in the tempestuous dark of her mind, eyes burning at the edges all dry and tired. theyre back! she exclaims, and freckleflame is on her paws in a stumbling instant, ginger tail rocketing out behind her to keep her from toppling into the dirt again. theyre back. her dad, her friends, they were back. reunion is a short lived sweetness as palefire calls a desperate shout for gentlestorm — a fiery heart falls from her chest, smolders at her paws like a one - winged songbird because if one cat was hurt, that meant more. it's a hollowing thought, gutted suddenly in a way that has evergreen eyes searching frantically about the crowd for a familiar white - blue pelt. praying, hoping, please, please..

for the first time, she thanks the stars for rabbitnose's blinding pelt ; her eyes catch on familiar alabaster, muddled and messy with undergrowth, mud up his long legs from running through newleaf - damp leaf rot. freckleflame makes a sound, attention - drawing and weak, leans into her weight to barrel her way towards him when he speaks. its as if a veil lifts. duskbird is dead, howlingstar gravely injured, and batwing..

she stumbles to a halt, winded.

nearby, leopardtongue stammers his name, and freckleflame can only hear the pulse of blood in her ears now, a rising buzz layering static over the voices of mourning clanmates. there are howls, shrieks, somewhere outside the bubble around her — mourning, harsh and loud. she doesn't ask if there is anything left. from her fathers own demise, she knows there is not — knows all too well the horror of it, of knowing a loved one had met such a gruesome fate. he was her friend.. a dear friend. slowly, freckleflame approaches her father ; she tucks herself in at his side best she could, curls herself down in a way that sunfreckle surely would have before to fit against his angular body. to comfort, and for comfort. all around, cats cluster in their own groups of misery — through hazy eyes she can see leopardtongue press against bravepaw, batwing's bright - eyed son. something aches in her chest so hard she feels she could snap.

rainsweptblossom speaks, and despite herself, the fur along the ridges of her shoulders rise. sacrificed himself. another sacrifice.. a hero. he died a hero. did it matter, in the end? her father had died a hero, and all she felt now was.. selfish. she wanted him back, wanted him here and she knew the risks. she knew the stakes, knew she would never have kept him from it, as much as she wished she could — how she wished she could be back in that moment, to tell sunfreckle she loved him, and to go easy. that he didn't have to do this, but if he did, she understood. freckleflame didn't get that, though. he took a piece of her soul with him, hero or not, disastrous as it would have been without him. she opens her mouth but stagstrike beats her to it, with something far less bitter than she would have been. it doesn't help, though ; the molly snaps something childish and brittle - skinned, and freckleflame is floored.

even nightbird struggles to snap at them, voice hollow and brittle with emotion. freckleflame snarls something wet and low, tired but vicious. appalled, " are you really arguin' right now? this isn't about you! " the tortoiseshell snaps and it is painfully rhetoric, a bewilderded furrow to her brow as ears snap down. rainsweptblossom is already stalking away, though — the tortoiseshell supposed it's fitting for her to skulk away, pouting like a kit. pain simmers her anger higher, bursts her rage red hot, sun - kissed as the ginger flame across her face, " showin' your tail in front of hurtin' cats. real warriorlike! " the molly hollers after, fuming for more, but she presses her nose into her fathers neck for solace instead, feels the adrenaline and energy seeping though her pawpads knowing he was home safe. later, she would mourn for them all — for duskbird, for batwing, for the life howlingstar had lost.

for now, she would only count her blessings, few and far between as they had been.

  • i.
  • 74358446_5A10PH5FEpmGJJY.png
    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father's kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    grieving. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Much like her flame-licked denmate, Roeflame had also been unable to pry her gaze away from the thorned entrance for long, only breaking anxious eye contact to scan the eerily scarcity of the camps clearing.
They're back!
By instinct Roeflame is on her paws, thought the queen doesn't move, she cannot.
Not until she sees her mate, not until she sees the array of familiar pelts she had spent this entire time fretting over.
The stench of metal begins to seep into the air, and Roeflame's heart drops to her paws- no, further.
A cracked voice rings above the beginnings of clamor, Palefires.
Howlingstar is injured- badly, the new warrior announces.
Finally, the brass she-cat begins to move, eyes flickering between each new pelt that drifted in, and her injured leader being tended to.
The relief at the sight of her beloved is short-lived when sage optics flicker to the body draped across Burnstorm and Leafhusks shoulders.
"Duskbird…" disbelief draws the young warriors name from her maw, denial clouding over her eyes for a brief moment before Leopardtongues wail cut like ice through the noise.
As Rainsweptblossom and Skyclaw join her mates flank, Roeflame lets her gaze turn to the bengal queen, the despair in her song letting the tabby molly jump to her own conclusion.
Howlingstar, Duskbird, Batwing, Sunfreckle, Acornwish, Jackdawflight…
Roeflame knows where her priorities need to be at this moment, and as Rainsweptblossom would rush away to give her comforts to Leopardtongue, Roeflame would fill the empty place beside her mate. Her size did not let her hold the night-lit tom in the way she so desperately wanted, but it did not stop her from attempting to curl her tail around broad shoulders, to press her own nose to a dampened cheekbone.
"Oh, Burnstorm…" her sigh would be light, almost silent against the background noise.
There were no comforts to ease the loss of a sibling- a younger sibling. Her mind involuntarily flashed to the memory of pillowed gray smattered across the Thunderpath, a brightness in Roeflames heart abruptly stolen.
"I'm here.. I-I'm here…"
There's hollering then, hisses of malice.
Against the silvery queens better judgement, she looks back, pupils flickering attempting to pinpoint the conflict.
Stagstrike and Rainsweptblossom look to be at each others throats over how best to comfort Leopardtongue, the latter moreso than the former. Nightbird snaps at them with a hollowed voice, Freckleflame yells after the retreating tortoiseshell.
My stars… Roeflame thinks, critically- now was not the time for such childish antics, playing tug-o-war over a distraught queen.
Roeflame is disgusted, but only turns her head back towards her mate. He needed her as of this moment, not… not bickering warriors.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.