The night air was gentler than it had been in the previous moons, as newleaf slowly unfurled across the forest. The typical moonlit quiet was now cut through with the cheeps of insects and other stirrings of night creatures who were beginning to reappear from their winter slumbers in the fledgling warmth. The ground was soft and slightly damp underpaw as opposed to crispy with frost, and Badgermoon drew in a deep breath as he entered the familiar clearing. They were green, growing things very near to the surface, itching to emerge - he could smell them - and they stirred some hope in his scarred chest as he paused, his Clanmates all round. "Remember what StarClan asks of us." the black and white tom murmured with uncharacteristic solemnity. "Keep the peace. This is a sacred time and place."
They were StarClan's chosen Clan - if they did not obey the will of the stars, who would? How could they claim to honor their ancestors if they defied their will? Slowly the WindClanner sank into a sitting position he hoped appeared calm and imperious, instead of lazy or unbothered. His moon-yellow eyes were sharp as they roamed restlessly over the faces which began to stream into the hollow. StarClan grant us a peaceful night, and safe journeys home. Please. Badgermoon prayed in silence, white-tipped ears pricked as he waited for conversations to break out all around him.
They were StarClan's chosen Clan - if they did not obey the will of the stars, who would? How could they claim to honor their ancestors if they defied their will? Slowly the WindClanner sank into a sitting position he hoped appeared calm and imperious, instead of lazy or unbothered. His moon-yellow eyes were sharp as they roamed restlessly over the faces which began to stream into the hollow. StarClan grant us a peaceful night, and safe journeys home. Please. Badgermoon prayed in silence, white-tipped ears pricked as he waited for conversations to break out all around him.