The Pied Piper's assistant | pre-gathering chatter


Misty rain hangs in the air, more felt than seen, a silvery haze in the stark moonlight that falls over the assembled cats like a cool veil. It’s a relief after the oppressing heat of the day; the only relief Snakeblink will see as he shoulders the duties of Deputy for the night. Cicadastar denied his mate the journey to Fourtrees out of anxious concern for the new life Smokethroat bears — and as physiologically impossible as it is, Snakeblink finds himself slightly envious of the dark tom. Would that he could sit the Gathering out as well…

He’s here now, so he must do what he was sent to do. His shoulders are tight with the desire to fall back behind the ground, but he cannot hide behind Cindershade’s bulk tonight: unlike him, she was lucky enough to stay in camp. While Cicadastar jumps onto the rock, Snakeblink turns to his clanmates.

”Be smart,” he warns them, ”Be cautious, and do not start any fight. And…” he sighs, allowing himself a brief and uncomfortable grimace. ”Do try to enjoy yourselves, I suppose.”

With the signal to scatter around the clearing given, he goes to settle among the deputies — and tries to look like he belongs there.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • open to interactions!
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo



When the coast is clear and no signs of hostility are found, Sootstar descends into the clearing with her clan-mates at her tail. Tension is felt in the air at an instant, what could one expect with WindClan gathered alone with RiverClan? Or WindClan really with any clan for that matter? Sootstar was all too aware none of the clans were her friend, she could not even rely on ThunderClan to turn tail on them for a band of kittypets.

Through the stink of fish she pads towards the Great Rock only to be met by Snakeblink. She can't help but give him an odd look, "Where is Smokethroat?" She asks. Truthfully, she hopes this means the dark-furred tom was buried somewhere deep in the ground, but she senses she may not be so lucky.

// interacting with @Snakeblink
open to other interactions!
( 🐍 ) Venomstrike arrived with the rest of Windclan, his eyes mainly on the ground as his large paws carried him forward and he kept close to his clanmates not wanting to stray too far though he was curious about meeting other cats from the different clans but that would likely prove difficult given Windclan's popularity. It wouldn't hurt to try, of course, maybe he would meet someone interesting though not a friend... Making friends would not be keen on his part and definitely not under Sootstar's reign but even then it wasn't something looked kindly on to begin with. Simple chatter would be allowed.

He found a spot to sit himself glancing over at all the Riverclanners present and offered a toothy grin before shuffling his paws, Venomstrike taking in a deep breath and exhaling quietly to himself. "Relax..." The moor runner thought quietly to himself letting his back leg begin to slightly thump onto the cool ground beneath him, hopefully, the sound of cats talking amongst themselves would be loud enough to not bring attention to himself. Hopefully. The large tomcat nibbling the inside of his cheek continuing to drum his leg lightly against the ground wishing that Rattleheart had been picked to come.

/ he is open to interactions! :]

After his recent tumble out of a tree it was something of a miracle Flycatcher was even present at the gathering today. If his injuries had been any worse he would have still been in camp and one of their lead warriors would have had to stand in his place. The blue tabby follows the rest of the ThunderClan cats into the clearing, giving Flamewhisker a small lick behind the ear as he leaves her to take his place with the rest of the deputies. He expected Orangeblossom to not be present on account of her having kits, but he is surprised not to see Smokethroat stood there and instead see Snakeblink in his place. His green eyes bore into Snakeblink, and for a moment he is frozen and unsure of what to do with himself. The idea of having to sit and make pleasantries with the tom who had nearly killed his mate unsettles him. He hopes Smokethroat is not gone for long and that this is not a permanent replacement.

His momentary lapse is interrupted by Sootstar's questioning, and Flycatcher takes the chance to move away to the side, a few friendly nods offered to the other deputies but none dispensed in Snakeblink's direction. Regardless of him ignoring the RiverClan warrior he keeps an ear out for news on the missing RiverClan deputy.

// open for interactions!
The flame hued warrior followed Howlingstar and Flycatcher into the clearing. As she enters, her gaze immediately lands upon the figure sitting in Riverclan's deputy spot. She hardly feels Flycatcher lick her ear before he left her side. Her blood begins to boil...Snakeblink. What had happened to Smokethroat? She hadn't particularly cared for the tom much, but he had saved her from the burning camp countless moons least he wasn't a murderer like that other tom sitting there now. The fur along her spine began to stand up...had he killed Smokethroat to become deputy? She was going to walk over to confront him, but Sootstar seemed to be curious as well.

After the rejected request to pass through their forest, and her running to go warn Skyclan about the raid, there was no way she would willingly walk over to Sootstar...not that she ever would anyways. He was safe for now...She would shoot him one last glare, and then stalk away towards a group of Thunderclanners.

open for interactions!
glaring at @Snakeblink

── .∘°°∘. ── He has not attended a gathering in some time, and this shall be his first as WindClan's new medicine cat. He does not approach the other clans' healers yet, though he wonders what they thought of WindClan's absence from their own meeting. It is not the first time, though I imagine seeing no sign of Vulturemask will be cause for mild intrigue. He will make no mention of it, and so directs his pawsteps toward one of his fellow WindClanners, whose apprehensive fidgeting did not escape his one-eyed stare.

"There are many strange, loud faces here," he says to Venomstrike, pausing nearby. "I cannot reassure you it will get better— the RiverClan leader is given to shouting, though perhaps he has mellowed in the moons I have not attended." Doubtful. Like the others, he notices the missing deputy, and if his absence is for an injury, or even death, he would not expect any leader to be even-tempered about their deputy.

His gaze drifts to Venomstrike's leg, briefly. "If you prefer, I can advise Sootstar to bring a different warrior. Tell me your decision on the journey home— I don't expect an answer now."

  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge. — ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know— he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel." — ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you. — ☆☆☆☆☆ KITTING: He doesn't remember what it was like to be born. Coincidentally, that is the extent of his familiarity with kitting. At least he won't leave you without moral support.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you. — ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.

Howlfire doesn't have the fondest of memories attached to attending gatherings. Still, despite all that, she keeps her head held high as she steps into the clearing alongside the rest of the SkyClan cats. This time she is no longer an apprentice but a true warrior. Although not particularly looking forward to any awkward conversations with her ThunderClan kin, she is excited at the prospect of sharing her new name with them, and getting to boast about being a warrior before her siblings if they were in attendance.

A few of her clanmates begin to mingle and Howlfire follows suit, though makes a show of avoiding any WindClan cats.

/ open for interactions!
Despite previous events, Auburnflame still tries to keep a friendly expression upon his face as he swiftly enters the clearing. It was already buzzing with new faces, new voices—excitement and tension all dwindled into a cacophony of background noise. A light rain mists the air, bringing a heftiness to it that weighs down on his tousled calico fur. Moonlight filters through the thick boughs of the great oaks before him, dappling the silhouettes of cats in a luminescent glow of ghostly silver. The warrior sticks within the rosters of the SkyClan patrol, his feathered tail swaying in rhythm in confidence to match his gait.
Glacial eyes turn to Sparrowpaw, his apprentice—now so grown and soon to be a warrior. A sheepish smile pulls at his lips, pinching up the apples of his cheeks as he observes them for a moment. "I just want you yo know that I'm proud of you, Sparrowpaw." He begins, brushing his shoulder with their own whilst they walked side-by-side. It would be more than likely, that this next gathering would be different. They would not be an apprentice tagging along his side, but a new warrior of SkyClan. "Go on, you know how to behave yourself. Have a good time." He then would depart from them, giving a flick of his tail in farewell to mingle with a few others, maybe.

It is then he spots a familiar pelt of burning orange and red, like his own but in tabby patterns with less white. He remembers her briefly, she was the one who had warned SkyClan of WindClan's treachery, was she not? He doesn't catch her eye, but his own gaze does follow hers to an unfamiliar spider-limbed tom that perched at the base of the stones, sleek pelt indicating he was RiverClan. A quizzical brow would raise briefly before shaking it off, it wasn't his business—whatever it was. He wanted to come to her personally, and the time was nigh. "Hey, ThunderClanner." He trills with a flick of a crimson tail, pink lips perched in a warm smile. "I missed your name—I'm Auburnflame, from SkyClan." He saunters up to the lead warrior before settling beside her. "What you did for SkyClan was a big help. I'm sure Blazestar nor SkyClan will not forget. If you hadn't come—who knows what would have happened. I just—I wanted to say thanks."

// talking to @sparrowpaw! and @Flamewhisker ; looking at @Snakeblink

  • Nervous
Reactions: Flamestar
જ➶ The moon is full. Blood boils. Starclan is quiet. Yes, they are. Safe here because of peace, a single night of truce when the moon has full light. It makes him less nervous, less afraid to be here. Though no one knows his secret save for the one he has managed to tell and she remains at his side. She...she remains. His eyes sweep over to look @Needledrift then, a small pause before his maw stretches wide. A grin that tugs and sometimes hurts for the force that it puts on his face. He breathes out slowly then and turns to look at the gathering crowd of cats and he wonders what news will be given tonight. What tale of violence and pain will be weaved for surely it is coming. These gatherings seem to always be filled with thick tensions that make his stomach roll. But he is a fighter at heart. He has showed his teeth before. Took that Windclanner's eye during a fight they should not have started. Slowly he steps forth and he chuckles lightly, mostly to himself. "Time is ticking. I hope we get to go back home soon. It reeks here...." His tone is soft, barely above a whisper as he sits down.

-- talking to @Needledrift but open to interactions!
don't try to rush your enemies .
When he first heard his name called to join the fray of the gathering, amber optics beamed with sudden interest, frosted muzzle crinkling with its natural smirk. How peculiar. He wondered while padding into the clearing, as an onslaught of scents slapped him in the face. Mmm. He glanced around, helm cocked, catching sight of Sootstar with a crinkle of his brow, optics brimming with hidden annoyance, nose crinkling in distaste.

Helm veering from the sight, Oakfang caught sight of Howlfire amongst the colorful, monochrome pelts. He recalled her from when Howlingstar tasked them with warning the SkyClanners. “Well, hello there.” He’d call to the other, frosted muzzle crinkling as darkened lips curled into an eased smile. “Seems your fairing well after the battle.” He mused, optics brimming with relief. At least it hadn’t been a total bloodshed, or as much as one can assume when the two booked it into their own territory before long after delivering the message. “How is the rest of SkyClan fairing?” He inquired, until he veered, introducing himself to the other, expression pleased. “Name’s Oakfang.” He had barely paid mind to name them, but he supposed now, under better circumstances until something bit the bullet with side-eyes and grumbling thoughts.

The male hummed, peering over at the WindClanners with a twitch of his brow. “A bit awkward, don’t you agree?” He trilled, willowy tail whisking high over his shoulders.

/ interacting w/ @Howlfire , open for interactions !
thought speech

♱—— Cygnetstare stalks into the clearing, already milling with cats; freshly healed wounds ring her throat and she wears them proudly. They show she has escaped death, narrowly, at the teeth of Blazestar's pet mutt, and she is proud of them. Cats gather into clumps around them, perhaps discussing the notable absence of RiverClan's deputy, perhaps simply chatting. The chimera only has eyes for one cat, and not in a good way; milkweed eyes search the crowd as they pad wraithlike through it, seeking out a certain dark-pelted cat bearing, she hoped, a few fresh scars.

If her eyes should find their mark, she will stare with thinly veiled displeasure at the subject of her attention; only StarClan's holy words keep her from clawing that dog's throat out tonight.

  • ooc: leaning on fluid time ; looking for / glaring at @SLATE, but open to interaction!
  • ♱ cygnetstare — for their downy kitten-fur and perceptiveness (or uncanny gaze)
    she/they ; afab gender apathetic — windclan — tunneler — 16 ☾s
    —— cygnetstare is a corpselike chimera, split between long albino fur and a short black smoke pelt; their eyes are an unsettling pink. her creepy demeanour distracts from a strange fascination with death and an obsessive loyalty to windclan.
    —— smells like grave-dirt and blood ; sounds like vc tbd ; speech in #BF959C, thoughts in #000000
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; will start fights ; won't flee unless ordered ; won't show mercy ; will kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, single, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, long-term romance, plotting ; not open to unplanned battles, flings
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • battle stuff goes here for fights


LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
The four great oaks no longer holds the enchantment it once did for the Riverclan warrior, it’s moon-lit scenery darkened by her own anxiety.
The last gathering had gone decently enough, and bittersweetly the warrior had been relieved she had not run into her sister, or Raccoonstripe for that matter.
The same could not be said this time around, however. A cat could only get lucky so many times, not that she was too worried about the latter, more the former.
While she wouldn’t put an outburst past Wolfwind, it was merely the thought of seeing her blue-furred kin that tied a knot in her stomach. Did she hate her? Did she miss her? Was she nothing to her?
Lakemoon was loyal to her clan, she had proved that more than once, but the mask was beginning to grow tiring, and sometimes the warrior caught herself wishing she had the grave to grieve her old life, to grieve for the love of her kin that would never be the same.
Her expression is as unmoving as ever despite her inner brewing storm, trailing in alongside her clan. Sapphire optics glide across the filling clearing, not quite looking for anyone- she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to mingle as much as the rest of her clan.

//open for interaction!
Slate can't help the inklings of awkwardness that accompany him as he ascends to the deputy's area of the Great Rock. Like Snakeblink, he is only serving as a stand-in; hopefully this would be the first and last time he has so many pairs of eyes on him. Being a former rogue, there are many instances where he still feels like an imposter in the role of a lead warrior, and acting as a deputy for the night certainly triggers those feelings. Just seasons ago, he had been a lowly street cat scrapping with other strays in alleys and hunting slimy sewer rats. Now, he had a place in a clan — among the clans.

He's sure that many cats are privy to the knowledge behind Orangeblossom's absence; Silversmoke and Thistleback had stepped up in her place previously and now it was his turn. He wonders why Blazestar hadn't relied on his most senior lead warrior like last time, but then again, he doesn't understand a lot of his decisions (including the idea for promote him to lead warrior in the first place). Slate wasn't entirely against the idea of "sitting out" from the socialization aspect this time around anyway; it wasn't as if he was a big talker.

The hulking Maine Coon settles onto his haunches carefully so as not to disturb his healing wounds, giving a roll of his shoulders as if to release some tension. He only spares the other deputies a glance, unsure if he's expected to converse with them or not. For the time being, he's fine staying silent.

He casts his gaze down upon the crowd, eyes dancing idly among the sea of faces before they find a familiar amalgamation of albino and black. They stare in his direction like a hungering adder, and at this moment, he's glad that he is situated up high and away from that moor rat. There was a high probability that he wouldn't have played so nice had they directly crossed paths.

// staring down @cygnetstare but open to interactions!

🕸—— Spiderpaw trails after her Clanmates into the clearing, dark head low with displeasure. She really doesn't know why she's even being brought along here, but whatever. Especially not after those idiot WindClanners had attacked them—goddamn mousebrains, all of them. Perhaps her thoughts are rude tonight, perhaps her words will be too—whatever, it's not like anyone can attack her. Pigeonsong has been busy with other things lately, and Spiderpaw, with her vast preference for being the center of attention, doesn't like that one bit. Her own Clanmates don't even like her; really, why is she here?

As she follows the stifling stream of cats into the clearing, an emaciated shoulder bumps against hers; it feels greasy just to touch. Spiderpaw barely suppresses a gag, glaring at its owner with a curled lip, "Watch it, weirdo."

  • ooc: being rude to @GHOSTWAIL but open to other interactions
  • 🕸 spiderpaw — for her dark fur and rank as an apprentice
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — apprentice — 8 ☾s
    —— spiderpaw is an awkward-looking white-splashed black smoke with pale ice-blue eyes; her heavily decorated appearance hints at a future beauty. a deep well of unhappiness fuels her bitchy demeanour; she's attempting to overcome it with the aid of her mentor, pigeonsong, but something might change that soon ....
    —— smells like hyacinths, dust, and metal ; sounds like vc tbd ; speech in #b2b1cf, thoughts in #bf211e
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; will start fights ; will flee ; might show mercy ; might kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, single, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, puppy crushes, plotting ; not open to serious romance, unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

The travel to Fourtrees was once again pretty uneventful, which Aspenhaze is appreciative of. They’re super excited to be seen with Petalnose, but they’re still a ball of nerves. Even so, they keep their tail curled around her as they make their way over, though they still make it an effort to watch Mosspaw. She matters to them just as much as Petalnose, though they probably wouldn’t ever admit that.

They can almost sense the tension in the atmosphere, something unspoken but still present. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who is the most likely perpetrator, as they can already see some cat's glares towards one clan in particular.
“Be weary of WindClan again this gathering,” they whisper to their apprentice. “Other than that, I’ll be nearby if you need me, as per usual. Wonder if there will be anything juicy.” After that snide comment, their attention returns to their mate, licking her ear.

// OOC : With @Petalnose, open to interactions!
  • Love
Reactions: Petalnose
Drizzlepelt’s third gathering was already set to be an interesting one, with being a full fledged warrior and all. He feels blessed to be here however, especially after the fight with WindClan. He wonders if Sootstar will bring it up at all, as she comes off as the type of cat to boast. Either way, he's not here looking for a fight, so hopefully no one instigates. That last thing he needs right now is one more reason to keep one eye open while he sleeps.

Howlfire already looks uncomfortable being here, and he's inclined to agree. Drizzlepelt still really hasn't made an attempt to talk to anyone outside his clan, save for the RiverClan apprentice he spoke to last gathering. He wonders if she'll be here again too? He still wants to her more about the other clans, and they were cut off by the meeting officially starting last time. He scours the crowd for her.

// OOC : Looking for @Mosspaw , open to other interactions!

another round moon meant another gathering. apprentices in tow, nightbird followed the party behind flycatcher, mostly silent on the way to four trees. there wasn’t much to fear going into these meetings, safe under sacred moonlight. yet, attacks seemed to always be launched one way or another. even with no claws drawn these events were far from peaceful.

”go make some friends,” she prompted lightpaw and duskpaw, a sarcastic twinge in her voice. tail flicking she stalked over to sit where the bulk of thunderclan had gathered, resting just on the edge. the lead warrior wasn’t much in the mood for conversation. that much was made clear by a silver gaze planted on the leaders spots above, much awaiting the announcements to begin.

// open to interactions!!

Petalnose strolled close beside Aspenhaze, the look of regular seriousness pinned upon her as she looked upon the arriving clans. She made sure to take her position of lead warrior seriously to help represent her clan as strong and confident as it was, as her character was as well. She would let her intimating looks play part of her introverted nature to protect her space from irritating presences. Although, she couldn't help but feel warm at the touch of her mates tail, slipping a smile over her business like frown when they gave her ear a lick. She would brush pelts with them and then draw her tail under their chin as she moved on, guiding them to a spot nearby.

She was excited to spend this gathering with Aspenhaze once more, even more so as newly made lovers. Nervous energy spiraled under her collected mask, sitting well postured to hide any of her internal feelings. She scanned the area and then back to Aspenhaze with a loving gaze, "Do you think any friends or fiends will join us? Tell me if you see anything interesting." She encouraged with a smirk.

Petalnose was not one to stick her nose into drama and get involved in spreading it but she would take in the hobby to abide by her mate's entertainment. Aspen had a sharp eye for things going on around them and she supposed she needed to pay more attention and be as observatory as them for the responsibility of a lead warrior. She supposed needed to know what was going on. What was better than her sharp eyed mate?

// Interacting with @Aspenhaze and open to interactions! Tags
He could hardly find it in himself to enjoy these things anymore. The minute enjoyment he could have once clawed from the pits of mishmash scents and fuzzy - nothings has disappeared alongside the sparkling face no longer encased– ensnared within the petty boundaries of here and there. Happiness could be where he'd like it to be now, in his nest and amongst his trees. So why, oh why...?

Blue eyes trail across the clearing, nothing within them. His stupor is not comfortable- far from it. He finds himself unable to simply stay rooted amongst the faces of those meant to be his own. He was nothing like them– those few. Six? Eight? He could hardly keep track. To offset the stillness, he moves, serpent between different throngs of bodies and speech. Different ramblings, some petty– no, most all of them, things he did not care to listen to. In some moments, he dredges closer to the common folk than he ought to, listening for words and whispers... something to distract (Please, oh, he begs). He whips through different states of being, and it occurs to him that some day, he may not be so much as a thought on a tongue.

Not to say that his mortality is so fickle as others may be– but even so, he would not be here forever, would he? Oh, he would certainly hope not. Among ungrateful faces and captious winking eyes... The thought bothers him for some other reason.

Amongst the people– people, enunciates slowly and not at all within his mind. His eyes flicker too - quick. Something latches onto pale fur and foul hide at a moments notice. Without a thought, he is with and at ShadowClan's side, eyes wide, hints of a whisper caught on the tufts of his ears. " Hello, " he speaks in the same whispering tone as they, though lilted to curl strangely around the skull. This one is smiling, despite his supposed discontent. " I am not sure that you've noticed– your kind is tainting the waters. " Innocently, he says this. Or perhaps WindClan would have them beat... No, the thought is mentally waved away, as that was more association than anything.

[ ooc: harassing @CHITTERTONGUE & @Needledrift ; also tagging @smogmaw for reasons ]
Gathering time. She's been to tons of these by now. ( Stars– How long have they been doin' these damn things actually? She suddenly feels ancient, though she's sure Howlingstar would raise her brows high as they could go if Wolfwind shared that with her ) What was she thinkin' about? Point is, gatherings are super normal and regular. Woohoo! Yippee!

Except that now she's a Lead Warrior and like, she's seriously wondering if she's supposed to be someone other cats know now besides the hilarious cat on ThunderClan's side of the border. Like, should she walk up to others, go " Hi, I'm Wolfwind? " and proceed to give them her fuckin' resume. Hey, you might see me lead some patrols sometimes. Maybe I'll even give you a wicked scar when you try to take our squirrel, or something. But that sounds so boring, and also, maybe not proper. Nothing was really different was it and ohmygosh is that Lakemoon?

The cocky apprentice in her immediately wants to bring herself over, chin tilted and tail lifted in some kinda commanding way, and announce to her sister that basically technically she was like, her superior, or WOULD be if Lakemoon wasn't a fish - eating traitor. But like, anyways. And the warrior in her just wants to go to her because Wolfwind's overthinking and she hardly does that but she's been kinda sorta doin' it more lately and Lakemoon's familiar and– Well, she's already walking over there so who cares.

After briefly considering whether it was still ok for her to run up to her sister like an apprentice or she needed to walk over all cool and stuff, she remembers that she is Wolfwind and she doesn't give a damn what any of these fish - eating, carrion - smelling, kittypet - lovin', hare - stompin' cats think. She does whatever, and that works out most of the time!

...But Howlingstar probably cared what other clans think at least a little bit (Bleh, garbage leader politics), so she settles for a G rated greeting. " Hell-o, dear sister! " Wolfwind greets as obnoxiously as possible, easily sidling up to Lakemoon as if they were still best friends and didnt live across the river from each other and Wolfwind WASN'T eternally angry at her for that. " I think... you may notice something different about me this gathering, hmm? " She wouldn't spoil the surprise, but she strikes a pose, lilting her chin and trying to look all... powerful or somethin' while gazing out into the distance like some cat wise beyond their moons.

[ ooc: talking to @Lakemoon . <3!! ]