sensitive topics the scent of night ࿐࿔ cunning


✦˚.✧˚✧˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✧˚✦˚✦.˚✧
  • Preserved and washed again in scarlet iron offering...

    The river has given up its last ghost of leaf-bare and with it, taken a deep breath, embraced a phantom of one of its champions. A good morning and a goodbye to the frost while its claws drag against their backs. They form a parade of copper and wine... streams of their sacrifice and dedication that pool towards the sandy shores of their camp. They are lined in shell and stone... in rotting reeds that curl in protest against the chill. They rustle an announcement of their slow return, muscles locking with every mechanical step. A porcelain doll, struggling to move where the smooth surfaces rub against their joints... stiff.

    The plunge still lingers in the form of droplets hanging like icicles from shaggy fur, a hollow stare that seeks a finish line but doesn't recognize what it sees.

    A hoarse breath struggles against frozen lungs, blinking frostbitten lashes as blue-tinged lips move in encouragement, "See Moonbeam.... and Robinheart... for your wounds..." They who had only one life to spare, who had decorated themselves in marks of their loyalty. Who'd defended Sunningrocks for the umpteenth time of their young lives... How many more times would they be made to spill their blood for the sake of a place to bathe in warm light come spring? Could they even be promised that small joy at this rate...?

    Joints buckle in a jagged movement of a body losing its will to move. They shudder against the cold that has grown so intense it feels more like fire under their skin instead.

    -- return following this thread: [here]! this would've been weeks before the gathering!
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶ @BEEFANG @Blackwater @DIPPERFROST @pebbletail - for patrol guys, this is open though!
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ .

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    . ˚ * ✦ . . ✦ ˚ ˚ .˚ ✦ . . ˚ . ✦
  • Sad
Reactions: Jay
its the gasps that draw her attention, the gilded arch of thorn - gorse and reed tangles trembling in wake of the patrol's return. one by one, her kin stumble into view ; cradled in the wineish tendrils of wrath, skin torn and blushing red. lichenstar, beefang, pebbletail . . her mother, her cousin, her brother. dipperfrost, her alabaster fur unnaturally ruddy between startling patches of blue. blackwater, his tired eyes pinched and pained. shellpool staggers towards them, nearly tripping over her paws in the process, dropping the fledgling she had been carrying towards the measly freshkill pile. algae clings to the frame of her mother's face like a brackish halo ; water pooling from wisps ends as if she, for a moment, had become the river itself. as if the water had eaten them but as it had eaten many before, but by the stars above, it had spit her bones back to life on sharply - pebbled shore. gaunt, thin, she wobbles like a ghost and mutters encouragment over her shoulder. see moonbeam.

she aims to catch the lynx point against her side as they buckle leaning a curled shoulder against them and wrapping her plush tail around their trembling haunches. warmth. they are so cold. baptized by blood and brine, a thick red that will smear into the pale of her flank when she presses against them. beneath the harsh stench of brackwater, clinging to the fur of her kin and clanmates, simmered something pungent . . like forests and mildew. the permeating florals of plant rot, all too familiarly doused in iron, " thunderclan? " she barks the word like a curse -- like a barbed rose plucked and discarded, sharp. ruddy eyes spin back, flick between bleeding faces, imploring, " how did this happen? " how . . did this keep happening? once again, thunderclan had felt riverclan blood beneath splayed claws and once again she watches her loved ones bleed their sins into the soil. what was the point in defending it, with such grave losses and measly returns? her eyes grow far away, glassy . . memories of a bleeding corpse, a throat - slit bundle of ember and black.

had it been worth it, getting their names?

a shuddering sigh befalls her, turning her muzzle towards lichenstar with a frantic mew, a wild fluttering of doves wing, " you should see moonbeam, too. please. " would they die, alone in the willow den, if they did not? had they already died? had their soul unspooled from their chest, blood oozing from gouges she cannot make sense of even with the obvious drenching? their stubbornness knew no bounds, preferring a stich by the stars than plucking from their diminishing herb piles. a callousness with the extra lives they had been given, selfless as it was.

  • ooc.
  • 94808822_mcogFDxtA9gXnmZ.png
    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted eiderdown fur conceals a body worn thin by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with stubborn baby fat in others. her face is delicately constructed as the rest of her ; heart - shaped, fragile, tendered with warmly shadowed eyes. beneath the languor of lapis - veined lids, her gaze brims a rheumy, rosen tinge — ruddy like a pulsing bruise, curtained with heavy lashes that keep her serenely half - lidded.
    LIVING WITH LONGTERM ILLNESS ; always exhibiting the symptoms of a lingering cold, most notably a runny nose and eyes. not contagious unless specified otherwise.

dull anger fights with stinging pain as the tomcat pushes against his mother's shoulder, aiding her journey home. his body feels like its shaking, adrenaline and fear mixed into a hellish cocktail as he ducks through the reeds and into camp. his sister's rumbled question reaches his ears and he hisses a response, amber eyes blazing. "thunderclan." teeth scrape against each other, jaw clenched as pebbletail aims to let his mother down slowly. her body tips from his, too fast for him to catch, but shellpool is there, steady as a persisting winter blossom. with lichenstar curled against lilac fur, the man can breathe for himself, and he takes a deep one, letting it out in a puff of condensation. "the fucking sunningrocks. those foxhearts won't let it go!" racoonstripe's yellowing teeth flash in his mind and he snarls the same.

anger is beginning to dissipate, replaced ever swiftly by worry. lichenstar had lost yet another life to the claws of thunderclan. they are five lives short of what feels like only moons ago. the memory of their first one lost plays on a projector within peb's head - the slavering jaws of the dog, the fear in his heart. "shelly, they…" eyes widen, sorrow communicating the truth they both know. they died out there - for a fifth time their mother had decorated the heavens with their spirit. lichenstar murmurs something about the medicine cats, and although pebbletail's pelt stings, there is no hesitation in his voice. "they will see you first." he tells his mother, authority ringing in his young tone. crimson painted paws knead the wine stained snow - nothing but shallow scratches line the tom's frame from his battle with scarletdust. he feels energy still flow through his muscles, even through the pain. "where's snakeblink? i wish to take a patrol to re-mark the border. let those foxhearts know what is theirs and what is ours."

// "#a2bfba"

cis tom (he / him) / bisexual, taken by SPLASHDANCE
15 moons old ages realistically, every 15th of the month
lead warrior of riverclan
mentoring RYEPAW / mentored by FOXTAIL
penned by lavs / message lavendes on discord for plots!

a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebbletail's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

The scent of blood guides Snakeblink through camp, darting through clanmates with single-minded focus. Once the sight of his leader--his friend--coming back in such a state would have filled him with dread, but now he can only muster a weary anger as he watches the water sluices off Lichenstar's pelt, the exhaustion clear in the returning patrol's bodies.

"I am here, Pebbletail," he hisses, raking his eyes over the cats in search of injuries, finding scant relief from the scrutiny. Low, savagely, he mutters: "Each day I regret not letting this accursed clan burn among their trees more and more."

It had hardly been his decision, then, but if it was up to him now he would find a way to set the fire himself and finally flush the war-mongering lot of them out of the forest for good. He sighs, eyes closing briefly as fatigue sweeps over him. Only for a moment though: this is no time for a break, no matter how dearly he wishes for one, and the green of his irises shine with cold certainty as he brings them up once more.

"No--I will take a patrol to the border," he tells the younger tom, shaking his head. He is hardly in a state to go traipsing through the territory, not after this encounter. But it's a sound idea, and he lets his face show it as he continues: "Save your strength. There is no point in exhausting yourself now, not if this is going to happen again. " And it will, he is sure of it. They have wanted Sunningrock ever since RiverClan laid claim to it.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
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    Snakeblink • he / him. 60 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The black smoke trails after the rest of the patrol noting the way that Lichenstar still tries to hold herself together despite the way that she staggers and it causes her throat to tighten, her gaze softening when Shellpool arrives to aid Pebbletail in guiding their mother towards Moonbeam and Robinheart's den, and she swallows watching the siblings talk with one another. She nods in agreement to what her blue tabby cousin says about returning to Sunningrocks to remark the border to remind Thunderclan that those rocks rightfully belonged to them but Snakeblink interjects saying that he would take the patrol and Beefang straightens her posture as she speaks up "I'm going with you." The dutiful lead warrior barely gives the deputy much space to argue as she's ready to join his side, she had only suffered a minor wound from one of the Thunderclanners and could see Moonbeam about it later.

The blood had already dried where Scarletdust's claws had struck and her bottlebrush tail sweeps on the ground, a breath slipping from clenched jaws knowing that Snakeblink could hardly hold his own so with her tagging along... he'd be safe. Her molten eye turns to the direction of the medicine den where she knows that Robinheart and her mate are already preparing the herbs that they may need for Lichenstar only to turn her gaze towards Snakeblink once more awaiting to see if he'd reject her help and send her off as well like Pebbletail or accept her despite her minor injury.


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
a short/curly-haired black smoke moggy littered in several scars, missing a toe on one of her paws, and has a lone amber eye w/low white
A stone had been thrown into a pond and the afternoon stillness had been disturbed.
There was first the rustling of the dry reeds and then there were gasps, the cries of outrage. Fear prickles the back of his head, raising the fur along his spine. Heronpaw drops the fresh mossy bedding that he'd been laying down for the elders and spins on broad paws. It is a slow, but quick enough patter of paws as he moves to the entrance of the den. The stocky apprentice shoulders his way out and into the open. Heronpaw's iced over pools widen at the sight before him. Blood scent is heavy in the air, it is thick and steaming from the battered patrol. Lichenstar, Dipperfrost, Beefang, Blackwater, and Pebbletail were blown into camp and tattered like shredded leaves. Gasping out a choked word, "What-" It is quickly cut short by Shellpool's question that was much the same as his own.
"How did this happen?"

It was Pebbletail. The word, the naming of the aggressors, crashed over him like a wave. Hatred fueled rage boils in the pit of his stomach. Heronpaw clenches his jaw, grinding his teeth, as he watched with an iced over gaze.
Foxhearted, dungfaced ThunderClanners!
Their peaceful border patrol had been attacked by cats akin to rogues. Snarling, "Those foxhearts!" Outrage. Pebbletail calls to lead another border patrol, but Snakeblink shuts down the idea of the injured lead warrior going and for himself to go instead. Snakeblink was to lead the patrol. Heronpaw approaches the edge of the gathering cats, to be closer, to ask the question dying inside of him. Before he could clamp his teeth down on his tongue and think better of it, "Let me go with you."

  • ooc.
  • HERONPAW —— apprentice of riverclan . mentored by tarantulamask
    penned by DROID
    male . he/him . nine moons . ages every 19ᵗʰ
    physically easy . mentally easy . honest . fair . judgmental
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted . tag account when attacking
    —— little combat training . no combat experience

    "speech", thoughts, attacks
    all opinions are in character
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    a longhaired blue lynx point with low white and blue eyes. a feathery soft, longhaired, and thick furred tomcat of beautiful blue pigments. eyes a bright electrifying blue. strong and sturdy legs held by white webbed paws dimpled with pink pads. fangs peek out from under his lips due to their curious length. well cared for fur is attached to lean, hard packed newly earned muscle. an unconventional teenage heartthrob followed by a thick air of fresh apprentice confidence.