THIS AIN'T NO PLACE FOR NO HERO — rogue invasion


† eat the rich
Oct 8, 2023
The rogues spread across the lands like an infestation, their numbers many, their bodies strong from the hard lives they have led and the prey that they have been taking from all of the clans. In the wake of their blight they have already driven out two of the clans and now they have come to claim another. They set their sights on the prey-rich forest, hungry for more blood, hungry for more land, more food to fill their once hungry bellies. If they had known driving these so called clan cats would be so easy perhaps they would do it sooner.

Like a vine creeping across the earth they spread out into the forest, using the cover of early morning darkness to hide. They slip from shadow to shadow, their bellies close to the ground and their eyes shining in the dim light that begins to peek over the horizon. There is a familiar scent here, the scent that had once belonged to the cats who they had driven out last. It is of little consequence to them, however. They had beaten them once already and they are confident in their abilities to do it again.

Teeth flash as lips are pulled back to reveal terrible grins, the two cats at the head of the party exchange a look and then they are bursting into action. Rogues quickly flood the camp and one cat, a large tom with battle-scarred tabby fur steps to the front of their group "You would think you guys would start gettin' better at defending yourselves what with how many times we've kicked your tails" he says with a partially amused huff "Surely you know the drill by now, you can vacate our new home or we can leave you to rot in a corner somewhere, your choice" he grins as if he has just offered the deal of the century and then with a flick of his crimson tail the rogues are descending upon the cats of both RiverClan and SkyClan

The rogues have invaded and there are too many of them to be driven away or fought off successfully. Feel free to powerplay your oc being pinned, defeated, driven out or whatever you would like. Anyone in RiverClan or SkyClan may post but please wait for @BLAZESTAR and @Smokethroat before posting twice!
( ) These were cats of her own heart. Houndheart knew their hunger for blood, their hunger for land, and their hunger for food all too well. They were the same hungers that drove her, once. Had things gone differently for her, she might have stood among them.

Instead, she faced them down, a low growl rumbling up from deep within her. Their threats only made her angrier. These were the foxhearts that had been stealing from her clan, and now she finally had a chance to pay them back for that. "Come on then! Face me!" She roared, and with that she charged toward the oncoming rogues. There were too many of them, she knew that, but she did not care. She would fight for Skyclan regardless.

This would be a good death.

Houndheart crashed into a rogue and sent them both to the ground, ripping into them with claws and teeth as they did the same to her. She welcomed the pain the wounds brought her like an old friend. This rogue would come with her to the grave, she thought feverishly, and more of them would too if she could get her paws on them. Though, as she had the thought, her opponent pulled away from her, inciting a throaty grunt of annoyance from her.

As she raised to her paws, she found a group of rogues encircling her. They all wore cruel smiles. They were at the edge of her range. If she could get at any one of them she could overpower them and get more get hits in, she was certain of that. As she attempted to advance on one, they retreated as another took the opportunity to dart in behind her and sink their claws into her. There were just too many of them

"Mousehearts!" Houndheart barked at them, gnashing her teeth in frustration. Her head whipped back and forth frantically, trying to keep track of all of them. For the first time in a long time, she felt her missing eye. A slash at her flank tore a howl of pain out of her, and she whirled to face it, only for a weight to slam into her from behind the moment she turned. It sent her sprawling to the ground.

Letting out an angry scream, she thrashed against the weight atop her. The hold of the rogue holding her down buckled for a moment. Then she disappeared under a sea of writing pelts as more rogues leapt atop her, burying her beneath their combined strength. They pressed her face into the dirt and raked their claws along her back.
There's a stench in the air that Foxfire knows all too well. Vermin, scum. When she emerges from the warriors den she is surprised to see so many of them. The filthy rogues make their demands, and Foxfire curls her lips at the audacity.

"YOUR home?" She unsheathes her claws and takes a threatening step forward. "This land belongs to SKYCLAN." She roars.

There are too many, she knows this. Fighting would be suicide. Yet she has been here once before, outnumbered with vulnerable cats to protect. Kits and queens in the nursery, sick in the medicine den.....

She relives that fateful day over and over again. Yet this time, the stakes are even higher. More than two kits will be lost if she fails here. She can't let history repeat itself.

It's clear to anyone watching her that she is not okay. She trembles in rage and fear, her breath quickened from the oncoming panic attack that she desperately tries to push down.

She sees only red when she stares at these rogues. She thirsts for blood, and she finds herself racing towards them in a murderous frenzy. Claws meet flesh and her fangs meet the throat of a rogue and she bites and digs in. She feels herself be grabbed by another cat who tries to pry her off, but she only bites down harder.

She thrashes and rips her claws out of her victim to send them into the eyes of the cat trying to pry her off. She grins at the pained yowl, but as she goes to kill her victim with a crushing bite, she is rammed into by yet another rogue who knocks the wind out of her. Stumbling, she can see the damage she's done already. One cat can't open his eyes, her victim bleeds from the throat and the wounds she dug into him....

She lunges for him again like a predator after a weakened animal. He manages to protect his throat, her killing bite hitting his shoulder instead. She is swarmed, feels her pelt being shredded and soaked with blood. Her scruff is grabbed and she is thrown to the ground, but her captor made the mistake of throwing her down next to someones paw.

So she bites into it. She manages to wriggle free for only an instant to painfully twist the paw in her mouth before she is pinned against the ground, this time unable to free herself.

"I'll slaughter you all, just you WAIT. It may not be today, but you will all be gutted like fish in time...." She hisses venomously. She needs to break free.

There are too many..... She'll have to pick them off one by one.

Her murderous intent and lust for vengeance clouds her mind to the reality that this is a losing situation.​


It's dark, early dawn, shadows perched across his blinded vision. He thinks it's another nightmare, another flashback, but no. The sounds are present, louder, piercing the veil of sleep to shatter his slumber like fragile glass. Blind eyes snap open, a silent screech pulls at his lips. The boy bristles, claws tearing at the earth as he sucks in a breath. Again... his mind is jumbled, panicked, caught in a web of tangled despair. Again! They were back. The rogues were back and it was happening again.

Dread shifts to something colder. He feels ice seeping into his veins. The nursery echoes with the screams of those fighting for their lives outside, and Nettlekit's fear turns to a grim acceptance, a wintry apathy. It's happening again. It'll keep happening, he reasons bitterly. The clans were too weak to fight back. Cicadastar was probably dead. His mother would die of Yellowcough. The rogues would butcher them all and leave their corpses for the carrion birds. I don't... he doesn't what? His sightless eyes narrow. A scowl crawls across his face.

I don't care anymore.

Red, hot, blinding rage. It explodes in his chest and thrashes against his mind. Teeth snap together as he bares his fangs and leaps from his nest. His spirit is weeping. His thoughts are screaming. I don't care anymore! He was done with this. He was done being the victim. Nettlekit surges out of the nursery, avoiding Cloudjump's attempts to pull him back. A growls tears through the back of his throat as he finds himself in the chaos of the SkyClan clearing. He can't see anything. Scents mingle, RiverClan, SkyClan, rogue. There's a taste of blood in the air. Snarls, screeches, and hisses. Nettlekit tries to focus, uses his whiskers, his nose, his ears. He narrows in on a nearby rogue and makes his mark.

The boy lunges, latches fangs into the rogue's leg, tears his small, thorny claws through muscle and skin. His victim lurches, cries out in pain, kicks him away and sends him tumbling. Nettlekit rolls to his paws, lashes out again, but a single swing of the rogue's front paws crashes against the side of his head, slams him to the chilled, bloodied ground. His ears ring. He hears only that, and the noise of his muted heart beat. Slowly, sound returns, little more than background noise as he lays in the dust. The rogue had spared him. They hadn't even used their claws, but the blow had been hard enough to knock the wind from his lungs.

He feels dizzy. He thinks he might vomit. He lays there in the soil with blind eyes squeezed shut and wishes the rogue had just finished him off. The boy feels sticky with blood that is not his own, creamy fur stained with splatters of vibrant red. I don't care anymore, he reminds himself bitterly. The ice in his veins had returned, that fiery hot rage simmering into the cold nothingness of a despairing void. The taste of rogue blood on his tongue is the only reminder he has that he is still alive, still laying there, numb and motionless. Nettlekit can't find the strength to get up again.

I don't care anymore.
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Not again.. where would they go now? It seemed the mass had followed and were coming to feast upon their lands once more. Her claws sunk into the ground, snapping her head towards each hiss sent her way. Not even two clans together could fight them. Judgement and sense seeped into her character this time. The scar splayed across her face presented her last attempt to fight and drive out. She knew first hand it wasn't worth it.. they couldn't do anything about it and Riverclan was too weakened now from the last advance.

Petalnose dodged claws thrown as she sprinted towards where she saw Smokethroat last. She looked over her shoulder before locking her attention upon the grey furred deputy, "Smokethroat. I believe we need to go. They're here. They followed. As much as I want to fight- There's too many to advance even together." She informed in a hurried but firm tone, she didn't want to see Smokethroat pass next. It would leave the clan lost.. it would leave the leads to figure out authority. Petalnose didn't want to see it replay, it had already haunted her the few amount of days they spent in the clans' refuge. Without him.. their matters would be worse.

Petalnose hoped Aspenhaze had followed her and frequent glances over her shoulder shown she was looking for them as she awaited her answer.

// Lunch break post!!

Speaking to @Smokethroat and looking for @Aspenhaze

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Blood and chaos, descending upon their camp in an instant. It was everything Twitchbolt had ever feared, as if the rogues had reached right into his mind and sculpted his worst nightmare right in front of it. This had always been home, the safe haven- outside of a tree in a thunderstorm, it was the one place that he felt safest. The one place where, even if it was for the briefest second, he could forget his worries and recline into a plush nest with Quillstrike.

That one place was now being burned alive. And it was alive, with the yowls of RiverClan and SkyClan both, with the snarls of their invaders. Despite his quivering demeanour, his spasming nervousness, Twitchbolt had at least never been a coward- it showed how in his body flying forward, barrelling into one of the invaders. Bramble-sharp claws went straight for the eyes, overtaken with a fury that they'd dared step through the perimeter of this safe place.

It was a familiar anger- but until now it had most of the time been fleeting. White-hot was his rage, and he hoped his claws stung the tender flesh of the rogue's face as much as the anger stung his throat with acidic ferocity. He growled, a rabid sound that shook his body like a quake, ribs heaving- how dare you, he thought but did not shout. The words burned behind wide eyes, hatred limning the amber spot in his eyes red. How dare you.

Dared to threaten his home, the cats that were essentially his kin, the graves his real kin buried beneath the soil. Dared to threaten his mate.

How dare he think he could get away with assailing one without retaliation. An overwhelming feeling of complete stupidity descended upon him right before the pain of another rogue seizing him by the head. He felt the cartilage of his ear puncture and cleave, and his small form was hurled to the ground in a cloud of dust. A minor injury, but- it was enough to make him realise...

"We- we- we can't," and what they couldn't do he didn't need to say. Houndheart's name caught in his throat as he tried to scream it, watching her pelt being covered by whirling, ravenous bodies. Rapacious for their home. His home, his safe-place. Twitchbolt rattled like a leaf in a hurricane, blood beginning to congeal around his split ear.
penned by pin ✧
It had been a bad night to choose to cuddle up in the warmth and comfort of their friends...

Sitting upright in their nest as the sounds of hissing and spitting broke out just beyond the confines of the apprentice's den, Edenpaw parted their jaws in a sleepy yawn, taking their time to stretch their limbs and wake up for the day. Maybe it was that one really sour kit in a bad mood again... or maybe Crowpaw had tried sparring another RiverClanner and got his ass handed to him? It sounded... really noisy to be those things... and even as they tread towards the entrance of the den they knew it couldn't be something so relatively harmless.

Green eyes peer out into the unfolding chaos, flicking to the rogue leader who sings of their victory and makes threat of their future. This can't be happening... It is a horrifying realization then, to come to terms that the friends they'd made and invited into their home had been tailed by those thieving, salivating rogues and now....

"...Vacate our new home or we can leave you to rot..."

Is that why Cicadastar wasn't here too? He'd been left to rot somewhere and his clan left with few choices but to abandon him there. Shaking like a leaf, the daylight apprentice hadn't even noticed the way their paws had gone numb, I'm not supposed to be here... is the only thought that kept coming to mind. Like they'd stumbled upon some horrible secret that they weren't meant to know about. As if they were an imposter caught in a cross-fire.

"Gl-Glimmerpaw, D-Doompaw.... H-hey guys... I think we," they whine, glancing back into the den of their now rousing den-mates, eyes round and terrified, "We gotta go..." It is said in a tone so shaky it threatens on being indecipherable, quivering in their pelt like a newborn dunked in an ice bath. The only, reasonable option was to run away right...? They were just apprentices... hardly fit to catch a mouse (they hadn't even caught their first prey yet) much less win a war. Fear motivates the movements of their paws as they hare towards the warriors' den, hoping some of the RiverClanners that slept just outside of it might be awake, might be able to protect them, might know enough about how to safely escape-- they'd done this once before but SkyClan had been a close escape, where else was left to go?

They remember Tawnystripe at the border with RiverClan, asking them to identify the sap-heavy smell nearby. ThunderClan? But they were already housing WindClan in their territory, could they even f-

A weight slams into their side as they struggle to dip around the milling bodies and for a moment they think fleetingly that this is a bad time for a prank to be played- it's only when the face that leers over them registers as completely unrecognizable that the wheels spin and the picture of their dystopian reality becomes realized. They really are going to kill us...

A small, sniveling wail escapes them before the rogue so much as utters a threat, having already been defeated in their mind since before they'd even finished waking up. They were done for! They were dead. The sensation of claws digging into the downy baby fur of a kitty-pet playing at warrior started as a small thing, nothing more than an irritant but they just didn't stop, even when Edenpaw squirmed and writhed around to free themself. "You said we could leave," they cried at the unfairness of it, the lying. "L-Let go! Let me go!" Out of the edge of their vision they can see red budding at the tips of claws buried in the tender flesh of their chest and it sets their heart fluttering in panic.

I'm so dead... I'm so so dead...

--- briefly talks to @Glimmerpaw and @DOOMPAW , plotted to be rescued by @otterpaw
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Littlepaw didn’t want to believe it at first, staring at the invading rogues like it was some part of his nightmare that he couldn’t wake himself up from. His breath quickened, blue optics staring at his clanmates and then at the rogues because no no no this shouldn’t be happening. “No—” He hissed, low and guttural, but kitten-like, staring wide-eyed at the rogues like they stole his favorite toy.

They stole from his clan and he couldn’t help the anger that festered deep within his gut, churning like acid. He trembled, terrified, but his anger overcompensated that, pushing out everything but to make them pay. He knew he wasn’t skilled enough to even humor the idea of winning, exhaustion, and hunger gnawing at him like hungry wolves. He stumbled, hackle rising with bared teeth.

The black-and-white feline stared at the muscular form of a rogue far bigger than he was. He shrunk backward, teeth bared while the other stalked him like prey, grinning wickedly that’d haunt him in his sleep. “Get back!” He snarled, terrified. Where was Thistlepaw? What about his mama? His mentor? Thoughts he shouldn’t be having when facing the jaws of death, claws sinking into his frame like paper drawing an uncanny shriek from the young apprentice. Claws hooked into his ear, tearing the cartilage with such anger that Littlepaw choked. His claws lashed out, hoping to latch onto anything to get the rogue to let go.

His anger festered, emotions high-strung, managing to rip himself from the rogue’s grasp, ichor trickling down his temple and wounds buzzing, barely noticeable underneath the adrenaline that roared in his ears. His chest rose and fell rapidly, lunging forward to latch onto the rogue’s forelimb, using what little knowledge he had from watching the older apprentices. His triumph was short-lived when he was slammed into the ground with a thump, knocking the breath from him.

/ feel free to help him out !
thought speech

What was this? An invasion of rogues? The clan should be thankful that Tigerscar had slept in camp last night, rather than returning to his twoleg nest. He rises, peels his lips back to reveal a strange abomination of a snarl and an excited grin. Teeth glint in the low light of dawn as he explodes from the warrior's den. Cats were swarmed, flooded in a wave of claws and fury. Ears flatten as a bark of laughter is spat past his fangs. The audacity! The huge tom wastes no time, he flings himself into the fray, crashes into the first foe he meets to tear claws through flesh and fur. The favor is returned, blood splatters his fur, pain arches through his spine as a rogue tears at his shoulders and back. The maine coon flings himself to the ground, crushes his enemy for but a moment before he springs back to his paws to disengage. There was nothing but utter chaos, and the grim realization that they were sorely outnumbered.

"I'll choke you with your own guts." The growl that splits his muzzle is a sardonic mix of rage and glee. He lashes his nails across some rogue's face, feels his own ear shredded by enemy claws. In the explosion of fur and bloodshed, the behemoth catches sight of Littlepaw, struggling in the fray. He flings himself toward the apprentice, crashes full force into the rogue that stood over it's prey. The blow sends the other cat tumbling, but the battle is still in full force, and Tigerscar's wounds are already stinging. He looks down at Littlepaw with a chilling, blood-stained smile, "Run!" The Daylight Warrior commands thunderously, and then he spins to tackle another rogue who gets too close, feeling talons rip down his chest. He wonders if he will die this day. Would SkyClan remember him as a hero?

((helping @LITTLEPAW! ))

The caterwauling of foreign voices descending into camp stirred the spotted cream warrior from his slumber. Frosted green eyes snapping open as the sound of battle begins to erupt all around him. Within the haze of his wakening he thought it to be an attack lead by the moorland queen for not forking over their runaway deputy. But as his senses came to he quickly realized it was an unmatched militia of rogues plaguing the camp. Quickly he stumbles from his nest, pine needles and moss dropping from his ruffled pelt. "Howlfire." She would have been tucked away deep within the recesses of the nursery. However, even its protective winding branches could not keep a group as bloodthirsty as this away for long.

Bursting from the warriors den he sprints for the nursery only to be bowled over by some ebony figure seeking a fight. Air vacates his lungs as he collides against the ground with a harsh thud, his shoulder tender to the touch. Blood wells up around the claws buried deep within his side. Twisting despite the wounds that came with it, Coyotecrest swung his paw across his attacker's eye, blinding the tom. It was enough to make them release him as he scrambled to his paws again and raced for his destination.

Somewhere along the way he spotted another rogue flicking away a riverclan scrap of fur, leaving the kid to crumple into a heap. Gritting his teeth he throws himself at the kid's assailant, using his uninjured shoulder to ram them against another passing rogue. The attack sends the pair tumbling paw over tail and within the midst of their confusion he leans down to carefully grasp Nettlekit in his jaws. Their bravery reminded Coyotecrest of himself at that age, biting the ankles of chihuahuas that dared to invade skyclan. Turning his head swiftly he ducked into the nursery placing the young tom by Willowroot's paws. "Found him outside trying to take on those rogues. I can't tell if he's hurt." He states breathlessly, whilst peering over the queen's shoulder to locate ivory and chocolate fur.

"Howlfire!" Relief floods his senses as he rushed to her side, butting his head against her own. "Quickly now you have to leave. The rogues are taking over, there are too many of them." He utters with a pained expression, nudging her to her paws. How could they have ever known their kits would come into a world like this. "I'll protect the front, go."

(interacting with @Nettlekit and dropping him off with @willowroot then speaking with @Howlfire)
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

Sleeping soundly had not come easily to Howlfire as of late. Not only was she drawing nearer and nearer to kitting but there had been a lot going on within her life that had left her troubled. RiverClan sheltered within their camp, prey was still hard to come by, and the rogues were growing bolder and bolder. Between her own uncomfortableness and the thoughts bouncing around in her mind, there was a lot to keep her up.

So, when the caterwauling of voices both foreign and known pierce her ears, she is quick to stir. Howlfire sits in her nest and blinks, looking around in confusion at the other queens. "What's happening?" She manages to say, as the grogginess of sleep finally leaves. Howlfire and the other queens aren't kept waiting long when Coyotecrest suddenly bursts into the nursery, carrying Nettlekit with him whom he proceeded to leave with Willowroot. He rushes to her side quickly and she can sense the relief rushing off of him as the butt heads. He explains that rogues were swarming camp and that there were too many of them and they needed to leave. "Filfthy rogues," Howlfire sneered, as she allowed herself to be helped to her paws. "They're lucky I can't fight."

She gets to her feet but does not immediately leave, looking at Coyotecrest pleadingly. "We can't leave the rest of the queens and kits here," She mewed. Her eyes instinctively found Butterflytuft and Willowroot residing within.

/ speaking with @Coyotecrest , mentioning @willowroot and @butterflytuft + happy to help any of the kits escape!
( ) she has not slept for the past two nights. dips into slumber are always interrupted by the snap of a twig, the mewl of a kit, wind rustling through unfamiliar trees. every single sound could be the approach of a rogue, claws clicking against stone, breath hot and heavy. so, she happens to be awake and dozing when a yowl splits the night. fear strikes the queen's body like lightning, her fur fluffing instinctively as she bolts to her paws. nettlekit vanishes from the nursery like a leaf in the wind, spitting fury from his tiny maw, an npc queen's paws helpless to grab him. "nettlekit, get back here!" her voice breaks as she yowls after the tiny tom, chest heaving with effort as she weaves between nests, jostling awake any who sleep in the nursery.

the rogues have returned, have followed riverclan to what they thought would be a safe haven. blazestar's sacrifice of room has been brutally betrayed. tufted ears flatten, green eyes dancing fire and hot anger. a shape skids into the den, almost colliding with the furious queen. a tomcat willow has seen around, watched interact with fellow queen howlfire. he drops nettlekit at her paws, muttering slowly before he dashes to howlfire's side. "thank you," willowroot gasps, bending to harshly lick the kitten's pelt clean from crimson. he does not appear hurt, simply breathing heavily with anger and anguish. "we need to go, there's no hope of fighting them off," she tells her fellow queens, glancing around for apricotflower and butterflytuft. "i can clear a path but you won't have a lot of time. nettlekit needs to be carried, he's blind. coyotecrest, right? come, help me get your mate out!"

roughly she noses her litter to their paws, sniffing and licking each tiny head before she nudges them towards apricotflower. the perma-queen is trustworthy and will take care of her brood. still, willowroot's heart screams at her to stay close. "tide, bumble, caraway, stay with the queens. make sure nettlekit and bristlekit are following, okay? i will see you soon, darlings." she doesn't say i'm so sorry, doesn't stop to mourn the childhood her kits have had ripped from them over the past three days. she nuzzles them each and turns to slip from the den, hoping the cream tabby warrior will follow.

outside, dark shapes howl and cackle with mirth, the tearing of skin and ripping of claws echo under the tall pines. the river queen pulls herself to her fullest hight, fear and adrenaline the only thing keeping her going as she plants herself in front of the nursery. two seconds later and she feels a shape slam into her. dark tortoiseshell fur clumps beneath her claws as she takes the attack with a ferocity rarely seen. the dappled rogue has slammed her to her back, and willowroot kicks out with her back legs to somersault, changing their positions almost immediately. paws flying, she cuts and tears wherever she can manage, breath huffing from her chest. "foxhearted cowards," she spits, teeth closing around the already tattered ear of the attacking rogue. sinking in, she rips her head back, coming away with a bloody bit of flesh which she spits to the side. crimson flows down the rogue's face now, fury darkening in amber eyes.

the rogue surges forward with frightening weight, raking her claws down willowroot's flanks. identically painful and deep clawmarks meet in the middle of the queen's chest, and an odd feeling numbs her tongue. there is a thick liquid in her mouth, the taste of which she does not recognize, it is only as the liquid spills from her lips that she catches crimson in the cold light of dawn. she is bleeding heavily, lack of sleep and profound hunger weakening her as she slips to the ground. the dappled rogue looms over her, grinning with bloodstained teeth. "we told you to leave, mama kitty. you made the wrong choice." teeth snap down to deliver a fatal blow...

// interacting with @Coyotecrest @Howlfire @apricotflower @butterflytuft
addressing @carawaykit @TIDEKIT. @Bumblekit @BRISTLEKIT ▪︎ @Nettlekit
to be rescued by @Johnnyflame
apologies for the long post lol
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XXXXXA soft gray dawn soon bleeds scarlet with SkyClan and RiverClan blood. Blazestar tears himself through the elderberry bush guarding his den, leaving scraps of pale fur like minute flags on the branches. His teeth are bared, fur fluffed out in rage. His home, his Clan’s sanctuary, is filled with hostile outsiders who grin and taunt with no regard for the cats they steal from. “Surely you know the drill by now,” one snickers, tail lashing out behind them, “We can leave you to rot in a corner somewhere. Your choice.”

XXXXXHis warriors make their choice—to die before being driven out. Houndheart and Foxfire meet multitudes of claws, of biting teeth, and are swarmed. He can smell their blood on the air. Coyotecrest goes to carry the wayward blind kit back toward the queens, and Willowroot streaks from the den, claws bared to defend the kits she cares for. Edenpaw is pinned quickly by laughing rogues, but before Blazestar can assist any of them, a skinny cinnamon-colored cat smacks him across on cheek with claws bared. He snarls in response, the stinging marks welling with blood, but it snaps him out of his fervor and makes him see the reality of their situation.

XXXXXIf we do not flee, we will die.

XXXXXBlazestar meets the gleaming eyes of the auburn rogue, his voice hoarse even as it booms throughout their camp. “SkyClan—we will not die today!” More cats slink into his camp, treading where they have no right to place their filthy paws, and he stares with desolation at the hopelessness of their situation. “We will retreat—you have no reason to harm us, so let them go!” His hope is that if they give them what they want, they will not do as they had to Cicadastar, to the other torn and battered RiverClan warriors. He has kits to think of, expecting queens, sick cats and injured ones—it is not SkyClan’s time to be heroes.

XXXXXSkyClan, leave! Help your Clanmates! We will go…” He puts a paw to his cheek, and when he pulls it away, it’s dark with blood.

This is not their home. And for one terrible moment of cowardice, Saltsting does not wish to die for it. He thinks of the river, of the family he has so desperately avoided throughout his time within this territory. Briefly, only, for his thoughts all too readily move to Fallinglight. Already the cries of retreat ring out around him. Petalnose has chased the shadow of their acting leader. What else could he do but turn to the sick? There are too many of them. He cannot leave them behind. With a furrowed brow and a moment too long of hesitation, he turns from the front of the rogues and into SkyClan's camp. Through those that gather the queens and kits, through RiverClan and SkyClan alike– towards the sick, and his friend. His mother. His history and future both.

He barges in carelessly. His eyes are oddly wide for himself, even with a brow lowered in focus. Tall, tense shoulders bleed down to tightened paws and claws that gleam as they sink to the ground for any semblance of stability. "We need to leave, now. They've followed us. We cannot stay and fight."

  • ooc: speaking to @FALLINGLIGHT but also to any other sick cats!
    ——  a black smoke with low white and dark brown eyes. his purebred father lent him much of his structure, with the oriental shorthair's characteristic angular features and large ears alongside a tall, lean frame, yet it is his mother's genes that rounded him out, adding strength to his shoulders and toughness to his paws. a kittypet and a colony cat, and saltsting is something entirely new.
    ✦ IMPORTANT NOTE. saltsting is touch averse and very vocal about it. icly, riverclanners should be aware of this. repeatedly touching him without the necessary comfort level will leave him with a poor opinion of any character.
  • "speech"
  • Love
Much like her denmates, Apricotflower's sleep has been troubled as of late. Unlike her denmates, it comes from a strange sense of familiarity. She'd been raised in this very holly bush, roughhousing with her littermates and the young cats of the Pine Colony. The solid form of the fallen tree to her left when she sleeps is new, as is the placement of the dens and the queens within, but the milk-and-moss scent tricks her mind at times into thinking she's come home.

"Alrighty kits, come on now! Stick with us. There's a lot of chaos right now, but we'll be alright." The white-and-cream queen tries to exude her usual friendly optimism, offering some vague distraction against the sound of Willowroot facing off against one of those horrible rogues outside the SkyClan nursery. She sticks close to Nettlekit, the scent of illness on him making her own head spin, but she ignores it in favour of placating RiverClan's young. When they move, she'd usher him along.

"@butterflytuft ," she meows to the young queen urgently, her ears pricking forward, "is there a gap in the holly that the kits try to escape from a lot? Something that hasn't grown close to the log? We might be able to sneak out the back of the nursery to safety. If you don't know, will you help me look?"
Hot fire has filled his lungs and exhaled smoke, watching through a narrowed gaze as a familiar sweep of bodies fill an already overcrowded camp. Not again! This isn't fair! Hadn't they done enough? Hadn't they won enough? Though Otterpaw would feel just as greedy if he was in their paws, being the victim of the situation felt like a beetle rolled on its back. Helpless and flailing for stable ground once again.

Two SkyClanners jump to fight back before realizing just how overwhelming the numbers are and- Nettlekit? Dumb, STUPID Nettlekit didn't learn his lesson the last time his ankle-biting jaws met the rogues strength. The chimera grit his teeth together as it all moved too quickly yet all too slow at once. Petalnose supporting the idea to retreat, Twitchbolt agreeing. Whatever, whatever! They could keep fleeing further across the borders, surely this would end with all the Clans driven out though.

A wail ripped him away from his pessimistic simmering to see its source pinned underneath the weight of one of the rogues. In a similar fashion of how he had found himself in the last confrontation up until... Coyotecreek saved me. Claws find their grip on hard soil as he kicked off toward Edenpaw, finding a familiar pace in the tact he had taken on that rogue that slapped Cicadapaw in their camp. He launched from behind the rogue and sank his claws between shoulder blades, dragging them down just as he had before. But Otterpaw's strength does not pair well with endurance and the rogue easily thrashes out of his hold.

It's enough to get them off Edenpaw. It's enough to turn the attention onto him. "That's mine." Otterpaw snarled as more came to join their ally. He rushed to Edenpaw's side to help push them back onto their paws. "C'mon, lets get out of here!" Blazestar's appeasement seemed to be enough to give these ones pause before diving in again, he wouldn't risk lingering a moment longer.​

"again?" carawaykit cried as she awoke. they were supposed to be okay here, they came here because it was supposed to be safe! and now another camp was filled with yowls of terror, they hadn't followed riverclan here, right?

the sleep is blinked rapidly out of her green eyes, they would need to move again. nettlekit bursts out of the den, her heart lurching until he is returned. but then, willowroot is leaving. bidding each of her children goodbye, ushering them towards apricotflower. this does little to ease carawaykit, but she obeys.

she was scared, willowroot was off fighting those rogues and it terrified her. what if what happened to cicadastar happened to her as well? tussling with one of those monsters, carawaykit lets out a loud scream as once launches at the smoky fur of the queen's neck, burying her face in apricotflower's side.

  • interacting with @apricotflower

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, three moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Sad
Reactions: apricotflower
He's startled by the wailing of cats, the sound of battle thick in the air- blood, so much blood has been spilled on these holy grounds. The sound of rogues barging into their safety, tearing down the walls of everything he's ever believed in. We're not safe here. He realizes then, and his eyes widen in terror. He's frozen in place for a moment, cowardly and still. If he looks into the jaws of death, would it stare back at him? Would it look upon him as Mother did, all those moons ago?

"Get up. Everyone, get up!" He hisses to the sickened cats, but he finds no savior. Dawnglare is sick, Dawnglare couldn't save them- couldn't fight these cats away like he did all those moons ago when the moorland rats had invaded.

Would you die for your Clan? That silly voice calls, and Fireflypaw hesitates- hesitates for just one moment, until the sound of shredding is heard. Somebody, a cat healthy enough to fight, is shredding down their reinforcements. Fireflypaw jumps into action then, blind rage and fear driving him.

Gladly. He answers, claws unsheathed and lashing out- it catches the rogue's face, a loud cry of anguish in the air as blood cakes his claws. He'd landed a hit, but nothing that would blind them the way he was blinded many moons ago. It's enough to make the rogue back off momentarily, enough for Fireflypaw to round up the sick. Would they make it? Would they make it out of here alive? "You won't be taking any of these cats to the stars." He snarls, vicious and cold as he lifts his blind, milky gaze to the rogue. Curses, curses.

SkyClan, leave! Help your Clanmates! We will go… His father's voice speaks of surrender, and Fireflypaw wonders if these rogues will allow the sick to leave. He cannot help all of them by himself. "I need help carrying the sick that cannot walk!" He calls out of his den, rounds alongside @falconpaw! and nudges him awake roughly. "Get up. All of you, I know it hurts. I know it feels like this is the end, but you must stand up. If not for me, for your Clan. For those who love you. You will survive this!"

// tdlr;; momentarily fought off a rogue tearing into the medicine den, currently trying to get the sick to wake up and escape.​
He had just been preparing to send another hunting party to the river, to claw up whatever fish they could manage for the dwindling freshkill pile in SkyClan's camp, at least enough to feed the nursery, at least enough for the sick, when he's acutely aware of the presence entering the camp and his fur prickles as he turns. Like a fool he stands there, rigid and motionless, a stone parting the waters of intruders that rush in screeching for blood.

Petalnose speaks, he can barely hear her muffled among the tirade and his own frantic realization. Cicadastar wasn’t here and the rogues were, their pungent scent filling the camp and he hears his heart thunder inside his skull in rising horror. Cicadastar wasn’t here-wasn’t here…
Where was he-they’d left him-why hadn’t he come back to them as he had so many times before? The word rot resonates like war drums, floods his thoughts and burns his lungs-the visceral image of black and white, gray flecked fur motionless on the ground in a sea of red and left there to be picked at by carrion birds strikes him so suddenly he staggers where he stands.
Gone. Was he gone? Was he truly gone…
A scream rips through the air, primal, furious, bellowing from the chest upward and splitting in it's intensity and it takes him a moment to realize the violent noise pours from his own throat, sets his own ears ringing. Smokethroat takes a step forward that hurries into a sprint and he is blinded with rage, grief, pushing himself forward into the throe of rogue bodies spilling into the camp with his claws and teeth. The dark tom lunges, barreling into a rogue and sending them toppling, he feels warmth between his teeth as he plunges for an exposed throat - give him back - sinks in and pulls - you took him - his face is doused red, heat flares across his mouth and down his throat; a weight shoves him back onto the ground as another cat and then another leap into the fray to avenge the downed vagabond and he can barely keep his legs upright long enough to twist away. There were too many, too many, even more than before...
Smokethroat hears Blazestar call for a retreat and he bites back a retort of fury, outrage, he wasn't leaving-he wasn't leaving again-they kill him-they killed him-they had to have-it was the only explaination for why his nest remained cold, his heart remained shredded, he wasn't going to fall back until he'd taken his cut of flesh.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai


Petalnose felt his presence fly past her once she had looked over her shoulder again. Fur along her spine prickled in alarm, spinning around to watch the deputy scream and charge into battle. She blinked in slight suprise but no horror through her eyes were expressed. She knew how he felt and she couldn't blame him. She wanted nothing more than to sink her teeth and tear up the hive one by one. Should she follow? Blindly serve under him until her last breath?Petalnose shook her head as if she were holding herself back, her heart lurching as she watched him begin to become surrounded and pinned. She was begining to watch the same thing happened over again. No, no. This can't happen again... "Smokethroat!" She yelled, shoving a rouge over to push past, aiming to pounce and tackle one ontop of him. "Did you hear me!? Riverclan needs you! You must not drag it down with you!" She shouted, she felt herself begin to be overwhelmed with presence, a snarl making her way to her expression in frustration, "We need to leave! Blazestar is retreating which means there's no chance! I can't watch you die here and lead Riverclan into doom!"

Petalnose hoped her clan was following Blazestar, although, she didn't let her eyes leave the rouges and Smokethroat. Even if her faith was shattering, she was internally praying that she could get into Smokethroats head. Hopefully, he'd hear her shouts.

She'd gladly fight along side him, she respected him. She would die under his reign if she had to. Although, it came to her clan.. her promise.

Aspenhaze had easily pulled her from the last battle in result of love and respect of their judgement. Although, she felt this would be a challenge. Both of them were headstrong and she wasn't as close to him. She merely followed his orders and shared occasional words. Petalnose hoped she wouldn't need help.

As she turned to attempt to advance after him again, she felt herself hit body hit the ground. An angered yowl sharpened the air as she kicked and scratched with all of her might. "Get off me you fat lug!" She shrieked, "Smokethroat, we need you! Your children need y-!" A shushing sound left their maw and paw met her mouth to silence her, her jaws snapping and burrowing into her offender's paw. However, they didn't budge, even as her teeth had pierced deep.

// Trying to convince @Smokethroat ! Then eventually overpowered and pinned + silenced, feel free to save her but she'll eventually make it out by herself!
