THIS AIN'T NO PLACE FOR NO HERO — rogue invasion

"Are you kidding me?" Brookpaw feels fury in her blood. She's not a very vocal cat - more often than not she allows for her expressions to display her emotions. However today, both are front and center. Her tone of voice is tinged with incredulous rage, and her face is morphed with something beyond anger. Perhaps if Smokethroat had his way, she, too, would happily die here in the camp of another Clan, if it meant tearing up even just one face of these flea-bitten cats. Her mentor (along with SkyClan's leader,) seem to convince the predominantly black cat otherwise.

She struggles against a rogue, watching as cats dart around her and others to leave camp. She feints left - a dodging move she's truly never been good at - and only narrowly misses a sharp bite to the throat. Green eyes scan camp quickly for her father or mentor, however they catch instead on Robinpaw brawling with a rogue on the way to the nursery. Amusement overtakes her expression briefly when the other apprentice manages to smash a cat into the ground, however her momentary happiness is squandered when a second rogue goes after her next.

"Hey!" she huffs, again dodging the one she was previously entangled with and rushing to help the tortie. She leaps upwards, fastening her jaws around the faceless fiend's neck and barreling into them at the same time. She doesn't have the jaw strength to crush downwards, and with the size of the intruder, it doesn't faze them for long. They toss her aside, and she scrambles to stand in between them and Robinpaw - earning a swipe to the face in the meanwhile. She hisses with pain, but walks backwards into Robinpaw and urges her to leave with a strict, "Go already!"

[ saving @robinpaw. ! ]​

Cream and flame pointed fur is a mere flash that tore down the stretch of space between herself and the medicine den that held her friend within. Paws slam down against the cold earth without thought, watching as everything around her moved slowly. The mix of RiverClan and SkyClan fighting together, empowering as it was disheartening watching their numbers still struggle against their invadors.

They can't get in, they won't! She can see Fireflypaw's burly form stand guard and she isn't sure if she should feel relieved that at least someone is protecting the sick at all, or dread that it's a medicine cat of all creatures to do so. Did they still learn to defend themselves in battle? She didn't know enough, but part of her doubted it. Would he be able to hold them off?

A horridly familiar scent is far too close for her comfort.

By habit, she can't control how her gaze searched for him. Nightfish is pinned, a rogue gearing up to slam it's paws against his vulnerable form. There's not the slightest stutter in her movements as she broke her path to collide into the rogue pinning him down, sending them both skidding and tumbling a short distance away. Hopefully the chimera was able to roll away from his other attacker now. Applefrost scrambled to get back onto her paws, chest heaving for breath before turning to snarl at the RiverClanner.

"Wipe the fish guts off your eyes and get out of here! I won't be your savior again." A strange unreadable expression reflected in her normally vacant eyes. She hated herself for saving him, but she wouldn't forgive herself if she let him die, either. A horrible clash of morals and emotions to battle.

// interacting with @Nightfish

Gaze jumping around the overturned camp in anticipation of an attack, Snakeblink finds his attention snagged away from his clanmates’ retreat as he catches a glimpse of a lean rogue pinning down a struggling apprentice. He’s not one of theirs; the collar makes that clear. But he looks terrified. They were clawing at him like prey, like a toy —

He moves before he’s fully made the choice to act.

Foregoing his usual careful tactics of stealth, Snakeblink takes off at a sprint and barrels straight into the rogue’s side, throwing him off Plaguepaw with a shoulder to the ribs with a noiseless snarl, as if he might bite. Taking advantage of the rogue’s surprise, he turns his bared teeth to the black apprentice instead, aiming to pull him up by the collar around his neck. If successful, Snakeblink would nudge him forward roughly, towards the exit, before hissing hurriedly: ”Quick — can you run? The rest will be right behind you, come on.” He moves his body between the younger cat and the rogue either way, ready to bear the brunt of an eventual counter-attack in his stead.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • helping/manhandling @Plaguepaw
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

𓆝 . ° ✦ He thinks it’s a memory, at first.

A deeply familiar scent washes over him, hazelnut and pine; his poor overloaded brain sings home, home, home before the rest of him, what’s left of his rational self, shoves the impulse aside before it can make him go limp in relief. More feelings rush in to fill the sudden void, a wave washing over him and leaving him faintly trembling with nothing he understands. Except the anger: that one he knows.

He lets it sink into him and writhes blindly, unthinkingly, twisting around until his jaws close on his second opponent’s leg and he bites down, hard, until he hears a crunch and a yowl of pain. He heaves himself up, shouldering the wounded rogue away before turning to Apple Stem.

“I don’t need you to save me, fox-breath!” He snarls, voice breaking as it rises in pitch.

Ignoring the rest of her sentence, he barrels past her and into the rogue she just threw off him, aiming his claws at their face.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: @APPLEFROST
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.

It was with a whimper, not a bang, that the molly awoke.
Circe was asleep one moment, the next, a new type of pain shredded her back leg. Purely by instinct, her back paw found purchase in something slimy. Eyes pinned open in fear, the molly just bolted. Moss and warmth and hope vanished under the glare of the moon as the molly shoved herself against the wave of muscle and claw. Her throat rubbed itself raw in a second. More more more. These cats were not Sky Clan. They smelled of death and streets and rot.
Fear serged through her. Then cold awareness. She was a coward.
They were muscle. She was not. They had numbers. She was one. They tore through things like a fire. She was just a small drop of dew. Nothing powerful. Nothing meaningful. She couldn't save anyone. She bolted. Pain singing in her leg, Circe turned tail and blindly making her way towards an entrance - any entrace, any escape - but was met with more rot. More more more.
"Gu-!" She was slammed down, pinned by her throat. One cat - or maybe more? - held her down. Some monster shoved into the body of a cat. Liquid pride gushing from her leg, Circe squirmed like a bug underpaw. Please please!! Mercy! A deep chuckle. The flash of fang. Then, the cry of a younger cat. A friend? A clanmate.
Paw's stilled, her eyes buldged. Gaze sweeping side to side, she took in everything she could make out. There! A ways away, in the faint moonlight. A cat in a similar position. Soot dancing at the edges of her vision, Circe attempted to copy the cat. Swiping with her right paw, aiming for the neck of her attacker. Purchase!
Hot liquid streamed into her nose, her mouth, her eyes. Kicking the attacker off, she rolled to the side. Shaking. Shivering. Wet.
Force slammed her head to the left, claw marks left in it's wake.
"Gonna take more then that, you ugly rat." Those same fangs. The molly shook her head, attempting to banish the blood from her sight. She had been here a day. Freshly picked from the vine, so new to the clan that she did not know her clan mates faces. She was afraid she was more loyal to them then she wanted to be.
Shaking. Shivering. Brave.

// ooc:​