THIS AIN'T NO PLACE FOR NO HERO — rogue invasion

It's here again, the snarls and cackling of cats that move more like masses of rats than actual feline. Ravensong wakes with a startle, barely hearing Fireflypaw's words as his world becomes only a haze of mismatched emotions that have no rhyme of reason. He flinches to scent the blood that stains the SkyClan medicine cat apprentice's claws and suddenly, as if a stronger power willed his fever-laden body, he rises to his feet. Never since he had gotten sick had he experienced such a rush of adrenaline, but those nameless foes outside he sees are something bigger.

"They've come because they slaughtered all of our Clanmates in the mountains." He raves, fur rising along his crooked spine as he feels the ground rightfully under his paws. "They've brought Cicadastar's corpse to taunt us." And before he could ramble on too much, a cry outside shakes his soul and Ravensong darts immediately, slipping around Fireflypaw's large form to race out into the fray of the camp. He is running—he will run back to RiverClan—if they are here now, there ought to not be any in their camp now.

He runs, he thinks he is fast, but in reality his movements are jerky and slow. Something spotted and brown catches the corner of his eye and he pauses.


  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

Were they cursed...?

Lichentail watches yet another invasion but as if it was moving through a vat of tar... the movements are slow, agonizing, familiar and overwhelming. Screams drown the speech of the one that names themself the leader of the wayward bandits. They promise if they leave they won't be killed and sourly, she wonders if she wouldn't rather die than be driven out again.... Where else could they go, barging on ThunderClan's door when they already harbored WindClan? And ShadowClan... the thought of the crowfood mires makes her already empty stomach twist in protest.

Maybe... maybe they'd all be driven out before their journeying friends ever made it home. Maybe they'd all die anyways, the lungwort a problem long since forgotten. Would they leave pretty corpses behind to mourn... or would they be carrion food before anyone ever found out what had come to pass?

A guttural screeching from nearby sounds as if someone has had their heart rend from their chest and though Lichentail's paws urge her to move and find her apprentices, to make sure they are safe, the stinging retort of Dipperpaw still makes her throat tighten. They were nearly old enough to be warriors themselves... had she coddled them too much? Would it even matter if she'd been overbearing if they met StarClan this night? They would seethe at her even amongst the stars, she suspects...

Petalnose's voice yells for Smokethroat's attention, cries for him to listen, to retreat, to not sacrifice what future he has left with his kin now... begs him not to join Cicadastar in whatever fate he had found alone in a watery grave (wasn't he lucky... to die at home?). The rogues being here surely means he cannot have survived... but the words they choose nag at the back of their head. Leave them to rot....

It begs the question. Had they only weakened their king enough to hold him captive... to steal away the hope and morale of his clan?

In all her wondering her legs had dragged her closer to her deputy (he was their future... he had to make it), unwilling to sink claws and fangs into power hungry bodies-- she was so hungry... so tired-- so long as they left her pale coat go unharmed in turn. Even with all the pleading to his emotions, there was no digging Smokethroat out of his own bloodlust with gentleness- this was a tom who knew death by combat to be an honor and had already been pulled away from vengeance once-- he would not suffer it twice.

"Smokethroat," her voice is hollow and even to her ears it sounds like it comes from someone else much more distant to all of this bloodshed and misery. But why should they be forced to run... again and again and again? "They didn't say... they'd kill us.... they didn't even say... they killed Him," They sit there, offering him the chance to draw the same conclusion she had... a rogue snarls at her a warning, one meant to deter her, to scare her into fleeing. "Maybe... it's not worth dying here today...." She sizes up one of the multiple that had swarmed towards the black and white tom after he'd found his weight in blood to spill before lunging towards them to clear some room. They needed to escape with everyone alive... and it sounded like, thanks to Blazestar's willingness to accept when things were lost (RiverClan would never be able to apologize enough for how their burden had ruined his home), they would be allowed to.

The rogue underfoot snaps and snarls, demands release and hisses threats of teeth around her throat- it wouldn't be the first time. A growl of impatience lingers in her throat before a swift smack to their face silences them momentarily, "We can clear a path... you choose if it's their blood or ours."

Her allegiance had been and always would be to RiverClan... and right now what they needed most was not to lose the next closest thing they had to a leader. Petalnose was not fit to command them, her bloodthirsty antics leaving room for concern and Snakeblink.... was better left unspoken for. They needed the lone flame to guide them through the dark.

--- talking to @Smokethroat
The familiar scent of a wave of strangers caused Ratpaw's fur to stand on end and her eyes widened as she heard the commanding voice of the leader of the rogues. Breath caught in her throat as chaos ensued and the ghost-like apprentice's ears fell flat onto her head as she shot up as quick as possible from her makeshift nest in camp. Scared tears threatened the corner of her eyes as the reality of having to move somewhere else once again hit her. There were no clans within the territories that she would want to go to, already reluctant to leaving their own home to move to SkyClan's camp however temporary it was going to be, but it was cut short now and Ratpaw found herself scrambling to keep up with what was being said.

The familiar sight of Ravensong darting from the medicine den caused relief to Ratpaw - he was okay, he was still alive and was leaving - but the direction, the jerkiness of his movements, it causes a frown on her face and she begins to move forward to speak with the other, to shepherd him away and to follow Blazestar, before she is once again bowled over, hot breath of the rogue above her causing the apprentice's face to screw up in fear once more.

This time, however, Ratpaw had been bowled over in such a way she could twist. Whoever this was didn't have the strength of the rogue from before, nor the brains, for as soon as she was topped over the apprentice screamed and twist her body before using her back legs and kicking up to push the other off of her, claws digging into their stomach. They let out a surprised yowl and jumped off of the apprentice, standing there as she streaked out of camp, ignoring the screaming pain in her leg as she followed SkyClan and RiverClan alike.

  • quick in and out!
  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 6 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - not looking
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    ⋆ peaceful powerplay allowed
    attack - "speech" - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

Rogues swarmed like rats, so quickly, so unexpectedly, that the tabby could not stop to think past the blood raging in his ears. It screamed at him more than the battle cries ever could, and then, silence crashed into him. Retreat. His green eye tried to find the one who made such a call, his own leader, but the faces in the crowd were obscured. Silversmoke's heart sunk lower than a swimming RiverClanner. Their existence on the borders had promised SkyClan's demise, a warning spoken by him the very first day of their arrival, but no one could've expected the same thing that drove RiverClan out would destroy SkyClan too. He tried to think back to RiverClan's words to him, tried to relay any warnings, see if anything could've saved the pine forest, but all that emerged in his head were visions of weakness. His clans, the way they groveled to every Daylight Warrior and outsider in need, his own, the way he could not catch enough food to keep the strength of his kin up. The world spun and all the Lead Warrior could see was red, fire and blood mixed together.

"Then I will rot." He breathed as quietly as a mouse, a solitary promise. A resolve steeled Silversmoke's heart to the idea of surviving this encounter, each claw was poison, and each fang delivered sweet promises of death which had evaded the Lead Warrior for too long. It was not that he couldn't run, he had become rather accustomed to running since the day two marks had seared into his face, rather, he couldn't leave without making sure every single SkyClanner had left their borders. There were old, young and weak within the bramble walls, Stars knew how long it would take, Stars knew he had to fight for their freedom all the same. SkyClan may have fallen, but their legacy would remain so long as there were those alive to breathe it. "But you will die first." A hunter's glare was settled on the rogue. He pushed forwards, rogues catching his long fur like burrs, others narrowly missing the Lead Warrior as he used the last of the strength to try and make good on his promise...

Until one was able to sink deeper, yanking the large cat backward and slipping himself onto a patch of bloodied grass. A tangle of paws and tails scratched and swatted at each other until the pair landed against the side of a tree stump. Silversmoke rolled forwards, pinning his attacker with black claws pressed against their throat, pupils narrowed into dangerous slits. Four auburn streaks poked through the tom's wispy fur, matting it, causing the Lead Warrior's breath to hitch as pain throbbed in his clavicle for the first time. The more he pushed his forepaws against the rogue, the more his shoulder ached - no, burned, as if breaking the enemy would break him too. Silversmoke looked into the whites of the eyes of the other and saw nothing, but hesitated all the same.

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw rose from where she had been resting or attempting to when she caught the scent of rogues and felt her heart hammering in her chest, the sound of Blazestar of telling his clan to retreat and she focuses her bicolored gaze onto the rogues that begin to flood the camp. Her eyes beginning to search for any signs of her father almost waiting for him to spring out of nowhere to flee with them this time but she does not find him and there's a sinking feeling in her chest. The Riverclan princess feeling grief and then a growing anger that begins to burn within her that only seems to spread in her body when the sound of Smokethroat's scream rips through the air, the fur on her spine prickling upwards and she glances around through narrowed pupils for her littermates. Her bicolored eyes focusing on her mentor once more seeing how he dove into the throe of rogues and began to take one out until blood splattered on his face, her own anger subsiding when she sees them leap at Smokethroat just like they had with Cicadastar.

Fear squeezes onto her heart and without a second thought and disregarding the danger that had slipped into camp, Beepaw storms forward and feels claws graze on her back leg causing her to stumble and fall onto the ground. She whips around with wide eyes seeing a rogue hover above her for a heartbeat and she reacts with a hasty paw clawing at his eye or whatever she could reach only to feel his claws digging further into her leg and drawing them down, she tries to escape but finds it futile when the rogue's paw slams down onto her head causing it to meet the ground. The smoke molly dazed before reaching out a snowy paw towards her parent. They needed to leave. They needed to go. She didn't want to see him earn the same fate as Cicadastar and stay dead...

/ she got attacked so, she's open to being saved

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
Kitten tears had already moved past the point of just being watery eyes, squeezed shut for fear of witnessing their own demise come so swiftly. They never should've come to this forest, never should've bothered Blazestar with their foolishness.. should've... should've left Cherrypaw alone to enjoy having friends that actually knew how to live out here. Glimmerpaw and Doompaw could've had more room in the apprentice's den, Silversmoke would have one less half-hearted kittypet to worry about. It only clicks now that by being inexperienced and frail, they become a burden to the ones they've enjoyed spending so much time with. It had only been a couple of moons... they'd beheld the Gathering, seen off the journey cats who traveled far greater expanses than Edenpaw could ever dream of... It had been worth it... right?

A selfish part of them disagrees. A selfish part of them wants to be a kitten sitting on a fence again, oblivious to the dangerous lifestyle beyond the Twolegplace's end.

They are certain teeth are inches from their quivering form, ready to sink in and take that bite but then... the suffocating feeling leaves and Edenpaw wonders if that's what dying feels like. Is it that simple...? Where do they go after all of this? StarClan sounds like a nice dream... but it's just that, right? But that voice shouldn't be here-

"That's mine!" Huh? Winking open a single verdant eye, the pale morning sky looms above them instead of the malicious grin from before- A dark furred face pokes into view, his brow furrowed with righteous fury and claws hungry for retribution; he is shoving them to their paws again and they scramble to get up at his behest, sniffling and lifting a paw to wipe the tears from their face. Had he really... saved them?


Awe-struck, it is the first time they struggle to find words to share, and mutely they accept the gestured guidance that suggested their escape. Otterpaw, that boy who'd smacked them not even a couple of days ago and stammered over apologizing for it had done more than just repaid that minor inconvenience... he literally had ripped them from the grip of certain death.

Wow.... I hope I can be like that someday too.... Gently, they grab the end of his tail between their teeth, determined not to be separated from their hero's side as the duo scurries past the throngs of fighting cats to flee.​
𓆝 . ° ✦ The first time rogues swarmed into their camp, Nightfish didn’t get to do anything about it. He barely managed to shake off sleep enough to hightail it out of there on the heels of every other warrior in the clan, sidestepping the pool of blood around their leader as he did so. It left a bad taste in his mouth.

Today the only taste in his mouth he’s willing to get is that of blood.

There’s no thinking to it, no planning or strategy: if there had been any he wouldn’t be doing this. He hears the taunting words and is already flying at the nearest rogue before anyone can call a retreat: Smokethroat’s enraged howl is the only sound that pierces through the hammering of his heart.

His entire, considerable weight slams into his target, teeth snapping around the first thing he can reach — an ear — as claws scrabble against his side, trying to push him off. He jerks his head back, tearing through the soft cartilage with a wicked joy he fights to keep off his face. This is a dire time; he is protecting his clan, not enacting mindless vengeance. Even though mindless vengeance would feel incredible, like warm rain — or blood — on his fur, a tangible problem to wrap his teeth around.

The rogue yowls in pain, twisting like a snake to aim their own teeth at his face. He lashes out with his paw, pushing them away with a swipe that leaves gouges in the side of their neck, and is about to press his advantage when a weight lands on his back. Another rogue sinks her claws in, pulling him to the ground while the other rises on their hind legs, ready to strike at his unprotected side.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: currently pinned down by two rogues @APPLEFROST
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.

Although the pleading look on her face ensnares his heart, he is quick to reassure her that leaving was not his intention. Not until aff of the queens and their brood have deserted camp. "I'm staying behind to help buy you guys some time. I'll catch up with you safe okay?" The spotted tabby added, giving her a nod once Blazestar called the order to retreat. This would not be goodbye, he would see her again. He had to. Turning around he followed swiftly after Willowroot as she beckoned for him to follow her. An explosive hiss escaped his jaws as a patchwork rogue came skittering his way. Colliding together his claws dug deep into their multi colored pelt as the warmth of crimson began to well up beneath his paws. Within the midst of pinning them to the ground he felt pin point pressure puncture the length of his limb. Teeth held his forearm in a vice grip as his fur bristled with anger. Ivory talons rain down upon the rogue's ear, shredding the thin skin there to make them relinquish their hold. Somewhere not too far away Willowroot struggles against her own attacker, becoming pinned beneath them. Though his desire was to help aid the queen he was too far away to reach her in time.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

The shrill sounds of battle startle the girl, her head whipping around as countless rogues begin pouring relentlessly into skyclan's camp. She assumed they would be safe this time around, tucked far enough away from the greedy mongrels desperate to snatch their way of life from them. But she was sorely mistaken. Everywhere she turned both claw and fang glinted in dim morning light. Flesh collided harshly with one another as both sides fought with all they had. In the distance Blazestar calls for skyclan's retreat while Smokethroat releases the most heart wrenching scream she has ever heard. She could almost feel the anguish rolling off of the tom in tangible waves and a chill bristles her spine at the cause of it.

Cicadastar was still nowhere to be seen. He should have been here, there was no way the river king was gone, he couldn't be. Distracted by her disbelief, Sablepaw found herself emitting a pained hiss as claws score down her shoulder. Blue eyes snap towards the culprit, grimacing at the jagged grin decorating their face. The hulking mass of ivory fur throws itself at her where heavy paws pin her to the ground. Her forearms push against their chest, claws burying into a sea of white to prevent snapping jaws from latching onto her face.

Within the midst of her struggle, Sablepaw's vision catches Beepaw's young frame getting pummeled to the ground. Perwinkle eyes stretch wide at the sight of a paw smashing the other young girl's face against the ground and her adrenaline spikes higher. "Beepaw!" Sablepaw shouted, concern lacing her vocals like a thick heavy syrup. Mustering up all her strength the bi colored apprentice used her hind legs to dismantle the rogue pinning her, pushing them off as she scrambled to her paws. Dark limbs snap into motion as she weaves her way through the chaos, streaking across the battlefield until finally she leapt and landed squarely upon the rogue's back. Her teeth clench around their ear and she pulls, using the leverage to her advantage.

The metallic twang of blood coats her tongue and bloodies her chin, leaving a subdued horrified expression to cover her face when a chunk of flesh is left in her mouth. Swiftly she spits it upon the ground shuddering inwardly as she uses the rogue's back as a springboard to land near Beepaw. The rogue in question laments, yowling as they bump into one of their comrades. "Come on Beepaw we have to get out of here, we need to leave." Sablepaw voiced quickly, tone wavering as she carefully aimed to scruff her friend, hoping to pull her to her paws. "You can lean on me if you need to." She does a cautious skim of their surroundings before offering her uninjured shoulder for the black smoke to use. (rescuing @BEEPAW.)

≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖
Her world of dark was interrupted yet again by the screeches of fighting. Nettlekit's screeches the first to rouse the sleeping kit.

Heart skipping she shot up in place yellow eyes bright with terror. Her mother's hurried voice almost a repeat of the last scenerio. She couldn't lose her and the idea of Willowroot's demise frightened the child far worse than the rogue's outside.

Naively she yowled out as her parent's form disappeared. "MAMA! MAMA DON'T GO!" Her cry raw and cracked as Willowroot slipped away. Anger, fright, and pain were the few distinctive emotions that tore from the ebony kits lungs. Sobs heavy and heartbroken as larger paws swept her close.

Shortly after she was rounded up beside Carawaykit by Apricotflower. Her small legs trembled and fat tears continued to roll down her cheeks. I want my mama... It was the only thing on her mind in all of the erupting chaos.

// with @apricotflower and @carawaykit crying out for @willowroot
  • Sad
Reactions: apricotflower
He'd die here. He'd die here and he would be fine with it. Fine with joining Cicadastar in StarClan. Fine with ending his own life in the violence of battle as he always knew it would. To die any other way than in the throes of combat where he could let loose without care was meaningless; he'd always been a soldier at heart, a follower, the point of a sword driven forward and with no one to grasp the handle now and guide him he was swung mercilessly and with little flourish. Smokethroat feels his back dampen, claws splitting dark fur, the ground muddies beneath his paws from the torrent of it that leaves him with each cut, he feels one part the fur of his his head near his right ear and suddenly his vision is red until a voice that was not a scream yanks him out of the madness. Petalnose attempts, failing, to dissuade him from his tirade and when she falters he can only stare for a moment in shellshocked silence.
Hilarious enough-or perhaps not quite so funny as one would think, it was Ravensong's delirious insistance that snapped him out of his wild panicked rage. The medicine cat had been so out of it since becoming sick that anything he said was hardly worth humoring in his state and Smokethroat reeled back to swing a clawed paw at the one who had dove upon Petalnose to send it rolling, knocking the wind from them by the looks of it and he staggers forward to shoulder the tabby molly upright, turning as Lichentail also dashes forward.
The fury rises once more when he sees Beepaw pinned beyond where he stood but his heart clenches at her immediate rescue by Sablepaw and he swings his head back around to any cats still fighting as he comes to his senses, "Go! Run! We fall back!"
He didn't know if he believed the pretty words, the false hopes thrown into the air to rain around him; but he let them douse him like he would any downpour if only for a moment because anything less was agony. Smokethroat wanted to just give in to the despair, but the she-cats ner him spoke the truth, RiverClan could not afford another loss so heavy and now more than ever they needed guidance, his kits still needed him, his clan. Teeth grit, flashed white and blood stained as he forced himself to turn with a growl that shook him to the core.
"Lichentail, Petalnose, help who you can-follow SkyClan, follow Blazestar's lead-" Where was Snakeblink, that fool better not be dead so help him he'd kill him.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

It was too soon to be forced out once more- way too soon, and yet… once again, rogues come in droves. For once Aspenhaze is away from their mate, and it only leads to trouble. They can’t see her at all as the camp is flooded, and despite their best effort, they’re panicking. She knows to run when odds are against them, but what if things are truly that dire?

In the storm of chaos, they accidentally bump into one of the rogues. They’re swiftly pinned down, and at first Aspenhaze isn’t sure what to do. They’re reminded of when Sunfreckle rushed at them when they had snuck to hunt at Sunningrocks, and they can feel their mind wanting to spiral. Not here, not now!

They might have been at fault then, but this time they are the one being wronged, and they will set things right. As soon as they are able to, they claw the rogue’s side, not aiming for a killing blow but at least something that will sting. The rogue howls in pain, and the tortie point takes the opportunity to scramble back to their feet, and make a break for it.

Luckily, they can hear Smokethroat call for Lichentail and Petalnose to help those in need, and they follow his voice to find their mate, safe and sound for the most part. Their panic stricken face returns back to something more normal at the sight of her.
“Love… I’m here now. Let’s help who we can and make a break for it, yes?” Aspenhaze says hurriedly.
Pearlpaw wasn't there for when Riverclan first joined in to their ranks, it was a little weird, but she thought having new neighbors and friends was fun! Granted, she never did think that it could happen to Skyclan. Everything was all happy here, especially as they wait for their other friends to come back from the mountains, even if the food situation was bad. It could never happen to Skyclan.

But it does, it does happen to Skyclan as soon as she rests outside the apprentice den, exhausted from simply waking up as she works on untangling her pelt with her tongue. Rogues flood in like the breaking of a dam and she is half near choking on her own fur.

Shes quick to raise to her paws and then she's stumbling, especially when wails raise and pierce her ears. Lips tremble and panic seizes her chest because her legs almost give out beneath her and oh Stars shes so light-headed. Where is Storm? Where- "Big brother?" her words catch in her throat as she sinks in to the earth below, cowering. "Storm!" she calls out, louder now, trying to find his cow-spotted coat anywhere within the sea of writhing bodies. Her only thought is of him being okay, of Doompaw being okay- But Doompaw fought Zappaw at one point, so she knows her friend is more than capable of fighting for himself. She cannot bear the thought of losing her big brother for a second time. She needs to find him and Doompaw and Plaguepaw and they all need to escape, they need to go, they have to get out, thats what Blazestar said!

She notices the paw steps way too late, her fur fluffs out as she whips around. Claws unsheathe but its the wrong move, she should have moved out of the way instead as her world turns sideways. Her shoulder stings with the force she had been bowled over with, but shes strong! She can escape, surely she can, but shes paralyzed to the ground as a myriad of emotions rush through her. It takes a heartbeat to fly in to a frenzy, shoving her front paws upwards in to the cats throat. Needle-like claws dig in with a fury and shes just barely able to hold their head back from ripping her apart.

She thinks shes going to die as she stares up at sharp fangs, and all she can think about is how disappointed Doompaw would be, of how sad Storm would be if she lost here. I want to be strong, too, and yet in this moment she feels anything but as her legs slowly shake from the strain of trying to push the muzzle back, from the pain that now sears through her as the adrenaline begins to wear down. She's going to die today, and Pearlpaw will be no more, and she'll never know the feeling of sun on her back again- tears begin to dampen her cheeks. Oh, shes so scared, this isn't fair!

Part of her prays that Duskpool comes through the camp entrance and saves her. Part of her prays that Doompaw and Storm have gotten out. Her grip slips completely and the rogues head plunges down, but shes quick enough to just shimmy upwards to try to escape, causing teeth to sink in to her shoulder instead of her throat (which in hindsight, probably wasn't what the rogue was trying to to, and she probably would have been fine letting go anyways). And oh, the pain is worse than anything she has ever imagined, it is worse than finding out that her mother left her in Skyclan, it is worse than seeing Duskpool look distraught. A quiet screech parts her lips, silent as she thrashes beneath, hysterical and upset. She is definitely going to die today.

  • // has a plotted rescue with @DOOMPAW
  • pearlkit.png
    -> pearlkit, pearlpaw
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 5 months
    -> apprentice of skyclan ,, found abandoned
    -> tiny chocolate tortie/fawn chimera with low white & blue eyes
    -> “speech, a7c7e7
    -> bisexual ,, too young [ single ]
    -> smells like moss & soft flowers
    -> image by oliver
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

He moves like a storm through the camp and in a breath, she can't help but be proud... proud of Smokethroat's strength, of his rationality in the face of the impossible. He always returns, a constant force to push RiverClan forward; that was what had made him a great lead warrior... a great deputy... and eventually, he'd be the leader they needed. That, she had no doubt about.

Offering an affirmative nod at the command to disperse and assist in evacuation, the blue tabby watched as Aspenhaze moved to Petalnose's side and suggested they get moving to help the others before turning to survey the chaos of the fleeing masses. Amongst them, a small apprentice fights with tooth and nail despite it being a losing battle; clearly, he is just as lost to his anger as the rest of them, blinded by a yearning for revenge, for justice.

Racing over to him, they slam their paw at the back of his adversary's head, raking down the back of it and pulling to expose their neck. It would give Littlepaw the opening he needed to take one last good bite out of them, "Strike fast and true," they encourage, watching the tiny SkyClanner with a fire of renewed energy.

He would get just the once chance... any attempt to throw himself further into the combat would be met with a shift of her body to stand between him and the now bleeding rogue, baring her teeth as a final warning. Attack again and we will tear you to shreds.

"Alright, let's get out of here, my young friend..." Turning to the young tom, they give a rough push with their head against his chest, hoping to send him reeling towards the camp's exit. They needed to flee... Blazestar had already begun the retreat and she'd be damned if this over-confident apprentice got left behind to bleed out alone.

--- shoving @LITTLEPAW! towards the exit, let's go gamer!! if he tries to fight you can power play that she'd just scoop him up and try to run with him <3​
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Littlepaw didn’t listen. He hadn’t planned to when Tigerscar urged him to flee like everyone else but his emotions were far too high-strung to listen. He had lept back into the fray with pulsating wounds, latching onto the nearest rogue with a sudden ferociousness that surprised him.

He wanted them to pay. He wanted them gone. They hurt his clan and Littlepaw wanted them to feel that agony, but he was so small and not nearly as experienced, overwhelmed, and hurting. He felt tears prickle the edge of his vision, but stubbornly holding them back.

The young apprentice wasn’t sure who it was, slamming a paw against his opponent’s head when he surged forward, biting them with what strength he had left, hidden beneath a pool of anger that bubbled and blistered in his gut, barely hearing Lichentail’s comment, ears flat against his helm.

He would have taken another jab at them if it wasn’t for the other, moving in front of him with an annoyed snap of his teeth, optics blazing. He didn’t register what the other was saying, frame stumbling as she shoved him towards the exit. “No. No—!” He could still fight! Littlepaw felt a whine tear at his throat, hazy optics wide, panicked.

Wordlessly, he felt his small frame get scooped up, taking him away from everything, bleeding and terrified, Littlepaw wondered if this was the last time he’d ever see the camp.

/ interacting with @lichentail
thought speech

Petalnose watched her offender be shoved from her body and roll, fangs being ripped away from flesh and crimson coating the whites of her teeth. She hadn't wasted time having her belly exposed, accepting Smokethroat's shoulder with a small grunt of suprise. Greatfully, she wasn't harmed again. "Thanks." She heaved through a heavy breath, licking her maw clean as listened to his call to retreat ring in her ears. There was satisfaction in her gaze this time and relief, nodding softly to his orders. They wouldn't have to watch this replay.. his children wouldn't suffer fatherless. The molly was proud to see him rip away from his emotions and continue to lead. A trait fit to a leader. He listened to his clan.

Before she could dash away the presence she had been searching for had revealed. Her tail lifted in excitement and relief to see Aspenhaze unharmed, a brief look of panic but they were in one piece. A brisk lick behind the ear in reassurance was aimed before moving to guide them along with a brush of her tail, "Yes, let's get everyone out of here." The lead warrior ushered, moving close to their side as her head turned and searched for the weak and troubled. "Everyone stay close together!" She shouted, moving towards the elders to usher them towards to exit, trotting briskly with a sharp hiss, "Move! Fast!"


Snakeblink is not a fighter. Given the choice to run, he always will, dragging kith and kin along by the scruff of their neck if he must. Discretion is the best part of valor — words to live by, to survive by. When you are built like he is, skilled in the things that he is, it’s often the only survival you can get.

Snakeblink is not a fighter. And yet—

Well, here’s another tired old line to live by: even the worm will turn. And after having their territory pillaged, their camp invaded, their clan exiled time and again, he is feeling rather like the proverbial worm trampled underpaw without a second glance — a useless, powerless creature. It’s had him wishing to sink his teeth into something just to remind himself he has them. It made him angry. The taste of it is like ash in his mouth: unfamiliar, bitter, but easier to palate than the bloody tang of defeat.

Being cautious didn’t save them; being smart didn’t protect them; these beasts understand nothing short of pain.

But it’s not something Snakeblink can give them.

Eyes darting from clanmate to clanmate, he runs through the chaos and checks no one stays pinned under a rogue; heartened, despite everything, to see apprentices helping each other, Skyclan cats helping Riverclan queens and kits. Solidarity in darkness. Teeth snapping at the heels of a rogue pretending to chase them in an empty threat, he darts to Lichentail’s side, covering her back while she carries Littlepaw away.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 45 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ She felt as if her world was spinning when she had been pummeled into the ground and it didn't drawn on her that she could possibly die today here away from home and her littermates. She hopes that both Starlightpaw and Cicadapaw are safe that they didn't follow her foolishly into the fray, Beepaw gritting her teeth at the pain she feels on her back leg and catches a brief glimpse of Smokethroat seeing her. She's about ready to mouth an apology, she shouldn't have been so reckless or having disappointed him that was until Sablepaw came to her rescue and she felt herself being up by her scruff. She hadn't realized it was her friend and her eyes widened thinking she was going to be put out completely and the sudden fear of dying gripped at her entire being, she was ready to fight to live until she heard her voice.

She feels wobbly on her paws due to being lifted so suddenly and leans against the older molly's shoulder, Beepaw glancing around as well and finally hearing that they'd retreat again. The kingsblood grimaces wondering where else they could possibly go and turns to Sablepaw "T-thank you, Sablepaw..." She mumbles her gratitude casting one last glance behind her and hoping that her littermates had already began to retreat, her bicolored gaze focused on her injury for a heartbeat and wincing as blood streaked angrily across her leg "Let's get out of h-here..." She mumbles feeling wobbly on her legs but with the bicolored molly at her side, she can get out of here safety.

/talking to @Sablepaw

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed

He was fully unprepared for the chaos that erupted within the sanctuary of skyclan's camp. Hisses and battled hardened shouts filled the air whilst the scent of blood caked his nostrils. Disoriented amongst the turmoil Plaguepaw's wide turquoise eyes snap from one area to another. Everywhere he looked cruel strangers continued to pour into camp and beat back both those of skyclan and river. Blazestar calls for retreat and the grizzled black tom wastes no time seeking his friends. "Doompaw? Falconpaw?!" The patchy apprentice yowls frantically. That is until a force snatches the gangly boy up by the thick of his collar and slams him to the ground with enough force to make his ears ring and head spin. A low cackle could be heard in his ear as the rogue twists their grip tighter. "S-stop, please..." Plahuepaw garbled, gasping for air as his limbs thrash about although to no avail. To minimize his struggles they anchored a paw against Plaguepaw's flank, dirty claws digging painstakingly into his bald side. The response he received shouldn't have surprised him, but it was a gut punch regardless. "Shoulda ran while you have the chance kid." Was this cat trying to kill him? What little breath he does have hitches in his raw throat. Fear. It courses through him like a flood. Daring to rival the phobia of flames that licked his pelt clean in several spots. Now he understood Petalnose's fury when it came to the rogues. How foolish he had been to think he could actually take them on and win, let alone hordes of them. It was becoming increasingly harder to breathe. His vision blurred due to a lack of air and the tears manifesting in his eyes. (planned to be saved by @Snakeblink)
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / seven moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈
It feels like deja vu. Rogues flood SkyClan’s camp just as they had done RiverClan’s, spitting orders and striking at any clan cats near enough to taste the wrath of outstretched claws. Robinpaw is tucked in among the apprentices, having found a fitful night of rest suddenly ended by a forceful takeover. Fear and despair wrap skeletal fingers around her quickened heart, squeezing the organ tight as she scrambled from her nest and stumbled into the open.

The nursery is her priority, just as it had been the first time. ”Willowroot!” Robinpaw calls out as she darts towards place her mentor temporarily resides - a place her mother also occupies alongside the SkyClan queens. In the chaos she makes out the smoke shape of her mentor fighting off the rogues. ”WILLO-“ a cry is cut short as the air is knocked from her lungs, the bulk of a rogue slamming into her side and aiming to pin her to the ground. Robinpaw reacts by quickly rolling out of reach and springing up on her paws, unsheathing claws and aiming to hook onto the rogue’s shoulders and slam them into the ground. It’s a move Brookpaw had used on her. She would almost be proud of executing the move if not for the second rogue tackling her and pinning her to the ground.

Robinpaw struggles under the weight of the rogue, hissing and squirming to free herself while claws painfully pierce her skin and hold her firmly to the ground.

//she has a plotted rescue