Jul 9, 2022



Welcome to ThunderClan’s Mentor Finder! Here, all current and planned mentor and apprentice pairings will be tracked and updated. You can sign your warrior up to be considered for mentorship and sign your apprentices/kits up to be paired with a mentor using the forms below. The clan leader will match your apprentice with a realistic choice for a mentor that takes into account what your activity is as well as what you’re wanting in a mentor for your character! Please note that some warriors may be denied for mentorship for IC reasons, and characters must be on the census before signing up.




Activity Level
CHARACTER penned by Username



Activity Level
CHARACTER penned by Username


WARRIORS BECOME ELIGIBLE TO MENTOR AFTER 3 MOONS OF WARRIORHOOD. Character must be on the census to sign up.
As a vague guideline, active can be classified as 15 or more posts a month, and casual can be classified as less than 15 posts a month.
Mentors can be denied for IC reasons if Howlingstar would not realistically allow them to mentor, as it’s a huge honor to be chosen.

Activity level:
What kind of mentor would they be?:[/b]

Activity level:
What kind of mentor would you like for them?:[/b]
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Name: Gingerpaw
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: gingerpaw wouldn't do well with more harsh mentors considering he would take their words and internalize it terribly. as in he would actually believe he doesn't deserve to be a thunderclan warrior. what he needs is a mentor that encourages him, but can also stop him from exerting himself. gingerpaw has a nasty habit of overexerting himself not only to better himself, but to show that he is worthy of the same title he holds with some other cats. at this point he feels like he's behind in his apprenticeship because he still can't hunt very well, and his climbing isn't too great either. in short he has the spirit for training, but he's not necessarily a quick learner, so patient mentors are preferred over short tempered ones.
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Name: Marigoldkit
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: Someone who will be okay with his temperament! He'll slowly get more angry with time, and might give his mentor some unfair retaliation, mostly in the form of words. He will never lash out physically, but is stubborn. Despite this, he is smart, and would prefer a mentor who takes him seriously, as well as focusing more on combat!
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Name: Pebblestep
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would they be?: Pebblestep is a self-deprecating young warrior who does not have any prior experience training an apprentice. As such, any apprentice would have to deal with him constantly comparing himself to other mentors and apologising that they did not receive someone who was more qualified. Despite the pity-party he's likely to hold for himself, Pebblestep would be an adequate mentor when teaching fighting and hunting and is especially talented when applying/teaching ThunderClan-specific techniques. When dealing with problems, he is sweet and gentle, but may struggle to reign in more headstrong apprentices.
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Name: Mothpaw
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: Mothpaw is an older apprentice who has lost his previous mentor. His previous mentor focused on combat and hunting, Moth is now ready for more of basic survival skills to finish his training (climbing, etc). During training, Mothpaw will usually remain quiet unless told otherwise. However, he expects to be perfect the first time with everything, causing him to usually lose his temper a bit. A more patient mentor would be suited for Mothpaw.
Name: Dreampaw
Activity level: Active
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: comedic and overbearing as he can be, he has so far taken his training as seriously or likely more seriously than most. He’s got natural talent and he’s good at things against all odds, proving that confidence is half the battle. There is promise he will grow into a warrior as powerful as he wants to be and he needs a mentor who can help him do it. Dreampaw is going to go down a violent path (eventually he will participate in the inverse of the currently nonexistent warrior code “an honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles…” and will slowly build a body count beneath his paws as he will believe the most powerful warrior would completely vanquish opponents when at all possible, rarely showing mercy but will not wish ill upon any cat outside of a battle, at least until that rule of the code is added onsite) and this needs to be something his mentor can stomach. Additionally, he needs a mentor who can take him seriously and understand the young cat beneath the ‘Dark Warrior’ as well as how important the identity is to him. He is not the easiest apprentice to control but he also doesn’t want to do anything to disgrace or disappoint his clan. His previous mentor Asterflame (npc) had trained him to be well-rounded with some experience with survival skills, patrolling, hunting, and battle so he is okay to focus into any subject at his new mentor’s discretion.

As a roleplayer, I would like an active roleplay partner who is 100% okay with being @pinged by me a lot just in case a thread needs a mentor ping bc I will be unsure and often will want to include you. I will want to take your ideas for what you want your character to influence in Dreampaw and am open to any plots you have in mind for the apprentice-mentor pair. I am not interested in Dreampaw having negative character development from/with his mentor so I would prefer his mentor to not try to get rid of his Dark Warrior persona or convince him it isn’t real bc Dream already knows that deep down but wants more than anything to aim for the stars with his expectations of himself. It’s okay for his mentor to not completely accept it or even not like it however! I would like a character that would keep a friendship with Dream even after he graduates as he will be aggressively protective of and admire his mentor even as a warrior. As a note, unless anything unexpected occurs, Dream will be a warrior on December 1st so I would need someone who is okay with a short mentorship.

his npc mentor is still alive at the time of writing this but he will be without a mentor very soon! rip asterflame
Name: @spottedpaw
Activity level: high-casual (15-20 posts per month)
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: ICly, Spottedpaw would thrive with a mentor with a strict regimen or curriculum for training as she does well with organization and takes her training seriously. A mentor who could nurture her confidence and skills as well as develop her into "a mom of the clan" would be ideal!
OOCly, I would love love love a mentor who is active enough and open to making training and interaction threads with the pair regularly. I hope for her mentor-apprentice relationship to help progress and grow her character. <33
Name: Burnstorm
Activity level: Active
What kind of mentor would they be?: Burnstorm would be an incredibly strict mentor, someone who expects greatness out of his apprentice and who has little patience for short comings or failure. Praise will be rare coming from him but hard-won and meaningful. At the end of the day, he just wants what’s best for whatever cat ends up under his watch and for them to become a warrior who will make ThunderClan and himself proud. Would focus mostly on combat training as that is what he is best at.
The boy’s current mentor only has a few days left to live 💀

Name: Falconpaw
Activity level: casual (for now, he’s only existed for a few weeks)
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: He would do well with just about any mentor, but my hope is that he’d be paired with someone who isn’t kind or gentle—maybe someone who might even hold a grudge against him for how he acted in his kit / early apprentice stages? I’d like for him to be held back for a couple months, and I want to explore his self-esteem issues some more, so I’m really just looking for a mentor who won’t coddle him lol
Name: @honeydapple
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would they be?: Very kind and cooperative. Willing to let the Apprentice take the lead on many things and set the pace. However, she isn't a pushover, and has expectations she likes to have met. This could cause some tension with a lazy or reserved apprentice as she will often aim to get any cat out of their shell.
With Mothpaw graduated tossing Roe back into the ring !

Name: Roeflame
Activity level: Active
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: Overall Roeflame will be very upbeat/encouraging. She’ll try to push her apprentice to try new things and to get out of their comfort zone. She may not be the most stern warrior, but she’ll command respect from her apprentice, both towards her and those around them. Roeflame will likely base how flexible she is/how much slack she can give depending on how her apprentice progresses/how their personality develops! In general she’ll be extremely dedicated to her role as a mentor and take training very seriously.
Name: Sunshinekit / paw
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: Sunshinekit as they are is a very quiet, pliable child, however unwanting to explore new lifelong avenues. While a mentor slow in step would be much more their speed, it's more likely that they may need a stern or tough going one. They won't be the easiest apprentice to train due to laziness and apathy, either. As they grow their body will prove to be pretty broad and brutish, so a mentor well versed in offense may have an easier time guiding them through battle training (even if they may not want it).
Name: Mousenose
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would they be?: Encouraging, but maybe not always in the most constructive ways (she might teach you to lie or brag / exaggerate on accident!) Super unorthodox games that secretly have a purpose. Mousenose's specialty is tracking, so that will be something she focuses on! Not great at combat but very agile and a decent climber. Will pass down the techniques taught to her by Silverlightning, her deceased mentor.
Name: Sparkwing
Activity level:
What kind of mentor would they be?:
Sparkwing is energetic and enthusiastic, eager to teach his apprentice everything he knows. He's learned a lot from Wolfwind, and will pass down her skills to his apprentice. He will teach them that Thunderclan is the Best Clan. He is a certified good boy and will be teaching his apprentice THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP AND UNITY and encouraging confidence in oneself. ​
Putting her back up with an activity change!

Name: @honeydapple
Activity level: Active
What kind of mentor would they be?: Very kind and cooperative. Willing to let the Apprentice take the lead on many things and set the pace. However, she isn't a pushover, and has expectations she likes to have met. This could cause some tension with a lazy or reserved apprentice as she will often aim to get any cat out of their shell.
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Name: @Sunfreckle
Activity level: Active
What kind of mentor would they be?: Sunfreckle is a gentle and very loving cat, knows when to be firm but also is very understanding and compassionate when it comes to a cat developing their skills; he will not push harder than needed and is extremely patient. He focuses mostly on hunting and tracking skills, needing assistance from other mentors for more combat oriented training.

Name: @Moonwhisper
Activity level: Active
What kind of mentor would they be?: Moonwhisper expects nothing less than perfection, she's a harsh and forceful mentor and while not abusive in any way she does have a tendency to push more than needed in the pursuit of progress. She focuses primarily on combat, but is also a skilled hunter and even excellent climber though she will not pass down that latter skill at all.
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a bit early, but putting her up for next month:

Name: Fallow(kit/paw)
Activity level: Active
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: Fallow is a troubled, angry kid with a general disintest in Clan life. It would benefit from an attentive mentor who will instill a strong sense of loyalty. She may initially argue with and distrust her mentor, but over time will become very dutiful and hardworking, to the point of going too far in her training and risking injury to both herself and others. She will also be very focused on fighting as an outlet for her emotions; I would love either a mentor who would enable this OR someone who would struggle to handle her violent tendencies!
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Name: Maplepaw
Activity level: Mid-high level
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: Any available mentor that is willing to take her
Name: Starwortpaw
Activity level: 6/10
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: No preference! Any mentor dynamic would be fun to work with!
Name: Nightbird
Activity level: active
What kind of mentor would they be?: very straight-forward and more often than not harsh, she will not likely be a good match for meeker apprentices. she gives honesty, and expects the same in return. she likes a good amount of independence in a trainee and fosters that by allowing them to get out of their own messes as long as they are not in direct danger. nightbird may test them in unorthodox ways in order to be fully confident they are ready to be a worthy warrior. more info here!
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