Also for August :)

Name: Merlinkit
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: Any kind of mentor would be great! I'm planning for Merlinkit's development to be heavily influenced by her mentor and her training. She has a meeker, uncertain disposition that may not mesh well with stricter mentors (though OOCly I am very down for this!). Will need lots of encouragement to unlock her full potential! I am also completely fine with an NPC mentor as well <3
Name: basilkit
Activity level: casual moving into more active
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: basilkit is a rambunctious and wild boy who could benefit from a stern but supportive and encouraging mentor. someone who understands his energy and tries to meet it rather than quell it.
roe will be available for mentoring again with this next meeting <3
Name: Roeflame
Activity level: Active (20+ posts a month)
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: Overall Roeflame will be very upbeat/encouraging. She’ll try to push her apprentice to try new things and to get out of their comfort zone. She may not be the most stern warrior, but she’ll command respect from her apprentice, both towards her and those around them. Roeflame will likely base how flexible she is/how much slack she can give depending on how her apprentice progresses/how their personality develops! In general she’ll be extremely dedicated to her role as a mentor and take training very seriously.
Name: orangepaw
Activity level: active ( 15+ monthly posts )
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: orangepaw needs a mentor who is kind but stern. someone who will push him to be the warrior he needs to be but also take into mind his limits with his leg... or maybe not. maybe he needs the type of mentor that will push him past his breaking point, even at the cost of his own health. that is entirely up to y'all. either way, his focus will be on defensive fighting and tracking. he will not be the best runner, or climber, but he will do what he is told without much fuss, if any at all.[/b]
putting her back up once more...<3

Name: leafhusk
Activity level: active
What kind of mentor would they be?: strict, empathetic, flexible. wants the best for her apprentices & holds high expectations. still not above arguing with a child.
Name: Dwindlingpaw
Activity level: Active
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: A kind and steady mentor. She is very driven but needs pointing in the right direction/ put her energy into positive things. I’d like for her to have someone to look up to :)
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for the upcoming meeting!

Name: spiderkit
Activity level: casual-active
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: honestly, i'm open to working with any dynamic thrown at me! i do have a slight pref for a mentor who will be able to take spiderkit under their wing and turn this zero into a hero, someone who will be able to push him through his development arc of learning how to be a more confident and well-rounded warrior (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
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Name: Doespring
Activity level: Active (getting there!)
What kind of mentor would they be?: Strict and dedicated, Doespring would not give her apprentice too much downtime. She would focus on well-rounded training, though she is more skilled at combat in general. Anyone she mentors would often find themselves collapsing into their nest at the end of the day, too tired to stay awake... although it must be noted that she is not an unfair mentor; compliments and encouragements would be given, and she would protect her apprentice at all costs.
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Name: Glowingpaw
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: open to anything! for reference though, glow' is extremely introverted, anxious, and desperately wants to fit in. she's the kind of kid to put her own wants/needs/feelings on hold for others - something that could either be worked on or get worse depending on her dynamic with her mentor.
Glow is in need oof a new mentor!
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Name: Stagstrike
Activity level: Casual/Semi-active
What kind of mentor would they be?: He would be a mostly fair mentor, encouraging of his apprentice, but is likely to push them outside of their comfort zone and make sure they are capable in all areas, including ones not traditionally ThunderClan, such as swimming. He may occasionally be harsh, due to his own upbringing being one of constant strife and wanting his apprentices to be able to look after themselves and ThunderClan. He will place high expectations on them, especially in combat.

Name: Sparkpaw
Activity level: Active (aiming for 10+ posts/month)
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: Any is fine as long as they have the same activity level! It will be a fun dynamic either way!
Other: Maybe a reassignment due to current npc mentor retiring/injured?