Name: Redpaw
Activity level: Sporadic, but definitely more active when things are interesting! At least 10 posts a month.
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: I think the would be positives to any type of mentor, so I’m not picky! Just someone who wants to plan!
Name: Redpaw
Activity level: Sporadic, but definitely more active when things are interesting! At least 10 posts a month.
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: I think the would be positives to any type of mentor, so I’m not picky! Just someone who wants to plan!
I’ll start looking for a mentor for him but he’s got to be added to the census before being paired! :D
Name: Tawnypaw
Activity level: casual
What kind of mentor would you like for them?:
Tawnypaw is an individual who is stubborn, ambitious, and has a relentless drive to make a name for herself. She's an introvert, though, and doesn't like to train in groups. While she does push herself to the limit, she frequently experiences burnout and doesn't like to step outside of her comfort zone. She would probably benefit from a mentor that would push her to make the best of herself but also bring her out of her shell. She wants to be a fierce warrior but there is plenty holding her back from that.

OOC, I think it would be interesting if her mentor followed her own alignment in regards to the disliking of outsiders. However, as an admin, I am open to any form of potential development! I am willing to try out any kind of mentor/apprentice pairing! <3
Name: Tawnypaw
Activity level: casual
What kind of mentor would you like for them?:
Tawnypaw is an individual who is stubborn, ambitious, and has a relentless drive to make a name for herself. She's an introvert, though, and doesn't like to train in groups. While she does push herself to the limit, she frequently experiences burnout and doesn't like to step outside of her comfort zone. She would probably benefit from a mentor that would push her to make the best of herself but also bring her out of her shell. She wants to be a fierce warrior but there is plenty holding her back from that.

OOC, I think it would be interesting if her mentor followed her own alignment in regards to the disliking of outsiders. However, as an admin, I am open to any form of potential development! I am willing to try out any kind of mentor/apprentice pairing! <3
She has been paired with the warrior Toadhop as his very first apprentice!! He’s played by Abri.

You can also join the ThunderClan discord if you’d like, found here! This is where all chatting and plotting is done!
She has been paired with the warrior Toadhop as his very first apprentice!! He’s played by Abri.

You can also join the ThunderClan discord if you’d like, found here! This is where all chatting and plotting is done!
thank you!! :D
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Reactions: ABRI
For May <3
Activity level: Mid (10+) aiming for active!
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: Not picky at all, he'll work off any personality type most notable thing is he's a excitable and eager apprentice who will rush into things and learn through trial and error so a more patient mentor would def help!
Name: sleekserpent
Activity level: casual, averaged about 5-10 posts a month prior to RTA and aiming to match that again
What kind of mentor would they be?: Task focused and very demanding. While gentle spoken and emotional, sleekserpent was an extremely studious apprentice and continues to be a hardworking warrior. any apprentice given to them should expect to be kept busy and all but run into the ground with training and chores from dawn till dusk to match his personal schedule. he is skilled at hunting and fighting but lacks social skills. however, his own mentors influence and personal struggles make his extremely empathetic towards those who have family struggles, are questioning their gender identity or orientation, or have a hard time making friends; in these situations he is a good shoulder to lean on or ask advice from. Has a notable dislike of kittypets but is open minded of other clans or loners.
Name: Cobwebtail
Activity level: casual, 5-10 posts a month
What kind of mentor would they be?: Your training would be leisure, but at least steady and fulfilling. He is a jack of all trades, master of none; after all, better than being a master of one… At least in his eyes! Your character would learn to appreciate life & that theres more to it than just being a warrior; you’d gain a newfound love for nature & Starclan, as Cobwebtail is devoutly religious. Cobwebtail is patient & always believes in second chances.
Name: @Mothfur
Activity level: Low, but I check for alerts almost daily.
What kind of mentor would they be? Mothfur is friendly but comes off as a strict mentor when it comes to training, he is usually hard on his apprentices. He only wants what’s best for them, and finds pride when they succeed. Even with his hard ways, Mothfur isn’t afraid to say that he’s proud of someone. He has a warrior mentality and believes that every cat should master their fighting skills. The tom enjoys teaching his apprentices “tail-talk”, saying that it is vital for tough situations. The only thing he can’t teach to his apprentices is to swim…
Not available right now, but will be in a few months

Name: @Flamewhisker
Activity level: Active ( 20+ posts a month )
What kind of mentor would they be?: Flamewhisker is an overall friendly mentor. She will encourage apprentices to do their best, and will be firm when needed. Hunting is definitely her strong suit, and she will ensure every apprentice she teaches has a solid understanding of hunting, tracking, and stealth. She does not excel in tree climbing, but will make sure her apprentice has the basic climbing skills.
Not available yet! You know when they'll become apprenticed :evil:

Name: @beetlekit!
Activity level: Will be trying for mid-level activity! (10-15 is my goal)
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: CRACKS KNUCKLES noting upon what I have in his tags here, Beetlepaw is going to be difficult, unmotivated, and sloppy for most of his early apprentice ship. He'll rebel against the idea of training and only want to explore and do as he sees fit! I'm cool with a warrior with a strict mentality, or one that's going to majorly fail with him! I am up for either.
For when Lightflower is old enough/trusted enough :)

Name: @Lightflower
Activity level: Semi-active
What kind of mentor would they be?: Nurturing and probably a little bit of a pushover for the first bit, really doesn't want to seem like the bad guy unless something is seriously stupid. Will grow to figure out her actual limits. She won't tolerate blatant rudeness or anything but can handle a little sass.
For when Badgerstripe is old enough!
Name: Badgerstripe @badgerstripe
Activity level: Casual, 10 post quota
What kind of mentor would they be?: In fear of her apprentice following the same path of careless glory that once led Badgerstripe's responsibility for death, she will be strict and stoic. Wanting her apprentice to learn responsibility as soon as possible to avoid future dangers, Badgerstripe will expect her apprentice to follow orders as given, and enforce it strongly. Initially, she will close her heart to bonds with her apprentice, as a result of this iron-fist ruling; she will find it easier to keep her apprentice safe that way. At some point during this apprenticeship, I would like Badgerstripe to learn to loosen up and make amends with her apprentice; perhaps through a heart-to-heart, after an argument, or any other means.

For Sparrowkit's apprenticeship in May's meeting
Name: Sparrowpaw @sparrowkit
Activity level: Active, 20 post quota
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: I'm open to any dynamics with Sparrowpaw! Sparrow will be a very ambitious apprentice, but not through any malicious means. He will be outgoing and friendly and an eager learner, often times willing to push himself too hard to make progress.
Name: Copperfang @COPPERFANG.
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would they be?: kind, but stern. he can be critical, but he phrases his criticism politely and uses it as encouragement, only wanting the best for his apprentices, and he won't allow them to fall behind, pushing them to grow into good, responsible warriors without pushing too hard.

Name: Butterflyskip @Butterflyskip
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would they be?: easygoing, uses encouragement and kindness very heavily. he tries to make training fun as a way to encourage participation and ensure that they don't get bored! would do best with an apprentice that has an attitude similar to his, as otherwise he'd be a bit of a pushover since he isn't known to be very strict or stern and struggles to be unless danger is involved.
Name: Saffronpounce @SAFFRONPOUNCE
Activity level: Casual (5-10 posts)
What kind of mentor would they be?: strict, blunt/to the point, and will push their apprentice to the limits/too hard to become a formidable warrior of thunderclan. he doesn't believe in being the nurturing type when it comes to training and will make that known within the first outing w/his apprentice. (part of the future villian plot so can be paired with another or not) :]
Name: Badgerstrike
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would they be?:
Are you ready KICK SERIOUS ASS? Well, Badgerstrike is here to help you live your dreams. Badgerstrike is a somewhat strict mentor, and will push her apprentices to their limits during training. Kind of like a drill sergeant. She will teach her apprentices what it means to be a warrior of Thunderclan and shape them into loyal warriors full of heart and ass kicking capability.
Here to re-add Wildheart as an available mentor. (Shiningsun could also be reopened as being available, please and thanks)

Name: Wildheart
Activity level: Casual
What kind of mentor would they be?: Wildheart would be a brutally honest mentor who has no intention of bestowing needless coddling upon his apprentice. However, he wouldn't be uncaring. In truth his apprentice will be his world, and he believes that only true honesty will help his apprentice survive the harsh truths and horrors that the world brings. He would aim to nurture his apprentice's problem solving skills, urging them to utilise their common sense when facing trouble and difficulties. Wildheart will appear to be quite the intimidating and scary mentor, but sometimes it's the terrifying teachers that prove to be the best.
Name: orangekit
Activity level: will be medium. at least 15 posts monthly!
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: orangekit is going to need a mentor that movitates him and praises him for good but also tells him very sternly when hes not doing things right. he is a bit of a clutz but with the right mentor he can truly hone his skills and become that of a great warrior, better at fighting but very good at hunting. he will struggle with tracking and climbing, however, due to his clumsy nature. and his bigger body will make him a lot less agile that most!
Name: Wrathkit
Activity level: 5/10 though I’m hoping to become more active once he’s apprenticed
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: any works for me! I think Wrathkit can work very well with any personality type, though he’d probably adopt the traits of whoever he’s paired with so having a stricter mentor would be interesting! If it isn’t too much to ask, having an active RPer mentor would help a lot with my own activity, but no pressure! Any cat works so long as they don’t mind entirely that Wrathkit only has three legs ~
sticking my guy back up
Name: cardinalpaw
Activity level: fairly active (aiming for 10+)
What kind of mentor would you like for them?: he'll need someone that'll be supportive due to the fact that he's going through a lot, but will push him to eventually become a stronger (both physically and in the sense that he will need to grow mentality wise) warrior -- so ideally someone with a good amount of patience that also knows how to be stern and push when needed. he wouldn't do well with someone who is too strict or poor-tempered, though, and there would likely be a conflict here because of how he can also be abrasive and it would result in a multitude of arguments. he would also not do well with someone too kind or lackadaisical because he wouldn't feel as though he's working hard enough and there would be a major conflict of personalities.