ShadowClan wears defeat like it's second skin.

They had been destined for it, maybe on no other basis besides how utterly clueless they'd be if they ever were victorious. Maybe once, she thought they had been, two moons or so ago— but it was a lie, wasn't it? ShadowClan couldn't feel good about themselves atop a death that was always meant to happen. If it had been her that day ( and easily, it could have been... ) she would turn in her grave knowing her Clanmates were crying over her, instead of celebrating what she's done...

Of course, she doesn't have what Needledrift had. Bright eyes and a smile. Who would really miss one more gloomy face atop all the rest?

Her nerves are alight now, the adrenaline ebbed... She's not sure how she's ended up here, half-slumped against the wiry form of Amberhaze. A pitiful amount of the blood on him is his own. Amberhaze is lucky, considering their Leader wanted them to lose.

Bloodscent flooding the clearing would probably summon Marbleleaf quicker than any warrior could. It's unsightly, the way Sharpshadow slumps, the curve of his spine brutish. His claws dig into the earth, desperate to keep himself upright. There was no blood in his face. No, it clung tacky to his chest, his legs, still seeped thick from his shoulders, but the scar on his face was old. Still, he blinks; five— ten times. He keeps blinking, as if it'd make the world any clearer. As if it was all it'd take for him to understand. But his gaze falls upon his Clanmates... his gaze, moon-wide, falls upon Ternstar, and he feels nothing but contempt.

It wasn't all for her. Of course it wasn't. But it's the most tangible thing he has, right now. " Y-you... " her voice is ragged from yowling. The unsteady growl cuts the air of a tense procession. " You wanted us to lose. "

OOC: shadowclan's battle party has returned from the thunderclan border! returning are @Ternstar., @Swansong, @BATCHASER, @BOUNCEPAW, @VULTURESONG, @LIVIDSMOKE, @talonpaw., @Wormwatcher, @Puddlepaw, @RIBBITLEAP, @/Briarthorn, @MORELPAW, and Sharpshadow is leaning against @Amberhaze. Tagging @MARBLELEAF as well <3 This takes place before the february meeting!
The scent of blood precedes the battle patrol's return. Marbleleaf emerges from her den, her jaws full of marigold, her paws wreathed in cobwebs. Her eyes burn against the harsh glow of daylight sun. It is Sharpshadow who leads their ragged heroes into the clearing, and their deputy wears tattered dark fur, a grimace born from mingling pain and frustration. Sharpshadow staggers into camp with Amberhaze's assistance, but she does not wait before twisting to find Ternstar among those behind her; star-bright eyes bleed malice. "You wanted us to lose."

Marbleleaf's paws freeze. She drops her herbs at once, uncertainty lancing her expression. "So we lost. That territory is…" Gone, back under Flamestar's control. Her brows knit together, her belly tight. "Did everyone make it back home?" She peers past Sharpshadow's bristling, bloody figure, eyes flicking from cat to cat as she accounts for their presence. There are no bodies here, she thinks with some relief; anyone who has died must have been left on the battlefield.

The tawny she-cat squares her shoulders. Resolve fills her lungs and stills her fast-beating heart. "Stay still. I'll get to everyone," she mews, and she lowers her jaws back toward the marigold, snapping the stalks up between her teeth. Sweetness floods her mouth. I have work to do. Whatever Sharpshadow's gripe with Ternstar is, she has wounds to mend and injuries to check.

They untwine a strand of cobweb from one paw and begin to paste it over Sharpshadow's most obvious wounds. "Steady. Save your energy," they advise, their voice low. Shriek at Ternstar another day.

[ please make sure i know your character's injuries either in your post in this thread or in the discord server! ]

… ❞

buzzardpaw hates waiting. she also hates, in general, being told what to do by anyone but her sister and her father but she manages to deal enough. her emotions just don't manifest in the same ways that others do, so even when upset, she wears the same face she always has– one of neutrality. her paws begin to feel itchy as she gets up and she starts to walk back and forth, pacing in wait as she waits for the cats who left to return. they do. and sharpshadow says something that catches her attention. ternstar was going to let them lose. this was why she hated authorities. ternstar is no different. sharpshadow isn't, either, but at least she knew it. ternstar held herself too highly because she said starclan chose her. the stars, however, did not. buzzardpaw ignores the rest of them, looking for puddlepaw and as soon as her eyes land on her, she moves with a purpose, wide eyes searching over her entire body.

"pud-ding, you're bl...eeding."

he knows it's obvious but what else is he meant to say? he feels something weird in his chest. his stomach feels like it very well may turn inside out as his claws dig deeply into the ground. this is all ternstar's fault. that puddlepaw got hurt. he should have went in her place– what kind of guard dog cannot protect his master? his lips pull back as he let's a snarl leave him. it's broken, and hardly a noise he's ever made in his entire life, but he cant help it. he spins to face outwardly, tail lashing as he stand protectively in front of puddlepaw, snapping his jaws in the direction of any cat who gets too close to her.

"paws off."
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  • Sad
Reactions: Floppie

Bouncepaw enters camp beside @BATCHASER , whom she had reformed beside for the journey home. She does not wear the excited smile that she had left with but a frown of shame and a crown of blood on her head to show for her defeat. ShadowClan had lost.

"I'm sorry, Batchaser. I should've fought harder." The apprentice's ears fold against her skull in disgrace as she apologizes to her mentor. She had not performed the best in her fight against the older ThunderClan apprentice and while deep down she knows her inexperience is partially to blame it does not lessen how bad it makes her feel.

Batchaser doesn't get a chance to respond before Bouncepaw is smothered in blue fur; Myrtlefoot. The sweet scent of her mother's fur is comforting after the tough battle; but her solicitous to protect Bouncepaw was not.

"What have they done to my kit?!" She practically wails as she brushes her tongue to clean at the drying blood on Bouncepaw's head. "You never should've gone--never!"

Bouncepaw tries to shove her away to little avail, "I'm fine--mom--I'm fine! It's just a few scratches." Right? She wasn't beaten that bad. Myrtlefoot didn't seem to hear her, she nudges Bouncepaw along in the direction of the young medicine cat. "Marbleleaf! Bouncepaw is hurt. She needs to be looked at, quickly!" She insists as if Sharpshadow, who the medicine cat was already tending to, had gone invisible. Bouncepaw's face grows hot with embarrassment, Myrtlefoot was treating her like a kit! Ternstar was never going to let her fight for ShadowClan again if she acted out every time Bouncepaw came back with a little blood in her fur.

OOC: Has a deep scratch at the top of her head and some minor ones at her shoulder. Overall, in fairly okay condition and not in need of immediate attention. Myrtle is just overprotective after Juniperkit!​

female (she / her) / heterosexual, single
7 moons old / ages realistically, every 1st of the month
apprentice of ShadowClan
Myrtlefoot x Bristletooth / littermate to Juniperkit
mentored by Batchaser
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Bouncepaw is a warm, brown she-cat with black tabby markings caging her fur. She has a broad muzzle and big, cream colored paws. White fur cascades from her chin and flows all the way down to pool at her underbelly. She has big, owlish, hazel eyes.
  • Nervous

With his efforts to help Marbleleaf prepare for impending doom complete, tangled tufts of cobweb trapped between his claws keep Screechstorm's mind busy in the lull between menial tasks and the battle patrol's return. The copper-tinged scent of blood stills his grooming, a paw held close to his chest as his head lifts to catch sight of the returning party.

He sees the result before he hears of it. Shoulders are slumped and warriors lean against one another. Defeat clings to the air with almost as much strength as the scent of their wounds does. Screechstorm grimaces as their silence breaks, as Sharpshadow confirms his suspicions in the form of an accusation toward their leader. You wanted us to lose.

" You lost, " he echoes, stomach churning as his lack of expectation is proven. Now what? They lose their expanded territory, they lose the extra space to hunt? Their stomachs grow emptier?

His mind strays from one worry to the next: one more important in the moment. Mismatched eyes stray from the deputy, searching further into the patrol's depths. He fails to see any bodies brought back — a relief, he thinks —but struggles to find the dark coat he's searching for in the chaos. " Briarthorn — where is she? " She has to be okay.


Named after his birth-given warning cry, Screechstorm appears in shadowed tones — save for splotches of orange that litter his left side. His mismatched green gaze almost always carries a mischievous glint, a crooked grin in tandem. Scars wrack his sides, a harsh reminder of his near-reckless nature.


He / Him ⋅ Single
Warrior of ShadowClan
Forestshade x ???
Brother to Briarthorn, Sweetpaw †
Mentoring no one ⋅ Mentored by Chilledstar
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!

For some reason, he wasn't surprised. He felt as despondent as the rest of his clanmates, make no mistake, but there was something that you came to expect when you were Shadowclan. That being, the expectation of little, or even nothing at all. The only thing you could count on would be loss, the sullen reality that no matter how hard you pushed yourself, no matter what herculean effort you made to ensure that anything could ever be more than what it wouldn't matter in the end. Nothing did, really. It all just ended, that was the only certainty you could count on without any added doubt. That's why he couldn't find it in him to feel anything other than disappointment and reluctant acceptance at their defeat. It wasn't even worth it. All of this bloodshed for a piece of land that barely did us any good in the first place. Man...what a stupid thing to fight for. He paused, a memory suddenly striking iron in his mind. Myrtlepaw. ...What a stupid thing to die for. He was glad they had returned with a symphony of heartbeats still intact, though the same could not be said for their adversaries, their loss possibly even greater than Shadowclan's.

He was lucky to have come out from the other side mostly unscathed, at least when compared to his clanmates, the worst of which seemed to have had their entire pelts flayed like that of a skinned animal. Sharpshadow was one of them, the molly having been given little time to prepare herself for the barrage of snapping teeth and grating claws that rained down on her from the likes of Roeflame and Stormywing. There was some guilt there, sitting heavy like a stone inside his stomach over the fact that he did not help her...instead, he had come to the aid of Vulturesong. Subconsciously- rationally- he knew it was impossible to save everyone. But he still felt as though he could have done more, he could have been more. The only thing he could think to do to make up for it was to help her home, allowing his brutish figure to lean heavily against his body which was now much more capable. Sharpshadow's weight bore down onto Amberhaze's lesser stature, the sensation of blood seeping into his pelt from his...friend's? Caused his own to tingle with discomfort at the sticky sensation. But he would not falter nor would he move away, concern worn plainly upon scrunched facial features that distorted an angular face.

Amberhaze would allow himself to be an anchor for Sharpshadow as he sat down heavily upon trembling hocks, his tattered voice full of unveiled contempt as he spoke a challenge in the face of Ternstar. "...You wanted us to lose." It shocked him, to hear such words from one who was so quick to hold his tongue, keeping opinions close to the chest as to not disrupt what little harmony Shadowclan still managed to retain. The look he passed between his deputy and leader was...almost unreadable- but the way his fur stood on end was enough to signify his clear distress at what was just proposed. He wasn't stupid- paranoid? afraid? delusional? yes- but stupid? no. The way Ternstar had seemingly refused to call for a retreat despite their obvious disadvantage had not been lost on him, even in the heat of battle. Is he right...? He can't be. Ternstar wouldn't ever put us in danger like that....would she? His stomach twisted into a knot at the thought, eyes widening slightly as his brow furrowed with the weight of unanswered questions newly forming inside his mind.

There was no time to question Sharpshadow about his claim, Marbleleaf rushing forward with haste to tend to the battered tom's wounds. Amberhaze would back away to allow her the proper space to work, leaving the deputy with a soft stroke of a spindly tail against matted his matted flank- a comforting gesture, though he was unsure if he could feel any such thing in a moment like this. The sound of Buzzardpaw's defensive hiss alerted him to a new situation with equal parts tension and sadness, the visual of Puddlepaw's tattered frame impaired by the much more protective one of her sibling. The two of them were inseparable, and he was sure that it had been difficult for the two of them to have been apart, especially with the knowledge of the fact that they may have not been able to reunite ever again. If he had not had Wormwatcher, he was certain his world would shatter and fall apart into nothing at his feet. There was sympathy there, despite their outward differences...he understood.

"Um...Buzzardpaw?" Amberhaze approached the pair softly, the gentleness in his voice something that was so unlike him- but it was in no way bad, in no way threatening- he had learned not everything would benefit from unsolicited trepidation- in fact, most things didn't. Especially things as fragile as Buzzardpaw and Puddlepaw, the two of them having earned a place within his heart much warmer than the rest. "I-I know you're upset...a-about what happened. But she's safe here, p-promise." He crouched to be at their level, a pleading gaze searching the little tom-kits much more guarded one. "Let us help her, okay? P-Please. You c-can stay with her while M-Marblepaw tends to her w-wounds. Uh- Y-You won't have to b-be apart. Not for a second. But s-she might get worse if...if y-you don't let us see her. Do- Uh-...Do you understand?" He hoped he could get through to them, for it was true that if she prevented them from being able to get a proper look at the extend of Puddlepaw's damage, she may have made it home for nothing in the end.

Amberhaze is a black oriental shorthair crossed with a cornish rex. He has a sickly looking build with a rat-like tail and unnaturally wide ocher eyes.

npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
20 moons old as of 02/21/2025
penned by sloane


Despite his fears, despite his memories of the battle prior impeding his focus during this one, Morelpaw lives. With stinging wounds and aching joints, the apprentice walks among the returning patrol in silence, his head churning as he steps foot back into camp.

He could've... done better. He should've done better. With warriorhood fast approaching, the boy knows well enough that his combat was flawed. Was it his fault, that they lost? Morelpaw lets out a sharp breath at the idea. No, he's only part of the reason, a small piece.

He hangs back as those more wounded are ushered toward Marbleleaf. Morelpaw can wait for his kin to treat him — there are others worse off. Instead, he searches the camp for other forms, that of siblings. Right now, all he wants is to be in their presence, to let them know he's okay.


Morelpaw is a mirror of his fallen mother in plush, gray and white fur. A hunger for knowledge guides Morelpaw's path and he finds himself unafraid to ask others questions about anything that comes to his mind. He is protective of his family — especially now, in the wake of his mother's death.


He / Him ⋅ Single
Apprentice of ShadowClan
Needledrift † x Chittertongue †; Adopted by Ferndance
Brother to Bloodwing, Shadewhisker, Splashdance, Bonechill, Gigglepaw, Branchpaw
Mentoring no one ⋅ Mentored by Briarthorn
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!

It's ironic to Wormwatcher that he hobbles into camp for the second time with a near identical wound given to him by the same teeth; but it is far worse than the prior time. Blood runs down his neck and trickles down his foreleg. It is only when the patrol emerges from the tunnel that Wormwatcher removes himself from Puddlepaw's side, it was only with her assistance that he managed to return to camp. "Thank you, Puddlepaw…." he murmurs hoarsely as he nods stiffly and then nods toward the noticeably distressed Buzzardpaw. "Go." He limps away to follow his brother and Sharpshadow. When they stop so does he and he feebly lowers himself to his haunches.

His wary gaze rests on Amberhaze to inspect him for any visible wounds. I could have died... I would have left him behind. His ears plaster against his angular head. The only thing which quiets his contrition is Sharpshadow's accusation. What she claims is not exactly what Wormwatcher thinks but the sentiment strikes a familiar chord. The accusation that she let them lost couldn't be true, but his teeth grit until his jaw aches as he considers this. The reasoning to continue the fight of someone who abandoned them still confounds him; their clan continues to struggle despite having had ownership of the land. Ternstar's pride could have meant the death of clanmates. "We shouldn't have fought them, you should have let them have the territory back and yet…. look around Ternstar, this is what happens when you act on every whim." Wormwatcher throws a glacial glare at Ternstar as he subtlety dips his head to draw attention to the deep wound upon his neck before lashing his spindly tail towards Sharpshadow, much more injured than himself comparatively. This would be the most he has ever spoken up against a superior, let alone a friend.

The blue chimera swings his head away (wincing from pain from the abrupt movement) and effectively ignores anyone who would like to disagree with him. Wormwatcher's head dips down to rest his chin on his chest while he waits for Marbleleaf's attention. From his peripheral vision he watches Puddlepaw, his stomach flipping as he continuously forces himself to recall Myrtlepaw's cruel death.Why did she do that….?

  • yVgqDFf.png

    ☾ A tall, slender 50% oriental shorthair black/blue chimera with low white with pale blue eyes
    ☾ Introspective and observant. Wormwatcher will often keep his opinions entirely to himself unless instigated to express them. He is not a gossip but he is known to eavesdrop and watch his clanmates from the edges of camp. He keeps everyone but his found family at a distance and presents a front of indifference to anyone else. Wormwatcher can be hard to interact with because of coldness but beneath it is someone who cares for each and every clanmate. Occasionally he can have major mood swings, resulting in harmful remarks and unseemly behavior.
    ☾ shadowclan warrior | mentoring Puddlepaw
    ☾ he/him ⋆ homosexual (closeted)
    ☾ 33 moons ⋆ ages every 10th
  • No

Though they've lost — though he could've won — the rush of battle is enough to fuel him on the hobbled-walk home. Still, Ribbitleap feels the ache in his limbs with every step. His shoulder burns, his hind-leg is sticky with blood, and though he pushes onward, the warrior is grateful for a moment's rest to arrive as they finally return to camp.

Families move to check in on their loved ones, and the tom finds himself weaving through the groups with a growing frown. A growing realization: who does he have to return to? His mother is gone, his brother — even Chilledstar. Who does he report that he's okay to? Who does he share the tale of his battle with? Who does he have left?

Ribbitleap shakes off the dread of the thought, and settles within the medicine cat's vicinity. Though he'd rather not waste her resources, though he'd rather lick his wounds while Marbleleaf uses her herbs on those that need it more, he knows the ThunderClanner left him worse wounds than what he can deal with on his own.

So he settles down and waits, letting his eyes close as his body begs for him to rest for the time being.


The surviving twin, Ribbitleap has grown with the clans without his brother at his side — an inseparable duo divided by tragedy in the face of the Great Battle. Once undistinguishable from his littermate, it is perhaps likely for his scrawny, brown tabby form to garner a sense of familiarity to neighboring oak-dwellers.


He / Him ⋅ Single
Warrior of ShadowClan
Geckoscreech † x Toad's Prowl
Brother to Leaping Toad †; Cousin to Toadhop, Ragwortpaw †
Mentoring no one ⋅ Mentored by Rustleap
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!
She's silent during the retreat, silent during the journey back and silent as they enter camp. She can't keep up that stupid walk with Wormwatcher leaning against her, though she isn't sure she could keep it up with the gore underneath her claws regardless. Puddlepaw is stubborn, pressed to Wormwatcher's side like a burr, using the centre of her mass in some futile uphill battle to make sure he doesn't tumble over. Blood drips from the carved missing flesh of his neck, she can feel droplets occasionally land right between her ears but she doesn't make any noise of protest. It's just rain, or snow... Whatever narrative she can craft to fit her world view better in this moment. He removes himself from her side when they enter camp and yet she follows, quick to hover around him before he falls. It would just be embarrassing, is what she tells herself at least. Accusations are flown alongside the bodies that enter the clearing, it was a set up, Ternstar knew they were going to lose. It made sense, at least to Puddlepaw because why else would she not gather a larger patrol? She has no real mind for politics, especially in this moment so she feels no sense to weigh in on it.

She merely nods, both at Wormwatcher's gratitude and at his command. Oh, Buzzardpaw. She squints at her mentor once more before moving to meet with her sibling. There's an idle curiosity if he feels the same funny flicker she felt when they came back bloodied and well now scarred. Would Myrtlepaw have a sibling who would be just as antsy for her return? The chimera doesn't know, she didn't speak beyond insults to her because why would she? That girl was the enemy, someone who squawked about peace as she sat quite comfortably on the winning side. Well she would have. Had no one else spilled blood that severely today? Puddlepaw can't really say she had the mental capacity to stop and ask anyone.

"This is not mine" she retorts blankly, fixing her littermate a passive look. Glancing to the blood seeping into her fur at her paws, then pausing as his golden gaze seems to be aimed elsewhere. She cranes her neck to look, ah, a scratch. Guess she wasn't so anti violence after all, that makes sense, she did apologise didn't she? That had been when the insult occurred. Her shoulder burned then, it's dulled into a constant warmth now, though the wound is angry from the exertion her body went through trying to support Wormwatcher.

Buzzardpaw snarls and that brings her pause, attention flicking from the wound over to whoever it was her dear brother was trying to protect her from. It seemed their attention was on Amberhaze, hadn't he been injured too? Or was he fortunate enough to battle another soft hearted ThunderClanner? She recalls amidst the droning buzzing in her ears and the deep heaves of air that an orange tom approached where she stood. She thinks he may have came from the direction Amberhaze was?

"Buzzardpaw" her jaws halt, frozen around the words 'I am not a kit.' there is hesitation, it's too close... Too close to the last words her opponent heard. "Let Marbleleaf do her job, I am okay" she decides on saying after a measured swallow. Pressing her good shoulder against it's flank in reassurance, she is thankful that he's here. She isn't sure what she would do if something had happened to her instead, the thought of her littermate alone sickens her.

The song is loud and beautiful and I am so very afraid

: ̗̀➛ㅤfemale (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤunknown sexuality
: ̗̀➛ㅤ07 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 8th of the month
: ̗̀➛ㅤapprentice of ShadowClan for 02 moons
: ̗̀➛ㅤSister of Buzzardpawㅤ/ㅤApprentice of Wormwatcher
: ̗̀➛ㅤpenned by Juiceㅤ/ㅤmessage Ouijeejuice on discord for plots!

A slick rosette fawn tabby / rosette black tabby chimera. Quiet and calculating, struggles being able to describe or identify her own or others emotions. All opinions are IC as she can be quite harsh in her judgements.
*+:。.。 Rage burned cold within his soul the moment Ternstar announced the names on her patrol and didn't include his among the roster. It was a grueling time - a punishment fit for no one - to wait for her to return. Before this moment, he hadn't given much thought to Ternstar as the leader but now? Now he couldn't wait for her to disappear into the night the same way as Mirestar and Smogstar had. She was a failure to Shadowclan.

Starclan was determined to prove him correct when she returned with a patrol dragging behind her, injured and defeated.

Past the rest of those present, Bonechill charges straight towards @MORELBEAM , concern warming the frost in his vision. His brother was banged up, cut and bruised, and left with a withered expression that broke his older brother's heart. If I were there, I wouldn't have let this happen to you he thinks, frustration joining his helplessness hand in hand. Blinking hard to clear his racing thoughts, Bonechill ensured his approach was soft enough to not worsen things before aiming to press his forehead against his little brother's. "You did good" he promises, mostly in regards to coming home alive, but also certain he'd been a valiant warrior in battle. glad was he that he was home. Thank you, thank you for coming home.

Once his immediate concern is rectified, Bonechill perks his ears at the mounting storm cloud rising all around them. His attention would snap first to Sharpshadow then to Wormwatcher, the implication thick as the blood they've shed. Immediately, he disagrees with Wormwatcher. They needed that land, just as badly as they needed Roeflame dead; this fight had to happen, and yet...they lost. They lost because Ternstar had tried to fight with a measly patrol when Flamestar had been awaiting them with an army!

"Why didn't you bring more cats? What was your strategy?" Bonechill snarls, fur bristling along his spine as he whirls to join the growing mass of hateful stares. You wanted us to lose doesn't sound too far fetched of a theory.

  • 88578365_0bDzPO167fzILmk.png

    Shadowclan — warrior
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    16 moons
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodwing, Shadewhisker, Splashdance
    Half-brother to Gigglepaw, Morelpaw, Branchpaw

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
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  • Like

⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ Blood marrs the pale porcelain form of Swansong, dotted across curling lines of scratches. They will heal quickly; the fight was cut short before any true damage could be done. Both them and their opponents were able to walk away with only the most superficial of pains, thanks to the shadow-molded cat who spits accusations towards her own leader. Their claws itch.

The fight had only just begun - and ShadowClan had hardly faced any losses. A ThunderClan child lay dead upon the soil, and this was the cost of their victory. She doubts it will be enough to make them learn. ThunderClan will take and take, in the name of righteousness. They clearly have no regard for the lives their greed takes, and now ShadowClan has shown them its belly. You wanted us to lose, the deputy snarls. "And you did not...?" Swansong's voice is cold. Level. "Calling a retreat... when our warriors still have strength to fight..." She can hardly feel the aching in her chest, her breaths still steady. It was hardly a fight at all.

The wounded rush towards the medicine den, but Swansong's paws stay planted. She keeps her eyes trained on the deputy. "Do you presume yourself leader, Sharpshadow?" It was not the stars that chose her, yet she speaks with the authority as though they had. Swansong's nose twitches in irritation, but her expression is stone. Blood drips sluggishly down her muzzle.

  • 81294824_mjXd5ejx6RrZPyn.png
  • SWANSONG she / they, warrior of shadowclan, 22 moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with tired blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogstar, littermate to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Angry

Frozenpaw had been waiting near the camp entrance, his paws shifting anxiously in the dirt. He had tried not to let his worry show by keeping himself busy with little tasks, like checking the elders' bedding, and asking Marbleleaf over and over if she needed help with anything, but his ears had flicked toward the entrance every time there was the faintest sign of movement. When the battle patrol finally returns, his stomach twists.

His eyes find Bouncepaw immediately as she walks in beside Batchaser. Heart sinking, he realizes the excited energy she'd left with is gone. Instead, she looks…defeated. Worse, blood is drying in her fur, stark against her tabby pelt. He steps forward instinctively, only to freeze when Myrtlefoot rushes to her first, smothering her daughter in a frantic, worried fuss. The sepia stays back, suddenly feeling uncertain. He should say something, maybe should ask if she's okay, but her mother is already ushering her toward Marbleleaf, and Bouncepaw looks mortified. He hesitates, glancing toward Batchaser, then back at his friend.

When there's finally a small gap in the chaos, he takes a step closer with his tail twitching anxiously. His muzzle is brought close to hers as he speaks just loud enough for her to hear, "You're really okay, right?" His voice is quiet as he searches her face, eyes flicking between hers. "I-" He swallows, ears flicking backwards, "I was worried." He's been in the clan only a couple of moons, and so much of this stuff is still…newish to him. The knowledge he could have lost his only friend in the world tonight is almost unbearable. Claws kneading at the ground, his gaze flickers over her again as if checking for injuries himself. He wants to say more, that she shouldn't be so hard on herself, that she did what she could, but words don't always come easily to him. Instead, he just lingers at her side in silent support, ready to follow if she lets him.
He saw no reason to leave them in suspense—Sharpshadow lays it out for them easy enough. He sways where he sits. A bleary blink doesn't keep him from seeing their disappointment in real-time. Crestfallen faces; if not that— jaws clenched in resignation. She saw it on Marbleleaf, on Screechstorm... Sharpshadow's answers Marbleleaf's question with a hollow nod. Everyone should be here, anyway... No telling if they'd turn tail the way Basilshower had...

The Marbleleaf-shaped blur in her peripheral is secondary to StarClan's chosen; their leader, her jaw apparently still sewn shut. Sharpshadow's attention isn't dragged away in steady motions, but with a flinch, porcupine's quills flaring at the press of cobweb. For a moment, she looks at her Medicine Cat with prey eyes. ...Maybe the issue was them not being much of a Medicine Cat, at all.

Sharpshadow forces himself to relax. An unsheathed paw hovers midair for a moment, before he plants it to the ground. Steady, Marbleleaf goads. Somewhere inside him, Sharppaw insists that he isn't a kit.

But he does as he's told with a grunt. He lets his eyes slide shut; lets Ternstar be as hollow-hearted as she wants to be. If Sharpshadow was in any place to change someone's mind, ShadowClan would be pretty different by now, she thinks.

The clamor of camp swims around in his head. ShadowClan always felt most alive, on the edge of defeat. Maybe that was why it had to keep happening... Some twisted means of getting them all together. The world unites them in anger above anything else. Buzzardpaw frets over their sibling. Bouncepaw is hounded by Mrytlefoot and Frozenpaw. Screechstorm searches for his sister— and Sharpshadow's stomach lurches at the thought of the warrior losing one of the last pieces of family he had. Amberhaze leaves her with a flick of his tail... No, there was no one left to fuss over him. Sharpshadow finds himself leaning into Marbleleaf more than he ever meant to.

His eyes blink open upon the pale form of Swansong, her jaws dripping with blood. Sharpshadow stares. His fur is clotted purple; it's him, that Marbleleaf trails to first; Swansong slants along with the rest of the world within his vision. And he thinks of how to answer that question... And you did not?

" Yeah... " her breath frosts over. " So long as we don't all... " Look like me... " So long as we aren't all exhausted, we should keep bashing our skulls against tree trunks until we are, huh? " She'd seen one. One corpse, a ThunderClanner. She guesses if you smashed your head in enough, one of those tree trunks was bound to be rotted, or something... Her head throbs. " If you couldn't tell we were outnumbered... " the tom trails off; withholds her insult for the sake of togetherness, or whatever.

She glances at Wormwatcher and pulls a face at what he says... He didn't think that was her point, did he? Sharpshadow leans away from the flick of the warrior's tail, leaning farther into Marbleleaf still. " Don't... " her croaking trails off. Again, a younger her spits. " We're not cowards! " she snaps. Unlike Wormwatcher maybe, whose whining seems to last twice as long as anything that ever actually happened to him does. " We should've fought a battle we could've actually won! " he growls. And with the thorns of his tongue already sharpened, he looks again to Swansong. Do you presume yourself leader, Sharpshadow?

He's the only one amongst them to have seen the mountains. Someway, somehow, he had been made a Lead Warrior by Chilledstar's side. Only by the miraculous, star-blessed power of the position being watered down beyond belief, had he clawed his way onto the stool of deputy. And despite that truth, he knew plenty of ShadowClanners that would still preen at the chance.

No, Sharpshadow's never presumed himself to be anything. He would probably be a lot happier if he did.

It isn't just the clinging residue of war that makes him bare his teeth. His tether to the ground nearly snaps, but it's kept steady by wounds gouged into his shoulder. An uncommon stir of the tail kicks up dirt behind him. For a few moments too long, Sharpshadow says nothing. He hasn't lived a life as miserable as his to be told he has an ego.

" Whatever you think I am... " His hiss rattles. " You're wrong. "

...He's standing. However long he's been doing that for, he isn't sure. With a dog's sigh, he sits, and he blinks a silent apology to Marbleleaf.
  • Sad
Reactions: Sloane
The time spent waiting for the battle party's return had been an anxious one. A lot of pacing. A lot of what-if's coursing through his mind. Whatever he expected, it did not brace him enough for the sights. A long-forgotten ill feeling comes back to him at the sight of the wounded, and he soon finds himself trailing after Marbleleaf to check on his Clanmates.

"Can I help?" the tom mumbles to @MARBLELEAF , careful not to stray too close lest he step on her paws. By that point, Sharpshadow's growl cuts through the air, sending a wince through Sneezeduck's limbs. He stares at her for a moment, mouth agape, then to Ternstar. "We - lost?" he echoes, dumbfounded. Were they outnumbered? Did ThunderClan have older warriors this time?

Did Ternstar really sabotage the battle like Sharpshadow alludes to?

In an instant, spitting accusations are thrown left and right, and Sneezeduck finds himself uncomfortably in the middle. His gaze flicks to Swansong as she speaks, then to Sharpshadow, and everywhere in between. An uneasy pit settles in his stomach amongst the strife as he looks again to Marbleleaf, silently pleading, please give me something to do. Because infighting had only ever brought them down, time and time again.. and he cannot find the strength to listen to it.

  • ooc: text
  • sneezepaw-transparent.png
    ✶ sneezeduck. warrior of shadowclan. ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ㅤamab cis male, he/him | undiscovered sexuality, single.
    ㅤ15 moons old | ages every 2nd. created 2/5/2024
    ㅤa young warrior, inexperienced in most things. | mentored by sharpshadow
    ㅤLH chocolate tabby (carrying cinnamon, dilute)
    ㅤunknown xx duckshimmer | brother to singeglare and swallowflutter
    ㅤclose with marblepaw
    ㅤwritten by ixora, ic opinions | tags

Ternstar 26 Moons Female She/Her Leader of Shadowclan

—— ' You wanted us to lose '

It takes a moment for the accusation to register, head and heart still pounding with adrenaline. Head snaps to stare at her deputy, to look at Sharpshadow where he stands, panting and painted in blood. The denial is on the tip of her tongue, long before anyone else speaks. " No. " head shakes - and for a moment, the world spins.

She stands, mostly unscathed, only a scrape here and there, and an ache in her limbs she knows means she will be sore tomorrow. Around her, she watches for a moment as parents and siblings fuss - some over scratches and scrapes, and others over far more serious wounds. But they had not been the ones to face death. Thunderclan had won, but not without a heavy cost.

' We shouldn't have fought them, you should have let them have the territory back and yet…. look around Ternstar, this is what happens when you act on every whim. '

Of all the voices, she does not expec his. They are mates - partners, at least in the eyes of the clan. And yet Wormwatchr stares at her, spits venom that has her hackles raised as she snaps in return, tail lashing wildly where she stands. " My whims? Is that what you believe this to be? Should we have cowed before Thunderclan, with our bellies raised, dones as they wished without word? And what then - when they see us as weak. What stops them from taking our territory as we did theirs? Or the other clans? Did Needledrift's death mean nothing? "

A baleful glance is tossed towards Bonechill, her anger getting the better of her as Sharpshadow speaks once more. " We could not afford a proper battle - we have no herbs! Our numbers dwindle by the day! We hunger, and much of our prey comes from that pitiful strip of forest! But surely, we should have just let them have it back, " sarcasm is heavy in lilting voice, sharp and bitter. Stomach churns and rolls angrily, and claws scrape gouges out from the earth beneath her paws.

'Calling a retreat... when our warriors still have strength to fight...'

At least one cat seems to be on her side. " Some of us could still fight. " she agrees blandly. Puddlepaw had killed one of Thunderclans apprentices, forcing another to retreat with her body. Surely, those who could still fight - like Swansong, and Ternstar herself - could've done more damage, if only given the chance. Even if they'd lost the battle, they could've kept their pride.

" If you think yourself better then me - to know what is best for Shadowclan, then fine. We fled. Let us see what your choice has cost us. " she says, barely more then a hiss, before spinning on her heel - vanishing through the camps entrance once more. She needs to leave - to be elsewhere, before her temper gets the bette rof her any more then it already has.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

E V E R Y B O D Y - W A N T S - T O - B E - M Y - E N E M Y

// in & out; sorry if I missed anyone, there was a lot to address <3
  • Angry