camp TWO WEEKS — sneaking out

❪ TAGS ❫ — Snakepaw hates this. He hates waking up in a strange nest, he hates sharing a den with Vulturemask, he hates not being able to get out of this stuffy place and feel the breeze on his fur. Being brought fresh-kill and water-soaked moss was the only nice thing about this stay in the medicine den, as well as being excused from his duties now, but a small part of him felt somewhat disappointed. Just a few days ago Snakepaw had managed to catch his first rabbit and had felt so motivated to keep pushing in his training, but now that dung-faced fox had ruined everything. Would Snakepaw fall behind the other apprentices? Would he forget how to hunt and fight?

This particular evening, Snakepaw was feeling rather antsy. His bite wound was bandaged and treated but was still tender to the touch. Maybe if he managed to keep pressure off of his paw, he could slip out and enjoy the night air for a while.

The apprentice limped away from his nest on delicate paws; stealth had always been a strength of his, so Snakepaw was confident that he could bypass Vulturemask. As he ducked out of the medicine den, he accidentally stumbled and stepped on his injured paw, which caused him to grit his teeth and inhale sharply. "Ow...!" He hisses under his breath in an attempt to keep quiet, but to anyone stirring within the vicinity, it wouldn't be hard to miss.
──⇌•〘 INFO Wolfsong cannot claim to be fond of Snakepaw as he is of Sunflowerpaw, or Azaleapaw, or Whitepaw. Firefang, when she was an apprentice, tried Wolfsong's patience. He can only hope that with age and warriorhood, Snakepaw will become more tolerable, that he will shed some of his prickly arrogance the way his namesake does old skin. Until then, however, Wolfsong's nerves will simply have to endure another challenge. As a boy —and even occasionally as an adult— Sunstride had his own moments of prideful boasting that couldn't be mistaken for anything but a sense of self-importance. The difference between them is that Sunstride has the charm and warmth to forgive his blunders far more easily.

He thought this recent mishap might give Snakepaw time to reflect, but as he quietly steps through the camp under the stars' winking eyes, the figure slinking out of the medicine den is none other than the dark apprentice. He draws in a deep breath, watches him flinch. How fortunate I am that Sunflowerpaw demonstrates stronger restraint with their injury.

"I didn't think Vulturemask had approved your departure already," he remarks dryly once he's padded closer. "If it is fresh air you want, I'm sure someone would have obliged as an escort. Your mentor, certainly."
Some of her denmates get into such trouble when out of camp. One of her littermates had nearly been hawk prey, another one had been pierced by a Twoleg, Periwinklepaw is starving to death, and Snakepaw had been attacked by a fox. She feels exasperated just looking at all of them, injured and keeping Vulturemask more than busy. She wonders if it's a lack of decorum or a lack of respect. After a heartbeat, she concludes that it's both.

Haughtily, Bluepaw comes to sit beside Wolfsong. The sky has darkened, and Silverpelt has begun to show itself to WindClan, but she finds herself too awake to settle into her nest. She instead gazes at the sharp-tongued Snakepaw with narrow green eyes from the lead warrior's side.

"You are never going to heal if you don't just listen to what the adults tell you," she tells him primly, chin lifted. Snakepaw loves to tell other cats they're harebrained or weak or worthless, so he deserves it back, in her opinion.

As the night crept over the sky, Heatherpaw used his time in camp to keep busy until it was time to tuck away for the night. Robinfang had helped him clear some old moss out of an old set that hadn't been occupied thanks to the increase of warm nights. Hardly anyone except the old folk slept in those now, he noticed. All of that moss had to go somewhere, though, and the apprentice had been tasked with disposing of it somewhere. 'Anywhere but here', the old warrior described.

Vague direction was always so helpful.

Heatherpaw ended up tossing it all into some spiny bushes, and by the time he returned it seemed like most of the Clan was resting. A low scoff huffed bitterly, of course Robinfang wanted the chance to tuck into his nest instead.

While he padded carefully around some snoozing figures he heard Snakepaw's hiss from behind and turned his head, tail twitching curiously at his peer. What was he doing outside of the tunnel? Before he could even ask Wolfsong and Bluepaw were already ushering against him being out of his nest. "I don't think we're scarce on volunteers." He piped up toward Wolfsong, implying he could watch Snakepaw. His paws ached from the trip Robinfang had him do, but he could ignore it a bit longer. "StarClan didn't let that fox kill him, I doubt a hobbling walk around camp will. We won't go far?" He looked to Snakepaw, voice lilting in a question. 'Will you take it?' was his wordless offer.

  • Haha
Reactions: Badgermoon

" I haven't. " Vulturemask would confirm to Wolfsong that Snakepaw had in fact not gotten permission to leave the den. But like always no one cared to listen to him and did whatever they liked and afterwards blamed it on them. Tch. Vulturemask shouldn't care especially since Snakepaw had woken him up by his clumpsiness. If they were planning to escape they could at least have done so properly without disturbing his sleep which was hard to find this days. Vulturemask sat down outside his den to cast a glare over at Snakepaw showing no interest to help them.

Bluepaw might be the only one who actually had something wise to say. Maybe Snakepaw should listen more to her. The same couldn't be said about Heatherpaw who thought they knew better about his patients condition when he did. The bitter medicine cat would snort. " You've only one week left before you may leave the den but fine go ahead and take that stroll and take the risk of it getting worse...or if real unlucky damage it for good which will leave you cripple for life. If that's something you think will be worth ruining your warrior carrier for i wont stop you." He attempted to scare them by laying out the absolute worst case that could happen with some extreme bad luck. It most unlikely would get that bad but Vulturemask was not known to go easy when telling his patients the consequences of going against his advice. That way they couldn't blame him later for not listening. Who knows maybe Snakepaw would be stuck with him forever....oh starclan no, do not curse him with that fate.

❪ TAGS ❫ — Why, of course! The first cat to remark on Snakepaw's foiled escape attempt was none other than Wolfsong, a bitter taste forming upon his tongue as the lead warrior lectured him on asking for permission. In response, the uppity apprentice reassured with a lift of his chin, "I just wanted to get out of that stuffy den and take a walk around camp. I'm not a kit, I can do these things for myself." As if he could walk properly in the first place. Snakepaw wanted to refuse to believe that his injury would still hinder his abilities even after what felt like ages of treatment and rest, but it was obvious that he was not ready to be discharged just yet.

His expression sours only as Bluepaw bears witness as well; she was a threat, someone who could potentially relay bad things about him to her mother. Oh, haredung — why must they have been born in the first place? All they did was stand in his way! "Well the adults aren't always right, are they?" Snakepaw snarked. Not even Sootstar was exempt from making foolish decisions, with the way she took in orphaned kittypets and all.

Green eyes flicked over toward a familiar reddish form, none other than Heatherpaw. Snakepaw felt like huffing and puffing like a kit who didn't get his way — he didn't very much like Heatherpaw, with the way he liked to show the other apprentices up and everything. He was tempted to outright decline (as much as he'd like to have a walk) just to prove a point, but... Snakepaw was also desperate to move his muscles and get away from Vulturemask. Speaking of which...

The dark apprentice ducked his ears as the medicine cat's voice entered them. This was definitely not how Snakepaw had envisioned this excursion going, but it was far too late. When Vulturemask mentioned putting potentially his warrior career in jeopardy, a tight frown tugged on his maw — could that really happen? Snakepaw was almost certain that the foul-breathed healer was making an exaggeration, but he cannot help the inklings of fear that stir in his chest. He was so close to becoming a proper moor runner and he had caught his first rabbit just recently. Was this a risk he was willing to take?

Frustrated, Snakepaw reluctantly gives in and grumbles, "Grrr... fine." It wasn't easy for the arrogant male to admit defeat, but when warriorhood was just within his reach, he didn't want to take any chances. With a final huff, the black tom turned and hobbled toward the mouth of the medicine den.

// out c;
Too late to offer his two cents, Badgermoon appeared as Snakepaw began limping his way back to Vulturemask's den and shook his head slowly. Somehow the black-and-white tom didn't think his apprentice wanted to hear his thoughts on his little unauthorized escapade, so he merely cast a glance at his Clanmates, his yellow eyes attempting to communicate something along the lines of "what can you do?". "Thank you for your work, Vulturemask." the deputy said after a pause, flashing the healer a grateful look before turning towards his nest. I think that's today. I'm going to bed. "Goodnight, all." he added in a low voice, nodding to Heatherpaw, Bluepaw, and Wolfsong, his eyes lingering a touch apologetically on the latter. Two mentors, two injured apprentices: two very different results.

The medicine cat said nothing when Snakepaw decided to do something smart for once and obey them. Maybe that apprentice had some few brain cells to run with after all. Vulturemask might not like that disrespectful apprentice but believe it or not but he did wish for them to recover and become a proper warrior one day to serve this clan. He might not show it but he did had a sense of duty when it come to his patients well-being which he cared for. It was them who had decided he didn't care. Them who thought he wished them all to die. He just didn't have the patience to deal with the ones who didn't valued him and the hardwork he was putting in to take care of them all to the best of his ability.

Vulturemask shot a glance down at the apprentice when they came to pass him to rejoin back into the medicine cat den. Satisfied with this the medicine cat was about to retreat himself back in as well in hope he could go back to sleep again. Before he could enter Badgermoon showed up and shared some words with them. Vulturemask cast a glance over their shoulders to look at them. For a moment his gaze would linger before he gave a nod to them and with that he disappeared back into the shadows of his den.

// out!

Bluepaw turns a dismissive green gaze on Heatherpaw, who offers to take Snakepaw on a walk. Two apprentices, both harebrained and one crippled. She shakes her head at Snakepaw's biting remark that adults aren't always right. "And that's why you'll never be a good warrior," she says, lifting her chin in stubborn and cool defiance. "Sootstar is always right. StarClan themselves think so."

Even Vulturemask rebukes Snakepaw, and Badgermoon only watches with bright yellow eyes as the two apprentices pad toward the gorse tunnel. She murmurs, "I can't imagine talking to Sootstar or anyone else that way. Who does he think he is?" That familiar cold feeling of distaste fills her mouth. She can't stand cats like Snakepaw! With a quiet, resigned huff of breath, Bluepaw decides to find her mentor.

// out