Lichenpaw has been even more on edge than usual, insomnia and frustration showing in his lashing tail and troubled, stormy eyes. He paces the camp more often than not, always in motion even when he has nothing to do. Unlike some cats, it seems, who feel content to take a nap in the middle of the day. Stormypaw sleeps a beam of sunlight, and if that didn't already grate on him, she's snoring. Loud. It wouldn't bother him normally, but a buried part of him fishes for a target for his anger, and she has settled herself right in his sights.

She'll be going to Sunningrocks, he thinks bitterly. He's been throwing himself into every apprentice duty he can to distract himself from the fact that his mentor said no. Sunnyday thought he wasn't worthy, thought Howlingstar's decision was not one to be followed, and he has to do as his mentor says. But she gets to go, this ex-kittypet who's taking a nap instead of training for it. And oh, she is so loud. So, so very loud, and he cannot stand it. Every snore feels like claws raking beneath his skin. Lichenpaw grits his teeth, stalks over with his mouth twisted into a grimace. He shoves a paw against her side, tries to rattle her into waking with no semblance of gentleness. "Hey --" he snaps coldly. "Hey, get up! Stars, could you, could you be any more loud?"

His eyes flash with annoyance as words spill from his maw, a mocking sneer creeping unwillingly into his clipped tone. "This isn't -- this isn't your twoleg nest, kittypet, you can't just sleep the day away." He regrets it as soon as he says it, but he doesn't take it back either. Ice-blue eyes continue to peer down at the molly with a wary disdain.


  • // wait for @STORMYPAW !

    Lichenpaw is put in a situation where all eyes are on him. He is in the spotlight, whether it be good or bad attention. Given his jumpiness, how does he react? Does he try to get out of the spotlight, or does he embrace it?
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
It's really no secret that Stormypaw is a bit lazy. While she loves to show off and take daring risks during training, she's also just as likely to plop right into her nest after a lesson and snooze, or lounge on a tree branch in the sunlight. In her dreams, she flies through the trees, paws barely touching the bark as she soars as if she has wings. Deep in sleep, her paws twitch with the adventure happening in her mind; that is, until a snappy voice and a rough jab wakes her up. "Ouch! Hey!" She growls in annoyance, blinking sleepy eyes up towards Lichenpaw. Her snout wrinkles in disdain but she doesn't do much else than let her jaws part in a yawn. However, the apprentice's next words have her ears flicking, her mouth snapping shut as she turns stunned hazel eyes upon him. "What did you say to me?" She retorts, getting to her paws and shoving her muzzle in his face. Her pelt bristles, tail lashing wildly.


Shit. If Lichenpaw didn't regret his words when they left his mouth, he certainly does once Stormypaw's face comes far to close too his, her pelt bristling -- bigger, she could certainly overpower them -- and tail lashing in anger. Threat, his racing mind reads. He flinches, of course he does, but he doesn't back away this time.

He knows he shouldn't have said that -- of course it'd be a sore spot. It is for all the former kittypets, it seems. Outsider, outsider, just like him. They too work hard to prove their place in the clan, he knows, he's seen it -- in Cloudypaw, in Pebblepaw.

And yet the words had come out unbidden, a resurfacing of old hatred. (A fishing for a fight, he knew it'd work; he pays attention to his clanmates, after all.) Not like you, an old and wounded part of him snarls. (Not like any of you, angry and bitter and so, so out of place.)

There was a reason he hated kittypets, back in the twolegplace. Jealousy carefully molded into a far more acceptable emotion -- resentment. Those pampered kittypets, never wanting for anything, relying on their housefolk all the time. They'd never make it a day outside of their nests. Not like him. Not like Lichenpaw, scrappy and strong, a survivor who needed no one but himself. Hunting for food, running from scarier creatures than himself, never asking anything from anyone, never wanting for comfort. Because he was better than them. He had to be.

But there is no more glory to be found in running away, in simply surviving. Things are different, in ThunderClan. If he wants to be strong, he can't back down. Lichenpaw pushes down his guilt. "You --" He keeps the waver from his voice very admirably, he thinks. "You, um, you -- you heard me." His heart isn't in it, yet a fear-snarl edges its way in, turning his words sharp. His hackles raise. He keeps looking anywhere but Stormypaw's eyes, his own wide and darting, smile curdled bile-bitter and bared-teeth wide.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
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  • Love
Reactions: Blitz Krieg
He stammers and stutters, his eyes look anywhere but at her, but he doesn't give in. A wrinkle forms across the bridge of her nose as her lips are drawn back. With her ears pinned to her skull and her thick fur fluffed out, she feels her muscles twitch involuntarily. She knows she'll get in trouble, she knows she'll be scolded for scuffling with a denmate, but Stormypaw has never been known for her self-control. And she will never allow herself to be insulted without consequence.

With an angry yowl, she launches herself at Lichenpaw. She's not careless enough to unsheathe her claws - he's still a ThunderClanner, after all - but she doesn't hold back the strength her small, athletic body holds. She tackles him, and the two are sent tumbling away from the apprentice's den. "Can a kittypet hit like this?" The tabby attempts to gain footing and swipe a paw at his head, a well-aimed cuff without claws. Regardless, it packs enough power to stun if it lands.

// permission given to powerplay tackling!
  • Wow
Reactions: BARKJAW
From across the camp, Cloudypaw spotted Lichenpaw padding toward her sister. A small smile crept across her face, unconsciously. She headed toward the pair them, hoping for a nice conversation. It would be nice to relax with good company. Hearing his words, however, she froze. Though not aimed for her, the sharpness of his tone cut into her nonetheless. Suddenly, going over and talking was the last thing she wanted to do. Was that what he thought of her?

Did even her friends think she was just some kittypet?

The words that had chilled her seemed to put a fire in Stormypaw, who growled at and pushed herself into the face of their denmate. She looked massive before him. Despite what he had just said, Cloudypaw couldn't help but pity Lichenpaw when she saw how he flinched and stuttered. Then, with a yowl, her sister tackled him to the ground.

"H-hey," Cloudypaw stammered with wide-eyed alarm, stepping toward them. "Hey!" She cried, her voice raising to a sharp point, her step turning into a run as she raced toward her tussling denmates. For once, her fear animated her instead of paralyzing her. Stormypaw was her sister and Lichenpaw was her friend, she didn't want to see either of them hurt.

With uncharacteristic decisiveness, she attempted to grab her sister by the scruff of her neck and pull her off of Lichenpaw. She would never dare do this with anyone but her own siblings. Still, she didn't pull too hard, she didn't think she'd need to. Cloudypaw had faith that once Stormypaw realized it was her, she'd let herself be pulled off.​
Daisypaw had been born a ThunderClanner - something not many cats could say, considering how relatively young the Clan itself was. This did not translate into any particular feelings of superiority on her part, mostly because she'd never thought that origin would mean anything. Clearly, if a cat was here in ThunderClan, they were a ThunderClanner and weren't anything else. Did it need to be more complicated than that? Apparently so, for her grooming session was interrupted by sudden raised voices, snarls catching her ears like burrs caught her pelt, and she stilled herself, looking in surprise towards the apprentices' den. She couldn't hear much being spoken beyond the word kittypet, but she certainly could tell it wasn't a happy conversation, especially once Stormypaw launched herself at Lichenpaw, bowling over tortoiseshell point. The two older apprentices rolled across the sandy ground together, and Daisypaw sprang to her paws in alarm, especially as Cloudypaw entered the fray, apparently trying to put a stop to the fighting. "This is so silly!" she exclaimed in a tone of disbelief, staying back for fear of being swatted or squished by a wayward paw. "You're - we're - denmates...Clanmates! What are you doing?"


Lichenpaw freezes when Stormypaw launches herself at him -- of course he does, that's what he always does. She bowls him over, easily, far stronger than he is, and her words -- "Can a kittypet hit like this?" -- barely have time to register before a paw comes down hard on his head, leaving him dazed and blinking. He recovers quickly though, in a sense. Still disoriented, his ever-smiling mouth curls into a new, far sharper snarl, his voice ringing far louder than it had before. "Get --" Lichenpaw's eyes are blown wide, teeth bared. "Get off of me!" His voice comes loud, high-pitched and panic-laced, openly snarling at the larger apprentice.

They shove their paws against Stormypaw's underside, kicking out wildly. There's not much strength behind it, an uncoordinated attack with sheathed claws complementing his scrambling to get out from where he's pinned. All the paper-thin veneer of bravado he'd been trying for is gone in an instant, replaced with an angry sort of fear. He hears someone's voice -- Cloudypaw, shit, had Cloudypaw heard? The guilt and shame wells up again, and this time he can't push it down. Someone else is yelling, a younger voice, and it's not just between the two of them anymore.

Seeing Cloudypaw emerge in the corner of his vision, Lichenpaw turns his head away, wrenching his eyes shut as his ears press further flat against his head. He's prepared for her to get angry too -- this is her sister, she'd have every right to, why is did he decide to pick a fight with the worst possible cat over shit that doesn't matter -- but no, she starts tugging at Stormypaw instead. Trying to get her off of them. He's -- grateful, yes, but right now all he wants to do is get away. From Stormypaw, from Cloudypaw, from Daisypaw, from every cat with their eyes on him. He messed up, he knows that. He just wishes that everyone didn't see.

He'll try to get to his feet if Cloudypaw is successful in dislodging her sister, and he won't run just yet. A part of him still rebels at it, even as he cowers under his clanmates judgemental gazes.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 9 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
"Stormypaw, enough!" His voice is a roar, louder than even he'd wanted it to be, but there's no hiding the panic that flavors his harshness. It's been some time since he was afraid, and this moment's not one of them, but the frenetic thumping of his heart is too close to it– an anger, but a worry. Part of it is his pride, of that there is no doubt. His own apprentice who had bowled into another, who put her paws to a denmate. It had been a difficult training session and he had been glad to allow a moment's rest before they returned to their work, but if she's the energy for this– he regrets the downtime. There are other apprentices in the pile, though her sister only pulls her away and Daisypaw speaks of nothing more than the ridiculousness of it all. Had he heard Lichenpaw's words, he might've understood it better.

Instead he comes from a distance, great strides and a few bounds until he is standing across from the trio and he snaps, again, louder, "All three of you, sit your sorry tails before me now, or it'll be another week in the nursery for each that fails."

  • ooc:
  • ──── barkjaw, with bark referring to his dark coloration, and jaw to his acidic words as well as his debilitating bite.
    ──── warrior of thunderclan, and previous member of the marsh group. strong dislike for other clans, though he is not cruel.
    ──── uses he - him only, and will not respond to anything else. single, despite a lightly flirtatious nature.

    a surprisingly short chocolate tabby, though with a powerful stance and solid build that projects a greater size in competency. his eyes are pale and harsh, an intense light mint.
  • "speech"
"What's going on here?" Dewfang rasped, an ear flicking off a twig that had snagged in his fur from his hunting patrol. He had entered camp to the sound of distress and commotion, pinpointing it to be between Lichenpaw and Stormypaw. His light-colored eyes shifted between the four of them, remaining quiet as Barkjaw ordered them to sit. An ear pricked, curious to know what had caused Clanmate to turn against Clanmate. He was a former outdoor kittypet himself, but he had proven his worth in moons of warrior training—so much so that he hardly let the term bother him.

It was a rare occasion that he wasn't seen beside his brother. While Lichenpaw was busy getting dunked on by their denmate, Basilpaw had been on a fetch quest for the fresh sprigs of some herbs that left a horribly sour taste in his mouth even without biting into the stems. He was ready to spit them out of his mouth the moment he reached back to camp, practically diving for the depths of the crevice that made up Berryheart's den. He bluntly spat out the little stems from his mouth and shoved them closer to the mouth of Berryheart's den.

The taste still lingered, but now his attention was drawn to Barkjaw's snapping demand. His harsh voice was enough to make even him consider sitting down from so far away. Basilpaw's eyes narrowed, finding Lichenpaw's form within the clowder gathered, and quietly sighed. He slowly crept up from behind Barkjaw, steps soft enough to hardly be heard. He peered around to look at the apprentices gathered more closely, his gaze meeting Lichenpaw's. No emotion was clearly discernible, but his brother would be able to catch the faint of concern as his whiskers twitched. Of course, he assumed Stormypaw's attack was unprovoked. It was her name Barkjaw had shouted so loudly after all.

Like Dewfang, Flycatcher was returning from patrol when the sounds of distress and conflict reached his ears. At first he thought it was behind them, looking around as if half expecting to see some assailant sneaking up on him or Dewfang. It took a moment or two to realise that the sounds were in fact coming from inside camp. And the culprit (one of them at least) was none other than one of his nieces.

Quickly, Flycatcher storms over to the scene. "What's going on here?" He demands, looking between the apprentices who had been scuffling and then turning his attention to Barkjaw. "Did you see what happened?"
The apprentice continues to yowl her displeasure as she holds Lichenpaw down, hissing as paws thrum against her stomach. "Take it back!" She snarls, and even as teeth sink into her scruff and pull, she fights to stay on top of him. "Take it back!" Finally, she gives way and allows her sister to yank her backwards. She stumbles back and eventually falls onto her rump, although despite Daisypaw's pleading she still glowers at her tortoiseshell denmate.

Stormypaw, enough!

The she-cat's ears fall flat, sideways, as her mentor's harsh command echoed throughout the hollow. With a deep frown set on her muzzle, her head instinctively ducks in response to his approach, already expecting a cuff over the ear. Obedient to him, she remains sitting and averts her frustrated gaze, brow furrowed and tail lashing back and forth, but she is silent. Dewfang and her uncle soon approach, each demanding to know what had happened, and nearby she can spot Basilpaw watching. Heat rises to her cheeks and she looks to Flycatcher with a pout. "He called me a kittypet!" Stormypaw blurts out, voice shrill and giving away how upset she is. She's spent many moons working hard to leave behind a past she's so ashamed of. That name - kittypet - it sends her stomach burning with insecurity and embarrassment. She'll do anything to never associate with that term again.

"What's so wrong about being a kittypet anyways?" Burnpaw cannot help but snarl. He himself had been mocked before, had seen the way clanmates sometimes looked at him when they thought he couldnt see. He heard the whispers that his mother pretended she didn't hear accusing her of being a kittypet lover and he didn't understand. Wasnt he as much of a ThunderClanner as anyone else? Wasn't Stormypaw. He had been about to leap into the battle, claws itching to get into another fight, but in a blink of an eye its over. Cloudypaw is pulling her sister off the other apprentice, Barkjaw was saying how in trouble the others were and then his mentor is there.

His yellow eyes fix on Stormypaw as she explains what happened and he can feel his own ears press against his head, though he himself had done nothing wrong. Perhaps he is afraid Flycatcher could see his intentions in the way the fur on the back of his neck raised, the way his claws had come out. He turns to quickly lick it flat, as if that can hide anything. "Lichenpaw started it" he grumbles.


Barkjaw, then Dewfang, then Flycatcher. Lichenpaw flinches at Barkjaw's words, eyes cast downward as more cats gather. But Stormypaw's off him, at least, went kicking and snarling despite her sister's tugging. He can breathe a bit better now, but his skin still crawls with buzzing adrenaline. He reluctantly creeps towards Barkjaw, even as his paws itch to run. Agitation colors his every movement, lip still curled, eyes still wide, paws scratching at the ground beneath him. His only solace is in the sight of his brother, peering over Barkjaw's shoulder. Concern is clear to him in Basilpaw's eyes, the worried twitching of their whiskers. He meets their eyes, gives a slow blink. Safe, uninjured. Don't worry, he tries to tell them, even as his own racing heart rejects it.

Stormypaw's shrill declaration has him scrunching his eyes back shut, head drawn downwards. Burnpaw, who's snarling words as Cloudypaw pulled her sister away did little to help Lichenpaw's fear, joins in. "Lichenpaw started it, He says, and they can't fully deny it. Doesn't mean they won't try, though. "I didn't -- didn't start it," he hisses, peering up at Barkjaw, wide blue eyes assessing the warrior for his reaction (for the inevitable anger).

Lichenpaw takes a shaky breath. All he can do now is try and talk himself out of this. "She's the one who -- who, who attacked me! I, um --" He can't deny calling her a kittypet, much as he wants to. Two witnesses, their word against his. He can't take it back at this point. "Yeah, I may have, uh, called her, yknow. A kittypet." He looks away, the words seeming nearly dragged from him. "But it's -- I mean, I'm not wrong, right? She was, before. Call me, call me outsider, call me an alley cat --" (not that the clan cats would know what that means) "-- I don't care. 'S what I was. I don't, don't see what the big deal is." A lie (he knows full well how it hurts), but decently believable, he thinks. Might as well dig this hole a little deeper.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 9 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
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In an instant, Cloudypaw froze, staring at Barkjaw with wide eyes. Her hold on Stormypaw went slack. Even though she hadn't done anything wrong, the sound of his voice made guilt well up within her. She scrambled to comply with his orders, sitting next to her sister and staring down at her paws. Anxiety prickled under her pelt at the sound of more spectators, her uncle among them. This was too much attention for her liking.

Beside her, Stormypaw's tail lashed. Her sister's voice was strained and shrill and - despite her own nerves - Cloudypaw's heart broke with sympathy. She attempted to touch her tail to her sister's side in a small show of comfort and solidarity.

But then Lichenpaw was talking and all Cloudypaw could do was stare. He was lying. Anyone who had heard what he had said would know. There had been a mocking sneer when he said the word kittypet. For all the reasoning he tried to hide behind now, there had been no question when he said it that he had meant it as an insult. She blinked, and suddenly she almost didn't recognize him.

Where, she wondered, had the soft spoken cat who she had shared her nightmares with gone?​
  • Sad
Reactions: LICHENPAW ❁

Flycatcher listened to the apprentices with a neutral expression. Naturally, he was inclined to support his nieces, but for the sake of not wanting to show bias, he listens to all parties present. It quickly devolves into a lot of 'he said, she said' and Flycatcher is quick to put an end to things before they start bickering right in front of him.

"Enough," He says, flicking his tail to cease any talking. "Lichenpaw, it was not right of you to speak poorly of Stormypaw because of where she came from. You are right, she was a kittypet but that is in the past now. Stormypaw and her siblings are ThunderClan apprentices and one day they will be ThunderClan warriors much like you will be. Your pasts do not define your futures. It does not matter where you all came from, what matters is that you are ThunderClan now." Although he was speaking more about his nieces at that moment, he was also speaking directly to Lichenpaw too, knowing full well that the young tom had not been born into the clan, but much like Stormypaw and Cloudypaw had come to join them in different ways, accepted into their home by their dearly departed former leader, Emberstar. The deputy's green eyes, glance at Stormypaw and Cloudypaw, regarding the pair of them for a moment. "I am proud of you for defending yourselves, but we do not attack clanmates," He told them with an authoritative tone. "The three of you will need to be punished I'm afraid. All three of you will be on tick duty for two weeks."
  • Wow
Reactions: Cloudyfur
Basilpaw would be silent as the other's bickered and grumbled accusations. His brother's reassurance that he is safe from the situation is all he needed, not really caring otherwise about the rest of the ordeal. Whatever Lichenpaw's motives were, if he really had been the one to initiate the fight, must have been reasonable. Unfortunate the pointed tom wasn't in camp when everything began, he could have been more help in his role as the older brother. Basilpaw made the internal decision to do his best not to let this happen again so soon if he could help it- they had to stick together no matter what. No matter the other's decisions that led them where they were.

At Flycatcher's deliverance, Basilpaw could feel the words leave his mouth right after the deputy deliberated their punishment. "I will too." Their voice is firm as though it were a demand. "Lichenpaw learned that from me. I told him kittypets are lazy, and that him and I are better because of that." The lie slipped through with ease at the upmost confidence despite how uncharacteristic his admittance may be. Basilpaw hardly shared his thoughts and opinions with anyone but Lichenpaw, though, so who really could say he wasn't telling the truth? "I deserve to be punished, too. It won't happen again."
  • Wow
Reactions: LICHENPAW ❁
Stormypaw nods in an exaggerated manner as soon as Burnpaw speaks up, her brow furrowed with emotion. She stares at her uncle, urging him to see why she had to start the scuffle, why she had to show Lichenpaw up. And then her denmate speaks and she shoots him an icy glare, tail lashing back and forth. "You are wrong! I'm no kittypet! Not anymore!" Her voice is whiny, but the youthful rage is easily heard in her cracking voice. Her sister's touch is at least able to calm her down a small bit, and she lets out a harsh exhale as she glances to Cloudypaw. And finally, Flycatcher reaches a verdict. Tick duty for all three of them? For an entire half-moon?

"What? But Cloudypaw didn't do anything! She tried to separate us!" The apprentice argues, leaping to her paws and staring up at the deputy with wide eyes. Finally, Basilpaw speaks up, and his words stir an anger within her. She turns her face towards him and scowls, ears pinning back. "You wanna say that again?" Stormypaw challenges with a bratty growl, as if she'd completely forgotten that she's currently in trouble for a fight just moments before. She wouldn't let anyone talk about her that way!
Dewfang himself had once had that label applied to him. He hardly thought it true, as he spent most of his time outside anyway away from his Twolegs. The definition of a kitty-pet, in his experience, was varied, and partly because of his past, he sympathized with Stormypaw. However, he could not say she was wholly innocent here, so the senior warrior dipped his head in agreement to Flycatcher's punishment. To add Cloudypaw in was a surprise—the gray she-cat did not seem like she had a bad bone in her body, much less a characteristic to start a fight.

It was when his own apprentice spoke up that Dewfang decided to intervene. The chocolate pointed cat immediately swished his tail to flick it against Basilpaw's flank. "I am pleased by your honor, Basilpaw, but I cannot allow you to take a punishment for something you did not do." He had not started a fight, and Dewfang was unsure if his apprentice's words were really truthful. It was the fact that it was said shortly after Flycatcher's punishment that Dewfang decided it was done with some stretching.



Lichenpaw cringes a bit at tick duty, but that's -- that's fine. A much less harsh punishment than he was expecting, even (not like Sunnyday, threatening to keep him an apprentice forever). He'll take it. Except -- "Stormypaw's right," much as it begrudges him to say it. "Cloudy -- er, Cloudypaw didn't um. She wasn't fighting. Was trying to, to stop us, actually." Cloudypaw's an innocent party, a cat he considered a friend (and oh, he's definitely ruined that now). He'll dig his own grave deeper, sure, but he's not dragging her down with him.

And then -- Basilpaw. He's lying, to cover for him -- or maybe just to go down together. Looking out for each other, that's what Basilpaw always wants. But Lichenpaw isn't a kit anymore, he can handle himself. "Basil, it's, it's alright. You don't need to -- Um. Do that." He does appreciate it, though. There is no harshness to his words, only reassurance.

His own lie spared him nothing, earned him only a lecture from the deputy. Pleased by your honor, says Dewfang, and Lichenpaw almost wants to laugh. There's no honor between the two of them. They're liars and scavengers, not like the rest of ThunderClan. Lichenpaw's messed up here, he knows, but he buries the remorse. The punishment, the bridges burned, they don't matter. He and Basilpaw have never needed anyone's approval but each other.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 9 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
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