Howlingstar surveys her camp from where she perched atop the Highrock, ears perked and eyes clear. There is hope in the air. A cure has been found, and soon everyone who has fallen ill will surely recover. She looks up to the dimming sky as star begin to come out, a soft frown pulling at her lips. She thinks of those they've lost. Foxpoppy, Frostglare…gone too soon, the both of them. But she knows they gaze down on them today with warmth and love for their clanmates, and the leader takes comfort in that.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" She calls, and awaits the gathering of cats to find their seats. Her eyes roam over their multicolored pelts and clearing eyes as they gaze up at her. Healthy. They will all be healthy, soon.

With reignited vitality, she announces proudly, "There is much to celebrate today, ThunderClan! I'd like to call forward Tigerkit and Marigoldkit, for we have new apprentices to greet today." She feels a purr rise in her throat as she gazes at the two youngsters. Today, they start their paws on the path to warriorhood.

"Tigerkit, you have reached the age of four moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Tigerpaw. Your mentor will be Batwing. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." She shifts her attention towards the dark-furred warrior, eyes shining. "Batwing, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have shown yourself to be a kind, protective warrior and I expect you to pass on all you know to Tigerpaw." She nods, waiting for the two to meet at the front of the crowd and touch noses. Batwing had been one of the cats to find Tigerpaw as an orphaned kit; ever since, he and the child had seemed close. It felt right to make him her mentor.

Next, she looks to the young cream-pelted tom who now stands alone. "Marigoldkit, you have reached the age of four moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Marigoldpaw. Your mentor will be Oakfang. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." She quickly finds the warrior in the crowd and nods to him, beckoning him forward. "Oakfang, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have shown yourself to be a calm, loyal warrior and I expect you to pass on all you know to Marigoldpaw." It's about time he has demonstrated what he knows by teaching an apprentice of his own. She hopes his more laidback attitude lends itself well to the teaching of Marigoldpaw. She dips her head, waiting for them to touch noses and move back into the crowd.

"Gingerpaw, would you come forward?" She then asks, finding the young tom swiftly in the crowd. A somber note touches her voice as she goes on to say, "Darkflight taught you well up to this point, and he is a warrior whose loss will be felt. But your training cannot take any delays. I name Shiningsun your new mentor. Shiningsun, you optimism and kindness is a beacon in the clan; you have proven yourself ready to take on an apprentice. I trust you to teach Gingerpaw all you know." She dips her head to the two, thinking it will be a fine match knowing how contagious the young warrior's energy and joy is. She hopes it does young Gingerpaw well.

// apprentice ceremonies for @tigerkit. to @batwing and @Marigoldkit to @OAKFANG

August's activity shoutouts go to @Flycatcher @BERRYHEART @Flamewhisker @nightbird @RACCOONSTRIPE @LITTLE WOLF @Roeflame . @batwing @leopardtongue @BURNSTORM ! @HAILSTORM. @LIGHTSTRIKE . @freckleflame @Sleekpaw.
Your activity does not go unnoticed! Thank you for being superstars on the board!
The last time the clan had been called to gather underneath the Highrock that Howlingstar now stand upon, they had been told of another clanmate's crimes and the punishment that was to be put upon the other. Thoughts flickered to Basilwhisker for but a moment as the older feline called for cats to gather, worried for a moment that there would be something horrible announced once again. When she continued on, speaking of kits becoming apprentices, Leopardtongue couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of relief - things were becoming normal again. There was a cure for the illness, Tigerkit and Marigoldkit were now apprentices and Gingerpaw was reassigned. Even illness could not stop the growth of ThunderClan, as it had showed in the past and as it will show now.

"Tigerpaw! Marigoldpaw!" Leopardtongue cheered out the names of the two new apprentices, reassuring smile offered their way as soon as she quieted. She was sure they had been waiting for this day for a while now, especially Tiger who had already been outside of camp before given her past. She was glad Batwing was the one chosen to mentor the young cat, given their relationship and how it had come to be. She watched as the three apprentices - two new and one slightly older - moved forward to greet their new mentors, though for some reason Leopard kept finding her eyes searching for Batwing.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 33 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally


the sound of howlingstar's rallying call lifts her head sluggishly from tufted paws, sunlit eyes squinting against the glare of light shining through the canopies overhead. there is much to celebrate, she says, with her easy smile that reminds her of days curled in sunfreckle's fur. foxpoppy, frostglare.. she hadn't known either of them, but the thought of their bodies cold and silent in the clearing chills her back down to the bone. for once, the woman does not move from where she is lounging beneath the shade of shrubbery bordering their sick - ridden camp. she calls two youth forward : marigoldkit to marigoldpaw.. tigerkit, to be tigerpaw. tansyshine must be real proud, she thinks, lifting her eyes to try and find where the she - cat was surely settling to watch her kitten receive her mentor.

" tigerpaw! marigoldpaw! " she calls, absently, letting her gaze slowly slide back around to focus on howlingstar as she continues. poor gingerpaw.. short ears twitch back sympathetically, but she says nothing in congratulation. with any sort of hope, shiningsun would be able to pick up where darkflight had so unceremoniously left off. her thick tail comes around to wrap at her paws, unmoving, waiting for more news ; more of the sickness, of this yellowcough. lungwort seemed to be helping, had helped berryheart — was it truly time to stop worrying? freckleflame releases a sigh but, uncharacteristically, remains to herself, training her eyes against the instinctive squint upwards.

  • i.
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while beating a lazy, heavy - eyed grin.
  • IMG_3106.png
Darlin' dont quit your daydream


Tansyshine had cleaned the orange and chocolate kitten as well as she could, getting the knots free. But Tigerkit definitely grew bored, insisting that she wanted to play. It was hard to sit still for her young body, but Tansyshine insisted she had to be clean, and had to be pretty for the meeting. She was becoming an apprentice. Tigerkit would reluctantly agree to let her finish.

Once Tansy was done, it would slip from her tongue, and barely realizing it, but at the same time she did. "Thank you, mama," she would purr, her face rubbing Tansy's own.

She still believed her own mother was coming back, but Tansy was like, her second mama, and she loved her so so much, and cared about her. And Tansyshine had been so sad. Tigerkit would try her best to make the molly smile, and sometimes it was hard, but she just wanted her to be happy.

She would grab a wilted blue flower, having lost just another petal, and held it up to Tansy to ask to put it behind her ear for her. It was the one Flamewhisker had given her, and if the Apprentice thing was so special, she wanted it to be worn on the crown of her head in hopes to make the orange molly happy. Yeah, Flamewhisker would love that, she thought to herself, giggling with the help of tucking it into neatly groomed fur.


Howlingstar had finally called the meeting, her words booming across the camp, and Tigerkit was more than antsy. She was witholding her energy at this point to keep her fur clean after Tansys hard work. Sitting herself neatly besides the molly, she would look up with large eager green eyes, her tail swishing behind her in anticipation. She was finally going to recieve a mentor, she was finally gonna be able to learn everything she could, and, she could even go out of the camp!

Marigoldkit was becoming an apprentice too! And she was excited for him, and maybe, maybe he would train with her! Though, realizing emberkit was not becoming an apprentice with her, she gave a saddened glance to the other kit. She didn't want to not be able to play with Emberkit, but she hoped she would have plenty of free time.

Your mentor will be Batwing.

And the words made her loudly squeal, bounding foreward to meet up with her mentor and friend in excitement. She couldn't have asked for anyone better! She had hoped to this starclan she had heard about that Howlingstar would pick either Flamewhisker or Batwing, and it worked! Her ruddy nose touched his, her paws bouncing, as she had heard it was to accept her new mentor, and accept the position. "Thank you, thank you!" she squealed out, her ears folding back as a large grin spread across the young girls face.

The meeting drew on, Howlingstar named Marigoldkit to Oakfang, and then giving Gingerpaw a new mentor. She didn't know Darkflight, but she recognized Shiningsuns name. She was still trying to learn their names though. And she would, in due time.

As everyone started shouting cheers, she would chime in, except for her own. "Marigoldpaw!" she cheered at the top of her lungs, as if that wasn't her normal volume, anyways.

thought speech
At the call for a meeting, Flamewhisker trots over to join her clanmates below the highrock. She sits near the front, knowing that today Marigoldkit and Tigerkit would be becoming apprentices. Part of her had hoped that she could have mentored Tigerkit, but she was already training Acornpaw, and there were plenty of other warriors who didn't have apprentices yet that would train her well. When Howlingstar called the kits forward, she saw the flower in Tigerkit's ear, and began to purr softly. She had already lost her flower that had been briefly tucked in her ear somewhere while out hunting, but apparently Tigerkit had kept hers. Their leader assigns Batwing to be her mentor, and Flamewhisker couldn't think of anyone better.

She continued to listen as Marigoldpaw was assigned to Oakfang, and Gingerpaw reassigned to Shiningsun. They were all perfect matches in her opinion, and when the rest of the clan began to chant, she would join in with them. "Tigerpaw! Marigoldpaw!"
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

  • Love
Reactions: tigerwing

As usual, Flycatcher is quick to join the assembling ranks of his clanmates upon Howlingstar's familiar call.

When she mentions the incoming announcement of new apprentices, Flycatcher smiles faintly. Kits becoming apprentices is always a joy to celebrate in a clan, and after the moon they had faced with so many ill, and unfortunately a few losses as well ThunderClan needed something joyous to celebrate. He listens with interest as Tigerkit and Marigoldkit are called forward and assigned Batwing and Oakfang as their respective mentors. Both were fine cats and Flycatcher was certain the new apprentices would flourish under their tutelage. After the new apprentices were named, a new mentor was called forward for Gingerpaw. Poor Darkflight had passed recently and Gingerpaw was now in want of a new mentor. Howlingstar announced Shiningsun would be picking up their training, and Flycatcher smiled, proud of the young tom.

With ceremonies completed for the moment, he joins his clanmates in yelling in celebration. "Tigerpaw! Marigoldpaw!"
A new meeting, with the bite of hope in the air. Batwing was wary- he didn't know any better, but some gut feeling kept him second-guessing about the cure. Could it truly be so easy? Shaking off some of the unease, Batwing approached the meeting as they were called. Indeed, there was plenty to celebrate today. He had almost forgotten which day it was- two kits were settled at the edge of the meeting, and called up one by one. A soft smile spread on his lips as Tigerkit stepped up first.

A short speech given to the kit, and then the mentor's name would be called. His name being called settled like a blanket over his shoulders- a weight of a kind, but one that could be comforting in it's own respect, instead of just a burden. It all depended on him, on how he would spin it, how he would teach his new apprentice. Batwing rose to his paws, finding the kit- no, not a kit no longer, but an apprentice (his apprentice, another thought that toiled within) who had squealed moments before.

A snort left him as he leaned down, touching noses with Tigerpaw. "I look forward to teaching you, young'n." He teased gently, settling down next to his kit. A glance given to Flamewhisker, a tiny grin- and on bringing his gaze back to center, Leopardtongue's vision seemed fixed on him. A softened smile was given for her instead, ears gently wilting. There was so much potential that was now his to mould, just like his father and mother had moulded Baltwing. Batwing picked his head up, cheering for the other apprentice as well.​

New apprentices were always a blessing! So when Tigerpaw and Marigoldpaw were called up he was swift to chant their names to let them know that the clan had their backs and were proud of them as they entered an important milestone in their lives. Though it wasn't just them hitting a vital time in their lives, he too was about to take a step up. Surprise lit up his features as he was named as Gingerpaw's new mentor in place of Darkflight. Did Howlingstar truly deem him ready?

The tom stepped forward to greet Gingerpaw, beaming his usual radiate smile at the younger tom. "I'll do my best to teach you all I know." He reached out to touch his nose to Gingerpaw's forehead before settling in beside his new apprentice. Already he was promising to be a far better mentor than what his own had ever been. Though he suspected that Wildheart would be breathing down the back of his neck from now on. Joy. Still, he smiled up at Howlingstar in appreciation of her giving him a chance to prove himself further.

*:・゚✧ He wasn't in a cheerful mood with what happened, but... Life moves on. Today's meeting was proof of such, yet as he sat among the crowd he felt distant. There were cats around him who brimmed with excitement because today tigerkit and marigoldkit were going to become apprentices. he remembered when he became an apprentice he was surrounded by cheers, but he just... couldn't. his mentor darkflight was dead. darkflight who had been with for four moons, that's like half his apprenticeship. he had thought he'd stay with darkflight for the enterity of his apprenticeship and show his troubled mentor that he will become an honorable thunderclanner. that he would improve his skills with hard work and become someone that darkflight wouldn't worry about, but now... he never would. he knows that darkflight is now among the stars, yet it hurt because he wanted his mentor here.

vaguely did he listen to the meeting, chanting for both marigoldpaw and tigerpaw mostly out of habit and not actual joy. he was more than ready to return to the apprentice den and grieve his mentor, but his name is called. y-yes?! he straightens his back and amber eyes dart to Howlingstar's form. am i in trouble? did i do something wrong? i don't think so? uhhh. these are the thoughts that plague him as he follows howlingstar's orders to come forward. It's terrifying because no way is she going to make him a warrior here and now, that wouldn't even make sense! When she brings up Darkflight, he shifts his eyes to the ground. it is evident that he missed his mentor and that the pair had an amicable relationship.

Shinningsun? He blinks. The long haired golden tabby is called again, which he turns his head towards. Shinningsun is nice, but... Darkflight is this okay? I know you can't really tell Howlingstar to stop my training, but are you happy? Do you want me to work just as hard if not harder with Shinningsun? His thoughts are abruptly stopped when his new mentor pads forward and gives him an infectious smile. He can't help but offer a beaming smile in return, "I'll try my best to learn everything you'll teach me." He would giggle at Shinningsun touching his nose against his forehead, but the tom was bigger than he was. In any case, he figured he should thank Howlingstar. If she would glance at him he would offer her a beaming smile and dip his head in respect.

⋆✦⋆ Dreampaw squints up to the highrock as Howlingstar announces the news, his short frame nestled among his gathered clanmates. A sly smile carves along his lips as Tigerkit and Marigoldkit are called forward. It seemed the apprentice den would be getting some new members and Dreampaw couldn't wait for them to join the club. "Tigerpaw! Marigoldpaw!" he cheered along with the others with an intense loudness as if the acknowledgement of the new apprentices was a screaming competition.

When Howlingstar mentioned Gingerpaw, his hazel eyes narrowed and his ears swiveled until they lied nearly flat against his head. Right…Darkflight was gone. That made things less fun and, not for the first time, he felt bad for his friend. His eyes aren't watching as Shiningsun is determined to be Gingerpaw's new mentor.

Somehow when the meeting was over, he'd feel relief.

Relief that things moved on and his friend would still be able to train on the path to warriorhood with his new mentor. Things would be good, yeah? Perhaps Shiningsun would be like a light to shine Gingerpaw out of the dim and to new heights in training? Ha, as long as none are able to best the Dark Warrior then I shall wish them all well. But with that thought, Dreampaw would regard all the new apprentice-mentor pairs with a renewed, thin smile.

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time on the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ lithe, short tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ delicate, smaller than average height, stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, sadistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype (evil eye variant), seems egotistical but it's mostly for show because he doesn't mind putting his friends and clanmates first, speaks in third-person person often, likes to eat

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc, ginger and high white tom with van markings; somewhat easily-going and worried in regards to dreampaw)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ gingerpaw
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / shows no mercy / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / daring but also plays smart when he has prior knowledge on a certain opponent or challenge / persistent / strikes to kill or disable in real battles with a cold-blooded lack of hesitation / has no issue fighting dirty, inflicting fear upon opponents, being cruel, killing, or interfering with others' battles

    adept at ▹ quick on feet, very agile in his moves, can climb well, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength such as carrying many things at once or heavy objects etc, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. Sometime before his apprentice ceremony, he developed his 'Dark Warrior' persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment one that he is both proud and fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!

As soon as the chanting dies down, the smiling woman moves on with a chipper tone. "Evergreenpaw, Barleypaw, Sandpaw, come forward." She waits for the three young cats to arrive at the front of the Highrock. As soon as they do, she scans the crowd, her tail lifting high with pride as her voice booms across the clearing. "Today, three new warriors will take on their new names and roles." Her gaze lifts to the sky, the sight of the stars beginning to peek out of the dusk sky empowering her. "I, Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon StarClan to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Evergreenpaw, Barleypaw, Sandpaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend you clan, even at the cost of your life?" Sharpened, lively eyes now fall on the three apprentices, awaiting their vows. As soon as they speak the words I do, she moves on. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names."

She climbs down the towering boulder and first strides forward on powerful legs to stand in front of the young she-cat known as Evergreenpaw. She looks slightly up at the fawn-furred apprentice and smiles, fluffy tail curling over her back. "Evergreenpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Evergreenbloom, for how you have blossomed into the more confident cat you are today. StarClan honors your imagination and kind heart, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She steps forward to place her muzzle on top of her head, waits for the ceremonial lick to her shoulder, and steps back, beaming with pride.

She next moves to the tabby and white apprentice who stands next to Evergreenbloom. Her green gaze meets that of Barleypaw, the hardworking apprentice of Killdeercry. Ears pointing forward and whiskers twitching, the leader trills, "Barleypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Barleysight, for your intelligence and observant eyes. StarClan honors your curiosity and cleverness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She rests her chin on top of their skull, knowing the young warrior will be a wonderful asset to the rank. With how hard she works and how she seeks to constantly learn, she imagines the new warrior will only continue to improve.

Finally, the plump tabby stops in front of the stocky figure of Sandpaw, her extra moon of training honing her into a powerful cat. She has more than earned this moment. A ferocity shines in Howlingstar's gaze as she looks at the fawn tabby, recalling how she had wailed in pain as her leg dangled limply following that horrible "training" with Sunnyday. The only reason she had received such an injury was because she had a warrior's heart and had wanted to fight for her clan with all her might. How poetic it is that she would receive her warrior name right after that tom chose to abandon his clan. "Sandpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Sandthorn, for the ferocity in which you protect your clanmates. StarClan honors your
fighting prowess and resilience, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."
With a great amount of pride, she rests her head on the young she-cat's head, hoping to convey every ounce of how happy she is for the once-crippled apprentice.

Stepping back, she joins her clanmates in chanting the three new warriors' names. "Evergreenbloom! Barleysight! Sandthorn!"

// warrior ceremonies for @EVERGREENPAW. @barleypaw. @sandpaw
  • Love
Reactions: sandthorn
Today is a very special day for little Tigerkit. It's the day of her apprentice ceremony, and Tansy is going to make sure she looks lovely for it. She had finally gotten the last knot out whenever Tiger speaks up. Thank you, mama, Tansy freezes in her spot, icicle eyes growing wide at the words. Something strikes her straight through the heart and she falters for a moment, her heart skipping a beat as a tiny cheek rubs against her own. She's silent for a heartbeat too long and her words are slow next time she speaks. "My baby," her voice wobbles as tears gather in her eyes, the biggest smile cracking upon her face. She doesn't remember the last time she smiled. She doesn't remember it at all, but right now? Happiness floods through her as she leans to nuzzle little Tigerkits head. She had finally gotten the flower fitted perfectly in to the little kittens fur and she sits back with a look of love. "Look at you, so pretty!" her voice is a gentle purr.

They're ready by the time Howlingstar calls the meeting, sat neatly off to the side. Tansys tail is slightly bushed up as whispers of doubt plague the corners of her mind, but she only brings her tail closer to wrap around Tigerkit. Coalkit should be up there. She winces. Coalkit- She almost misses Tigerkits renaming ceremony, what mother would she be if she didn't instantly tune back in?

You will be known as Tigerpaw. Tears brim in her eyes as Tiger leaves to touch noses with Batwing. Oh, where had the time gone? She remembers when she had lead Tiger away from the group that had taken her to camp, in to the nursery, settled down in her shared nest with Crystalkit and Coalkit. Coalkit... Coalkit should be up there, too. She successfully suppresses the reoccurring thought this time with a deep breath. She watches as the chocolate-patched torbie moves forwards to touch noses with Batwing, her gaze softening.

Tansy catches Freckles eyes with a teary-eyed glance over- it seems she had been doing a lot of it lately (both crying and catching Freckles eyes), but Tansy isn't complaining. She quite likes Sunfreckle and his children, Freckleflame is no exception. She shoots the warrior a big smile. Instead of heavy grief shining brightly in her eyes, like it normally would be, pride shines instead. It's Tigerpaws big day, and Tansy wouldn't ever let her own grief get in the way of her daughters special day. She dips her head as Howlingstar adds on more ceremonies before jerking it back upwards to let her voice carry, tail flicking back and forth in excitement as she adds to the cheers, "Tigerpaw, Marigoldpaw, Evergreenbloom, Barleysight, Sandthorn!"

  • 69486748_y5cR04vw5JVHy1O-removebg-preview.png
    -> tansy ,, tansyshine
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 34 months
    -> permaqueen of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy cinnamon solid with low white and ice blue eyes
    -> "speech, a789cf" ,, thoughts
    -> bisexual ,, padding after lily pad ,, mother to many
    -> smells like wildflowers
    -> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]
  • Love
Reactions: tigerwing
The painted brown and white tabby settled themself neatly in the crowd, their form nestled next to their brothers form, and having finally gotten the sleep they needed the night before. Well more so, collapsed in their nest early and slept just a bit too late, but they had been enduring a lot of worry and stress from the sickness and everything going around. They definitely needed it.

They listened in to the new apprentices being made, and the soon to be warrior was anticipating still the meeting to continue, but yowls started and they would join in. "Tigerpaw! Marigoldpaw!"

Aqua green eyes would search for KilldeerCries form, and soon after cheers subsided, Barleypaw and a few others were called up. They let out a purr, and set their form beside Evergreenpaws, her heart beating loud in her ears in excitement. "I do." They responded, fully committed as they had been for moons upon moons. For as long as they could remember.

Evergreenpaw was named Evergreenbloom, developing well throughout training, and their purrs felt louder in their chest.

And then it was their turn, and they shifted to lift their head up in pride, their chest pushing out and their tail wrapping tightly against their side. Barleysight. Intelligent, Observant, Curious. And now, they were a full warrior of Thunderclan. They had finally made it. They made it!!!

They were dropped off as a kitten, a rogue, an abandoned kit; and now they were accepted. Their heart fluttered. And they leaned forward with Howlingstars head upon their own, and a pink tongue licked the taller females shoulder. Pride filled them. So very much pride.

And then it was Sandpaws turn. Barleypaw has seen Sandpaws growth as well. Even if Sunnyday had ruined it. She had endured, and she had made it too.

They all did.

He has managed to inch his way out of the nursery enough to watch the meeting, but not very inclined to leave fully given the kits were resting and he wanted to keep an eye on Sunshinekit in particular; they had still been sniffling fairly often and with the plague of yellowcough so rampant in the camp that they'd lost two clanmates already he was more than a little overprotective and wary now. Sunfreckle curls his tail about his paws, smiling as he watches Tigerkit waddle of to be made an apprentice and he leans into Tansyshine in a friendly gesture of silent support. With Coalkit having gone missing without any sign of him left, she had only Crystalkit in her nest left to attend to before she would just be watching whatever wayward kits came their way next; hopefully not given how often ThunderClan found themselves with lost and abandoned kits to take in. Pigeonkit had been one such kit, as had Emberkit. A small part of him feels selfishly ashamed of having laid claim to the blue kitten when Tansyshine was perfectly capable as a nursery queen and he could've returned to his duties quicker otherwise, but it was not exactly something he could take back now.
In another moon his own kits outside the aforementioned Pigeonkit would be made apprentices as well and he could resume his duties not too long after, at least he hoped Sunshinekit would be alright to be named. The worry gnawed at him more than usual but he swallowed it down in order to cheer on the newly named cats.
"Tigerpaw, Marigoldpaw!"
Marigoldpaw had been anxious only a few days prior about this and he hoped the little tom was eager to finally get out there and show the clan what he was made of too.
"Evergreenbloom!" A nice enough apprentice who had watched his kits a few times, a lovely name, "Barleysight!" Another of the lost kits their clan had taken in, finally a warrior as well, "Sandthorn!" A name that should have been earned much earlier, but she had been forced into a delay by Sunnyday's cruelty. He wondered if the tom felt vindicated at finally being rejected from his home after everything he did, knowing he could live a new life as a loner while the scars he left behind were still healing. If he ever saw him again...
Well, the red tabby was not a violent cat by any means, but the only connection the two of them had shared was a love of Shallowpaw who was no longer with them; wherever his former apprentice was, he hoped he was safe..
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Despite everything, this meeting begins with good news. Two new apprentices, assigned to mentors who will surely do their best to train them. Mentors who won't do the terrible things that other mentors have done in the past. Tigerpaw looks so happy, eagerness in every part of her expression as she greets her new mentor. Falconpaw can remember with near-perfect clarity the day he'd become an apprentice, the day he'd touched noses with his mentor for the first time. A grin breaks out across his muzzle at the thought, though it's clearly touched with sadness. His mentor should be attending this meeting as she does every meeting, but instead she's spending the time trying to fight off a deadly illness. But—this is still an occasion to celebrate. New apprentices are a good thing. And Gingerpaw seems happy to be reassigned to Shiningsun, so there's no reason for the lump of anxiety that settles in the cream tom's stomach. Everything is going perfectly.

Three apprentices are called forward, clearly for a different reason than Gingerpaw. These three are becoming warriors. Pale paws shift and knead into the dirt, excitement coursing through his every movement. Soon that will be him, receiving his warrior name alongside Stormpaw. But today it is about neither him nor his sister, and so the tabby pushes back the feeling of anticipation. His voice rises in a cheer of each of his newly named clanmates' names, apprentices and warriors alike.
[ find me way out there ]
As she cheered for Marigoldpaw and Tigerpaw, Evergreenpaw took a moment to reflect.

Gone were the days of fear, worrying that she would never be good enough, that she would be cast out of ThunderClan for being too much of a hassle to train or work with. No longer did she truly believe she was incapable of being an asset to her Clan - instead, she now believed the opposite. If her past fears were true, then she wouldn't have heard her name called alongside Barleypaw and Sandpaw's.

One deep breath, two deep breaths, and then a third left her as she stepped forward to stand next to her peers. "I do," she vowed, gentle but with determination to follow through, to do her best as a warrior.

And then no longer was she Evergreenpaw, but Evergreenbloom. Howlingstar gave it meaning, and her heart swelled with joy and pride. "Thank you," she murmured as she pulled away from the ceremonial lick, and then she found her way back to her spot in the crowd once the cheers had died down.

Just like her apprentice ceremony, it was nerve-wracking to have cats cheering her name, but... she didn't mind it. Not this time. Today was a special day. For Tigerpaw, Marigoldpaw, Barleysight, Sandthorn, and herself. She was not the only one who had blossomed into a newer self - they all had, hadn't they? In the eyes of herself, a lover of flowers, that sentiment was more beautiful than anything else she could have imagined.


After her clanmates and herself finish chanting the names of the new warriors, Howlingstar gracefully climbs back onto the Highrock, where she settles into a seated position. With ceremonies finished, she does not need to be so formal anymore. She knows word has already spread about what happened at the Gathering, but it is her duty to share the news so everyone is on the same page. She clears her throat and begins to speak with her head held high, "As most of you now know, this illness that has claimed both Foxpoppy and Frostglare has been named Yellowcough. The cure that Berryheart discovered is working so far for those who he was able to treat in time. The hope is we are seeing the end of this...but please, if you have any symptoms, do not wait to see Berryheart. Your life, and your clanmates', can be at risk." There is urgency and heartbreaking in her voice as she stares desperately down at the cats below. No risks can be taken. They have already lost a warrior and an elder - they cannot lose anyone else.

"Many of you have also heard that the Warrior Code has been expanded. It's true - a third law was agreed upon at the Gathering: Elders, queens, sick or injured cats, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. This new law ensures every clan will prioritize their most vulnerable, those who cannot hunt to feed themselves. We are a family, above all else, and we must continue to look after each other. From now on, all of your catches must go to the elders, the medicine den, and the nursery before anyone else eats." Her ears twitch as the tabby falls silent, waiting expectantly to see if anyone has any comments on the new law, or even the illness. If not, the meeting would end swiftly.

As the meeting presses on, further announcements are made. The clan gets to bask in the joy of three new warriors to their ranks. Evergreenpaw, Barleypaw, and Sandpaw stepped forward to receive their names becoming Evergreenbloom, Barleysight, and Sandthorn. Fine names for fine young warriors. "Evergreenbloom! Barleysight! Sandthorn!" Flycatcher cheers, joining his voice with the rest of their clanmates.

When the cheers fade, Howlingstar moves on to more sombre things. She first discusses the illness - now named Yellowcough - confirming that Berryheart's cure seems to be effective. Flycatcher listens quietly but a relieved smile passes his lips. After all the worries they all had as of late, it is a relief to know that there is at least something that can be done to treat it. Howlingstar then goes on to announce the new addition to the warrior code. Having been present at the gathering, Flycatcher was already aware of this, but his green gaze sweeps over his clanmates curious about their reactions to the new code.

it was time for another meeting, signified by howlingstar's call from highrock. the last one had her filled with a dreadful sense of abandonment. there were five new warriors named then- moonwhisper, mousenose, freckleflame, sparkwing, and lightstrike. they were all her age, she grew up alongside them, and she should have been named alongside them as well.

yet, sandpaw was still an apprentice. still had to trail behind her mentor, complete mundane duties. she still had to prove herself to howlingstar and the clan, show that she was not an injured child but a warrior. she had now, passed a grueling assessment to earn her place. it was relieving to say the least.

she joined barleypaw and evergreenpaw at the front of the crowd, short tail waving in greeting. they were younger, not by much but she liked them well enough. there was a warm glow in her golden eyes, heavily contradicting the straight line sitting on her muzzle. in tandem with the others, sandpaw produes a strong "i do." evergreenpaw became evergreenbloom, she remembered the nervousness about the molly when discussing their assessments, sandpaw was glad she had passed. barleypaw was next, joining the ranks as barleysight.

and then she was next, straightening her spine as howlingstar stood before her. she met the leader with a grin as the moment she waited for finally arrived, didn't squirm under her powerful gaze. it had came and went so quick, sandthorn was dipping her head to allow howlingstar to rest her own. she stood with a wide grin, ears twitching in delight as she was named before her clan. as soon as cheers died out, the new warrior went to go sit amongst her clanmates, tail tapping the ground behind her.
✦ 𖤓 ✦

Batwing settled back into the crowd with his apprentice at his side. Of course, that was new and fresh, but it was something he'd have to grow used to. An apprentice. A warm hum started and settled just below his pelt, against his chest. His vision lifted back to Howlingstar as she continued the meeting- a chant following with the new warrior's names. ""Evergreenbloom! Barleysight! Sandthorn!"" He cheered. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to cuff any of them over the ear- akin to the way he had for Lightstrike.

Yellowcough is what the disease was called. His ears sank gently as they discussed it again, but it was nessecary for the clan to know. For them all to know. Hopefully, it can be cleared out. He thought in the back of his mind. They were moving onto the new code, and he nodded quietly. He tilted his head quietly- a glance given towards Flycatcher, catching their movement out of the corner of his eye. A gentle dip of his head. Batwing had no arguments for that- after all, he caught plenty of prey, as long as there was prey to catch.​