

Sire: SH chocolate tabby w/ low white (carrying longhair, dilute, solid)
Dam: LH blue smoke w/ low white (carrying chocolate, non-silver)

Kits can be black, black tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, blue, blue tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, chocolate smoke, chocolate silver tabby, lilac smoke, or lilac silver tabby
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white, low white or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; tabbies will carry solid; silver will carry non-silver; black-based will carry chocolate; non-dilute will carry dilute

— Ash, Smoke, Cinder, Burned, Char, Charred, Coal, Singed - after Sootstar
— Rabbit, Hare, Gorse, Heather, Bracken, Breeze, Storm, Gale, Gust, Cotton - after WindClan
— Hawk, Falcon, Badger, Fox, Ferret, Stoat Harrier, Adder - after fierce predators
— Sand, Silver, Pale, Dark, Shade, Striped, Spotted, Little, Tall, Running, Violet, Lilac, Lavender, White, Black, Ebony, Shade, Light

— Gorse, Furze, Hawk, Hill, Running, Swift, Breeze, Hare, Rabbit, Gorge, Clover - after WindClan
— Night, Dusk, Hope, Dream, Moon, Silver - after StarClan
— Weasel, Ferret, Stoat, Horse, Dust - after Weaselclaw
— Soot - after their grandfather, herself, and older sibling Sootswift. A family name
— Thistle, Bristle, Jagged, Spike, Sharp, Feather, Moss, Blue, Black, White, Red, Hazel, Dark, Light, Fawn, Russet, Snow, Pale, Ruddy, Flame, Fire, Rose, Smoke, Cloud, Sun, Mist, Sand, Shade, Yellow, Tall, Small, Short, Big, Long, Half, Heavy, Little, Tiger, Lion, Thorn, Fox, Adder, Badger, Leopard, Claw

— Bloom, Petal, ANY Flower Name, Heather, Holly, Ivy, Leaf, Leopard, Lion, Lilac, Berry, Hemlock, Fox, Mist, Moon, Night, Any Weather Name (EXCLUDING; Rain & Thunder), Sweet, Dawn, Clover, Bird, Amber, Stream, Blue, Silver, Milk - for AFAB kits, AFAB kits can still choose from other categories

Please avoid; Blaze, Sky, Pitch, Shadow, Ember, Thunder, Cicada,
River, Honey, Dandelion, Kestrel, Marigold, Mallow, Ember, Flint, Hyacinith, Bone, Gale, Yew, Rain, Coyote

Bluekit, she-kit played by @Marquette
— Unnamed, tom played by @ava

Sootstar was born Soot, raised to be a soldier in the marshes under Hare Whiskers and then Briar. Poised, beautiful, and cold, Soot's first dalliance was with Flint, a tom who was mates with another she-cat. She swore to herself her children would never discover their origins, and though some may have had their suspicions, Soot carried her kits' father's identity with her—to his grave. As tensions rose between the marsh and the pine group, war brewed like a storm on the horizon. Bloodshed was imminent.

Miles away, a curious tabby born and raised on the Horseplace fought his wanderlust and lost. Weasel met Soot in the shadowy mire, him ignorant of the life she led, her pregnant and preparing for war. Though their meeting was brief, they never forgot the other.

Soot fought fiercely in the Great Battle and witnessed the rise of StarClan. She listened to their prophecy and was inspired to stake claim to the moorlands as the leader of WindClan. She and her initial followers began to settle into their home, when she and Weasel met again. Though her followers were unsure, Soot allowed Weasel to join WindClan, and his loyalty began to run as deeply as his affection for her.

Weaselclaw and Sootstar are bonded by loyalty, by faith in StarClan, and even by blood and ritual. Despite her unforgiving and punishing leadership and his aggression towards cats not WindClan, their love for one another is genuine and strong, and the two of them are eagerly looking forward to the day their kits greet the world.

Upon their birth, the kits will be loved dearly by both parents. Unfortunately, duty calls and both are ripped from their newborns rather quickly. Sootstar and Weaselclaw entrust a different queen to nurse the kits until they are weaned and look after them while their parents tend to their roles.

— Not FCFS

— Activity is a huge must for this litter, Marq and I are looking for family members who are able to submit 10-15+ posts per month. We do understand activity can fluctuate and will be accommodating, but we want to see the slots actively on the board and not be a rare sight!

— Choosing date is February 9th-12th, birthdate is February 14th

— Kits will start at 2 moons, they'll be apprenticed at 3 moons.
— Kits will age realistically on the 14th.

— The kits will be raised with (tough) love by Weaselclaw and Sootstar and we ask that you take that into consideration when developing their morals. They will be taught to be anti-kittypet, anti-SkyClan, and to worship StarClan.

— We highly encourage you use names from our provided lists, but it is not ultimately required! If you stray from the list and choose a name against realism for our characters we will give you a quick dm and a chance to change it, so there is no harm done ^^

— Ideally these kits will never leave WindClan, but we will hear plot ideas out!

— Genetics must be followed, we are okay with stylizations in art!
— Form is FFA, please be sure to include the basics though!

— Must be in the WindClan discord and you will be invited to a family group chat as well!

— half siblings to Sootchaser & Windstrider, Sootstar's eldest litter
— nieces / nephews to Pebblenose (Dam's kin) & Vole (Sire's kin | NPC)
— grandchildren to Soot Claw (Dam's kin | NPC) & Pebble Breeze (Dam's kin | NPC)
Layla (Sire's kin | NPC) & Dusty (Sire's kin | NPC)
Sire: SH chocolate tabby w/ low white (carrying longhair, dilute, solid)
Dam: LH blue smoke w/ low white (carrying chocolate, non-silver)

Kits can be black, black tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, blue, blue tabby, lilac, lilac tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, chocolate smoke, chocolate silver tabby, lilac smoke, or lilac silver tabby
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white, low white or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; tabbies will carry solid; silver will carry non-silver; black-based will carry chocolate; non-dilute will carry dilute

— Ash, Smoke, Cinder, Burned, Char, Charred, Coal, Singed - after Sootstar
— Rabbit, Hare, Gorse, Heather, Bracken, Breeze, Storm, Gale, Gust, Cotton - after WindClan
— Hawk, Falcon, Badger, Fox, Ferret, Stoat Harrier, Adder - after fierce predators
— Sand, Silver, Pale, Dark, Shade, Striped, Spotted, Little, Tall, Running, Violet, Lilac, Lavender, White, Black, Ebony, Shade, Light

— Gorse, Furze, Hawk, Hill, Running, Swift, Breeze, Hare, Rabbit, Gorge, Clover - after WindClan
— Night, Dusk, Hope, Dream, Moon, Silver - after StarClan
— Weasel, Ferret, Stoat, Horse, Dust - after Weaselclaw
— Soot - after their grandfather, herself, and older sibling Sootswift. A family name
— Thistle, Bristle, Jagged, Spike, Sharp, Feather, Moss, Blue, Black, White, Red, Hazel, Dark, Light, Fawn, Russet, Snow, Pale, Ruddy, Flame, Fire, Rose, Smoke, Cloud, Sun, Mist, Sand, Shade, Yellow, Tall, Small, Short, Big, Long, Half, Heavy, Little, Tiger, Lion, Thorn, Fox, Adder, Badger, Leopard, Claw

— Bloom, Petal, ANY Flower Name, Heather, Holly, Ivy, Leaf, Leopard, Lion, Lilac, Berry, Hemlock, Fox, Mist, Moon, Night, Any Weather Name (EXCLUDING; Rain & Thunder), Sweet, Dawn, Clover, Bird, Amber, Stream, Blue, Silver, Milk - for AFAB kits, AFAB kits can still choose from other categories

Please avoid; Blaze, Sky, Pitch, Shadow, Ember, Thunder, Cicada,
River, Honey, Dandelion, Kestrel, Marigold, Mallow, Ember, Flint, Hyacinith, Bone, Gale, Yew, Rain, Coyote

Bluekit, she-kit played by @Marquette
— Unnamed, tom played by @ava

Sootstar was born Soot, raised to be a soldier in the marshes under Hare Whiskers and then Briar. Poised, beautiful, and cold, Soot's first dalliance was with Flint, a tom who was mates with another she-cat. She swore to herself her children would never discover their origins, and though some may have had their suspicions, Soot carried her kits' father's identity with her—to his grave. As tensions rose between the marsh and the pine group, war brewed like a storm on the horizon. Bloodshed was imminent.

Miles away, a curious tabby born and raised on the Horseplace fought his wanderlust and lost. Weasel met Soot in the shadowy mire, him ignorant of the life she led, her pregnant and preparing for war. Though their meeting was brief, they never forgot the other.

Soot fought fiercely in the Great Battle and witnessed the rise of StarClan. She listened to their prophecy and was inspired to stake claim to the moorlands as the leader of WindClan. She and her initial followers began to settle into their home, when she and Weasel met again. Though her followers were unsure, Soot allowed Weasel to join WindClan, and his loyalty began to run as deeply as his affection for her.

Weaselclaw and Sootstar are bonded by loyalty, by faith in StarClan, and even by blood and ritual. Despite her unforgiving and punishing leadership and his aggression towards cats not WindClan, their love for one another is genuine and strong, and the two of them are eagerly looking forward to the day their kits greet the world.

Upon their birth, the kits will be loved dearly by both parents. Unfortunately, duty calls and both are ripped from their newborns rather quickly. Sootstar and Weaselclaw entrust a different queen to nurse the kits until they are weaned and look after them while their parents tend to their roles.

— Not FCFS

— Activity is a huge must for this litter, Marq and I are looking for family members who are able to submit 10-15+ posts per month. We do understand activity can fluctuate and will be accommodating, but we want to see the slots actively on the board and not be a rare sight!

— Choosing date is February 9th-12th, birthdate is February 14th

— Kits will start at 2 moons, they'll be apprenticed at 3 moons.
— Kits will age realistically on the 14th.

— The kits will be raised with (tough) love by Weaselclaw and Sootstar and we ask that you take that into consideration when developing their morals. They will be taught to be anti-kittypet, anti-SkyClan, and to worship StarClan.

— We highly encourage you use names from our provided lists, but it is not ultimately required! If you stray from the list and choose a name against realism for our characters we will give you a quick dm and a chance to change it, so there is no harm done ^^

— Ideally these kits will never leave WindClan, but we will hear plot ideas out!

— Genetics must be followed, we are okay with stylizations in art!
— Form is FFA, please be sure to include the basics though!

— Must be in the WindClan discord and you will be invited to a family group chat as well!

— half siblings to Sootchaser & Windstrider, Sootstar's eldest litter
— nieces / nephews to Pebblenose (Dam's kin) & Vole (Sire's kin | NPC)
— grandchildren to Soot Claw (Dam's kin | NPC) & Pebble Breeze (Dam's kin | NPC)
Layla (Sire's kin | NPC) & Dusty (Sire's kin | NPC)
"If Starclan willed my mother to be leader, then to question her is to question them. Learn your place or rot outside their light."

The dilligent, viper tongued princess of Windclan's mock royalty, Milkkit is extremely devoted to Starclan and in turn, her mother. Keener to fight disloyal and wishy-washy peasants with her words instead of her claws, Milkkit really only likes getting dirty when its in service to her clan.
Much of her character deals with strong religious themes, if these make you uncomfortable I urge you to cease reading.


Milkkit, soon to be known as Milkpaw and later, Milkfang should no other suffix befit her development.
2 moons
.... ages realistically on the 14th
female, she/her
.... sexuality undiscovered, will not be interested in romance until 10 moons of age and even then will see it as a means of duty as opposed to love
Self proclaimed princess of the wildflowers due to her mother being Queen of the Moors and Hills, proud of this fact
Loyaltlies lay with Sootstar and Starclan interchangably, as she believes them to be two sides of the same coin, family comes next and the rest of Windclan afterwards
Has a sort of clumsy elegance to her voice, nulled only by childish blunders, slightly scratchy yet smooth, though this tone gets lost as she ages and grows into her vocal chords
.... voiceclaim

A shorthaired, black and white molly with willowy limbs and striking gold eyes
.... Milkkit is, all things considered, the examplary example of a Windclan moorrunner. A masterpiece in the making, she is akin to untouched marble, ready to be chipped away into further beauty. Long, willowy limbs will eventually carry her across the grasses and hills of her home with all the speed of the rabbits they chase after, never straying too far into being considered 'tall' by Windclan standards. Its all too obvious who her father is by her exemplary stature alone.
.... Its her pelt from which her parents thought of her name, white markings spillng over black fur like streams of milk. The patches of black and white are seemingly random in their placing, though beautiful nonetheless, drawing attention to her face and subsequentially, her eyes. Golden and cold enough to burn you with their chill, only do they thaw and glitter when she is around her idols...and perhaps when it becomes warm again...it can be seen as butterflies and bees circle around her and her flowers. Flowers that even some splotches on her pelt reflect in design.
The biggest thing I wanted to put into Milkkit's design once I thought of the 'princess of the wildflowers' moniker, was wildflowers themselves, so I started by looking up a lot of flowers native to England and the northernmost reaches of the United States, sometimes bleeding into Canada but primarily staying in the former areas. The fruits of my search ended in three flowers for the time being that could be found in places in or extremely close to Windclan territory. Many of the candidates were originally cut because they were medicinal herbs and I could not see Milkkit 'stealing' from one of Starclan's ties to the clan.
.... The first of these flowers was the Aster, specifically the New England Aster. This was primarily for the story behind its name in our world, in which the goddess Astrea was so distraught by how few stars there was in the sky that she wept, and from each tear did an aster flower sprout, wonderfully star shaped in its creation. I don't imagine that there's a similar legend for the aster in the clans, but I'd like to think that its still considered 'star-shaped' by the clan cats. On top of that, it attained the meaning of love due to being one of the primary flowers set upon altars in ancient greece for worship. All in all, a perfect flower for someone who will grow to be extremely devout due to her upbringing.
.... The second winner, funnily enough, was a flower that is considered medicinal in our world but not in the world of warriors. Bergamot ended up being my next choice, also known as bee balm, this flower, alongside a fruit by the same name, is often used in perfumes for its floral citrus-y sweet notes, but what really makes it stand out is its unusually spicy notes. While this alone is enough for a prim and often proper princess type like Milkkit to want it in her fur, it was the symbolism attached to it that made me add it to the list. Bergamot is known to be a wish for good health and prosperity first, but the most ironic thing on its meaning list was that it warded off evil. What made this ironic to me is that to most outside Windclan, and perhaps even some inside it, the most evil thing around is the cat wearing it.
.... The final accompaniment to our assortment is technically not a flower, but rather an assortment of leaves around super small flowers to attract pollenators. Bunchberry bushes turn some of their leaves white to draw attention to their small flowers, which in turn act as the 'center'. While I couldn't find exact symbolism for this plant, the symbolism of the color white in many contexts worked just as well, and it generally brings the other two flowers together in our little bouquet.​

.... Milkkit enjoys her surroundings and life to be pretty structured, with clear cut instructions and societal rules....she fits in rather well in the militaristic environment her mother has fostered alongside her father's steadfast support in the wake of the clan's many, high position changes prior to her birth. Though she keeps most at a fair distance, internally labelling them 'peasants' or 'extras' she is a team player, just so long as that team is being led competently by her own standards and she can just focus on doing her job instead of picking up others' slack. She enjoys having a consistent stream of feedback, knowing when she is, and isn't on track. Of course, criticism is only sought out from her parents or their most trusted advisors, they're the only ones worthy of giving it after all. If part of her work is ambiguous, then she's fine as long as the work itself reduces that ambiguity for other Windclanners. She likes having all her 'ducks in a row' so to speak, all her tasks done with all the effort needed for her to feel proud saying that she did it before she indulges in 'free time'.
Milkkit has a very distinct sense of right and wrong, and she cannot stand it to see cats doing things she considers wrong. However this morality is of course, heavily influenced by her upbringing and her idolization of her parents. What Milkkit sees as 'right' and 'wrong' may be entirely backwards at times, but it will always fall under Windclan's state of affairs. It is simply how she believes all the world should be run. She's quite the vocal character, due to learning that words are the first thing a war is fought with. To say nothing is to be complacent in wrongdoings, so as such, she's resolved to have a vocabulary broad enough to articulate any thoughts she may have on important, sometimes stressful, matters. It allows her to keep a rather level head in the face of the inevitable insults she gets due to her rather cut and dry wording. She's not here to spare anyone's feelings, she will tell things as they are, though not uncouthly.
Milkkit is a planner, enjoying creating and improving the structure of the clan in accordance with current policies in place. It makes her excited at the idea of one day having enough power given to her by her mother to truly assist her in her sacred work, perhaps even one day carrying it on for her after she joins the stars, though she tries not to think about that part because it hurts. She can't relax when things aren't done right, loathing inneficiency, laziness and fraudulent actions. Stars help the fool who attempts to act even slightly disloyal to their great leader and her cause in her daughter's presence. She resents people who are only out for themselves and not the betterment of the group, as well as those who do not respect her time. She surrounds herself with those she can depend on and trust, and falling out of that category can mean being cut out like a weed in a pristine garden...sometimes literally. That garden of course, is Windclan in all its beautiful unity under her mother's sun and moon, and weeds should never be allowed to blight it.
Family is akin to heritage and legacy for Milkkit. She is something made to carry on a mantle, spread the roots of Windclan's greatest further into their ranks. Her siblings are her compatriots in this noble endeavor, and she respects them for it more than she loves them. She tends to show this in little things, trading and giving up prey that she knows they enjoy, having their back in any disputes [should those disputes line up with her own views and be befitting of someone born of their mother] and sometimes switching them out for dawn patrol when they're warriors if they haven't had a good night's rest. The tough love approach of her parents has led her to have a more rigid acts of service style love language, not one who is much for physical affection or open declarations of love. Affirmation is of course, nice, but she sees it less as pertaining to the love between family members, and rather the hope for a soldier to succeed in their duties. Her love for her mother is, at its core, the way one might love a religious idol instead of the love between mother and daughter. She sees no problem with this, nor that there could be a problem with it in the first place. The moments she has with Sootstar are few compared to most families, but she makes the most of it. Seeks out her wisdom and praise in hopes of making her mother proud of her. Her relationship with her father is a little more open, but I can see the two of them bonding more over a shared interest in combat. She probably learns as much from him as she does her mentor, and thinks herself better prepared for life because of it. Going back to the idea of a sort of distance between Milkkit and her family, she never refers to them by name or by nickname, either greeting them with their familial title, or with a bowed nod.
As stated previous, Milkkit will eventually grow to see romance as an extension of duty and responsiblity. Its purpose is to ally families, and to raise new kits [in any context] for the betterment of the clan's future. Due to this, Milkfang ends up being rather standoffish as a lover, though she does see her partner as an extension of her own family and all that that entails to her. Any relationship with her will be much, much closer to a diplomatic alliance rather than that of soft words spoken by moonlight, should nothing influence her otherwise in the coming moons. This is, after all, a viewpoint that really only comes into play late into her apprenticeship and closer to her warriorhood.
True friendships are few and far inbetween for this molly, as often times platonic affections end up being one-sided. She approaches friendships [alliances] with the internal opinion of those cats being either consul, soldier or pawn. They are, for the most part, tools in her toolbox. A true friendship in Milkkit's eyes would be one of complete transparency and mutual respect for one another among those close in age, and its the transparency part that usually trips her up. It is not easy for Milkkit to open up to others in complete trust, aside from her own family, after hearing story after story of those exiled, some among her mother's council....she feels like she cannot afford to make the mistake of revealing all her cards, because what if someone is not revealling all they have either?
Milkkit has a very rigid, yet convoluted view on Starclan, despite being an utterly devout follower of the religion itself. Much of her beliefs are modelled after that of her parents yes, but under the assumption that Sootstar and Starclan are on the same level. Windclan is of course, Starclan's most blessed, their moonlit warriors fighting against heathens and their injustices. She is steadfast in her idea that everything Sootstar and by extension her council under her mother's guidance, is just and good in its creation, for her mother as Starclan's chosen can do no wrong. She's willing to fight with tongue and teeth alike to defend this idea.
Outside of her ideas on religion, Milkkit can be seen diligently keeping to the traditions her mother has put into place alongside praying. She will be known during her apprenticeship and warriorhood to make periodic journies to the clan's graveyard to clean the area and refresh offerings to their fallen warriors, sometimes asking older members of the clan who can no longer do it themselves what they would like to offer their deceased loved ones. Much of her personal offerings include her trademark wildflowers, tucked neatly into the earth so the wind does not carry them elsewhere until they wilt, which she sees as the spirits of Starclan claiming their gifts.​

.... Click here!
.... Whites and pale golds, snakes and chess pieces, princesses and their holy swords

.... Click here!
.... Obviously the older of the two photos is not trad friendly, and I will end up getting more art for her using the trad friendly version of the design over time, but it does convey her body shape and overall presentation quite well. Intimidating in a marble statue you see in a museum kinda way.

.... I would like to develop a friendship with Milkkit over the course of her apprenticeship with a character who might not be all that into Sootstar's policies, but they're super quiet about it! Even Milkkit doesn't suspect their defection, and perhaps over time, they feel safe enough to try and bring it up to her only for her to shut it down. Anxiety over Sootstar's decisions just keep building and building but they're just so afraid of her that they go along with it until something makes them snap. Their disloyalty is put on display for all to see, and of course, disloyalty must be met with punishment. They turn to Milkpaw, perhaps even Milkfang by then, hoping that their friend will at least help them get a lighter sentence, a chance to survive....her getting to her paws and giving them hope- only to see the cold, burning hatred on her face as she asks her mother to kill the traitor herself.

.... I have, briefly toyed around with the idea of Sootstar or Weaselclaw, or even her former nanny, attempting to play matchmaker for Milkfang. Of course as she doesn't see love as something absolutely necessary, the supposed matchmaking reads more like an arranged marriage, with her playing her role well in courting whomever would be best to have more Windclanners with eventually, and maybe they genuinely believe that she loves them. However its definitely not love, more of an alliance. This could also be with someone as equally devoted to their duty as she is, and they end up forming a sort of power couple.

.... Scars are obviously a large part of Windclan culture, marks of loyalty and honor, and Milkkit sees them no differently. As she gets older I plan on having her gain scars at key moments in her life, so they are not only marks of her loyalty to Windclan, but they are significant enough that each scar becomes a story of glory and honor that she might impart on the younger generations, while also allowing her to remember points in her life for better or for worse. I definitely want to include one happening during her warrior trial because that is an important turning point in every clan cat's life.​


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Reactions: Marquette and AVA

"But I watch your eyes as she WALKS by
What a sight for sore eyes, brighter than a blue sky."
kitten of windclan (he/him) tags

name meaning?
Named for his lilac-colored coat and the lilac flowers that grow in the moors during newleaf.
White lilacs represent purity and innocence, while purple lilacs symbolize spirituality.
Future names ideas:

Lilacbreeze (For WindClan), Lilacfang (A traditional name/in honor of Weaselclaw)...
previous names? N/A
age? 0 moons
position in clan? Kitten of WindClan
gender/sexuality? FtM Male | (He/Him) | Unknown (For the sake of the narrative Lilackit chooses very early on to be referred to as a tom.)
relationship status? Single
core themes? Balancing femininity & masculinity, androgyny and pride.

Lilackit is a stocky young tom, short of limbs but formidable in broadened shoulders and a powerful tail; his size leans more to his mother's compact body type than his father's longer legged one and his lilac pelt is striped neatly with sweeps of dogwood petal colors and lightly darkened near his exremeties in an almost mimicry of a point cat; his chest and muzzle are off-white as is his left foreleg and right back leg with the exception of wine-dipped paws. Both his eyes are a pale sky blue color and his tabby forehead markings form in twin triangles over his brow, the tip of his nose has a single smudge of rich chocolate burgundy.

Census Appearance: A lilac and white shorthaired tabby tom with pale blue eyes.

  • N/A.
A delicate and quiet boy for the most part, Lilackit embraces his heritage as one of WindClan's heirs and while not boldly forward he does not hesitate to flaunt it as necessary. The first to run to his mother the moment something upsets him, Lilackit holds no fondness for most cats outside his family but never speaks cruely; his almost demure manners lead him to coming across as soft and pampered but he is as unruly as any young tom his age and quick to throw claws when provoked. His tendency to not talk hides his pride at times, he regards himself on a far loftier pedastal than other cats his age though not to the extent it may cross as arrogance, his softspoken demeanor lends itself well to not making him enemies and one might better consider him a snake in the grass than a wallflower. Lilackit is an honest young cat, never one to lie or make up stories but the blunt edge of his truth proves more volatile than any attempt to mince his words; he's forthcoming and unabashed in how he holds himself; unapologetically his self no matter the circumstances even if it would earn him favor by twisting things or presenting otherwise.
A mama's boy as true as they come, he struggles with expression due to his love of the softer and more aesthetically pleasing things in life as well as his desire to earn his right as a proper WindClan warrior in time through blood and claws. Lilackit does not shy away from conflict whether it be physical or not and offers his ears to any who might come to him seeking answers but he very rarely speaks up unprompted in such circumstances.

➸ moderately hard to form platonic relationships
➸ hard to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on? N/A
parent to? N/A
sibling to? @/BLUEKIT & Several unamed siblings.
➸ apprentice to? N/A

Plot Points:
  • Lilackit does not struggle with his gender, but he does struggle with expressing himself one way or another. He will develop a jealousy to his more masculine leaning siblings as a result. If there are none, he struggles acting the part as the lone brother.
  • Ultimately has a thing for a non-WindClan cat he meets at a gathering only to face them in combat later and respond with no affection, coming across two-faced; it will end the relationship because his first love is and always will be WindClan.
  • Lilackit likes to remain clean, present himself with elegance and mystery but develops a taste for battle so aggressive he may cross a few lines even WindClan might frown upon in his defense of them.

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Reactions: Marquette and AVA


I have my mother's dreams I have my father's eyes you can't take that from me just go ahead and try

Brackenkit . Brackenpaw . Brackenclaw

↳ named after his parents home in the moors and his brown fur that resembles his name-sake

— kit of wind clan

— AMAB, he / him ; too young for thoughts of romance

Sootstar x Weaselclaw, sibling to Windstride, Sootchaser, Bluekit and TBD​

a lilac and white tabby tom with dark brown eyes and short brown fur
One could say that Brackenkit takes more after his dad than his mother, stocky and tall he was made for running and it shows in his limbs that, when he begins to train, will form quickly into hardened muscle. A perfect fit for the toughened life he will lead on the moors. Covering his long legs and body is dusty brown fur accentuated by lilac tabby stripes that make a swirling pattern in his fur, something that other cats might say reminds them of leaves trapped in a vortex of wind this patters in only broken by the white on the tips of his paws, his chest, belly, tail and muzzle, coming up to meet and end just above his nose that is dotted with a lighter shade of brown than the rest of his body. Standing in stark contrast to the rest of his dusty brown fur are light, almost copper brown eyes that really tie his whole appearance together.

A specific marking that is of significant note is the diamond shaped tabby mark on his forehead that he claims is his Star spot. "he's the leaders kit and has been blessed by their ancestors" is what he will say when he's young to other kits.

↳ carrying long hair and solid


( + ) charismatic, loyal, bold
( / ) driven, cunning, extraverted
( - ) confrontational, selfish, judgmental
On the outside, Brackenkit can appear charming. His outward demeanor is usually pretty laid back, a good natured tom who enjoys cracking jokes and making friends but just under the surface is a temper that he is just barely holding the reigns to. Sometimes it'll come out in sparring sessions where he'll take things a little too far, sometimes it'll come out in a snapped word, whatever it is it'll be clear that he has inherited his fathers temper but his mothers cunning abilities. He is quick to settle disputes with a few honeyed words, always seeking to know how to win other cats over. Brackenkit is the type of cat who likes to surround himself with friends, and would prefer to know that he has a strong number of supporters at his side at any given moment.

He is selfish with a lot of things, mainly his family who he is extremely protective of and does not like to share. If his brothers or sisters are playing with a cat outside of their litter he may butt in, becoming jealous and trying to get them to play with only him.

This is all not to say Brackenkit is an inherently bad or mean spirited because it is quite the opposite. He is incredibly loyal to his family and to his clan and quick to speak out about things that he sees as not right, although his perception of right and wrong may be a little skewed in his and his families favor.

— will sometimes start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy

— (will) excel at fighting and running in short burst of high speed



— may develop his fathers fear of the tunnels after either seeing a near death experience or just by osmosis of watching or listening to his father freak out over them

— I mostly like to develop kits as they go and shape their plots to the environment around them. Brackenkit will ultimately be a product of his environment and the only thing I have set in stone for him right now other than the thing above is that he'll be very loyal to his clan no matter what and a firm believer of Star clan. I would honestly love a crap ton of interactions between himself and his siblings / parents to mold him into his personality stuff like him asking his mother about Star Clan or asking his father to tell him epic battle stories / explain the origins of his scars would be awesome!

— probably cheats at moss ball ):

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↝ [ wild and defiant, she is named after the nature of the lands that her mother presides over ]
↝ [ she / her , afab ]
↝ [ somewhat resembles sootstar ]
↝ [ midnight black pelt with even darker stripes streaking down her midsection ]
↝ [ striking green eyes ]
↝ [ splotch of white on her neck, white front paws ]
↝ [ will grow to be a little larger than soot! ]
↝ [ will have a very malleable personality, dependent on those around her in her younger years ]
↝ [ inherently energetic, thrill-seeking, bossy/domineering, imaginative ]
↝ [ will most definitely get lost (she'll say that she's on an adventure) ]
↝ [ will take after her mother's zealousness and her father's traditionalism ]
↝ [ xenophobic ]
↝ [ will either mellow out as she matures or become even worse, depending on what happens ]
↝ Moor's faith in StarClan will be very, very strong. She is born into the most religious of clans after StarClan has already been established- there's not a doubt in her mind about its existence or its true nature. She will learn about StarClan's prophecies, and it will become her life's dream to be involved in one.
↝ Her ideas of inherent superiority will influence how she treats cats of other clans. She can be a boon, swearing to protect WindClan with her life, and she has the same amount of potential to be a curse.
↝ Given the concept of clan supremacy that has been instilled into her system, Moorkit will naturally play "war" with other cats her age. Of course, she shall play the role of WindClan, and her methods of asserting WindClan's dominance are just thinly-veiled bullying more than anything else.
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– IF there are more cats her age around her apprentice days, I would LOVE for her to form a small clique of WindClan apprentices, terrorizing both perceived threats in-clan and at gatherings.
– If possible, I'd love for her to have a brief cross-clan fling, before at some point deciding that she values her reputation more than petty wants, and dumping them; this would happen in tandem with her shift from a catty apprentice to a respectable clan member
– Will be a moor runner, though, while small, may briefly have delusions of being made super captain of all the tunnelers or something
– In warriorhood, will likely lose most or all of her respect for any high-positions aside from her mother (yes, this includes Weaselclaw </3)
– Will adopt all of Sootstar's ideas unconditionally, though they could fall apart much later in life
– Might make her lose it and go full god complex mode if i ever get bored tbh
↳ a child of the moor; named after her resemblance
– kit of windclan; daughter of sootstar and weaselclaw; sister to bluekit &. 4 unknown siblings half-sister to Sootchaser & Windstrider
– cisgender female, she/her; sexuality undecided, too young

( I AM aware that Ewe has the exact same pronunciation of Yew, and while I thought this could be a fun contrast, realistically I know a kitty cat probably wouldnt care about whether the word is spelled differently or not LOLOL I'm definitely willing to change her name if this is a problem! Possible alternatives are featherkit, cottonkit, or hemlock-kit )
small. pretty, longhaired chocolate smoke she-kit with high white & blue eyes ; Ewekit proudly dons both her father's tawny complexion and her mother's thick coat of fur, molding her into a dainty blend of chocolate and white. A thick, white ruff frames her face on a pedestal. Her best features are naturally framed this way, blue, doe-eyes that will narrow with time. Though it's not as important to her now, with age, she will attend to her complexion more thoroughly, ensuring that there is never a whisker out of place.
[ + ] bold, adaptable, organized [ / ] imperious, pompous, proud [ - ] controlling, judgemental, vindicative ; The moment Ewekit becomes aware of the favor she holds as Sootstar's child, she will use it to her advantage. Kittish claims of not having to listen to others and playing leader during games will quickly transition into a mindset deep-rooted into her entire being. She now has a reputation to uphold and a standard to live up to. Ewekit will mimic her mother's behavior, making an effort to keep herself neat and speak with poise until it eventually becomes natural to her.

Her self-importance will onset quickly, too quickly for a young mind to properly process, and she will become somewhat of a bully in the process, especially towards her littermates. While she would never throw a scratch unprovoked, Ewekit will openly be catty and judgemental. Eventually, as she ages, she will reign herself in, squashing down her behavior into the face of a vaguely-amiable she-cat. Of course, these feelings will not go away, they will only be presented more... properly; judgment hidden behind a thin veil of ice.

Despite this, her technical skill will live up to her bragging, likely to the ire of others. Most things, if not all in her youth will work out favorably (possibly, only to bite her back in her warriorhood). A consistant theme will be that, in the onset of her self-imposed importance, she will develop an urgent need for control, becoming bitter whenever made to take orders from anyone but the high positions. Hardly one herself, she will find ways to maintain this sense of control. Even as she grows and molds herself into a respectable cat, this will be an easy way to have her darker qualities reveal themselves.
– IF there are more cats her age around her apprentice days, I would LOVE for her to form a small clique of WindClan apprentices, terrorizing both perceived threats in-clan and at gatherings.
– If possible, I'd love for her to have a brief cross-clan fling, before at some point deciding that she values her reputation more than petty wants, and dumping them; this would happen in tandem with her shift from a catty apprentice to a respectable clan member
– Will be a moor runner, though, while small, may briefly have delusions of being made super captain of all the tunnelers or something
– In warriorhood, will likely lose most or all of her respect for any high-positions aside from her mother (yes, this includes Weaselclaw </3)
– Will adopt all of Sootstar's ideas unconditionally, though they could fall apart much later in life
– Might make her lose it and go full god complex mode if i ever get bored tbh
↳ a child of the moor; named after her resemblance
– kit of windclan; daughter of sootstar and weaselclaw; sister to bluekit &. 4 unknown siblings half-sister to Sootchaser & Windstrider
– cisgender female, she/her; sexuality undecided, too young

( I AM aware that Ewe has the exact same pronunciation of Yew, and while I thought this could be a fun contrast, realistically I know a kitty cat probably wouldnt care about whether the word is spelled differently or not LOLOL I'm definitely willing to change her name if this is a problem! Possible alternatives are featherkit, cottonkit, or hemlock-kit )
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About ♡
Cottonkit; named for the soft, plushness of her fur at birth.
— Possible suffixes depend heavily on that of her family members; will likely request a name akin to one of them rather than a defining one.
— Kit of WindClan; incredibly prideful of her heritage and would likely never leave. Hopeful in becoming a tunneler once old enough.
— Cisfemale, she/her; unknown sexuality, too young to explore.
— created 02.06.23 at x moons / ages on the 14th
↳ penned by @nya

Appearance ♡
Long haired black/blue smoke w/ low white, blue eyes / reference
Cottonkit fairs to look more akin to her mother than her father, for better or for worse. While she takes ultimate pride in looking much like her mother, she does often take on mannerisms closer to her father, going as far as even copying a simple flick of his tail or the tilt of his head. Especially as a young kit and into her apprenticehood, Cottonkit looks to be as close to a perfect child of her parents as she can be. And while that strives beyond her appearance, it certainly affects it nonetheless.

Cottonkit is, simply put, a smoke patterned feline. Darker hues concentrate on her highest points and billow out into lighter shades, hardly dipping beyond a faded grey. Her immaculate coat is only interrupted by splashes of white down by her paws, as if she's waded through cotton fields prior to even being born, and the color stuck. Her eyes are a light blue, only comparable to that of WindClan's open, cloudless skies on warm summer days.

Cottonkit will grow to be somewhat of an elegant feline. though her awkward stages will never be avoided. Apprenticehood will prove her unsteady with her sudden height, making training rather difficult until she finds ways to manage it. Regardless she will harness herself as one of WindClan's best and do all she can to prove it.

↳ carries chocolate & dilute genetics

Mentality ♡
Intelligence ●●●●○○○○○○
Confidence ●●●●●●●○○○
Charisma ●●●●○○○○○○
Creativity ●●●●●●○○○○
Empathy ●●●●○○○○○○
Humor ●●●●●○○○○○
(+) confident, inquisitive, (/) prideful, daydreamer, (-) blunt, clueless
↳ in depth; Cottonkit is at best a summary of her surroundings. A spongey kitten, she grasps the harsher nature of her family and Clanmates with general ease. While that doesn't necessarily latch to her - the brash and oftentimes destitute nature of her companions - she's quick to learn how to handle and live alongside it. She has no qualms when the going gets tough and simply strides along, perhaps in hopes of being recognized as a sturdy warrior among fragile mice.

Cottonkit however is still a kitten, still full of curiosity - perhaps too much of it. The world is vast and though she is taught to dislike much of it, that doesn't mean her tongue will slow down in asking questions. Her inquisitive nature comes second to her more prideful antics, certainly, however still does the beck and call of something new and shiny distract her from her self imposed duties. Her eyes still glitter with the prospect of being a discoverer, an adventurer even - perhaps one day her name would be of legacy, just like her mother's!

With the environment of roleplay, Cottonkit's future personality is largely up to chance. I intend to keep her close to the ideal curious kitten with a hope to be number one - however the world is always shifting, changing, and I want to remain realistic with her development. She will by no means suddenly become evil or run away, however - her dedication to her family and Clan will always run deeper than that.

Interaction ♡
Strength ●●○○○○○○○○
Stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
Agility ●●●●●●○○○○
Hunting ●●●○○○○○○○
Swimming ●○○○○○○○○○
Climbing ●●●○○○○○○○
Grace ●●●●●●○○○○
— physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will not start fights | will not flee | will not show mercy
excels at sneaking, holding conversation.
poor at understanding basic signals.
sounds like bells, but only when they're slightly too annoying.
smells like dry autumn air.
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hmm. thinkin

heatherkit - paw - stride, gorse, tba. will provide the leader with a shortlist of names at the end of their apprenticeship.

* sh lilac silver ticked tabby w/ low white. resembles sootstar in facial structure, grows to be built similar to weaselclaw.
> carry lh, nonsilver, solid

* hypercritical of herself and of others, but holds herself to ridiculous standards. respect is earned, not given, except in the case of her parents. she's kind of an asshole actually. someone needs to knock her off her high horse.
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Soot // generational name after grandfather, mother and sibling ;; kit // for rank in the clan
Sootpaw, Sootstep, Sootstalk
2 moons ;; ages realistically on the 14th of February
Kitten of Windclan
AMAB Genderfluid Masculine (they/them)

A long haired black and white cat with light amber eyes
Standing at a height of 10 inches, Sootkit is very tall when fully grown. They are very skinny though in terms of weight, only coming in at about 7 lbs and most of it being covered by longer hairs across their body. Sootkit has a dark black coat that is broken only by patches of white across their muzzle, white mane of fur around their neck and chest, four white paws and a white underbelly. They have a more narrowed shaped head with tufts of hair on the sides of his cheeks that stick out and almond shaped, greenish amber eyes that are pale in color. reference
no scars or injuries
random tidbits here

Sootkit is a dedicated and awfully righteous cat. They are beyond loyal to Windclan as a whole and more specificlaly their mother, Sootstar. They can be a bit disrespectful, they often pull the mommy card, and has a very hard outer shell. One that remains as this strong, aloof and brave warrior when behind that mask of hard love and distant relationships, they're a scared little kit. They have no idea what they're doing and are just kind of winging life while trying to keep up their mommas favorite solider trope up in arms. Sootkit is hard headed and only follows logic in a black and white fashion, there is only right and wrong and no on between. They often pull rather distasteful tricks on other cats and has no preception that he is also at the whim of consequecnes.
Lawful Evil
avoidant attachment disorder, borderline personality disorder

easy hard to form platonic relationships
hard to form romantic relationships
mate of no on ;; crushing on no one
parent to no one
child of Sootstar and Weaselclaw
sibling to Sootchaser and Windstrider (half siblings), TBD

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Moonkit | Moonpaw | Moon???
— named by her mother for the open sky and her close relationship with StarClan, also for her sleek obsidian fur with light undertones as if being bathed in moonlight
— Female \ She/Her \ Undetermined
— 2 moons \ Ages Realistically on the 14th

Sootstar X Weaselclaw
— Undetermined
— none
— previously mentored ?
— mentored by ?

A long haired black smoke molly with low white and deep amber eyes
— Gaining the appearance of her mother, Moonkit is cloaked in feathered black fur with low white, plastering along all four paws and a sharp blaze across her nose and up onto her forehead. Whisps of curled fur edge along her legs, tail, and tufts on her ears. As she grows, Moon becomes a truly regal looking feline. Her limbs are long and limber, but she is packed with the curvature of thick muscle that will shape well for her hunting and battle prowess. She bares the beauty of her mother and the brawn of her father. Her almond shaped eyes turn into a lustrous orange, deep like the rising moon that ensnare you within their depths. She walks with confidence and pride in her gait, steps ever so light and airy.
— scars, current physical injuries
— any ongoing illnesses

✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal | Courageous | Intelligent | Calm
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Confident | Ambitious | Charismatic | Adventurous
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Greedy | Vindictive | Judgemental | Impulsive

— longer personality description
— use multiple bullet points if wanted/needed
— ESTJ: The Directod, Raven Claw, Teetering Lawful Neutral-Evil
suffers from any mental illnesses? None

This is a WIP but wanted to get hher character in the hat :3

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  • GENERALI like the way they run, then fall, then die
    ✦ Adderkit + Adderpaw + Addervenom/bite
    ↪ for his chocolate colored coat and snappy/venomous words, kit for rank
    ✦ male, (He/Him)
    ↪ heterosexual - too young for romance
    unborn, ageing rate tba
    windclan, kitten
    personal alias - the destroyer/executioner
  • APPEARANCEI like the way they drop when I'm outside

    ✦ Chocolate silver tabby with low white and amber eyes
    ↪ The coloration of his fur is made up of warm shades of cream, mahogany brown, and patches of white scattered throughout short fur. Dark tabby stripes run across the length of his body in various places where white does not touch and his eyes are a burning amber. Adder's build is athletic, mirroring that of his father with an impressive amount of muscle, for his slightly shorter stature.
    smells like sandalwood and heather
    sounds like Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen
    any physical illnesses - no
  • PERSONALITYI'm not a heathen that's the label that they gave me
    POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal / self confident / strong willed
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: ambitious / strategic / stubborn / protective / independent
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: dominant / ruthless / aggressive / proud / egotistical
    ↪ Adder does not waste his time standing around being idle. He is a firm believer that if someone else's ideals and morals do not match up with his own then it is his way or the highway. He has a very black or white way of perceiving things and once he has thrown something into either category it is hard to get him to change his mind. He has a very low to nonexistent tolerance for foolishness and there are typically only two emotions that are ever on his face at any given time. A perpetual and highly judgmental scowl or a hard deadpan glare. While he loves his clan he wholeheartedly believes his pedigree innately makes him better than the rest of his clanmates. He genuinely believes starclan has blessed him to naturally have an advantage over other cats because of Sootstar's connection with them and due to her tales of them. He loves a good challenge, anything to prove his worth and showcase his mettle.
    ↪ ENTJ / Slytherin / dauntless / chaotic / dark dragon type
    ↪ During Adder's apprenticeship he stumbles upon a group of teenage twolegs out hunting deer. One of the boys shoot at him with using a plastic pellet gun hitting him in several spots upon his legs that will leave scars. During the commotion another boy grabs him and tags his ear with a small game ID tag, finding it funny. He escapes the ordeal and heals, initially embarrassed by the tag that now decorates his ear. He will go through a moment of insecurity because of it, hating that he could not fight his way out of it unscathed. But in time will come to embrace the tag as a starclan given symbol, a testament to his tenacity and survival.
    ↪ Takes it upon himself to be windclan's weapon of judgment both inside clan walls and out. He keeps a meticulous eye on those that reside within the clan to prevent an uprising of any sort. I would like for him to be known as Sootstar's sword, the one she calls upon to finish a job once her judgment has been cast. Perhaps within his late apprenticeship/early warriorhood he catches wind of a coupe forming and brings the case to both Weasleclaw and Sootstar, once the guilty has been condemned Adder hunts them down and picks them off.
    ↪ Mark of a champion. Adder will take part of the traditional warrior's assessment but afterward will request an additional test in the form of him being pitted against two upcoming warriors. It is here where he feels like he can truly showcase the strength he believes starclan blessed him with and prove his worth. The spar is by no means quick and he receives several scars, it comes to a point where the additional assessment is nearly stopped, but he prevails in the end.
  • RELATIONSHIPSI don't worship satan, I'm too evil and he hates me
    Sootstar x Weaselclaw
    ↪ any siblings??? (full siblings: tba)
    ↪ any siblings??? (half siblings: Sootchaser, Windstrider)
    ✦ mates with??? (too young)
    ↪ any offspring??? (too young)
    mentored by no one
    ↪ currently mentoring no one
    ↪ mentored no one
    FRIENDS: tba
    DISLIKES: tba
    HATES: tba
  • INTERACTIONGodzilla raised me, earthquakes cannot shake me
    ✦ touching? can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions
    ✦ fights? will start fights / will fight to kill / will not show mercy
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★★★☆☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★☆☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: agility: ★★★★★☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★☆☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ★☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★★☆☆
    ✦ what are they like mentally when interacting? analytic
    ✦ a conversationalist? a grump? easy to talk to or not? Serious, will take a verbal jab if the opportunity arises
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★★★☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★★☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★★☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★★★☆
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ivykit . ivypaw . ivy???

↳ a name held as a symbol of femininity to sootstar
— windclan kit
— afab, she/her
sootstar x weaselclaw; potential half-sibling to sootchaser and windstrider &. potential littermate to tbd

a long-haired lilac tabby she-cat with high white, blue eyes.
of a small stature inherited from sootstar, ivykit has long, soft-hued fur. though the kit carries lilac fur on her form, it is mostly white that inhabits her fur, leaving lilac to lay across her back, her tail, and her face. lilac stripes swirl through what is left uncovered by snowy fur. her right ear carries a white spot on its tip, and lilac spots find them splashed throughout soft white fur. her gaze holds a dark, blue-grey hue similar to weaselclaw's. ivykit's appearance leaves others with the assumption that she is sweet and soft in nature, something that they'll, unfortunately, learn otherwise.
↳ carries solid

( + ) dedicated, confident, enthusiastic ( / ) competitive, high-spirited, proud ( - ) arrogant, egocentric, narrow-minded despite her sweet, soft appearance, ivykit is nothing but. ivykit holds her family to high regards, and finds little care for those below them. she looks up to her half-siblings, thinks they're windclan's best warriors, and aspires to be like them (though she aspires to be as good as her parents are too, she can't be like her parents, because her mother will forever be leader, and her father will forever be lead warrior, in her eyes - an unobtainable position held by their permanence). though she lacks in skill, she thinks she's the best at what she does, and carries a highly competitive streak within her.
will start fights | will not end fights | will sometimes flee | will not show mercy
— (will) excel at tunneling

— as an apprentice, ivy will initially choose the moor runner path - as to be like her older siblings. she will ultimately struggle with this, though, and inevitably switch to the tunneler route, in which she'll find herself actually succeeding in.
— so many failed attempts to win games, will probably be one of those kids that changes the rules so they can win

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Hopekit . Hopepaw . Hope-???

↳ Named after her mother's love of Starclan and the hope they bring
— kit of Windclan; clanborn
— Cisfemale, she/her; too young
Sootstar x Weaselclaw half-sibling to Sootchaser & Windstrider

Small, fluffy blue tabby she-kit with medium white and copper eyes As a small kit, Hopekit probably looks very similar to how Sootstar did as a kit. A small, fluffy blue puffball packed with energy and excitement, her short legs and compact body marking her as a future tunneler similar to her mother with tabby markings not too different from her father's. What sets her apart from the pair, though, is the nearly perfect star-like spot right on her chest.
↳ carrying solid and chocolate


( + ) determined, joyful, creative ( / ) stubborn, playful, curious ( - ) childish, argumentative, impolite If not for the blend of the two in her appearance, Hopekit's personality would perhaps make one question if she truly belonged to the pair. Where her parents seem to fear change, Hopekit runs head first into whatever new thing that she even hears about, her insatiable curiosity not even dampened by the dangers of the outside world and, infact, seems almost determined to learn everything she can about it. With a constant, true smile on her lips and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Hopekit won't let anyone tell her what she can and can't do and tends to make whatever she can into a game, whether it's hide and seek when she's being naughty or how loud she can be at night before she gets in trouble.

When she is told she can't do something does it become clear who's child she is. With a fire-cracker temper similar to both her parents and a sassy word, Hopekit is as stubborn as a mule and doesn't care about social etiquette or embarrassing anyone. She will get to play mossball, she will get a vole and not a mouse and she doesn't care how many eyes have to turn toward her for it. If, in the rare cases, she can't get what she wants out of a tantrum, Hopekit instead turns to childish and petty comments and pranks. You deny the little puffball what she wants and you may get a few mean-spirited name callings, or you may just find a few gorse thorns in your nest if you're truly unlucky.
mannerisms: Usually seen bouncing from paw to paw, all her energy unable to leave her lil body
— will not start fights | will not end fights | likely will flee | will show mercy
— will excel at tunneling, tracking, weaving nests, playing games


— definitely causes all kinds of issues, can range from sneaking out of camp to ticking someone off because of silly pranks or something
— I imagine she may struggle very, very young to differentiate her nursing "mother" and actual mother, perhaps showing favoritism and even have a closer relationship with said queen that nursed her and her siblings. this can lead to issues with sootstar perhaps.
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DREAM . dreampaw . dream???(s)

↳ named due to her soft and dream-like pelt; a misty and calm silver
— kit of clan; clan-born
— cis female, she/her; too young
sootstar x weaselclaw, sibling to ???

a silver tabby with bright blue eyes and low white born of stars, dream's pelt is gentle and kind. a cool silver decorating her and giving her a whimsical and calm appearance. her frame is diminutive and small. easy to glance over if it had not been for the saving grace of her stark pelt. built for tunneling, the young molly walks with a serenity unbalanced and with her eyes on a constant move. her facial expression is often that of a far-off gaze, as if living a different life than her own.
↳ carrying / masking / etc?


( + ) confident, honest, faithful ( / ) absent-minded, stubborn, dreamy ( - ) abrupt, brittle, bizzare if there is a simple word to describe the child, it truly is dreamy. her head is often in the clouds, accompanied by a blank gaze as she lives throughout her mind. like other children, she enjoys galavanting around and causing a mess, though dream is often more shy when it comes to getting in trouble. she shadows the ones she admires, copying their actions to the best of her ability. she tries to mold herself into them, not quite fitting the image of herself. despite her more timid nature, the girl is not one to back away. confidence resides in her blood, and she is proud of her heritage. she does not stand for being belittled, nor bullied, by those who may tower over her.

yet, her mind seems to be her undoing. had it not been so over-reactive, had it been calm, perhaps she would be able to truly blend in with her peers. often awoken in terrors, dream is often convinced to be plagued by visions. most, wrong. though what she does spew forth are scary in its details. she is an observant child, of course, but it can be unnerving to see her so frantic and horrified. her words stutter over themselves, topics switching quicker than her heart can beat. her mental state is fragile, and she begs for being believed. to be shunned from these 'visions' can leave dream brittle and careful. she speaks strange at times, and acts even stranger during others.

despite it, dream is a loving child. an admirer, one who wishes to be as great as her siblings and her parents.
mannerisms: often has her head tilted to a side
— will not start fights | will (try to) end fights | will (not) flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at tunneling


— freaking out her clanmates with her delusions, potentially being shamed for them or having them be embraced

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