what a rotten reward i am ] running away


how i hate you.
Aug 4, 2024
Howlpaw watches from the edge of camp, hidden in the shadow of the bramble wall. It isn't close enough to hear every word, but it doesn't need to. Thrashpaw's body language says enough—shoulders tense, ears pinned, tail lashing like a storm-wracked branch. And then the words come, loud enough to cut through the air, to drive a claw into Howlpaw's chest even though they aren't meant for it.


The words ring in its ears, echoing too close. It sees Thrashpaw spin, sees their fangs snap inches from Antlerbreeze's face. Then it sees her run. Howlpaw doesn't move, doesn't breathe. The world narrows to the space Thrashpaw just occupied, to the disturbed earth where her paws last touched the ground. He's leaving. He's leaving, just like Doepath. The thought slams into Howl like a killing blow, cracking something deep inside its chest. It shouldn't care. It shouldn't need anyone. But the rage curling hot and vicious in its stomach knows better. Thrash is a traitor. A coward. A liar, just like all the rest. He's leaving, just like Baying Hound, just like Doepath, just like everyone who ever promised anything. A snarl bubbles in its throat, but it swallows it down. What's the point? No one will hear it, and no one would care if they did. Thrash isn't coming back. He's leaving it behind.


Howl turns sharply on its heels and stalks out of camp. No one stops it. No one notices. Of course they don't. It doesn't tell anyone where it's going, because it doesn't know. All it knows is the need to move, to get away before the feeling—before the hurt—has a chance to settle in its bones. Its paws take it west. The path is familiar, etched into its muscles like instinct. The undergrowth thickens as it moves, branches clawing at its pelt, snagging in its fur. It doesn't slow down. The air is damp with the promise of rain, but it doesn't care. It doesn't care about anything except putting distance between itself and the hollowed-out shell of camp, between itself and the truth it doesn't want to acknowledge.

By the time it reaches the familiar burrow of its youth, its paws ache, but the pain is distant, unimportant. The entrance is smaller than it remembers, but it doesn't hesitate before squeezing inside. The earth presses in around it, dirt clinging to its fur, but it welcomes it. Welcomes the faint scent of fox and prey blood and long-gone milk. The walls are close enough to make it feel contained, safe in a way nothing else does. Howl curls in on itself, pressing its forehead against its paws. It doesn't cry. It won't. It won't. The burning in its throat is nothing, just like the twisting in its chest is nothing. Thrash doesn't matter. Thrash is just like everyone else.

Howl is alone.​

With a yawn, a tabby form slips out from the warrior's den after a much needed nap. Stormywing then stretches out her forelegs, arching her back as she readies herself for patrol. She shakes out her fur, blinking the sleep from her eyes, and glances at the cats gathering near the camp entrance. Her striped ears twitch. Isn't someone missing? "Where's Howlpaw?" She asks, scanning the camp. The apprentice was supposed to be joining her patrol. Flicking her tail impatiently, she turns to the nearest cat and tips her head to the side. "Anyone seen it?" It's not like she's never had to drag an apprentice out of their nest before, but Howlpaw usually isn't the type to slack off. "Howlpaw!" She then calls out casually, expecting the younger cat to appear any moment. It had better not be hiding just to get out of work.

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Through the trials and tribulations of apprentice-hood, Roeflame can't say she didn't consider running away once or twice. In those juvenile days, it was likely whenever she was upset with Flycatcher; anyone else, Roepaw had no problem telling them where to shove it.

The rosetted deputy has only just slipped back in from a hunting trip when Stormywing's calls caught her attention. Approaching her friend, Roeflame casts a quick scan over her shoulder- just in case. "Have you looked in the apprentices den?" A plain suggestion, but one Roeflame still tries anyway. Sticking her head into the mouth of the den, she echoes Stormywing search efforts; "Howlpaw? You in here?"

When that brings nothing, Roeflame wanders back to her friends side. "Huh. Maybe Antlerbreeze knows where it's wandered off to."
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Deputy of Thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Dovepaw & Dwindlingpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ The silvery tom can hear the chatter outside as he slips out from his den wondering what it is that they're talking about and his whiskers twitch, a frown forms on his maw when he realizes that the two mollies are talking about one of Doepath's littermates. Stormywing mentions how its supposed to go on patrol with her and it causes him to step further out into the camp clearing as his gaze swept over the camp to see if he could see any sign of the black smoke moggy, his tattered ears twitch trying to pick up any sound of the black smoke and a part of him wants to peek into the apprentice den. Although, he doesn't want his muzzle to be met with parted jaws and the memory of it causes his snout to wrinkle in the slightest only to turn downwards to see if he could pick up on any scent of the apprentice.

His pink nose twitches as he continues to amble forward only to pause when his head lifts realizing that the smell seems to head out of camp and his frown only grows wider "It isn't within camp walls..." Howlpaw only ever hid behind one of the dens when it had been smaller though as time goes on, well, those spots became harder to hide in so Gentlestorm can't help the way that worry seems to light up his gaze wondering if the apprentice is safe.


ㅤagab male (he/it)ㅤ/ㅤbisexual demiromantic, widowed by little wolf
ㅤ63 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 27th of the month
ㅤmedicine cat of thunderclan for 12 moons
falling snow x raging stormㅤ/ㅤuncle to hopepaw, coalpaw, cardinalpaw, & braveheart
ㅤmentoring hopepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by berryheart
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, strategizes before every fight, will tear/maim an enemy, and will end fights
a large, longhaired, and scruffy blue sepia tom littered with several scars, tattered ears, blinded in an eye, and has a pair of earthy toned eyes w/low white