WHEN YOU AND SLEEP ESCAPE ME \ apr pre-gathering chatter

Just as the jittering never stopped, Twitchbolt feared his nervousness would persist forever, too. The moon's rounded eye, fully formed, watched over them all... and it was unblocked by StarClan, this time around. He'd feared (or thought) that the Gathering might not end up happening- that the full moon would never appear, a bullet-hole in the sky in its place, and the usual night of meeting would be plunged into sightlessness. His paws moved with feigned purpose, though, alongside the rest of SkyClan... he'd taken to trying to choke his worry. Hopefully if he bundled enough over the top of it, it would eventually die a silent, painless death, and he would feel as if he belonged in the role his mentor had not been able to bear.

"The other Clans must've seen the sun blot out..." he murmured softly to Orangestar, betraying a bit of curiosity to her; he imagined that would probably be quite a heavy topic of discussion for the night.

The scent of cats, lots of them, began to roll like a thundercloud through the clearing- the almalgamation of every Clan, congregating. Twitchbolt hurried to take his place among the deputies- among the other deputies, he corrected his own mind- in order to look somewhat as if he had his shit together.

- briefly interacted with @Orangestar and then took his usual place B)
penned by pin ✧
  • Like
Reactions: Orangestar
Another moon draws another gathering, and another moon meant another gathering she had to go to. They've been boring, recently, with the exception of the warrior code addition last moon. She walks besides her clanmates, trying to suppress a bored look as as she leans to address Riverpaw as soon as Riverclan begins to break apart to go do their own things. Surely this one would be interesting, talks of the sun blotting out would be quite the hot topic tonight.

"This is your first gathering. You'll stick by me," Salmon twitches her tail. "It's a time where all clans gather, and its a sacred time, no fighting, no picking fights. " though she knows Riverpaw wouldn't do that, she has to go over it. What did she tell Moonpaw at their first gathering...? She doesn't quite remember, but she was sure it was the same. Oh, she should probably point out who sits where... She turns to the rock, pointing with claws. "Thats where the leaders sit," she hums. "Over there, deputies.. Medicine cats," she points to the spots they usually congregate in. "They mingle like us. You may talk to them, but do not intrude where you do not belong." its a strict warning. Riverclan did not need to be known as sticking their faces in others business. Within time, he will learn this, but for now he is still a child. She puffs out a small sigh, then offers him an encouraging nod. "After this moon, you may go off by yourself."

When her head rises up again, Salmonshade's gaze sweeps over the gathered cats, looking for a black tabby in particular. One that was just at their border, recently, with a thinly veiled taunt... But she could put it aside, for the kinship of their former marsh home, and for the simple fact that she can finally show off her new apprentice this gathering instead of the vice versa. Despite being a Thunderclanner, he was decent company, anyways. And it was the gathering, the one time she couldn't truly hate anyone.

Soon as she finds his coat, she flicks her tail against Riverpaw's side, signaling for him to follow. "So are you just deputy now, or what?" comes a good-natured (well, as much as she could muster) call as she slithers around cats to greet him. She's not sure what happened to the flame-licked she-cat who had been in his place previously, she hadn't been announced in the losses that Thunderclan sustained last gathering, hadn't been there, and now she isn't here again. "Ah, hold on. This is my apprentice. Riverpaw." she flicks her paw outwards to gesture towards Riverpaw. The words are left unsaid, but pride shines in her eyes; she's happy to be a mentor again. She falls silent, giving Raccoonstripe the opportunity to introduce himself.

  • // interacting with @RACCOONSTRIPE with @RIVERPAW
  • 70831649_t0YE8lpgGiTPlyS.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 38 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, mentoring riverpaw
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, fd9367" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff
  • Like
Reactions: Marquette

This was, officially, Moonpaw's first gathering without Ravensong, she had been absent from the last gathering in an attempt to wait to see if the inky black feline would show back up in camp in the middle of the night but since then much had happened, and so Moonpaw - despite her want to hide away in camp another moon - would come to the gathering. If anything, she was curious about what the other clans would have to say about the recent events with the sun, whether they would be open about the thoughts of what it could mean or if the leaders would simply choose to not say anything about it, leave it for other clans to wonder what was thought of it. She was sure either way she'd get to learn some information from the other clans during the next medicine cat meeting, but she could only hope that her own interpretation of the events was correct - whether or not it meant good or bad.

Moving alongside her clanmates, Moonpaw offered a small smile to them before bounding off on her own to sit near where medicine cats usually sat, ears pricked as she tried her best to look professional, to look like she was happy to be here this moon. To look as though she didn't know that there would once more be looks of pity upon her as soon as the gathering started.

  • -- open to interactions!
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

This was Celandinepaw's first Gathering! When she envisioned a 'gathering,' she couldn't have imagined anything like this. This was much more cats than she had ever seen in her life - she didn't even know there were this many cats in the whole world! Wheat-hued eyes stared at all the cats filling in the space of the clearing, from the center to the hems where conversation budded and blossomed. Keen ears caught upon tendrils of talks, from those catching up after moons to those making friends for the first time. It had almost been too much to bear, though swiftly had the young molly grown to appreciate it. It feels like a big ol' family reunion in here! There existed a small seed of sadness that she had not been born in the wilds, for she had little knowledge of what had transpired before she had arrived, as though she drifted as a shred of flotsam against a great canvas of a sea. Well, there was always a first time for everything, she reasoned. Most notably, the Fourtrees loomed above them and burned through the sky, an impossibly large obstacle that she could not envision that any cat could climb. The golden spotted tabby traveled with Windclan, though quickly did her paws snake out from the once-tightknit group of Gathering-goers, as wanderlust often sparked through her paws like pure electric excitement. She glanced at her mentor Dimmingsun with a grin, as if to signal that she would be on her way to explore as much of this unknown place as possible. Then, velvet paws sprung away from the only cats she vaguely trusted.

Immediately did another feline catch her eye, though he bore an unfamiliar scent that ribboned off of brownish pelt, much more distinctive and pungent than the elegant purls of smell that the moor's inhabitants wore. Celandinepaw, whose expertise of the world had been gleaned through the narrow lens of the barn's window, could not describe such a scent. Still, intrigue pulled her closer to the older cat, and she was never one to deny herself the pleasure of a sated curiosity. Fulfilling that was much like filling her own belly, an essential sensation she could not bear to live without. "Hi!" Celandinepaw chirped, an easy and toothed smile bursting at the seams of her sunlit features, like light pulsed and seeped through her visage. Her unrestrained zeal for life was infectious, though many were quite resistant to such a saccharine sickness. "I'm Celandinepaw, from Windclan. Not long ago, I was a barncat, though. Where are you from? Shadowclan? Why do you smell like that? What's your name? Also, do you wanna be friends?" Questions bubbled from a soft maw, rapid-firing that happened upon Reedstrike too quickly to react appropriately with.

( Interacting with @REEDSTRIKE ! )
Troutsnout followed alongside her Riverclan peers, eventually departing from the others as she stood for a moment and allowed for her cobalt gaze to shift through the ever-growing crowd. Moonpaw settled along with the medicine cats, Salmonshade and her apprentice was interacting with Raccoonstripe and Reedstrike was being verbally bombarded by a Windclan apprentice. "How are you feeling, Moonpaw?" The spotted tabby would inquire towards their medicine apprentice, hoping that she wouldn't be feeling too overwhelmed or stressed without the guidance of Ravensong. The ivory shorthair was doing great at her duties despite the disappearance of Ravensong and preserved for Riverclan and her studies.
━ "speech"​

OOC interacting with @Moonpaw

reed arrived in a mass of riverclan cats, their sleek forms and river scent giving away their allegiance. he had missed the past few gatherings but had been yearning to go to one recently. the burly dark tom had a secret fancy for gossip, the frivolous interest in chatter conflicting heavily with the rugged image he’d built throughout his young life. his amber eyes shined bright in the darkness draped over fourtrees, the bright moon illuminating many feline shapes teeming throughout the meeting place. his goal tonight, as it was everytime he came to a gathering, was to keep his dislike for the other clans in check. he simply wanted to sit back and tune into whatever the other clans were going through. he pushed his way through the crowd, departing from the familiar fold to infiltrate the mass of cats, barely stifling the urge to peel back his lips in a grimace. his eyes caught sight of troutsnout and lightly debated finding his way towards her to mess with her as usual but instead stuck to his original plan. his dark marbled shoulders helped to guide him as he wove through the swarm, finally settling himself down in a small clearing near some elders, releasing a pent up sigh of relief. he was situated in the outer throng of cats, where there was more space to freely sit, and it was perfect. this way he could eavesdrop on the elders congregated near him, who everyone knew were the chattiest of the clan.

he had swiveled his deeply nicked ear towards the old cats, intently listening, but a bright pelt weaving it’s way towards him caught his attention. he prodded his claws deeply into a strand of moss and grass beneath him, plucking them out and repeating, silently willing said pelt to not be heading towards him. he had barely heard any interesting news yet and couldn’t fathom being stuck speaking to another cat all night long. however it seemed starclan was not on his side tonight, as a golden-pelted apprentice appeared out of the crowd, her yellow-green eyes locked on him. oh god.

reed honestly had a soft spot for kits, but honestly it stopped as soon as they hit 6 moons and stopped being little cute annoying scraps. as apprentices, they were just bigger, annoying scraps, and he had come to tolerate the apprentices of his own clan, but this? this he didn’t know if he could handle. as she greeted him,”hi!” his eyes widened at how chipper the apprentice standing before him was. is there a way to get out of this? he wondered. she introduced herself as celandinepaw from windclan, yuck windclan, and then came the questions. so many questions. he began to ponder if troutsnout had schemed this in order to torture him, but quickly pushed away the thought, realizing he needed to introduce himself. “reedstrike. i’m from riverclan… from the river.” the large tom, even sitting down, towered over the gleaming she-cat, and unconsciously leaned a bit back. maybe she would get the hint from his body posture? he glanced away from the golden formation of joy, amber eyes searching for someone to pawn her off on. he was also trying to avoid her gaze, which seemed to be locked onto him like heat-seeking missiles, so curious and excited. he wasn’t sure how to deal with this much unbridled attention. he ignored her question about being friends because he so clearly did not want to be friends and instead cleared his throat to speak,”is your, uh, mentor nearby?

// interacting with @CELANDINEPAW (srry im on mobile not sure it’ll tag) heck got ninja’d

  • unnamed.png
    ≫ large dark brown tabby with piercing amber eyes
    ≫ 20 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
    ≫ semi-hard to befriend ; doesn't trust easily
    ≫ riverclan warrior. tags. #873427
    ≫ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ≫ light powerplay allowed
Last edited:
Despite his ambitions, Raccoonstripe is strangely relieved not to have to take his mother’s place upon the Great Rock tonight. Instead, he goes to Flycatcher’s place at its base, and putting his paws where the gray tabby had sat for so long gives him an empty feeling in his stomach. He acknowledges Twitchbolt with a flick of his ears and a small smile. “Twitchbolt. I hope SkyClan’s doing well.” He’s notably not the kittypet-lovers favorite warrior, but he finds his dislike of his pine-dwelling neighbors dwindling slightly since Blazestar’s passing. Orangestar seems level-headed, a warrior he can respect. Twitchbolt is lacking in this area… but perhaps there is something to be said for SkyClan’s deputy after all.

He prepares himself to say something else when a pale, tawny-pointed she-cat makes her way over. Raccoonstripe turns his attention toward the RiverClan warrior, dipping his head and smiling at her inquiry. “Salmonshade. It’s nice to see you, too.” His tail tip flicks. “As nice as that would be, our deputy is in the nursery with her kits,” he explains. “Howlingstar has named me acting deputy until her kits are apprenticed.

Salmonshade presents a silvery-pelted young tom as her apprentice. Riverpaw. What a name! “Nice to meet you,” he says. “I’m Raccoonstripe. Enjoying your first Gathering?

  • ooc: interacting with @TWITCHBOLT @salmonshade @RIVERPAW
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


Somehow, Owlheart's eyes were wider than usual upon entering the clearing for the gathering with the other attendees of Skyclan. She had understood how big it was, it had to be since there were cats across all the clans attending. It was still different being there than hearing about it of course, the sensory leap of the different scents of the clans mingling in this one space was less than desired. The constant chatter of pleasantries, or even something beyond that surface level for some of them; it was enough to cause a headache really. Still, there was a level of awe to it for her, she percieved it to be an honour to attend and she wasn't going to waste that. Briefly, she looked for Orangestar, having to fight off the urge to hide behind her mother like she used to do as a kit when nervous.

The red tabby looked beside her, at her fellow newly named warriors of Skyclan, she wondered if anyone else was both equally in awe and overwhelmed by it all. She was thankful that she was in attendance with Skyclanners that she knew well. Truthfully she wasn't sure what she would do if she was with Skyclanners that she didn't know as well. The newly named warrior finds herself sticking by the familiar midnight pelt of Crowsight. Did he get overwhelmed by this? probably not, he attends these often so he must be used to it by now. “Do you know anyone from the other clans that are here tonight?” she asked curiously, tearing her gaze away from all the new sights to look at her partner. She didn’t want to potentially interrupt any limited time that he had to converse with others. Owlheart glanced away again, staring at various clan cats that she didn't know, tail brushing up against his. “This is a lot” she sighed, not intending for that statement to be aimed at anyone in particular.

( currently interacting with @CROWSIGHT but feel free to interact! )

Well, Foxtail had a feeling this was going to be quite the gathering. That fateful day where the moon covered the sun is still fresh in his mind; and he doubts he's the only one thinking about it. It's been a long week, and he can only wonder what the other clans thought it meant. In matter of fact, he expects it to be mentioned once the gathering begins, but for now Foxtail pushes the thought into the back of his mind. He looks over at his apprentice, to whom he's certain is beyond ecstatic to attend his first gathering.

"Lots of cats gathered tonight, huh Pebblepaw?" Foxtail mews to his apprentice as they pad over to the crowd. Just like Eelpaw, Foxtail can only hope that Pebblepaw's first experience of a gathering is a good one. Foxtail remembers how his mentor shot glares at him, and snapped at him to keep his mouth shut. "Don't embarrass me, Foxpaw. Have I made myself clear?" Ashpelt's venomous hiss rings in his ears like it was yesterday, but the young tom quickly shoves the thought away. He'll never come to understand why Ashpelt is the way he is— so cold, harsh, and impatient. It's easy to say that Ashpelt's qualities never passed down onto Foxtail.

"Stay by me, okay?" Foxtail mews with a flick of an ear, taking a glance at the young apprentice. Attending a gathering as a brand new apprentice can be... a tad overwhelming. It's a lot to take in— cats from all five clans are gathered here tonight! And some cats are definitely not as friendly as others. Of course as warriors, they are never meant to be "true" friends with cats from other clans. The next time they might see some of these cats again might be on the battlefield. "As this is your first gathering, I wouldn't want you to get lost." He adds on, his eyes focused onto Pebblepaw, and unfortunately not on the cat who stepped into his line of path. "Remember to be on your best behavior-" His comment is cut short as he suddenly collides into another cat, fur bristling with surprise. He jumps back and blinks in horror at the cat whom seems to just as stunned as he is— oh StarClan, how embarrassing!

"I-I'm so sorry, I should've been watching where I was going," He mews nervously as his ears pinned back. He feels hot with embarrassment, nervously swishing his tail behind him. "S-sorry, I got a little too carried away showing my apprentice around!" He tries to play it off with an awkward chuckle. "I-I'm Foxtail, and this is Pebblepaw... it's his first gathering." He decides to introduce himself and Pebblepaw.... well he meant to introduce Pebblepaw to some other cats, but this isn't how he planned it!

  • interacting with @PEBBLEPAW , feel free to make your oc be the cat foxtail bumped into!
  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the minis & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    18 moons

𓍊𓋼 The universe is cruel and unjust. It’s laughing at him, surely—it’s dropped everything good and happy right on top of him, and his father’s grave doesn’t even have new grass growing on top of it yet. Why, why, why did his good fortune have to come at such a high price? Was Duskbird also a part of the price? Batwing? If his good fortune didn’t feel so terribly hollow, maybe he’d be grateful for it all. He’s been trusted with an apprentice, and trusted to go to this month’s gathering; he should feel honored. Instead, all he feels is guilty.

Raccoonstripe sits in the place where Flycatcher sat only a few weeks ago, where Flamewhisker will sit in another few months, and it feels so wrong that the cream-striped tom has to squeeze his eyes shut for a moment to calm himself. Deep breaths. The forced slow and steady breathing eventually evens out into an automatically slower rhythm, but it doesn’t last long.

Another cat bumps into him and then goes flying backward in surprise, and Falconheart bites his tongue to contain a shocked hiss. Surprise melts into a stunned silence, merely blinking at the offender for a few heartbeats before the other tom speaks up. He seems embarrassed, but Falconheart brushes off the apologies. "It’s okay—I should have been paying more attention to where I was going," he replies, bicolored eyes scanning the other warrior and apprentice. Foxtail and Pebblepaw. Falconheart commits their names and faces to memory—the other warrior seems friendly enough, and so he returns the introduction. "I’m Falconheart, and this is my apprentice, Crescentpaw. You’re from… RiverClan, right?"

// leading @Crescentpaw around, interacting with @FOXTAIL

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — It's admittedly nice to make his way over to Fourtrees and get to stretch out his limbs, Gentlestorm walking alongside the rest of his clanmates noticing the big crowds that were already there. Perhaps it isn't something he misses but he supposes that he'll be here tonight since most of his injured are out of the den and he needn't worry about any of queens delivering any kittens tonight, he's quietly grateful for it. A soft sigh brushes out from the fur that drapes over his maw before offering a few smiles to those passing by not noticing anyone from the journey aside from Orangestar herself, he starts to wonder the whereabouts of Bobbie and the others. Well, at least, he can count on seeing a few of them as he trots carefully through the crowd before finding the place where the medicine cats settled and notices the pearly coat of Moonpaw. "Hello Moonpaw," He greets warmly only to sit down once he had greeted her and he uses a paw to smooth out the fur on his chest with his copper gaze turning to the several cats gathered there ready to hear the news from all the clans.

"It feels so odd to be back here. The last moon I hadn't been able to attend due to a queen having her kits," He explains waving a snowy paw in the air and refrains from saying her name knowing that it would be announced tonight, he wouldn't ruin the surprise though his gaze shifts to Troutsnout who had been speaking to the medicine cat apprentice. He offers a friendly smile to her and ducks his head slightly in embarrassment "I apologize, I hope I wasn't interrupting you."

/ interacting w/ @Moonpaw & @Troutsnout


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    54 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
It would be dishonest to say he was excited or surprised Orangestar called his name to attend this moons gathering. After all, he's done this song and dance numerous times before he already knows the run down of gatherings. However, he is excited to attend with his partner. Though excitement was quickly dashed away when he saw her discomfort. He hadn't realized this was her first gathering. It was decided right there and then he would stay by her side until she grew sick of him and pushed him away to actually converse with others from different clans. And if that never ended up happening? Well, he wouldn't mind.

Who does he know? He breaks his attention from her, making out several cats in the crowd. Well with how much he's been here he would say that he knows who the medicine cats, deputies, and leaders are. The warriors and apprentices not so much, but that made sense since every moon it changed. He scarcely got to see the same cats moon after moon. Even he, as often as he attends doesn't return every moon. He recalled asking Silversmoke why they went so often to the gathering and the response was simple. It was agonizingly simple he felt like a complete dolt. Of course lead warriors had an increased chance of attending. However, tonight he attended as a warrior. He didn't come here because he was Silversmoke's apprentice. I think I'll miss coming here with dad. But... I guess it's not too bad, after all he usually dislikes gatherings.

"I know the medicine cats, deputies, and leaders. Warriors and apprentices not so much." he points with a paw at a large long haired blue sepia tom with brown eyes. "That's Gentlestorm, Thunderclan's medicine cat. He visited Skyclan awhile ago, and he's friendly. I thought he'd have an apprentice by now..." I guess it really isn't any of my business, but isn't that bad for Thunderclan. He's been medicine cat for awhile... If he died then who would they ask for help? He shakes his head and decides to move on to Moonpaw. He remembers when white fur wasn't marred with scars. When Riverclan stood in Skyclan for a few sunrises because of the rogues that plagued the clans. It had been fun then. To hear about the lives of the riverclan apprentices and make new friends. To watch them hunt and spar with them. I wish we could do that again. "And that's Moonpaw. She's Riverclan's medicine cat apprentice. Her mentor is Ravensong. He's a black tom, but it seems like he isn't here. Unlike Fireflypaw, she's around our age. Maybe a moon younger?" Not that Fireflypaw was old by any means.

One by one he points out the medicine cats, deputies, and leaders. For those who couldn't make it, he gives a basic description of what they look like so his partner could put a name to a face should she attend a gathering without him in the future. It's a lot to take in. He knows that very well. His first gathering he was not even 6 moons and was told to get to know the other clans on his lonesome. Daunting it was and a Windclanner had the audacity to bump into him and blame him, as if it was Crowpaw who hadn't looked where he was going. Snakehiss of Windclan he learned was the cat who looked at him as if he were filth. To be honest he isn't sure how he managed back then, but that's not important.

His partner is overwhelmed, brushing her tail against his for comfort. "It is." He takes it a step further, curling his fluffy tail around hers, leaning against her, and putting a paw on atop of her own. "We could talk to someone together? Or we could just watch and listen?" Just sitting and watching in the corner of fourtrees defeated the purpose of going to a gathering, but what good was a gathering if you were overwhelmed? There is no shame in easing yourself into the crowd or deciding to watch and listen.
  • currently speaking with @Owlheart but feel free to interact!
  • — crowsight / skyclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 12 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlheart
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

This was Claythorn's first gathering.

She had not been taken in the moons past, where she had joined ranked with Riverclan, where she had shouldered the brunt of hate and xenophobia within the clan. She couldn't blame them, after all. She had been born to rogues- a specific one, one that was held above her head- but she couldn't think about that right now. Born to rogues, finding the colony- being washed away to Riverclan's territory, then into the clutches of the clan that she thought maybe, just maybe, had their nose up their asses.

But she had earned her rightful place in it all. Emboldened with her warrior name, one gifted to her by Riverclan's King himself, Claythorn had crossed the stepping stones and headed into the gathering, following the stream of cats who had been before. A glance was given to @Moonpaw - a gentle shoulder bump- before she was running off. A soft breath left her then, vision shifting to the dozens of cats settling into Fourtrees. Claythorn's ears flattened backward, glancing towards @otterbite with guarded eyes.

Flame-akin pelt flashed as she attempted to slip away into the crowds, expression unreadable. This was the perfect moment to get space from them all, head lowered and ears drawn backwards.
  • feel free to interact! she isn't talking to anyone yet, kind of trying to slip away from her clanmates
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Cometpaw hoped that his twolegs wouldn't worry, as tonight he had chosen to stay out past sunset and attend his very first gathering! The lilac tabby had heard so many things about these events; this was a rare opportunity to mingle with cats from all clans in a space that fostered order and peace. No matter the political tensions, every clan was welcome to Fourtrees on one night out of the moon. How exciting!

The sweater-donning apprentice parted from his mentor, having been told to talk with apprentices from other clans. Cometpaw, of course, felt his nerves acting up slightly as a mixture of anxiety and anticipation overwhelmed him. There were so many faces, so many voices, so many scents! Cometpaw eventually happened upon a young tom who appeared around his age. "Hi, I'm Comet." The lilac tabby chirped, though quickly corrected himself by using his clan name, "Sorry - Cometpaw, I mean." That would take some getting used to.

He cocked his head before inquiring, "... Are you from RiverClan? You smell like the river." The daylight apprentice had picked up on that peculiar, fishy scent on the few patrols he had accompanied to SkyClan's border with the riverside clan. Then again, he had no clue what WindClan nor ShadowClan smelled like. Is it possible that the other apprentice could hail from either one of those places?

  • interacting with @PEBBLEPAW
  • *

    he/him; daylight apprentice
    shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

Although their two moons of shadowing were now over, and they were a full warrior, they had not had any encounters with cats of other clans until tonight, the moon high above their heads, soaking them with her light. The trek to the Fourtrees is a welcome one - they're glad to see more of the territory, and more of the land that the other cats explored and witness the world of the clan cats that the others were so familiar with. They walk alongside their fellow new warriors and their leader, trailing somewhat off to the side as they busy themself with accounting for the sights, committing them to memory. They nearly stop in their tracks upon reaching the clearing, suddenly hit with the strong scents of so many different cats that they'd only caught the clan scents of from the border in traces - it's a lot to take in, and their instinct says to linger closer to SkyClan - their scent was familiar now, after all. And it was likely that their scent was of SkyClan now, too.

Their mind hadn't really settled since their ceremony, and looking around at these other cats, belonging to groups of their own that they had little idea of only makes it somewhat more strange. They enter the clearing, finally, and linger at the edges, watching the surrounding cats speak to one another about the latest happenings, about their days - and even though they were becoming used to the idea of things like this within their own camp, it was strange to see cats from everywhere interacting so freely with one another.

// open for interactions

It feels good to walk to a Gathering without the help of anyone's shoulder. She has finally been released by Gentlestorm to perform duties once more, and on this night, she strides into Fourtrees with her head held high and her tail sweeping the ground. She arrives with Orangestar at her side, and if anyone asked, she would not hide she is glad to have the tradition back. She has always enjoyed walking with SkyClan to Gatherings when Blazestar led them, and she is proud to continue that tradition with Orangestar. "Go on and mingle," She mews to her clanmates, dismissing them with a wave of her tail.

However, as one young she-cat begins to pass by, she stops her with a foreleg placed gently in front of her chest. "Antlerpaw, there's someone I'd like you to meet," She mews to her apprentice, smiling softly. She turns back to Orangestar and purrs, "This is SkyClan's leader, Orangestar. Orangestar, I want you to meet my apprentice, Antlerpaw." She remembers so many moons ago being politely introduced to the leader's apprentice and daughter; it feels nice to be able to return the gesture.

// interacting with @Orangestar and @antlerpaw!
tagging @Cherryblossom because of preplanned interaction

"Wow, the river! Do you Riverclan cats live in the water forever? Or do you have to come out?" Celandinepaw chirruped, with her inflection as bright as the early morning to pierce through gloomy darkness, a starry flash in the way of night. She hadn't even noticed how Reedstrike's eyes trained away from hers, perhaps perching on empty space or another cat to be his lifeline - anything except the golden ball of sunshine right before him. Her head craned upwards to face the cat that so towered over her, and she wouldn't lie and say she wasn't intimidated by such an imposing figure. Almost none of her clanmates had such a disposition, instead seeming to be built from the twines and sedges and wires of their home. "I feel like you'd have to. Otherwise, your pelt would be soaked and then you'd feel all soggy and gross and disgusting. Oh, sorry! Not to say you're any of those things." Her manners came little too late, like her ebullience had drowned out all common sense as the saline sea did to those that could not fend off its waves, though quickly did her politeness return to her. She didn't want to lose a potential friend so quickly! Her parents back at the barn would have been quick to smack her upside the head for suggesting such a notion to a stranger. "Oh, my mentor's name is Dimmingsun. He's somewhere around here! Maybe talking to his friends. Do they tell you about him, or is that just a Windclan thing?" Wheat-yellow gaze swam about the ocean of swarming cats and the conversations attached to them, though she could not spot that distinctive golden fur anywhere in the crowd. Worry dwelled in her heart, a single seed germinating from the unfamiliarity of the wildcats' intricate rituals, fostered in the grounds of a feline who had never ventured far from the fence before. She was out of her element, and she was much too petrified to admit it. "Do you guys eat fish?" Another question to distract her from surmounting anxieties.

( Interacting with @REEDSTRIKE but open to further interaction! )
Fireflypaw pushes through the crowd anxiously, feeling a tad bit self-conscious about still being an apprentice at his age. All of the others were younger than him, and Gentlestorm was made a full medicine cat within a few moons of Berryheart's death. With Ravensong missing, Moonpaw is left to do her job by herself- he pitied her, but with Dawnglare going to and from ThunderClan, he found it a bit hard not to relate with her in some ways. Not having his mentor around left the chaos all up to him, not that he complained much aloud. His tail guides him through the crowd with ease, multiple scents mingling with each other from all of the clans.

He soon hears Crowp- Crowsight's voice, and makes his way over to his half-brother to bump his head against his newly-made warrior sibling's shoulder in greeting. "Behave, you two." He reminds the two lovebirds, dipping his head to the two cats before he takes off to his designation. The medicine cat group was filling up, with cats chatting with them here and there. Fireflypaw had always been the type to just sit down and listen during gatherings instead of socialize with cats; unless it was another medicine cat or leader, he didn't feel the need to socialize with those outside of his clan. That made him more closed off to the cats around him, but eh.. He could live with that.

"Gentlestorm. Moonpaw. Where is Wolfsong, has he not arrived?" WindClan, late as ever it seems. He still does not have a good opinion on the medicine cat for openly serving the Moor Queen when she reigned, but he sets aside his differences for the tom in favor of remaining peaceful on this holy night. His eyes flick towards the cats socializing with Moonpaw, unable to see them but the look in his eyes is simple. Distance, happily so. He doesn't share Moonpaw's enthusiasm for socializing with other Clans, after all.

// open to interactions, but if you're not skyclan be prepared for him to be short and curt with them! (:​
//mobile post + open to interacts

Shiningsun drew in a steadying breath as he joined the gathering of felines. Curiosity danced on his mind and a renewed interest in the affairs of the neighbouring clans sat within his mind.

The tom found himself a spot and he sat himself down so he could scan the faces around him, still holding out hope of spotting a certain RiverClanner.
" Are you sneaking away somewhere? " very loudly, Pinkpaw asks, appearing in the way of a red and brown cat she didn't know. But they smelled like WindClan's neighbors! The ones they didn't like, she thinks. ...Were they enemies? Well, the bigger enemy was um, the fire right now, so she thinks its okay to now totally beat up this warrior and stuff right now, but by the way, she totally could if she wanted to... She's kidding of course! Or was she? Her head whips around, briefly checking if Scorchstreak was around to make sure she did beat up this RiverClan (she thinks) cat. She can't remember... Thankfully, she seems to be in the clear...

" I can hide you! Or maybe I can't, cause um... " you're really big, she's about to say. But... lots of WindClan was taller than her, and part of her was starting to think, maybe they weren't all tall, but she and the tunnelers were all short? She find sthis to be quite an outrage... " Maybe I can cover for you instead? What's your story? I'm Pinkpaw, but if you need me to be, I can become... Redfoot! " Briefly, she checks that she has at least one red paw. Perfect.

  • OOC: interacting w @claythorn & open to interaction :D
  • 74869745_2wuYhU20pHwieui.gif

    Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​