Whistle while you work {Dawnpaw}


꧁༺ 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮 ༻꧂
Jun 14, 2022

Fire was determined to be useful. Her stomach was still heavy with the guilt of not having been at the great battle, and so when she noticed the group of recovering cats nearby, she knew what she wanted to try. Hurrying to pick something from the fresh-kill pile, the molly made her way over one pelt she recognized. She would stop before him and dropped the frog at his paws as she smiled in her humble way, "Hi Dawn! Are you hungry? I'd love to share this with you if you're feeling up for some company?" Her feathery tail swished behind her hopefully, and yet her emerald gaze held only patience and acceptance of whatever his answer would be.


Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░
It had only been 24 hours since the Great Battle took place, and this prohecy was given that many cats spoke about. It all seemed rather farfetched to him. Dead cats that came down from the sky giving that of some cyrptic words of advice? That seemed like a kittens tale if one would ask him. Dawn hadn't gone to the Fourtrees like many of his other clanmates had, opting for staying in camp and nursing his leg that seemed to be grow more bothersome by the minute. He couldn't move it, could put pressure on it and could hardly feel anything as he lapped at it with a tongue.

Dusk had left his side not too long ago to do something else, Dawn hadn't paid much attention as to what, and the mink point tomcat laid down with a small sigh. Had he broken something? He must've, but there was no telling what could've been. He was no medic or anything with knowledge of broken limbs or sickness. Dawn though had little time to ponder on his leg when a russet ticked pelt came over to him, carrying a piece of fresh prey and offering a humble smile.

Fire. Dawn had spoken to her a couple of times in his time here in the group, and she was a rather nice cat. Overtly kind and warm, but suppose it wasn't a bad thing. Not like she was like Dawn who was more prickly and hostile, even more so now with his broken leg holding him down. "Suppose I could use some sort of company. Eventide and Dusk are who knows where," He answered a bit begrudgedly before shifting a bit to make room beside him for Fire, "Be careful with my leg, I think I broke something,"

Her expression would light up happily, a purr rumbling from her throat as she moved and carefully laid down beside the younger tom. She would use her nose to gently nudge the frog closer to Dawn before looking back at his injured, tilting her head curiously, "Does it hurt to move it at all? I wish we had a cat who knows how to fix things like this."

Fire would look at the other hurt bodies around them and she would frown softly in concern before looking at Dawn once again, the glow of warmth back in her gaze, "I'm sure it'll feel better with time though! You just have to stay positive!" Her feathery tail would swish once more as if it wanted to brush against Dawn as further comfort, but she reigned it in and tucked her own paws beneath her body.

"I'm glad for those who came back from the battle. It was hard enough losing those we did, but losing a friend..." She trailed off and stared at him for a moment before shaking her head, "Are you going to be sleeping here for now then? Or I can help you to your nest later?"

Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░
"No it doesn't hurt to move it, I can't exactly move it though," He explained to her as she nudged over the frog towards him, and he took a small bite of the frog. Pushing it back over to her as he chewed on it for a moment. Listening to Fire as she mentioned staying positive Yeah suppose that was all he could do, despite it being a rather annoying subject. He had a possibly paralyzed leg and she could only state that being positive was an answer? Highly unlikely.

Dawn then looked to her as she stared at him, speaking about that of how she was glad people had returns from the battle. That they had lost enough as it where and they couldn't risk more than that, to which she was right. There had been so many lost and now they lost almost half of their group to that of unneeded death. "I will probably sleep here, but otherwise I think it'd be nice to have some help getting around. At least until my brothers come back or something,"

"I'd be happy to help when I can!" Fire would purr happily, just relieved that she could be of some use to her groupmates. She would rumble with laughter and then nod her head once, "Well, I suppose if you're going to sleep here then I will too. No sense in making you sleep alone after you fought so hard." She would take a bite of the frog and chewed it thoughtfully for a few heartbeats before swallowing and continuing, "I hope Dusk and Eventide don't mind. Of course, I'll sleep somewhere else if you want."

Fire would look back at his leg, and wonder if he would ever really be able to use it again. She was happy to hear that it didn't hurt him, and yet she felt a strange pit in her stomach over his future. Suddenly her green gaze would become a blaze with determination and she would huff before meowing confidently,
"Just you watch Dawn! Injured leg or not, I just know you're going to become a really impressive cat." She was already beaming with pride and she took another bite of the frog before offering Dawn the rest. "You need to eat to keep your strength up!"

Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Fire had undaunting positivity, and it was rather- infectious? Dawn wasn't sure how to place it, but it did make him feel less like a useless cat and more like someone who did do some good. Fire had said that he fought really hard, and he thought so. I killed someone for the good of the group he thought to himself with a swish of his lion-like tail and blinked a bit. Dawn couldn't possibly state that to Fire, she would probably think of him as some kind of monster. That kindness he faced with the red cat would be nothing more than a memory if he stated what he had done in the fight.

"If anything, they can join us out here," Dawn responded to her comment about Dusk and Eventide, and it came out rather harsh. Dawn loved his siblings, more than anything else in this world, but sometimes they could be a bit- much. Dusk was overtly motherly towards them, and Eventide seemed scared of his own shadow sometimes. Though her next set of words did make him chuckle a bit, something geniuine and soft, "I think you're going to be a impressive cat too, Fire, maybe we can show these cats what badass cats we can be," Giving her a small nudge with his front paw to her shoulder.
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She would laugh with him, her expression warming more at his nudge as she took it as a sign of the budding friendship between them. Her plume-like tail would sweep behind them and she would look out into the camp and watch a few NPCs make their way around camp and she seemed to smile to herself, "Yea, I think we can definitely show them."

Fire would then stretch and look back to Dawn and meow a bit more gently, "I understand if you don't want to talk about the battle but....is it true that there were star cats?" She knew deep down that many of her groupmates had taken lives, it was war after all. But she held no ill will against any of them. After all, if they had not fought so hard perhaps they wouldn't have returned home. She felt her gut clench once again at the idea of her friends being buried at fourtrees and she had to fight the tears that threatened to spring into her gaze. She would not cry, at least not out in the open, but she had heard so many whispers about what had stopped the fighting, and she hoped to get at least some kind of confirmation.


Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Dawn hoped that one day they could show them. He was determined to show them who was boss, and that a leg injury wouldn't slow him down anymore than the next! It was a rather optimistic standpoint for Dawn, but he was influenced by the kindness and optism of Fire. She seemed like the kind of cat who could cheer on even the weakest little kitten or prickliest, moodiest cat. It was rather annoying but also something he was slightly thankful for, otherwise he'd be moping about in his own self-pity about his leg.

Fire then went on to question about the starry cats that had entered the battle. Dawn had been there just before the arrived, and he had spotted the glowing figures from further in the forest. It was- something out of this world. He thought it had been a hallucination from pain or the adrenaline of battle- but no. They where physical things that spoke realy words to them and now the groups had been spilt into five. Like whatever a creeper vine was.

"I-I was there when they came down," He muttered and his fur bristled at the memory, shivering a bit, "It was crazy. It was everyone that passed in the battle, and they spoke like some sort of cryptic words about a creeper vine- I didn't stick around after that. It was all so freaky," Dawn wasn't one to deal with spirits and the dead, so he got out of there as soon as he could.

She would listen patiently, but when she noticed her friend bristle and his form shiver, her tail would move to brush against him in comfort without her really thinking. "I'm sorry, Dawn. I shouldn't have asked." Guilt melted onto her expression and she would shake her head, "I believe you. I'm not quite sure what I would have done if I had seen them too."

A shiver passed through her own body before she rested her head on her paws and mumbled, "Do you really think the fighting will stop now that the clans are made and we are all divided? Or do you think things will get worse?" Her tone was thoughtful and concerned, she wouldn't be terribly surprised if even more tempers flared after the betrayals that had been cats leaving their birth homes behind to follow new leaders and claim new lands.

She herself couldn't truly understand it, but she also felt wrong judging cats for wanting a better life. With a defeated sigh, Fire would flop onto her side, one of her paws lightly batting at Dawn's ear in a playful gesture of friendship as she smiled at him, "Don't you go leaving once that leg is healed. Or I'll have to go after you and bring you back home by your ear."


Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

"Don't be sorry, I don't mind talking about it," He assured the other with a small nudge of his muzzle against her shoulder, feeling her tail brush his back and made him shiver again. Just not use to physical touch from anyone other than his brothers, and even then it was few and far between. Fire then mentioned that if the fighting will stop now that the clans had formed, and he wasn't sure how to answer. Part of him doubted that fighting would stop as further division was just going to make things worse, but also there was some hope for peace for at least a moon or two while things settled.

"It is hard to say, I don't think that things will be any different. Dividing further just seems to make things more complicated than before," Dawn answered honestly, voicing his thoughts and looked to the ruddy she-cat, blue eyes solemn, "Cause if things where bad before with just the Pine Group and the Marsh group, who knows what it'll be like now with five groups taking over the forest. Like, there will be border skirmishes and such," Plus cat would have to get use to new territory, new way of life, new leaders and so forth.

This slight genuine smile crossed his face at her playful bat to his ear, "I don't think could ever leave the marshes, they have been my home since I was a kitten nor could I leave my brothers behind,"Then went to bat her paw away playfully and gave a slight chuckle, "Don't you go leaving either, I don't want to have to kick your ass but I'll do it,"
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Fire would nod slowly as she listened, and her gaze would appear distant as she thought about what he was saying. Complicated, yes it was going to be very complicated moving forward, wasn't it? She would sigh, slow and long, but she was easily pulled out of it when Dawn batted her own paw in return. She would purr warmly, feeling much better than she had since the great battle and she rolled so that her paws were in the air and she could upside down smile at the tom. "Me? Leave? I don't think I ever could."

Fire would wiggle a little, trying to get an itch on her back, before she rolled back over and yawned, "This place is my home. They found me and took me in, gave me a place to call home, and cats to call family. I owe my life to this place. So, you all are stuck with me." She would smile again, before looking around and then meowing, "Welp, if we're gonna sleep here I should make some nests. Moss ok with you?" Fire would rise to her paws and shake out her long fur and look at Dawn.


Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Those blue eyes watched as the other rolled onto her back, wiggling a bit before rolling back over and he gave a light smile. Fire really was something else, wasn't she. "Is it really stuck with you if its willing?" He questioned back to Fire with a small head tilt. Then she suggested getting moss for nests as they where going to be sleeping outside for the time being, and Dawn out of habit moved to get to his paws. Struggling for a moment as he had to rely on his one back leg to push himself up, and trust in his front legs to keep him up right, "I'll come with you, I don't wanna just sit and mope in camp by myself," Though Dawn might be slower because of the situation he was in, but he'd rather help when he can than be some sort of lump on the newly made clan.

As he moved to get to his paws, Fire's emerald gaze would widen and she would move forward as if to help him, but then stopped herself. No. He could do it, she knew he could. And he did and she smiled proudly.

She would nod and turn to lead the way, though she of course walked at a pace that Dawn could keep up with, but tried not to be too obvious about it, "Sounds good to me! Maybe we can check close to camp. The nice thing about living in a swamp is moss is all over this place." She laughed and swished her tail as she slipped through the entrance and waited on the other side. Once he was beside her again she would lead the way toward her normal supply spot. "So, since we are clearly going to be best friends from here on out," She would throw him a shy smile before continuing, "I want to know more about you. Like your favorite color, or prey, or something that gets on your nerves."


Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

When Fire moved to help him, Dawn visibly stiffened a bit and prepared for himself to lean on another cat though was thankful when she seemed to rethink it. He could do it on his own, he will have to do it on his own from here on out and he was determined to not let his leg slow him down. Following after Fire, noticing she was a bit slower than usual and he was secretly thankful for the slower pace, and pushed through the camp entrance. The marsh outside was less stuffy than in camp, and the ground underpaw was much more squishy.

The ruddy she-cat then went on about how they where now best friends here on out- did he agree to that? Well from the sound of it he had no real choice in the matter, and it wasn't like he minded too much. It would be nice to have someone else on his side than just his brothers. Know more about him? Dawn hardly thought he was interesting, "My favorite color is gold, like the sunset? I love rabbit, its so juicy and tender, and mostly everything gets on my nerves," Dawn went about answering her suggestions of questions and gave a small shrug, "I'm hardly interesting, but what about you? Do you have a favorite color? Favorite place to patrol?" Blue eyes looked up at her, Fire was a good few inches taller as she was older than him, and flicked his mink pointed tail.

She would commit his favorites to memory. She didn't know when they would ever be able to hunt rabbits now that Windclan had claimed the moors, but perhaps she would get lucky one day. She would blink at him when he asked for her favorites in return and then tilted her head and her ears would flick as she thought about it.

"Well, for prey I would have to say is pigeon. Not super common but that's what makes it take good." She would murr in laughter and then signal with her tail that they had made it to their destination and began pulling a few clumps as she continued, "And my favorite color...." She would frown softly before nodding and smiling, "gold too, actually. It's just such a pretty color, especially during Leaf-fall."

She look at Dawn and then meowed, "How about...favorite thing to do?"


Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

The golden mink gave a small tilt of his head when she listed her own favorites, pigeon? He probably has never seen a pigeon before but he would make note to try and bring her one at some point. Probably would be the wrong kind of bird, but he'd try his damnedest to do so. Then gave this amused chuckle at Fires' favorite color, suppose the thought alike? He loved the sunset, she loved the leaf-fall, it went hand did it not? Dawn then slowed down as they got closer to the spot, a large tree with moss growing up the side of it, and moved to sit down.

It was a bit of a relief it wasn't super far and he could sit down to claw at the tree, he didn't think he could've walked any further. Fire then questioned Dawn about his favorite thing to do, and he actually considered the answer with a soft 'hmm'. "Back in our old home, my brothers and I use to mess with dogs all the time. They would be trapped behind their fences and we would taunt them like crazy," He gave a small snicker at the memory and sliced his claws through the plush moss to get trims of it, "It was more fun than it sounds and it is not like we ever got chased by a dog or anything," Assuring the russet she-cat with a flick of his tail.

Dawn then considered what to ask Fire, "What about yourself? Where did you come from? Where you born here?" He knew that she had been taken in by the marsh group, but where was she before that?

Of course concern would flash through her gaze at the mention that they taunted dogs of all things. But she would relax once more when he reassured her that they were not chased or in any real danger of the act. She was forming their clumps into balls so that they would be easier to carry when his next question made her pause.

A sad smile would then adorn her face and she would meow softly, "I was born in the area but...I was separated from my parents during a really bad thunderstorm and...that was six moons ago." She would finish one ball and mindlessly move on to the next, "I was found by the Marsh group and taken in, no questions asked. So the group is all I really know." She would look up at him, her paws shuffling now as if trying to distract herself, "But my favorite thing to do was sit with the elders and listen to stories. A lot of them were made up of course, but it was still fun to imagine."

Once they gathered enough, Fire would grab a few bundles in her jaw and meow around them, "Let's get these back home and start building before it gets dark!"


Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Ah, a sore subject and it made Dawn flinch as he realized such a thing. Maybe that was better territory to steer clear from, but her favorite thing to do was very wholesome. ELders' stories where always amazing even if dramatic and mainly lies. "The elders where I came from always had stories of their travels or of the city, they could really get one going with a story," Dawn agreed with her gently then she suggested they start to head back to camp, to which he gave a small nod. It was getting late and Dawn could feel his body craving to go to sleep.

The walk back home would be a quiet one, due mainly to them both having moss in their mouth. Once they were home, Fire would set down her bundle and purr in contentment, "Carrying this stuff is way easier with two cats." She would swish her tail happily, get to work unfurling their moss balls, and begin making nests.

"Should we make some for Dusk and Eventide too? We should have plenty." Her emerald gaze would rise back up to Dawns and all sign of the sadness she held before was gone. Of course, she still held it, deep within her chest where she was determined to let it stay, but she had seen Dawn flinch out of the corner of her eye and she had figured she showed too much.

She would use her paws to skillfully roll out and fluff up the moss, "Should we decorate these too? Do you like that kind of thing?"


Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

"Honestly, I'd make my brother sleep on the ground if I could," He muttered back and set down his own ball of moss, nudging it over to her. Dawn needed to sit down and he did so watching Fire unfurl that of the moss balls, then she questioned if he liked to decorate his nest. To which he gave a small shrug, "Eventide likes to decorate the nests, so I have no preference on the matter. Though I don't understand cats who can sleep with like shells or objects in their nests," He gave a curious look and a small shake of his head. It was truly a mystery with those who collected items in their nests.