Whistle while you work {Dawnpaw}


She appeared thoughtful as her paws words quickly and expertly to shape the moss into suitable nests for both herself and Dawn. Once she was content with them, she would drag them over to where Dawn had decided to rest and swished her tail to gesture for him to try it out if he felt up to it.

Turning back to the remaining bundles, she would flick her ear and then meow softly, "Maybe I'll make them nests anyway, and then we can go find decorations together?" Her voice was hopeful, but she then turned and dragged her own nest beside Dawn's before getting to work on nest number three. "I'll just finish these and then we can take a nap." She meowed warmly as she turned her head slightly to smile at the tom beside her. "Maybe tomorrow we can go on a walk? Moving around might be good for you in the long run."


Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░
Fire did have a point, they brought enough moss for a couple more nests in the long run and who knows maybe his brothers would decide to join them. Though the mink point cat did have a small request for that of his friend, "Do you think we could make a nest for Black as well? He said he wanted to help me out as well," He seemed meekish about the question and glanced towards the ground in an manner not like himself. Dawn was a rather proud cat so for him to seem almost- shy- about a topic was out of this world.

"Sure, we can go for a walk. I think it'll help too, I feel like when I sit too long my chest gets really tight like im getting stuff almost?" Dawn responded to Fires question about a walk after their nap. That did sound lovely honestly, he hadn't realized how exhausted he was. With everything going on, Dawn honestly felt very brain dead right now and like a walk corpse on his paws. A nap with Fire was both comforting and definitely needed.

At his sudden nervous tone, Fire would turn to peek at him and after a minute give him a knowing smirk. She wouldn't press him though, she assumed that with time he would open up with her about this 'Black' cat. She would nod in reassurance and with skillful paws would construct the nests he requested.

Once she was done, she would drag them so that they were formed around Dawn's next and then climbed into the one on his left side. Stretching and then laying down beside him, she would be mindful of his injured leg before resting her head on her paws, "Get some rest, Dawn. Maybe we can invite Black with us on our walk once we are done."

Fire would smile, her tail swishing behind her before curling like a large feather around herself.