Name: Addervenom
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: moor runner
Activity Level: shooting for 10-15 posts a month
What kind of mentor would they be?: Addervenom would be a strict mentor with a no nonsense attitude. He would unapologetically push his apprentice to their limit in order to refine the potential he sees within them. Their relationship would almost feel like a business contract, where his only goal is to groom his apprentice into becoming the best warrior they can be. Be it well versed in fighting or hunting. Feelings and personality growth excluded.
Any previously trained apprentices?: no
How long have they been a warrior for?: one month
Name: Whitepaw
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Tunneler
Activity Level: Semi-active
What kind of mentor would you like?: A Mentor to finish up her training! It would be ideal if they didn't mind adjusting training time's to when she worked best but given current arriving plots, I'm not too picky <3
Name: Mouseflight
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Tunneler
Activity Level: High (aiming for 15+)
What kind of mentor would they be?: A more strict mentor, he would teach the apprentice about WindClan history as he knows it and would focus heavily on tunneler culture and WindClan being StarClan's favored clan. Any apprentice under him would learn strongly about tracking and listening within the tunnels as well as learn how to quickly spot burrows from above with focus on quick-thinking skills.
Any previously trained apprentices?: no
How long have they been a warrior for?: 2 moons as of November 16th
Name: Periwinklebreeze
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Moor Runner
Activity Level: very high (current average of 30 posts per month)
What kind of mentor would they be?: Peri is a dedicated mentor, steadfast and protective of anyone placed under is care. With multiple mentors himself, his skills are chaotically varied - excelling in running and hunting, while being an average fighter. He is likely to treat his apprentice like family - toeing the line of stern responsibility and warm affection quite precariously. One on one training is very likely, though it would not be uncommon to find him seeking out his friends in order for them to share their guidance with any apprentice he has to make up for his own shortcomings. He is very strict about beliefs' in starclan, and expects his apprentice to be the same.
It should be noted that he is far from Sootstars first choice of mentor, so while he is technically available it is advised to run things by Ava just to make sure there are no IC issues with the pairing <3

Any previously trained apprentices?: no
How long have they been a warrior for?: 5 moons
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Name: quailbreeze
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: moor runner
Activity Level: normal (aiming for 15+ a month)
What kind of mentor would they be?: strict, but wants her apprentices to succeed. will push them to do their best and reward them when they've done well. knows that she has a lot to learn from her apprentices, not just them learning from her.
Any previously trained apprentices?: none
How long have they been a warrior for?: 10 moons
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Tunneler.
Activity Level: Active. 15+ posts per month.
What kind of mentor would they be?: Incredibly difficult with a demand for obedience and loyalty. Passing on the traits of stealth and fierce devotion. Will more than likely preach their beliefs and expect more out of their apprentice than average. Pushing them hard during training and playing mean spirited jokes. He would be best suited to someone that can take on a difficult mentor. However, for a fun twist he could be tasked with a morally righteous/good aligned character to spark up a few spats.
Any previously trained apprentices?: None.
How long have they been a warrior for?: Nearly 13 moons. (40 moons old)

P.s. Reposting with updated changes. Please feel free to double him up If needed!
Name: Slateheart@slateheart
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Moor Runner
Activity Level: High, aiming for 10 posts a month.
What kind of mentor would they be?: Stern yet empathetic. He may be a bit too lenient at times in fear that he'll wind up like his own cruel previous mentor; but with time and experience, he will become more hardened with his training. He seeks to form a bond with his apprentice above all, believing that a strong mentor-apprentice bond will heighten the learning experience and give the apprentice more chance at success.
Any previously trained apprentices?: None.
How long have they been a warrior for?: ~8 moons
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Name: @PUFF (will be receiving a name change soon)
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Moor Runner
Activity Level: 12-15 per month
What kind of mentor would you like?: Someone sympathetic to kittypets/barn cats and would be a good at helping her adjust to clan life + their traditions. She's very strong willed and determined to impress so Puff would be an exceptionally excellent apprentice. Would fit best with a similarly strong willed character.

p.s. She isn't up on the census yet so if this is a bit too early lmk and I'll retract my form
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Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Tunneler
Activity Level: Very high, usually 20+ posts per month.
What kind of mentor would they be?: Unlike the first time he was listed, this will not be Rattleheart's first time mentoring someone, and it shows. He's a little more strict this time, having a helicopter mentor sort of attitude thanks to how things turned out with his last apprentice. He's been a tunneler for a while and will have no problem showing his apprentice the ropes, though his primary focus will be on forming a bond with his apprentice to begin with. He'll always present them with a sympathetic ear that they can rely on, and while he won't treat them as something breakable, he will be especially careful about things such as training with claws.
Any previously trained apprentices?: Yes, Peonybreeze, although Peony was made a warrior after they were separated due to the Duskclan plot.
How long have they been a warrior for?: 20+ moons
New form because the old was extremely outdated and soot-specific <3

Name: Periwinklebreeze
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Moor Runner
Activity Level: very high (overall average of 25 posts per month, minimum of 15 expected)
What kind of mentor would they be?: Peri is a dedicated mentor, steadfast and protective of anyone placed under is care. With multiple mentors himself and his own personal struggles that resulted in a delayed warrior ceremony, Peri's skills are quite varied. He excels in hunting and running, while he is an average fighter at best. He's picked up unusual skills for a windclanner, such as a knack for stealth and stalking his prey instead of relying on speed alone, and he specializes in night hunting in particular. One on one training is very likely, though it would not be uncommon to find him seeking out his friends in order for them to share their guidance with any apprentice he has to make up for his own shortcomings. He is very strict about beliefs' in starclan, and expects his apprentice to be the same - any disbelief or disrespect for starclan will not be tolerated. Though he is likely to be very friendly and affectionate towards his apprentice, treating them like an honorary sibling, one should be aware of his strange sleeping habits and prepare themselves to be dragged into training at all hours of the day.
Any previously trained apprentices?: no
How long have they been a warrior for?: 8 moons
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Moor Runner
Activity Level: 8-10 posts per month - casual
What kind of mentor would they be?: Playful, pacificist, and caring with a very naive approach to mentoring. He's an exceptional Moor Runner but lacks the experience of his older peers. Being mentored himself with a gentle guidance he'll also lean more towards being a nurturing force and be far less interested in formalities. Could lead to some interesting conflict if they take on a character that's studious or holds high expectations.
Any previously trained apprentices?: Nope!
How long have they been a warrior for?: Barely a moon
Name: Sootspot
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Tunneler
Activity Level: Active (usually 15+)
What kind of mentor would they be?: Very, very involved in their apprentice's life, from the friends they keep to their morals outside of training. Sootspot holds remnants of Sootstar's WindClan within his training style, not as a blunt, no-holds-barred mentor, but as one who will guilt-trip and emotionally manipulate an apprentice into trying their hardest. He's competent at tunneling and showing others what he knows, and can be pleasant and protective of any apprentice he might have, but a healthy bond between mentor and trainee is not to be expected from him.
Any previously trained apprentices?: Downypaw (re-assigned)
How long have they been a warrior for?: Several moons!
Name: Quietpaw
Moor Runner or Tunneler?:Moor Runner
Activity Level: 10-15
What kind of mentor would you like?: Some cat that don't mind Quietpaw's timid nature. Calm enough to handle the silly questions and worries. He doesn't like to disappoint others, so he's very moldable/willing to do anything asked.
Name: Celandine (soon-to-be Celandinepaw)
Moor Runner or Tunneler?: Moor Runner
Activity Level: Semi-Active/Casual (hoping for approx. 10 posts per month)
What kind of mentor would you like?: Casual or NPC is fine! Would prefer someone who is patient and understanding of the discrepency of being raised at the Horseplace. Celandine herself is compassionate and eager to learn, though cocky to a fault, and will often overestimate her abilities. Minimal or no angst pls! I'm also fine with her having a NPC mentor if there are no compatible mentors atm.