She felt the world spin and she briefly began to wonder if this was it, she was passing out and now she was going to die. But no, the world was spinning because she was being rolled. The weight of her enemy knocked the breath from her and the roughness of the action itself made her leg scream in agony. She growled loudly to mask the immense pain that flared in said leg. She wondered if it could be fixed. Was she going to lose this leg?

Her grip on Jaggedoak loosened as she was left to lay on the ground, blinded by pain with a leg that might look unsettling to some. Her heart was pounding as she forced herself up.

"FISH BREATH IS OVER USED, GET NEW MATERIAL!" She spat. That was always the go to insult for Riverclanners. Surely there are more original insults!! Not that....It was important right now. Anyways.

On three legs she panted, not from exhaustion but pain. She couldn't keep this up much longer. She glared at him, and with as much force as she could muster, she swiped at his front with curled claws, hoping to tear flesh from whatever she connected with. She would bleed him dry, if she had to.


The rage must be fueling her, making the molly run purely on adrenaline, pushing through the pain that he knew she was feeling. Everything he tried, he just couldn't keep her down, even as she dragged that leg through the sand to stand and move once again. The panting gave a tell tale sign that she was on her last leg, both figuratively and literally. Maybe he should knock the other leg out of commission. It would be impossible for her to stand after that.

With a venomous comeback dripping from her maw, the large molly swiped out at him. He pulled back his head and neck, thinking she might be going for his face once again, maybe to blind him completely this time around. His anxiety would be his downfall. Lashing out with intent to connect with any of his front, the orange one's claws catch the discolored flesh of his chest scar from when a smaller cat had missed his throat. They tore through the healed skin, tearing it open like it was had been the day of the great battle.

Jaggedoak yowled from the pain, the memory of the original wound flashing across his mind. Of green eyes, filled with confidence, being drained of their fighting spirit as the tom had lashed out and immediately dispatched the enemy with a killing blow. It had been war after all, before Starclan had stepped in to cease the violence. And although this was a call to war with the river dwellers, he was trying hard to not look his opponent. However, the pain and memory that coursed through him set his blood alight.

Ignoring the blood dribbling from all his wounds, amber eyes narrowed thinly at his adversary, the edge of his vision tinged in red from both the blood and the anger. The tabby let out a war cry as he next attempted to latch onto the molly's head with his claws, his teeth snapping down on one of her ears. If he was successful, he would pull up then jerk downwards, hoping to bite it off to match his own. He was losing himself, and the wild cat part of him was slowly inching to the surface, wanting to taste her blood and feel her stop moving underneath him.

Current HP: 7/20 (3 Damage)

//OOC: @Redpath! Rolled a 1 for Defense (against 4) and a 5 for Attack!!
//TLDR: She was able to reopen an old scar on his chest, making it bigger. Instead of backing up, Jaggedoak surged forward to grab her head in his claws and bite down on her ear to tear it (Attack roll: 5)
⊱ ♞ ⊰

She was going to fade, at this rate. The damage she had taken was beginning to take its toll, her leg most of all. She could barely handle the pain she was in from that alone.

She knew she wasn't winning this fight.

Was she going to wake up in the morning? Would she be able to see her friends again, talk to them, spend time with them?

Would she be able to curl up with Riverwhisker again?

She couldn't give these things up. She had to keep going, fight until the very last.

She growled and screeched as Jaggedoak latched onto her head and bit her ear. She screeched louder as he tore a chunk out of her ear.

"UGH, NOW WE MATCH!!!" She yelled at him.

But now. With his front paws otherwise engaged..... She put all her weight on her good hind leg so she could attempt to dig her claws into his stomach and hopefully shred the soft flesh that was now exposed to her.

. @JaggedOak