The tom huffs. He hardly has the time to fix the other with the hard stare he wants to. Muscles twitch as he furrows his brow. That business was all its own, just as this was, here. He's glad to lay cease to the mutterings with the battering of his paws, and he's back on them the moment he can manage it. The briefest of glances towards the ground lets him see the lung they were coughing up.

And here– he's slow. They're desperate to get him back on the ground again, but this time, he's ready for it. Heathclaw steps out of the way from the outstretched paw, and with the swiftness of a moor-runner, would turn sharp back 'round to bunch his muscles and spring with the fullness of his weight– slamming him down to the ground with a grunt. His breath comes out heavy, and he pants down at the body below him, favor returned in full. They'd be winded for a time, he hopes.

Then, Heath sighs. "We'd had our reasons, then. An' what such did you have to take a man away from his family?" the question is almost genuine, though he does not expect a response; because he'd rather not live with the fear that lives he cares about may be threatened on any given day for no good reason. He blinks, and his whiskers tremble with his own breath. "I'd understand if ya had one." He purses his lips; doesn't expect nothin'.

And he hopes the girl hadn't let herself be blinded by old rivalries. That was a reason Heathclaw could not accept. Call him what you want, Juniperfrost was no killer.

  • HEATHCLAW: he / him; cisgender male, 42 moons. moor - runner of windclan.
    — bisexual with no clear preference. single.
    — low, rumbling voice with a noticeable, but not overbearing southern drawl.
    — goes with the tides. if loyalty is what will benefit him, so be it. independent but amicable.

    — for windclan – a tall and broad chocolate tabby tom with half a tail. Smattered with smaller scars, the most obvious being a sharp cut across his lower jaw and eye, that of which is half-blind. Sharp-jawed with an intense hazeled stare; lost most of his tail due to an incident when he was younger.

Sunstride was practically within her grasp when the weight of what she would consider a boulder slammed into her and sent her tumbling away with her new adversary. The wind was knocked out of her, giving Jaggedoak his opportunity to kick away and rake his hind claws down her belly.

She pushed herself up with an arched back and glared at him. "Then it's YOU who I'll tear apart!" She spat.

Jaggedoak was just as big as her,if not just a bit bigger. It could be his fluff, but fluff wasn't going to save him from her fury.

She prowled closer to him, mismatched eyes alight with fire. "At least you aren't as puny as your clanmates..... You'll actually be a challenge."

"You better not DISAPPOINT!!!" She hissed, at the same time aiming swinging her claws upward at his neck and chin in an uppercut.

In his heart, he knew he was no warrior. An orphan, a drypaw, everyone here was just so much better than he. A mother he never knew, a father dead before he could understand why he was brought here. It was a marvel that he hadn't run off yet.

He doesn't know Gravelpaw at all, and he briefly wondered if he ever saw the black and white cat before at Gatherings. As they tumbled to the ground, Ravenpaw sprung back up, his feathery tail lashing as he sized up the other apprentice again. Hackles bristling, Ravenpaw tried to make himself look bigger than he really was.

"I'm just fighting for myse—!" He spat, before a flash of blood entered his vision. Gravelpaw had caught his lip while talking, and their claws caused his lip to split. Blood running through his teeth, he hissed and began to relentlessly bat at his opponent's face with unsheathed claws, hitting anywhere he could.


➵ He misses entirely, damn it, to that wretched WindClan speed — and in the next split second there are paws overtop him. He doesn't have time to think. He hits the ground with a vicious crunch, and his chest sears with an agony he cannot describe.

Shit —


Cold horror floods him alongside the red-hot pain because he knows — he knows what that has to mean. Clearsight doesn't let himself keep thinking about it. This is a battle for his clan and he will finish it. He will fight until the last moment he's alive —

He tries to heave himself up from the ground, to oust his attacker, but fails, unprepared for the agony of bones shifting and clacking in his chest — a short bark of pain rips out of his throat, and he growls. Heathclaw takes the opportunity to speak and Clearsight would really like to claw his ears off. "I'd understand if ya had one." What nonsense is he talking?

"And Weaselclaw had his reasons for attacking Smokethroat? He could have died just as easily — " Stars above but talking hurts and Clearsight can't even finish his tirade, can't snap that We're the only ones who mind our business, as far as I'm aware — WindClanners are the only ones crossing the fucking border.

He forces himself upward again, choking back the agonized scream that wants to jerk from his lips, hoping to force Heathclaw off of him this time — should that succeed, he'll lunge for the tom's neck once more while he's unbalanced, aiming to clamp down and shakeshould it fail he'll attempt to kick viciously at Heathclaw's belly with claws extended, ripping up as much fur and flesh as he can reach.

// attacking @HEATHCLAW.

& we've all got battle scars ✗

The older tabby tries her best to dodge her incoming attack but Lilybloom is faster. She is distracted in the moment of relishing in her success that when Bluepool snarls in her face, she doesn't feel the other warrior squirming out of her grasp. The kick to her exposed belly staggers her momentarily, and she barely has time to react before an unsheathed claw comes her way. Lilybloom tries to pull back but is unable to avoid the attack entirely, winding up with a smaller but otherwise similar scratch on her shoulder.

She lets out a grunt in annoyance. Hoping to catch the warrior off guard with her speed, Lilybloom aims a jab at Bluepool's head, hoping to nick her ear if she is successful.

/ Attacking @Bluepool rolled a 4.

She hears the snarls of her clanmates around her, exchanging words along with blows. What was this a social event? She can almost respect the other warrior who she exchanged claws with for at least keeping her mouth shut. They both knew why they were there, after all.

She smirks in satisfaction when her claws hit their mark only to have the she cat turn on her with lightning speed. She tries to duck away but she once again is too slow. She cursed herself under her breath as she feels claws graze her ear. She lets out a grunt but it does not stop her assault.

Bluepool does not waste any time in launching herself at the other cat, maneuvering herself so that the sun was behind her and Lilybloom would be thrown off when her body, that was blocking the light, moved and the full force of the burning sun would hit her eyes, if this is successful it would momentarily blind her and allow Bluepool to jump at her and pin her to the ground. If she's successful in this she would bite down as hard as she could on her leg, hoping to incapacitate her and take her out of the fight.

HP is 17/20
Rolled a 4 for attack

The pitch-black cat shouts back that he's only fighting for himself, and Gravelpaw is glad that their strike connects. Just to shut him up. What a typical selfish, selfish RiverClanner. Their chest swells with pride at the sight of blood drawn from the other's lip, but they don't have much of a moment to celebrate; the black-furred apprentice strikes out in return, claws catching them across the face multiple times. Dull pain slices at their ear, at their cheek, and a deeper throb makes itself known somewhere above their left eye. Blood is quickly running from the wounds, especially the one over their eye, and they shake their head, sending blood droplets flying around them.

They step back quickly, creating space to escape the onslaught of the other's claws. Once they've got a bit of distance, a sneer curls across their muzzle, lip lifting to expose a bit of teeth. Thinking of Juniperfrost, they tip their head to the side mockingly, pointedly ignoring the blood that drops from their ear. "Sorry, I didn't catch that. You were saying…?" They stand still for a moment, eyes narrowed, before they rush forward, extending a paw in an attempt to slash the other across the chest.



His interception was successful. Just barely on time as their tangled mass of orange and brown went tumbling away from his lead warrior. For a second, he was concerned that her claws would find purchase in him; that he would be unable to stand in order to get in a better position and assess his opponent for weaknesses. Yet the initial brunt of force that came with the tumble obviously had caught the molly off guard, allowing Jaggedoak to land his kick and put a fox-length distance between them.

He whirled onto his paws and locked fiery gaze with mismatched ones, a sly glint of teeth flashing in the form of a smirk. As her back arched, his own hackles raised and a rumbling grown emanated from the back of his throat. ❝ I'd like to see you TRY!! ❞ In unison, they started to move, heavy pawsteps trailing a half circle as they prowled closed to each other, tense and ready for anything. The words pointing out his size made him scoff, and he was about to retort when orange fur once again became a blur.

'She's fast!!'

Maybe it was his thoughts being distracted on thinking of a response, to be just as witty towards his attacker as she was with him. Maybe it was the sounds of the brawl around him, his want to check in on his multitude of clanmates pulling his mind from his opponent. Or maybe it was just the fact that the molly had fast paws, quick and agile in practice from catching so many slippery scaled prey that lived in the running water of the river. Either way, her first lash out struck hard, landing her blow to his throat and chin.

Once he felt claws catch skin, starting to tear through the delicate area of his neck, he reared back. Front paws came up as he put most of his weight onto his hind legs, raising himself to his full stretched out height. The orange molly's curved knives tore through flesh as he pulled back, having hooked into the taut skin under his muzzle. It hurt to rip it out, blood spilling immediately from under his maw. He was lucky that it didn't rip through to his teeth. It would nost definitely scar, but he had plenty from previous battles, had suffered many injuries in the past and this was just another to add to his collection.

My clanmates may be small, BUT THEY HAVE TWICE AS MUCH FIGHTING PROWESS THAN YOU COULD EVER!! ❞ He had seen it time and time again. The smallest of their group were always the ones with the most ferocity. The ones to jump into the fight without a single word of protest and would come out on top. Much like their own leader who always used her size as an advantage. Just like he would at this moment!

A pawstep was taken back as he balanced himself before he let gravity take over. With the weight of his entire upper body, the large tabby bore down on the equally large molly, bringing a polydactyl paw down hard towards her head. Jaggedoak hoped his claws would find purchase in whatever loose skin he might hit, maybe even ripping open an ear that was perked above those blue and orange eyes. However, that wasn't his main purpose for his drop. Ideally, the impact of his heavy body and the gravity that went with it would daze his opponent enough so he could lash out towards their weak point in his next attack.

Current HP: 17/20

//OOC: Attacking @Redpath. Rolled 3 to defend and REVENGE 6 ON ATTACK YOOOO
// TLDR: Took the deep wound to his lower chin, def will scar. Might have scratched against the bone of his lower jaw. Rose onto his hind legs and came down with all his weight to smack her upside the head, hoping to concuss/daze and catch any loose skin with his claws.

⊱ ♞ ⊰
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The other does not go down without struggle, but that in itself is weak. Heathclaw does not flinch at the yelp of pain, though his nerves are far from settled. The tom only frowns down at the sight, keeping him pinned the best he can. He blusters a sigh, "Food," he tells him, not condescendingly. Only with the tone of a soul exasperated. Surely you've heard of it, may have followed, but he was not here to further aggravate his enemy. "It is newleaf. He held no prey in his jaws." Had it been, had he been, Heath may have understood. Any more the silver tom has to say is cut off by the bubbling of their own blood.

That brief moment of distraction is when the tom would surge again. This time there is a modicum of strength there, and Heathclaw staggers backward, hazel gaze sharpened to focus once again. For the neck, again– intent to kill? His gaze would harden at the thought. As the snapping jaws loom closer, seeking skin, Heathclaw would try to incessantly rake claws along whatever was in reach – potentially dragging along his chest or scraping against a locked jaw. "Stand down–!" Words gasped between the rumblings of a growl. His body flashes alarm bells as teeth meet flesh, and his efforts become more vigorous.

  • HEATHCLAW: he / him; cisgender male, 42 moons. moor - runner of windclan.
    — bisexual with no clear preference. single.
    — low, rumbling voice with a noticeable, but not overbearing southern drawl.
    — goes with the tides. if loyalty is what will benefit him, so be it. independent but amicable.

    — for windclan – a tall and broad chocolate tabby tom with half a tail. Smattered with smaller scars, the most obvious being a sharp cut across his lower jaw and eye, that of which is half-blind. Sharp-jawed with an intense hazeled stare; lost most of his tail due to an incident when he was younger.

"nothing but pain on the edge of a knife"

Pine was late to the fight, but that wasn't going to stop him from sinking his claws into the moorlanders. He'd seen Cindershade run off earlier, and he sent a quick prayer to Starclan that his mentor was okay before diving into the fray. Ducking between claws and teeth, the young apprentice looked for anyone needing help or an opponent of his own.

//open to attacks and moderate wounds! idk how to do dice rolls but if someone shows me we're good <3

✦ ★ ✦

(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ Shit!
The weight of the tom's paws come smashing down, one even manages to land on the head that went to bite for a leg. Her face is slammed into the dirt and her body shortly follows her into the dust. An ear piercing shriek blares from her maw, a call for aid as she prepares for the stinging of claws as she tries to squirm and buck rear limbs, her goal was not to harm but to break free.

Just when she needs it her backup arrives, she can't tell who but there is a flash of brown fur colliding with the tom who hovered over her. If her squirming and his attack is enough to set her free she would hop onto her paws and try to go in for another attack with her clan-mate, this time she aims to sink her fangs into his scruff.

//Second paragraph is VERY hypothetical! No problem with me at all if she's still trapped :D im all for it
attacking/trying to escape @SUNSTRIDE
— tags
──⇌•〘 INFO It works— she's caught in the snare of his jaws and she's pinned to RiverClan ground. She's squirming mightily, but his leverage has made it more difficult for her to escape than for him to bear down. He tastes blood and his gut howls for more, for the snap of skin and sinew and bone. But the doubts return to plague him, a warrior's most fearsome enemy. She's not yet seen twelve moons. WindClan apprentices gather here and face death for Juniperfrost, but he threatened her son. I would not have deceived my clan, but neither would I have answered the threat with inaction.

His grip loosens and he backs away, though the whip of her paw adds a new scratch to his cheek. He draws in a deep breath and does not re-engage, circling her again. "You are no kit, but I scruffed you like one." It is not gloating. "If you had to choose between everyone here," he gestures across the battleground, "and Hyacinthbreath, what would be your choice? What would Cicadastar's be?"


The blue she-cat grunts, Lilybloom's claws grazing her ear. Lilybloom has to give the other she-cat credit though - despite Lilybloom deftly dodging some of her attacks, Bluepool is persistent and does not give in. It makes Lilybloom glad that they are not conversing through this. Not that she's sure what they would have to say to one another. Lilybloom saw no point in pleading for them to retreat, WindClan had already proven they were beyond reasoning and sense with this attack. Much like how it had been with SkyClan.

Preparing herself for some retaliation, Lilybloom watches as Bluepool launched herself at her, and manoeuvered herself so she was blocking the sun. Lilybloom deduces what the warrior is trying to do almost too late, not being quick enough to avoid getting slightly dazzled by the sun, but having enough of her wits about her to sidestep out of the way before Bluepool can pin her to the ground. Lilybloom bares her teeth in a growl in response to the attack, tail lashing angrily. Using Bluepool's momentum against her, Lilybloom dives for her, attempting to jump on her and grasp the scruff of Bluepool's neck, which if successful, she would twist and hope to pull Bluepool back down to the floor.

attacking @Bluepool rolled a 5.
He was far too much in the thick of it to feel guilty about the blood spraying from the WindClan apprentice's face. Maybe after he would, but who knew for sure? He did feel the satisfaction as he tore apart fur, even if his lips were swollen and bloody.

"I don't want to give her the satisfaction that I shed blood for her." He sputtered, speaking too quickly for it to make much sense in the throes of battle. "I had to say it." He envied Gravelpaw. At the very least that apprentice could feel like he was doing something justified. Ravenpaw could not even be sure of what he believed anymore.

Feeling claws sink into his chest, blood spurted but Ravenpaw could not tell against the black of his coat. He lunged his neck forward, aiming to bite down on Gravelpaw's paw and yank his head backward while his body dropped to the ground, hoping to pull them both of the ground with his weight. If successful, the apprentice would aim to viciously bunny-kick the other apprentice.


She hated him. She wanted to just. Strangle and shake him. Chew a paw off, but he had too much hair for that. Not worth it. He seemed so sure of his clanmates, how cute. Rats will always have faith in each other, she supposed.

He reared up threw his weight down on her, paws slamming onto her head and tearing through fur and flesh. The blow was heavy enough to send her staggering, and she knew he would take advantage of it. She had to prepare herself or snap out of it.

Vision still unfocused from the blow and head lowered.... She found herself in the perfect position to strike at his legs. His paws, actually.

With a vicious growl, she lunged to see if her jaws would find purchase on his wrist. At the same time, she would attempt to rake claws down his other leg.
Iciclepaw is morbidly preparing for her death. One movement and the WindClan warrior can crush her throat in his powerful jaws, and she'll be on her way to StarClan. The tortoiseshell continues to swipe out, continues to reach for anything she can grip -- fur, flesh, stone.

There's a release of pressure, and he loosens his grip, stepping back. Her claws nick the soft flesh of his cheek, though he hardly flinches at the thin line of scarlet that begins to drool into the pale mane surrounding his head and neck.

Iciclepaw scrambles to her paws, moving quickly. Back to circling one another. "You are not a kit, but I scruffed you like one." Her skin beneath her dappled coat flushes red with embarrassment. "You got lucky," she hisses. It hadn't been luck, she knows that. This is a cat who has seen moons of battles, and she is not even a warrior yet.

But she faces him as fearlessly as Smokethroat would have. "If you had to choose between everyone here and Hyacinthbreath, what would be your choice?" Iciclepaw's jaw tightens. A flicker of something crosses her face. Doubt. "RiverClan does not owe you any warriors," is all she can say. "And I cannot speak for Cicadastar."

In truth, would she want to lose her life defending the silver tabby? She has seen her father fighting two apprentices, her older sister exchanging blows with a silver-pelted WindClan she-cat. Her mentor brawls with Weaselclaw, Redpath with an enormous brown tabby, Cindershade with the white-faced warrior.

She'd trade Hyacinthbreath's life for theirs, though she will not admit that. Whatever her feelings on the cats who had fled their own Clans, she knows she cannot admit that, not aloud. Let him read what he wants into that, she thinks with determination.

"Enough talk." Iciclepaw darts forward again, this time keeping herself as low to the ground as she can. She aims to leap for him, face-first this time, half-baked tactics forgotten. Her claws are directed at the right side of the light-colored tom's head, aiming for the bridge of a nose, a bit of jaw, a cheek -- anything she can manage to hit.


Another raid. Another one that Straw is participating in, another thing to tie their stomach in to knots, another one to keep them up at night. Strawmoon didn't even particularly like Juniperfrost, they admired his strength but that was about it in their interactions since their duties were so different... And they weren't close, so why were they rushing in to the battlefield alongside their clanmates? Perhaps its the sense of duty they feel for their clan or perhaps its out of obligation to protect their friends from falling in to the same fate Juniper did. Icebreath, Firefang, Dazzlepaw, they all kept them going when things felt rough.

I'm doing it for my friends.

And they hone in on a lone apprentice, selecting their enemy. At this point they fear failure, they'd get their claws on whatever they could to make it back and be praised once more. Orange eyes narrow and they're able to put the guilt aside for just a second as they spring towards the smaller apprentice, hoping to use their weight to knock the other off balance. Riverclan scum! They try to think but it doesn't feel the same as when their clanmates say it. Whatever fuels the fire, right? A paw raises to hopefully bash in to the others jaw, teeth gritting harshly together. If there was anything Straw had on the other, it was weight and their stocky frame. They just... Have to watch out if the other was nimble on their paws.

// engaging @Pinepaw
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Large ears picked up the satisfying sound of contact as he felt his claws tear through thin skin and flesh. He swore he felt the scrape of bone from the heavy downward swipe but thought nothing of it as his front paws finally touched ground again. It was a hard, direct hit and a sly smirk edged its way back onto his muzzle as the molly stumbled and stayed low. A perfect opportunity.

What happened to that speed, fish-breathe?! Can't keep up with big ole me~? ❞ He taunted down at her, teeth flashing as that smirk grew ever wider. Oh, had he missed the revels of battle. To fight a worthy opponent and egg them on with insults and injuries. It was a rush, adrenaline surging through his blood stream and having him focus in on his opponent. A single step was made towards her, as his back legs bunched in preparation for more weight.

Just as he was about to make his next move, that speed of hers seemed to alight once again. Jaggedoak barely noticed in time as she seemed to steady her blurred mind and lash out at his nearest body part: his large paws. If he wasn't already making his next move, her claws and teeth might have found purchase. However, her teeth clacked audibly against air and fur as he lifted his front paws again, just barely in time to avoid the attack. Follicles tore out from his toes, leaving her with teeth clenched around fur, as he lifted himself once again onto his hind legs.

This time, he didn't raise himself as high as he did before, just barely getting his paws over her back so he could throw himself on top of her. She was already lower to the ground, which hopefully made this move even easier. He only hoped she wasn't as slippery as the disgusting fish she hunted. Dropping his front paws downward, Jaggedoak attempted to pin the orange molly under his heavy weight, one paw against her head and the other in the small of her back. Teeth immediately moved to hopefully find purchase against the back of her neck and scruff. If successful, he would be in the perfect position to thrash and tear through whatever flesh he'd get a hold of.

Current HP: 17/20 (No damage)

//OOC: Attacking @Redpath! Rolled a 2 for Defense (BARELY) and a 2 for Attack
//TLDR: Barely avoided the attack against his paws by lifting them up for his next attack. Is attempting to pin Redpath down to tear into her scruff with his teeth and whatever purchase his claws find
⊱ ♞ ⊰
The Riverside smells of blood; it had already been shed long before the war parties had arrived. It still crusted the stones, Juniperfrost's memory would last for as long as rain didn't cascade down from the clouds but it'd last much longer in the pelts of the enemies who paid the price for Hyacinthbreaths continued treachery.

A war cry roars from the young warrior as she rushes into the fray, she wasn't happy to not be in the front lines but regardless she was here now. Here to avenge Juniperfrost and carve these fish-eating little fucks up!
// open for attack​
( )

Like the sway of the willow branches, elegant and soft. The blonde is sprinting across the floor of their home, horror forcing his heart to hammer- the smell of blood, the swarm of the moorland coats, the screeches so piercing it could blind your heart as well as your eyes.

War felt like running with a ripped gut, his only battle so dangerous had been with a rogue . With so many windclanners, Dogteeth could only feel like he was going to die. A roar slices from an unfamiliar maw, rings in his ears. It hurts, their claws will hurt- but Dogteeth had to.

The blonde's teeth peel forth and he aims to collide with @Firefang , using fangs that spear scales, he attempts to snatch the flesh of her shoulder and grasp her with a set of splayed claws.

  • — Dogteeth
    — twenty-five moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle soul / easily upset and sensitive
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • ix6h0aj.jpg