Jul 6, 2022

───── Wolfsong has been the official medicine cat for a moon. History has shown WindClan's healer to be a precarious role, a path that has led to either treason (and exile) or death. Indeed, after the loss of Vulturemask, Wolfsong is keenly aware of the importance of a trained successor, and aims to establish much-needed stability. He looks to the young of WindClan's ranks for a bright, earnest pupil to one day take his place— is this where your character will come to stand?

Before you continue, please ensure you're familiar with every post on this thread: High Position and Semi-High Position Guide

───── IC and OOC activity are a must for this position. Please know that the monthly requirement of posts is 25, as this is the minimum for medicine cat and will be expected when Wolfsong is no longer in the position. Activity in the WindClan discord is also an important measure in my decision. An engaging, friendly medicine cat apprentice is essential!
───── Characters must be pre-existing. I would greatly prefer Wolfsong to have familiarity with his student in some fashion. A character made solely to apply for the role of MCA would be more difficult to justify as far as IC goes, and it would also be difficult for me to gauge the character's consistency.
───── Characters aged 12 and under only. Because the medicine cat position in WindClan has been a bit tumultuous, it's been difficult to establish a more canon-resembling mentor/apprentice pair. For this reason, I will only be considering characters who are a year old at the maximum. I know this might be disappointing for those who are a bit older, but we are trying to move toward a sense of normalcy.
───── Do not spam, guilt-trip, or engage in similar behavior. I'm around fairly consistently in the board and the discord, and I have a fairly good idea of everyone's baseline activity. While I understand feeling motivated by an interesting plot-point for your character, I will reiterate: consistency is key. Further, if you are not chosen, please remain polite and professional. It's okay to be disappointed! I just ask that we all avoid guilt-tripping or otherwise unfriendly behavior.
───── Only apply if you're confident in your longevity. If you're wanting a temporary MCA plot, that is not what I am looking for here. If you intend to still be in the role 6+ months from now, that's great! I'm wanting to avoid a high turnover rate as much as possible, so please be aware that this is not a short-term commitment!

Good luck applying, and know that even if you are not selected, your interest is appreciated!

[B]PLOT IDEAS[/B]: (optional)
CHARACTER NAME: @Periwinklebreeze.
TAGS/BIO: Tags + Full Bio (they also link together but this is easier lol)
PLOT IDEAS: With periwinkle seemingly useless in battle despite his best efforts, there's really only one path left - medicine. Showing more aptitude when it comes to helping than harming, periwinkle doesn't think twice when it comes to offering to follow in vulture and dandys footsteps, even if he's not super enthusiastic about the fact that it is wolfsong teaching him and not his friend. As time passes he begins to think (whether true or not) that this has always been his purpose - that starclan themselves made him 'softer' than his clanmates, made him 'sickly', in order to draw his attention to medicine, to give him that first push. This is his "starclan-given purpose", and he will not falter in his path. Perhaps in the process, he'll even discover a 'cure' to his insomnia, one that has slipped the grasp of the three cats who came before him (aka that poppyseeds can make people sleepy)
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: Periwinkle has always shown a passing interest in medicine due to his aversion to battle, though he's certainly grown into himself these days and is putting much more effort into meeting windclans standards and ideals. In the past he has icly helped both dandelionwish and vulturemask with herb collecting, as well as fetching herbs in times where there was medical emergencies or a lot of patients. I've also previously received staff permission for him to icly know goldenrod + marigold on top of the usual poppy seeds + cobwebs (provided he never attempts to use this knowledge on others) so he's got slightly more knowledge than average. He very much wants to help windclan, who he is extremely loyal to despite the doubts of some of its members, and despite some lingering upset at wolfsongs sudden promotion due to vulturemasks death he has no actual issues with learning under him.
- with the exception of my three hiatuses peri has usually hit the activity shoutout requirement during meetings, and my usual post count with him is between 30-50 a month. even on hiatus this past month for example, he hit 21 posts - more than double that of my other ocs. I do not see this changing any time soon since he is my main oc.
- I have played medicine cats && medicine cats apprentices on multiple other sites, including FF and CC, and am familiar with the IC requirements of the roll
- though I am still inexperienced with the OOC responsibilities and herb system I'm more than willing to work hard to do my best and learn
- as this is his last point in his current timeline where it'd be realistic icly for him to switch paths and take on such a role; and he's right on the cusp age wise (12 moons); i figured i'd throw down an app one last time despite not being sure where he falls on the requirements for ICly being a realistic choice (last i checked its a bit of a mixed bag of opinions on him from the HP's pov)
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MAIN ACCOUNT: @euphoria
TAGS/BIO: tags
PLOT IDEAS: A soft-spirited apprentice who wears her heart in her paws. Whitepaw's personality is always noted as an outlier to most of Windclan for her more empathetic side. Being a tunneler, the young apprentice rarely directly fights, especially with her mentor rarely participating in fighting himself as they are blind. So already, beyond her duties as a tunneler, Whitepaw offers little in benefitting Windclan's warrior force. An option for her is, of course, becoming a medicine cat. A role in the clan that will likely suit her soft nature, and even allow her to make use of it.
Whitepaw also has a very complicated relationship with Starclan. She is balancing on a strange line, where she believes Starclan exists as it is a common belief in her day-to-day life, and hasn't been proven otherwise. But at the same time, she is in a state of constantly wondering, do they truly exist? Being a medicine cat could offer a more stable opportunity for her to cement her beliefs and potentially become even more devout to them.
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: Whitepaw has always been an oddity in the midst of Windclan's more aggressive or assertive characters. She is neither of these traits and even lacks confidence. Of course, there are some characters that offer her help, but being an apprentice to the medicine cat is a suitable option for her to grow into. Whitepaw, while not having any close association or interest in medicine, she did have a fondness for the late Vulturemask, and for most of the higher-ups, she does have a neutral and even high fondness for them as well (some more than others). Her loyalty is a very stable thing and is often directed toward those she respects and is fond of, but as all individuals, she extends her loyalty to are apart of Windclan, it is easy to assume that her loyalty to Windclan remains a solid thing.
- As of the current moment, with the exception of my tech class, my most active character is Whitepaw, and she will likely remain a priority character for me. Regardless if I get the role or not, she will still remain as active as I can possibly keep her amidst playing her and my other characters.
- I am somewhat inexperienced when it comes to healers & shps (unless roblox rps count?? then i guess i have some lmao), however I also acknowledge it won't hurt to apply anyways, just to see if I have an opportunity to earn said experience.
- I'm also willing learn to the herb system as well, and i'll always be willing to help out OOC too!
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CHARACTER NAME: @cottonpaw
False Prophecy - With the turnover rate of recent medicine cats and the rise of the unknown illness, it is widely agreed upon that having two sets if working paws in the medicine den would be better than one. And yet, who should be chosen as the second? Whilst Wolfsong is fully capable of picking his own apprentice, perhaps a nudge from... "StarClan," would help him decide. A cotton bud arrives suddenly by his paws, signaling the next medicine cat.
> Ideally with this plot, someone close to Cottonpaw would attempt to rig the choice in her favor. It would be interesting ICly if Sootstar (or one of her dedicated followers) plant the idea in hopes of creating a steadier future for WindClan by promoting someone impressionable yet devout and loyal.
> Initially, Cottonpaw would not know the truth of the prophecy. However down the line, perhaps after a bit of fumbling on her part, it is revealed that her paws were never meant to handle herbs (preferably by the one who rigged it in the first place.) Instead of abandoning the role, Cottonpaw works ever harder to continue the rouse and be the medicine cat that her Clan deserves, and someone to be proud of.

Distant Companions - In hinting that Magpiepaw may die, should he attempt to be anything more than a stranger to her, Cottonpaw proves to be incredibly loyal to WindClan and desperate for her father's approval. Becoming Wolfsong's apprentice would put her in the unfortunate position of being Magpiepaw's equal across Clans, forcing her to further confront her words, affections for the tom, and alignment with her own Clan.
> I do not see a future where Cottonpaw would ever abandon WindClan, so whatever infatuation she has for Magpiepaw is truly dead in the water. However it would be incredibly fun to explore her addressing it and covering it up until it truly dissipates - if it ever does.
> On the other hand, if Magpiepaw becomes aggressive with her because if the incident, then instead it would be fun to explore two medicine cat (apprentices) dreading gatherings and moonstone visits that involve one another, constantly biting the other's tail and making everything miserable.

Thrice mentored - If made medicine cat apprentice, Cottonpaw would be reassigned mentors for a third time. And although it is divine intervention that causes it this go around, she feels guilty for having to separate from her mentor again. She would seek out Scorchstreak for continued tunneler training, as if anything, having a medicine cat capable of checking the tunnels for herbs would be helpful.
> She would continue to seek battle training from Scorchstreak, as well, however would likely also ask Wolfsong for pointers after seeing that they fight differently. Cottonpaw would want well rounded training at that point - in hopes to make use of her mentors rather than discard them.
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: I've had the idea for months, now, of someone being chosen by "prophecy" akin to Mothwing in the books! Cottonpaw (along with the other Sootweasel kittens) have the privilege of their parents being just zany enough to possibly rig the whole thing, especially now that they both believe StarClan to have abandoned them to a degree.
Otherwise, Cottonpaw is my primary character and I focus on her when I can. I do think that her curiosity and stubborn behavior would also suit medicine cat business well! With the plague plot on the horizon, too, it would make IC sense to bring in someone quick to acclimate and eager to learn.
- I've not had an HP on TT yet, which is just to say that I would like some grace with the learning curve! I have no experience with the herb system, either. Of course I am full and ready to learn and would love to translate some of the silly mess ups into Cottonpaw's experience as well.
- And with full transparency, I would strive for 25 posts a month, however I am a new mother and of course my child's needs must come first. I would tackle open threads and those Cottonpaw is tagged in first and as soon as possible for me.
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TAGS/BIO: here (they are a work in progress but I am finishing them soon!)
-Currently Mouse is part of the loner rogue plot, so a potential plot I see that could happen with him would be to get to know his clanmates better and how important they can be whether they come from a "pure" WindClan background or not and eventually when the time comes for the loyalist plot to happen, he could have an internal battle with himself before ultimately staying due to his now better relationship with the cats of WindClan.
-Mouse is very full of himself, and if chosen as medicine cat - despite not properly liking it at first - he would consider himself better than others until something happens where he's unable to help. It could be a tunnel collapses to the point of cats getting injured - maybe a death or such a bad injury that he doesn't know how to help without Wolfsong's help - or something more simple, but he doesn't know how to help and has to admit that, which causes him to mope for a few days before coming to the conclusion (likely with Wolfsong's help) that asking for help is fine, and that starts his steady incline to being a better clanmate to those he used to bully.
-Speaking of bullying, Mouse has bullied plenty. Some successfully, some not so much, and maybe there could be some cats hesitant to get his help due to this, causing Mouse to have to ask them for forgiveness (something he might not want to do depending on how early in his apprenticeship this would be) and make him have to properly come to terms with the bad things he's done to his clanmates.
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: Mousepaw is my main character, and I want even more of an excuse to post with him (I'm already going to go ham either way, I just love this little gremlin too much) and I would love to write a "redemption" arc for him. He'd still be grumpy and in character but I feel like despite being hesitant and not wanting to fully commit at first, with the training and potential plots for him he could become a good medicine cat in the future. He wants what's best for the clan, and at the moment due to the way his parents and mentor (all npc's) are teaching him, his best for WindClan is very extreme, but he would be able to learn a less extreme best for the clan, and would love to help make sure it's the best it can be.
-At this time Mouse hasn't reached the 25 post per month limit, but now that vacations are over and work will be slowing down for me soon I know that I can make the 25/month limit at minimum for him if chosen
-I am familiar with the herb system due to playing medicine cats on past sites, though this was years ago and also included being able to use things such as human bandages, ripped up clothing, and even metal to help make it easier, but I'd love to learn how it works without the use of those items!
-I'm excited to see all the applications and see who's chosen!
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CHARACTER NAME: @Morningsong~
- Someone he dislikes depends on him for survival and he must overcome his dislike to save their life.
- Considering his heritage, I can see him being openly challenged on his position. This can either make him work harder to prove himself, or be like "Starclan chose me for a reason, who are you to criticize them??" He will definitely use Windclan's extreme faith in Starclan to his advantage.

- Pretty open to other plots though tbh whatever happens happens

WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: Morningsong is based on an old oc of mine who was a healer and I feel like it's FATE.

ok but because they're similar, I think him going this direction would really bring out his character. Morningsong is kind and compassionate, but he holds grudges. He remembers who's wronged him. If he gets put in this position, I think it would be interesting to see what he chooses to do when given a patient he doesn't like or an obstacle that challenges his morals. He will have lives in his paws, and the power to end them or save them. I think this will also possibly feed into a more arrogant personality, possibly even a god complex.

I think it would really kick into gear his theme of balance between light and darkness, and it would be interesting to see if his kinder side or his darker side wins him over. He wont become outright villainous, but definitely a doctor you don't want to cross. He'll still take his work very seriously, but if you're dying and you're on his bad side, he's much more likely to write you off as a lost cause than someone else who's on his good side. He'll give snide remarks and rub salt in the wound so to speak to his dying enemies, but give his friends and those who have not wronged him his utmost care and compassion. Both will be healed, but only one will have a good hospital stay.

He will (try to) stay on Starclan's good side, I don't intend for him to go down any dark forest routes unless something happens somewhere along the line.


I know I wasn't the most active with him in July, but I do intend to use him more! Im pretty tired all the time but I think with something to focus on, I'll do pretty good. Plus July just sucked in general. I also want to play a mc/mca at least once! something about picking plants and leaves man.​
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MAIN ACCOUNT: @/bellus
TAGS/BIO: here!
— i think it would be fun to make sedge a field medic! sedge's quick on his feet and an adept fighter. since windclan's such a battle-focused clan, having a healer who can take to the battlefield and stabilize the severely wounded could fit in. of course, this would be a pretty dangerous job, so sedge would have to form close connections with his clanmates in order to rely on them to keep him safe as he tends to the wounded.
——> he might also want to develop a system where the severely wounded can be escorted to the tunnels for a quicker and safer escape?

— i've been kinda wanting sedge to get closer to starclan regardless if he's mca or not, so i think it'd be neat if he were in the position that he could (eventually and theoretically) communicate with them. he's also loyal to windclan to a fault, so if he got any forewarning about the windclan's downfall or anything, his efforts would be turned toward saving windclan rather contributing to its dismantling. like, "everyone can be good, even you sootstar!" sort of deal. he sticks with people through thick and thin and would genuinely want windclan to be the best it can be.

— he's pretty friendly and empathetic, so he might eventually be able to gain a rapport with medicine cats from other clans, hopefully building back some of the bridges that have been burned! that's definitely a plot for the more distant future though methinks.
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: i think sedge has naturally reached a point where he's interested in being a medicine cat. i didn't originally intend it for the character when i made him, but after some events ic, it felt like a natural anchor for him. i think that he genuinely cares about the cats of windclan and would be eager to learn the trade. he also kinda has this fondness for wolfsong and other younger cats in a familial way that i think would be fun to explore.
ANYTHING ELSE?: i am a full time college student (last year of undergrad babeyy!!) who also works part time. ik that no one can predict the future, but i really do want to be respectful of the position and for everyone else involved, so it's my goal to be super open and communicative in case there ever reaches a point when the post limit / otherwise becomes too much for me to handle at a certain time. also theoretically like...finals weeks should be that time for me, but i usually procrastinate so hard that i end up posting more than i would otherwise, soooo...take that as you will lol.
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CHARACTER NAME: @heatherpaw !!
TAGS/BIO: these bad boys
- Heatherpaw is under the development of becoming increasingly radical in his belief of StarClan. He believes StarClan is more punishing than merciful, and sees death as a punishment for a sin a cat has committed or a warning to improve. Heatherpaw lost his father, taking that as a punishment for still loving an outsider to WindClan and also lost his mother, which he took as punishment for forgiving her to continue loving an outsider. This has skewed his perception of death to not always be something within a medicine cats control at all, and may very clearly effect his methods of healing.

- In the position of an MCA, Heatherpaw may start to perceive himself in a much bigger role to play, believing himself to be a direct mouthpiece from StarClan. With his beliefs already a bit turned around or exaggerated, he may pursue fake messages to spread across his Clan if not others. If its not been made clear enough, even as a warriors apprentice this man is obsessed with StarClan or being approved in the eyes of these starry ancestors.

- With the above plot in mind, if Sootstar were to continue pretending to preach the word of StarClan, Heatherpaw is an easy mind to manipulate. He could be torn between the teachings of deciphering omens and messages from Wolfsong, and the messages Sootstar may want him to believe as well. Given how Heatherpaw is already so sheltered and has rarely even interacted with a cat outside of WindClan, he would have no reason not to trust his leader over the other medicine cats, ever.

- He and Wolfsong have butted heads before and while most of it is due to Heatherpaws age and lack of life experience this would make an interesting dynamic. Perhaps Wolfsong sees a battered boy with the weight of his recent loss and sees it as a perfect opportunity to show him his lost kin are always with him. Even if he can't always see them. Their relationship grows from a boy thinking hes too good for the lessons from his elders to two close companions, come together by their need to work together and save the lives of their Clan. (especially with the oncoming plague)

WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: From the start of Heatherpaw's creation he has been envious of anyone who can communicate with StarClan. One of his earliest threads includes him sharing this desire with his best friend, and this has followed through to still be true several months later. While healing may not be his primary focus, his goal would be the same as a medicine cats; to provide aid to his clan and relief when they desperately need it. Heatherpaw's main drive is to be a main provider for his Clan, even currently going so far as to make connections with Snakehiss to help one another achieve this in their prospective professions as moor runner and tunneler. While it's not a perfect motivation, he is still with the mind of a child and as he grows and matures with the guidance of Wolfsong he can curate this motivation into something more useful than just constant competition within his own ranks.

I have not ever made 25 posts in a single month with heatherpaw, but it could easily happen. He was introduced in late may in the midst of me fixing my new house and i still was able to make 15 posts with him. June he was absent due to me revamping his character into something more sustainable which is where he is at right now, with 18(?) posts for the month of july. it would not be hard at all for me to consistently make 25+ posts with him with a bit more consistency
I have not played a medicine cat or mca on any rp group ive been on. not for lack of interest, but more so for lack of opportunity. i think the onky thing i would really struggle with is the learning curve of herb control and rolls which i will have time to learn until wolfsongs time as medcats decidedly over
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Thank you all for your applications! All of these guys have so much potential, and we appreciate the time you've taken sharing them with us!

The interest checks are now closed and the HP team is discussing. Expect an announcement tomorrow at the very latest!