Jun 7, 2022

Welcome! After all the hard work Windclan has put into preparing for leaf-bare, it's finally arrived - and with it, a fun new set of prompts! This is the Windclan December Advent, a casual-paced prompt event! Over the course of the month you will be able to post in winter-related threads centered around weekly prompts, and at the end participants can win themselves a sparkly new badge!

The goal of the event is simple - Submit prompts for points! Points earned are the same for all users regardless of if you make a thread or reply to one, but certain types of threads earn slightly more points in order to encourage character interactions. The points are as follows:
public: 3 points private: 2 points oneshot: 1 point​

Each weekly prompt can only be submitted once per character. Extra replies in one thread, or reusing a prompt in multiple threads won't add to your total points. If you do use a prompt multiple times, you are allowed to pick which one you submit for points!
You may write threads/replies for each prompt week without having to wait for the actual date, however the dates marked will grant double points if you submit in that week (or days, for the bonus prompt)! You can post anytime during the month of december, including after the week is over.
Prompts must be labeled to count - you can do this by putting a snowflake symbol (any kind will do!) into the title of the thread or the ooc note of your post. You don't, however, need to specify what prompt you're following every time, as long as it's clear in your writing.
The Event will end January 4th at 11:59pm MST - an extension given due to the site downtime. Posts made after this deadline will not be counted towards the event.
In order to receive a badge you must earn at least 8 points. In order to receive a symmetrical headshot from Vulture you must earn at least 12 points. In order to receive a flatcolor fullbody from Kitty-Kat- you must earn at least 20 points. Points will be calculated per character. The maximum possible points that can be earned is 30 - theres no prize for hitting this number sorry, but if you do it you'll get fun bragging rights! ​


December 1st–7th: Winter Wonderland
– After all of windclans preparation, leafbare is here in full force! Write about anything weather related - snow, ice, storms, getting cold, warming up together, etc.​
December 8th–14th: Sweet Treats
– While cats might not get candy and cocoa, they can still celebrate with other foods! Write about anything food related, be it finding strange bits-and-bobs leftover from the twolegs (gelt, candy canes, ginger bread) or something more normal (sharing prey, a successful hunt).​
December 15th–21st: Decorating the Tree
– How does your character celebrate the season? Write about anything decoration related - lights or a tree at the horseplace, nest making, finding an ornament, etc.​
December 22nd–28th: Giving
– The holidays are also a time of giving - write about your character doing something something in the spirit of the holidays, like an act of kindness or giving someone a gift.​
December 24th–25th Bonus Prompt:Family
– What does family mean to you? For bonus points, write about your character's thoughts on family, spending time with their loved ones, or thinking about those who are no longer with them.​
December 29th–January 4th: Free Post
– The holidays can be busy for everyone, so spend this time getting to any posts you couldn't! For the last few days, posting any of the previous prompts allows you to earn the same bonus as posting it during the original week would have!​

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