won't do you no good ╱ testing


────name here. took the suffix as warrior names became part of their culture, but prefers onyx.
────  warrior of skyclan, and former member of the pine group. joined approximately a year ago.
────  twenty-four moons old,  ages on the first of the month.  rocky x brook + littermate to slate.

Onyx had always looked forward to his future. From the early days, learning to walk and play with his littermates, the words of their mother and father pervaded his mind. He was handsome, and perfect, and he would have a family. It was meant to be an achievement, adoption.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent aliquam posuere tellus in eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sodales diam dolor.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.
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text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • full information.
    ARCHANGEL,  angel.   might accept others,  rather begrudgingly at times.
    ──── uses he - him + masc titles;  will accept others with bemusement.
    ──── about 39 moons old, born during the full of greenleaf. acts older.
    ──── bisexual, singleish?  mostly here for a good time, not a long time.

    a tall, short-haired black tomcat with odd splashes of white and intense blue eyes that seem silvery in most lighting. he has a very lean build, with notably long legs and wiry strength. a stray cat from a busier area of the twolegplace, and a lifetime ass. a flawed creature with his heart in the right place, and a deep desire to change the world around him.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#d6d1d0]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ〚  OOC NOTES][b][color=#d6d1d0]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=INFORMATION][fright][b][s]full information[/s][/b].
[center][img width=60px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/49315884_jrL4xu085OdhqKc.png[/img][/center][/fright] [b]ARCHANGEL,  angel[/b].   [i]might accept others,  rather begrudgingly at times[/i].
──── uses [b]he - him[/b] + masc titles;  will accept others with bemusement.
──── about [b]39 moons[/b] old, born during the full of greenleaf. acts older.
──── [b]bisexual[/b], singleish?  mostly here for a good time, not a long time.

a  tall, short-haired black tomcat with odd splashes of white and intense blue eyes that seem silvery in most lighting. he has a very lean build, with notably long legs and wiry strength. a stray cat from a busier area of the twolegplace, and a lifetime ass. a flawed creature with his heart in the right place, and a deep desire to change the world around him.[/tab]
Last edited by a moderator:
text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • ──── nightshade: a loner that resides primarily around windclan's horseplace.
    ──── approximately 30 moons old. uses she - her - hers, but tolerates others.
    ──── sexuality unknown. twitchy about romance, or any closeness in general.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#adbe90]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ〚  OOC NOTES][b][color=#adbe90]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=INFORMATION]──── nightshade: a loner that resides primarily around windclan's horseplace.
──── approximately 30 moons old. uses she - her - hers, but tolerates others.
──── sexuality unknown. twitchy about romance, or any closeness in general.[/tab]
text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • ──── houndstride. trans male, he - him - his pronouns.
    ──── over three years old. born late december of 2020.
    ──── bisexual but with a heavy masc preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • formidable opponent. scrappy and quick on his feet, with a penchant for annoying and inconveniencing opponents with his skill at using his surroundings and attacking and retreating to force a chase. currently exhausted from the conflict with windclan, and will likely prefer to stay close and tank blows instead.

    ──── peaceful powerplay allowed. minor or moderate injuries do not need discussion.
    ──── please avoid eye trauma and wounds that would take him out of work for weeks.
    ──── will start fights ╱ will join fights ╱ will kill or maim when it becomes necessary.
    ──── will not end a fight or retreat by choice ╱ refuses to chase retreating opponents.
  • "speech"

[box=65%][justify][color=#c4c4c4][fright][img height=200px]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/743612459495194646/1065326460883173537/hound_circle_yellow.png[/img][/fright] text [b][color=#d3bd64]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=﹥ˏˋ〘  OOC NOTES][b][color=#d3bd64]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=INFORMATION]──── houndstride. trans male, he - him - his pronouns.
──── over three years old. born late december of 2020.
──── bisexual but with a heavy masc preference; single.

──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.[/tab]
[tab=BATTLE TAGS][b][color=#d3bd64]formidable opponent.[/color][/b] scrappy and quick on his feet, with a penchant for annoying and inconveniencing opponents with his skill at using his surroundings and attacking and retreating to force a chase. currently exhausted from the conflict with windclan, and will likely prefer to stay close and tank blows instead.

[fright][img width=70px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/49429749_5KtCykAsgHuis7X.png[/img][/fright] ──── peaceful powerplay allowed. minor or moderate injuries do not need discussion.
──── please avoid eye trauma and wounds that would take him out of work for weeks.
──── [b][color=#d3bd64]will[/color][/b] start fights ╱ will join fights ╱ will kill or maim when it becomes necessary.
──── will not end a fight or retreat by choice ╱ refuses to chase retreating opponents.[/tab]
Last edited by a moderator:
text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • frogpaw_finished.png
    —— npc x npc, has several npc siblings. mentored by snakeblink.
    —— loyal to riverclan, but somewhat uncertain of his place there.
    —— unknown sexuality. single, not actively looking or interested.

    a lanky, slender black smoke with low white and soft blue eyes. his ears are gently curled, and each paw has at least one extra toe, making them seem broader and larger than a typical cat's.
  • a poor fighter. though frogpaw knows the basics of a fight, he cannot rely on hitting power or an ability to tank blows. he instead leans on agility and cleverness as well as his mobility in the water, seeking to catch opponents off guard or out of their element to give him an advantage. even then, it is if anything levelling the field– he is passable, but does not excel.

    —— please avoid eye trauma or injuries that would take weeks to heal ╱ minor or moderate wounds do not require ooc plotting, but major do.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#557283]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ〚  OOC NOTES][b][color=#557283]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=REFERENCE][center][img height=250px]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/971207689533263933/1064624054427996290/frogpaw_finished.png[/img][/center][/tab]
—— npc x npc, has several npc siblings. mentored by snakeblink.
—— loyal to riverclan, but somewhat uncertain of his place there.
—— unknown sexuality. single, not actively looking or interested.

a lanky, slender black smoke with low white and soft blue eyes. his ears are gently curled, and each paw has at least one extra toe, making them seem broader and larger than a typical cat's.[/tab]
[tab=BATTLE TAGS][b][color=#557283]a poor fighter.[/color][/b] though frogpaw knows the basics of a fight, he cannot rely on hitting power or an ability to tank blows. he instead leans on agility and cleverness as well as his mobility in the water, seeking to catch opponents off guard or out of their element to give him an advantage. even then, it is if anything levelling the field– he is passable, but does not excel.

—— please avoid eye trauma or injuries that would take weeks to heal ╱ minor or moderate wounds do not require ooc plotting, but major do.[/tab]
text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • GRIZZLYRIDGE. world-weary warrior of skyclan.
    ──── uses he - him - his, may accept they - them - theirs.
    ──── about four years old.  a former pine group member.
    ──── homoromantic homosexual, but this may develop.

    a large, broad-shouldered highlander cat with lightly tufted curled ears and large paws made larger by extra toes. a solid seal point with only a small white marking on his muzzle and deep blue eyes.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#4e6d93]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ〚  OOC NOTES][b][color=#4e6d93]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=INFORMATION][fleft][b]GRIZZLYRIDGE.[/b] [i]world-weary warrior of skyclan.[/i]
──── uses [b]he - him - his[/b], may accept [b]they - them - theirs[/b].
──── about [b]four years old.[/b]  a former pine group member.
──── [b]homoromantic homosexual[/b], but this may develop.

a large, broad-shouldered highlander cat with lightly tufted curled ears and large paws made larger by extra toes. a solid seal point with only a small white marking on his muzzle and deep blue eyes.[/fleft][/tab]
text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • trimmed_lichen.png
    ──── lichenthroat, with lichen predating the clans, and -throat referring to his distinct marking. an adult, ages the 1st.
    ──── warrior of skyclan, and previous member of the pine group. dislikes (most) daylight warriors and kittypets on sight.
    ──── dmab. uses he - him or occasionally they - them pronouns. single; his sexuality is unknown and undiscussed.
    ──── i should note that all his opinions are in character. ^^;


    a tall, deceptively sturdy long-haired tom with soft, curly white fur smattered by deep, watery blue around his chest. he has large, conical, slightly tufted ears, long legs, and a massive feathery tail.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#496b7d]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ〚  OOC NOTES][b][color=#496b7d]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=INFORMATION][fleft][img width=200px]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/743612459495194646/1090058201426301008/trimmed_lichen.png[/img][/fleft] ──── [b][color=#496b7d]lichenthroat[/color][/b], with [i]lichen[/i] predating the clans, and -throat referring to his distinct marking. an adult, ages the 1st.
──── warrior of skyclan, and previous member of the pine group. dislikes (most) daylight warriors and kittypets on sight.
──── [b][color=#496b7d]dmab[/color][/b]. uses he - him or occasionally they - them pronouns. single; his sexuality is unknown and undiscussed.
──── i should note that all his opinions are in character. ^^;

[img width=353px]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/743612459495194646/1090055612697686077/border_short.png[/img]

a tall, deceptively sturdy long-haired tom with soft, curly white fur smattered by deep, watery blue around his chest. he has large, conical, slightly tufted ears, long legs, and a massive feathery tail.[/tab]
Last edited by a moderator:


HEIGHT: 12" (shoulder)
WEIGHT: 10 lbs (approx)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent aliquam posuere tellus in eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sodales diam dolor.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.
thick fur ───○────────────── thin fur
long claws ──────○─────── short claws
dark eyes  ────────────○──  light eyes  
tall ───○──────────────────  short
muscular  ───○─────────────── thin
long tail ───────○───────── short tail
small ears  ──────────○──── large ears
triangular face  ────────○──  square face


a broad, heavy-maned chocolate tabby tom with glacial seaglass eyes and an underside of white.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent aliquam posuere tellus in eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sodales diam dolor.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.
idealistic ─────○──────── pragmatic
thoughtful ──────○────── impulsive
extrovert  ──○───────────  introvert
polite ─────○───────────── rude
collected ──────────○────  chaotic
political ──○─────────── indifferent
political ──○─────────── indifferent
political ──○─────────── indifferent
positive: charismatic, passionate, clever, fearless.
neutral: competitive, ambitious, stubborn, strict.
negative: arrogant, irascible, untrusting, moody.
hidden: irresolute, educated, definitely more lol.

●● patience
●● empathy
●● honesty
●● spirituality
●● happiness
●● warmth
●● humor
●●● ambition
●● volatility

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent aliquam posuere tellus in eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sodales diam dolor.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent aliquam posuere tellus in eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sodales diam dolor.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem. "speech"

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#ba9c91]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ〚  OOC NOTES][b][color=#ba9c91]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=05.20.2023][b][color=#ba9c91]────[/color][/b] duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
[b][color=#ba9c91]────[/color][/b] blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
[b][color=#ba9c91]────[/color][/b] does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

[b][color=#ba9c91]────[/color][/b] an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.[/tab]
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text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • ──── barkjaw, with bark referring to his dark coloration, and jaw to his acidic words as well as his debilitating bite.
    ──── warrior of thunderclan, and previous member of the marsh group. strong dislike for other clans, though he is not cruel.
    ──── uses he - him only, and will not respond to anything else. single, despite a lightly flirtatious nature.

    a surprisingly short chocolate tabby, though with a powerful stance and solid build that projects a greater size in competency. his eyes are pale and harsh, an intense light mint.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#e3e7a3]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ〚  OOC NOTES][b][color=#e3e7a3]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=INFORMATION]──── [b][color=#e3e7a3]barkjaw[/color][/b], with [i]bark[/i] referring to his dark coloration, and jaw to his acidic words as well as his debilitating bite.
──── warrior of thunderclan, and previous member of the marsh group. strong dislike for other clans, though he is not cruel.
──── uses he - him only, and will not respond to anything else. single, despite a lightly flirtatious nature.

a surprisingly short chocolate tabby, though with a powerful stance and solid build that projects a greater size in competency. his eyes are pale and harsh, an intense light mint.[/tab]
CREATED 04.12.23. UPDATED 04.15.23. APP PENDING – 04.15

named for the red that blooms across his pelt, and in memory of his father’s dear friend; treasures his name and the reasoning given for it, if such a thing would have been shared.

potential suffixes: i have no ideas just yet but they'll go here

─── currently undecided if he is a sterile dmab tortoiseshell, or a trans man— app will be updated accordingly once decided.
─── would currently have an uncertain relationship with his family, but would try to repair it. though he loves his parents, he does not understand his mother’s depression and may have at times been frustrated with it, though it is borne out of love. he struggles to come to terms with her current state, but is doing his best to love her throughout it while still hoping she will once again be the mother she was.
─── would indeed hate windclan with a passion, and as such is a little wary of coyotepaw, though is warming up readily and is prepared to forgive entirely with one last promise from his adoptive brother that he will never leave again.

─── ambitious, but only in his desire to emulate his parents. at the moment, he wants little more than to be a lead warrior like his father one day, though this may develop into something more or dissipate entirely with age.
─── likely polyamorous, or at least open to the idea of it. will fall in love hard and fast, and sticking to each love with intensity and stubbornness.
thick fur ─────────○────────────── thin fur
long claws ──────○───────────── short claws
dark eyes  ───────────────○─────  light eyes  
tall ───────────○────────────────  short
muscular  ───────○───────────────── thin
long tail ──────────○──────────── short tail
small ears  ─────────────────○─── large ears
triangular face  ──────────○──────  square face

a spiky-furred tortoiseshell with blue eyes, slightly protruding fangs, and very tall ears.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent aliquam posuere tellus in eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sodales diam dolor.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.
idealistic ───────○────── pragmatic
thoughtful ────────○──── impulsive
extrovert  ────○─────────  introvert
polite ────────○────────── rude
collected ───────────○───  chaotic
political ──○─────────── indifferent
political ──○─────────── indifferent
political ──○─────────── indifferent
positive: earnest, independent, reliable, rational.
neutral: competitive, emotional, reckless, proud.
negative: combative, unsure, envious, haughty.
hidden: these'll be added throughout roleplay!

●● patience
●● empathy
●● honesty
●● spirituality
●● happiness
●● warmth
●● humor
●● ambition
●● volatility

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum enim leo, sed euismod magna pretium at. Praesent aliquam id odio quis imperdiet. Praesent eget blandit magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In non arcu et ligula fringilla gravida. Praesent placerat placerat neque, lacinia congue felis interdum ut. Ut tristique maximus euismod. Vestibulum interdum at elit sed varius. Proin condimentum, massa at malesuada posuere, erat velit ultrices purus, at suscipit nibh felis vitae orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent aliquam posuere tellus in eleifend. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam sodales diam dolor.

Sed sodales malesuada dui. Sed et purus scelerisque, sollicitudin leo a, convallis tortor. Quisque id elit ut nisi mollis gravida in in neque. Etiam quis nunc sit amet lectus auctor hendrerit. Nam porta euismod massa, et aliquam ligula feugiat et. Aliquam sed tortor dictum, laoreet libero et, faucibus sapien. Vivamus id tortor neque. Suspendisse iaculis sed dui vitae rhoncus. Donec quis augue facilisis, hendrerit tortor porta, aliquet nulla. Fusce nec ullamcorper ipsum. Sed urna odio, mattis sit amet massa ac, pellentesque ultrices tellus. Fusce porttitor, risus in feugiat finibus, dolor nibh consectetur est, eu placerat nunc mauris et orci. Sed tincidunt, urna laoreet finibus tincidunt, neque mi hendrerit mi, id consectetur dui sem tempor ligula. Fusce at erat eget dolor condimentum mollis. Nullam nec finibus tellus. Mauris sed lacus ipsum. Praesent semper nisl et tincidunt vehicula. Fusce massa elit, gravida porttitor dignissim a, feugiat non erat. Maecenas sit amet augue facilisis, commodo turpis et, lobortis sem.
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text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • karth_trimmed.png
  • ──── buckthorn, previously karth. cis male. reluctant warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── adult, probs around four or five years old, but he doesn't talk about it.
    ──── bisexual,  currently grieving his former mate  who has recently passed.
    ──── a strong-shouldered  brown tabby with  medium fur and  amber eyes.
  • "speech"

text [b][color=#cd844f]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ   ⋆〚  OOC][b][color=#cd844f]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=REFERENCE][center][img height=150px]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/743612459495194646/1069266444048674836/karth_trimmed.png[/img][/center][/tab]
[tab=INFORMATION]──── buckthorn, previously karth. cis male. reluctant warrior of shadowclan.
──── adult, probs around four or five years old, but he doesn't talk about it.
──── bisexual,  currently grieving his former mate  who has recently passed.
──── a strong-shouldered  brown tabby with  medium fur and  amber eyes.[/tab]
a large seal point highlander with a calm, easy warmth. was taken from the shelter and returned to his previous twolegs; currently missing to all of skyclan ───────────────────────  ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

a large seal point highlander with a calm, easy warmth. was taken from the shelter and returned to his previous twolegs; currently missing to all of skyclan ───────────────────────  ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • ──── rosepaw, named for his pelt color + in memory of his father's friend.
    ──── cis male. uses he - him only. unknown sexuality, but decidedly single.
    ──── apprentice of skyclan. mentor undecided/tba. deersong x thistleback.
    ──── five moons old. brother to eveningpaw, sunflowerpaw, and briarpaw.

    a spiky-furred tortoiseshell with blue eyes, slightly protruding fangs, and very tall ears. though still gangly with youth, he is growing to a solid, sturdy build that mimics his father's.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#b8e4ff]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ〚  OOC NOTES][b][color=#b8e4ff]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=INFORMATION]──── [b][color=#b8e4ff]rosepaw[/color][/b], named for his pelt color + in memory of his father's friend.
──── cis male. uses he - him only. unknown sexuality, but decidedly single.
──── apprentice of skyclan. mentor undecided/tba. deersong x thistleback.
──── five moons old. brother to eveningpaw, sunflowerpaw, and briarpaw.

a spiky-furred tortoiseshell with blue eyes, slightly protruding fangs, and very tall ears. though still gangly with youth, he is growing to a solid, sturdy build that mimics his father's.[/tab]
a moor runner apprentice of windclan with black fur splotched by rust-red tabby patches and a large white spot on the back of his neck and electric blue eyes ─────  ・ 。゚🗲

actual signature code lol
[center][box=49%][fleft][img width=100px]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985640899956580383/1118271862263267448/sparkyfix.png[/img][/fleft] [font=times new roman][size=6][b][color=#130d0b]★  (  [s][color=#008081]HELL'S COMIN' WITH ME[/color][/s]  )[/color][/b][/size][/font]
[justify][color=#c4c4c4]a moor runner apprentice of windclan with black fur splotched by rust-red tabby patches and a large white spot on the back of his neck and electric blue eyes [color=#130d0b]────────────────────   [color=#008081]・ 。゚🗲[/color][/color][/color][/justify][/box][/center]/code][/box][/center]
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text "speech"

  • mm_trim_fix.png
  • mm_trim_fix.png
    ──── monsieur mouser, casually known as mouser.
    ──── elderly shelter cat. dmab male, and neutered.
    ancient as he is, life alone is a miracle for mouser. but when one takes in the extent of his scars, it becomes even more so. his dark, silvery-tinged fur is broken up by heavy scarring along his back leg and tail, with one bright yellow eye turned glossy with blindness.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#e9b463]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ《  OOC][fright][img height=100px]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/743612459495194646/1102751676751941785/mm_trim_fix.png[/img][/fright] [b][color=#e9b463]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=05.06.2023][fright][img height=100px]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/743612459495194646/1102751676751941785/mm_trim_fix.png[/img][/fright] ──── monsieur mouser, casually known as [i]mouser[/i].
──── elderly shelter cat. dmab male, and neutered.
ancient as he is, life alone is a miracle for mouser. but when one takes in the extent of his scars, it becomes even more so. his dark, silvery-tinged fur is broken up by heavy scarring along his back leg and tail, with one bright yellow eye turned glossy with blindness.[/tab]
  • Love
Reactions: Floppie
text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • full information.
    VEGAS,  vee  or  v.   accepts others, how happily depends on who it's from.
    ──── uses he - him + masc titles ;  will accept others with bemusement.
    ──── about 26 moons old,  born during early greenleaf or late newleaf.
    ──── gay, singleish. crushes on a broad range of men; doesn't act on it.

    a sleek chocolate point tom with some odd irregularities in his spotting, and a soft length of thicker fur from between his ears and down his spine. his eyes are a soft, mellow blue, though they have a more intense glow in certain lighting. deceptively strong, with the build of one accustomed to work.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#C1D7DE]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ〚  OOC NOTES][b][color=#C1D7DE]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=INFORMATION][fright][b][s]full information[/s][/b].
[center][img]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/30171915_2aCszsciWi4nHKP.png?1643086887[/img][/center][/fright] [b]VEGAS,  vee  or  v[/b].   [i]accepts others, how happily depends on who it's from[/i].
──── uses [b]he - him[/b] + masc titles ;  will accept others with bemusement.
──── about [b]26 moons old[/b],  born during early greenleaf or late newleaf.
──── [b]gay[/b], singleish. crushes on a broad range of men; doesn't act on it.

a sleek chocolate point tom with some odd irregularities in his spotting, and a soft length of thicker fur from between his ears and down his spine. his eyes are a soft, mellow blue, though they have a more intense glow in certain lighting. deceptively strong, with the build of one accustomed to work.[/tab]
text "speech"

  • ooc:
  • coyotethroat ╱╱ he - him. warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── a proficient and charismatic liar; naturally curious and clever, to the point of nosiness.
    ──── acrobatic and stealthy with a love for sneaking about & eavesdropping where he can.
    ──── high dexterity and high charisma, with a love for intrigue of any kind. holds no loyalty.

    a lithe, trim seal point with low white and bright blue eyes. though his fur is very fluffy, it is frequently smoothed down to a sleeker look that shoots up in curls at select places. he tends to be very neat and careful about his appearance, though does not hesitate to get dirty in the moment– just don't expect him to hang around too long after. he has to go groom himself, after all.
  • "speech"

[box=60%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]text [b][color=#95B1B9]"speech"[/color][/b]
[tabs][tab=˗ˏˋ《  OOC][b][color=#95B1B9]ooc:[/color][/b] —[/tab]
[tab=05.08.2023][b][color=#95B1B9]coyotethroat[/color][/b] ╱╱ [i]he - him. warrior of shadowclan.[/i]
──── a proficient and charismatic liar; naturally curious and clever, to the point of nosiness.
──── acrobatic and stealthy with a love for sneaking about & eavesdropping where he can.
──── high dexterity and high charisma, with a love for intrigue of any kind. holds no loyalty.

a lithe, trim seal point with low white and bright blue eyes. though his fur is very fluffy, it is frequently smoothed down to a sleeker look that shoots up in curls at select places. he tends to be very neat and careful about his appearance, though does not hesitate to get dirty in the moment– just don't expect him to hang around too long after. he has to go groom himself, after all.[/tab]