Recent content by Owlheart

  1. Owlheart

    pafp Fleeting Lullaby || Sparring

    There's a conflict of interest within Owlheart, she can hear Chickbloom clearly when he chirps for her to get off of him. Yet she isn't too sure if the tom actually wants her to, she isn't supposed to hold back and there's that assumption that he will state it a little clearer if this was...
  2. Owlheart

    camp no words .. sickness

    She would hope that there would be some sixth sense for if her children are distressed, with the amount of hovering that she does around them whenever she's within camp it should be natural. Yet every time disaster seems to happen she is absent, call it an issue with the fates of StarClan or...
  3. Owlheart

    private But summers in your blood ✶ Morningkit

    Her heart aches, she knows- well, she hopes, that it isn't going to break in this moment. Her resolve has never been particularly strong and she can feel it starting to crumble. There's a deep breath as she scuffs her paw against the earth of the nursery, maw never shifting from a smile even as...
  4. Owlheart

    private Flicking embers into daffodils ✶ Lambkit

    "Of course! This is for you" she chitters, fur puffing out in pride that this so far is a successful exchange. It doesn't seem to be going poorly yet, thank the stars. As terrible as she feels for knocking into her younger sibling it could be worse, thankfully Lambkit is sturdy and seems to roll...
  5. Owlheart

    private But summers in your blood ✶ Morningkit

    Has she made the right call? Owlheart can't speak with certainty, her tail had flicked away from her childs grasp on instinct. Even if she had wanted her to have the feather, this outcome would have been the same. It's a fact that she's unsure if she can grapple with, regret sparks and catches...
  6. Owlheart

    private I would give all this and heaven too ✶ Edenberry

    The world seems a little busier when she emerges from the nursery today, another attempt to appease her daughters mood with a different feather thwarted. She doesn't think Morningkit actually hates her or anything, she hopes so anyways, how much hate can a kit have in her heart anyways...
  7. Owlheart

    private I see it needs sweeping ✶ Cuckookit

    "A moss-snowball" she hums in thought, could that be possible? Potentially, not in some perfect half and half way that she's convinced the child imagines it to be. Something far less impressive could be possible though, of that much she's convinced. "We can try, we'll have to bring the moss...
  8. Owlheart

    private But summers in your blood ✶ Morningkit

    There's a slow blink in surprise as Morningkit's milk teeth find purchase against the toes of her paw. It doesn't hurt, more surprising than anything else. She lets out a soft gasp all the same but doesn't indicate that she's upset at all. Guess I'm lucky she hasn't had sharper teeth grow in...
  9. Owlheart

    pafp Fleeting Lullaby || Sparring

    Brows furrow as Chickbloom avoids her swipe, predictably leaving her open to be swiped at. Chickbloom mustn't be as rusty as he believes he might be if he too noticed it, taking that opportunity to kick her and as a result causing her to stumble back a step. She shakes her fur out in an attempt...
  10. Owlheart

    private Sunlight in the gloom ✶ Ravenkit

    "Are you cold, Ravenkit?" Wide eyes somehow manage to grow wider, expression morphing into something akin to concern. Bending down so she can press her nose to his ears, he was trembling... Yet Ravenkit didn't appear to be too cold. At least not past a threshold that her anxious heart would deem...
  11. Owlheart

    pafp Fleeting Lullaby || Sparring

    There is a hum of thought as Owlheart watches the other cats at the sandy hollow, she has never been fond of fighting. She had barely scraped through that aspect of her warrior's assessment, there had been disastisfaction in that. Chrysaliswing filled that hole of her knowledge, while she isn't...
  12. Owlheart

    private Flicking embers into daffodils ✶ Lambkit

    It's a little warmer today, she noticed pleasantly as she left the warriors den this late morning. The dawn patrols had been assigned, warriors returning from what she hopes were successful hunts. Owlheart wasn't one of them today, she had her own goals in mind to keep her busy though. There is...
  13. Owlheart

    private Disdrometer || Owlheart

    Owlheart resides in the camp clearing, enjoying the chillness in the air. She doesn't particularly like leaf-bare by any means but she finds a certain clarity within the emptiness in the air. It isn't still, there is enough snow and a breeze to keep things movement but the eerie quiet of it is...
  14. Owlheart

    private But summers in your blood ✶ Morningkit

    Presumably to her daughters delight, her whiskers twitch and practically wriggle upon being swatted at. She pays it no mind, a gentle laugh, light as the breeze around them, stems from her. "My, you might become a brawler with such strong paws" she hums at the thought, when a paw goes to swat at...
  15. Owlheart

    private I see it needs sweeping ✶ Cuckookit

    It's strange, to see her kits be able to walk around. To share conversation, no matter how limited. If she thinks about it too much she becomes emotional, which usually happens anyways even if she doesn't. How can she not? It's incredible to see such little bodies develop so rapidly and start to...