Recent content by VULTUREMASK


    oneshot THIS IS THE END // murder/death

    How did he get roped into this? Sharpeye wrinkled his nose as he padded along behind Gale on silent paws. The night bathed the realm around them and cloaked them in the growing shadows cast by the trees and bushes. All discussion about their roles in their little hare-brained mission had now...

    camp ROTTEN FLESH // RC skirmish checkup

    While Wolfsong was handling the less serious injured clanmates Vulturemask would take it upon himself to take care of the less fortunate ones in that ambush raid. Riverclan....what a clan of cowards to attack an apprentice so young like Cottonpaw. They were leeches....every single one of them...

    camp blood upon the snow — herb practice

    Fantastic. [/I]Vulturemask looked indifferent while on the inside felt a lil bit embarassed. He should have known.....Wolfsong was known for leaving half-serious comments all of the time. Sometimes he got them sometimes he didn't. In a time like this he had completely missed it. Maybe it had...

    camp blood upon the snow — herb practice

    Vulturemask sat in silence as he watched Wolfsong he in one or another way had taken under his 'wing'. It was nice with some help sometimes at least with someone he not felt contempt for. Vulturemask was quite protective over his herbs after all and wouldn't let just anyone touch them. He had...

    pafp THE OPINIONS OF SHEEP \ quiet bullying

    "They are not wrong. " Vulturemask spoke up but suprisingly to both Bluepaw and Snakepaw's defence. There was a coldness in his eyes one that never had been seen before. Echolight's disapperance had shifted something inside of him. That glass which he had been filling had cracked and shattered...

    and it's so hard to confess | checkup

    Looked like they where not in agreement with him. How unusual. At this point Vulturemask was no longer shocked. It was just something he had grown used to by now seeing no point to really voice his opinion. If this was what they wanted to banish Adderpaw out to the abandoned badger nest for the...

    sensitive topics DAMAGED ODDITY // ShadowClan Skirmish Return

    It didn't seem like anybody else was in a serious need of help, their injures nothing that needed his main focus right now. Satisfied with that Vulturemask would turn his attention back to the leader herself. Sootstars injures had not been in need of his attention straight away and considering...

    sensitive topics DAMAGED ODDITY // ShadowClan Skirmish Return

    It wouldn't take long before Vulturemask would come out from his den to meet his injured clanmates. He did not needed to ask if they had won or not. The defeat was painfully across all of their faces. He would scan each of his clanmates out to decide who needed his assistance first. Sunflowerpaw...

    I DONT LIKE YOU // Gravelsnap

    It had not been that long ago Periwinklebreeze had been fainting and with his repeating history over this matter the medicine cat felt like he had to go out of his way to do more then he previously had been doing. It was just that he couldn't be there at all times watching Periwinklebreeze. He...

    and it's so hard to confess | checkup

    They where annoying, all of them. Why couldn't they just shut their mouths for once and give him a moment to think undisturbed by their constant voices tormenting his ears. Vulturemask decided to ignore them all, to let them converse on how to get rid of that disgusting twoleg thing. His...


    Echolight had and would always have a special place in the medicine cat's heart. She had been his first mentor, the one who had trained him to become a warrior which had got stripped away from him not even one month after his warrior ceremony. He had never had a opportunity, a choice to become...

    camp TWO WEEKS — sneaking out

    The medicine cat said nothing when Snakepaw decided to do something smart for once and obey them. Maybe that apprentice had some few brain cells to run with after all. Vulturemask might not like that disrespectful apprentice but believe it or not but he did wish for them to recover and become a...

    SPA DAY // basking at the pool

    He was surprised by the knowledge that Silverthorn still was not familliar with the moors and everything it had to explore. Vulturemask was bemused that Silverthorns mentor had not properly done their responsibility as their mentor to teach them about everything this clan had to offer. It was a...

    camp TWO WEEKS — sneaking out

    " I haven't. " Vulturemask would confirm to Wolfsong that Snakepaw had in fact not gotten permission to leave the den. But like always no one cared to listen to him and did whatever they liked and afterwards blamed it on them. Tch. Vulturemask shouldn't care especially since Snakepaw had woken...

    SPA DAY // basking at the pool

    Vulturemask had never thought he actually would have cheered a kittypet on to become a warrior. Such lowlifes vermins...his loath for them were still strong but perhaps not as strong like they once had been. Now he let starclan decide if they where worthy or not just like he let all of the...