A PACK OF HOUNDS | pre-gathering chatter

His last gathering had been brief, a quick visit, a quiet chat among other apprentices before being rushed off; uneventful event and for that he was glad. He tired of his eyes burning and ringing as their leaders screamed at one another in rage, for blood, in despair. It was all a very nasty affair and he wanted no part of its nonsense, thankfully peace was mostly had in these current times; he wondered if other clans were now better acclimated to one another. It was hard to say, being ShadowClan, where they touched no one nor cared to reach out to another; content in the solitude of their marsh and eachother. Or some of them were, he itched for connections outside his reach and wished his dark paws could carry him steady upon my lengthy visits to borders unattended but he walks with a bounce and a wobble; his head bobbing and tail slinging side to side in an erratic dance. No, probably for the best he never roamed far on his own. Magpiepaw finds himself growing tired of wandering aimless, spots a rather large point tom and another dark furred one chatting off to the side and approaches on dancing steps.

"Hello." His voice chirps out a greeting, high and melodic, "I am looking for a ThunderClan apprentice with a spotted face and nervous smile." Magpiepaw raises a paw, gestures to a fair bit short than himself and waves it lightly in the air, "...and a WindClan apparentice, small and gray furred. Have you seen either?" He wanted to tell his friends of his news, of their visit from the harbringers, of how he had learned cats could be born into this world fully formed and not the squirming worm-like kittens they often were; a new expanse of knowledge lay waiting to be unraveled before them all and here he was with no clue where either were. A shame.

Interacting with @Fireflypaw & @RAVENPAW. | He is looking for @LICHENPAW (& Cottonpaw but she's not here.)
Her familiarity with those outside of RiverClan was practically abysmal... Water-dipped pelt laid in a sleek, clinging manner to their body, leaving fresh scars on display as a badge of pride and though her gaze passed thoughtfully over those gathered, she hadn't much interest in conversing. Cindershade was a safe space, a tether to keep her secure (and a watchful eye to report back to Ravenpaw that she had been on her best behavior of course!) and prevent any... surprise guests. Briefly, again, insistently, those reddish eyes flashed in her head sending an uncomfortable shudder down her spine. Trying to dismiss it with a few rough licks to the fur that had raised in her alarm, an unfamiliar voice hissed closer with a question.

The ruddy cat had perched alike a bird, preening for gossip that had been shared in quiet confidence between a mentor and young apprentice. Were it any other scent than a medicine-bathed ally, she might've grown defensive of the inquiry and encouraged them to politely piss off. SkyClan was an exception to her venom....

"I am only expressing empathy for the poor hares that lost their way," she lied, voice heavy with a sarcasm that dripped a seething hatred for WindClan. "A young rabbit got.... caught at the border and suffice it to say, they were not terribly happy that we had a little fun with the poor dear before giving her back."

Her eyes creased with a small smile of satisfaction, hoping Sootstar's humiliation only furthered as the night progressed; hoped her skin crawled like the maggot she was. "Wouldn't you be a bit.... infuriated to lose so spectacularly? They fought so hard... and managed nothing at all."

Perhaps it was an odd question to pose to a medicine cat but even they could understand the bitter sting of defeat surely? After all, they were the ones responsible for cleaning up the aftermath... for seeing to injuries and in worst cases, burials.​

-- speaking with @DAWNGLARE , interactions still welcome ! --​
❪ TAGS ❫ — The dark-furred apprentice strolls onto the gathering grounds for what would likely be the last time before he earns his warrior name. His paws itched with anticipation at the very thought of being seen as an adult, an equal to a majority of these cats rather than some apprentice to disregard and wave off like some sort of nuisance.

His green eyes were quick to observe the encounter between Sootstar and some random ShadowClanner, with Bluepaw vocalizing her distaste for the marsh cats. He would say something if it were his own parent, too, so he can't blame Sootstar's spawn for speaking up against that mud-slicken rat.

A frown tugging on his maw, Snakepaw snorted, "ShadowClanners can't do anything right, apparently, except stink of mud and frog guts." They had also taken one of Sootstar's lives in a recent skirmish. It had been Smogmaw, the marsh-dwelling clan's deputy, and another cat according to the leader. Who had it been, he wondered?

// interacting with @BLUEPAW , open to more interactions!

The she-cat shoots him a reproachful look, unimpressed with his commentary. He had half a mind to ask if WindClan also had any litters bolstering their numbers but was caught off guard by Howlingstar's genuine delight at the word 'kit' being uttered in her vicinity. While not fond of the tabby he snapped his mouth closed and let her cut in, deciding perhaps making more commentary on her enemies growing in size was left best to Sootstar's own paranoid imagination. He would have been perfectly content then to just listen in when another cat approached with such a confusing remark he is taken aback.

StarClan worked their magic- His ears flick upward at the comment, but it is Sootstar's expression and sudden shift in demeanor that gives him pause. She is suddenly so hostile and furious, the brief glimpse of claws for but a moment before her daughter's snappish response makes him realize the implications. Had ShadowClan and WindClan also recently gotten into an altercation? Had the queen of the moors been cut down? Was this tom just walking up and bragging about that?
This ShadowClanner certainly had a lot of nerve just sauntering up to mock her to her face at the gathering, he might've been amused to a small degree at it but he knew his place didn't allow him to be so frivolous with his feelings nor did he think it appropriate. Wretched and disgusting thing that she was, the fact she'd died again and come back implied StarClan had not stripped her of those lives and so they must have plans of some kind. He remembers the scorch marks on stone not far from where he sits now, the impact of lightning that sent his fur prickling with electricity. He hoped those blasted stars knew what they were doing keeping this molly in power. He hates it, but he bites his tongue because this was a place of peace and not bloodshed. Stars knew river had gotten its fill of red stains upon paws.

"Lead warrior of ShadowClan was it? You'd do well to mind your tongue in the future and not interupt conversations to be so bold." Far from being a defense of Sootstar, he didn't care, but if another clan's lead warrior had spoken to his leader in a similar way he might not have been able to restrain the impulse to give them a curt strike to the face for their insolence so this would be a lesson if anything to any who overheard.
Tilting his head up, trying not to dwell over his nerves from earlier when they had just arrived he offered the ShadowClan cat a sharp look with that single orange eye, "Smokethroat, deputy of RiverClan. Though I am loathe to be in agreement, why don't you go sit with your peers and not crowd the area up here." An introduction and a demand, even the feisty RiverClan lead warriors were all behaving tonight and that sang of their resilience. Sometimes he half-expected to look up and find Cindershade pounced upon another cat, forcing him to go and drag her off but thankfully even as hot tempered as she was she knew better. If this Sabletuft wanted to be chatty he could do it elsewhere.

Overhearing @HOWLINGSTAR & @SILVERSMOKE continuing to discuss Orangeblossom.
Interacting with @SOOTSTAR & @BLUEPAW & @S A B L E T U F T

The last gathering had been a fairly quiet and uneventful one and Flycatcher is hopeful for much of the same at this one. He enters the gathering among the throng of ThunderClan cats, only lagging behind Howlingstar to watch his apprentices go off and mingle. "Feel free to stay amongst ThunderClan cats if you prefer," Flycatcher told Shinepaw. "Some of the cats here can get a bit snippy at these gatherings but they can't hurt you."

After seeing them both off Flycatcher catches up with Howlingstar, returning her small smile as they approach the Great Rock together. As she jumps up to join the rest of the leaders, Flycatcher mingles with the rest of the deputies down below. He joins in the murmurs of congratulations that Orangeblossom has kitted, before flicking an ear in interest as a ShadowClan warrior takes to belittling, seemingly hinting at something haven't recently happened between their clans. He raises a brow silently but decides against prying further as they'll no doubt hear of it later. What does interest him is Smokethroat's remark about being deputy. "Congratulations," He nods in the direction of the black tom. Whatever bad blood still lingered between their clans, Flycatcher could at least be civil when not in combat or sharing snarky remarks over the border and was polite enough to acknowledge a promotion where it was deserved.

// mentioning @BURNPAW ! & @Shinebug
acknowledging @Smokethroat + open to interactions!
She approaches slowly, cooly, as if there is nothing but clan heritage between them. Her eyes slide between cinnamon, blue, and smoky gray, surveying the conversation that has erupted from chitter. A young hare, the point says, merely caught at the border and played with like some kittypet's toy (the SkyClanner to her left would surely understand her comparison) - the phantom's blood boils at the thought of RiverClan toying with the illustrious queens of the moors, as if they were not all mongrels and sewer rats in their own regard.

She forces her fur to lie flat, her face to stay blank, as she butts in: "Then perhaps it is RiverClan we must mind. Surely, creatures that decide to play with StarClan's gift...s... must be treated as perfidious as they appear." A quick flick of the tail and she is moving on, though not before settling her burning gaze upon the little bird she had caught at the border not too long ago. If she were not careful, the little bird would find herself being toyed with again.

//in and out, talking to @lichentail (and a lil bit @DAWNGLARE ) - open for interactions
- you call for peace when it suits you
————— ❁ —————
"Well you've found me!" chirps Lichenpaw as his spotted face comes into view of the other three medicine cat apprentices. He'd sought out Ravenpaw and Fireflypaw as soon as he broke from Berryheart's side, eager to meet the two other-clan cats who held the same title as he now did. Magpiepaw is a welcome surprise, a face me might have gravitated towards were it not for his new promotion or his unawareness of Magpiepaw's.

"Haven't seen our, um, little WindClan friend anywhere though. Oh well. This is, is, um." His gaze has turned from Magpiepaw to the other two now, and he stumbles over his words a bit in nervousness. "You're, uh, you're Firefly and — er, Fireflypaw and Ravenpaw, right? Of SkyClan and River." He seems proud of himself for remembering. And he's quick to continue, barely taking time for a breath. "You two are the — the um. Medicine cats in training of your Clans, yeah? But you normally sit up at the tree... All of us are supposed to, I think? Er — Wait, he hadn't met to say us yet, he wanted to do a big reveal,.

Start over. "I mean, uh. I'm getting ahead of myself. Hey there, I'm Lichen. Uh, paw. Lichenpaw, from ThunderClan. I'm, um. Actually, Magpie, it's a pretty great coincidence that you're here! Means you get to hear this too, heh. I'm actually —" Lichenpaw sweeps his paw out dramatically, in a ta-da motion. "I'm training under Berryheart now!" Lichenpaw announces, giddy smile on his face."As a medicine cat. ThunderClan's. In training, not a full medicine cat, still an apprentice. But! That's pretty exciting, huh? Gonna be up there with both of you," he rambles, words tumbling from his mouth in excitement.

And then he blinks, seems to realize something. Turns back to Magpiepaw, looking a little sheepish. "Oh, don't mean to make you feel left out though, Magpie! You're, you're still, uh you're still. Cool. Genuinely. Um, I don't think ShadowClan's medicine cat has an apprentice yet, right? So maybe you've got a shot at it, heh." They give a little wink to Magpiepaw. Truly, they have no clue he'd even be interested, its more an act of friendly teasing than anything else, with Lichenpaw fully unaware of Magpiepaw's new position.
————— ❁ —————

  • // interacting with @Fireflypaw & @RAVENPAW. & @Magpiepaw
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 11 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 64271928_XoeYkJjFj5096aN.png
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The older cat's fluffy tail twitched at Fireflypaw's tease, minutely revealing his comparatively aloof nature. "Always the chipper one," He mumbled. Now he feels a slight of embarrassment. It was clear that Fireflypaw was waiting for someone else, and Ravenpaw was already terrible at making friends within his own Clan. To gather a new one from the Gathering would be an impossible feat. He does not quite feel like socializing either.

"Well, I do not like intruding on other's business." He replied. He did not know who Fireflypaw was looking for, but that detail did not matter. Before he could excuse himself to prevent being made a fool anymore, a black and white ShadowClan apprentice appeared. For a moment, Ravenpaw's eyes track the unnatural gait of their new conversation partner. He is tact enough to hold his tongue about it and look blankly over the top of Magpiepaw's ears instead, but there is that thought of how could one cure that with herbs? The apprentice did not seem to be in pain.

"No—" Ravenpaw began, surprised a second time when the mottled-faced apprentice showed up. "Speak of the crow." He said bluntly, observing the next converser. "Ravenpaw, yes, medicine cat in training..." Here he trailed off, eyes going blank. He swallowed. The news was at the tip of his tongue. He wanted to say it, but he knew the moment he did, it was entirely possible he would fall into tears.

"Yes," He rasped finally. "Congratulations." Ravenpaw blinked and looked away before returning his stare upon Lichenpaw. He seemed excited enough about the prospect. Ravenpaw remembered how frightening the Moonstone had been. "We are still cats. Still flesh and blood like the rest." He found his voice again to protest, finding no need to apologize to Magpiepaw as Lichenpaw had. The two knew each other the best, though.

// @Fireflypaw , @Magpiepaw , @LICHENPAW


"how cute, i guess i should thank you then," she purred in response to the passive aggressive display. nightbird tilted her head, glancing over the other's twitching tail and taking it with a grain of salt. "although i'd hardly consider us enemies." a small snort of amusement followed her remark. one needed to be an equal before they could be an enemy in her eyes, that was a merit she had a hard time placing upon a riverclanner.

she shrugged off petalnose's explanation of who she was searching for in the crowd. a dear friend, the sweetest sentiment. the dear friend in question arrived and was met with a warm gesture. even if petalnose was pretending she had vanished into thin air, she watched with mild interest, a yawn breaking her jaws open wide. it didn't bother her, if anything it only encouraged her to be a pestering fly zipping around the pair nonstop. besides, if they really wanted a peaceful conversation they would have moved out of her range. "you must be the dear friend, what a pleasure it is to formally meet."

// @Petalnose @Aspenhaze
Yet another Gathering, and this one has proved interesting already. A familiar one-eyed black tom sits in a previously empty position below Cicadastar. Raccoonstripe's eyes stretch wide, ear flicking with interest. "Well, I'll be damned," he murmurs. He catches a familiar small, dark shape and flocks to her side, initially ignoring the cats she's talking to. "Hey, d'you see Cicadastar promoted his mate?"

After a heartbeat, the ThunderClan lead warrior lifts his dark gaze to meet the RiverClanners Nightbird is exchanging 'pleasantries' with. Raccoonstripe smiles, ever-so-slightly dusting Nightbird's flank with the tip of his ringed tail. "Why, Nightbird… leave some of this beauty for me, would you?" He eases into a grin. The scent is unmistakably RiverClan, and perhaps if he'd studied her long enough, he'd know her… alas. "I hope you aren't hoping for anything romantic from Nightbird… I'm afraid she wouldn't know romance if it bit her on the whiskers."

He gives a passive glance to the tortie-masked feline beside the warrior. Dear friend, Nightbird purrs. Raccoonstripe smiles. "Oh, stars, am I encroaching on another cat's sweetheart?" This cat seems familiar, too. He wonders if he's faced either in battle, then decides he'd have remembered if he had.

// speaking with @nightbird @Petalnose @Aspenhaze

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Watching his apprentice wander off, head curving to stare at the approaching warrior, brow raised at the close proximity. Little close aren't you? He wanted to say, words weighing on his tongue, blocked by the clench of his teeth.

Otherwise, Duskpool remained imperturbable, peering down at the other, molten copper optics blinking steadily. "Hello." He'd offer in acknowledgment. "Duskpool of SkyClan." A simple introduction, his tone tiresome, bags weighing heavily beneath his eyes.

"And you are?" Brow raised in question. Should they even be here? Not that he cared, but damn. He had no interest in asking what happened. It was none of his business.

Besides, he had no interest in being here, mingling with strangers. He was fine sitting back, maybe taking a short nap ( hopefully undisturbed by nightmares, but Duskpool was never lucky ).

footnote : talking with @" BUNNYPOUNCE "
thought speech
The high white lilac tabby would pad along with her clan to join with other felines. The tensions were rocky with some clans but tonight was to be a peaceful one. "Littlepaw, I'm so happy to be the one to introduce you to your first gathering." She'd smile at her newly appointed apprentice. "Now a thing to keep in mind is that this is a night of peace." Honeystone would remind the youth before casting her grey-blue eyes towards the moon. "Starclan is watching, if conflict were to break out it would likely end in enraging them much like the winds we saw.. Although I'm uncertain what stirred their anger for that." Her gaze would shift back to the younger molly, taking on a note of firmness. "Please behave.." The warrior would gently nudge Littlepaw with her shoulder before lightening up. "And have fun learning."

// @Littlekit — tags
— tags
The skinny tunneler would find himself dipping from shadow to shadow of his clanmates. His brown ears were on a swivel, his amber eyes darting around at all the cats present. So many smells, so many forced pleasantries. It all made his fur stand, his bushy tail ticking as rapidly as his heartbeat. The brown tabby's posture was hunched as it usually was when he was in an uncomfortable situation. If Jaggedoak or Cedarbark saw him they'd probably laugh right now. His two brothers would likely be chatting it up with all these cats, being the center of the show while their runty brother was skirting the edges of the crowd. — tags
"You, as well," They say to Nightbird, smirk on their face as always. They could have been spiteful, but ThunderClan isn't the clan they have the most issues with, anyways. They honestly barely recall the last Sunningrocks incident, half because they couldn't get themself to care, but half because of how truly terrified they felt in that moment. There's probably something blocking those thoughts, but they don't care enough to address it.

"The journey here was fine. No issues, which I didn't expect any. Not looking for any trouble." Their reply was intentional, knowing the ThunderClanner was listening. Their smirk grows even larger as Raccoonstripe joins in on the conversation. They laugh at his comments, trying to imagine the two of them together...not a pretty sight. There's another feeling there as well, but it's foreign so they don't acknowledge it, either. "No, we're just close. We've been through a lot together, huh, Petalnose?"

// OOC : @Petalnose @nightbird @RACCOONSTRIPE
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Ravenpaw, always so stoic and quiet when it came to his duty, seems to react neutrally to his teasing- he cannot figure out the tom's mannerisms yet, but he figures with time, this shall change. It wasn't hard for Fireflypaw to befriend cats, after all! He tried to see the best in those around him, though the fact that this was RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice makes him hesitant. His ear flicks as he listens in to the words the tom says; he tries to excuse himself from Fi's company, but the taller tom refuses.

"Nah, just chill with me, 'Kay? I won't bite." Chuckles the apprentice as he stretches his limbs out, awkwardly twisting his body for a moment to pop a tense joint. Another apprentice arrives, this one's voice sounding melodic and calm. Fireflypaw is prepared to make a big introduction for himself, but it seems the tom is looking for someone else. "Well, hope 'ye have some luck." He murmurs with a grin, a paw waving in front of his own face as he laughs. Though, it's not too soon before another arrives to join their little circle of apprentices; this one makes himself known as the cat Magpiepaw was searching for. "Found 'em!" He says sarcastically, smiling towards his newfound accompaniment.

The quieter one rambles on about his new position, and if Fireflypaw were honest, he was a tad jealous that Lichenpaw got to study under his uncle. "Berry's 'm uncle, y'know? Listen to 'em good, he's a good tom." He hums thoughtfully, leaning down to clean between his toes with a grunt. Long, tufted fur is riddled with round, spiky seeds, the tom pulling them out impatiently. "Fireflypaw is me! Yep, yep! Lichenpaw, huh? It's good to meet'cha. You too, uh, Mag..pie." He has a hard time pronouncing the name, but he tries his best.

The sound of cats around him beginning to talk louder causes his head to raise from his paw, ears flicking to and fro. "Is someone arguin'?" He asks nosily, always one for gossip.

@LICHENPAW @Magpiepaw @RAVENPAW. interacting with these three!!​

Petalnose shrugged her shoulders at Nightbirds first sentence, deciding against adding to it. Then her next made her hum, her white ear flicking in annoyance. So she didn't particularly consider us enemies, how naive. "I consider enemies if clan claws are drawing over something." She noted, looking her up and down cooly and staring into her eyes. It was a reminder to the other, although Petalnose was well aware she knew. Nightbird was at that battle, shoving her friend to the ground until a call for retreat was placed. The woman wasn't quite sure what the Thunderclanner meant. If it was clan enemy it was her enemy too, a threat to battle and win sweet victories over.

The lead warrior seemed to have relaxed more as Aspenhaze was at her side, listening to their responses with a thoughtful and grateful hum. "Good. I admit, I should've stayed by your side but I figured you wanted individual time with your apprentice."

An interuption was made, by the smell she could already tell it was a another Thunderclanner.

Leave some of this beauty for me, would you? The comment outright made her emotions twist with confusion and irritation. Her progressively relaxing posture stiffening again with her tail whipping the air for a good moment. What does this tom want? A slap of claws to the face? She lightly lifted her lip to one side to flash one of her fangs from irritation.

Just go along with it, besides, it will be funny to mess with him. I'd like to give Aspenhaze a laugh as well.

Her posture relaxed again at her personal plan, confidence and passive aggressive playfulness making her body loose. "Why, I'm glad someone noticed. Riverclanners do have that reputation to uphold." A fake teasing smile made her way to her lips, lightly touching her body against Aspenhaze in hint she was messing with the Thunderclanner.

His question then made her eyelids flutter, taken aback, she opened her maw to speak in defense but it seemed Aspenhaze replied for her. Then asked her a question. "Ah yes, we just enjoy each other's company. We sure have-" Attention turned back upon the Thunderclanners, remembering how stunned her friend was after the battle between their clans. "Been through alot." She finished, tipping her chin high. Romance wasn't something the she-cat found possible in her life, sure she knew she would catch interactions as such from her looks. But her personality she believed made her unlovable, too difficult to deal with. Plus, she believed the two were on friendly terms, even when she had felt a slight cringe in her heart she didn't quite know existed.

"So you're into the cliche forbidden love sort?" Her tone was smooth, her fake smile slowly transitioning into a fake grin. "How cute."

She leaned into Aspenhaze, shading her maw with her paw and whispering lowly, only that which her friend could hear, "Their she-cats must be really ugly if they're going up to a woman who would claw their eyes out."

// Interacting with @RACCOONSTRIPE @nightbird @Aspenhaze
Mosspaw blinked at the sound of an unfamiliar voice next to her.

Glancing over, she saw an older apprentice who looked about ready to leap out of his own fur. "Mosspaw." Her introduction was curt and formal as she looked him over. What little she knew of Skyclan was that they were all kittypets, which explained why he was so nervous, in her mind. He wouldn't stand a chance against any of the real warriors here. Outside of that though, the affairs of his clan were a mystery to her, and that irked her curiosity. How could a clan like his run? "I don't mind." She decided, gesturing with her tail for him to sit next to her.

"What is Skyclan like?" Mosspaw aimed to ask the moment he sat down. This, she decided, was the perfect way to put her time before the gathering got started to use. The more she knew about the other clans, the better of a warrior she could be.

She was so good at this.

//interacting with @Drizzlepaw
Angry at all the things I can't change
It felt like ages since his last gathering, but Blazestar saw fit to allow him to be hidden away within the safety of Skyclan's camp no more. Bright green eyes flit about the condensed space as cats of all clans intermingled with one another. His stride slows, catching sight of the familiar ashen coat of the moorland queen conversing with a few lead warriors. His brows pinch together as he stares at a ghost of his past but turns to walk elsewhere. He was free from the shackles and mental brainwashing she tried to plague him with. Instead he finds Dandelionwish and walks to the sepia tom's side, eyeing Bluepool with a half-lidded gaze. "You know..." He begins softly, taking a seat amongst them. "It wouldn't kill windclan to be less judgemental. Wouldn't stop the other clans from hating you, but it's a start." The cream colored tom voiced after placing a few licks to his chest, partially to soothe his bundle of nerves. "Surely windclan is capable of more than just violence and murder, unless you've all grown worse."
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
) There was a brief excitement when another cat takes on the challenge of talking with him, but it is swiftly soured when he realises that it's a WindClanner. Internally he cursed his luck but he guessed the fates were testing him. In the end Gatherings were times of peace so he would keep it that way. "Oh haha, very funny! I like those who can have a joke. Nah! I was named after my strength, I keep myself looking soft so I don't scare the kits." The temptation to jest about using his size to keep WindClanners out of the med den during their petty little raid sat as temptation on his mind, but he mustered the strength to resist.

"So, how are things with yourself? I reckon the winds up on the moors must have been pretty rough without the shelter of trees." Bearheart queried as he darted to the safety of idle chatter. Though he kept glancing around at the other cats in a silent plea for someone more upbeat to talk to.

//talking with @SCORCHSTREAK
Figures that the big tom doesn't have any insults to their in return; SkyClan is known for harboring the most softhearted of warriors, after all. It's disappointing, though, and the calico queen's entire body relaxes at once. This one wouldn't dare attack her. However, it seems that Bearheart thinks lowly enough of her clan to think they must be having a difficult time with the recent winds.

"I am a tunneler," Scorchstreak says with an annoyed flick of an ear, as though such a fact should be obvious. "I've no need to worry about the wind—and my clan is called WindClan for a reason. We are best with the wind at our backs." On one paw, she isn't being entirely truthful. Badgermoon and Rattleheart both admitted to having difficulties while hunting in the wind. On the other paw, the moorland is made for this wind, and this tom's insinuating otherwise is an insult.

Still, small talk isn't a bad thing, and Scorchstreak will gladly endure it if it means that the time will pass quicker. She cannot wait to return to her clan, to her kits, to her family—and ask Sootstar not to bother with dragging her along to another of these gatherings. "How about SkyClan? Your clan has a lot of trees; those must be ready to topple over in this weather." She wonders whether the trees are better or worse than the open moorland. Sure, they may block some of the oncoming wind, but what will SkyClan do if their own territory turns against them in the coming days?

// talking to @BEARHEART