A PACK OF HOUNDS | pre-gathering chatter

The tabby and white she-cat certainly has a feisty side! His grin widens as she banters back with him, though he can tell she's handling her barely-contained hostility with slippery paws. "All you RiverClan ladies are pretty. But no, no forbidden love for me. I don't think I could get past the fish smell." He holds a paw above his nose in an exaggerated gesture.

The RiverClan warrior leans into her less-hostile friend, fake-whispering about how ugly ThunderClan she-cats must be. Raccoonstripe belly-laughs. "Not at all! I just happen to be into she-cats who could claw my ears off." He looks at Nightbird, his eyes wide with meaning.

// interacting with @Petalnose @Aspenhaze @nightbird

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Following the guidance of other thunderclanners ahead of him he enters the mass gathering, silver eyes skimming the landscape brimming with cats beneath the full moon. Silverlightning turns his half-lidded gaze upon his protege, whisking his tail with a slow deliberate wave. "Go on now, enjoy yourself, but remain mindful." He murmurs to Mousepaw briefly before spotting Raccoonstripe standing by Nightbird and a few riverclan cats. His ears swivel, gathering the jist of their conversation upon his arrival. A small, puckish grin decorates his maw as he takes a seat beside the lead warrior. "How rash, Racoonstripe." While he certainly did not voice it, Silverlightning fully agreed with him. The briney scent they carried was certainly pungent. "Thunderclan does indeed have the most beautiful she cats of all the clans." The warrior's long bottle brush tail curls around his paws. (speaking briefly with @MOUSEPAW ! now interacting with @RACCOONSTRIPE @Petalnose @Aspenhaze and @nightbird)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

"clan claws are drawn too often to take so personally," nightbird responds coolly, watching as the other rakes her up and down with her gaze. as much as she resented the other clans, poked and glared over borders, declaring every cat in the territories that she has met in battle as her enemy would be rather exhausting. she had better things to do. she gives a small nod to aspenhaze who responds ever so amicably. although a smirk plays upon their maw, the mottled feline gives her little else of a reaction and is soon more interested in discussing the walk here with their clanmate as if they did not make the journey together.

her ear twitches as footsteps grow heavier, approaching. she didn't turn fully to see who, only rotated an ear to get a better angle. it is soon filled with gossip as raccoonstripe fills her in on cicadastar's choice of a deputy. a huff of amusement passes through her nose, he had promoted none other than his mate. while she would be foolish to believe that the only reason, it certainly couldn't have hurt the new deputy's chances.

raccoonstripe was quick to move on, noticing the two riverclanners before them. he turns on his charm and a short laugh is drawn from her maw as the tabby instantly recoils. she is tempted to aim a blow for an ear as he states she 'wouldn't know romance if it bit her on the whiskers', but settles for a quick glare. as she returns to the riverclanners, petalnose is spewing some nonsense about their reputation. her jaw ticks slightly, withholding a snide remark as raccoonstripe prods them further. sends them both into a moment of uncertainty as they scramble to define their relationship.

petalnose teases about cross clan relationships, her tail taps against the ground lightly. the other lead warrior is quick to smooth things over and she agrees in a nod. "truly vile," she hums quietly, glancing to silverlighting as he chides the tabby but sees the riverclanners lean into each other to share secrets from the corner of her eye. nightbird gives them a look that feigns sadness for their exclusionary actions, but apparently the two toms were able to catch what was said.

she finds herself on the receiving end of a wide brown gaze, quirking a brow as she looked back up at raccoonstripe. laying it on thick, were we? she rolls her eyes, reaching a paw up to push his head back in the other direction. "must spend most of your time preening to get a coat so lovely," she assumes, looking back to the riverclanners innocently for confirmation. maybe if they spent half as much time battle training, they would still have their stake over their beloved rocks, but she wouldn't get into that for now.

//interacting with @Petalnose @Aspenhaze @RACCOONSTRIPE @Silverlightning
  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette

Starlingheart had never trusted the older cats in their medicine cat group. They had turned on her aunt, once, and as much of a traitor she was now, she had not been back then. Their anger, in her young mind, had not been deserved. Most of the cats who had been there, who had actually turned their claws against her were gone now but she refuses to believe that Beesong and Dawnglare were innocent parties. She likes Berryheart enough, but he kept mostly to himself and WindClan.. she had once considered Vulturemask a friend but now she is not certain. Where did they stand now that their clans were enemies? Now that she had to treat wounds inflicted by cats he called friends and family? She is not totally certain.

She had intended to sit on the outskirts until it was time to take her place, but her green eyes find Ravenpaw in the crowd and she finds herself smiling ever so slightly. Ravenpaw, Fireflypaw. They were cats that she found decent, even if she did not fully trust their mentors. It is when she sees her apprentice join the group that she makes her way over on snowy white paws.

As she approaches she dips her head in a friendly greeting. "Ravenpaw, Fireflypaw" she says, proud of herself for not stuttering for once. "I-I see that you ha-have met my apprentice, Mag-Magpiepaw" She herself was not much older than these cats, it was hard to remember sometimes because she felt worlds away from them. Her experience making her feel distant from everyone. Too old to be a part of the younger generation but too young for the older. She hopes they do not find her presence in their group unsettling in any way. "And- and you! You must-must be Be-Berryheart's apprentice!" she says, turning to give Lichenpaw a friendly smile in greeting. "I'm St-Starlingheart. It is- it's lovely to- to meet you" they would meet again under the light of the half-moon, and certainly, if Lichenpaw had been to any other gathering he knew who she was already, but they had never formally met. It was a good opportunity, this gathering, to catch up with the others in a non-official way.

// interacting with @Fireflypaw @LICHENPAW @Magpiepaw and @RAVENPAW.


Berryheart had allowed his apprentice to run ahead, askew eyes wandering to and fro. The options for watching others was abundant, here... almost overwhelmingly so. He witnessed at first his littermate at Inky's side, standing off with a disgruntled-looking RiverClan warrior... his gaze lingered upon them for a few long moments before he made his way over to where a cluster of medicine cats sat, one of which was unknown to him.

Just as Pebbles announced the black-and-white tom as her apprentice, the tortoiseshell tom came to a stop, glad to see that Freckles apparently had already met him. Greeting his nephew and Midnight with a polite dip of his head, he sat and curled his dappled tail around his paws. Gladness illuminated his wonky eyes; it was, hopefully, empowering to Freckles that he already had friends that walked the same path. Perhaps it would bode well for sustaining the good relationship he held with ShadowClan's current medicine cat.

"Congratulations," he murmured simply, dull eyes flicking from Pebbles to her new apprentice, quill-furred and wide-eyes. Pride aglow even through his neutrality as his student was given an enthusiastic greeting, Berryheart dipped his head in gratitude toward ShadowClan's medic.

\ interacting with @STARLINGHEART . @LICHENPAW @RAVENPAW. @Magpiepaw @Fireflypaw
His first reaction is an amused twitch of his whiskers, and he planned on keeping it at that- except... He can't help the pull of his lips, an odd smile as he begins to chuckle to himself. "That was terrible," he grins, dropping his head low and shaking it before he returns his sight back to the tabby. "But I liked it." he's having fun with this now, a stark contrast to his broodiness when he had first come to the gathering. He does, however, make a mental note to remember these jokes so he could bore Eerie or Chilled with them later.

"Yes, Shadowclan." he blinks as the stranger introduces himself as Clayfur. It's... Suiting, he guesses? He mentally shrugs. "Spectermask." he introduces himself evenly, dipping his head in respect as he listens. "I don't stay in camp much anymore, but i'm sure he's fine. I'll tell him hello, if you'd like." granted, they had been missing a couple warriors (not that he really counted, it could just be one) since the bears had swooped in to camp, killing Chilledstar, brutally ripping a life from them. His blood runs cold, but he won't tell Clayfur. Shadowclan does not need to appear weak, and Clayfur definitely did not need to know about the tunnel situation. He thankfully changes the subject, asking about a joke. "I sure do. D'ya know what one flower said to the other after a joke? I was just pollen your leg." now it's his turn to wear the shit-eating grin, tilting his head ever so slightly. He knows his joke is just as bad, and it makes him ecstatic for the reaction.

In a track post, Chrysaliswing realized that he hadn't seen the Gathering since he was a younger apprentice. Yet, nothing truly seemed to change. The lurid yet lethargic eye of the moon still hung in the sky. The hushed chatter of errant cats still braided the ends of his attention. The world still had no place for him. Mismatched eyes remained candescent in the moonglow, like twin jewels beset in the softened afterglow, though damp in some sort of pensive thought. The chimaera sat below the shadow of a familiar bough.

( Open to interactions ! )
The idle chatter of voices kiss upon her ears, each met with a mere flick of a velvet ear as she sits by herself. The gathering—a waste of breath in her own eyes, yet a tingling within her paws always seemed to ache whenever she did not accompany RiverClan to the four great oaks that towered above them all. Perhaps it was the thrill of seeing an enemy, the temptation that she has to grasp a hold of in a vice grip and remain civil. Maybe it could be the chance to flaunt her strength and that intimidation that always seemed to follow her like an encroaching darkness, she couldn't tell. It was both a revolting and yet exciting time all wrapped into one. But this gathering, she feels tired and she couldn't care less. The morbid image of Beesong's broken body, splayed out for the crows has engraved into her mind—and she wants nothing more than to curse the very Heavens above her for their unwavering cruelty.
Near silent steps approach her now, followed by the wave of a blue pointed coat that she sees in her peripheral. Lichentail. A flit of her sharpened gaze towards her clanmate told her all she needed to know, that Lichentail felt the same. Cindershade figured she'd be beaming with a boastful pride and mirth for her newfound position, and yet—she sat with her in silence. What? No witty remarks this time? The rosetted molly wanted to say, but he rmouth never moved to form the words. All she did was watch her with those eyes—those damn keen eyes of hers.
Another figure now approaches, his form near looming over them like a twisted apparition swathed in sepia and white, glacial eyes piercing the back of her helm. His voice nearly hisses against her velvet ears and her sleek form twists to meet his glimmering eye with a distrustful stare. Dawnglare, was it? She had remembered him from falling into the depths of the river, screeching as if the very water had impaled his billowing form. "Dawnglare." She greets him, practically ignoring his question and huffing out of amusement to Lichentail's own dripping sarcasm. Hares, she says—more like rotting carrion but she does not comment. If only they could catch those alleged hares and pluck them of their cotton like tails. If only, she echoes to herself. Verdant eyes search the ruddy healer's features, ivory claws tapping against the clearing floor. "Where is Thistleback?" Her tone comes out almost accusatory, as if there was some unwordly reason he was not amongst the pine dwellers on this night. A passing by ghost of alabaster enters her vision now, crimson eyes settling upon Lichentail as she speaks and Cindershade fixates upon the ghostly figure with a glare as sharp as tempest blades, mentally ripping her blushed tongue from her mouth for speaking. StarClan's gifts—more like the spawns of Hell.

//interacting with @lichentail and @DAWNGLARE ; glaring at @GHOSTWAIL

Silverlighting and Raccoonstripe both commented against her joke, a roll of her eyes adding to her already present attitude. "Uh-huh.." she wasn't agreeing with the two, merely showing her disbelief through tone.

"And I can't get over the mouse smell." She retorted towards Raccoonstripe, blinking more in an annoyed way, her teasing smile snapping into a frown in hint to her waning patience. Oh gathering chatters, how they always got on her nerves. Being civil to her enemies for one night got on her nerves in general. She craved to rake her claws against their faces, sweep her tongue over her claws from her enemy's blood. Control yourself, just breath. Her thoughts mimicked her mother's gentle tone, scoffing in protest to herself. She had to behave, it was the truce. If she lashed out she would be demoted as fast as she was promoted.

Luckily, the last comment of Raccoonstripe made her chuckle. "You're too funny, you know that?" She meowed in a flattened tone, chewing her cheek in annoyance, "Maybe your dreams will come true later. But not now. I know better." She became more snappy and serious, gazing up at the high rock in impatience.

Her head then snapped to Nightbird at her words, harshly gazing at them. "Oh no.. these claws pierce fish bigger than your prey. Think I won't use that power in battle? How you're so wrong." Were they purposefully egging her on? Begging to get slapping in the face with a heavy claw? "Our coat comes from our diet, unlike yours." Through her furrowed brows and cold gaze, she gave a sly smirk.

Her attention turned back to her friend, looking for their response or possibly a bit of back up. She just wanted to be left alone with them.

// @Silverlightning @RACCOONSTRIPE @nightbird @Aspenhaze
Aspenhaze just keeps watching the other cats bicker, taking notes instead. It becomes chaotic very quickly and they feel like they can't get in a word anyways, but they just use it to examine the ThunderClanners instead. Especially as another one joins in on the "fun"...masks come easy to them though. They can't say the same for Petalnose however, who is slowly losing her cool, and they can tell. As they're shot a glance by her, they catch on quick. Before, they could have easily scolded her for not behaving to their stands, but now that they do love her (not like that, not like that) they know to be more gentle.

"Come now, Petalnose. They can't help it if their prey isn't immediately visible. They gotta work hard for those critters!" They laugh. "I'll gladly put up with the smell for the ease of access. Less time wasted on food and more time spent on training, the better. We can hold our own fine." They might as well toy with them a bit, since they're doing the same to their friend. They scour the area again real quick before talking again. "How about we go look for some of our clanmates and wait out the leader's speech now? Thanks for the talk, however. It was nice to learn more about you all, even if indirectly." They give a curt nod, and wait for her response.

// OOC : @Petalnose @nightbird @RACCOONSTRIPE @Silverlightning
Drizzlepaw takes the invitation readily, happy she agreed despite first impressions. He wasn't all that knowledgeable about the other clans either, only knowing from rumors and not experience. Sure there was ThunderClan awhile back, but he's still pretty neutral on them despite them being friendly enough. Not that clan drama interested him that much; if he had to fight them then so be it, but otherwise they're all cats. He has no quals with any single clan, though that could change later on.

How to even explain a clan to someone else? He hums as he racks his brain for a way to describe his experience. He couldn't really provide the same perspective as someone who was born into clan life, but... "It's nice. It was a bit hard to learn how to climb trees, but seeing the sky from that high up is beautiful. Most cats are pretty friendly too, it wasn't that hard for me to feel like I fit in. Though it is a bit crowded right now from all the new cats joining..." He chuckles. He doesn't go into too much detail out of fear of giving too much away, but it's still nice to talk about his experience.

// OOC : @Mosspaw
Bluepaw blinks as Snakepaw fills the space beside her. Though the two are hardly friends, she's beginning to find that the black-pelted tom and she have more opinions in common than previously thought. "Well, I suppose we've been dismissed," she whispers to him. Sootstar had seemed to appreciate her despite the outburst being inappropriate, but she's urged Bluepaw to find her peers. She looks at Snakepaw and shrugs. "I'm not interested in conversing with anyone from SkyClan, RiverClan, or ShadowClan." Her voice grows wintry as she adds, "None of them have any class or tact at all. Heathens, all of them."

// interacting with @SNAKEPAW


it seemed she had touched a nerve. her brow raised at the harsh look flung her way, was she supposed to be impressed, intimidated? their clans had met in battle, twice now. twice they had been defeated to the point of retreat. all petalnose spat were empty threats. nightbird remained quiet, a small grin creeping onto her maw as the riverclanner gave her a crash course on their diet, said that was where their coat came from. "yes, your stench as well," she added on, it truly was a grand price to pay for things as meaningless as appearance.

the friend spoke once more, laughing. they were not nearly as fun to toy with as the explosive tabby. something snide edged its way in every so often whilst they tried to keep the peace. her lips twitched once again at their parting words. they had learned nothing, even if they thought the opposite. not a word from this conversation would help them the next time they met with claws and teeth. "well, i'm happy you believe this was a learning experience. i'm eager to see how you will use raccoonstripe's courting preferences to your advantage." if anything, the thunderclanners had learned much more. discovered that petalnose and aspenhaze were incredibly close, that the former was rather easy to ignite. those pieces would prove much more fruitful than knowing who the tabby lead warrior enjoyed keeping in his company, but she wouldn't brag.

"any longer and i fear we'd be scrubbing fish from our pelt for moons," she spoke quietly, turning back to raccoonstripe and silverlighting. their fun was been had, and she had dealt with enough riverclan delusion to last her the extent of the next moon.

// interacting with @Petalnose @Aspenhaze @RACCOONSTRIPE @Silverlightning

He remembered apprentices contemplating how Blazestar and Orangeblossom composed themselves before a crowd: how they stood, how their expressions showed intrigue. Silversmoke hadn't cared to correct their judgments, now that a familiar voice was burning into his ears, he wondered if that had been the right call. Surrounded by Deputies and Leaders, all peering at him for gossip as if he were a mouse ready to be feasted upon, Silversmoke wrapped his tail more tightly around his forepaws and watched for the clans below, feigning disinterest as best he could. Eyes narrow for a moment at Sootstar's request, studious, accusatory, before eventually, the Lead Warrior offered a nod. "Five healthy kittens." Before he could consider how to twist the sentiment against the enemy, he heard a RiverClanner and the ThunderClan leader chime in, offering their congrats and marveling at SkyClan's strength in a way that the spotted tabby found himself disliking. Were they jealous? He wished he could ask Blazestar without seeming clueless.

A singular tufted ear twitched at Sabletuft's admission: Sootstar had lost a life. Like a shark that smelled blood in the water, he turned his head fully to the WindClan leader, a brow quirked expectantly for an explanation but not disappointed when none was received. It was to be expected, it wasn't like he had been particularly forthcoming about SkyClan either. Thistleback's disappearance, the details of Orangeblossom's new children, and why he still stood proud amidst creatures above his station. The corner of his muzzle seemed to curl as he did his best to conceal his intrigue, admonishments from WindClan apprentices forcing a quiet, bemused chuff to escape the large feline as the volume began to rise. "Silversmoke, Lead Warrior of SkyClan." There was a sharp nod and, with it, Silversmoke decided to neither reward nor punish such bravery from the ShadowClanner. He was in no such position to upset the balance of things, a respect for laws and the status quo which the cryptids in the marshlands seemed to lack. At least they were still useful - now it had become evident that WindClan was interested in ShadowClan lands for one reason or another.

He waited for Sootstar to lose interest before shuffling in his spot, kneading the ground below with growing intensity. "Orangeblossom will resume her duties soon, after that, I suppose I will have to join our bold friend down there." He wasn't sure what was worse, mingling with animals he didn't trust or doing so with high stakes. Silversmoke, intoxicated by adrenaline as he was, wondered if fighting was the only thing that could truly bring the best of it out. "Congratulations on your promotion, Smokethroat."

[ interaction tag list: @SOOTSTAR , @Smokethroat , @HOWLINGSTAR , @S A B L E T U F T -- might've missed some buuut i'm dead to the world and there was a lotta tags sorry waah ]



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather's nose wiggles as she takes in the tortoiseshell she-cats scent, a hefty aroma of fish waves off her. The warrior cannot believe she hadn't noticed earlier, her pelt was so sleek and glossy she almost could've been mistaken for a well-groomed daylight warrior! "…It has." Figfeather agrees, prying her eyes away from the scarred RiverClan Tom to gaze upon Iciclefang. She's almost certain she's seen this cat around before, but they had both been younger then…

"I'm Figfeather, a SkyClan warrior." Her eyes brighten, "Your mentor? Must be strange seeing him up there then." Figfeather meows as she pictures Tallulahwing holding the deputy mantle. It'd be weird, but definitely not unpleasant… "You must be very proud." Figfeather guesses, if Iciclefang and Smokethroat had a similar relationship Figfeather and Tallulahwing had she would be anyways.

Eyes follow Iciclefang's to Dogskip, she giggles, "I'm not even sure if that's enough to stop them some nights!" She exclaims, "Hopefully tonight's gathering remains peaceful." At least it would remain so on SkyClan's end… she's not entirely sure on Dogskip and Iciclefang's…

// interacting with @ICICLEFANG and @Dogskip
The other warrior can't manage to keep a straight face, a smile stretching across his muzzle as he chuckles. He's right, it is a terrible joke. But it's a joke that made him laugh, and that's good enough for Clay. And the tom confirms himself as a ShadowClanner, says he can pass along a greeting to Rosemire. Clayfur shrugs. "Just if you happen to see him. We're not, like, friends or anything." He doesn't want to ask the other to go out of his way to give Clay's hellos to a cat he doesn't even know that well.

The other tom tells a joke in return, and Clay visibly withers, seeming to deflate in on himself. His shoulders hunch, pale paws shifting closer together. His expression twists into something horribly pained for a few slow heartbeats—and then he cackles. Big and loud and covering his mouth to be less disruptive, the brown and white tom nearly collapses to the ground. When he manages to straighten once more, shoulders quaking with giggles, he grins at the ShadowClan warrior.

"That was… that was awful. Terrible. What a bad joke!" He'll absolutely be telling that one to, like, Lichen or Pikesplash later. An absolutely pleased smile fills Spectermask's expression—and what a fitting name it is, he thinks. A ghostly mask of white fur frames his face, and Clayfur can't help but wonder whether it's ShadowClan's thing, having so many ghostlike cats. "Where'd you learn that one," he asks, genuinely curious. The creativity of other cats in their humor is intriguing; the brown and white tom grins broadly, eagerly awaiting the answer.

// talking to @spectermask
As Drizzlepaw described his clan, she listened with intently, genuinely interested in his words. When he mentioned that they had a lot of joiners, she blinked. It was surprising to her, but it also made a strange sort of sense. While she could never imagine Riverclan being so inundated with new faces, accepting a bunch of strangers into their ranks sounded like just the silly sort of think a kittypet clan would do.

The talk of climbing tress, however, was no surprise. She knew, vaguely, that Skyclanners did that. Though for the life of her she couldn't imagine why.

Mosspaw had never seen the Skyclan territory, but she knew it was past the Thunderclan territory. So, when she tried to imagine the trees he climbed, she envisioned the ones she had seen from across the Thunderclan border, and she shuddered. "I do not see why you would climb up there." She told him matter-of-factly, giving him a sidelong look. "There is plenty of prey to be found without risking your neck leaping between branches."

//chatting with @Drizzlepaw
The golden tabby introduces herself as Figfeather; Iciclefang nods, sure she's heard at least the first part of the young warrior's name before. After a few heartbeats, she rifles through her brain and uncovers where she'd heard it. Figfeather is Daisyflight's daughter—the first SkyClan deputy, and one of their late lead warriors. She decides not to mention it; surely opening old wounds during casual conversation is bad practice regardless of Clan loyalties.

"Proud?" The tortoiseshell blinks her icy eyes, looking from her SkyClan company to Smokethroat sitting where for much of her life, Buckgait had. "I suppose. Yes. There's not a more deserving cat in RiverClan." The ghost of a smile twitches at her lips. "So you became a warrior recently too, didn't you? Who was your mentor?"

Figfeather tells the other SkyClan warrior that many nights, even StarClan's presence isn't enough to prevent fighting. The tortoiseshell purrs with amusement, looking at the tom and then the she-cat with a shrug. "Some of the leaders are more temperamental than others." It's not said with any derision. After all, Iciclefang's own leader is quite theatrical some nights…

// interacting with @FIGFEATHER and @Dogskip


"Lichenpaw!" He greeted, singsong tone high and great plume of a tail lifted in a flick of a wave. "No, I haven't...I haven't seen her. Maybe she wasn't chosen to come." Which made sense, you didn't go to every gathering, the leaders sometimes picked different cats; such as ShadowClan having only a small handful given most of their clan was huddled away at the thunderpath and injured or unable to attend. They did not even have their deputy present which he found strange that no cat was asked to sit in Smogmaw's place the way the silver tom over there was doing so for SkyClan. They might just not have the numbers for it.
His ears flicked up as his spotted friend began to quickly go on a spiel of his new purpose in life, that he too was chosen as a medicine cat apprentice and Magpiepaw wriggled in place as he listened with utter delight; to know he would have companions going forward in a way his poor mentor had not really had since Bonejaw's betrayal.
Fireflypaw assures him that Berryheart is a skilled tom and he glances around the crowd as if trying to spot the quiet tortie pelt nestled somewhere nearby only to not quite see him anyways; he might just be missing him. Starlingheart had started at the same time as this fellow, so he was equally thrilled at the similarity. Lichenpaw assures him he is still cool despite not being a healer's student and he falters in silence for a moment.

Oh, but he was-! He was also! He wanted to trill in excitement, waiting for a moment in the break of discussion to assure them that he belonged here too because he was also chosen to train in medicine but he was unable to sputter out a reply in his brief excitement before Starlingheart approached in greeting and swiftly did the task for him. His head nodded in its awkward way in reply, eagerly confirming that rather than having a shot he was already well suited to the task and able to join them.

Interacting with:
  • Love
Reactions: Starlingheart
He almost laughs at the talk of risks from Mosspaw, especially from someone from RiverClan. Despite his name, he can't imagine himself getting used to getting soaked from the river. "I don't know, same reason you train in the water, I'm sure. All the clans have their thing, and ours is climbing trees! We don't exclusively get prey from trees either, we also hunt on the forest floor. Thanks for the safety concern, either way." Drizzlepaw knows she didn't mean it like that, but he smiles warmly anyways. Now for him to question her. "I'd love to hear more about your clan! We are pretty close to each other, after all." He almost thinks his pelt color would make him fit better there, but he knows he'd most likely have not been welcome if he approached them instead.

// OOC : @Mosspaw
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