the unknown soldier
- Dec 17, 2022
- 561
- 172
- 43
The tabby and white she-cat certainly has a feisty side! His grin widens as she banters back with him, though he can tell she's handling her barely-contained hostility with slippery paws. "All you RiverClan ladies are pretty. But no, no forbidden love for me. I don't think I could get past the fish smell." He holds a paw above his nose in an exaggerated gesture.
The RiverClan warrior leans into her less-hostile friend, fake-whispering about how ugly ThunderClan she-cats must be. Raccoonstripe belly-laughs. "Not at all! I just happen to be into she-cats who could claw my ears off." He looks at Nightbird, his eyes wide with meaning.
// interacting with @Petalnose @Aspenhaze @nightbird
The RiverClan warrior leans into her less-hostile friend, fake-whispering about how ugly ThunderClan she-cats must be. Raccoonstripe belly-laughs. "Not at all! I just happen to be into she-cats who could claw my ears off." He looks at Nightbird, his eyes wide with meaning.
// interacting with @Petalnose @Aspenhaze @nightbird