antlers testing cabin

i’ll fix this LATER i keep losing them

  • DODGE CHEVY ; chevy, he/him. roughly twenty - five months old, skyclan daylight warrior † . boisterous and wild, dodge chevy is a slim, scruffy chocolate sepia tom with evergreen eyes. a garage cat, often smelling of yeast and motor oil. single, bisexual. penned by antlers
  • none.
she is gross shes gross shes gross shes gross shes gross

  • BOTFLYBLINK ; she/her, amab. roughly thirty months old, shadowclan warrior † . gore - toned cinnamon smoke & chocolate molly. a beastly woman — pelt like a hemorrhage, spatter red and viscous, gut blood thick. ribbons of exposed - fat white strip up thick, tufted paws in splashes of eggshell, tapeworm tinged. her features are broad and ever relaxed, with large apple round cheeks accentuating tall, batlike ears, all curtained in a ruff like lions mane. eyes like unoxygenated blood sit half - lidded in their deep, hollow sockets. smelling of rotting meat and mud, often accompanied by a flock of gnats she’s long - since abandoned swatting. single, lesbian. sounds like natasha lyonne in russian doll.
    penned by antlers​
  • IMG_1963.png

Last edited by a moderator:

  • general tw for HEAVY GORE, psychosis, eating disorders, body horror & a general gross, disturbing terminology. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


    black flies swarm at the dairy dreme, they'll die for the taste of something sweet. face up in the tubs of soft ice cream, melting in the summer heat. we used to go to the dairy dreme — we'd sit outside and share ice cream as the bugs drank the blood from our bare feet, 'cause you and me,
    nicole dollanganger, black flies .

  • botfly / bot • fly/ n . a stout hairy-bodied fly with larvae that are internal parasites of mammals.

    BOTFLYBLINK ; buzzing botfly, redacted / amab ; she, her, it, its pronouns only
    born under a name never known, dubbed buzzing botfly by the carrionplace colony due to her seemingly insatiable, unending appetite and tendency to communicate in nonverbal trills.
    — unknown xx unknown ; no known relatives / chaotic neutral
    — warrior of shadowclan / former carrionplace mouser
    — partially feral in civility / suffering from prader-willi syndrome and resulting PICA
    — smells of rotting meat and mud / can be assumed to be chewing on a bone splinter in any post
    — thirty months old, ages every fifty posts / vc: natasha lyonne
    heartchart / pinterest / playlist ————— ❝ WHEN NO ONE ELSE WILL LOVE YOU, CONSUME ❞

  • IMG_8576.png
    gore - toned cinnamon smoke & chocolate molly / reference
    ↳ generation one.​
  • positive : loyal, charismatic, altruistic, intense, refined, overly empathetic. negative : explosive anger, dramatic, cowardice, condescending, overprotective, possessive / .
    — small scar over his left eyebrow, barely visible. thick scars on his underbelly.
    ENFJ - T | this type's secret weapon is their purity of intent. generally speaking, they are motivated by a sincere wish to do the right thing rather than a desire to manipulate or have power over other people. even when they disagree with someone, protagonists search for common ground. the result is that people with this personality type can communicate with an eloquence and sensitivity that are nearly impossible to ignore – particularly when they speak about matters that are close to their hearts.
  • SINGLE ; homosexual, homoromantic / difficulty falling in love, trusts slowly but entirely / ½ SMOKECADA
    — no children / father figure to quietpaw and pumpkinpaw / wants a litter eventually
    — physical health : 100%, no illnesses. mental and emotional health : 60% / attack in #171717
    ⤷ combat difficulty is hard to severe ; combat points calculated using dicemaiden on discord. his physical health tends to drop and rise sporadically , and he tends to acquire a myriad of injuries when living his day to day life. most injuries are simple wear - and - tear marks along his body, primarily around his arms, in the form of minor lacerations and bruising. usually, his health will not dip beneath sixty without having experienced a major injury or illness. if ill or healing from a large injury, i ask you not to engage him in combat unless plotted out with me first. any unplotted attacks in this case will be ignored!
    — courting smokethroat, head over heels / unaddressed feelings for houndsnarl
    trusts : houndsnarl, smokethroat, willowroot / distrusts : sootstar, buckgait, pitchstar
    close friends with bonejaw, houndsnarl, smokethroat, willowroot, ashpaw
    — grieves for pumpkinpaw,

  • his past is not one of love. family a foreign thought, friends scarce. born to a mother too blinded by rose - colored goggles to see the pampered kittypet she'd mated wouldn't stay, by the promise of a life beyond the spoils of the street to care for the life growing within. moth drawn to light, a beautiful molly, was born to a show pedigree only.. slightly defected. a kink in her tail and overtyped features, she was placed on the streets one bareleaf afternoon unceremoniously, tucked into a cardboard box somewhere along the streets of the uk on their way to drop her sibling off at his new, loving home. greedy, money - hungry twolegs with little regard for the wonky kitten left her to perish. managing to get out of the box, four month old moth ventures the streets, doing what she can to survive the wicked living conditions and new are she'd found herself stranded in, taking up with a band of ferals for a short period of time before moving on to the next nest she could scrounge up.

    she meets brookshire's church " sometimes dead is better " on chance ; a lean, curl - laden tom hailing from a beautiful, haughty line of la perms, who took too much interest in her rough - n - tumble life. he boasts of how his twolegs allow him on the streets, all bravado and charm. he boasts of his life, his home, his ability to go wherever he pleased and still have the safety of a twoleg nest to return to. he spoke of freedom, and loneliness, and moth falls for him almost immediately. her knight in shining armor, her savior. he swore to the molly he would get his owners to take her in, she was a pedigree after all. they romanced beneath the full moon, all bathed in porcelain, and moth truly believed she'd fallen in love, her chest bursting with warmth and light once they mated and he drew a tongue over her sleek ear, murmuring promises of a life beyond what she'd struggled with for so long. they spent the next seven sunrises together, lounging in comfort in a small, abandoned nest, knowing only the company of eachother. moth falls asleep curled into his side, nose tucked into dark curls and breathing in the scent of a life she could have known this whole time.

    the next day, he was gone

    moth was devastated. even more so when, shortly after, she began to experience an unfamiliar sickness and growth in her stomach signaling the culviation of that week alone with the tom who'd betrayed her so heavily. frantic, the molly joins up with a colony living just around the overgrown twoleg nest they'd shared, settling into the promise of food, shelter, and help with the kittens now absorbing what little prey the colony offered. it was not an easy life, living amongst the wreckage of a human's previous life, nestled deep within the old, rusting metals of gutted vehicles lost to time. hidden beneath the rotting cellar wood or beneath trash mountainous and aged enough to nearly form solid, it was far from glamorous. cicada was born beneath a copper - rusted pipe jutting crooked from wood panel walls, in a box not dissimilar to the one his mother had been abandoned in, new life amongst the dank mildew. he bore dark curls, with a bold, roman nose and ears much like hers. if she had hesitated before slowly, groggily nipping his sac open, no one was around to see it.

    his mother, still a stray amongst the streets of the city and burdened with an extra mouth to feed, paid him little mind as he aged. it was a tough life ; moth attempted to make life somewhat enjoyable for the youth, and cicada, starved of most affection, lapped it eagerly from her paws. taught to fear most of his fellow colony members, he lived the majority of his first couple of months in hiding, living off his mother's milk and what prey she offered him once his teeth began to cause too much of an issue for her. at roughly eight months, one of the colony's members changed; for now, he is left only with fleeting memories of gnashing teeth and white, sparkling foam oozing slow from wide, sharpened teeth. he remembers fear, a sickness, but little else.

    his memories pick back up at roughly eleven months, in which hare whiskers found him and offered him a home amongst the marshers, offering a safe place to stay and enough distance from the city for the bicolor to rest comfortably. he resides there still today.

    Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    WHAT I HATE THE MOST ──── first skirmish.
    YOUR BONES, THEY HAVE TO BREAK ──── killing rain.
  • posting
    [justify][SIZE=2][FONT=verdana][COLOR=#171717][URL=''][COLOR=#171717][B]GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM[/B][/COLOR][/URL][B] :[/B][/COLOR] posting template....
    [tabs][slide=− ♱][/slide]
    [slide=information][color=#171717][B]˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀[/B][/color][b][s][color=transparent]−−−−−−−[/color][/s][/b]⠀⠀[i]king of the rivers.[/i]
    [b]m.[/b] he / him. [color=#8797b1][i]black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes.[/i][/color] a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands [b]unusually tall[/b] amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived. 
    [color=#171717][B] ᨒ [/b][/color] gay, courting [abbr=penned by rai][b]smokethroat.[/b][/abbr] smells like wet stone & moss. 
    [color=#171717][B] ᨒ [/b][/color] speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth. 
    [indent][i]penned by antlers[/i] [/indent]
    [slide=visual reference][img][/img][/slide]
    [SLIDE=out of character][/SLIDE]
    [slide=♱ −][/slide][/tabs]
  • notes:

text "speech"

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
text text text text text text texting text text texting texxxxxt text text uh texting " speech speech more speech "

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ LOVAGEPAW⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    nb, he / they. longhaired black tom with high white and periwinkle eyes a small, stout feline born void - like, draped in a gossamer coat of thick, downey fur. alabaster wraps up the length of his form

    homosexual, single. smells like wet leaves and overripe fruit.
    shadowclan apprentice, 6 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
text text text text text text texting text text texting texxxxxt text text uh texting " speech speech more speech "

  • i.
  • ꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚︶꒷꒥꒷ BEETLEMILK⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀dirt princess.
    f. she / her. tiny alabaster molly with dark tabby patches and powder blue eyes she is gaunt. a rotting thing, heady smell of wet earth clinging to thick, wiry wisps of tabby - patched fur. a tunneler since kithood, the sky writhes and murmurs before hazy power blue eyes ever wide, laden with heavily bruised bags and tinged red when met with sunlight. oversensitive to light, heat and golden rays of day a nuisance, leading her to moons spent never emerging from underground. beetlemilk’s body has adjusted to thrive. shrunken, lack of proper light and nutrients leading to a less than sturdy frame. she can be easily mistaken for a hare if ever spotted — all bony elbows and knobby spine, fur dusted with dirt and bits of twining root. tall, tufted ears jut from her small, triangular head. she is doll - like ; a petite, staring creature, tiny - pawed and sharp - toothed, complete with a tufted, hare - like tail.

    lesbian, single. smells like damp soil and root.
    windclan apprentice, 12 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • none yet,,,

  • "speech"

  • general tw for religious imagery, canon - realistic gore, rabies, body horror, survivors guilt, post - traumatic stress disorder & a loss of identity / derealization. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.

    / /
    / /
    / /

    i am a forest fire. i am the fire and i am the forest and i am a witness watching it. i stand in a valley watching it, AND YOU ARE NOT THERE AT ALL.
    mitski, a burning hill .

  • FRECKLE, n.
    ( freh • kul ) small flecks of discoloration, often brown or red in hue.
    lit. a result of consistent sunlight, freckles often symbolize the light of youth and freedom.

    FRECKLEPAW ; frecklekit, freckleflame / cisgender female ; she & her pronouns only
    dubbed frecklekit by rabbitnose after her father, sunfreckle, and for the splotches of vibrant ginger that flecks her form. -flame after her father and exuberant personality, as well as sunningrocks, where she will hunt most often.
    — sunfreckle xx rabbitnose ; sister to mousepaw, sparkpaw, mossykit, dovekit / chaotic good
    — apprentice of thunderclan / open - minded, but wary of outsiders
    — eight months, ages realistically / voice: madeline peters as scootaloo
    toyhouse / pinterest / spotify —————— STARING INTO OPEN FLAME

  • Adobe_20230118_215919.png
    longhaired black tom with high white and periwinkle eyes smells like wet leaves & overripe fruit.
    ↳ generation one, carrying vitiligo​
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    positive: ambitious, confident, intelligent neutral: flirtatious, volatile, falsely pleasant negative: crybaby, manipulative, vindictive upon first meeting her, one would assume frecklepaw to be a bit rude ; reckless, and carelessly throwing herself into situations she doesn't belong much to everyone elses' exasperation. she’s nosy, a bit of a brat who doesn't seem to know how to hold her tongue when crucial, despite her tenacity and willingness to learn. she is confident, raised by two loving parents, not so much as considering that she is any less talented than they have always said. she does not seem to learn from past mistakes regardless of how many times she will make them, tending to disobey her superiors when she ( often wrongly ) assumes she can do something better. unorthodox, buoyant , and incredibly wild-spirited — and competitive, ever set on her dreams to become a warrior of thunderclan, defending her home. blunt when speaking and unafraid to deal out some harsh truths to which, at times, she doesn't seem to realize, making her appear inadvertently apathetic. As a result of this , she can't foresee whether or not her words will deal some kind of damage with her inability to beat around the bush concerning delicate issues, but, due to her empathetic nature and her fathers consistent ‘ behave yourself ‘s, ultimately she tries to throw in some reassurance to soften the blow.

    despite her outward mean girl attitude, frecklepaw is also rumored to be a bit strange beneath her preppy, prim attitude. venturing out with her father early on in life has given her a fixation on all sorts of creepy crawlies and fungi, often found flipping rocks and burrowing for the grubs underneath.

    • tends to go mushroom hunting with rabbitnose, picked up an interest in bugs while doing so. collects shells and wings when she can.
    • will grow into a hobby trophy hunter, highly athletic and shows it off.
    • excellent snake hunter. hoping to find a mentor that can really shape her into a warrior favoring both hunting and combat. weak in stealth, swimming, and tree hunting.
    ENFJ - T | this type's secret weapon is their purity of intent. generally speaking, they are motivated by a sincere wish to do the right thing rather than a desire to manipulate or have power over other people. even when they disagree with someone, protagonists search for common ground. the result is that people with this personality type can communicate with an eloquence and sensitivity that are nearly impossible to ignore – particularly when they speak about matters that are close to their hearts.
    perky goth
  • SINGLE ; homosexual, homoromantic / hopeless romantic
    — physical health : 100%, no illnesses. mental and emotional health : 60% / attack in #ffe6b6
    ⤷ combat difficulty is hard to severe ; combat points calculated using dicemaiden on discord.
    trusts : / distrusts :
    close friends with tbd, tbd, tbd.
  • x .

  • notes:

general tw for canon - realistic gore, narcissism and manipulative behavior. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


stopped into a church i passed along the way & well, i got down on my knees and i pretend to pray. you know the preacher like the cold, he knows i'm gonna stay — CALIFORNIA DREAMIN’ ON SUCH A WINTERS DAY.
the mamas & the papas, california dreamin’ .

/ suhn·flau·ur / a tall north american plant of the daisy family, with very large golden-rayed flowers. sunflowers are cultivated for their edible seeds, which are an important source of oil for cooking and margarine.
lit. associated with prolonged constancy and loyalty, reflecting the flower bud’s tendency to follow the sun across the sky.

sunflowerpaw ; sunflowerkit / cisgender male, he / him pronouns
⤷ named by deersong for his light, petal - like tufts of jutting blond - copper fur. affectionately called sunny for the first part of his life.
— deersong xx thistleback ; littermate to eveningpaw / adopted brother to coyotepaw
— five months old, ages with his litter / skyclan apprentice
— heartchart / pinterest / voiceclaim: richie tozier, later kurt cobain ————— ❝ STREET KID RIOT ❞

bony tom with spiky red ticked tabby fur and golden eyes ❥ ҉ ༄ smells woodsy and vaguely herbal. electric spires of wiry orange - russet, all jagged cut ends and sharp edges — sunflowerpaw is the spitting image of his father, thistleback, bathed in swathes of rusted copper. he is long, thin pelted, wispy ends of fire - licked fur inherited from his mother. ends flick up around the thicker parts of his fur, like budding petals but half as pretty. plagued by eternal bedhead, sunny will never look well - kempt, forever as wild on the outside as he is on the inside. at five months old he is already leaning into the average skyclan height, bony limbs and an early growth spurt shaping him to a thin, towering stance. straight, sharp edged, blade - curved ears bring his figure to a jutting point, almost stilt - like to view from the front. a wonky adolescence he will be forever condemned to, never filling out his too - long legs and ears too big for sharp, angular features. eyes of brilliant gold settle deep in their sockets, often heavily lidded, giving him a sleepy, smug resting expression. when excited his eyes will widen, seeming to stretch just past their limits, over - expressive in intense emotion ever since kithood. he retains the same delicate curve of features as his mother but his father once again shows himself in his bite. long, curving fangs in a long, thin muzzle. they seem to outgrow his maw by just a mite, leaving canines to jut from his lip in a way similar to his mother — an unmistakeable hybrid of his parents, doused in fiery shades and a drape of rust over his knobby spine.
— inherited his dads sharp, bony figure and curved ears, as well as his mothers semi-protruding fangs and wispy fur.
AESTHETICS | dust, taxidermy, box tv, static, rotting wood, termites, abandoned motels, inner conflict.
positive: athletic, humorous, eager to please neutral: loud, know - it - all, emotional negative: jealous, volatile, insecure ୨୧ all blown raspberries and obnoxious grins, sunflowerpaw has been aptly described as a problem child by skyclan’s elders. as wild as his jutting wisps of a coat, electric as the vibrant russet of his features. a tom with poor volume and impulse control, born of a boisterous, unpredictable nature. despite often being labeled a bad influence, he is rarely seen without a smile, over - affectionate and touchy with friends, family and strangers alike. known for his easy teasing and adrenaline - seeking nature, sunny will make friends in a blink.. but will tend to lose them just as quick. sunflowerpaw, since kithood, has exhibited far less than ideal traits : a tendency to play fight with claws unsheathed, frequent lying, stealing, and an explosive, hair - trigger temper. son of lead warrior and former deputy, a loving, happy family.. sunny has grown up with an incessant feeling of entitlement. ‘ no ‘ is a word he’ll meet with abject horror, not getting his way will be the end of the world. ever prone to temper tantrums big enough to shake even the deepest sleepers wide awake.
unspecified personality disorder, volatile temperament & behaviorial issues, known as a brat with a tendency to resort to violence in early kithood ( biting, using full claws when playing, anger outbursts ).
ever since his eyes opened, sunflower has been a pawful for his parents and clanmates, having absolutely abysmal behavioral issues in early development. i noticed there’s a lack of meaner types in skyclan, so i’m presenting.. the problem child.
• he is a bubbly child during kithood, excitable and loud, rambunctious to a fault.. until scorned. a stolen mossball, a bicker over who plays blazestar when pretending clans, sunflowerkit was known to fully attack other children. unsheathed claws and angry shouting — id like to make this a backwritten plot point, where one of his parents severely punished him for this! he has always borne a bratty attitude, but it is highly amplified by severe, hair - trigger anger issues he will have to learn to control.
• the moment he is able to digest solids, he presented a food aggression that will follow him throughout life. cannot share freshkill in any situation, will physically lash out if attempted.
• despite being over - eager to please, sunflowerpaw was raised with a competitive edge. while he will get along with fellow apprentices most of the time, he is known to be what he calls brutally honest. with little to no vocal filter and one hell of a mean streak when upset, he tends to say and do things that ultimately bully his peers with jabs and jokes at their expense.
if i go this route, i will make a note in his tags that he is not to be caught bullying or being rude to anyone unless agreed upon to avoid it being nipped too quickly, as he is meant to be sneaky. im toying with the idea of rolling for how loud he is to determine if he’s caught, as he struggles with volume control.​
• will not trust coyotepaw in any capacity, and will be loud about it. raised to hate windclan with all his might, he is unable to look past the moorland stink he still thinks clings to his brothers pelt. he hasn’t forgiven him for leading windclan into camp and will not let him forget it, ducks around his parents ( specifically thistleback ) when he is acting this way.
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  • i.
  • DUSTBREATH⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀the fool.
    m. he / him. dark chocolate ticked tabby w/ dandelion eyes and curled ears born of the name dust due to the storm thin, wispy chocolate fur meeting mocha at the ends of ticked tabby fur — imitating the notion of dust upon his felt. tall and slim, with angular, near skeletal features settling hollow into his skull. ever poised and neat, near silent save for the occasional quip or droning, sarcastic comment. despite his dry humor and stony expression, he seems to instill a calm, authoritarian, elegant aura in poise with cool, calm vocals.

    gay, single. smells like fresh juniper and bark.
    skyclan warrior, 31 moons, ages with his litter.
    penned by antlers

  • none yet,,,

  • "speech"

 [box=55%][justify][fleft][URL=''][img width=80px][/img][/URL][/fleft] text text text text text text texting text text texting texxxxxt text text uh texting [b][color=#6C6767]" speech speech more speech "[/color][/b]

[tabs][tab= 【   CONVO ][b][color=#6C6767]i.[/color][/b] 
[tab= ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ][color=#6C6767][B]DUSTBREATH⠀⠀[/B][/color][b][s][color=transparent]−−−c−−−[/color][/s][/b]⠀⠀[i]the fool.[/i]
[fleft][img width=80px][/img][/fleft] [b]m.[/b] he / him. [i] [color=#6C6767]d[/color][color=#6A6565]a[/color][color=#696464]r[/color][color=#686363]k[/color] [color=#656060]c[/color][color=#645F5F]h[/color][color=#635E5E]o[/color][color=#615D5D]c[/color][color=#605B5B]o[/color][color=#5F5A5A]l[/color][color=#5E5959]a[/color][color=#5C5858]t[/color][color=#5B5656]e[/color] [color=#595454]t[/color][color=#575353]i[/color][color=#565151]c[/color][color=#555050]k[/color][color=#544F4F]e[/color][color=#524E4E]d[/color] [color=#504B4B]t[/color][color=#4E4A4A]a[/color][color=#4D4949]b[/color][color=#4C4747]b[/color][color=#4B4646]y[/color] [color=#484444]w[/color][color=#474242]/[/color] [color=#444040]d[/color][color=#433F3F]a[/color][color=#423D3D]n[/color][color=#413C3C]d[/color][color=#3F3B3B]e[/color][color=#3E3A3A]l[/color][color=#3D3838]i[/color][color=#3C3737]o[/color][color=#3A3636]n[/color] [color=#383333]e[/color][color=#363232]y[/color][color=#353131]e[/color][color=#343030]s[/color] [color=#312D2D]a[/color][color=#302C2C]n[/color][color=#2F2B2B]d[/color] [color=#2C2828]c[/color][color=#2B2727]u[/color][color=#2A2626]r[/color][color=#292424]l[/color][color=#272323]e[/color][color=#262222]d[/color] [color=#241F1F]e[/color][color=#221E1E]a[/color][color=#211D1D]r[/color][color=#201C1C]s[/color][/i] born of the name dust due to the storm thin, wispy chocolate fur meeting mocha at the ends of ticked tabby fur — imitating the notion of dust upon his felt. tall and slim, with angular, near skeletal features settling hollow into his skull. ever poised and neat, near silent save for the occasional quip or droning, sarcastic comment. despite his dry humor and stony expression, he seems to instill a calm, authoritarian, elegant aura in poise with cool, calm vocals. 

[color=#6C6767][B] ༻ [/b][/color] gay, single. smells like fresh juniper and bark. 
[color=#6C6767][B] ༻ [/b][/color] skyclan warrior, 31 moons, ages with his litter. 
[indent][i]penned by antlers[/i] [/indent]

[/tab][tab=VISUAL]none yet,,,

[tab= 】][b][color=#6C6767]"speech"[/color]
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  • i.
  • SUNFLOWERPAW⠀ ⠀−−⠀⠀𖤣.𖥧.𖡼.⚘
    m. he / him. tall, shaggy blond tabby with golden eyes. a lanky thing. straight, sharp edged, blade - curved ears bring his figure to a jutting point, almost stilt like to view from the front. a wonky adolescence he will be forever condemned to, never filling out his too - long legs and ears too big for or the wild mane of cream feathering from sharp, angular features. heavy - lidded dandelion eyes settle deep in their sockets, giving him a sleepy, smug resting expression — but injury at birth leads to forever uneven pupils, left eye often blown wide and jittering in response to direct light.

    closeted bisexual, single. smells like sun - warmed fur and fresh grass.
    skyclan apprentice, five moons, ages with his litter. prone to seizures and food aggression.
    penned by antlers​

  • none yet,,,

  • "speech"

text ” speak “

  • i.
  • FRECKLEPAW ——— ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her. apprentice of thunderclan, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. fluffy cream tabby / tortoiseshell chimera with seaglass eyes. her namesake shows shows himself in shades of vibrant russet, doused in swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream. unspecified maine coon heritage from sunfreckle’s side brings her to a size expected of a thunderclanner — with large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. reaching adolescence, kittish fuzz has lengthened, allowing her bulk to appear deceivingly fluffy, concealing layers of toned muscle in licks of red - orange.

    𖦹 . lesbian, single with no crush. smells like warm stone and oak leaves.
    𖦹 . eleven moons, ages on the 25th. thunderclan apprentice. mentored by wolfwind.
    penned by antlers​

  • IMG_1436.png


text ” speak “

  • i.
  • SPINEPAW ——— ⠀ ₊ ‧ .⋆ ⠀ 𐂯
    nb. they / he, apprentice of shadowclan. albino / fawn chimera with curved ears and pale eyes. bashful smiles and glassy eyes at half - mast, dark lids and a heavy curl of lashes curtaining too pale, sensitive irises. they are a delicate blotch on the boggy marshlands, heavenfaced ; cherub - curled cheeks and long, rabbit - vein whiskers — often seen with a lazy smile etched upon blushing lips, pearl teeth seeming almost too sharp for his small, barbed maw.

    𖦹 . gay, single with no crush. smells like damp earth and crushed flowers.
    𖦹 . seven moons, ages every thirty posts. shadowclan apprentice. mentored by tbd.
    penned by antlers​