camp DEATH AND ALL HIS FRIENDS ⁺˖⋆ invasion

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ camp was quiet, nightbird lay heavy lidded in her shared nest. the threat of the wolves had been chasing deep sleep away for a few days now, tonight her worries were lessened and eventually she was able to slip off. there were four new warriors standing guard, her own former apprentice among them.

she trusted palefire's judgement, that the newfound freedom would not go straight to her head, that she would be able to keep her unruly friends in check. they were there, and if any beast desired to near thunderclan's camp they would warn their clanmates of the threat. the stars would already know that thunderclan's newest warriors were long gone. paws leading them deep into the forest and away from their post, leaving a sleeping camp none the wiser to their abandonment.

dark ears twitched to the sound of pawsteps, in her less than conscious state the lead warrior failed to notice how unfamiliarly heavy they were. nightbird's head lifted with a yawn, she assumed that someone on guard had abandoned post in favor of a moonhigh snack. what warriors they were going to be, couldn't even suppress hungry urges until dawn, it was pitiful. pulling herself from raccoonstripe's side, she stood with intentions of shooing whoever it was back to their place.

nightbird didn't even make it two paces before a bone chilling howl echoed through the ravine.

the wolves had invaded camp singing a song of death. they would need to get the others, she thinks of gentlestorm in his den full of injured apprentices, of their nursery housing queens that grew heavier with kits, of howlingstar nestled alone inside the great rock. it was certain death to try. how were they supposed to escape?

her fur spiked, any trace of exhaustion was wiped away by pounding in her ears. nightbird forced limbs that threatened to freeze around the den, waking those not already stirring with a sharp prod and a quiet hiss repeated under her breath like a prayer. "get up, be quiet, they're here."
  • ooc ↛ the pack of six wolves has invaded camp, drawn to the strong smell of cats! please note that these cannot be killed, maimed, or injured aside from some scratches - they are incredibly dangerous. if they successfully attack a grown cat or apprentice, it will lead to death or severe injury (major wounds, broken bones, disclosed joints, maiming, etc.). kits should avoid being attacked for realism unless you want them killed.
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 31 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
A howl wakes him from his warm, comfortable slumber nestled in Sunfreckle's fur. Opening his eyes, he wonders if it was real or not. Was it just a dream??? Lifting his head and looking around, he sees Nightbird already up and waking the others. It's proof that what he heard was indeed real, and he's flooded with a sense of dread.

The wolves have made it to camp.

He untangles his limbs from Sunfreckle and nudges him awake. "Sunfreckle," He whispers. "Wake up. Wolves." He says as little as possible as quietly as possible, he won't alert the pack to them. He looks back to the entrance of the den, and then to Nightbird. What do they do? How do they do it? They fought off dogs, but these are wolves. dogs are nothing compared to them. They're stronger, faster, and smarter. How are they supposed to get out of this?

They need to get out of here.

They had injured, kits and queens.... Was it worth it to try and sneak to them? Was it worth it to be quiet at all, knowing that hell was eventually going to break loose? Rabbitnose swallows hard. He can't sit here and do nothing, but they need some kind of plan.

"How should we deal with this?" He whispers, hopefully someone has an idea.​

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
The bone-chilling howl sends subconscious shivers down a slumbering Roeflames spine, rattling around in her brain until her instincts make the sound click, and optics fly wide open.
Her forepaw reaches urgently for whichever queen is nearest to her as the song of death finally comes to an end.
She is terrified, but there are three kittens in their midst. With her denmates now surely stirred, Roeflame heaves herself up, her lungs working overtime as she peeks just above the incline that shields them from the predators outside.
They were gauntly, ghastly things. Roeflame let her eyes glide along their wrenched spines, the cone-shaped tails that swayed a tail-length from the soil they traipsed on.
They were looking for something. They were looking for them.
Instinctively, her gaze moves to the warriors den, where her mate, her brother, and her friends reside. Unwillingly, her tail curls around her flank, draping protectively over her stomach.
"Get the kits into the center of the den, quick." The words do not leave her maw until Roeflame has already turned away, celadon optics reflecting the horrors they had just witnessed. Though her words are whispered, they are biting. Urgent.
With Moonwhisper and Flamewhiskers help, Roeflame would aim to pick Deerkit up by the scruff first, placing him a safe distance away from both the entrance and the back of the den.
Even so, circling around them would only do so much if the roof came crashing down on them.
When the kittens would be moved and her fellow queens positioned, Roeflame would focus her attention on Flamewhisker. Even during her temporary step-down, the fire-kissed molly was still her deputy.
"What should we do?"
During the rogue invasion, Sunfreckle had led the nursery-dwellers to safety through the back, discreet in the midst of chaos and combat.
Yet, there was a deathly stillness to the air outside, and a miracle would not be enough to provide them the cover they would need.
  • Interacting directly w/ @Flamewhisker @deerkit
    Indirectly & nursery tags — @Moonwhisper @sparrowkit @ThePotato
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

He sleeps in a tight ball, forehead pushed into the floor of his nest comfortably. That is, until a wolf's howl shakes their little home, and worried whispering follows soon after. Skyclaw, like others, thought that the initial call was something of his nightmares - but the heavy scent and heavier steps of the beasts tell him otherwise. He grits his teeth as he stands, ears pinning back as he looks between Nightbird and the other lead warriors in the den.

"We get out of here," he says quietly, plainly. Skyclaw cannot fathom how, not in this state of terror, but he knows they must. The forest would not be rid of ThunderClan, not this night, not ever. He thinks briefly of the warriors that the wolves must've torn through first - his old denmates, Palefire. It makes him sick to think of any of them, mangled and likely bodiless after this catastrophe. He swallows, trying to subdue his tumultuous emotions, "We've no shot of the camp's exit?" he asks, as from his vantage point, he cannot see.​
↟↟ᨒ Like his littermate, Duskbird had slept in comfortable silence. His body was still even if his dreaming mind raced. His thoughts flit between pleasant and terrible; Blazestar, Duskkit, Little Wolf, home. All of them torn apart by the sudden sound. He jerks his head upright. It's through sheer luck that he doesn't make a ruckus in doing so. The panicked breath in catches in his chest and is held there as he looks around his waking clanmates. How can they leave? There are too many of them to make it out safely. Who could be asked to die for this? If ThunderClan were to go out. . . should they not do so together? But he realizes a short few moments later how pathetic such a capitulation would be. They slowly stretch their body into a crouch and turn wary eyes towards the entrance to the den.

"Nursery?" he breathes. "Howlingstar?" There is more urgency to the second word despite how he tries to school himself to silence. Though he'd been so distant form them lately, the threat of death is all Duskbird needs to temporarily put aside the needles. His grandma may have lives to spare, but there is certainly not enough to take out these wolves on her own.

  • OOC.
  • 55613602_gyytUHFbTl2Funb.png
    ——— recently discovered his father's identity and is withdrawing into himself. seems distant and troubled, going about his duties absently as if sleepwalking his routine. seems mechanical around his family in particular, or anyone that he suspects knew the truth of his parentage. his ambitions have died quietly.

Although Softpaw had never been bothered before by the absence of her sister and denmates during their stay in the medicine cat's den, she realized that now, more than ever, she wished she wasn't without her sister in the apprentices' den. The howling of the wolves sounded harsh on her ears, and she sat up swiftly, pink eyes wide and alert. No one could really hope to fight multiple wolves and win, and as she peered carefully out of the den, her ears flattened against her skull at the sight of the monstrous creatures.

"We should move quickly," Softpaw murmured as she gently nosed awake the other apprentices with a sense of urgency. She knew not where they should move to, only that they had better come up with a solution and make a decision very soon. There was part of Softpaw that wanted to hide until her fathers came to save her, but she knew that wasn't an option. Taking a deep breath, steeling herself against the inner parts that wanted to panic, Softpaw again addressed the waking apprentices. "What should we do?"

There were a great many things that they could do: rush out and away, or stay and try to help the less able of their Clan, the kits and injured. If the apprentices could come to a consensus, Softpaw would feel better about a decision.
𓆝 . ° ✦ Could a kit not get a good amount of sleep in this camp? Softkit huffed, opening one eye to glare at whoever came into her vision first. This was it! The last straw. The grumpy kit sat up, her eyes adjusting to the dark as she huffed. "What? I'm trying to be a warrior - I can't do that with this terrible slee- HEY."
A sharp cry left her mouth as she was plucked from her scruff. "Hey! Put me down!" Her indignation was meet with a chores of shushing, which was decidedly not how a warrior-to-be-in-training was to be greeted or woken up or whatever. Her paws touched the mossy ground of the nursery with a hiss. "I really don't want to be moving nests right now." She stated, adjusting to the darkness enough to see the cat that had moved her. Pure terror stared back. She shut her maw. Something bad had happened. Or was happening.
Pelt on end, the kit glanced around, shaking a small bit unsure if she should stand or cower or sit.
"Sleekpaw??" She whispered, as if her sister could hear her. Hot shame ran through her. She needed to go and help Sleekpaw. She eyed the entrance of the nursery wearily. Sleekpaw...
° . . °
  • ooc:
    A long furred silver tortoiseshell-tabby with high white and green eyes. Named for her soft fur that is often wild and unkempt. Sometimes she looks like a walking fur-ball. She is often looked after by her sister, Sleekpaw. — physically easy && mentally easy — blossoming clan gossip — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Sleekpaw
His head lifts, groggy and disoriented briefly from being nudged awake and he touches his nose to Rabbitnose in a fleeting, sleepy gesture before registering what was said. Wolves. He remembers the image of the wolf eating, mouth bloody, on the patrol with Freckleflame and Shiningsun and he feels a shiver rattle his core; his stomach twisting. It was in camp, THEY were in camp. He can't help but think of the dogs again, a terrifying ordeal that took Emberstar from them but was also manageable in a way domestic dogs could be with enough force and coordination but wolves…another story entirely. Larger, fiercer, wildborn and tactically intelligent. The only solution was to run but with the camp being sequestered down within a lower level of earth and the great beasts already within it how could they escape without drawing attention?
He's standing finally, moving on three limbs to crowd around the den mouth with the other warriors, his flank brushing Nightbird as he comes to a stop to glance out. Sunfreckle blinks the sleep from his eyes, focuses on the long-limbed canines lumbering about slowly with noses to the ground. It was only a matter of time before they realized the cats were hollowed away in the dens.
"We have to get to the nursery and medicine cat den…Gentlestorm has so many injured apprentices. There's so many kits who need to be carried, the queens need help. We'll need to-" He trails off as he mutters out fretful plans, movement catching his eye.

His green gaze widens gradually, from within the den peering out he can see plainly the looming gray stilted figure moving swiftly to the nursery in the distance, his fur prickles along his spine in horror; if the wolf managed to wedge itself into the nursery it would block in the queens from being able to escape - in his worst nightmares he can hear kittens squealing in terror and and a dribbling snarl from a long maw. They can't let the wolves get into the dens first, they can't let them trap them. He's moving before he realizes it, shouldering past Duskbird with a speed he is not known for but adrenaline gets him running like a fire is lit beneath his tail. A small, quiet part of him knows that what he has done is a death sentence - his mind flickers back to his own time in the nursery, two litters of kits with one easier than the other, grief clinging to both, love clinging to both. A clan that welcomed him with open arms in its earlier days when he was a soft, foolish kittypet, a leader who saw past his own naivety and trusted him enough to ask him for his council, friends he cherishes, warriors hes watched grow from kits to proud ThunderClanners. All of it is a blur as he barrels forward with a furious screech of a sound.

Sunfreckle collides with the wolf's leg, his teeth securing into it enough to make it stumble away from the mouth of the nursery but he doubts he has done much harm than leave a few scored marks of canines in its slender limb. But it is enough. It is enough to make it move, to push it away, if even for a second; his gaze flashes into the den and he sees Roeflame, Flamewhisker and Moonwhisper with kits huddled around their legs and he utters a quiet, "RUN.", seconds before the wolf cranes its head down with a twist and snaps his body between its teeth to fling upward. His yowl cuts through the camp, an alarm ringing, a brief second where suddenly he is his name; the sun - the center of the universe, every lupine nose tilted up and staring in his direction as he hits the ground with a crack he knows should hurt but feels of only numbness. "RUN!" Tabby limbs struggle to right himself but he does not get the chance, a thousand fangs bare in shining rows, his pelt is red, redder, redder than its ever been before. It is mercifully fast - he has never fallen asleep before so quickly.

One eye opens, closes, opens again, the camp is filled with gray shadows but light spills in and blinds him briefly in his haze - he feels tired more than anything then, as if he carries a weight he doesn't need anymore; stripe pelt shed and meadow green gaze lifted up. A tiny white kitten curls before his lone forepaw, chirps a greeting and he touches noses briefly with her with a strained tilt of his head upward before his eyes cloud over.


  • 75204774_KMaatSR8YhsJ99e.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.

She had bid the four brand new warriors a good night before heading to her lonesome nest, her body heavy with exhaustion. She prays in her dreams tonight she may see Jackdawflight. Maybe Berryheart, or Little Wolf, or Graystorm. She sinks into her nest with a grieving heart and lets sleep take her away. Her dreams are painfully, yet mercifully, silent - there would be no visits tonight.

The silence is cut short with the haunting howl that suddenly fills the camp. Howlingstar lifts her head from her paws, eyes round in confusion at first, then in horror. The sleep is shaken off her as she stumbles to her paws and creeps cautiously towards the entrance of her den. Her heart begins to pound in her chest, her breathing picking up. The wolves are in their camp. But what about the night guards? They would have warned us! She carefully peers out of the small cave, keeping low to the ground. Palefire, Badgerstripe, Lightflower, and Phloxdawn are nowhere in sight. Before she can think of why, the wolves begin to move towards the nursery, their noses to the ground and their pants loud and hungry. "No," She whispers, her heart plummeting as she takes a step out.

Before anything else can happen, a ginger blur races across the camp and lunges at the closest wolf. Sunfreckle! She gasps in horror as the wolf snaps him up in its jaws and tosses him in the air like he was nothing more than a piece of crowfood. Her paws feel frozen, rooted to the ground where they stand as she watches helplessly while her friend is torn apart. Tears gather in her eyes, but she doesn't have time to mourn. She won't let Sunfreckle's sacrifice be wasted. "EVERYONE OUT OF YOUR DENS! RUN!" She yowls as loudly as she's able to, her voice tearing against her vocal chords as desperation takes hold. There is no way now, she realizes as she looks around. The wolves stand around the entrance - and even if the clan did get out, the wolves would chase them down in no time. They'd be dead before they reached the river.

The only other way out is up. She swings her hear around to look up the walls of the ravine, her breaths coming hard as she tries to think. "Up the ravine! Climb up the ravine!" The wolves won't be able to follow them up there!

For a moment, she thinks of running to the nursery to protect the queens and kits, but she stops herself. Her deputy is in there. If anyone can handle it, Flamewhisker can. Her panicked eyes fall then on the medicine den. The apprentices. Putting on a burst of speed, Howlingstar bounds towards the cave where Gentlestorm sleeps, praying for Berryheart to be with her and lend her strength. As chaos erupts around her, she's able to squeeze in. "Gentlestorm?!" Her head swings around to scan the den, trying to make out each form in the darkness. "We need to get everyone out, now."

// in the medicine den, looking for @GENTLESTORM

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ The camp was bright and sunny, the air warm. She laid outside the nursery, with Flycatcher by her side. Tail lengths ahead of them, three kittens played with their adopted sibling. There was a red tabby tom, with two tortie sisters. Their markings reminded her of Lilykit and Butterflykit, but they were just slightly different. The tom was a close resemblance to her, but he was smaller like his father. His sisters were a perfect blend of their parents, their pelts riddled with grays and reds. Their laughs of joy filled the camp as they placed Leader of the Clans. Falconheart and Stormfeather joined in on the game, and the sight made her so happy. She pressed her head against Flycatcher's, feeling blessed to have such a perfect family.

Her dream was interrupted by a sharp jab of a paw. Heavy eyelids blinked once, twice, three times until she could clearly see Roeflame. "Wha?" she murmured, glancing around as she took in her surroundings. Her denmate looked as Sootstar had just resurrected. She looked completely terrified. The deputy turned and looked outside the den, and the color practically flushed from her face. Standing outside in their camp...was something she could only imagine in a nightmare.

The wolves.

Tall...dark figures. Their teeth seemed longer than her head, and they glistened in the moonlight. The feet were enormous...she could see their nails for here. Her breath hitched in her lungs, and she felt like she was suffocating. They had found the camp. There were so many...

The clan was going to die.

Her kits, her denmate's kits, their new adopted kits. Everyone was going to die. Her limbs felt like boulders, and the weight inside her chest felt like it was crushing her lungs. She couldn't breathe...she was going to die. When she had left for the journey, she had thought that she would die, but right here, right now. She knew this was it. The tabby looked down at the sleeping bundle beside her...But he must live. She would protect him, she would protect Deerkit....Quailkit, Softkit. They had to make it out...She promised Sparrowkit she would care for him, she would uphold her promise. She nosed the sleeping figure awake, put held a paw to his mouth so he wouldn't speak. "Shh..." she whispered, pulling him back to the center of the den like Roeflame instructed. Once they were there, she joined her denmates in standing protectively over them.

This isn't going to last long, we are not safe in here. Once the wolves smelled them, it would be over. Their dens were not suited for defense against these evil creatures. Her heart was roaring in her ears, and she knew Roeflame had asked what to do, but she had to think. They only had one shot at getting out, she couldn't screw this up. She opened her jaws to speak, but she quickly slammed it shut when heavy footsteps raced towards them. That's's over. Quickly she threw her tail in front of any nearby kits, shielding their view. Please Starclan make it quick. Her face tightened, and she held her breathe, but the crash never came. All she saw was a flash of red, and a voice she knew all too well.



Her blood turned cold, and tears of grief flowed down her cheeks. Sunfreckle was attacking the wolves...her best friend was sacrificing himself for their escape. "Run!" she ordered, her voice tight and sharp as she forced the words out. "Kits close your eyes and don't open them!" she swiftly grabbed Sparrowkit in her jaws, and charged out of the den. She scanned the camp, but the entrance was blocked. There was only one way out, climbing. "The ravine! Climb up the side!" she ordered to the queens behind her. She could smell the blood, but she forced herself not to look. She couldn't remember her friend as a pool of blood and guts...she would remember him as the hero who saved the nursery.
  • grabbing @sparrowkit
    @Moonwhisper @ROEFLAME .
  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 30 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    currently mated to Flycatcher / / mother to: Falconheart and Stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The little tortie was curled in a nest, becoming a dark fluffy ball with splatters of dark ginger showing in his curled up state. The kitten was having a nice dream, dreams of his mother, his father, his siblings. He flicks an dark ear, as he hears rustles from the nest he was tucked in. Num- Deerkit snaps open his eyes, lifting his head up as he heard ruckus going on around in the nursery.

Tiny ears hearing bone-chilling howls close to his new comfort, makes him squeak with fright. The young tom's fur raises on end, little back arching to appear as his figure shakes in nervous jitters. More even more howls, he feels tears grow in his eyes. He wants to leave! He doesn't wanna be here anymore! He looks up at he heard the queens, rustle behind him he pins his eas flat towards his head. He lets out a wordless mewl, as he gets picked up by the scruff his dark orange tail twitching behind him. He hears another kit complain from getting woken up from her also nice dream she was having, but he's wide awake now. He gets placed a distance from the entrance of the den, his paws touch down on the nursery's floor. Legs wobbling a little, he lets his fur settle a little as he hides behind whichever denmate was closest to him. He squeezes his eyes shut, not wanting to hear the big scary howling thing outside. He lets a flinch rattle his form, hearing a loud yowl from outside and then silence. He wants to go home...

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( uh.. i don't get it ) DEERKIT : kitten of thunderclan
    — amab ; HE / HIM ; currently 2 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    — a LH black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ff7844"
    — smells of fresh caramelized apples & faint damp earth musk

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone
𓍊𓋼 Falconheart wakes with a start, eyes already wide as he leaps from his nest. He doesn't even have time to think, feeling a telltale rumbling in the ground beneath his feet. Deer, he thinks, and panic fills his head. But as the sounds of snarling and screaming rip through the camp, the tabby-striped warrior quickly realizes that this is not the work of deer—it is something else, something unthought of, yet much more horrible than he could even imagine.


Wolves tear through ThunderClan's camp, and there is no stopping them. Cats around him begin to panic, crying out, but Falconheart can hear none of it. He turns tail and darts for the edge of camp, paws carrying him swift as the wind despite the numbness that's taken over them. He doesn't know what happens, then. All he knows is the fear that clouds his mind, the incessant ringing in his ears that drowns out all else. All he knows is that he needs to run, run for his life. The scent of blood already fills the air, and each gasping breath only floods his senses with more of it. He's climbing a slope, claws digging into dirt and ripping through roots. One snags on something, and the scent of blood spikes stronger in his nose. The pain of a ripped claw doesn't even register; it feels as though he's floating outside of his own body, trying desperately to get away from a larger version of the sharp-toothed monsters that have chased him through his worst nightmares. His paws meet tree bark, and on instinct he begins to climb. Paw over paw, chest heaving, he drags himself up and up and up, until he runs out of tree to climb. And when there's nowhere else to go, the cream tabby settles onto the sturdiest branch that he can find, testing its give before perching upon it.

He manages to stay silent for a few more seconds, biting his lower lip hard enough to draw blood. He can still hear the beasts below, in ThunderClan's camp, tearing through dens and cats alike without regard for life or death. Bloodthirsty monsters, far worse than the deer that have plagued the clan for the past month—no one will survive a brush with them, will they? Will Falconheart be forever alone in the world, now, without a clan to return to? His shoulders curl inward, breaths coming quick and ragged, and the tom hunches forward on his branch. My dad wouldn't have left anyone else behind. Neither would mom. Or Burnstorm. The thought makes his stomach turn, and for a moment he's blinded by nausea so strong he wobbles on his feet. He settles lower onto the branch—and it's a good thing that he does, because his next thought is the one that breaks the dam. What if they're all dead because I didn't help them? Dual-toned eyes squeeze tightly shut, unable to stem the tide of tears that flow down his face and drip onto his paws. He couldn't move now, even if he wanted to. His limbs are frozen in place, caught in the overwhelm of emotion that floods through him.

// the point of writing all 500 words of this is that no one would have seen where he went in all the chaos
  • Sad

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Sparrowkit was having a lovely dream that night, curled up next to Flamewhisker. He had grown much more comfortable within ThunderClan since he was discovered, and finally his nightmares have subsided. Now, his little paws twitched and his lips curled into a smile as he hunted down the mice of his dreams.

The howl wakes him up, but not with as much fervor as it wakes the others. Groggily, he lifts up his tired chin, squinting against the bright moonlight that streamed into the den. "Owl," he commented confidently. It was a soft 'hoo' into the night, just like an owl. He was quickly shushed by Flamewhisker, and obeyed - though he didn't understand why she was so worried about an owl.

He couldn't see what Flamewhisker was looking at. He couldn't hear the sniffing of the wolves, or recognize their scent over the motherly scent of Flamewhisker. Roeflame was instructing them to get into the center, and Flamewhisker obliged. Why is everyone awake? Are we playing hide and seek? Why are we all in the center? were all the questions he wanted to ask, but was too fearful of disobeying Flamewhisker.

He was calm at first, confused if anything. The sound of tussling between wolf and cat outside the den was unfamiliar to him, and though he stiffened at the noise, it wasn't until Howlingstar and Sunfreckle's yowls pierced the quiet air that Sparrowkit's body jolted with surprise, and panic finally set in. A shrill scream came from Sparrowkit as soon as Flamewhisker shouted, as everyone shouted, louder than he's ever heard before. Unaware of the wolves and the blood, Sparrowkit's terror was amplified by his Clanmates' fear and voices alone.

"Mama!" the kitten screamed as his scruff was grabbed and the sharp command to run was voiced. Was he calling for his missing mother, or for Flamewhisker? Swinging in the queen's jaws, he clenched his eyes shut as instructed, forcing the fearful tears to stain his cheek fur.
  • thunder-kit-transparent.png
    SPARROWKIT he/him, loner kitten, 2 moons.
    a long-furred white tom with chocolate markings on his ears, tail, and a heart-shaped mark on his flank.
    loner heritage. adopted son of FLAMEWHISKER
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Batwing had always had an issue keeping himself safe.

However, he did that at the expense of his own sanity, so that others could remain safe. So he didn't have to keep seeing bodies fallen to predators, he didn't have to keep relying on his visions not to be clouded with blood. He couldn't fail again, not like he had his heritage, not now, not ever. As the howl broke the night that he couldn't sleep through, and Nightbird roused the rest of them- Sunfreckle flung himself from the safety of the warrior's den.

Crunch. Snap. Chaos broke out after that, the noise that split from Howlingstar enough to get any cat's fur ruffled, and on end. His ears shoved forward, eyes widening as his drowsiness was flashed aside in an instant. Batwing pushed to his paws and out with the flow of warriors running for their lives, stumbling as he caught sight of the wolves. There was no need to describe them, he didn't have the time to look- the way that the blood fell from the fangs of one was enough to send Batwing into a panic.

"Leopardtongue! Get yourself safe!" He called, voice unnaturally even. Batwing had always performed well under pressure. Light paws that had seen the stone cliffs of the journey mountain found a ledge upon the ravine, winding down it until he made his way to the medicine den. His son was in there, injured, and he knew that Howlingstar and Gentlestorm weren't going to be able to carry all of the apprentices alone. He didn't attempt to snake his way into the medicine den just yet, given how tight it would be in there.

His words, however, carried within, green eyes pinning towards the mess of fur and screams below. "I'll help carry the apprentices out. But we need to move." His ground out, teeth gritting together. Just a little longer. Don't look over here. Don't.

// shouting for @leopardtongue to get out of dodge and heading towards the medicine den to get them out!​

He awakes to the soft murmerring of clanmates. At first, annoyance prickles his pelt. The sun had not yet risen and yet here these cats were, jabbering away like they were in the apprentice's den again, up gossiping in the wee hours of the night. But then he wakes more, hears the panic in the voices around him and suddenly he is on his paws. Wolves he hears someone say. Here. Terror fills his veins in an instant - ice cold and blinding, though it is not for his own life he fears. His mate. His mate who was heavily pregnant along with his sister. They are for who he makes his way out of the den for, the hope of ushering them to safety before the wolves got here making his paws work fast.

But he's too late.

Screams erupt in the clearing. The wolves are here, their heads close to the ground, their jaws parted and breath coming out in hot clouds like smoke. They were monsters straight out of the stories his mother used to tell him, terrifying and evil things that would kill each and every one of them if they did not manage to get out of here. And the worst thing? They were headed to the nursery. "ROEFLAME!" He screams, stumbling towards the nursery. To do what? He is not sure. Another beats him to it though, and he watches in pure horror as a red tabby figure rushes past him, as Sunfreckle gives his life to distract the vile creatures just long enough...

"RUN! COME ON, GO!" He cries out, hoping to shock any cats rooted the spot in terror into moving. He nudges whoever is closest with his nose, a sharp prod meant to goad their paws into moving in the direction of their escape. They needed to go now if they had any hope of getting out. When he makes it to the ravine, he stops. He would not run with his tail tucked between his legs while others were still in danger, when others would not be able to make it out without help. "I'm tall, I can boost others up so they can get out" he says in a hurried breath

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm had not been able to sleep well within the last few hours and his head had been bobbing with exhaustion, his eyes fluttering shut at last but it was short-lived when the song of death came from the intruders that had been lurking around in their home. His hackles lift immediately while his pupils grow large like an owls and he rises to his paws without hesitation, his ears lay flat against his head already making his way to the injured since they were priority. He prods and nudges their sides gently before speaking in a hushed tone trying not to let panic slip into his words "Carefully now. Get up, we must leave." His concern mostly towards Lovepaw who had the broken leg and he swallows silently praying to Starclan, he walks over to one of the apprentices barking out a few orders. "Everyone stick close to each other and don't even think of splitting away... Wolves aren't to be messed with." An owl was one thing... A wolf is another, the apprentices had been lucky to live when they had gone to attempt killing the owl but this was a battle that they'd definitely lose.

The sound of pawsteps heading in the direction of his den is enough for Gentlestorm to tense further and unsheathed his claws ready to die for the injured that resided in his den. He only relaxes in the slightest when he sees that it's Howlingstar and Batwing isn't far from following, he nods to what his leader says in agreement before speaking "Stormfeather and Lovepaw will need to be carried. Everyone else should be well enough to walk..." He remembers carrying the warrior on his back with Lightstrike when she had been injured though things were slightly different now, a soft breath escapes him and he motions for Howlingstar and Batwing to come closer. Sunshinepaw, Foxpaw, and Bravepaw could lean against either Batwing, Howlingstar, or himself while Vixenpaw could walk on her own. Gentlestorm approaches carefully to Lovepaw and lowers himself enough for the apprentice to climb onto his back "Get on," Then his dark gaze shifts to Foxpaw, Bravepaw, and Sunshinepaw continuing to speak, "You three... Come here carefully and lean against either of us. Stay close."

His throat feels dry and his heart's racing within his chest, he had already heard the yowl outside and the tearing of flesh. His heart feels heavy but he must go on and save who he can...

/ waking up/talking to all of those in the med den @sunshinepaw @bravepaw : ̗̀➛ @FOXPAW @lovepaw @vixenpaw. && talking briefly to @HOWLINGSTAR and @batwing


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • q0K38mZ.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Seated near Bravepaw, she'd taken it as a personal mission to try to visit the medicine cat's den fairly often- Gentlestorm is too nice to try to pry her from her attempt at making friends, humors her good-natured games to entertain his most unruly patients. So she does... oblivious to the way the blanket of night has fallen over camp already and how she ought to be heading to her nest so Wolfwind did not wake up a groggy eyed girl at sunrise. "I spy... with my little eye," she hums at the shifting boy, sightless golden gaze flicking around the den, its entrance, and the blurry colors that filter between the leaves. "Something gray!"

She suspects maybe it is her mentor... Or maybe another dilute-pelted clan-mate coming in from a final patrol or a bathroom break... Purrs a soft excitement to listen to the 'guesses' (which were really just the answers, so she'd be better at identifying things with such hazy vision). Somewhere behind her, Gentlestorm shifts and she can tell in the way his breathing hitches that it isn't just a minor tossing and turning in his nest like other nights.

Rounded ears swivel to listen, wondering if maybe she'll finally be shooed after being caught staying up so late with the injured apprentices (was she disturbing their rest?) but instead his tone drops to a quiet warble, prodding the others in the den to wake up. He urges that they must leave now and Doepaw's face twists into a frown. Leave? "Bravepaw... Bravepaw guess. You're supposed to tell me what it is," she mews, reaching a paw to gently prod the boy's side.

Howlingstar's voice cuts in again, from that spot in the den she'd picked before. She's also urgently demanding they leave. What... was going on? Apprehension squirrels around in her belly something fierce. Carried? The fawn's frown creased in greater intensity, becoming more and more anxious, more and more aware of just how much she couldn't see. "Wolves," she squeaks in question, as if begging them to confirm they hadn't just said it.

It was a dumb joke! Surely it was a silly, mean-spirited prank and they meant wolf as in Wolfwind!! She'd come stomping in here with a big old smile on her face and a fake, scary growl and pretend to gobble up the apprentices for getting into trouble with that owl weeks ago. It couldn't be the stuff of nightmares... in camp?! They had guards for that! They had...

Her tongue feels like sandpaper in her mouth for how dry it becomes. I'm so dead, she thinks in absolute dismay before turning to the boy she'd been playing with. "D-Don't leave me," she demands, suddenly clinging to his side like sap had stuck them together. "We can help each other!" It'd either double their chances of survival or....


-- planned assistance to @bravepaw : ̗̀➛
. ° ✦There's a kick to Bravepaw's spirit as he's settled into his nest with Doepaw beside him. This game of 'I Spy' she plays has humored him, and in her lack of awareness for the nighttime has given him the same excuse to stay up and keep playing with her. It is with great misfortunate though, that the spotted chimera is not immune to the sense of drowsiness that overtakes him as he creeps closer passed his bedtime.

Slow, tired blinks almost lull him to sleep, his head jolting back up as Doepaw shouted her next 'spy'. "Buh... gray?" He sniffed loudly and looked in the same direction. It was too late now for a dusk patrol to return.

His voice is trapped in his throat as he sees the beasts, their unfamiliar scent causing his whiskers to twitch in discomfort. He pulled himself back further into the den, trying to paw Doepaw's shoulders to join him. Gentlestorm's awake and aware now, too, and Bravepaw can hear his mentor shrieking for his Clan to run before the sound of growls and movement begin.

He doesn't hear Sunfreckle again.

"Wolves a-and Sunfreckle..." Bravepaw's voice trembled as he tried to convince himself the opposite of what he assumed to hear. His mentor had shouted for them to run, that must mean he ran with them, right? He isn't given long to ponder it before Doepaw attached herself to him and the strength in his legs have returned. His hind leg is still aching (he hadn't really been paying attention to his physical therapy today) and his shoulders sting as they roll back. Doepaw could help him keep steady to escape, and he could help guide her where they have to go... It could work.

"We'll work together. I won't leave, I promise." A fluffy tail curled around her own with reassurance before his father's arrival took his attention.

"Papa? Is Sunfreckle okay?" Bravepaw asked as he started to half-walk-half-limp toward the older cats at Gentlestorm's instruction.
° . . °
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes.
They move like a hurricane, paws slapping against compacted earth like a torrential downpour, their gray fur blurring into battering winds and terror. Everywhere Chickadeepaw looks, this is movement and horror in it. Their clanmates are moving, running, trying to outrun the storm of teeth and fur before it drowns them.

But they can't move.

The one nearest to them has blood smeared across its muzzle - DANGER! DANGER! - a crimson flag waving its own misdeeds across its face. Acornwish, the apprentice thinks, screams, cries to themself. It ate Acornwish, it got my sister, it got my sister itatemysister my SISTER! It had torn apart her sister, mutilating her so terribly that Gentlestorm didn't even have a body to bury. They couldn't even bury her why couldn't he bury her why it'd have to be her -

Golden eyes fixed and fur fluffed out to seem much bigger than their tiny body would ever be, they are frozen, staring, tears blurring together the fear and shock. The wolves stop at Sunfreckle's body for just a moment, sniffing it, inspecting their prey, but all Chickadeepaw can see is - "Acornwish -" //to be yanked out of it by @skyclaw

These wolves had been terrorising their territory for days now. Clanmates had died at the jaws of these beasts. It had only been a matter of time before they discovered ThunderClan's camp and wrought havoc here too. Still, it was a surprise when Flycatcher was actually disturbed from his slumber to the sounds of panicked clanmates, and the news that wolves were in camp. In his slightly sleep-addled state he almost does not believe it and then he hears the howl and he rises to his feet faster than he ever had before.

Camp is a mess. Cats dash around trying to flee and the wolves were already here, noses close to the floor. Once, ThunderClan had driven away a pack of dogs, and that had seemed like an impossible task despite their eventual success. Flycatcher could not even entertain the same idea for the wolves, knowing that even trying to do so would likely only lead to certain death. As his vision clears, he can see the wolves approaching the nursery and panic rushes over him thinking of all the queens and kits inside and subconsciously he begins to move in that direction. He is not the only one who spots it too, head swivelling as he hears Burnstorm cry out and start making his way to the nursery. Like Flycatcher, he is likely filled with dread with thoughts of his mate and the kits she carried. Before either can reach there, a red blur intercepts them and Flycatcher watches with mute horror as Sunfreckle gives his life to distract the wolves long enough for the queens and kits to flee.

Flycatcher longs to be with them, to be by his mate's side as she and the queens flee to safely. But he can't, not yet, not whilst he knows there are still cats in camp that will need help. "Flamewhisker! Flamewhisker!" He calls out, hoping she'd find his gaze above all the noise. "Go! I'll find you, I promise!"

And with that the lead warrior heads towards the medicine den, joining Howlingstar and Batwing in offering help with Gentlestorm. There are many injured apprentices inside as well as his own daughter. He could not imagine any being left behind. "How can I help?" Flycatcher mewed, looking at the medicine cat. His gaze does not linger on him long though, already drifting to Stormfeather. He had been unable to do anything for her on the mountains, but StarClan themselves would be unable to stop him from helping her now.