FELL THROUGH THE ICE // pre-gathering chatter

frecklepaw & 10 moons & trans. fem & she/they/it & riverclan apprentice
Frecklepaw doesn't want to be here - and n truth, her discomfort all but radiates from her where she stands upon the sidelines. She takes no more then a few pawsteps into the clearing before pausing - ears back and tail drooped. Already, she's lost sight of Magpiepaw - clearly, her littermate is far more interested in socializing then she could ever be - and Gladefrost... well, Frecklepaw is trying not to think to much about her older sister just then. Mismatched eyes take in the mass of cats one last time - the sight and scent of the crowd no less overwhelming, before tucking herself beneath a nearby bramble. Best to just.... wait things out, she thinks. It's not like anyone will notice.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I L O S E M Y C O O L , W H E N I G E T E M O T I O N A L
// NOT open to interacts sorry! she's just here for the bad vibes (i have too many ocs here this moon rip) but feel free to use her silliness as flavor text

teeveepaw & 06 moons & nonbinary & they/them & skyclan daylight apprentice

It's their first time being out this late - and in truth, there is something both mesmerizing and utterly eerie about the night. Stars glitter overhead, pale against the moons glowing light - they'd never known the moon could be so bright - and there are far more cats gathered then they had expected. The sights, sounds, and scents all ring unfamiliar - only one or two dredging up memories, even amongst their own clanmates. There is still much for Teevee - Teeveepaw now, they correct themselves mentally at the absentminded slip - to learn.

Thistleback warns them to be careful, but sets them free to wander. They say nothing, but give a dutiful nod of acknowledgement, wide eyes turning to scan the throng of cats as paws begin to carry them away. In truth, they don't make it particularly far, instead pausing as they as pushed by one cat into another. They don't get the chance to see the first, but they do notice the latter - jaws parting slowly as they blink up at the older cat. " Sorry - somebody pushed me, I think.... Hello, " they say slowly, softly - a bit out of order.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

A N D W E D O N ' T S T A Y F O R L O N G

// preplanned interaction with @CELANDINEPAW but open to others
Shroudedpaw's first moon as an apprentice, and he has already been thrown into the gathering. If ThunderClan's cats made for little room to breathe, Fourtrees was absolutely suffocating. The apprentice tries his best to remain stoic, to ignore the press of bodies around him and the collage of scents that batter his nose, but to no avail; his mentor is quickly on to comfort him, receiving a defensive bristle in response. "I'm f-fine," he insists.. but is he?

It seems he is not the only cat who'd rather be anywhere but here. There's a certain tension in the air that he could not miss; between RiverClan and WindClan mostly, but amongst the ShadowClanners themselves. Of course, having never been to a gathering, Shroudedpaw would never know the difference. They're all the same in his eyes - bristling scoundrels, out for trouble. Unfortunately, it is one of the marsh-cats that Mousenose eagerly brings him to next. Forestshade she says, a lead warrior like ThunderClan's own. Keeping up with his delighted mentor by only a few mouse lengths short, the boy eyes Forestshade with cynical-veiled curiosity; distrusting, he wants to examine her, to know her secrets and what she hides from ThunderClan.

The conversation moves smoothly, though, and he soon finds his own bristling fur relaxes with time. Though quiet, Shroudedpaw's gaze rises to the rock that the leaders perch on - Chilledstar is absent, they say, but he'd have no luck discerning what kind of presence is missed. "Who are they?" he inquires with a grey gaze locked onto the leaders, somewhere between the conversation when he gets the chance to speak. "I mean.. which one's which?"

While the chatter continues about their deputy and the nursery she's finally left, joined now by what he assumes is a WindClan warrior, Shroudedpaw finally lets his mind wander away from their conversation. They dart between unfamiliar pelts, and ears swivel between multiple different conversations. Eventually, Bugpaw's loud voice is separated from the rest and he sees her nearby, talking to a ShadowClanner. He considers joining, for a moment, but hears.. something about can we talk? and pretty eyes, and the boy's ears grow warm as he swiftly glances away, as if he's seen something he shouldn't have. Begrudgingly, he allows himself to shuffle closer to Mousenose, pinning his once wandering eyes to the ground as he awaits the night's end, decidedly alone.
  • SHROUDEDPAW ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 6 MOONS,, ages every 8th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | generally healthy​
  • speech is #E4D6CE



Halfpaw follows her mentor into the gathering clearing, wondering at how it could feel so different but so similar to every other time she's come to one of these as she spies her father's striped pelt at their helm. When ShadowClan descends upon four-trees, she pauses. Sharpshadow is quick in his abandonment, and she has to stop herself from spewing laughter when he nearly collides with SkyClan's leader. Sometimes, she thought it a miracle he had made it this far in life. Nonetheless, she is grateful for his teachings. Sometimes.

She turns away from the two cats, half-hued eyes scanning the others who have gathered. WindClan was making a point to steer clear from ShadowClan and it makes her heart twist in her chest. Did that mean that even if Pinkpaw were here she would shun her? She is uncertain if she could take it if such a thing ever occurred... But then, no, there it is. That voice drifts to her ears like a bell, melodic in the way it draws her attention immediately, her head swinging in the direction of the source only to lay eyes on the very cat she had been searching for. Her heart beats against her ribcage at the sight of that familiar calico pelt, though she looks different from the last time she had seen her (Stars, how long has it been?) She is still recognizable as the Pinkpaw she had known. And she was, against all hope, speaking to another ShadowClanner! "Pinkpaw!" She cries out as she draws closer, casting a sheepish look in Chervilshade's direction, as no doubt the warrior will take notice of the excitement she is unable to hide. Let the others thin what they'd like. She doesn't care. She is loyal to ShadowClan first and foremost, after all. "It's so good to see you again!" she says, leaning forward to touch her nose gingerly to the other she-cats cheek, her eyes shining with some unplaced emotion as a purr rumbles in her chest and her tail sways in the air.

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
Skyclaw frowns as he guides his apprentice through the thralls of cats. The gathering has never been his favorite place, and with hindsight he wishes he had advocated against it more often. His gaze floats to Howlingstar briefly, thinking of how the she-cat so often sat him beside his very own father for conversation, but said nothing on the matter... He shakes his head, his tail tapping Fadingpaw's shoulder. "It can be overwhelming," he says, ears pinning back for a moment before he rights his posture entirely. "If you can manage tonight, Fadingpaw, then you will be fine through anything else thrown your way..." He hopes. He's crafting a damn good warrior out of the quiet she-cat, after all.

He does not intend to speak to any SkyClanner - in fact, his paws tried carrying him towards the lead warriors and deputies - when he is intercepted. Crowsight, and the mottled point that he caught over the border a mere week ago. He wrinkles his nose and motions for his apprentice to gather to his side. There is some satisfaction, seeing how he marred the other tom great enough to ruin his visage. Too bad that beneath the starlight and full moon, he cannot do so twice over. "Don't call me that," he says, sternly, but he says little more on the matter. Crowsight must be a fool, to think that they're brothers -


Crowsight brought with him a child who's learning borders. A child who Skyclaw took beneath his own wing for mere moments to teach him the sanctity of territories and the troubles with trespassing. A child - Lionpaw... who is his brother. The distinction is not said so loudly, only hidden between syllables and past interactions. He grits his teeth and glares down at the tom. Another of Blazestar's brood... another son abandoned by their father. It seems that the former Kittypet King has a legacy that even in death he could not betray.

"Why would you bring him to me?" The ThunderClan warrior snipes. He feels a growl building in his chest and has to make an active effort to keep his claws sheathed. His voice lowers, "Do you understand who scarred him like that? Me Crowsight, it was me...!" Does he feel guilt? Skyclaw in this moment does not know. He stares, waiting for an apology though he knows he will instead garner an explanation. And should Lionpaw hold his gaze, he will only glower, frown, and look away.

[ apprentice tag @Fadingpaw , interacting with @LIONPAW and @CROWSIGHT >:3 ]​

Near-silent had she glided through the last of the reeds and across stone-bridges to the Gathering. Otterbite's careful eye guided her, just as much as the moon did, and whiskers twitched at the thought. When the pushed into the gather, they were far from the first there. Her ear twitched as she observed, but he was at her flank, willing her forward. She chuffed quietly in return, moving towards the gnarled tree.

Settling in the nooks of the roots, vision turned towards Otterbite with a blink. Honestly, her stomach was barely grown in size, enough that it could seem akin to her having too much food, though most who traveled to the Gathering knew well enough you ate light before traveling. "The... only cat I've ever held conversation with? Pinkpaw. Windclan." She answered him honestly, unaware of the other's ceremony. "If there are any you wish to speak to..." She trailed off, ear twitching towards the throngs of cats.
  • "speech"
    // interacting with @otterbite but no planned interactions, feel free!
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, fifteen moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    mated to otterbite / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- As they traveled to the gathering, blue eyes had kept Radiopaw in sight- if not close. He wasn't so worried about the apprentice's stamina, more the behavior. They had never been to a gathering, this would be their first, and... well, he remembered how Greeneyes had look at him in worry. Falcongaze's eyes scanned the gathering as they arrived, Orangestar giving brief utterances to her apprentices.

Falcongaze exhaled softly, eyes turning towards Radiopaw. "Alright. This is the Gathering. You are free to mingle, but remember to be kind, respectful. Fighting here is against the rules." Falcongaze advised. "I will be nearby if you need me." He advised. Of course, Falcongaze would be all but three steps away from Radiopaw, but giving the apprentice freedom to explore may be the best way to let energy out.. and, well, let him learn by experience.
  • "speech"
    // interacting with @Radiopaw but open to other interacts!
  • FALCONGAZE 🌧 he/him, warrior of skyclan, sixteen moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring radiopaw
    padding after drowsynose / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Reactions: Radiopaw

Moonlight reverie hummed throughout the entire Gathering, as though the vagrancy of humility had come to Fourtrees, perpetual cycle and ephemeral state of being. Inquiries trickled into her head, saline specks of rainwater that soaked into her, whenever the full moon came about. Why do the clans only want peace once a month? If they can do it tonight, they can do it every night. I don't understand... Not even the barncats fight very much, and we all share the same space. Still, the calmness of enemies turned friends had been a welcome one, as the eventful night united them all, reminding them that they were woven of the same stardust and sands. Celandinepaw quickly broke away from her mentor's side, the thrall of the combined noise almost bemusing the golden tabby, as though her ears aimed to follow every little thread of conversation to its neatly-tied end. If only she had a hundred pairs of ears, so that she may string along each crumb of gossip and drama. Not that she had ever concerned herself with the thicket that was interclan politics... As she ambled about, a body shoved into her side, almost knocking her off the surface of her balance though not entirely tipping her downwards. A well-placed 'hey!' sprouted upon her tongue, and had just about let that bold blossom bloom from her mouth before she saw who had bumped into her. A smaller apprentice, definitely much younger and more naive than she, as powderlike kitten-down still padded and pushed at their face. Celandinepaw bit her tongue back, just this once - after all, they had apologized.

"It's 'kay! It happens." Sunshot countenance brimmed with an easy smile, moony splendor dancing upon her curved features, as if it purchased upon the rounded peaks of her cheeks and the glimmer of owlish gaze. Long whiskers twitched as she caught upon that somewhat-familiar Skyclan scent, of pine sap billowing out of the recesses of the bark and of forest-flower's pollen clouding the winds. "What's your name? You smell like the pines. Are you from Skyclan? Um, uh... Sorry, I'm still sorta new to this whole 'Gathering' thing. Except not really, 'cause I joined Windclan moons ago." Rambles of a madwoman cascaded down her fleecen maw, like it was honey running from a tap, confluence of saccharine flavor routing any sort of anxieties that held her tongue. Hay-tinged eyes settled upon Teeveepaw, blinking once or twice before the motor of her vocal chords continued to drone onwards. "Here, let's play a game. My father told me it was a good way to get to know other cats. This one was pretty popular at the barn; it's called 20 Questions. Do you know how to play? It's basically just, um, you think of something and I have to guess what it is by asking questions! You can go first!" In typical fashion, Celandinepaw had forgotten to ask Teeveepaw whether they would have even wanted to play, but the wheat-hued spotted tabby beamed in an anticipation that haloed her framework.

  • Interacting with @Teeveepaw. but open to all apprentices who want to play a party game! Also tagging @Magpiepaω
  • ( NOTE: Reference is a placeholder until a drawn reference can be supplied. Credit HERE )​
  • —— CELANDINEPAW / She/They/He / 11 Moons
    —— Moor Runner Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Dimmingsun
    —— A shorthaired golden spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
    —— Extroverted and unafraid to speak their mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

// interacting with @MOUSENOSE @RATTLEHEART @shroudedpaw

Forestshade's ears twitch as she listens to the ThunderClanner's lively chatter. She tries her best to remain calm, trying to best think how she can play it off. "Yeah, maybe next time," She settles on, fighting the frown that wants so badly to cement itself on her face. She tilts her head slightly as the conversation easily moves onto Flamewhisker. She can't help the amused smile that finds her face; even though she can't see it, she can hear the animation in Mousenose's demeanor. ThunderClanners are weird. Whiskers twitching, she jokingly remarks, "I feel ya. Staying in the nursery is a punishment that should be reserved for the forest's lowest." She hated it so much that she hardly even stayed there when she was a queen! "It's good to hear Flamewhisker is back where she belongs, though. Raccoonstripe will adjust I'm sure." She shifts slightly, getting into a more comfortable position before continuing, "It sounds like ThunderClan's apprentice den should be pretty full then." Flamewhisker's brood, and the litter she assumes Mousenose's brand new apprentice belongs to should make up quite the roster.

The torbie's ears twitch as she hears another approach, his presence familiar but not one she'd ever grown very accustomed to. She acknowledges his greeting with a nod of her head, trying to fight off the tension that now exists between their two clans after the...spectacle at the last Gathering. She tries her best to keep her tone measured as she mews evenly, "Hello, Rattleheart." It comes off chillier than she'd hoped. Oh well, no going back. "Indeed," Is all she manages to say back to him when he adds his snippet on nursery life, blatantly uninterested in anything a WindClanner has to say tonight.

Her attention is pulled back to Shroudedpaw when he asks which leader is which and finally Forestshade allows a bit of amusement to return to her face. "I'm afraid I won't be much help there, kid," She snickers, blinking blind eyes.
Mousenose angles their ears toward Rattleheart, a mrrew of greeting leaving her throat. "I'll bet. Guess Sunstar let you stretch your legs for once, eh?" She feels quite important, suddenly, being caught between both a lead warrior of ShadowClan and one of Sunstar's council. Pride bushes her tail as she sweeps it across the leaf-littered clearing. "Our apprentice den is very full. So is our nursery. We're really thriving this greenleaf," she boasts, puffing out her chest to both the WindClan queen and the ShadowClan warrior.

Shroudedpaw brushes against her and asks which leader is who. Mousenose stiffens, jolted back to reality. "Oh, right. Sorry! Let's see..." Green eyes scan the crowd, then land upon a ginger-eared white she-cat, her muzzle scars gleaming in the moonlight. "That's Orangestar, the leader of SkyClan. Check out her scars! They're pretty cool, eh?"

She twists, looking next for Rattleheart's leader. She spots the tabby tom with his amber-flecked pelt, his missing limb, blazing blue eyes. "That's Sunstar of WindClan," she mews, elbowing Shroudedpaw.

Next, Mousenose finds a fluff-eared blue-pointed warrior, scarred and looking notably uncomfortable to be where she is. "That's Lichenstar, the new leader of RiverClan," she explains. "RiverClan loses leaders almost as often as..." She trails off, realizing she might be insulting Forestshade if she finishes her thought, "... as anything!"

Finally, she peers through the crowd, spots a broad-faced gray tabby tom. "And that is Smogmaw, the deputy of ShadowClan. He will speak for Chilledstar tonight, it seems." She reclines, proud of the quickness her explanations had followed.

  • ooc: @FORESTSHADE @RATTLEHEART @shroudedpaw
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Shroudedpaw ; previously mentored Sunshinespot
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.

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Reactions: ixora
Crowsight does not flinch when he's met with a snipe. After all, he wasn't expecting for things to go smoothly. Given their history and Skyclaw's hatred towards Blazestar. When Skyclaw admits it was he who marred their brother's face, he finally blinks after an eternity. Amber pools in his gut. Not because the Thunderclan warrior harmed his brother, but because of an assumption that it was Crowsight himself that made this decision. And thus, he seeks to correct it. "Lionpaw made this choice."

As if sensing a reason why they were here in the first place knowing it wouldn't bode well, Crowsight begins to explain to Skyclaw. "When he was a kit, he learned about his older brothers and sisters in Thunderclan. Not just of their unwavering loyalty of Thunderclan, but how they may not accept him. Before bringing him to you, Skyclaw, I warned him it might not go well. In the end, he wanted to see you. His mind was already made up. It's been made up the moment he was told of Burnstorm and Moonwhisper."

When it comes to what his younger siblings have been told, he only knows the basics. It didn't seem like it was his place to know. When it came to Blazestar and his kin, it felt as if he was intruding despite the fact that they were family now. However, that was irrelevant now. "All he had was stories and names of you. Is it so wrong to want to know the truth? To know who is his family? Even if it meant being rejected... Even if it brought pain, it would be better spending countless moons never knowing, and always feeling as if there is something missing."

The black smoke takes a step forward. "Skyclaw... When Lionpaw was born I rejected him. When he was a kit, I ignored him. All because of Blazestar. Everyone speaks highly of him, but I can't. Blazestar hurt Fireflyglow. And I hated how he could never see it. How he even with the power of the stars, he couldn't think about what his actions will bring. He never thought how becoming mates with my mother, without bringing it up to his children first would hurt. And now, even though he's dead. He's left us with his mess. Honestly, I want to claw at him." It is unwise to be telling Skyclaw about his dislike towards the former leader considering it could be used as ammunition, but perhaps some understanding could be reached. After all, both of them have a bone to pick with the kittypet king. How amusing. As for Lionpaw... Hearing this his own older brother rejected and ignored him for the sins of his father may have stung.

Blazestar was not perfect. He was flawed. All of them were. A black paw is brought too his damaged eye, tracing the scars. "You and I aren't related by blood. You left me with these scars and didn't say anything about it, but when it came to Lionpaw..." He swivels his head back to his younger brother. What he recalls is the fear reflected from those azure eyes. Of his younger brother's shame. How Hollypaw's comment has affected the apprentice. Watching the torbie over work himself to become his father. His head swivels back to Skyclaw. "Everyone is responsible for the way they chose to live."

// interacting with @skyclaw and @LIONPAW
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"wild hearts run"
Radiopaw was nearly vibrating in excitement. Not only was this is first night away from his house, it was his first gathering. He was more than ready to meet everyone. The last moon had been nearly torturous as he watched his peers go out to train. But that was what Glitchpaw wanted. And he could go now! He paid little mind to Falcongaze as he pushed into the clearing. "Great! Thanks, bye!" he chirped before running off.

Speaking of his siblings, he slid up next to Teeveepaw. He felt quite responsible for them, considering his role in getting them here in the first place. He figured he could stick by. For some of it at least. "Hi, I'm Radiopaw. I'm Teeveepaw's brother." He smiled brightly at the pretty golden she-cat.

//interacting briefly with @falcongaze and interacting with @Teeveepaw. and @CELANDINEPAW
° 。‧˚⋅˚✧。゚・° 。‧˚⋅

It was always a little exciting to have the excuse to stay out later in the day, to be amongst her clanmates even when the dusk turns into night. It was extra exciting tonight for a few reasons, this was a gathering! She got the chance to socialise amongst cats from different clans, both neighbours and the ones that stretched a little too far like WindClan and ShadowClan. Alongside her tonight was Jellypaw as well, she had the opportunity to be a mentor and she got to be the one to introduce her apprentice to the wonders of a gathering! Florabreeze had only been to one before so the novelty was still shiny and brand new.

The moon highlighted the metaphorical sea of cats that outstretch, with a grin she nudges Jellypaw's side. "Congrats on your first gathering! Try to not wander too far from my sight but feel free to chat with the other apprentices here tonight" She knew that cross clan friendships were a point of contention but that veil seemed to be lifted for one night only. Why not encourage some friendly gathering chatter? "Try and see if you can learn something interesting from the other clans, I'd love to hear about it! Have fun, okay?" There, she advised for education to be involved so that way it felt a little more serious. At the end of the day, she was aware that her apprentice was also away from her twolegs and family for longer than usual, she wanted her to feel like it was worthwhile through fun rather than treating it solely as some other aspect of her apprentice training. With a satisfied huff eager eyes kept a point of watching Jellypaw for a few moments. Making sure that the odd chance of her causing problems wouldn't arise, she was aware that the young apprentice seemed to let her whims whisk her away, something that Florabreeze could relate to, so she thought it best to keep an eye on her for a moment.

Satisfied that any potential drama from this gathering wasnt going to occur from her own apprentice, the daylight warrior decided to try and find someone new to talk to. Her sights landed on a dark pelt and the scent of ThunderClan greeted her, to her knowledge things were fine between the two clans. Orangestar hadn't told any of them to not speak with a thunderclanner so the Maine Coon happily approached her without a second thought. "Hey! I'm Florabreeze, from SkyClan, have you been to many gatherings before?" There was a curious head tilt and a swish of her tail as she took the time to take in the strangers features. "Cool scars by the way! You gotta have a cool story to go with them right?" She was really banking on tragedy not being attached to said story but realistically the two went paw in paw.

  • Interacted briefly with @jellypaw ♬ and currently interacting with @Ravenstrike !
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

It felt like someone had almost bumped into him within a moment of leaving his apprentice's side. He smiled at first, then, after a brief moment, recollection broadened his pupils. Sootspot reclined his head to get a better look at other, Howlfire, daughter of the abomination king. Those with kittypet blood seldom made good leaders, there was a softness to them that made them vulnerable. His nose twitched in recollection of his half-brother, fate the same as Blazestar's, and felt some sort of gratification that despite his outer clan heritage, at least he was not sired by one who wore a collar. "That is quite alright," he mewed almost joyfully, and purposefully placed himself in her way, hoping to make it more awkward to move past him should she disregard him so readily again. They were not their parents, bound to kill each other over and over again, but it did not lessen the sting of seeing an enemy thrive whilst he was forced into compliance.

"I admit, it has been many moons since I have attended a gathering." Eight? Nine? The time away from the other clans had been a punishment in the eyes of Sunstar, but the chimera would never truly complain about getting the territory to himself for a night. The flat moorlands stretched wide and eyes could grow marvelously hawklike to his movements, much to the chagrin of a creature that liked his privacy. "You must indulge me. How does SkyClan fair under a new leader?" He twisted his head to the trees, where his satisfied expression landed upon Orangestar. "Better, I presume? She certainly looks less haggard." Then, his eyes shifted to Sunstar closeby to Orangestar, and disappointment weighed heavy on his shoulders. It would hardly be an insult to him if Howlfire pointed out how run-down WindClan's leader looked, it would only be justification that StarClan's faith in the three-legged WindClanner was misguided.

[ @Howlfire ]
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〕The young apprentice makes his way into the gathering at his mentor's side, paw steps resisting to fall into a certain hesitancy though ultimately striding forward with the confidence and composure expected of him. Nerves danced around his feet, a certain electricity zipping through his heart as Crowsight led him through the crowd of cats. Not only would tonight's gathering ( hopefully ) be better than last time, but it would also be quite eventful as he was going to meet one of his ThunderClan siblings. Lionpaw was not sure which, if at all, but Crowsight promised that they would meet them should one be present. They had not brought up the very idea to their mother nor to their siblings; this had been a choice shared only with Crowsight.

B-bump, b-bump goes his heart as the chocolate torbie point sees Crowsight pad off. They were ready to meet their kin for themselves, to perceive them and assess them for themselves. They wanted to forge their own relationship with them and not let it be predetermined by anyone else. And, whatever outcome came of this, Lionpaw told himself that he was prepared. He trusted Crowsight to have his back.

Quickly the older tom returns, informing Lionpaw that there was indeed someone for him to meet. He nods his head ( to the best of his young self's understanding, anyway ) when the black smoke issues him a warning. Perhaps it was Lionpaw's naivety to the cruelty and prejudice of other clans, or perhaps it was some foolish belief that Skyclaw would change his mind upon seeing him that motivated the apprentice to go forward with this.

Would Skyclaw be the spitting image of Blazestar himself? Would he be fluffy with kind eyes, or beefy and strong like a typical ThunderClanner? What if he looked like him?

Then, as his eyes register the appearance of the tom in front of him, Lionpaw's limbs begin freezing up. The young cat slowed to a stop behind Crowsight.

It's him. It was the cat who'd attacked him!

Everything around Lionpaw drowns out, and for the moment, he can only see Skyclaw. His judgmental, scathing stare rakes across Lionpaw, and it's obvious that he's made the same realization. They knew each other, and not in a good way. And, as dreaded, Lionpaw's attempts at nurturing a positive relationship with his brother are met with scorn. "I-I thought that-" We could be friends.... Would Father have wanted them to get along, even after he was gone? Or would he have told Lionpaw to put the Warrior Code first and accept that they were from two different worlds? It was the first law that he himself had created, after all. Skyclaw's loyalty was to his clan. Lionpaw's loyalty should be to his clan. He could never treat his ThunderClan kin truly like family, could he?

"Do you understand who scarred him like that? Me Crowsight, it was me...!" The words make him flinch, his ears pinning back against his cream-colored head. And it had all been Lionpaw's fault. Would Skyclaw have treated him any differently if Lionpaw hadn't made such a mousebrained mistake, or would he still have hated him all the same?

His eyes threaten to spill with tears ( again ), his jaw trembling as it struggles to keep shut. Crowsight's speech hardly registers in Lionpaw's mind; he is a calm and collected presence, clearly trying to vouch for Lionpaw as he could not gather to courage to do so himself. A fretful excuse such as I can't stay here anymore, I'm sorry urges to lurch out of his throat, but he cannot manage the words. They refuse to make themselves known and only suppress as the sharp gaze of Skyclaw rakes over him.

Without a word, Lionpaw ducks away quickly and runs headfirst into the crowds away from his brothers.


  • ooc. briefly interacting with @CROWSIGHT and @skyclaw and now running away ( any attempts to stop will be ICly ignored! )
  • LIONPAW —— apprentice of skyclan , mentored by crowsight ✦ penned by beatles
    trans male / he/they pronouns / 7 moons & ages every 9th
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy combat difficulty / won't start fights, won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png

    a longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes. a silky, cream-colored pelt is adorned with chocolate points. his points are splashed with ginger spots. tabby patterns also stripe around their dark limbs and face.
  • Sad
Reactions: dejavu and Thorny
Despite his gaze flicking away from hers after their contrasting gazes met, and the fact he seemed to hide — to ignore her presence. Had she done something wrong? Look at yourself. The taunting voice whispers, which causes her jaw to tense at the thought. Gladefrost inhales and exhales deeply with a moment of her chambray gaze, closing to forget where she is. It was a figment of her imagination that wished for the worst of her to come to light. It fed her lies and fed on her insecurities similar to the dogs' hunting cats. She was sometimes an easy meal for them. Not today. I won't listen to your lies today. As the exhale parts her creased lips, she blinks suddenly at the sudden yelp from Slateheart.

The obsidian tom-cat calls her by her former name and she tenses for a moment, visibly uncomfortable at the reminder of her old life. It takes a moment for her to reel herself as the fictional pain from her scars ache and she raises a paw to them and grasps them for a second before glancing away. Her mouth feels dry and the swirling emotions grasp around her throat until his voice calls out again. Y - you snuck up on me. Do not.. do that again. Please. You saw me, I didn't sneak up on you. Am I that monstrous? Is that why you refused to look at me? She blinks at him as her lips tighten and her fangs threaten to pierce her lip at any moment. "Mm. Sorry." Her words come out distant when she wishes to question him instead, 'Did I scare you because I'm ugly now?'

A lingering gaze from behind catches her attention and she glances at her apprentices and Shellpaw as she silently checks on the three. Her focus eventually shifts back toward Slateheart, who rasps at his chest, and an unfamiliar 'fine' comes from him. She missed the days when she sat next to him at Beech Copse and they talked about the simplicity of life, learning about each other and everything they had in common. The days whenever they met at the bridge underneath the moon that was a mimic reflection of the tom before her. She even longed for the dreadful days when they were captured by the twolegs and it was only the two of them in their little world, finding solace in each other's presence. "I'm glad to hear. You look... good." Unlike you.

His next words come out venomously accusatory, and her ears flick in surprise. His intense forest gaze meets her icy chambray gaze, a stark contrast to her once vibrant and warm gaze. "... I'm fine. I spent much of the last moon in the medicine den." Gladefrost would state as she adverts her gaze for a moment. The first thing she did once she was allowed to leave the campgrounds was sit on the bridge railing and wait for him to come to her. When the nightmares plagued her and she stirred restlessly, the thought of his short, scruffy coat against hers provided her some relief. "It seems as if everything is going great with you." The tall warrior shoots back with the same accusatory tone, her lips pursing. She waited all this time just to see him and this was how it went? Did he never think of her like she thought of him?
  • Love
Reactions: slateheart
〕Almost as if they were seeking judgmental gazes or scornful remarks, they are taken off-guard by a sudden explosion of positivity. It is as if the sun has been condensed into a single cat; an apprentice, to be an exact, perhaps a moon or two younger than them. She immediately introduces herself off the bat, barely giving Rowanpaw a chance to step back and gather their thoughts. "...I'm Rowanpaw." This Bugpaw sure had a lot of energy, it seemed. Or perhaps Rowanpaw was simply sullen in comparison. "This is... also my first gathering." They comment, finding a strange sense of solace in the fact that another youth was experiencing their first-gathering-jitters.

Just as the chimera was perhaps beginning to ease into the conversation with their new acquaintance, they were stunned by a random compliment distributed by the lemon-eyed she-cat. They blink their aforementioned bi-colored eyes, for a moment unsure of what to say. Their skin burns under their pelt. "Er... thank you." Was she supposed to compliment the other apprentice back? Maybe she should at least make an attempt, although they had only met a mere few moments ago so Rowanpaw did not have much to go off of. "Your... fur is very fluffy." It was notable, at least to them. WindClanners typically did not sport thick coats, as they were made for speed and agility.

Quickly transitioning to another topic of conversation, trying to brush off their peculiar feelings of bashfulness, Rowanpaw meows, "I don't recognize your scent." It's oak-y and needle-like. ShadowClan has sparse trees, they know, but their scent mostly consists of swampy mud and marshland. So, they conclude that this apprentice must hail from the clans that WindClan does not border. "Are you from SkyClan or ThunderClan?"

  • ooc. @Bugpaw !
  • ROWANPAW —— tunneler apprentice of windclan , mentored by swiftshade ✦ penned by beatles
    afab demigirl / they/she pronouns / 8 moons & ages every 17th
    single / graysexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy combat difficulty / may start fights, won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 84424481_kX2Ce15lb0ln1I1.png

    a shorthaired black/tortoiseshell chimera with heterochromia. a lithe, slightly muscular cat with a smaller-than-average build. a direct line splits their face, as if mirroring an inner battle of identity and belonging. a serious expression usually graces their face, and their amber and blue gaze is always sharpened.
Troutsnout sounds remarkably different than when he last met - cold, distant -, but it all lines up perfectly with his suspicions. She stopped meeting him for a reason, and now she approaches to.. what? To pretend like nothing ever happened? To chide him for being so tense after he had been essentially abandoned? The RiverClanner's apology is lost on him for the moment - he is focusing instead on everything that went wrong.

Slateheart doesn't feel good. Even as he tries to be petty, to be angry instead of sad, his heart twists. Troutsnout's distant and confused gaze does not go unseen. She is looking at him like he is a stranger - he feels just the same. Her words are stiff and curt, mere formalities that pale against the almost poetic way she once spoke to him - once, he looked like the moon, and now he just looks.. good. " Thanks. Prey is running well again. " Slateheart replies, a swift lie. He is not as slim as he was when he was trapped by Twolegs, refusing to eat the kittypets' slop; but he is still by looks, a struggling warrior, just as anyone else. He gives her a brief lookover - still tall, still spotted, still soft-furred. If he notices her scars, he makes no inclination of such. Scars are inevitable in this life. " You look .. good, too." Didn't he call her pretty once? Is he imagining it? His ears grow warm, but he fights to ignore it.

Slateheart finds he doesn't really want to hear anything else, if the conversation must go this way. It is not without his own faults of course, petty and accusatory as he is, but.. what else was he supposed to do when confronted by the very cat he thought left him high and dry? It is his right, he thinks.

But her explanation comes swiftly, and Slateheart feels his heart drop. Oh.

" "The . . medicine den? " he echoes, dumbfounded. Lost, confused. Ohh.. " "I - I thought- " He feels like a fool. He feels like he's burning up. All this time, she was in the medicine den, unable to see him. He thought he had been stood up - and that thought brings another wave of shame. Stood up from what? She's a RiverClanner, fool.

But, just this once, he ignores the better part of him calling for logic and law. Something needs to be mended here. Slateheart ignores the bitter retort to his own passive-aggressive comment moments before and shakes his head. " "No - I mean, yes, everything's good. But - listen! "

His voice raises for a moment, desperately, as he seems to have forgotten where he was. A swift glance is given to the cats around him, apologetic, before he lowers his head and speaks in an urgent whisper-like mutter. " I thought.. look, I'm sorry. " Slateheart knows by now, whatever it is he feels, whatever it is he must explain - it is too risky to do it here. As he looks at her now, whatever slightness his eyes held are all but gone, replaced by desperation and pleading. There is much he feels the need to talk about - to apologetically explain his behavior first and foremost, but to find out what landed her in the medicine den for a moon. To catch up. To discover why she seems so.. empty.

" I think we're off on the wrong paw. Can we talk.. elsewhere? " The please needs not fall from his tongue to be seen in his expression, heard in the quiet urgency of his voice. " . . Tomorrow night, here? "

SLATEHEART ( he/him )​

( ooc ) calling her troutsnout until he discovers her rename :3
  • Love
Reactions: Gladefrost
The smell of Lionpaw rushing past him isn't missed by his clever nose, ears swiveling until ghostly blue eyes widen in the distance. He had half a mind to go join the medicine cats as he always did, but something didn't settle right in his stomach. Crowsight had taken it upon himself to educate Lionpaw on his heritage, his siblings' history. Fireflyglow feels the overwhelming need to protect his brothers in this instance.

"Crowsight." Fireflyglow calls from across a few cats, pushing his way through the crowd to brush his flank up against his younger brother's in protective solidarity. His expression is worried for a second, nose sniffing at Crowsight's face to make sure he hadn't gotten hurt again. How worrisome, that his brother had to face the troubles of war now.

He missed the words that slipped from Skyclaw's mouth about Lionpaw's injury, but Fireflyglow made sure to change his posture, back straightening from its normally slouched position to stand tall and proud. His face, twisted into something that can only be described as barely contained rage. His claws tap-tap-tap at the ground below him, the graves of their ancestors reminding him of the peace he must keep. It made him uncomfortable to think that Crowsight could relate to Skyclaw in any way. The rage, the fury that threatened to rear its ugly head, reminded him of everything that could have gone wrong. If he loses another family member.. No, he couldn't take it. He's lost enough in his lifetime already. He spares Skyclaw a look of angry disappointment, before his expression softens towards Crowsight. "Are you alright, brother?" He asks Crowsight softly, his voice gentle and caring and genuine. "Is Lionpaw alright? Should I go searching for him? It isn't safe for him to be on his own.." He fussed with a frown.

// interacting briefly with @skyclaw and @CROWSIGHT
SkyClan descends into the clearing in a mass of multicolored pelts, the better part of them mentors flanked by the bright - eyed forms of their new apprentices. Doeblaze is among them, with Cloudypaw at her side as they dip into the throng of fur and chatter. " Go ahead and chat, " she mrrows, flicking him gently with her shortened tail. Gatherings were a rare privilege, and this being Cloudypaw's first, it'd be a good idea for him to familiarize himself with cats of the other Clans. " Talk to some of the other apprentices, 'kay? "

Doeblaze flanks her Clanmates as they split from the greater flow of cats, scattering to the winds but remaining in a loose net of pine - scent. I wonder if I'll see anyone from the journey tonight, she thinks with a hopeful twitch of torn ears. It's been many moons since she's had the fortune of attending the Gathering, having been nursery - bound for half a turn of the seasons. Such were the joys of motherhood; the tabby's mouth twists into a wry curve at the thought. Though it wasn't his first, Lionpaw was here tonight with his older brother, hopefully chattering away with a smattering of other apprentices.

" Oh, Hazecloud, " she mrrows brightly in greeting, turning to face the gray - smoked warrior where she stands alongside a rather uncomfortable - looking cat with blue - dipped limbs. Sharp jade eye roves over the scars raked down the leader's body, without much judgement, and then flicks to meet Hazecloud's verdant gaze. " I'm going by Doeblaze these days, " she meows pleasantly, not expecting the RiverClanner to be aware of it. " Only changed it a few sunrises ago. "

" I've not had the pleasure, " she answers with a shake of the head; she's heard of Lichenstar and her recent ascension, of course, but not yet met RiverClan's latest leader in the flesh. Her seaglass eye crinkles at the edges, happy to meet a former journeymate . . . especially Hazecloud. You're very brave, Bobbie, echoes in shredded ears and brings a small curving smile to a tired muzzle as the tabby regards the pair. She inclines her head slightly, mrrowing, " It's nice to meet you, Lichenstar. "

" Oh, really? My son, Lionpaw, he's here tonight—maybe they'll run into each other, " the tabby meows pleasantly, half - tail flicking. That Hazecloud, like so many of those outside of SkyClan, is unaware of her second mate and kits, does not cross her mind. If Lionpaw were to make any friends tonight, she thinks any kit brought up by Hazecloud would be a good candidate. Even on the journey, so long ago, she'd admired the smoky she - cat's strength of character. " How fares RiverClan? This weather hasn't burnt up the fish, I hope? " she jokes.

OOC : Interacting with @lichenstar and @hazecloud!