- Jun 7, 2022
- 895
- 293
- 63
Her fur ruffles as the breeze that carried the storm swirls through the camp. The heavy rainfall that had tormented them during their battle had lifted to a light drip, the clouds growing lighter as the tail end of the storm started to move away from their forest. Blood dribbled down her ear onto her cheek, as well as along the new tear from her shoulder to her neck. With each paw step she fought the urge to not wince, but she refused to show how bad it throbbed. Not when there were clanmates down below with much greater injuries. The ground was littered with bodies, her clanmates all wore suits of crimson. It was a battle of life or death, a battle against rogues. Many of the corpses were those of Skyclaw's followers, but there were loyal Thunderclanners down there as well. Cobwebtail.. Another one of Howlingstar's kits had joined her in the stars. She had never doubted his loyalty, he had died a hero. Her gaze scanned the clearing, finally resting on her son's figure. He stood with his nose touching another's pelt, one that made her gut twist with agony as she realized who's spotted body lay limp along the ground. "Sparrowpaw..." her voice was barely above a whisper as she gazed down at her son's body. Every part of her screamed to go down there, to bury her muzzle into his figure, to scream and curse Skyclaw's spirit, to go down there and tear her claws into the tyrant's deceased body...but she needed to stay up here. To address the clan.
To be a leader.
"Skyclaw is dead."
Her chin lifts away from Sparrowpaw's body, and back to the clan as a whole. It felt strange standing up here, with everyone staring at her. At one point in her life, she would have panicked at this feeling...but now, standing on the Highrock, she could see her clanmate's gazes. Alert, tired, hurt, grieving, wide-eyed with fear...they needed someone to look to, to bring them through this. I will keep my promise Howlingstar. I will keep your clan safe. She could do this, she was certain of it. "From this moment forward, every follower of Skyclaw is now exiled from Thunderclan. If they are spotted on the territory, they are to be killed on sight." A heavy punishment, but one she deemed fitting. They had already proven where their loyalties lie, and that they weren't afraid to kill for what they believed in.
"We will hold a vigil for Cobwebtail and Sparrowpaw tonight. Those that are in need of medical attention, please see Gentlestorm. Those who are clear, we need to start digging graves. Cobwebtail and Sparrowpaw's will be dug first. After their's is finished, we need one outside the cemetery. The traitors will be buried together." She turned her gaze to the brown tabby that had ended Skyclaw's life. He had lost another brother today, so she did not want to overload him. Instead, she turned to Burnstorm. "Could you oversee this?" He undoubtedly wanted to catch up with his family who had stayed behind, but there would be time for that soon. The clan was reunited and safe once more.
Her fur ruffles as the breeze that carried the storm swirls through the camp. The heavy rainfall that had tormented them during their battle had lifted to a light drip, the clouds growing lighter as the tail end of the storm started to move away from their forest. Blood dribbled down her ear onto her cheek, as well as along the new tear from her shoulder to her neck. With each paw step she fought the urge to not wince, but she refused to show how bad it throbbed. Not when there were clanmates down below with much greater injuries. The ground was littered with bodies, her clanmates all wore suits of crimson. It was a battle of life or death, a battle against rogues. Many of the corpses were those of Skyclaw's followers, but there were loyal Thunderclanners down there as well. Cobwebtail.. Another one of Howlingstar's kits had joined her in the stars. She had never doubted his loyalty, he had died a hero. Her gaze scanned the clearing, finally resting on her son's figure. He stood with his nose touching another's pelt, one that made her gut twist with agony as she realized who's spotted body lay limp along the ground. "Sparrowpaw..." her voice was barely above a whisper as she gazed down at her son's body. Every part of her screamed to go down there, to bury her muzzle into his figure, to scream and curse Skyclaw's spirit, to go down there and tear her claws into the tyrant's deceased body...but she needed to stay up here. To address the clan.
To be a leader.
"Skyclaw is dead."
Her chin lifts away from Sparrowpaw's body, and back to the clan as a whole. It felt strange standing up here, with everyone staring at her. At one point in her life, she would have panicked at this feeling...but now, standing on the Highrock, she could see her clanmate's gazes. Alert, tired, hurt, grieving, wide-eyed with fear...they needed someone to look to, to bring them through this. I will keep my promise Howlingstar. I will keep your clan safe. She could do this, she was certain of it. "From this moment forward, every follower of Skyclaw is now exiled from Thunderclan. If they are spotted on the territory, they are to be killed on sight." A heavy punishment, but one she deemed fitting. They had already proven where their loyalties lie, and that they weren't afraid to kill for what they believed in.
"We will hold a vigil for Cobwebtail and Sparrowpaw tonight. Those that are in need of medical attention, please see Gentlestorm. Those who are clear, we need to start digging graves. Cobwebtail and Sparrowpaw's will be dug first. After their's is finished, we need one outside the cemetery. The traitors will be buried together." She turned her gaze to the brown tabby that had ended Skyclaw's life. He had lost another brother today, so she did not want to overload him. Instead, she turned to Burnstorm. "Could you oversee this?" He undoubtedly wanted to catch up with his family who had stayed behind, but there would be time for that soon. The clan was reunited and safe once more.

- ooc. this takes place immediately after the uprising thread
FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
✦ afab / she/her / 36 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
✦ widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
✦ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
—— difficult in battle
✦ "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
✦ tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse -
a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
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