*:・゚✧ The sharp edge of the blade sundered the bones, smote through the neck, and clave it in two, so that the edge of the steel bit on the ground, and the fair head fell to the earth that many struck it with their feet as it rolled forth. The blood spurted forth, and glistened on the green raiment, but the knight neither faltered nor fell; he started forward with out-stretched hand, and caught the head, and lifted it up; then he turned to his steed, and took hold of the bridle, set his foot in the stirrup, and mounted. His head he held by the hair, in his hand. Then he seated himself in his saddle as if naught ailed him, and he were not headless. He turned his steed about, the grim corpse bleeding freely the while, and they who looked upon him doubted them much for the covenant.

For he held up the head in his hand, and turned the face towards them that sat on the high dais, and it lifted up the eyelids and looked upon them and spake as ye shall hear:


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↳ Penned by Meghan | Heartchart | Pinterest | Playlist
—— SCORCH. Verb. To burn the surface of (something) with flame or heat; A generational name after her mother Scorchstreak, whom she greatly resembles. | STORM. Noun. A violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow; a suffix that marks her strength and ferocity for WindClan.
*✶。 AFAB Demigirl [⚥] | She / they pronouns
*✶。 18 moons old | Ages every 1st | Created June 1st at 2 moons
*✶。 Lead warrior of WindClan | No former allegiances

    ↳ SH tortie with low white; carries dilute, longhair, and colorpoint
    *✶。 Scent: Heather, salt, hickory smoke
    *✶。 Voiceclaim: Angelina Jolie as Tigress

    Scorchstorm is among the biggest cats in WindClan. Owing to Badgermoon's musculature, she bears broad shoulders, rippling muscles, and an overall rectangular shape. She stands tall among her peers, though to other Clans she is of average size. She thinks little of her posture, and though she typically stands straight, she does not often puff out her chest or seem especially pompous. Scorchstorm, despite her size, could easily melt into a crowd when it comes to how she carries herself.

    While the cat herself may not look like much, her pelt is a different story. It is close-cropped and wiry, coarse as her mother's, and just as beautifully marbled between charcoal blacks and flaming oranges. The most distinct patches splash across her face in an uneven dance; many of her orange spotting resemble streaks of ember across her limbs and back. At the base of her tail, orange explodes across her haunches. The final color of this trio manifests in the traditional tuxedo white spotting that Badgermoon bore — and, notably, his white ear-tips.

    Moderately scarred, Scorchstorm's body is that of a true warrior. She boasts immense strength and can certainly tank hits where other smaller cats may struggle. She maintains a good amount of WindClan's agility, making her a dangerous opponent — heavy yet mobile. Some injuries Scorchstorm has suffered have stayed with her, though — a mild infection from Honeybadger's bite has resulted in a leg that will ache unprompted. Smoke inhalation from WindClan's controlled burn has damaged her lungs and made her vulnerable to future respiratory injury and infection. Scorchstorm pushes through these things no matter how it costs her in the name of carrying out her orders.

    —— Scars: An x-shaped scar over the bridge of her nose, earned from a dog bite. A small slash on her shoulder from Sootstar. A bite mark on her right hind leg from Honeybadger, whom she killed.
    —— Accessories: N/A; previously wore a blue morpho wing behind her left ear, but has since retired the accessory to her nest, ratty and tattered. It is sentimental from the time she and her littermates caught butterflies together as kits.


    ( + ): Dedicated, passionate, kind, loyal
    ( / ): Obedient, orderly, honest, ambitious
    ( - ): Brutal, anxious, blunt, crusader

    Elaborate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo. Vestibulum nec pulvinar nisi, eu dictum erat. Proin mollis magna non nunc rutrum, quis vestibulum libero sollicitudin. Aliquam tellus augue, feugiat efficitur leo quis, congue semper ligula. Vivamus efficitur, elit et tempus tristique, nisi enim laoreet nulla, vitae scelerisque erat augue sit amet nibh.

    Etiam facilisis urna nec tristique facilisis. Proin tincidunt, elit sit amet pharetra eleIifend, orci mi euismod eros, nec dictum justo sem ac risus. Ut condimentum metus enim, sed vehicula velit pulvinar sit amet. Proin efficitur dui sed lorem tincidunt efficitur. Phasellus finibus, eros eu congue tincidunt, nunc mauris commodo libero, et consequat erat sem nec nisl. Sed tincidunt bibendum tellus, id lobortis sem ultricies id. Curabitur non congue diam, tincidunt accumsan nunc.

    —— Important notes: Important notes here.
    *✶。 Driving motivations:
    *✶。 Fears:
  • SCORCHSTREAK xx BADGERMOON | Generation 2 | Sibling to Dappledsun✝​, littermate to Rumblerain, Frostwind and Luckypaw
    ↳ Mentored by Sunstar and Badgermoon | Mentoring Buckfire

    Potential blurb here? IDK what about

    *✶。 Loves Scorchstreak, Rattleheart✝​, her littermates, Sunstar, Wolfsong, Periwinklebreeze
    *✶。 Friends with Buckfire, Mouseflight, Foxglare, Sedgepounce, Redheart, Lavendertwist, Cherryblossom
    *✶。 Likes The Sunsong litter, Pinkshine, Downyfur, Cottonsprig, Figfeather, Bluefrost
    *✶。 Dislikes Sootspot, Thriftfeather, Badgermoon, Bluefrost
    *✶。 Loathes Sootstar✝​ and her loyalists, Snakehiss, DuskClan (excluding Rumblerain), RiverClan

    All opinions are in-character and do not reflect that of the roleplayer.
    ↳ Speaks in #HEXCODE | Thinks in italics | Former crushes on Cherryblossom, Lavendertwist, Bluefrost

    Blurb about general interactions; are they easy to get along with among clanmates? what is their attitude towards other clans? towards cats outside the clans? towards romantic interests?

    ↳ Open to: injury ; Closed to: permanent maiming, death ; Reach out about anything else!

    —— Scorchstorm was named for her brutality, and in battle she displays this well. A skilled WindClanner in both speed and stock, she can tank hits while still remaining agile — at least for a while. Scorchstorm's biggest downfall is her blood-hunger, the red that mists the corners of her vision, the going too far. She believes strongly in blood justice and will aim to kill cats who have wronged her or her own. She will also follow any order Sunstar gives her, meaning if he orders her to die fighting, then... well, she will go out in a blaze.

    *✶。 Fights to win — permanently. Aims to kill unless the cat is obviously young. For younger opponents she will aim to weaken and injure, but not maim. Will always follow orders from her superiors before acting in her own interest unless in a rage state.
    *✶。 I like to roll for attacks but will adjust to keep in line with my character's strengths / weaknesses. I do always strive for fairness in battles & try to let most hits land, unless I'm avoiding certain injuries. Please feel free to reach out for battle plots, as I love plotted fights as well! I also tend to write battles aggressively, but don't take this to mean all attacks should be hitting — that is up to your discretion.
  • ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ AGILITY: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
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  • 66618343_Z64wITtXlmudU3g.png
    click for original adoption thread
    not every thread scorch posts in will be in this tracker! just important stuff :- )

    JUNE 2023 20 ic posts
    sunshine of my lifetime — birthing thread
    GOOD MORNING WORLD — litter intro to the rest of windclan
    weak knees and all — trying to help rumblekit (and failing)
    the raven is a wicked bird — houndthistle tells her a cautionary tale; sets up her admiration for him
    peppermint candy — an impressionable scorchkit meets sootstar for the first time
    damaged oddity — scorchkit witnesses the aftermath of her first windclan defeat
    one as sweet as caramel — scorchkit and periwinklebreeze hunt rocks together; sets up a good relationship between them
    all my stars aligned — scorchkit attempts to race hollykit in the howling winds (and faceplants immediately); sets up a (one-sided) rivalry with her
    lower a saint — scorchkit and luckykit explore camp together. good bonding moment!
    such a nice breeze — scorchkit and luckykit bond over being on the same team for mossball
    first light — scorchkit witnesses windclan's second defeat, this time at the paws of riverclan. pretty disheartening stuff
    butterflies and rose thorns — scorchkit and sootstar share a quiet moment together
    slow it down — as the weather calms, luckykit begins digging. this is where scorchkit gets her first inkling that tunneling may not be her path
    excuses, excuses — scorchkit and badgermoon talk about life and death
    let the waters run red — scorchstreak is called into battle against skyclan. in light of windclan's recent losses, scorchkit is remarkably nervous for the outcome of this battle

    JULY 2023 18 ic posts
    heaven in your eyes — the skyclan battle patrol returns with scorchstreak lightly injured, but intact. scorchkit learns to associate murder with victory, and strengthens her faith in windclan and starclan alike.
    rosemary — scorchkit visits periwinklebreeze for the first time since he'd been nearly killed in the riverclan skirmish. not quite sure of how to ask if he's alright, she offers to build rock towers with him instead.
    humming of wings — scorchkit showcases her obedience and diligence when sootstar asks nearby kits to play exterminator. it's a task she shudders at, but does without complaint, fully devoted to her clan and leader.
    i was kinda feelin seasick — scorchkit humors parsnipkit by showing him how to squash bugs. sets up a friendship between them.
    PANACEA — scorchkit hunts butterflies with her siblings, and collects her blue morpho wing accessory
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    JULY 2023 18 ic posts
    DEAD END ALLEY — scorchkit becomes scorchpaw, and is apprenticed to badgermoon
    love like ghosts — scorchpaw and badgermoon have their first training session together, and scorchpaw visits the riverclan border
    TO SAFER GROUNDS — scorchpaw and luckypaw pursue different paths of windclan apprenticeship. scorchpaw is jealous of luckypaw's tunneler status
    numbers and signs — scorchpaw and her littermates move out of the nursery into windclan's sea of nests
    STONE WALL, STONE FENCE — scorchpaw and scorchstreak talk about scorchpaw's apprenticeship, and how it is different than they would have hoped
    BEECH GIVES WIND SPEECH — scorchpaw asks sunstride for a story, setting up a closer bond between them
    WONDERLAND — scorchpaw witnesses sunstride offer wolfsong a rabbit's heart in order to make their kits braver. she understands that her parents do not love each other in this way, and contemplates her own feelings towards love (and towards this form of consumption)
    DIAMOND SANDS OF TIME — scorchpaw and luckypaw participate in dual battle training with their mentors, though a deeper current of separation runs between them
    doin' time — scorchpaw and snakehiss hunt together
    SALVE TERRAE MAGICAE — scorchpaw catches her first piece of prey! (also serves as her 50th post ^_^ )

    AUGUST 2023 12 ic posts
    teamwork makes the dream work — scorchpaw witnesses cottonpaw and adderpaw hunting together and feels bitterly jealous that she is not doing the same with luckypaw
    MERCY — scorchpaw joins in on a group battle training session and has A Time with it
    pull the pin — scorchpaw encounters riverclanners in a border patrol for the first time
    A song for summer — baby's first gathering!
    fire: the people — scorchpaw meets a new friend at the gathering

    SEPTEMBER 2023 15 ic posts
    THREADS OF LIFE — scorchpaw meets wolfsong and sunstride's new litter
    feverish delirium — scorchpaw's anxiety about the new illness cats are coming down with spirals into an outburst
    DESTINY CALLS — scorchpaw volunteers for the journey to find more lungwort for the sick cats
    THE GARDEN — scorchpaw plays with sunlitkit, one of wolfsong and sunstride's new kittens
    BREATHE IN, TURN DIVINE — sootstar claims that badgermoon and curlewnose have attempted a coup and fled windclan as traitors. scorchpaw defends her father initially, but is soon shot down by her clanmates, after which she folds against her better judgement.
    hard to grasp with shaky hands — scorchstreak explains to scorchpaw the history of windclan's traitors.
    HOLD ME LIKE A KNIFE — scorchpaw prepares to attend the gathering, from which she will leave to find the cure for yellowcough.
    PUSHING THE TIDES — at the gathering, scorchpaw runs into cherrypaw, and learns that they will both be leaving that night to find more lungwort for their clans. saddened to be leaving without badgermoon to send her off, scorchpaw leaves the gathering for an arduous journey she may never return from....
  • 71151266_5ZTryoGqbGtbrPI.png
    scorchpaw was chosen for a great journey to bring a cure for yellowcough back to the clans. since the threads took place in a separate board i am creating a separate slide for her adventures during that time!

    SEPTEMBER 2023 15 ic posts
    deja vu — scorchpaw and luckypaw talk about their struggles with the journey and their family situation
    DEATH'S A FUNNY PAL — scorchpaw discovers a ratty stuffed animal with some other cats and remarks that it might make a good skyclanner
    ABSEILING — scorchpaw loathes the idea of sleeping without the stars directly overhead
    THERE'S A PLACE OFF OCEAN AVENUE — scorchpaw and cherrypaw cross a bridge together in order to progress their journey
    THE ELEVENTH HOUR — as rockslides threaten the journeying cats, scorchpaw believes that she witnesses luckypaw's death and must be rescued by another member of the group to safety.

    OCTOBER 2023 18 ic posts
    pulse-echo of this penetrable dark — scorchpaw and cherrypaw share a quiet moment of comfort while sealed in the caves.
    MY HEAD IS BLOODY, BUT UNBOWED — scorchpaw risks her health for the sake of a skyclanner– and a kittypet at that.
    BUT HEAVEN, NO HEAVEN DON'T HEAR ME — the journeying cats face a new obstacle: a steep cliffside that seems nearly impossible to climb. scorchpaw struggles to scale it herself, and relies on the help of skyclanners to clear the cliff.
    BETWEEN THE BARS — scorchpaw prompts fellow windclanners into a race in an effort to feel more at home in their mountainous home.
    it thinks about you too — scorchpaw realizes that the days are getting shorter as they travel, and prays that their journey is worth something.
    I WON'T BACK DOWN — a skyclanner, slate, saves scorchpaw from a badger.
    BUT TONIGHT WE DANCE — the journey cats find lungwort! scorchpaw finally feels like this journey is worth the effort, and is finally more ready to warm up to her fellow journey cats.
    CHASE THE MORNING — figfeather, a skyclan warrior, and scorchpaw are paired up for a hunt.
    WHATEVER YOU BECAME — on the full moon, the journey cats wonder about what is happening at the gatherings back at home.
    AS IT ALL FALLS APART — iciclefang, a riverclan warrior, teaches scorchpaw how to fish while the two tortoiseshell mollies form a quiet bond.
    IT'S ALL GRAND, AND IT'S ALL GREEN — the journey cats venture into a thick forest that only the thunderclanners can navigate them through.
    how the heart stops like a car — scorchpaw offers cherrypaw a gift in the wake of cherrypaw's injury and little wolf's death.
    DIRTY KNIFE — scorchpaw offers ghost stories to her fellow journey cats in an effort to bring levity to the grim situations they've been facing.
    WE ALL MAY DIE — a pack of dogs accosts the journey cats. scorchpaw rescues iciclefang in the fray, and earns her first scar.
    THE WORST CRIME — on their way home, honeyjaw, a shadowclan warrior, balks at the idea of returning to the clans. scorchpaw resents the idea that she sees herself in his attitude.
    ANOTHER BELIEVER — finally, scorchpaw and the rest of her kin are home from the journey!
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    NOVEMBER 2023 15 ic posts
    KETCHUP — safely home, scorchpaw gossips with her fellow apprentices (and more) about the journey's perils.
    'TIL I TAKE YOUR HEART — with badgermoon still exiled after her journey return, scorchpaw is reassigned to be sunstar's apprentice. though she looks up to him, she cannot ignore the trepidation that comes with the idea that he is replacing her father in more ways than one.
    VULTURES FROM THE PAST — a shadowclan patrol asks windclan about their missing kittens. scorchpaw theorizes that the two newest arrivals to windclan's camp are smogmaw's missing kits; but, she says nothing, for fear of being exiled like her father before her.
    smoke's gonna rise — scorchstreak and scorchpaw talk about how windclan has changed since they returned. they also talk about insubordination and its consequences.
    HONORED — the returned windclanners have started to feel the tension of sootstar's new windclan. scorchpaw bonds with the cats that are not a part of her leader's closest inner circle.
    TIME — scorchpaw and sunstride discuss her journey into the mountains.

    DECEMBER 2023 5 ic posts
    I DON'T LOVE YOU, I JUST LOVE THE BOMB — the tension between sootstar's loyalists and the windclan rebels has reached its xenith in camp. sootstar exiles sunstride for returning shadowclan's kits to them. scorchpaw can think of badgermoon only, and decides that this time she will not be party to more of sootstar's injustice. she seeks luckypaw, and she flees.
    RAVEN HARVEST — the windclan rebels arrive to horseplace. scorchpaw discovers that rumblepaw, named rumblerain under sootstar, has chosen to stay behind as a loyalist.
    rolling like thunder — the windclan rebels muse about what is going on at the gathering. scorchpaw misses the journey cats and rumblerain.

    JANUARY 2024 5 ic posts
    GET OUT OF MY HOUSE — scorchpaw contemplates her warrior name, as well as when she might earn it in the midst of windclan's civil war.
    BEFORE THE NIGHT IS OVER — the tenuous peace is broken. sootstar and her loyalists attack horseplace. in trying to assist her mentor, scorchpaw attacks sootstar and earns a small scar on the shoulder.
    PRAY I DON'T GET UP — the final reckoning between sootstar and the windclan rebels. scorchpaw attacks honeybadger, who gives her the bite scar on her leg. in this post, scorchpaw sinks her teeth into him and kills him for his betrayal of sunstride and his clan. it is her first kill.
    CUT THE TALE — in the aftermath of the battle, scorchpaw seeks her mother for news about rumblerain's allegiance.

    FEBRUARY 2024 6 ic posts
    I KICKED A BOY 'TIL HE CRIED — scorchpaw confronts sootstar in her weakened state about whether badgermoon's betrayal was built on lies. she does not get an answer.
    when you're not far away — puff, a friend of scorchstorm's from horseplace, chooses to join windclan.
    I WON'T LET YOU DOWN — scorchpaw is named scorchstorm by sunstar for her ferocity and strength. and for some reason i didnt post in this thread bc im stupid but it needs to be on this tracker
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    MAY 2024 16 ic posts
    thread title — description

    JUNE 2024 13 ic posts

    JULY 2024 20 ic posts

    AUGUST 2024 12 ic posts

    SEPTEMBER 2024 22 ic posts
  • OCTOBER 2024 ? ic posts

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Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

  • SCORCHSTREAK / Mother and deputy, very close /
    " My mother. She is the best warrior and deputy that WindClan has known. I am proud to look so much like her. My heart aches for her after losing Bluepool — but she is strong. We ache together, I think. I wish I knew how to talk to her better. "
    OOC. the scorches dynamic is so special to me!!!! i never planned for scunior to end up so much like her mom but they really are echoes of each other which i think is beautiful... especially because she was primarily raised by scorchstreak

    BADGERMOON / Father and traitor, estranged /
    " Why did he leave? He was my father. I asked Sootstar about his betrayal — about whether she had fabricated it or not. I still do not know the answer. I still sometimes miss my apprenticeship under him; he knew so much about the moors. He just seemed so in tune with things. And he left us behind. "
    OOC. OUGHHH my heart... the dramatic irony of their situation haunts me. she turned against him when he was exiled from windclan and i dont know that she would ever accept him again... unless she knew the truth. i think about them sm :- (

    LUCKYPAW / Brother and barn cat, closest growing up /
    " I miss him every day. I cannot say I completely understand his decision to stay in Horseplace. I just hope he is happy there, and that he grows fat on mice, and has cats to talk to. I visit when I can. "
    OOC. their relationship as siblings will always have a special place in my heart! luckypaw was scunior's best friend growing up and she still misses him dearly. i looove luckypaw and the dev that he and scunior went through while he was still active :- )

    RUMBLERAIN / Littermate and DuskClanner, estranged /
    " I can bring them back. I am sure of it. "
    OOC. the tragedy of a sister who cannot see the cost of her abandonment... a sister who thinks she can make things right but only according to her own will.... my heart aches for them and what could have been! she loves rumble but doesn't pause to consider what they would want. ough

    FROSTWIND / Brother and friend, tenuous relationship /
    " He was different after the journey. I suppose I was too. We have not been as close since; I wish I knew him better, really, but I do not know how to get close. "
    OOC. another tragic sibling moment of the last two siblings left together also being the two siblings who were the furthest apart emotionally... my beautiful desire is that they reunite and become very very good friends. inseparable even

    RATTLEHEART✝​ / Uncle, closest to him of her mother's littermates /
    " His stupid heroics have left Venomstrike a widow and their kits without a father. I.... I resent his death. "
    OOC. scunior LOOOVED rattleheart and is devastated to see him lost, especially for the sake of a riverclanner. she genuinely despises the way he died and chooses not to see the good in his decision so she has anger to hold on to. she was closest to him of her mother's littermates, so his death affected her dearly.

    DAPPLEDSUN✝​ / Brother, killed before she was born /
    " I used to be very scared of him, although he has been dead since before I was born. Scorchstreak... she killed him, in Sootstar's name. I have not talked to her about him in a very long time, but I think she has changed. I hope to meet Dappledsun in StarClan someday, if only to put a face to the ghost. "

    write your character's opinion on them <3

    write your character's opinion on them <3

    write your character's opinion on them <3

    write your character's opinion on them <3

    COTTONSPRIG / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    FOXGLARE / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    SEDGEPOUNCE / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    MOUSEFLIGHT / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    HOUNDTHISTLE / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3
  • CHERRYBLOSSOM / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    SHARPSHADOW / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    FIGFEATHER / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    DOEBLAZE / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    ICICLEFANG / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    ROEPAW / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    BEEFANG / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3
  • SOOTSTAR✝​ / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    HONEYBADGER✝​ / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    THRIFTFEATHER / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    SNAKEHISS / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3

    GRAVELPAW / hearts
    write your character's opinion on them <3
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SCORCHKIT: named for her mother, whom she greatly resembles. a reserved girl dedicated to her clan and her family. values loyalty over everything, but her stoic nature and propensity for work doesn't mean she's cold. scorchkit can be as warm as the fire she's named after-- and she can burn just as easily.
─ cis girl (she / her) ; undetermined sexuality
─ 03 moons; born june 1st 2023 & started at 02 moons

SCORCHSTREAK xx BADGERMOON; also raised by curlewnose. half-sibling to the late dappledsun. sister to rumblekit, frostkit, and luckykit
─ scorchkit loves her family- that much is obvious. she serves her parents as best as she can, always striving to meet their expectations, however mounting. she generally has an eldest sibling air about her that drives her to protect and dote on her siblings when they allow it. with friends, she is a little less obvious with her care, but this doesn't mean she's disinterested-- quite the opposite. scorchkit loves company (albeit the quiet sort). get on scorchkit's bad side, though, and know the heat of anger that both she and her mother seem to be named for.

✦ (+) dedicated, obedient, loyal, compassionate (/) reflective, honest, orderly (-) brutal, neurotic, complacent, ambitious an even mix of her parents' traits, scorchkit has inherited both the best of the best and the worst of the worst of badgermoon and scorchstreak.
─ self-serious and dedicated to her work, even as a kitten scorchkit is more often seen restlessly patrolling the borders of windclan's camp than playing with her fellow brood. this doesn't mean she's incapable of having fun, but she may need to be nudged into it, as she is otherwise content to work herself to the bone (as much as a kitten can, anyway)
─ raised to be among windclan's loyalest members, scorchkit harbors an immense pride for her clan, her parents, and for the warriors that help raise her. she will follow her clanmates to the ends of the earth and would easily sacrifice herself for her clan, as it is what she has been raised to do. this also means that she is indifferent to or even supportive of windclan's crimes against other clans, or even against its own members, as long as she is given reason to believe that her clan is in the right.
─ though she is often quiet or generally unassuming, scorchkit harbors a deep passion for her fellow clanmates. she may try to aid them when they struggle in her own perhaps unconventional ways. she may lack many friends, as she is not traditionally outgoing, but her efforts to support her clanmates will hopefully earn her some good rapport.
─ as long as she receives praise from her mother and fathers she will be fine, but scorchkit's confidence hinges deeply on her ability to make them proud. she can be insecure in her relationships when she is not receiving a steady stream of positive attention.
─ brutal on the battlefield. may also be brutal if she is pushed to a deep, fiery anger. though her temper is not as quick as her mother's, it can burn just as brightly.

✦ i would eventually like her to find out about dappledsun's fate (assuming scorchstreak wouldn't tell them outright, but if she would then all the better) and, though i imagine scorchkit would feel secure with her family and loved by them, this news of filicide in the name of loyalty would drive scorch jr all the more to be in her parents' good graces.
✦ far too large to be a tunneler, though she will be sad about this. she is content to follow in her father's pawsteps as a moor-runner but always harbored secret hopes that she might be a tunneler due to their elevated status in windclan's ranks.
✦ i think she will be wary of curlewnose but generally accepting of him as long as there is no reason for her to reject him icly! i could see her being one of the first of the litter to accept him as a father figure.
✦ i would like for her to be a very devout starclan believer!

✦ SH tortoiseshell with low white and heterochromatic amber-yellow eyes. toyhouse. scorchkit takes her size from her father; though still smaller than most clan cats, the child will grow to be one of windclan's biggest warriors. broad-shouldered and nimble like badgermoon. however, in most other respects, she is scorchstreak's mini-me, thus earning her her generational name. her flaming tortoiseshell patterning travels in thick streaks over a more classic tuxedo-patterned white spotting (including badgermoon's notable white ear-tips). her fur is short and course like her mother's.


⸝ named for her mother, whom she greatly resembles
⸝ female aligned, she / they pronouns. dislikes masculine pronouns
⸝ apprentice of windclan / as noble as any knight, scorchpaw lives to serve windclan, a feeling exacerbated by the fact that her mother and father rank so highly.
⸝ 08 moons old / born june 1st 2023 & started at 2 moons
⸝ played by meghan

  • 68999045_NL19RL4Beh3AydG.png

    art by giinya on dA
    ✦ SH tortoiseshell with low white and heterochromatic amber & yellow eyes /
    ↳ SH tortoiseshell with low white; carries dilute, longhair, and colorpoint

    scorchpaw takes her size from her father; though still smaller than most clan cats, the child will grow to be one of windclan's biggest warriors, broad-shouldered and nimble like badgermoon. however, in most other respects, she is scorchstreak's mini-me, thus earning her her generational name. her flaming tortoiseshell patterning travels in thick streaks over a more classic tuxedo-patterned white spotting (including badgermoon's notable white ear-tips). her fur is short and course like her mother's.
    scars: an x-shaped scar over the bridge of her nose, earned from a dog bite
    accessories: wears a blue morpho butterfly wing behind her left ear
  • intelligence
    ( + ) dedicated, obedient, loyal, compassionate
    ( / ) reflective, honest, orderly, ambitious
    ( - ) brutal, neurotic, complacent, jealous, cold

    ISFT : "the defender" / lawful neutral
    enneagram type 6w5 : "the guardian" / melancholic / xviii. the moon
    blind obedience / knight templar / she who fights monsters

    an even mix of her parents' traits, scorchpaw has inherited both the best of the best and the worst of the worst of badgermoon and scorchstreak.
    ─ self-serious and dedicated to her work, even as a kitten scorchpaw is more often seen restlessly patrolling the borders of windclan's camp than playing with her fellow brood. this doesn't mean she's incapable of having fun, but she may need to be nudged into it, as she is otherwise content to work herself to the bone (as much as a kitten can, anyway)
    ─ raised to be among windclan's loyalest members, scorchpaw harbors an immense pride for her clan, her parents, and for the warriors that help raise her. she will follow her clanmates to the ends of the earth and would easily sacrifice herself for her clan, as it is what she has been raised to do. this also means that she is indifferent to or even supportive of windclan's crimes against other clans, or even against its own members, as long as she is given reason to believe that her clan is in the right.
    ─ though she is often quiet or generally unassuming, scorchpaw harbors a deep passion for her fellow clanmates. she may try to aid them when they struggle in her own perhaps unconventional ways. she may lack many friends, as she is not traditionally outgoing, but her efforts to support her clanmates will hopefully earn her some good rapport.
    ─ as long as she receives praise from her mother and fathers she will be fine, but scorchpaw's confidence hinges deeply on her ability to make them proud. she can be insecure in her relationships when she is not receiving a steady stream of positive attention.
    ─ brutal on the battlefield. may also be brutal if she is pushed to a deep, fiery anger. though her temper is not as quick as her mother's, it can burn just as brightly.

    • i would eventually like her to find out about dappledsun's fate (assuming scorchstreak wouldn't tell them outright, but if she would then all the better) and, though i imagine scorchpaw would feel secure with her family and loved by them, this news of filicide in the name of loyalty would drive scorch jr all the more to be in her parents' good graces.
    • i think she will be wary of curlewnose but generally accepting of him as long as there is no reason for her to reject him icly! i could see her being one of the first of the litter to accept him as a father figure.
    • will be a very devout believer in starclan!
  • 66617057_DfpSjFkv1mEoE5E.png

    art by ska-i on dA
    BADGERMOON x SCORCHSTREAK / sibling to frostpaw, rumblepaw, luckypaw & half-sibling to dappledsun / niece to lizardbounce, rabbitclaw, and rattleheart / generation 2
    loves her family! <3
    friends with parsnippaw
    likes sootstar, hollypaw, sunstride, wolfsong, periwinklebreeze, houndthistle, cygnetstare, weaselclaw
    dislikes vulturemask, other clans (generally)
    loathes windclan traitors (generally)

    scorchpaw loves her family- that much is obvious. she serves her parents as best as she can, always striving to meet their expectations, however mounting. she generally has an eldest sibling air about her that drives her to protect and dote on her siblings when they allow it. with friends, she is a little less obvious with her care, but this doesn't mean she's disinterested-- quite the opposite. scorchpaw loves company (albeit the quiet sort). get on scorchpaw's bad side, though, and know the heat of anger that both she and her mother seem to be named for.
  • strength
    apprentice to badgermoon; none
    excels at speed and agility; she has the makings of a true windclanner in this sense. has a natural talent for racing over the moors, though she will only get better with badgermoon's training. scorchpaw also has the brawny build of her father, making her a sturdy warrior-- once she has the training to utilize that muscle. she excels at taking orders and executing another cat's will (even if it does not necessarily agree with her own).
    poor at as a windclanner, scorchpaw hardly sets paw in the river or upon a tree. she can neither climb nor swim, and would be in real danger were she to fall into the river. she is also a better fighter than she is a hunter. she is poor at guiding herself with her heart.
  • aesthetics:
    • knights, dragons, and beasts; the promise of becoming great
    • dew on morning grass and wide fields of heather, the threat of razing it all to the ground looming overhead
    • fire, the fire of passion, the fire of destruction, the rebirth after ash
    • sparkling and pretty things, battle and ugly things
    • there is a heightened awareness to her, a keen way of noticing, and yet she shares little of her knowledge. obedient dogs don't speak out of turn.
    • crane wives, florence & the machine
    • women that become the beasts they hunt
    • a perfect image of her mother that becomes her father.


    • ami thompson's red knight
    • the green knight from sir gawain and the green knight (focusing on the equality of blows exchanged; eye for an eye deal)
    • rei ayanami from neon genesis evangelion (maybe)
    • human au - reference (ft. luckykit)

— she / they pronouns
— windclan apprentice / extremely loyal to sunstride's windclan & loathes sootstar and her loyalists
— 14 moons old / created june 1st 2023 & started at 2 moons

    ↳ SH tortoiseshell with low white; carries dilute, longhair, and colorpoint

    scorchpaw takes her size from her father; though still smaller than most clan cats, the child will grow to be one of windclan's biggest warriors, broad-shouldered and nimble like badgermoon. however, in most other respects, she is scorchstreak's mini-me, thus earning her her generational name. her flaming tortoiseshell patterning travels in thick streaks over a more classic tuxedo-patterned white spotting (including badgermoon's notable white ear-tips). her fur is short and course like her mother's.

    scars: an x-shaped scar over the bridge of her nose, earned from a dog bite
    accessories: wears a blue morpho butterfly wing behind her left ear
  • ( + ) dedicated, obedient, loyal, compassionate ( / ) reflective, honest, orderly, ambitious ( - ) brutal, neurotic, jealous, cold

    ISFT : "the defender" | lawful neutral | enneagram type 6w5 : "the guardian" | xviii. the moon

    Elaborate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo. Vestibulum nec pulvinar nisi, eu dictum erat. Proin mollis magna non nunc rutrum, quis vestibulum libero sollicitudin. Aliquam tellus augue, feugiat efficitur leo quis, congue semper ligula. Vivamus efficitur, elit et tempus tristique, nisi enim laoreet nulla, vitae scelerisque erat augue sit amet nibh.

    Etiam facilisis urna nec tristique facilisis. Proin tincidunt, elit sit amet pharetra eleifend, orci mi euismod eros, nec dictum justo sem ac risus. Ut condimentum metus enim, sed vehicula velit pulvinar sit amet. Proin efficitur dui sed lorem tincidunt efficitur. Phasellus finibus, eros eu congue tincidunt, nunc mauris commodo libero, et consequat erat sem nec nisl. Sed tincidunt bibendum tellus, id lobortis sem ultricies id. Curabitur non congue diam, tincidunt accumsan nunc.

    mannerism elaborate.
    talk about how easily they trust or whatever blah blah blah
    SOUNDS LIKE: description. voiceclaim if you have one
    SMELLS LIKE: description.
    speech is #fd5252

    BADGERMOON xx SCORCHSTREAK ; gen 2 | sister to luckypaw, frostpaw and rumblerain | mentoring no one, mentored by sunstar & previously mentored by badgermoon
    ——— loves her family, sunstar
    ——— close friends with luckypaw
    ——— friends with redheart, mouseflight, lavenderpaw, cherryblossom
    ——— likes houndthistle, foxglare, sedgepounce, wolfsong, her family, figfeather, iciclefang, halfpaw, laurelpaw
    ——— dislikes badgermoon (sort of), curlewnose (sort of), sootspot
    ——— loathes sootstar, sootstar's loyalists, snakehiss
  • ●●●●●●○○○○ HUNTING: average. Though successful in her youth, Scorchstorm is often impatient in her hunts.
    ●●●●●●●●○○ AGILITY: strong. Even among WindClanners Scorchstorm is a fast cat.

    ●●●●●○○○○○ TRACKING: average. Scorchstorm tracks no better than any other WindClanner.
    ●●●●●●●●●● COMBAT: superior. Badgermoon's talent for violence is passed down to his kit in great amounts.
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