love is mean [ SOOTSPRITESPARK ] love hurts


drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022

  • unnamed | sootsprite | sootspritespark
    → 'sootsprite' for her resemblance to the ghibli characters as a kitten; 'spark' for her vivacious personality
    → nicknames: soot

    46 moons | ages realtime on the 30th
    → created on 02/06/23
    → born 06/30
    → died 06/08/24

    demi-girl [afab] | uses feminine or neutral pronouns [she/they]

    demiromantic | demisexual | monogomous
    → single; looking [open to plotting]

    skyclan | daylight warrior
    → born and raised in twolegplace as a kittypet
    → no previous ranks
    → loyalty is to herself first and foremost; then to her twolegs; then to others
    → starclan fanatic
  • longhaired black w low white + curly rex hair; ghost tabby markings [carries dilute, cinnamon, normal hair] | reference
    ↳​ a tangle of limbs and curls at first glance, Sootsprites name fits her quite aptly. small in stature but well proportioned, she looks more like an apprentice than a fully grown cat most days. she leans a bit towards the heavier side, never really having lost her kitten-fat and never having gone without food a day in her life. rich charcoal locks shimmer like the inky night sky, faint tabby stripes revealed only in the right lighting. splashes of white decorate her underbelly like constellations, and round sunny amber eyes finish off her rather striking appearance.
    → dark curls and sunshine hued eyes; always smells faintly of dog due to living with one in her twolegs nest
    → has a handful of small surface level scars hidden beneath her thick coat, most notably a bitemark on her left shoulder
    → wears a bright yellow and white plaid patterned bowtie collar; ref

    → speaks with a light midwestern style accent, and though she tends to be long-winded and well spoken, her more informal speech tends to give away her roots with her word and phrase choices. her voice is very haughty, confident, and often loud, though she purposefully softens it when she wants to get her way or come across as non-threatening.
    → carries herself high and proud, not unlike a show cat - with shoulders pulled back and back leaning gracefully. her stride tends to be more of a powerful bounce when walking, or a panther-like stride when hunting or running. her tail is often carried high and expressively, with eyes wide and gleaming and a mischievous grin that is nearly all pearly white teeth.

    designed by kitty-kat- | toyhouse
    → faceclaim: n/a
    → voiceclaim: heather graham
    → aesthetic: white and yellow, daffodils/narcissus flowers, ink stains and watercolors,
    → theme weeks: n/a
  • loving | loyal | protective | playful | energetic
    assertive | narcissistic | vain | prideful | religious
    selfish | indulgent | possessive | vindictive | amoral
    ↳​a bright and energetic molly, at first glance sootsprite is seemingly no more than your average kittypet - all sunshine and smiles and utterly sheltered, far to naive about the world around her. she wears her heart on her sleeve, every emotion clearly visible on her face, unable to tell a lie to save her life - or at least that's how it seems to everyone else. though friendly and rather sociable, despite her seemingly outgoing nature there is little of substance to be gleaned at first glance - she is not a trusting sort of cat, keeping her cards close to her chest. passive and rather amoral, there is very little that actually gets under her skin, and she's equally as likely to stand by and watch someone get hurt as she is to help them. with an attention span rivaling that of a toddler, she flits about from task to task, following her whims and flights of fancy until inevitably growing bored of whatever has currently caught her eye and leaving it in the dust. a rather selfish and indulgent feline, she knows what she wants and goes after it with unerring determination - allowing nothing short of death or injury to get in her way. this applies to everything in her life - be it a skill, possession, or person; if she wants it, she gets it. she is rather intelligent, though her knowledge is eclectic and varies wildly depending on what intrigues her. whatever she does put her mind to learning is picked up quickly, taking to learning like a fish to water. very few things in life are truly 'hers' and she treasures them like dragon with its hoard - protective, possessive, never letting go if she can help it. this is especially obvious in her relationships - she is fiercely loyal and protective of her twolegs for example, and the few cats who get passed her walls are just as fiercely loved... even if her way of showing affection is quite burdensome.

    → likes: climbing, gossiping, romance
    → dislikes: cats she perceives as weak or ugly
    → fears: spending the rest of her life alone
  • extroverted — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — introverted
    reckless — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — cautious
    competitive — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — cooperative
    emotional — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — composed
    lazy — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — diligent
    energetic — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — calm
    playful — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — serious
    ↳​ it is extremally rare, if utterly unheard of, to hear sootspritespark apologize sincerely. sure, absentminded social niceties might require her to say "sorry" for bumping into someone, or offer an easygoing "sorry to hear that" after a saddening confession, but never a true apology for her own choices, words, or actions. the number of times she's genuinely apologized to someone can probably be counted on one paw.
    ↳​ she has a surprisingly extensive vocabulary of swears and insults at her disposal, and uses them often in battle, taunting her opponents even if they are an animal who doesn't understand the language cats use. to be quite frank in fact, she rarely shuts up during a fight - rambling on and on until just about everyone in the vicinity is sick of her. she spends quite a bit of the time in her twoleg's nest thinking up more creative and fun to say insults expressly for this purpose.
    ↳​ passively flirty - tends to compliment others on their appearances and skills in an overly friendly manner, though she often means nothing by it. she likes beauty and strength, and will always take the time to appreciate what is offered - sometimes, even in the midst of an argument or the heat of battle.
    ↳​ since directly witnessing blazestar lose two different lives, sootspritespark has become completely, obsessively, infallibly religious - starclan is not only real but in her heart is not just a group of ghosts but as a collective takes the place of a 'god' in her eyes - they can give and take whatever, whenever, can bless whoever. it is to a rather delusional point that she takes comfort in the existence of such an afterlife, as she not only seeks out their guidance as justification for many an action she takes, but also as an unhealthy way of coping with anything that might, perhaps, go wrong in her life.
    favorite food: high quality name brand wet cat food, especially shellfish flavors such as crab or shrimp
    favorite activity: sunbathing, or gossiping
    favorite time of day: sunhigh
    favorite weather: hot and sunny, especially dry heat
    favorite season: greenleaf

    → goals: to find a new mate
    → achievements: became a mother

  • health: level | 90/100
    ★★★★★★★★★☆ ​
    hunting: level | 70/100
    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ​
    fighting: level | 80/100
    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ ​
    attack: level | 80/100
    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ ​
    defense: level | 70/100
    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ ​
    [spec.] climbing: level | 80/100
    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ ​
    [spec.] running: level | 50/100
    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ ​
' please remember that I miss you '
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  • ROMEO (npc) x VALENTINE (npc) | gen 01
    → littermate to four npc's;

    crushing on / mates with NONE | 1/? of shipname
    ↳ previously mates with Houndthistle
    → parent to littlepaw [with mason]; tba, tba [with houndthistle],

    family tree
  • trusts:
    respects: blazestar, orangestar

    close friends: houndthistle
    acquaintances: mason, duskpool, johnnyflame, bobbie, blazestar, mallowlark, silversmoke

    hates: foxglare


  • outgoing — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — withdrawn
    confident — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — insecure
    conversational — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — shy
    narrow-minded — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — open-minded
    unbothered — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — sensitive
    heartless — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — empathetic
    vengeful — ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ — forgiving

    ↳​ forms surface level friendships with ease; genuine friendships are much harder to form; extremely selective of who she will trust or open up to

    ↳​ extremely selective with romantic partners, once fallen however will pursue with endless determination and single minded focus; scared of commitment but struggles to fall out of love even in spite of time or distance

    love language:
  • name |
    " IC quote here "
    ↳​ full opinion goes here

    name |
    " IC quote here "
    ↳​ full opinion goes here

    name |
    " IC quote here "
    ↳​ full opinion goes here

' not caring is so hard to do '
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  • Event [00/00/00] — thread
    ↳​ description of event & outcome
    Event [00/00/00] — thread
    ↳​ description of event & outcome
    Event [00/00/00] — thread
    ↳​ description of event & outcome
    Event [00/00/00] — thread
    ↳​ description of event & outcome
    Event [00/00/00] — thread
    ↳​ description of event & outcome
  • kit-hood. — 00-06 moons
    a quiet child, sootsprites parents never named her and her siblings themselves, telling them that honor went to their future twolegs. the first two moons of her life were simple - eat, sleep, play, repeat. as soon as she was weaned, she was given to a young family of three - two adult twolegs and their young kit, a young girl who loved all things anime and promptly named the tiny ball of fur sootsprite after her favorite movie.
    apprenticeship. — 06-11 moons
    as the moons passed by, sootsprite was utterly spoiled - given all manner of gifts and high quality care; from only the best pet food to all the newest toys and most interesting cat towers. at first these were able to hold her attentions, but when her twolegs adopted a puppy she quickly grew fascinated by the fact the dog was allowed outside. faced with a world unknown and the possibility of adventure, she whinged and howled and darted about until one day she manage to slip loose. she spent the day outdoors before returning, her twolegs greatly worried and relived - and then promptly escaped again and again at the next opportunity, until finally they gave in and installed a dog door to split between the two animals.
    warrior-hood. — 12-?? moons
    On one of her many ventures out into the world beyond her twolegs nest, she stumbled across a rogue named Hound. unlike the many kittypets and strays she'd met in her adventures, the tom was strong and feirce, knowing a world of battle and bloodshed Sootsprite could hardly imagine. she was instantly fascinated. during their time together she grew to enjoy the 'wild life', learning to hunt and fight like a proper cat - though she was much more interested in the tom himself than what knowledge he had to offer. she fell head over heels for him, her feelings unwavering, until she realized it would come down to a choice she was unwilling to make - him, or her twolegs. despite promising to run away with him one night, she never showed up - instead avoiding leaving her twoleg nest entirely until she felt sure she'd been forgotten.

    after moons indoors, sootsprite once again grew restless. despite it all, she was unwilling to give up the feeling of freedom now that she's gotten a taste. before she knew it, she was coming and going freely once more, exploring the nearby woods happily until whispers of a group of cats taking over reached her ears. with plenty of other spots to visit, she avoided the area and the territory fights she assumed came with it, until one of the loners she was friendly with mentioned that they had joined up and that she could too. what really sealed the deal was the fact she wouldn't have to choose between her twolegs and her freedom - she could have both.

    upon joining skyclan, her first few moons were near uneventful. she grew fonder of the clan, until she eventually asked for a proper daylight warrior name for herself. before receiving one however, she had quite an eventful day - a run in with her ex, hound, who had clearly joined a clan a well, though she did not know which. now thusly dumbed sootspritespark, she continued in relative peace until a surprise dog attack rendered many of her patrol mates injured, costing one of blazestars lives. she herself escaped with hardly a scratch, her collar bearing the brunt of it, but leaving her emotionally scarred up. with emotions already piled up high, another run in with her ex on her way home turns into a heated argument and leaves her in tears, and a passionate night spent with a loner who lent an ear to her worries and woes. a night which, she's proud to proclaim to her clanmates only a moon later, was successful in giving her what she's always wanted - she's pregnant, and she'll be bringing new kits to skyclans ranks.

    upon her kitting, sootspritespark came to a startling realization - she was having not only masons kits, but houndthistles. she had five kittens - two stillborns whom she refused to name and pretended never existed, littlekit, thistlekit, and barkkit. she brought them to skyclan with her as soon as they were old enough - only to be faced with a new problem as yellowcough spread through the clans and rogues began attacking soon after. refusing to leave her apprentice aged kits side, she followed skyclan when they fled to shadowclan seeking safety, and fought hard in the battles to retake camp. unfortunately, her twolegs were concerned by her absence, injuries, and the fact she lost her collar in the struggles detained her indoors for nearly a full moon while she healed up and they replaced her collar.

    after her return, not much of significance happened in her life - watching from the sidelines as Blazestar was revealed to have been killed by a windclanner and Orangestar steps up to take his place. When Littlepaw grows sick, she watches in apathy - he is her least favorite child after all. Moons later, Sootspritespark is unlucky enough to cross paths with Ravenstrike, facing the thunderclanner in a battle which ultimately costs her her life. She manages to limp back to camp, asking for her kits in her final breathe - all of them, that is, except Littlepaw.
  • joining skyclan — thread
    crossing paths — thread
    first border patrol — thread
    warrior name — thread
    dog attack — thread
    code breaker — thread
    pregnancy — thread
    battle against windclan — thread
    morning sickness — thread
    speaking with blazestar — thread
    last chance — thread
    kitting — thread
    return to skyclan — thread
    confronting foxglare — thread
    death — thread
' everything we loved together '
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━ strangers by scratch 21
please remember that I miss you, young and reckless, what did we do? broken promise gone forever, maybe one day we'll get better. right by your side that's where I'll be in a heart beat if you ask me, let's stay strangers like we're meant to - oh, I wonder if you miss me too,
━ are you satisfied by marina
are you satisfied with an average life? do I need to lie to make my way in life? are you satisfied with an easy ride? once you cross the line, will you be satisfied? sad inside, in this life, unsatisfied, prayin',
━ oh no! by marina
don't do love, don't do friends, I'm only after success - don't need a relationship, I'll never soften my grip,
━ starring role by marina
sometimes, I ignore you, so I feel in control - 'cause really, I adore you, and I can't leave you alone,
━ power and control by marina
women and men, we are the same, but love will always be a game. we give and take a little more, eternal game of tug and war,
━ savages by marina
we live, we die, we steal, we kill, we lie - just like animals but with far less grace ,
━ queen of broken hearts by blackbear
I'm the queen of broken hearts, break you in a thousand parts. used to be a shooting star, when did I become so dark?
━ seventeen from heathers the musical
can't we be seventeen, is that so hard to do? if you could let me in I could be good with you. let us be seventeen, if we've still got the right,
━ dead girl walking from heathers the musical
and you know, you know, you know - it's 'cause you're beautiful, you say you're numb inside but I can't agree. so the world's unfair? keep it locked out there, in here it's beautiful,
━ devils don't fly by natalia kills
and it's not the answer but I can't carry on - I give my best smile, my last dime, but I'm always getting wrong. it's not 'cause I'm young or from a broken home, maybe I just fight 'cause I don't know where I belong
━ requiem for blue jeans by bastille
I will love you 'til the end of time - I would wait a million years. promise you'll remember that you're mine - baby can you see through the tears? love you more than those bitches before, say you'll remember,
━ no angels by bastille
So, no, I don't want your number; no, I don't wanna give you mine and no, I don't wanna meet you nowhere; no, don't want none of your time
━ why do you love me by charlotte lawrence
got to be a lot that's wrong with you to want to be with me. it's kind of sweet when we're fighting 'til someone's calling the cops but you never blame it on me,
━ dear arkansas daughter by lady lamb
you with the dark curls, you with the watercolored eyes, you who bears all your teeth in every smile
━ watercolor eyes by lana del ray
young love don't always last forever - wild horses can't keep us together. so what if you taste just like heaven? that don't make it right,
━ rockabye by clean bandit
she tells him "your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life, you're gonna grow and have a good life - I'm gonna do what I've got to do"
━ don't you worry child by swedish house mafia
up on a hill across the blue lake, that's where I had my first heartbreak - I still remember how it all changed,
━ my head & my heart by ava max
now and then I think about me now and who I could have been, and then I picture all the perfect that we lived 'til I cut the strings on your tiny violin,
' it's not the same without you there '
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sootspritespark & 46 moons & demi-girl & she/they & skyclan daylight warrior

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat faucibus augue sit amet gravida. Sed non tortor lectus. Duis volutpat sapien at est blandit, id vulputate orci tristique. Vivamus finibus risus vel mi ultrices dapibus. Morbi maximus fringilla varius. Curabitur eu porttitor tortor. Quisque sagittis risus eros, vel vestibulum augue volutpat ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


[box=52%; color: white; font-family: georgia; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px;][right][size=16px]'CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST[/size][size=18px]
[color=#ffff99]SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST[/color][/size][/right][size=18px][/size][hr=1][/hr][center][size=14px]          sootspritespark [color=#ffff99]&[/color] 46 moons [color=#ffff99]&[/color] demi-girl [color=#ffff99]&[/color] she/they [color=#ffff99]&[/color] skyclan daylight warrior [/size][/center][hr=1][/hr]
[box=99%; float: center; text-align: justify;][fleft][img width=150px][/img][/fleft]                       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean placerat faucibus augue sit amet gravida. Sed non tortor lectus. Duis volutpat sapien at est blandit, id vulputate orci tristique. Vivamus finibus risus vel mi ultrices dapibus. Morbi maximus fringilla varius. Curabitur eu porttitor tortor. Quisque sagittis risus eros, vel vestibulum augue volutpat ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.                       

[fright][size=11px]          [color=#ffff99][b]━[/b][/color] actions [color=#ffff99]&[/color] [b]"[outline=#000] speech, [/outline]"[/b] [color=#ffff99]&[/color] [i]'thoughts/quotes'[/i] [color=transparent]━[/color] [/size][/fright]           [/box][hr=1][/hr]
[box=99%; color: #ffff99; text-align: center; font-family: georgia;]   TV TAUGHT ME HOW TO FEEL [color=#FFF]━[/color]  NOW REAL LIFE HAS NO APPEAL [/box][hr=1][/hr]
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