pafp OH SHE'S A DRACULA &. candy prompt

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- the air was crisp, as it was most days now. it started to get colder with every sunrise, and orangepaw was very aware about how hard leafbare would be on the clan. still, he keeps his head as high as he can, smiles, and says it won't be an issue. they will get through it, like they always have. this time is no different, right? he tries to believe that, but everyone knows that thunderclan has had string of pretty bad luck lately, haven't they? nonetheless, orangepaw will be around to make sure everyone at least has something to be happy about. currently, he was with a small group of cats on a patrol, but he's distracted. maybe it's the fact that he's so tired his attention pulls else, or maybe he just can't stay focused to begin with. he's never been good at being focused, anyways.

he furrows his brows as he limps over to something curious, sniffing and twitching his ears as a lone bee rushes past. he sneezes when he tumbles back, shaking his head and using his claws to pull the thing apart. his eyes widen, sparkling curiously, as he grins, standing back up and hopping up and down like an excited kitten.

"woah! hey, guys, look! honey! you think the kits would want some? maybe we should let them each get a little piece of honey! my mama used to let me get honey when she could find it, I bet they'd love it! we should all take some pieces for them, hm?"

he grabs a rather large chunk of the honeycomb, ignoring the way it sticks to him. he doesn't care.

// please wait for one of the following to post !! the next post can end with them in camp so that the kittens have the opportunity to get in on this prompt !!
@Dwindlingpaw @lovelight @beetlepaw

⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ She grabbed happiness by her claws, but it is difficult to find and usually slips away. Usually more often than not, having to wait until later in the day for the sun to warm the day left her in a sour mood. Even though her long fur helped to shield her from the wind, the cold still irritated her face and ears, so the weather wasn't doing her any favors. Dwindlingpaw longed for her cozy nest, but she was confined to patrolling instead. She gave another sigh of frustration.

The barrage of happy shouting about some honey from Orangepaw perked up her long tuffed ears. With curious eyes, she follows the orange tom as he pulls out a piece of honey that is dripping over his fur after plunging into the splattered bee hive "I wonder what knocked it down" After glancing up at the tree above the hive, Dwindlingpaw aims for a piece of the spilled honeycomb and gives it a curious lick. She knows a good pawful of cats that would be craving a taste.

No matter which way she can think of everyone would be a sticky mess by the time they get it to camp. "Perhaps we can wrap some up in leaves so we don't get all sticky"
  • ooc:
  • 87860419_VubmXDbkHlztzEw.png
    Dwindlingpaw— She/Her ・ 9 moons ・ Thunderclan apprentice・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A charismatic colorful array of cream orange and red fur shaped like an apprentice.
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    ☀︎ Tags

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Orangepaw has always been good at finding the bright side in things. It's something that Fallowbite despises, pities, envies... It's something she can't understand. As the grinning tom is tearing into sticky honeycomb with unsheathed claws, she finds herself tracking the bee that buzzes past with a lone and wary eye.

The bee leaves without making itself a nuisance, and she pads over slowly. The kits would like it, she thinks... Though her siblings would probably tear the honeycomb apart and end up just as sticky as Orangepaw is. Her ears swivel towards Dwindlingpaw. "Good idea," she rumbles, glancing around. Sharp teeth hook into a nearby branch, one of the few still bearing leaves that haven't crumbled. It breaks off with a snap, and she drops it by the tattered hive. "Think these'll work?"

  • 84967151_9ydGxfWsqAPcif1.png
  • FALLOWBITE ⁀➷ she / it, warrior of thunderclan, fourteen moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerbreeze & doepath.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Despite being one of Gentlestorm's favorites for herb patrols, Sunshinespot cannot claim to be at all adept with finding anything medicinal. Sometimes he lucks out, but most of the time he returns with pathetic blooms and wilting leaves. This is all to say that he approaches the current situation with the honey to how he does with most anything related to the medicine den - curious, but with little to no understanding of how to go about it properly.

"How d'ya think Gentlestorm does it?" he rumbles, sitting back and allowing the others to claw the fallen hive apart. The bees would grow upset if too many of them got close, he thinks, and he doubts he'll be among the first treated for bee stings. His attention wanders with the buzzing of the bees, but he continues his chatter regardless. "I don' think I've ever seen'im come home w'honey all in his fur, y'know?" Sunshinespot prattles on, motioning vaguely to how it slicks and pours with their efforts. Fallowbite seems to have an idea about it, but the tom doesn't comment further.​

When Orangepaw announces his discovery, Softsight's first thought is: Gentlestorm could make better use of it than the kits. But she holds her tongue, reminding herself that, similarly to how Orangepaw had noticed, ThunderClan hadn't had the best of luck lately. It couldn't hurt to gift the kittens with something sweet to keep their spirits up - she was sure that Gentlestorm could be persuaded that way easily, anyway. The rest of the patrol begins to discuss the best way of getting the treat home without getting themselves sticky, and Softsight joins Fallowbite in trying something practical with the stick.

"It should do." She agreed with a simple nod, and bit her lip as she inspected the honeycomb. "Do you suppose it's similar to gathering cobwebs? We could try to spool it around the stick." Softsight suggested, looking between the warriors that were at her sides. She'd stepped back cautiously as the bees began buzzing obnoxiously, not wanting to get in their way anymore than they wanted to get in hers. They were all just trying to keep on. "Perhaps we ought to ask Gentlestorm how he does it."

Palefire had never been a fan of honey. The taste was far too sweet, and she didn't want to run this risk of getting it stuck in her fur, which she kept meticulously clean. However, the young warrior couldn't recall anymore whether or not she used to like it when she was a kitten; her life as of late had been so fraught with tragedy that she found it difficult to remember simpler times. But if they could give a bit of that simplicity back to the clan's current kits, it was worth risking the mess. She wondered idly if Badgerstripe's brood would enjoy the treat, as she wandered over to the group surrounding the hive.

"I think wrapping them in leaves is the best idea," she murmured in agreement, bending over to collect a few of the numerous fallen leaves that littered the ground as her patrol mates contemplated their strategy. Best to hurry up and get the honey back to camp, before the golden syrup inevitably attracted other, less pleasant creatures. Carefully, Palefire broke a chunk of honeycomb away from the rest with her claws, before draping a few of the larger leaves over as much of the honeycomb as she could cover. Gingerly the lynx-point grasped the edges of the comb in her teeth, trying not to let it drip on her as she mumbled through a full mouth, "let's go then."

  • 1HGrVLs.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 19 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, crushing on no one / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Roeflame was happy to see Orangepaw still sticking so close to his optimistic roots, the apprentices had been through so much these last few moons, the deputy has been worried for all of them. Bringing a sense of normalcy back to ThunderClan has helped lift that weight from the she-cats shoulders, filling her days with patrols and training to establish her own rhythm in the face of change.

Celadon hues are keeping track of Dwindlingpaws movements when Orangepaw breaks formation, Roeflame curiously padding towards the apprentice when he's suddenly look back at her, smiling. "Honey?" The tabby echoes curiously, bending forward to get a better look. "Wind probably did it in, if I had to guess."

Dwindlingpaw's idea to wrap the treat in leaves is smart, and Roeflame gives an approving nod, smiling towards Houndshade when the warrior offers up leaves for use. "Those look like they could work." The deputy agrees, tentatively reaching to break off a piece of honeycomb. Sunshinespot and Softsights idle chatter behind them prompted a fleeting train of thought, though Palefire is much more to the point, reminding Roeflame of the warriors former mentor.

"Palefire's right, keeping them wrapped will make sure it doesn't get all over us on the way back," The older warrior agrees, tucking her leaf-wrap carefully under her chin as bees begin to zip around her muzzle, "make sure yours are wrapped tight." Roeflame didn't blame Palefires eagerness to depart, the deputy sought reassurance there wouldn't be a sticky golden trail left in their wake.
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Deputy of Thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Dovepaw & Dwindlingpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Hardly does Shadowedpaw have the experience to know what the coming moons will hold for ThunderClan, but if the day's weather is any warning, he doesn't have much hope.

Beauty in changing leaves — bright as the sun's warmth — is beginning to wane, with their warm hues crumbling into something brown; something just as dreary as the rest of the day's appearance. The air is constant in its chill now, which, the apprentice didn't mind at first, but now it's sharp against his fur, colder in crispness with each passing day.

It's as if life had been taken away from the forest. Had it… Had it been like this, in the moments leading up to his birth? When the sun left the sky, had it taken the oak forest's life with it just to bestow new life upon ThunderClan?

His thoughts are halted by Orangepaw's voice, and a blue gaze lifts in the older apprentice's direction. Honey. Something sweet, something better than what the day seems to hold — it only makes sense, he supposes, that Orangepaw was the one to find it.

He pads up ahead, greeting a sibling along the way with a small nod and a smile. Sure enough, the orange cat has found a trove of honeycomb — a light in such dreariness. The kits will like it; he remembers looking forward to such a treat too, in days that hardly feel long ago yet feel like seasons ago all the same.

" Let me help with that, " Shadowedpaw says, before bright eyes dart around the area in search for a leaf still whole. When he finds one, he drags it over, prepared to take his share of the discovery.