- Mar 14, 2024
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It seemed as though the early frost had waned, if only for a moment. A rare warmth enveloped the moorlands, like an afterglow of summer's ardor, stanching the sorrows away for just one evening. As an unusual heat wafted over her pelt, Celandinepaw felt as though fate were granting them a break, of sorts. She reveled in how the autumn peered through the uncharacteristic weather, like a glimpse of faith through storm-cloud hues. The sunset glowed heartily in all its splendor, perhaps a mere bluff amongst the frigid clouds that cleared away for the day, as it still shadowed the albeit meager streaks of slate-grey along the rolling sky. Tangerines and ochres blanketed the plains, though this time the sun's gaze did not glare from its heaven-set perch, but instead draped over the clans as a veil would. The stress of keeping the clan afloat did not falter, only lie flat upon its belly as it conceded for this night. Sounds of chatter raveled into each other within the camp, like a cant unbecoming of what winter's wrath bred, though it welled not from spite but from consolation. The medicine cat apprentice had not heard her clan so raucous in a long while, as though the bitterness of the winds had not abraded their song entirely, merely keeping it hidden within a cage of their chords. Her clanmates would warble once more, this time with a bubbling sense of anticipation.
Now, Celandinepaw sat along one edge of the camp, with olivine eyes focused upon the strewn-about decorations of moss and ferns and feathers. It was not as grand or genial as what the workfolk were able to adorn the Horseplace with, but it would certainly do. "Good job, everyone! I'd say we made this place look pretty cozy. Maybe we should ask Scorchstar to let these stay up for a few seasons. As a good luck charm, of course!" Celandinepaw's face marked itself in unmistakable mirth, like red-blooded cheeks flowed in the pride of her found family, relishing in the resilience of the weeds that refused to die off. The wheat-toned molly had gathered an elite force of cats to aid her in this perilous task... Of course, the first clanmate she thought to ask was Silkkit, the meticulous and ever-pristine molly that she was. Secondly, she asked for Bilberrypaw - after she requested that he depart from Scorchstar's studies for a top-secret mission. Dimmingsun had volunteered next, and Celandinepaw appreciated all the help she could get in these festivities. Finally, came the assistance of Mallowtail and Scorchstorm, and asking the warriors for help in this essentially-menial task was a much more daunting task than she could have ever bargained for. Still, the cats had done well to fill the camp with various ornaments gathered within the wintry season. A wiser feline would have mused something of making merry out of misery, and creating candor out of calamity.
"Oh! I forgot, I have to announce this to the whole clan. Keep it up, everyone!" Celandinepaw purred as she turned away from the dream-team. She trotted near the Tallrock's base, pelt upon the twilight shine like a sunglow blossom, a quaff of good spirits upon the mire of changing seasons. Inhaling a long-drawn breath, she braced herself for this speech, for she had been thrust into the spotlight far more times than she could have ever imagined while a medicine cat apprentice. The molly always had the impression of a medicine cat being some wizened healer cooped up within a cage of their own instrument, but perhaps there was much more to this than she could have guessed.
"Windclan! We have, uh, hold on." Celandinepaw cleared her throat with a few coughs before continuing. "We have survived the incoming leaf-bare, as early as it came. Despite it all, we have stayed strong and true to ourselves. This is a time of celebration of the present, remembrance of the past, and hope of the future! I invite everyone to partake in whatever festivity you'd like; whether it is sharing stories of past battles, sharing tongues and meals with one another, or simply allowing yourself to unwind for the night. Thank you!" She had only recited that speech at least ten times... with the help of Cottonsprig to come up with it, of course.
Now, Celandinepaw sat along one edge of the camp, with olivine eyes focused upon the strewn-about decorations of moss and ferns and feathers. It was not as grand or genial as what the workfolk were able to adorn the Horseplace with, but it would certainly do. "Good job, everyone! I'd say we made this place look pretty cozy. Maybe we should ask Scorchstar to let these stay up for a few seasons. As a good luck charm, of course!" Celandinepaw's face marked itself in unmistakable mirth, like red-blooded cheeks flowed in the pride of her found family, relishing in the resilience of the weeds that refused to die off. The wheat-toned molly had gathered an elite force of cats to aid her in this perilous task... Of course, the first clanmate she thought to ask was Silkkit, the meticulous and ever-pristine molly that she was. Secondly, she asked for Bilberrypaw - after she requested that he depart from Scorchstar's studies for a top-secret mission. Dimmingsun had volunteered next, and Celandinepaw appreciated all the help she could get in these festivities. Finally, came the assistance of Mallowtail and Scorchstorm, and asking the warriors for help in this essentially-menial task was a much more daunting task than she could have ever bargained for. Still, the cats had done well to fill the camp with various ornaments gathered within the wintry season. A wiser feline would have mused something of making merry out of misery, and creating candor out of calamity.
"Oh! I forgot, I have to announce this to the whole clan. Keep it up, everyone!" Celandinepaw purred as she turned away from the dream-team. She trotted near the Tallrock's base, pelt upon the twilight shine like a sunglow blossom, a quaff of good spirits upon the mire of changing seasons. Inhaling a long-drawn breath, she braced herself for this speech, for she had been thrust into the spotlight far more times than she could have ever imagined while a medicine cat apprentice. The molly always had the impression of a medicine cat being some wizened healer cooped up within a cage of their own instrument, but perhaps there was much more to this than she could have guessed.
"Windclan! We have, uh, hold on." Celandinepaw cleared her throat with a few coughs before continuing. "We have survived the incoming leaf-bare, as early as it came. Despite it all, we have stayed strong and true to ourselves. This is a time of celebration of the present, remembrance of the past, and hope of the future! I invite everyone to partake in whatever festivity you'd like; whether it is sharing stories of past battles, sharing tongues and meals with one another, or simply allowing yourself to unwind for the night. Thank you!" She had only recited that speech at least ten times... with the help of Cottonsprig to come up with it, of course.
OUT OF CHARACTER. WELCOME TO THE PHASE III CELEBRATION! Everyone is encouraged to make threads (open or private) that "branch" off of this main thread (aka, ones that take place within the same time period)! Have fun and congratulations to Windclan for keeping our streak for Phases I and II :)
Also obligatory tag of those mentioned in the thread, but no need to wait for one to respond! @Mallowtail @BILBERRYPAW @DIMMINGSUN @SCORCHSTORM @Silk-kit @cottonsprig
❁ — MEDICINAL EXPERTISE: Celandinepaw is the current medicine cat apprentice of Windclan. Although she is quite new to her position, she also has much expertise with treatment regarding infectious diseases and basic remedies. As for anything more complex... you're better off asking a more experienced medicine cat.
WOUNDS — ★☆☆☆☆
ACHES — ★☆☆☆☆
POISONS — ★☆☆☆☆
KITTING — ★☆☆☆☆
TRAVELING — ★★★☆☆ -
—— Medicine Cat Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Wolfsong & Cottonsprig
—— A shorthaired, wheat-yellow spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
—— Extroverted and unafraid to speak her mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan. She is prone to outbursts when spurned or stressed.
—— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.