comm type: sticker, custom design
price: $20
contact: dm on here <3
reference / tags: custom design, but i'm thinking lh cinnamon (red?) with some white
expression/pose/personality: maybeee just something kind of shaggy looking, kind of scientist vibes, dismal, quiet, kind of ominous
background: (if applicable) transparent
other: thank u !! your art is so cute
shop has been updated with new examples and comm types! i am now offering painted fullbodies as well as custom designs for any existing commission type <3
Most important traits are his spiky cheeks and long tail <3
expression/pose/personality: proud, arrogant, sensitive, easily flustered, cute smile when he lets himself , t I r e d, anything that fits when you think " workaholic child "
background: (if applicable) XX
other: I love you, I love your art, I'm so coming back for a headshot, have a great day <33
comm type: painted headshot
price: $35
contact: here<3
reference / tags: none yet, but the same ref as my earlier comm :*)
expression/pose/personality: maybee a kind of investigative and lofty expression, but whatever works too!
background: (if applicable): maybe a very dark green background kind of like the one on my icon now but green instead of blue? but if possible a transparent version as well!
other: whops i needed more art
comm type: sticker / sticker
price: 30$ altogether!
contact: discord or here, either is fine!
reference / tags: /
expression/pose/personality: jitterbug's should have them looking annoyed or irritated / swamphowl's should have him looking calm and serious
background: n/a
other: n/a
all slots are now open! additionally, i'm doing a special sale for valentines day:
VALENTINES SPECIAL - a transparent fullbody illustration of 2 characters at a flat rate of $40!
( 1/3 SLOTS FULL )
- Tikki
slots will close on the 7th, and all comms will be completed by valentines <3
i will still be taking regular comms, but they may have a delayed turnaround. the new deadline for completion will be the end of the month, though they will likely be completed beforehand. thank you for your patience ^^
comm type: valentines special
price: 40
contact: discord (rabbitcake)
reference / tags: moonpaw front & back && Beepaw (with the white spots there'd be no airbrushing/blending)
expression/pose/personality: any! It can be cutesy them cuddling, could be one showing off to the other, we can discuss in dm's if wanted!
background: N/A ?
other: <33
comm type: sticker
price: 15
contact: on here or discord [ kazenikura #9108 ]
reference / tags: TAGS & REF
expression/pose/personality: i would love for him to have any of THESE expressions but otherwise i'm fine with whatever as long he does not look too positive! he is a rather anxious negative thinking guy with social anxiety (': he is based off Tamaki Amajiki so fill free to look him up if you wanna get ideas of expressions to draw!
background: (if applicable) n/a
other: look at me buying art for the first time ever (':
changes include
- updated examples
- NEW painted scene headshots
- NEW experimental scene commissions
- adjusted prices; some lowered, some raised. check before commissioning!
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