Show me the way, brother [open, WindClanners]

The WindClanners had left at sunset, per their leader's instruction, and had traveled in the waning light to reach SkyClan's territory. Badgermoon was at the head of the group, his dark tail held stiff behind him, his white-tipped ears flat against his head. In this setting, unnaturally enclosed by trees, enraged at the injustices he perceived had been perpetuated unto his Clan, he felt nothing but a deep, simmering hunger - a feeling much too familiar, and one he had not experienced in a long time. Perhaps too long, for now it threatened to boil over and consume him utterly: but he kept his temper if only for these last few moments, his kneading claws slowly disintegrating the soil beneath him. His usual round, affable yellow eyes had been transformed into slits as he filled his lungs and let out a yowl, though it was probably unnecessary - such a large party of warriors would surely not go unnoticed long. To his Clanmates, he rumbled, "Hold back until he refuses us." the "he" in question was, of course, the kittypet king himself. No matter which SkyClanner arrived first, Badgermoon would address them just the same: in a low, commanding voice which was more than a little unlike his usual mellow tone. "We are here for an audience with Blazestar, regarding SkyClan's cruel refusal to give our medicine cat lifesaving catmint and thus condemning our sick to death. Bring him here, to us, that all may hear his cold-blooded denial of our right to live."

[ tagging the WindClanners on this patrol! <3
@TIGERFROST @GRAVELPAW @SHREWTUFT @SMOKEPAW @WOLFSONG @speckleclaw. @Spiderbloom @Firepaw @Galeforce @strawpaw @bunnywhisker

please refrain from double-posting until blazestar (and some skyclanners) have a chance to post! ]
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Reactions: WOLFSONG
The stinging wind combs their pelts once more, frothing with the freeze of the early morning. It was almost too cold to risk their apprentices, but perhaps not yet. They still needed successful hunts, more claws made for better odds. Thistleback had little ones to feed, this drives his nose to the grindstone.

" Can’t even see the bloody tree-tops " he calls to his patrol, pushing forth on sturdy limbs. Tail whipping madly against the blizzard.

A yowl breaks the whistle of the storm. Thistleback’s teeth bleed from his lips at the scent of Windclan, a murderous hiss and growl bellow from his belly as he races toward the culprits. The silhouettes of many Windclanners line the white shadow of the stormy forest.

Audience they demand, cruelty they claim. The rabbit tunnels grow empty, for the thieves are here.

" lots of demands. First my son, now medicine . What else would you like, my claws, my teeth. By all means, make dirt in our nests ! " Thistleback sings out with pulled back ears, nicked by war. Steely eyes churning with building fury. For the second time, Sootstar’s gaggle of worms are wiggling at the border. Staking claim to things that weren’t theirs.

" your right to live is carried on your own shoulders. Your lethal consequences, a nest you made when you chose your enemies blindly. Lie in it, you scum " he bites back, the moorland warrior matched his colors as much as his ferocity of words. " you take my son, only to condemn him. It’s your leader that denies you the right to live " he growls, muscled legs quivering with anger. Coyotepaw, you beloved fool. Why did you leave.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
  • bVBPWus.png


Spiderbloom followed Badgermoon through the wind and snow and under the boughs of trees. She had to admit, the ice and snow hanging from the branches was quite a pretty sight.

She knew how dangerous they were, though. Too much weight, and branches could snap and fall. Or worse, the tree itself.

That's what she aspired to be, beautiful and dangerous.

When she reached the border, she peered at the pine forest. Her fur prickled in anticipation. She felt giddy.


She nodded silently to the deputy, and waited. Like a snake in the grass.

When Thistleback arrives.... She only smiles. It's a venomous one. Her claws slip out, she knows how this will go.

Though she has to admit....... He's pretty strange looking, huh? Never seen a kittypet like him before. Or any cat, actually.

The smoke that streamed from the skyclan patrol’s noses was near invisible as light dwindled, a cold sunset stoking the shadows into being. Daisyflight’s irritation at the weather was plain in her stance, paws hitting the snow with ever increasing weight. Small worries were forgotten as the cut of the moors was slit across her palette.

"Windclan!" Her tail plumed in alarm, a ragged ribbon in her wake as she strode with haste towards the source alongside Thistleback. A firm slant met her ears at the sight of the domino tom along their border, distaste painted without modestly atop her countenance.

Standing beside her fellow lead warrior, she listened to his words. "He speaks bluntly, and true. Your talk of cold-blood and condemnation is wasted. Our clans share no trust, and so we will share no herbs.” Chin tall, Daisyflight let her bitterness pour through her gaze openly. Windclan had taken so much, needlessly, selfishly for the sake of their leader’s pride. Haze, Coyotepaw… The moor-stalkers were a clan of threats and hollow hearts.

One of the warrior’s ears cut to the pines behind her, anticipating Blazestar’s arrival. This situation reeked of trouble and she wanted to remain as close to him as she could.
Following behind the deputy, the scarred tabby kept his head lowered, protecting his face from the frigid wind swirling around the patrol. Going out in this weather was probably an idiotic idea, but sometimes cats did stupid things for other cats they cared about. He didn't fully grasp the extent of harsh feelings Windclan and Skyclan harbored toward each other, but one thing was for certain: this entire stunt they were pulling would only worsen the divide.

Speckleclaw bit down on his lower lip as his freezing paws arrived at the border, standing firm beside the other warriors with his shoulders hunched against the buffeting cold. Claws sank into the snow, a nervous huff visibly falling from his white-patched snout. The Skyclanners argued against their demands, as expected, but that was supposed to be the point. However, he was not a wordsmith, unable to craft an equally eloquent reply. There was one detail that set the wheels in his brain turning, however. "And what if your son was part of the sick?" Speckleclaw spoke up, lifting his odd-eyed gaze, "Would that matter then?"
──⇌•〘 INFO Until, Badgermoon says. Not an if. None of them are here under the assumption that SkyClan will concede any ground willingly. For this reason, Wolfsong has no interest in the weak speeches of these cats with their beady little eyes, squinted against the snow and with a defiance he does not fear. While some of his clanmates might wish to engage in dialogue with them, he, like Spiderbloom, says nothing at all. Let them talk their tongues dry. My belly is empty with room enough for their cowardly livers.

He rolls his shoulders and looks to the faint silhouettes of barren leaf-giants around them. He laments that WindClan does not have more of them; he so loves to climb. More pressing, in his heart, he wishes Sunstride were with him, given how much fortitude Wolfsong draws from the sight of his tall, flame-hewn shape at his side. No matter. They have work to do and he is ready to thaw the snow with warm blood.

Mountainheart knew a war party when he saw one. He observed from the trees, watching, listening. He was not intimidated by the size of the windclanners patrol.

It had been a while since he felt intimidated, actually. Guess that happens when you fight so much. Not that it matters right now, anyways. He kept quiet on his perch, smokey black fur billowing in the blizzard winds. This was nothing compared to his home where the snow piled nearly as high as twolegs themselves.

But not everyone was accustomed to this weather. He hoped to use it to his advantage if it came to it.

But for now, he would like in wait, ready to send his full weight crashing down on some poor bastard.

The voices were nothing more than static in his ears as he stood not too far behind Badgermoon, his eyes straining to focus on the SkyClanners as they filed into view. Desperately he tried to search for any sign of Blazestar, the only cat who mattered in that moment. Only he could end this madness and spare the land from being stained with blood. "Please... don't let this come down to a fight." Briefly he closed his eyes and he sought to steady his thoughts. Though he firmly remained on the alert as he readied himself for potential war.
inklings of adrenaline began to thrum against umber colored ears as the chocolate sepia sauntered alongside her clanmates with a head held high and a slightly narrowed gaze as they slowed their pace just before the skyclan border where badgermoon would pierce the silence with a bellowing yowl that carried itself with the whipping winds.

it wasn't long until their call was answered and their patrol was met with another that was being led by a musucular monochrome tom who makes his displeaure clear with harsh words. shrewtuft tenses her jaw, claws slipping from cover to scrape against the biting cold of the snow. of course it was no surprise that they'd be denied by the residents but badgermoon told them to not do anything until blazestar himself arrives to refuse them upfront.
... The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah... Strawpaw doesn't feel in the spirit of battle anymore... And they all go marching down to the ground- their tail cannot keep still from lashing and they're trying their hardest to put on a mean face but it just falls to their usual blank expression. Why were they scared? They had the number advantage right now, they did, so why?

They stick close to Firepaw, dwarfed besides her but feeling safer by the minute. They would have felt better if their mentor had come but... They didn't know where he had gone. They're even happier that Wormtail had taught them more battle training because... Straw knows deep within it'd devolve to that. The black and white tom, his white barely visible against the blizzard, speaks of them committing heinous acts. The calico next agrees with him, turns them away.


They were willing to let all of Windclan die for sins created by the one percent. Strawpaw lets this fuel their rage, the anger, eyes squinting ever so slightly. They hope Icepaw's patrol goes smoothly.

Bunnywhisker keeps to the rear of the party, both to further shield herself from the listless winds that greet them on their path, as well as further protect herself should the mission go south sooner than anticipated. None of them, not even those soft at heart, expect the SkyClanners to so happily hand over the catmint they were denied not too long before. Plenty still in their silence as they file along the border line, listening to the kittypets spout their own lowly tones. Bunnywhisker's ear twitches as they justify their graceless behaviors. It twitches again, briefly, wondering if they're any better.

She halts her mind, letting out a frosty breath and examining the tree tops for a sense of solace in the moment. Blazestar better arrive soon - each cat there, no matter their origin, seems to be restless on their paws. All are waiting, some holding their tongues and others taking the chance to lash out. It'll be in due time before someone breaks rank and chaos ensues. Perhaps she should just be glad to be there in the first place.​
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TAGS —With the sun lowering beyond the horizon Smokepaw finds that, if there is nothing else to be grateful for right now, he can at least be grateful for the easy light on his eyes. Not that he is ever so optimistic. In truth, the tunneler apprentice's chest ties into tight knots unable to be untangled. He's been stressed about the patrol ever since Sootstar had ordered it earlier today, but he knew that she expected him to attend. So he needed to. And he's here, standing on SkyClan's border, somewhere slightly behind Badgermoon, this cat that he looks up to, this cat who is making his demands with as much respect as Smokepaw can be convinced SkyClan is owed. They don't really deserve it, of course- if their outright refusal to assist WindClan wasn't enough, their affinity for kittypets certainly would be -but fairness is part of the strategy when making demands, isn't it?

The first SkyClanner to arrive arrives angrily. He talks about his son- Coyotepaw, Smokepaw guesses -but Smokepaw refuses to acknowledge it, knowing that if he ever let himself feel sympathy for these cats then he'd never be able to face them down in battle. He's already nervous about his fighting ability. Sootstar teaches him well, but he's afraid he can't live up to her expectations sometimes- afraid that he won't be able to live up to any cat's. Still, if it's her will that he's here, that he fights, should things come to it, he'll obey. Anything to make her proud.

Standing near Strawpaw, he angles his ears expectantly forward, waiting for Blazestar's arrival. He won't let himself be optimistic about how things will go down.

Sunsetbreeze would stand with a unsettled heart beside Galeforce their head held high and so did his tail. Obeying their deputys order he would make sure to not cause a scene for now but starclan did this clan annoy him!. Talking so poorly of them like they where the monsters here while they would coldhearted let a whole clan die, kits included. A snort would escape them, features grim with disgust. Despite their differences he had never thought cats could be heartless like this. Wondering how Galeforce was feeling about this he cast a side glance at his companion and noticed that he did not look so...comfortable?. Sunsetbreeze was a fearless cat, one who wouldn't hesitant for a second to jump into the scorching flames to fight for what he believed in, or in this case protect the clan who had taken him in when he had been nothing. He suppose not everyone could face war with the same burning passion like he did. Not could he blame their friend for feeling uneasy right now.

He wanted to help them somehow but was unsure how. Sunsetbreeze would suddenly take a step closer attempting to brush his fur against them in support. If he had captured their attention he would look at them, giving them a comforting smile. " Gale dont look at them, look at me. "
He would speak softly, a warm look in his gaze. This might be their first ever battle, although it was not his first fight. Sunsetbreeze came from a cruel background so he was used with violence but he realised his friend might not be. " I wont let anything bad happen to you i promise." he whispered while the arguments around them was heated and livid. It was true that he was doing this for windclan, to please Sootstar but if he could be completely honest with his heart. He was also doing this out of fear what otherwise would happen. What if Galeforce got sick?. What then?. The thought of them dying like Wisteriapaw had...he wouldn't allow such an awful fate to happen to his the one he held the most dearest to his heart. " Together we can do anything, can we not?"

// sunsetbreeze has now been taken to get killed hehe >:)
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WindClan. Oh, what luck. What unfortunate luck. "Oh what a bother..." Sharpeye heaved a long sigh as he made his approach until he could stand alongside his fellow SkyClanners. This looked bad, and it didn't help that leafbare brought out the worst in folks. He would do what he could and he intended to back whatever decision Blazestar made. "It's not like we're allies. We owe no favours, yet you demand so much. Why not go to ShadowClan, thought you lot were close. Surely they have the herbs you seek." It was blatantly obvious to him that this was more than just a matter of herbs, it screamed a power trip and an excuse to attack a clan that wasn't seen in an equal light.
Tags and Information

His eyes are as cold as the winter ice as Tigerfrost stares down the SkyClanners that come to greet them with all of their empty words. The warrior is silent and bristling, vision hard as stone, and talons coiling lightly into the bitter snow beneath his paws. He knew why they were here, and it was not to talk, not to play games, not to garner SkyClan sympathy. He stood proudly by the side of his fellow WindClanners, willing to lay down his own flesh and blood to insure the safety of those he called his friends and family. Should SkyClan die, should they perish in the snow from illness or infection, he cared little. Only one goal has blossomed within Tigerfrost's mind, and it is akin to a thorny, poisonous rose.

On this day, he would spill SkyClan blood.
Gravelpaw doesn’t understand why SkyClan would refuse them. Why won’t they share their herbs with WindClan? The child doesn’t yet know the tension between the clans—they only know that the other clan has put their paw down, so to speak, and will not give WindClan even one of their lifesaving plants. They’re hoarders, Gravelpaw thinks. They want to take, take, take, full of greed and malice for the moor-running cats.

One of the SkyClan cats steps forth, presumably explaining what is going on, but it passes by Gravelpaw’s ears without really registering. Another SkyClan cat appears, and then another. Gravelpaw looks to Badgermoon for guidance, hoping to see the way that they should be reacting. But the deputy isn’t within their view, and their shoulders draw up tight around their neck.

There are so many voices now. So much going on, all at once.

It’s overwhelming. Gravelpaw’s chest feels tight, like there’s a heavy weight resting there. They gasp in a short breath, trying to still the trembling of their paws. They can’t keep up with anything—they shift to lean lightly upon the shoulder of the cat beside them, hazel eyes wide and confused.
WindClan is here.

Badgermoon's counterpart, just as new to the job, appears from the snow with a disdainful expression on her maw and frost piling up around her ears. She hadn't been sure about sending such a large patrol to the border, her logic mostly being that there is safety in numbers with this horrible blizzard, but as they're faced with what's clearly a war party if SkyClan doesn't give into their demands she's glad for her accidental foresight. WindClan wants catmint, for their Clan is dying. Orangeblossom's shoulders shake - either from the blizzard-breeze or amusement, it's hard to tell. Good. Orangeblossom wonders if they'd even bothered to ask Dawnglare, or just assumed that he would say no (he absolutely would have said no). But it would be a relief if WindClan was gone. Their entire Clan was a scourge on the forest and StarClan had made a mistake by creating it. Maybe Sootstar had been chosen by some twisted subsect of their ancestors, too, willing as she's been to send her Clanmates with claws and teeth bared like petulant kits if they don't get their way. Actually, about that ...

"You're not Sootstar," she meows (voice pitched loud over the blizzard, but not quite edging into a yowl) with a flick of her tail. She doesn't know of the moor-leader's state of health, nor does she care, but the notable absence of WindClan's leader makes her wary. "Is she facing an uprising under her whiskers for her stubbornness or is she just a coward?"


  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — no apprentice.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg.
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

Firepaw falls in line with the patrol each paw step bringing her closer into enemy territory. To where Skyclan awaits, she’s sure it’ll be an easy fight even without every warrior here they still made a mighty patrol. One that wasn’t to be trifled with, the kittypet loving tree bastards wouldn’t stand a chance. Her fur bristles with anticipation nervous and excited all the same, it’s an odd feeling but not unwelcome. This was her first real fight, a chance to show the skills she’s honed all these moons of training. She hopes to leave some lasting memories on whatever unfortunate opponent she met on the battlefield but for now no battle cries are yowled, they come with intentions of “peace” with only the threat of force if Skyclan refuses and she expects they will. Any clan who took in kittypets happily was mousebrained enough to pick a fight with them, they’d shown that trait already by refusing Dandelionwish in the first place.

She smirks from where she stands just behind the likes of Badgermoon taking up the front, she stands besides Strawpaw her pelt bristling against their’s she doesn’t know why the Tunneler seeks security near her but it’s a smart idea. She’s strong enough to keep them safe for the time being, she wouldn’t let them get touched by soiled Skyclan paws.

She smirks as she listen to the tirade of the outspoken collared warrior on the other side of the border. Rich she’s sure he doesn’t have to worry about dying to black cough not when he had a two leg den to return to. In her opinion no cat with a collar should have any say in the lives of warriors, they were just playing pretend! Her tail lashes, he’s joined by more of his ilk who mirror his opinions; she takes in just how few arrive to guard the borders. More would come especially once their leader arrived to make the decision if his clan’s blood would be spilled or spared.

Unlike her clanmates she has no care about wasting her breath and chimes in with a malicious grin. ❝What use would we have to make dirt in your nests kittypet, already massive pieces of foxdung layin’ in them night and day!❞ her claws dig into the earth, she’s never liked waiting but at least she can entertain herself for the mean time. ❝Your right to live is decided by our claws if you dun’ roll over and show your bellies like ya do to your two-leg companions you bunch of soft-pawed losers!❞ she laughs, shoulder bumping against Strawpaw (wedged between the two siblings) as if to make sure they’re listening to her.​
The wind is howling, and it has brought trouble to his borders yet again. Cloaked in snow, haggard from leafbare and grief, a Ragdoll crowned with frost shoulders his way to the front of SkyClan's patrol, to stand amidst Thistleback, Daisyflight and Orangeblossom. Despite his stooped shoulders and lined face, the SkyClan leader towers over those present, blue eyes dark enough to be mistaken for abysses in his pale face.

"We are here for an audience with Blazestar, regarding SkyClan's cruel refusal to give our medicine cat lifesaving catmint and thus condemning our sick to death..."

Blazestar is silent, letting WindClan and SkyClan exchange taunts. After long, painful heartbeats of all of them freezing in the snowstorm, he turns his near-obsidian eyes onto the black and white tom who speaks for Sootstar.

"I don't recognize you," he says bluntly. "But I'm assuming you're one of her dogs, and you've come barking her orders."

He lets his eyes roll from left to right, drinking in the famine-sharp bodies of his enemies. He is not moved by stories of illness in their Clan. "I did not personally deny Sootstar anything, but had she come to me begging, half-dead, I would have told her no." A strange smile crooks over his maw. "Just as WindClan would have let us die, SkyClan will not be your saviors. Not when you had murdered our warriors, threatened our safety, stolen our young."

His whiskers tremble with the outrage that is slowly blooming on his face and in his voice. "We owe you nothing. Every last one of you can die for serving a murderer."

With a laugh, he rolls his shoulder in a shrug. "And, if StarClan is just, you will." He has nothing in his heart for these cats, nothing at all. He has nothing left to give them. "If my medicine cat refused your medicine cat herbs, that is his business. He knows WindClan is not worth wasting them on."

Dismissively, he flicks his tail. "You've heard it from my deputy, my lead warriors, my Clan, my medicine cat, and now let you hear it from me." There's no mirth or joy in the smile on his face as he says, "You all lost your right to our mercy the day Sootstar killed Haze."

Slowly he was weaving his own path back with his clan's, though it was still a struggle and he often retreated to his impromptu nest all the same, he was trying and he supposed that was all that could be asked of him. There were still looks, but he shouldered them, attempted to. It was an uncertain burden on his shoulders but he carried it without complaint. With the coming cold and the heavy blizzard he had been coaxed back into his clan at risk of death itself and only now was he getting used to the warmth again, he almost didn't want to leave it but when Daisyflight left the camp for one purpose or another he found himself drawn to follow; his mother his only real friend anymore until the wrongs were righted and the wounds closed. Leaving her side felt terrifying, it was like he was in the nursery again.

Snowpaw slowly stepped forward to stand alongside his mother, her fur bristling uncharacteristically and any other time he'd have changed her in her display of outrage at the audacity of this display. WindClan took from them constantly and gave nothing back, Coyotepaw was still lost in those moors, Haze's blood could never be unspilled, if Sootstar had even shown an inkling of remorse for her actions this would not be happening but she was a selfish and brutal leader. It was strange seeing Blazestar so sharp and pointed, a soft kittypet with claws now and despair had hardened him into something unfamiliar, Snowpaw wondered if he looked the opposite; softened and vulnerable, his edge taken. It hurt to look at their leader for too long so eventually his golden gaze swept away to look at the other apprentices there with the WindClan patrol, expected to fight; he didn't recognize any of them but he found himself apprehensive all the same.
Which of them might also die here on this border? Was it his turn finally? Or would he shed more blood in the name of his clan? The tension in his shoulders eased and he shifted where he stood, claws sheathing once more with a hesitance he was not often to feeling.

"You won't want to linger in this storm."
The dappled blue apprentice spoke up with an even tone, the first time he'd admitted out loud to considering the ragdoll fool anything but a bother. Maybe he it was penance, maybe it was pity, maybe he just wished he had less sharpness before.

  • Crying
Reactions: Daisyflight