camp SUNSHINE SHIMMER // frozen streams

"Well, that isn' fair, now is it?"

Sunshinespot returns to camp, admittedly out of breath from the short stroll. For all intents and purposes, his pregnancy has been... easy. Sure, the prey shortage and chill have caused some difficulty, but his internals are still alright. He never really got sick, so to say. An upset stomach was as far as his body let him go. All that said, he had left camp briefly simply to get a fresh sip of water. Only pawsteps from the camp's entrance, even - yet the dutiful waterway he's used to is frozen through.

He reclines his weight just in beside his mate, nearly oblivious to her strife as he battles his own. "I haven't had to drink outta moss since... well, last leafbare, I suppose," he commiserates, leaning his head against her shoulder for support. "We'll have t'get used to it now. My paws couldn' even break the ice...!" Would he have brought a chunk home, if he could? He thinks last time he encountered the stuff, someone in his family had their tongue stuck to it. Maybe... maybe he will leave the water gathering to the experts.

[ @doepath ࿔ but open for all camp kitties needing a phase 2 thread! ]​
To undertake such a walk was not a simple feat... by now she is practically bursting and though the exercise is encouraged for a healthy transition towards labor, Doepath is not so eager to be actually doing it. It was hard enough to get around, half blind and limping, but the added weight imbalance certainly doesn't help.... when Sunshinespot had suggested she come with him, the fawn she-cat had pretty immediately declined. Her back ached and though the constant nausea had finally subsided (an entire moon of such torture seemed a cruel punishment), it seemed an equally horrible trade. Her eyes flick up towards the plumy shape of her mate returned from his small escapade, cawing about how it had been futile.

"It's frozen already?" Her lips tilt towards a frown, wondering just what they're meant to do if the snowy season has reared its ugly head so early. This was not reassuring the world-ending fear that gnawed at her subconscious... and her conscience... She should be out hunting. Does Blazingheart think I'm dead again? The thought is alarming, quickly snuffed out by the sensation of a warm head placed against her shoulder. "I hope that doesn't make things more difficult for everyone else... I've been so parched recently."

She curls her tail tightly against the two of them, trying to ignore the way disappointment inspires a sleepy exhaustion. Maybe she could just nap the next few weeks away... skip ahead and be done with this. "I'm glad I had Fallowbite help me patch up this den..." she murmurs before a yawn splits wide.

    fifteen month old warrior of thunderclan
    she/her fawn sepia with low white and yellow eyes

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- orangepaw wonders one day if he will ever have kits of his own. he's not sure he's fit for fatherhood. he can barely get his own paws under him, let alone the paws of little ones... even if parts of him crave that. but he doesn't have to think about that, right now. right now, he gets out his head and perks up, eyes wide and as bright as he can make them as he skips over, purring quietly when he aims to brush right against doepath, smiling toothily at her, and purring as he smiles at sunshinespot, too.

"hi, guys. what are we lookin' at?"

his eyes follow theirs, tail swaying as his head tilts off to the side like that of a curious dog.

"oh, i see. well, i will make sure you guys get the absolutely best moss out there! nothing but the best for our queens, hm? anythin' you guys need, I can totally get it for you, okay? I'm your cat!"

𓇢𓇢 The two newest additions to the nursery are watched carefully by Laughblossom. ThunderClan's queens are not the delicate things that they appear to be, yet still the tom feels as though it is a part of his duties to keep an eye on them. Wintertime litters are good for no one—but he, of course, is very aware that accidents can occur—and it is imperative that ThunderClan ensures that each incoming litter is given the best chance of survival possible. He spots Sunshinespot easily when they return to camp, and trails after the queen until he reaches the nursery, where Laughblossom does not hesitate to enter as well.

Doepath and Sunshinespot sit tucked close together, as he has come to expect from the duo. "Oh, good day, lovely queens!" His voice is a cheery chirp, plumed tail tracing invisible patterns through the air as he strides into the conversation and plops his catch down before one of the den's inhabitants. It takes only a moment for their conversation to catch up with him, and Laughblossom tips his head in consideration. "Perhaps a few of us could attempt to find a new source of water, closer to camp. Or... redirect one to flow closer." He caps off his suggestion with a cautious smile offered to the trio of cats around him, hazel eyes searching for approval in their gazes. Of course, he would never insinuate that a queen, let alone one so close to kitting, aid him. He isn't even certain that there is more water in the forest, save for the RiverClan border, that would remain un-frozen by now.

  • ooc:
  • 48119206_GNnfgzwRa1HHppG.png
  • LAUGHBLOSSOM ❯❯ he/him, warrior of thunderclan
    𓇢 silky-furred chocolate tabby with white spotting and hazel eyes. joyous and loud, but deeply protective of his clan.
    𓇢 brother to lovelight, joywing, wrathpaw, pridepaw, merrypaw
    𓇢 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓇢 penned by foxlore

"Hey, is that really possible?" Berrykit questioned Laughblossom almost as soon as the words left the tom's mouth. "About redirecting water, I mean. Can you do that?" He almost seemed accusatory in his words, as if the feat was impossible to accomplish. He seemed to consider the idea, sitting back on his haunches, and he added, "If we can do that, why can't we just have a stream in camp?" He asked, raising a brow.

Perhaps that was something that differentiated them from RiverClanners - the lack of water in their camp. Berrykit had, of course, never been to RiverClan's camp, but he imagined it was a soggy place to live, what with all the rivers and streams and other bodies of water that were so characteristic to the fish-loving warriors. And maybe that was the reason why there was no stream in ThunderClan's camp - because then everything would get soggy. That certainly wouldn't be how Berrykit would want to live.

"...maybe not." He concedes after the thought occurs, and he glances towards Doepath and Sunshinespot.


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Roeflame's childrens were undoubtedly the lights of the mollys life, the night she had brought them into this world a memory the warrior would cherish for the rest of her living days. The pregnancy, however? Roeflame couldn't say she would ever miss the waddling gait or strain of carrying three tiny bodies inside her own, for the most part.

Sunshinespot and Doepath's transition from the warriors den to the nursery hadn't necessarily been the most welcome surprise for the Clan with Leaf-bare looming shadow cast over them, but Roeflame would never deny a clanmate their happiness with her disapproval, not outwardly. She couldn't deny the curious glances the deputy had been sparing the nursery every now and then herself, either. The prospect of another litter wasn't something she and Burnstorm had discussed, whether it was Roeflame's avoidance or natural happenstance to blame the deputy wasn't sure.

Sunshinespot's complaint as he huffs back into camp is hard to miss, earning Roeflame's listening ear. Drink fro
That would mean… "have the streams frozen over already?" The deputy asks with a hint of dismay in her tone, giving Doepath a sympathetic blink. "It's just an extra chore that comes with leaf-bare naturally." Roeflame tries to reassure, though her mind is already juggling the division of labor with the extra errand of fetching water.

Orangepaw is as eager to help as ever, and Roeflame is thankful for the tom's cheeriness, it was a hard trait to maintain in such difficult times. Laughblossom's input makes Roeflame's eyebrows raise, Berrykit's question drawing awareness to the kits presence, "that's a good idea, Laughblossom." If it's possible, the warriors mind adds silently; her realism kept tame in the presence of kits and fretful queens. Turning her gaze to the young ThunderClanner, Roeflame nods. "As long as the original water source stays running, streams can be redirected." Unsheathing a singular claw, Roeflame draws a shallow line in the cold soil. "Streams run through their own passageways, ruts in the ground. One way we could we redirect a stream is by making a new passageway for it ourselves." The rosetted she-cat explains, filling a partial portion of her original line before drawing a new one from a different angle. "See?"
  • ROEFLAME she/her, Deputy of Thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Dovepaw & Dwindlingpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Camp is always fun, there's plenty of cats to talk to, plenty of things to look at (Woollykit especially loves watching the birds up in the tree branches), and so many games to play! She's by herself, as she usually is, batting around an old, sort of dried out moss ball, when she accidentally kicks it in Doepath and Sunshinespot's direction. Of course, she cannot help but overhear the stream is frozen... water can freeze? Streams can freeze? What? So, she sits and listens for a little bit, head tilted to the side with curiosity at the idea of redirecting a stream. It's so... weird. And cool. But really weird.

"Woah! That's so neat..." she says, watching the lines Roeflame makes in the ground. "Can we really do something like that?"

sorrowsong & 20 moons & fem enby & they/it/she & thunderclan warrior

Sunshinespot's voice draws Sorrowsong from their thoughts, green eyes blinking as head turns - catching only parts of the conversation, though its not hard to put together that the streams have frozen over.

'Already?' she wonders as disbelief colors her gaze, but she doesn't voice her shock, instead focusing on her siblings words with a tilt of her head. Redirecting the water source - would that even be possible? Roeflame seems to think so, agreeing easily with Laughblossom's idea, and soon the warrior finds itself nodding along to their deputies explanation. When its put like that... " ... it could be worth a try, " comes gentle voice - faint smile on her maw.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

I S T H I S T H E P L A C E W E U S E D T O L O V E ?

Tigerkit perches near her brother, tail idly swaying as she listens to the words of the older cats... She doesn't totally understand... Something about streams being frozen over. She doesn't... even wanna talk to Doepath or Sunshinespot. Not really. She knows they're bad news... But when Doepath says she's "parched," suddenly Tigerkit feels kinda thirsty too... Pale paws kneed anxiously at the dirt. Does this mean they weren't gonna have water?

Moss, though. They have moss, Orangepaw reminds her. Anything for our queens, he says, and it kinda bothers her... " Um, " Tigerkit speaks up. " I'm thirsty too... " she announces, and it's not a lie or anything. She is thirsty. And why should she bother Nightbird or Raccoonstripe when Orangepaw's right here? Round eyes blink at him sheepishly. Would she not get moss cause she wasn't a queen? Maybe she would be a queen someday... She could be like Nightbird, then.

Berrykit didn't know the streams could be redirected, he says. " You didn't know? " Nicely, Tigerkit mews. She could be smarter than him and Woolykit both, maybe... Would Roeflame notice? She glanced briefly to Sorrowsong before looking at the deputy again. She knew she was important... but... Raccoonstripe was more important than her, wasn't she? Do the funny looks mean Tigerkit shouldn't do what she says? She's a bit nervous when she says, " I can help... " Dark ears press flat along her skull. Raccoonstripe would find it impressive, wouldn't he?
  • Love
"You can't."

Twilightkit's paws are too big for this den. He detests that he must rest whilst so much of the Clan hurries to prepare for what's already upon them. Every notion he is afforded - that soon he will be an apprentice, soon he may hunt for himself and the Clan, soon he will be given grace to defend the borders... all are notched into a too-far-away junction that cannot fathom what now is.

Now is a moment where queens and kits are plagues upon the Clan, not promising futures to be. He cannot blame himself for his own existence, nor would he try to blame his mother or father - but he suffers in his stillness. Frozen streams are just another issue that he cannot fix. He must listen in stiff silence as his siblings grow curious of what the outcome may be. Tigerkit is eager to be of use - eager to help and be something. Twilightkit in his stubborn moping shrouds her shining light of hope.

"The streams are out of camp," he reminds her. There's a flare in his chest, for the moment Raccoonstripe had taken him out into the wild before the chill attacked them. Smugness that does not reach his features. "You won't see them for another moon, Tigerkit."
  • Angry
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