THE LIGHT'S GONE OUT FOR ME \ gathering chatter

Squirrelpaw trailed quietly after her mentor as they stepped into the clearing at fourtrees once again. It somehow felt like a lifetime since she'd last been here, even though it had only been two moons. She wanted to feel as giddy tonight as she had the first time, all riled up after being newly-named an apprentice of Thunderclan.

But things were different now. She was older, and her heart was heavier. She'd watched her leader fall to a traitor, her mother and siblings abused, her brother.... murdered. There was no excitement now, only heartache. But she tried to ignore the sting of unhealed wounds pulling tight as her limbs moved, and plastered a fake smile onto her face. Thunderclan had to seem strong tonight; she didn't want to make her mom look bad.

"Yeah, okay," the blue torbie mumbled numbly at Lightflower's instructions, though she really didn't need to be told. It would be many moons before she openly spoke of Skyclaw or his mutiny again. She wanted nothing more than to forget everything he'd done to them. For tonight, the apprentice locked that pain away in the far recesses of her mind, tail swishing contemplatively behind her as her forest green gaze scanned the crowd. Squirrelpaw was hoping she might see some familiar faces tonight, if only to distract from everything she was mentally running away from.

Luck was on her side, as her eyes fell to a sleek silver figure that was vaguely recognizable. She recalled meeting @EVENINGPAW at her very first gathering, and the Riverclanner had been surprisingly pleasant - more so than whoever had been with her (admittedly annoyed at Squirrelpaw for interrupting their conversation). Unfortunately, the over-zealous girl had learned nothing from that last encounter and readily overlooked the fact that her peer was engaged in idle chitchat with someone else. "Eveningpaw!" she called excitedly, beaming her with an exuberant smile and bounding through the crowd to meet her. "Hi! Remember me? I'm Squirrelpaw, we met here before."

  • [ briefly interacting with @Lightflower and talking to @EVENINGPAW ]
  • jre5mPI.jpeg
  • SQUIRRELPAW she / her, apprentice of thunderclan, 9 moons
    lh blue torbie with high white and green eyes // slender but fluffy // excellent climber
    single, crushing on no one // flamestar x flycatcher // mentored by lightflower
    sister to bugpaw, ravenpaw, sunpaw, falconheart and stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots