◇ Periwinklebreeze.
— history hates lovers ❀
- Sep 9, 2022
- 650
- 101
- 43
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periwinklebreeze ❀ 26 moons ❀ demi-boy ❀ windclan lead warrior
" G-g-go and mingle - its n-not often you g-g-get to meet the other c-clans so peacefully - I'll be over th-there, " he tells his apprentice kindly - though for once, he does not seem to wish to hover. Instead, eyes seek out the familiar - and for all that there is an uncomfortably lingering distance between himself and his leader, he is quick to follow Sunstars pawsteps towards where those of higher rank linger. It's an unspoken thing, the way they group - leaders and deputies and their council, all herded towards the forefront in preparation for the moonhigh announcements. Tail waves absentmindedly in greeting towards Flamewhisker - not stopping long enough to see if she even notices, let alone returns it - before pressing his way into a rather strange grouping.
" O-orangestar, H-hazecloud, " he greets gently - tone fond, despite talking to a skyclanner and a riverclanner. Of course, he's long since left behind his distrust of the kittypet-blooded clan - he counts Greeneyes to be one of his dearest friends, and he'd quite enjoyed chatting with Bobbie and Slate in the past - " I h-hope things are well? " there's something bitter in his tone, despite his well wishes - perhaps the irony of the situation simply catching up to him.
Four seasons ago, they'd stood here, and they'd left - together, as a group. They'd sought the cure for the very same illnesss that now lingers in his clan, and had kept him confined to that starforsaken badger sett for the past moon. His words to Sunstar linger in minds eye, but he's quick to bury them down just as swiftly - there are some things better left forgotten.
━ actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes' ━
I ' V E - A L W A Y S - B E E N - R E A L - B A D - W I T H - C H A N G E
// saying goodbye to @Vulturepaw ; briefly waving to @Flamestar ; interacting with @Orangestar & @hazecloud