THE LIGHT'S GONE OUT FOR ME \ gathering chatter

periwinklebreeze 26 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
Periwinklebreeze had been absent last gathering - understandably so, of course, as much as it'd hurt his pride. He'd been eager to see his friends again - to mingle amongst the other clans without the lingering sense of unease that could never fully be shaken on border patrols - the knowledge that Starclans watchful eye will keep the peace, should anyone come to blows. Instead, both his and Vulturepaw's presence had been delayed - and so with a certain amount of eagerness in his step that he can't quite hide, he all but skips into the clearing, a fant smile upon his lips.

" G-g-go and mingle - its n-not often you g-g-get to meet the other c-clans so peacefully - I'll be over th-there, " he tells his apprentice kindly - though for once, he does not seem to wish to hover. Instead, eyes seek out the familiar - and for all that there is an uncomfortably lingering distance between himself and his leader, he is quick to follow Sunstars pawsteps towards where those of higher rank linger. It's an unspoken thing, the way they group - leaders and deputies and their council, all herded towards the forefront in preparation for the moonhigh announcements. Tail waves absentmindedly in greeting towards Flamewhisker - not stopping long enough to see if she even notices, let alone returns it - before pressing his way into a rather strange grouping.

" O-orangestar, H-hazecloud, " he greets gently - tone fond, despite talking to a skyclanner and a riverclanner. Of course, he's long since left behind his distrust of the kittypet-blooded clan - he counts Greeneyes to be one of his dearest friends, and he'd quite enjoyed chatting with Bobbie and Slate in the past - " I h-hope things are well? " there's something bitter in his tone, despite his well wishes - perhaps the irony of the situation simply catching up to him.

Four seasons ago, they'd stood here, and they'd left - together, as a group. They'd sought the cure for the very same illnesss that now lingers in his clan, and had kept him confined to that starforsaken badger sett for the past moon. His words to Sunstar linger in minds eye, but he's quick to bury them down just as swiftly - there are some things better left forgotten.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I ' V E - A L W A Y S - B E E N - R E A L - B A D - W I T H - C H A N G E
// saying goodbye to @Vulturepaw ; briefly waving to @Flamestar ; interacting with @Orangestar & @hazecloud
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Reactions: Orangestar

The conglomerate of cats that attend gatherings will never be normal to her, of that Brackenpaw is certain. It’s still weird to see cats from all clans mingling, even if this wasn’t her first gathering. Scorchstreak is met with surprise, a rare expression crossing the younger calico’s face, she remembers Bluefrosts warnings when they attended together last but the older calico sees no reason to forewarn. “Okay” is all they can really say to that, not carrying a bitter tone for once. Granted she is older now then when she attended her first gathering so there was not as much need for concern but it is still a stark comparison between mentors all the same.

She parts from Scorchstreak’s side- or rather the deputy parts from theirs to take her place with the other deputies, presumably unmoving. The apprentice wastes no time to dart through the other cats gathered here tonight, paying no mind to whoever she brushes past or shoulders. Looking for a particular cat, one close in height and dappled in white and orange, somehow his coat was bright even under the blanket of night.

She stops her search once able to finally see him, flattened ears perk up and despite the effort they put into trying to remain painfully neutral her quickened pace and swaying tail gave away how eager she was to see him again. A frown flickers across her expression as she notices that she has to look up to see him in this moment, what do you mean you managed to get taller and I didn’t? the curse of a tunnneler she guessed.

“Orangepaw. Where have you been?” She cuts to the point quickly, disappointment clear in her meow. There’s a beat before she speaks again “it’s… Good to see you again” she isn’t sure to question him further just yet but she doesn’t hide the way her widened eyes lingered on the scarring that marked him.

  • ooc. briefly interacting with @SCORCHSTREAK || @ORANGEPAW. (closed to other interactions)
  • Brackenpaw
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 10 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Scorchstreak | Formally mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater
  • Love
Reactions: ORANGEPAW.
"Have you made any friends at your last Gathering?" Round eyes looked toward a pair of soft yellows, suddenly made aware of just how much her daughter had sprouted in height as they walked in tandem. "You've been careful with ThunderClan, too? Careful not to trust them too much, friendships only last while the moon is full."

She would not mind the slight hypocrisy in her warning, as she had found her own friends among their crowd. But circumstances had been different, then.

Speaking of such a time, in her weaving and winding her name is called and tufted ears perk up to see a kindly familiar face. Another joined hers, though she hadn't seen the lead warrior for many more moons than the SkyClan leader. "Orangestar, Periwinklebreeze." She greeted the pair warmly. It was odd to think as she stood here with her daughter, how she had once been absent of a family at all.

"RiverClan has been doing grand, we just had a celebratory hunting tourney for the Clan. So many fish to catch! I arrived in second place with my oldest daughter and son, a couple other youngsters swiped first place by a whisker from me." Hazecloud mused, still proud of her victory and the chance to brag of her kins accomplishments. "This is my other daughter, @EVENINGPAW. She's my assignment since your new code." This time there is no bitterness from what she had initially felt. Training Eveningpaw had been quite fun for her, in fact.

  • // chattin w @Orangestar and @Periwinklebreeze.

  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

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Reactions: Orangestar


✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✦˚✦˚✦.˚✧
  • Though there is something to be said about the intoxicating buzz of so many eager eyes and chattering mouths, all she can feel is the overwhelming sense of dread. She'd hid her little stowaway as best for could for as long as seemed reasonable, shielded her from what sniping was pointed her way but now... there were no more excuses. Splashdance was fully grown and capable now... it was all said and done and Lakemoon had been keen on reminding her of that key fact. Her ears swivel in anxious listening, not noticing any sharp gasps or glowers aimed at her head... that'd have to be good enough for now.

    Shellpaw is old enough and with many moons of this travel under her belt to not need her watchful eye, given the same gentle touch of departure they always shared before going their separate ways. For such a meek girl, she doesn't seem to struggle with being a socialite here.... Striped limbs walk past a freckled she-cat with a murmur of 'have fun' before ultimately trying to look for a gray-washed pelt that might confirm her safety.

    Smogstar doesn't show. Again. Disappointment and uncertainty gnaws at her belly but she swallows it in favor of approaching the familiar face of his deputy. How much they knew remained a mystery... but she hoped they at least had the same common sense their leader did. It was in everyone's best interests to keep this quiet.... right? "Another gift... of a night spent... with you," she asks, realizing abruptly how forward and romantically suggestive the attempt at poetic flattery was. She shakes her head, hoping it will be forgotten quicker than she'd stumbled through it.

    "I mean... to say... Smogstar's not here.... Is everything... alright?"
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶ @MIREPURR
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
  • WHAT
Reactions: hazecloud
SkyClan floods the clearing, at the heels of Twitchbolt, once again... However that's happened, he could not say. Perhaps it's Orangestar's way of congratulating him for not collapsing thus far... If she did not mind second - in - commands that may succumb to something unspeakable at a moment's notice, Dawnglare could only figure it a trait inherited from her predecessor... It is every bit as loud as it has always been. Every bit as pointless as it has felt with the conclusions of moon - touched meetings... Were Mallowlark to be sent along with the rest of them, he would at all mind a moment to relive the past. To squirrel away for just a moment, act as if SkyClan was alive and well, with Blazestar at it's helm and reigning clueless... He can only say that such a thing would clear his head, but who's to say, truly?

His steps are precise, unwilling to meet the paws, tails, or even whiskers of any other soul. It is instinct, that pushes him to where the Medicine Cat's reside. If he were not so indoctrinated, as he were, he might have kept himself to the edge of it all: or better yet, spat no in Orangestar's sorry face. Irritation flicks the tip of tail. There's this- this gnawing at his skull, a grating ache that he could not possibly soothe on his own. Not without splitting his own self into bloody halves, and then...

He startles, impossibly focused to the point that it brought him around to wooziness... The fact before him is familiar, though certainly not from SkyClan. " You, " and it just barely catches on the soft purl of a growl. It was not her fault. No. Set about with a posture not dissimilar from that of a hunkering animal, his gaze passes her up and down. Sickly - peeled visage and watery eyes... something like recognition narrows his eyes. " Oh. Ah- ThunderClan, aren't you? " he recalls. " Is your clan as miserable as the others, hm? "

OOC: talking to @Softsight but open to others! <3
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The full moon smiled with more of a blistering light than a warming fever, like lambent water's surface splashing upon her fur and flesh, though it burned and brushed through her skin and bones. Perhaps it had been the circumstances that she had just come out of, as though she tumbled through the storm that gave her the only thing to claim for it. Nevertheless, this was her first Gathering as a medicine cat apprentice, and thus, it deserved her at her best. Celandinepaw was determined to not allow the plague to ruin her experience of the Gathering, like she shunned the vesicant night and the terrors that tailed it, drawing away the cape of gnashing doubts and rustling beasts that lie in the deeper darkness. She could only hope the sweltering heat of Silverpelt's gaze lie upon her, but not too harshly. The fur of her nape prickled as she walked with her clan, as if they peered through the darkness past the limelight's glower. (She could never hope to see beyond the pinpricks of alabaster upon a sable canvas, for they were nothing more than that to her.) Wheat-tinged eyes darted about for any sign of the medicine cats, whiskers twitching as the leaf-fall air danced along strands of felt coat.

  • Looking for any medicine cats / medicine cat apprentices that are not currently occupied! Open to interactions :)
  • ( NOTE: Reference is a placeholder until a drawn reference can be supplied. Credit HERE )​
  • —— CELANDINEPAW / She/They/He / 12 Moons
    —— Medicine Cat Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Wolfsong
    —— A shorthaired golden spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
    —— Extroverted and unafraid to speak their mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


It had been a few moons since Softsight had had the privilege of going to a Gathering, and now, as she bared her newfound warrior name, she found that there was even a hint of excitement at being able to congregate with cats of the other Clans. She hadn't made herself up with pelt decorations like some might, but she felt decorated enough with her proper warrior name - not the ugly thing that Skyclaw had given her a moon prior. She'd been at Roaringsun's side as ThunderClan filtered into Fourtrees, but she broke away from her friend not long after, aiming to socialize with others. She wanted to be able to tell someone else her name tonight, even if they'd never met before.

She's taken by surprise when pink meets blue, juxtaposed against a facade of velvet and ivory. This was a face she had not seen in many moons, not since he'd been taken in by ThunderClan to finish Gentlestorm's training. She wondered if he still thought of Gentlestorm, or if someone as superfluous as Dawnglare had better things to think about than old acquaintances. His greeting is rather unwelcoming, as though he has something else on his mind and she happened to step into his thoughts. Softsight stifles a frown and dips her head in a respectful greeting, as she had before and as she always would.

"Yes, I am from ThunderClan," she says, a bit louder as is required of one when they're amidst a buzzing cacophony of other voices. She swallows. Does Dawnglare recognize her? Does she want him to recognize her? There's something in his eyes that might be familiarity, but she can't be sure - and from the last time they had spoken, Softsight doubted that she had been spared a thought since Dawnglare had gone back to SkyClan. He asks how the Clan is, in his own words, and Softsight considers how much to say. "We're looking forward to the future, actually." She decides on replying, and, perhaps in a fit of childishness, she adds, "My name is Softsight. We spoke when you stayed with ThunderClan."

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Reactions: Floppie
Fireflyglow shrugs his shoulders, his sister's question confusing him that much further. It was weird for Howlingstar to not show up to the gathering, he wondered if she had gotten sick. What with all of the cases of yellowcough beginning to stir in the forest. He begins to take a step away from his sister to go stand beside Dawnglare, but is stopped by the sound of Burnstorm's voice. He hadn't.. Spoken to his brother in some time.

She's gone. Moonwhisper is gone. Skyclaw is gone, and he killed Howlingstar. The words sink in, and Fireflyglow feels bile rise in his throat at the grief that settles in his stomach. His expression twists into one of pain, lips drawn back into a whine as Burnstorm begins a tirade that ultimately replaces the bile in his throat with boiling rage.

He was not the great cat you thought he was, he-

"Our father made his decisions, and he lived and died with the consequences of them!" Fireflyglow steps forward with bared teeth, an unusual sight for such a normally calm tom. He wished Greeneyes were here, so he could prevent him from smacking Burnstorm upside his jaw for the words he spoke. Never, never had he thought grief would turn Burnstorm to such an intense amount of rage. And never before had Fireflyglow had to deal with the possibility that one of his younger siblings would hear the words being spoken with such a thorned tongue.

Lionpaw steps in to defend them, warning Burnstorm not to talk like that towards his older siblings and their father. It is obvious, then, that Lionpaw doesn't know who this is. A fierce protectiveness overcomes the seal point, and soon, Fireflyglow is standing over his little brother and lowering his head with a snarl. "Say what you wish about our father in private, but do not disgrace his name in the presence of the stars on this holy night. Blazestar wasn't a stranger to us. We knew him, we loved him, and he only ever did what was best for us." He snapped, milky blue eyes now wide with intense emotion. He was in pain, was he wounded? No, he could just feel the throbbing of his heart in his chest.

Our father wouldn't have wanted this. Our mother wouldn't have wanted this. Howlingstar wouldn't have wanted this. Morningpaw...

Fireflyglow leans his head down, nose pressing into Lionpaw's ear before he glances back up to his brother. He is all alone now, left with only distant family members and the echo of their mother's spirit. "This is your older half-brother, Lionpaw. He is mine and Howlfire's littermate, from Blazestar's first litter with Little Wolf- alongside Moonwhisper and Morningpaw. Do not hold his anger against him. He is grieving right now." Fireflyglow states to Lionpaw while blind blue eyes stare intensely into Burnstorm's direction. He would always try to be honest with all of his siblings, from now on- about his past, about his ancestors and their mistakes. Oh, to avoid the mistakes of one's ancestors.. It seemed almost impossible, when Mother already had our fates sealed.

A cold wind brushes against his fur, a reminder. Peace on the night of the full moon. He would not disturb the peace which his ancestors had fought so hard to protect.

"Thank you for telling us of Howlingstar and Skyclaw's passing, little brother. I only wish.. That the decisions we made as kits wouldn't burden us as it does now, it is a weight that is more useful being lifted from our shoulders. Can we not move forward together, with the memories of our kithood in mind? When we would run amongst our camps together, playing tag?" He asks softly, his expression softening just a bit with a pained downcast of milky blues. "..Is there no room for forgiveness, in this small world? Howlfire and I.. We still love you, Burnstorm. Can't we forgive each other now, so we may not be alone in this world? We miss you, Burn." His tail flicks against Howlfire's side, the aching in his heart growing harsher by the second. He was expecting denial. "There is so much that we've missed.." He whispers softly, biting the inside of his cheek.

// interacting with @BURNSTORM , @Howlfire , @LIONPAW

Mirepurr traverses Fourtrees with more familiarity; dare say, confidence, too. It had always been a little cozy to stay back home when the camp is emptier — a bit scary with lessened numbers, but overall peaceful. Such a pleasantry would seldom be experienced now... if Smogstar's recovery indents to stay on this snail-slow pace, Mirepurr will grow older by a year, and then when he finally addresses the Clans himself, his deputy's presence will be needed anyhow. Their eyes trace the outline of the moon, sending a silent prayer up to StarClan: keep ShadowClan safe while the Gathering committee is away...

"Mingle," they suggest to @plumpaw. "I'll be nearby for now if you need me."

Mirepurr wants to minimize interactions tonight. They are unsure why; normally, they jump at any chance to talk with others... and they are certainly not against speech, but it only seems fair to send Plumpaw into the throes of other apprentices. A bad feeling blossoms within their every being.

Perhaps it is Snowypaw's presence. Mirepurr cannot find the distinctive black-and-white fur over the crowd, but they are almost certain Ferndance has found her already.

And speaking of- "Lichenstar."

The sharp iciness of her gaze is intimidating. Every single thing about her is intimidating- her, and the other leaders. It feels simply wrong to sit amongst them like equals... but Lichenstar approaches them first, and it would be impossibly impolite to turn her away. If Mirepurr had to guess, her nerves must be askew without the confirmation that Smogstar has made them aware of an unlikely cat within their ranks.

But instead of the calm, composed wording that Mirepurr imagines all current leaders to speak with... Lichenstar's simply off.

"Oh." Despite themself, an amused grin creeps onto their face — more reserved than usual, but there nevertheless. "If I had known my presence is this welcomed, I'd have never missed a single Gathering..."

A hot flash of mutual embarrassment makes Mirepurr shift in place, eager to cut the moment short with a quick flattening of their chest fur. Lichenstar is curious of Smogstar... in an ideal world, Mirepurr would be able to keep all details hidden, but they deserve to know. "He is still sick." It is so unlike him, to waste away amongst drying moss. "Not even Starlingheart is sure what's gotten to him this severely... I can only hope for the best. But at least I see you are well? Just with a few more scars?"

@lichenstar + open for other interacts!

This wasn’t her first gathering, she had seen the flocks of cats from different clans a few times before now. There was a novelty to it though, she enjoyed this show of mutual truce even if it was just for one night. Well- from what she’s heard of gatherings past that truce isn’t always there but for the most part it is! It’s just her tonight, she didn’t want to keep Jellypaw up late considering she had to rise with the other daylighters in the morning. Of course, so did Florabreeze but she hadn’t considered that fact and instead wanted to be a part of tonight's Gathering.

She found that while Gatherings were fun but she did notice that her collar felt a little tighter on these nights, no other clan has daylight warriors. In fact, she wasn’t too sure if the other clans let any kind of outsiders join. Not everyone had a negative opinion of daylight warriors but the difference was noticeable, she didn’t feel a desire to take it off though. Grass coloured eyes scan across those in attendance before finding someone she decided to try and speak with. “Hey there! I’m Florabreeze, from SkyClan” she trills chipperly as she approaches who she assumes to be a RiverClanner based on the smell of algae that he carries. She’s aware that the collar alone introduces herself as a SkyClanner but she thought it was polite of her to mention it herself.

She hadn’t had the opportunity to interact with many RiverClanners so she wanted to put her best paw forward “anyone attending tonight that you weren’t expecting?” Of course, she’s always eager to try and figure out new information, that nosy aspect of her wouldn’t be shelved for one night after all.

  • Talking with @FOXTAIL
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 36 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- he can't help the way his body down right vibrates with purrs. he has missed them so much that the way his heart beats is almost painful. brackenpaw was one of his best friends, in spite of being in a different clan and in spite of not seeing them for quite some time. his smile is wide when he steps closer to them, aiming to brushing his face against theirs, and ending with a bump of his head against their shoulder. he sits down, breathing out a sigh, as he smiles at them with closed eyes, and tilted head.

"hey brackenpaw, I've missed you a lot. I'm so sorry for not being here. a lot has happened, so I couldn't come here! uhm, maybe we can talk about it? away from everyone and stuff because I just wanna catch up with you! have you been okay?"

he notices the way she looks at his scars. he doesn't have the heart to tell her that he almost died a couple times... not in front of cats at least. besides, he would sound as if he was a little crazy by saying it was not a big deal because in spite of his fears, he wasn't upset at the cats that nearly killed him, one of which was dead. a lot has happened, and still he smiles at his friend.

"i hope you didn't miss me too much! i brought you something, too, just in case I saw you!! to make up for not being able to meet you earlier. come on, I left it over there."

he stands back up, wincing as he puts weight on his leg. he doesn't know if he will ever be used to that but for now, it's fine.

// @Brackenpaw , closed to other interacts!

Foxtail traverses into the Fourtrees, following behind Lichenstar with his two apprentices in tow. The young lead warrior lets out a sigh as cats begin to mix into the crowd, and he looks over to @PEBBLEPAW. Pebblepaw has been to way more gatherings than Foxtail could count when he was an apprentice. Not every apprentice gets the opportunity to attend nearly every gathering since earning their apprentice name; and it's safe to say that the lead warrior trusts the blue tabby to wander off on his own.... for some time now. StarClan above, he's almost a warrior— the blue tabby doesn't need to be under Foxtail's supervision! "Meet up with the patrol when the g-gathering is over, o-okay?" He gives Pebblepaw a nod, and as the blue tabby disappears into the crowd, he looks over to @SUNPAW..

Now on the other hand, this is her first gathering... to his knowledge. Brookpelt, Sunpaw's previous mentor, didn't attend any previous gatherings where Sunpaw could've attended alongside him. And now that the older tom is an elder, he is free to attend every gathering... and he knows Sunpaw must be feeling bitter if her former mentor is in attendance tonight. Shoving the thought out of his mind, Foxtail mews with a flick of an ear. "I want y-you to stick around with me tonight." He knows that she probably wants to explore— meeting other clan cats, in a brief time where there is peace... It can be a strange concept, especially to someone who wasn't born in the clans. But that doesn't mean he's keeping her around because of her past; no, he did the same thing with Pebblepaw moons back. No new apprentice of his will be allowed to wander off during their first gathering.

The RiverClan lead warrior pads into the crowd with his apprentice, probably begrudgingly, alongside him. Numerous scents invade his nostrils, but the experienced warrior is able to tell who is who. He wonders whom Sunpaw recognizes, if any at all. A large black tabby approaches them, and he nearly rivals her in height— and his nose wrinkles at the two smells of mint & pine that cling to her fur. "H-Hello!" Foxtail mews with a dip of his head, briefly noticing the collar around her neck, but he quickly looks back up to match her gaze. He somewhat understands the concept of a daylight warrior— a warrior that's also a kittypet; it's something that would never work in RiverClan. "My n-name is Foxtail," Foxtail says with a swish of his tail, "And this is o-one of my apprentices...." He shoots Sunpaw a quick glance; introduce yourself!

Outsiders aren't always accepted into RiverClan, but when they are— on the rare occasion —they are expected to let go of their previous life. Like his own apprentice; whom joined RiverClan after she assisted in freeing trapped RiverClanners from those wretched twolegs... "I h-heard ThunderClan was missing from the l-last gathering," Foxtail comments with a flick of an ear, looking back over at Florabreeze. "I wasn't s-sure if they would be attending t-tonight..."

"Though... I suppose," Foxtail mews carefully, "I don't typically see D-Daylight warriors like y-yourself too often here... That's the correct term, r-right?" He doesn't want to make her feel... like she isn't welcomed here at the gathering. He knows that collar must make her stand out; and not every cat is going to be... friendly when they see it around her neck. "I'm g-glad you were able to make it here t-tonight."

  • briefly interacting with pebblepaw & sunpaw! talking with @Florabreeze
  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    23 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)


"I did!" Comes the quick confirmation to what Hazecloud is saying, "I met Squirrelpaw, and she seemed really cool... I was more grossed out by WindClan last time." It had been easy to stare down anyone who had come into her vicinity then, too-eager to meet some brand new faces despite the implications. She remembers too well the time Pebblepaw talked about his first ever Gathering, and the mixed emotions that came with the reveal of deaths for Hazecloud. Perhaps that's why she doesn't like Cross-Clan friendships?

No longer does Eveningpaw need to tip her head back to address her mother. Hazecloud has never been the tallest RiverClanner, and now that Evenignpaw is starting to shape up into someone less kitten-like and more warrior-like, their eyes are nearly at the same level. A closer look at her limbs suggests she will outgrow Hazecloud in just a moon or two. Scary...

With Lichenstar's kinked tail disappearing among the throng of cats, Eveningpaw sticks to Hazecloud — and quickly comes face to face with a foreign leader.

Orangestar is decisively like Lichenstar, with a stern expression and a grace of authority... a mother too, is she not? Eveningpaw wills her eyes not to trace Orangestar's features too closely; plumpness might be natural and not just a sign of pregnancy. She does not posses nearly enough knowledge about the subject to be certain. Such matters are best left for Moonbeam to ponder on.

"Hi," she greets, eyes round with bewilderment. Hazecloud speaks with ease that Eveningpaw is normally a master of as well, but it is difficult to find words and address the SkyClanner and WindClanner respectively. Periwinklebreeze... that must be one of the lead warriors, if she remembers correctly. A quick decision is made then; be proud, for she deserves to be proud. Eveningpaw puffs her chest in silent pride — a reminder of both her own status, as well as Hazecloud's, having been an easy way to accommodate her deputyship with a new apprentice.

  • Like
Reactions: Orangestar
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower padded in with Squirrelpaw by her side. She hoped nothing went wrong tonight, she didn't want her apprentice's first gathering to be disappointing. Especially with the turmoil within ThunderClan as of late. She looked down to her, and said, "Go have fun, I'll be around. Make sure you don't say anything about Skyclaw, alright? I don't want to cause trouble." Her tone was low, but there was no malice in her words. Above all, she wanted to make sure everything went as smoothly as possible. She wondered if maybe there was someone she should talk to in the meantime. She'd never really taken the time to talk to other clans much.

// interacting with @SQUIRRELPAW and open to other interacts!

() coppery eyes flick every which way as the tomcat pads into the clearing, close on the paws of his mentor. it feels like he's been to a million of these things, some exciting, others rather bleak. he still enjoys them all the same, appreciates the rare opportunity he has as a lead warrior's apprentice to come to any gathering he wishes. sometime next moon, or the one after that, he will be arriving as a warrior in his own right. what an odd thought. blinking sideways at his mentor (woah, since when had he been able to see the top of foxtail's head?), he grins. "you got it," he'll affirm, flicking his tail against the man's flank and offering a smile to sunpaw. "see you later." the tuft-eared boy pads off, already searching for a cat he knows is here.

splashdance arrives as a new warrior, and as the winner of lichenstar's hunting competition, and pebblepaw can't be prouder of her. he purrs gently as he finds her side, acknowledging lakemoon, her plus-one, and brushing up against coal-dark fur. this is her first gathering since she slipped in behind riverclan's patrol that fateful night, and lichenstar had led her to the apprentices den. pebblepaw is happy to finally share a gathering with her, although of course for the white-speckled she-cat, she must be feeling a complex mix of things. "you look nice tonight," he murmurs, flicking his tail anxiously. oh stars, he's going to make a fool of himself again, just after the otter incident. he hadn't been able to look at her in the eye for weeks after that, let alone compliment her.

he expects his voice to shake or, stars forbid, crack, but it doesn't. instead it is steady, warm. "happy to finally be at a gathering?" he asks, allowing his gaze to slip from splashdance and off into the clearing, taking note that thunderclan is here this moon. he doesn't see howlingstar, nor does he see smogstar, the shadowclan leader instead represented again by his deputy. odd. his gaze falls upon lichenstar, awkwardly making conversation with mirepurr, and on hazecloud, who has begun to talk with orangestar and a cat from windclan.

"snowypaw?" a gulp of air releases from a ticked brown tabby nearby, and pebblepaw glances over, surprised to see the green-eyed woman staring directly at his friend. confusion flickers across the blue tabby's features as he discerns the she-cat's clan allegiance, and then comprehension dawns upon him. "splash, do you know her?" he asks the girl, already aware of the answer. there's a similarity between the two, and by the way the tabby's eyes shine, pebblepaw has a feeling splashdance is in for a family reunion.

  • // brief interaction with @FOXTAIL and @SUNPAW., interacting with @splashdance, brief interaction with @LAKEMOON, open to other interactions " #848DAE"
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    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

Fireflyglow seems none the wiser about what had happened. He responds to her prior question with a shrug, and Howlfire was content to leave it at that, knowing it was likely to be brought up during the gathering at any rate. They were about to part ways when Howlfire spotted their brother approaching. Her mouth part opens, about to say some cordial greeting to him, when a torrent of information comes spewing out of his mouth.

She's gone. And it doesn't take a genius to understand what he meant by that. Howlfire looks away, struggling to comprehend what she just heard. It becomes worse when he continued to reveal more. Skyclaw killed her, and then he was killed by Raccoonstripe. They're both gone. Our brother, our grandmother, our sister. Howlfire feels her brows rise in shock. What? This must have been a lie, surely? Skyclaw couldn't...he wouldn't...what could have possibly driven him to do such a thing? Her amber eyes stare into Burnstorm's searching for more information but finds only hate. His following words caused her to pull back in surprise, recoiling as though he had raked his claws across her eyes. Whatever pity and grief she felt, is soon overcome by a fiery rage, when he turns his grief on them. It is Fireflyglow who reacted first, speaking with a surprising amount of vitriol, for a cat who was usually so calm.

"Do not speak to us that way!" Howlfire warned through gritted teeth, the fur along her spine standing up in agitation. Like Fireflyglow, she stands protectively by Lionpaw's side, willing to take whatever grievances Burnstorm wished to continue to doll out that night. Howlfire had already spent most of her life defending her choice, justifying herself in front of kin who thought her weak for choosing SkyClan, for choosing Blazestar. She would not allow her half-siblings to endure such harsh words if she could help it.

She tilts her head in an almost sarcastic manner. "Did you think we didn't know? About the truth of Skyclaw and Duskbird?" She assumed that was what he meant by insinuating their father was not the great cat they thought he was. "Do not drag our father's name through the mud for doing what he thought would protect us all. He was not the only one who hid the truth from us for moons." Little Wolf and Howlingstar had also helped conceal the truth. Thinking back on it, it still hurt, though Howlfire was a little more mature now and could better understand their reasoning for wanting to keep the truth hidden.

Howlfire is still angry at Burnstorm's reaction but she has cooled somewhat in the presence of Fireflyglow and Lionpaw. "Our brother speaks it better than I ever could, but I wish you would allow us to move forward instead of constantly dragging up the decisions we were forced to make as mere kits," Howlfire intoned softly. "We both love you dearly, Burnstorm. We might live in different clans but the same blood runs in our veins. We three are the last children of Blazestar and Little Wolf and we are all that remains of their legacy and love." The chocolate torbie pauses, glancing at Lionpaw, who had jumped so readily to hers and Fireflyglow's defence. Oh, how she wished this meeting between him and Burnstorm could have gone better. "Let us bury the past and make peace. For the sake of our parents, for the sake of our children, for the sake of our dear grandmother," Howlfire urged. "I don't want it to be like how it was with Moonwhisper. I don't want to come to a future gathering and something has happened to one of us and we haven't made amends."

/ talking to @BURNSTORM @Fireflyglow + @LIONPAW
  • Sad
Reactions: LIONPAW

( ) ghost-striped pitch dark fur glows softly silver in the moonlight, vibrant sage eyes observant and guarded as a tall, lanky feline slips into the hollow. the scents of the other clans whirl around her, causing the dark skinned nose to twitch with interest. the feathery tail gently guides a smaller shape next to her, a shadow of her own form, complete with dark smoke fur, although echopaw’s eyes are different. frosty blue, wide and sightless, passing right through the rainbow of pelts that mingle beneath the midnight moon. they could be mother and daughter, this pair, but in truth, they are but mentor and apprentice. despite the protective feelings willowroot feels for her young charge, despite the fact that she’d named her, found her and brought her home, echopaw is not her daughter. still, she gazes at the littler smoke with a motherly sort of air, the kind of protection she affords all of her apprentices, current and former. she is no stranger to introducing young cats to their first gatherings.

“welcome to the gathering, little tadpole,” they’ll murmur to their charge, nudging the girl with their hip. “you’ll recognize the scents here tonight from our borders. the marshy smell is shadowclan, the heather scent is windclan, and skyclan are the pine scent,” pausing, so echopaw can keep up, willowroot allows their gaze to travel about the clearing, noting the presence of thunderclan, but the absence of howlingstar. worry briefly tugs at their gut - they have a great deal of respect for thunderclan’s queen, even throughout the forest dwellers’ continued theft of sunningrocks. willowroot will feel sorrow should news of the woman’s passing reach their tufted ears. “thunderclan smell of the forest, sort of like leaf litter, and, of course, you know riverclan’s own scent.”

gossamer green eyes float to her apprentice again, narrowing as she smiles. “i’ll have you stick by me this moon, and maybe in the future you can do some wandering on your own.” echopaw is blind, something willowroot has never dealt with, so she can’t help the protective worry she feels about letting her charge go off on her own. plus, it’s the girl’s first gathering. glancing around, her gaze alights upon a cat she doesn’t know. thunderclan, by the smell of it, with two apprentices scampering near her. gently guiding with her tail, willowroot leads echopaw over to the lilac point, dipping her head. “good evening,” she’ll greet, offering a gentle smile. “i am willowroot of riverclan, and this is my apprentice echopaw. you are of thunderclan, yes?” verdant eyes flick between the woman and her remaining apprentice.

  • // interacting with @Echopaw~, @PALEFIRE, and @ivorypaw, open to other interactions "#91A26C"
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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.


˖⁺‧₊ ☽◯☾ ₊‧⁺˖  His first gathering... Excitement and dread come to the young apprentice in equal measure. He had missed the last, and now everything is off-kilter. Gone is the heady rush of apprenticeship, in its place the fragile fear instilled in them by sickness. Periwinklebreeze is quick to leave their side, entreat them to mingle.

And all at once, Vulturepaw is adrift. There are too many faces here, none of them familiar in the slightest. The promise of peace shines in the full moon whose face looks down from the sky. He doesn't quite trust it.

Fur bristling, the pitch-furred apprentice closes in upon himself. A deer-in-the-headlights look of glowing amber meets any who get too close, nervousness coursing its way through his body. It is a similarly small and dark apprentice who dares to speak, his smile reflecting all the shakiness they feel. "How'd you know?" they shoot back to his question, suspicion seeping into the words. He realizes the impoliteness quickly, and corrects it. "I'm - um. Vulturepaw. WindClan." He mumbles the words. Even that feels too much to offer one who could easily become his enemy. "I'm old enough for this t-t-t... t-to be my - my second g-gathering, y'know," they offer glibly. Defensiveness is clear in the curl of their posture, mistrust in their words.

  • talking with @SPIDERPAW but open to other interactions!
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  • VULTUREPAW he / they / she, apprentice of windclan, seven moons.
    a spiky-furred dark tabby with amber eyes.
    skittish and dour, with a superstitious sort of pessimism.
    micheal x npc, adopted by periwinklebreeze. sibling to dustpaw and bilberrypaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNIDsaturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

There was some yelling, nearby- Ferngill only really strongly recognised the ThunderClan lead warrior of all of them, Burnstorm. Fireflyglow was a name he knew, and- well, that had to be their sister there. They weren't putting much effort into smothering their conversation... Ferngill leaned to speak in Cragpaw's ear. "Jeez, what's happening over there?" he remarked quietly, for his apprentice's ears only.

A protective flame still burned within him, one that made it difficult to give the young grey tom the freedom he should have ... but they were beneath StarClan's protection, tonight. Silver word bound pacifism to this place- a silken tail flicked, pleased, and a verdant eye gazed fondly, encouragingly down at his nephew. "Now, go have some fun. It'll do you good to talk to the other Clans." Gently, he encouraged the younger tom forward; truly, he wasn't lying. When he'd been younger he'd only known good and bad about the other Clans... until the Journey, his mind hadn't been opened. He hoped Cragpaw wouldn't need something quite as earth-shattering to start to recognise nuance.

An easy grin found its way upon handsome features, and Ferngill glanced around for someone unfamiliar to him- it was always goot to meet new people, wasn't it? It always made border patrols a little more exciting, at least.

\ briefly talking to @CRAGPAW , open to interaction !
penned by pin
This would be Cloudpaw's second moon in a row attending the gathering, and she felt giddy with excitement. She'd done exceptionally well in Riverclan's hunting tournament, and as a reward Lichenstar had granted her permission to bring one clanmate of her choosing with her as her plus one. It hadn't taken a second of thought for her to make her decision; she had many friends, but none stood out in her mind more than Eaglepaw. They'd only just been reunited after spending moons apart before he became an apprentice himself, and she wanted to keep him close now that they were together again.

The ivory molly practically bounced on her toes as she followed her leader into the moonlight clearing, eyes wide as the four trees loomed above them. She turned to her companion, her fur brushing his as she affectionately leaned against his side. "Don't you just love gatherings, Eaglepaw? It's so amazing to see everyone happy and getting along," she beamed with the same warmth that laced her voice. “I’m glad you’re here with me tonight.” Her smile only brightened as her minty gaze wandered the sea of faces, though she made no move to step away from her friend. She wouldn't be angry if someone approached them, but she was more than content to spend her night here with Eaglepaw.

  • [ talking to @eaglepaw. <3 ]
  • CLOUDPAW she / her, apprentice of riverclan, 9 moons
    long-hair white and cinnamon chimera with pale green eyes. petite and elegant.
    npc x npc // younger sister to moonbeam and rowan // littermate to crawfishpaw
    single, crushing on no one // mentored by no one // mentor to no one
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.