camp the timer will stop. / announcement

The first rays of sun creep over SkyClan's camp, painting the sky tangerine and cerulean. The leafbare day is frigid, a lack of cloud lending itself to a frosty morning. Orangestar had left her den before the blue light of dawn turned to gold, scaling the familiar thorn tree. She sits there for a time, searching the sky as if it would give her answers, and it is only when the chatter of the daylight warriors' arrival reach her ears does the leader break from her reverie. She had waited for them on purpose.

"SkyClan," she calls, her rasp a far gentler nudge to action than the firm cry she usually addresses her Clan with. "gather for a Clan meeting. All of you- I will be brief."

The sun-splashed molly carries with her today an unusual serenity, long-lost and rarely seen even prior. It borders on resignation, a shuddering relief, one last hurdle. Twitchbolt had assuaged her worries, but how does she tell her Clan as such?

"I will be retiring from leadership."

Well, that is about as brief as she could make it.

Orangestar braces herself against the inevitable yowls of shock, and gestures for silence. Whether or not her Clanmates listen to her wordless plea, she continues in a slightly louder meow: "Twitchbolt and I will travel to Highstones today, so that he may take up his lives, and we will return by tomorrow evening. I trust my council to watch over the Clan in our absence."

Orangestar then dips her head low, a respectful incline to the Clanmates she has loved since before they were Clan. She has never bowed to them like this: in silent apology, in thanks, in goodbye, though she has not said as much. Orangestar does not know if she will return from this journey.

"It has been an honour to serve SkyClan as your leader." When Orangestar regards SkyClan again, her gaze holds the faintest glow of pride. A silent toast, to them all: her warriors, both daylight and forest. Her apprentices, new and old. Every cat, from the youngest kit to the weariest elder, is what she had done this job so long for. The ghost of a smile plays about her scarred maw. Orangestar flicks her tail, turning that smile away before her Clan is able to see it turn profoundly sad.


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    ORANGESTAR ✧ penned by wren
    — she/her, leader of skyclan
    — a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes. her neutral expression is a faint frown.
    — mate to slatesnarl ; mentor to budpaw


Has so much time passed since the last meeting? Usually, they come around this time of the month, a pawful of days after the moon crosses the threshold of half and starts to crawl gracefully towards new. Doeblaze knows to expect it, and yet—perhaps it's her mind playing old tricks, but a strange air seems to infuse the dawn-drenched camp with today's call. Expectant, yes, but not quite like the heaviness before a storm that has charged their last couple. More like the last few trickling leaf-bare days before newleaf, when the air waits with heavy green breath for the first sprouts to show.

If only newleaf could arrive so soon, she muses to herself as she settles down in the jostling crowd before the Highbranch. The brilliant sky is graceful and cloudless as if it were already upon them, but the frigid air cutting across her muzzle refuses to permit so idyllic a vision. Sighing a tiny plume of steam into the chilly morning air, Doeblaze shakes out her pelt like a branched bird against the insistent cold and waits for today's announcements. What about a Clan meeting was ever brief, though?

Orangestar seems the more serene for it, certainly. For the last moon or so, the ginger-tipped leader has seemed—different, somehow. The she-cat's unshakeable thereness, so unswayed by mountains and miles and deaths, had seemed impossibly to waver; her orders less firm, her decisions harder to understand than ever. Much like herself, or at least herself at this point in her life, she had only ever known Orangestar to grow tougher in the face of tragedy. And yet, it had seemed the past moon's betrayals had fallen over her leader's shoulder like a circling vulture's shadow.

" I will be retiring from leadership. "

" What? " It's blurted in shock, and she very nearly claps a white paw over her mouth as if to push it back in. Thankfully, there are much louder exclamations to drown her own out, and the tawny lead warrior lets her shoulders ease—though her jade eye remains wide and focused on Orangestar. How could she… even begin to process this? How could the Clan? Orangestar had set many a precedent, as befitting a Clan's second leader, but was retiring even an option?

Some of the whispers around her are no doubt turning unhappy. Doeblaze herself sits silent, with jaws just parted, her lone lush eye restless in its socket as it searches Orangestar's face, even as the bicolor leader proceeds calmly through the remainder of her announcement. When she squares the vision of Orangestar today—proud and true, the she-cat who'd greeted her when she first arrived, that she-cat who she marveled at for seemingly always being sure of herself and what she did—with the Orangestar of not even a half-moon ago, it is easier to understand.

It is as if StarClan had swept a great weight from her shoulders, though they have yet to put her lives asunder—can that even be done? Thinking of how heavily this leaf-bare, cold and hungry and plentiful with death and nothing else, has weighed on all of them; at how the consternation has drawn itself from Orangestar's brow, it grows easier still. With the memory of her own stepdown moving in tandem, an uncommonly useful response from a mind like a crypt always ready to creak open and free old ghosts, the idea acquires a finality.

When Orangestar dips her head, Doeblaze responds in kind, though she doubts the other can make her out amidst the great mass of her Clan. Her shaggy head falls low and deep, and when it rises again, she's met by the sight of a small, rare smile playing across the scarred surface of the leader's muzzle. Orangestar has served their Clan to her best. In a way, Doeblaze is glad—glad the ginger-and-white she-cat will have the privilege of enjoying a long life with her kits and her mate. Glad that even Slatesnarl, of all cats, will not lie awake at night, staring at the stars and wondering how long it will be until death draws a final veil between him and his mate. Leaders hold nine lives, and yet they seem to go faster than any other Clanmate's lonesome one.

Twitchbolt. Appropriately, the name hits her with a jolt. By Orangestar's word, he will be departing with her today—soon, most likely, given the length of the journey they must make. Pride for her friend swells in her chest only to meet rigid iron constrictions of worry, of an anxiety as old as Tallpine's splintery heart. She knows secondpaw how heavy nine lives can weigh on a cat, had watched them tick away by measure of the creases under her mate's sad blue eyes.

As the Clan jostles in its dismissal, full of whispers and moving bodies, Doeblaze seeks his slight bicolor form in the crowd. Should she find it, she will mrrow a hoarse, " Good luck, " before she fades back into the crowd. Good luck on the journey to Highstones; good luck on the journey through nine lives to come.

Doeblaze is a small, scruffy lilac tabby she-cat spotted with white. She has one jade-green eye, the other blotted out by a prominent scar.

thomas x champagne / sister to bloomfur / mother to many
shadowed blazestar / mentoring n/a
57 moons old as of 2/2/2025
penned by dejavu

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'I will be retiring from leadership.'

Figfeather feels her insides turn to ice and her tongue numbs with shock. Retire…? A leader could not retire. Once you took the mantle it was yours until death, or at least that's what she thought was true until now.

Orangestar goes on to say Twitchbolt and her will travel to Highstones for him to receive his nine lives. She meows that it was an honor to serve SkyClan as it'd leader before dismissing the Clan. Just like that.

Fury pulses in the sandy she-cat's ears. How? How could she do this? Blazestar chose her to lead in his place, had he been wrong to do so? Surely, he frowns upon her now. Did she not fear his disappointment? StarClan's judgment?

"Selfish," The hiss flies out from her throat before she can think to stop it. She's experienced one too many surprises these last few moons, this is what makes her snap. "And cowardly." She does not speak directly to Orangestar but to the cats who surrounded her in the crowd. "She is insulting the lives StarClan had graciously gifted her. She insults her Clan."

Her eyes rise up to find the orange and whit leader again, all the respect she once held for her gone. Only disappointment and shame shone in her eyes when she looked upon her now. "We mustn't be worth the burden to her." She growls sourly, her eyes shifting to the brown and cream deputy who sat below the Highbranch, "Thank StarClan, then. We'll get someone who thinks the weight is worth carrying for this Clan." It's unkind of her, maybe even cruel, but Figfeather's hurt, too. How could Orangestar abandon her star-given duty, her Clan, like this?

She will lift up a new, stronger leader, then. It is onto him she will place her loyalties and hope for this Clan. Hopefully, he is strong enough to carry the weight of all the lives he is to receive. Hopefully, StarClan doesn't scorn him for the weakness of his predecessor.

She chants, "Twitchbolt!"


trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
lead warrior of SkyClan
Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.

Quietly, subdued, the Maine Coon observes the ginger-splashed molly ascending to the Highbranch for the very last time. He says nothing although his amber gaze is filled with understanding. Ora had already informed Slatesnarl of her decision; his emotions warred within, unsure of how to truly feel about her retirement. He was glad to have her back as a warrior, glad that she could afford more time for herself and for her family. She would be more like the molly he once knew; unwavering and graceful and not yet saddled with the pressures of leading a clan. However, this meant that Twitchbolt would lead SkyClan. To say that Slatesnarl would be casting judgment upon the deputy would be an understatement — Twitchbolt would never be Blazestar, nor Orangestar. Was the younger tom truly ready for this, or would he drive SkyClan into the ground?

Reactions of shock are to be expected. After all, it is not common for a leader to simply step down — most had their lives taken from them in one way or another. However, it seemed that they would rather watch her die nine times over than let her pass the torch onto her successor. Figfeather is the first cat to openly proclaim her disappointment with this choice, even so much as calling Orangestar a coward. The one who had given up her lives for her clanmates—as any good leader should. The one who had handled clan disputes minor and major, no matter how difficult they were. The one who gave her newborn kits to another queen to raise so that the rest of the clan could have her focus. "You know nothing, Figfeather." A rough growl bubbles from Slate's throat. She knows nothing of what his mate has been through. How dare she take Orangestar's vulnerability as a mere insult?

The shaggy-furred warrior rises to his great paws, casting a hardened glare toward the lead warrior and directly challenging her words, "My mate has always put SkyClan first. Even now." She believed that letting Twitchbolt step up in her place was the best for the clan. Orangestar had set aside her pride—her stubborn will to keep working tirelessly at her own expense—to make this decision. "Spare her the dignity she deserves. Maybe if you're ever put in her paws then you'll understand." Maybe she was just bitter that Ora had chosen Twitchbolt as deputy and not her. Such a decision had been a shock to many SkyClanners, including him, but if Figfeather truly had any sour feelings toward the leader then she should hold her tongue. Orangestar had sacrificed so much for her clan and had done good until she could not bear the weight any longer.

There is so much more Slatesnarl could say, so much more bright red anger he could blind his clanmates with, but he knows that Orangestar is already exhausted enough. Hopefully they would not drive him to cause a scene, not this time.

simp alert


Eyes, the prickle of them- oh, he knew the feeling, sickening and crawling, tendrils up his throat and spearing into his brain. Knew it even when they weren't on him, cast instead upon Orangestar. Knowing the announcement she was about to make, he could feel the apprehension on the surface of his skin, even secondhand; he wondered if his own feelings would be reflected back in the Clan's reaction. Complication, anger. In the twist of Figfeather's expression, he could see it- in the wrinkle of Slatesnarl's muzzle too, though not from the same place.

Sickness dragged down his breaths, made every intake more and more painful. The resolution he felt was in bitter battle with the irritation at this decision- the derision he had received for abandoning his post, the panic he had felt for not being able to die nine times, and yet- Orangestar could stand, state she was unable, and be met with none of the same venom. From Slatesnarl, he should have expected nothing less. In an unkind flare that flexed his claws against the earth, Twitchbolt wondered whether Slatesnarl's loyalty would remain to SkyClan, or if he would spend the rest of his days catching prey for a family that just happened to live there.

His face displayed no pride- a deep frown jittered upon his expression instead, as he stared into a place beyond sight, fangs clamped together. Every bitter thought, and the weight of everything he could say, suffocated him into silence. A fly-swat fluttered his tail, crooked, dressed with a blur of blue. There was one who would believe in him, at least.

His hum dipped hoarse. He did not lift his eyes to meet the crowd. This moment would never have been a happy one, if it ever came... but he'd never anticipated this. Friction burned right in front of him- brief reprieve came only in the bid of good luck that Doeblaze offered him. Twitchbolt let free a shaking breath, murmuring, "Thank you," in soft, frayed tones. Quiet distaste sat tense upon him- he would give thanks to no-one else.

In the insulation of his terse, hunched posture he knew only one thing: he would never do this.
penned by pin ✧

he understands it all. the anger that figfeather has, and the exhaustion that orangestar feels. she's given so much for this clan already, died for it more times than can counted on a paw. she's tired. she wants someone else to run the madhouse. leadership takes and takes– hardly gives-– but it was bestowed upon her. it was a blessing and a curse, and one she probably should have stayed with. still, drowsynose has never been someone in a position of power. he's never had to do what orangestar did. he only clears his throat with a nod of his head.

"while i-i... get it... it's a lot to take in, orangestar. really. some of our clanmates will be r-right in their anger... but you've done g-good... maybe now you can get some sl-sleep."

dismissing it, he turns to twitchbolt with a look of fire in his eyes. he dips his head respectfully before standing back up straight.

"you have my support, twitchbolt."

maybe this is the chance that the clan needed to keep them from starving– keep them from losing. and hell. at least she did not disappear like mirestar and smogstar. she is doing this with a lot more grace than can be expected. she's done her duty. she'd died for her clan. he hates the idea of it. he hates that now twitchbolt had to. his ears flatten briefly in a grief of what will be. he's scared for twitchbolt– someone he considers a friend. he is terrified of losing him, too..

It seems like an oddity to be called to a clan meeting so early in the moon. Howlfire notes its not unheard of but Orangestar's initial statement sets a prickle of unease down her spine. The orange and white cat tells them it will be brief and Howlfire's mind immediately jumps to the worst. In some ways, she is prepared for the reveal, and in other ways, she isn't. When Orangestar announces she plans to step down, Howlfire's mouth nearly drops open. "You're stepping down!?" She echoes in pure shock.

Howlfire is stunned into silence, her mind whirring at this news, whilst the rumble of her clanmates echo around her. Thus far, Figfeather is the most vocal in her frustrations. Howlfire can, in part, understand her anger but thinks it unfair and unkind of her to say Orangestar was a coward. It made it feel as though everything she had done seemed worthless to Figfeather now that she was potentially returning to the life of a warrior. "It's a difficult choice you've made, Orangestar," Howlfire mewed, not unkindly. "I hope it will be the right one in the long one." For hers and Twitchbolt's sake.

Speaking of the deputy, her eyes land on him, wondering how he had taken to this news. He seems a little uneasy now but Howlfire wonders how he had been when Orangestar had told him of her plans. Had he been understanding? Angry? This promotion will be a change for him to be sure but she's seen how her fellow warrior has grown over their many shared moons of life together. Howlfire considers him a friend, a fitting successor to the legacy of the pines. Time will only tell how he adjusts to the role but she is hopeful the clan is in safe paws. "Good luck, Twitchbolt," She called out to him. "I hope the journey goes well for both of you."

In the back of his mind Chickbloom knew this day would come eventually, but the boy had always slotted it into the nebulous category of 'future.' It was something that would happen later. Something he would be prepared for later. It was like watching his twolegs grow older. There was a time as a kit the coward had been profoundly worried about the possibility of watching them pass on, but the boy assuaged those fears with the same two syllables: later.

Well, it seemed later had come.

The whelp had nothing to say, no yowls of fury or cheers of congratulations, at least until Figfeather spoke up. In a moment possibly more shocking than the announcement, Chickbloom found himself agreeing with Slatesnarl. "She - O-Orangestar must have - have a g-good reason, or else she w-wouldn't do it." The baby bird chirped, disagreement much gentler than his peer's. "Her job is to - to do what's best for the c-clan, even if - if t-that means stepping down."

Raising his voice slightly, the Scottish Fold tried to see the positives of this. "A-At least we c-can all - y'know - h-have a proper celebration for O-Orangestar and - and T-Twitchbolt! There's usually s-so much sadness, s-so…" The boy trails off, leaving Blazestar's name unsaid.

Despite his (arguably) cheery outlook on the situation, Chickbloom can't deny the worry worming in his heart - and the guilt that comes with it. Twitchbolt was a dear friend, the baby bird knew his strengths as well as anyone, so why was he so nervous?

Maybe it was because the deputy was like him. Stronger, braver, smarter, of course; but still like him. Nervous, jittery, shaky. He wasn't ashamed to say the reign of a hypothetical Chickstar would be short indeed, so how did that bode for Twitchbolt?

He would just have to hope for the best, and trust in his friend.

"C-Congratulations, you - um - y-you earned it" The boy mutters, placing a buttery tail on a brown-and-white flank. "G-Good luck." You'll need it.

Figfeather jumps onto her paws and whirls around to face Slatesnarl. Of course he would defend Orangestar now, even as she abandons her duties in a time of fear and chaos. "I know nothing? Put a tail in it, Slatesnarl!" She seethes at the audacity. "I know that being entrusted as SkyClan's leader and being gifted nine lives by StarClan only to throw their it back in their face when the stress grows too heavy is disgraceful." Did Orangestar not fear StarClan's wrath? Do her Clanmate's not? She is perplexed by the lack of anger she sees around her, why is she the only one who feels betrayed? Scared for the future of her Clan?

Figfeather scoffs in Slatesnarl's face, this is what was putting SkyClan first? That's what these cats thought? She feels contempt for them all in this moment, frustrated that they do not understand what she did with clarity. "I am—was loyal to Orangestar. I would've happily laid down my life for her to save any of her nine. It's an insult to the stars and her Clan that she doesn't want to continue to serve them with the rank StarClan—Blazestar trusted her with." She knows she is arguing at a wall, Slatesnarl won't budge, she knows better than that. Maybe her words would at least awaken some of her Clanmates to how dishonorable this was, or maybe she'd stay alone in her ire.

'Maybe if you're ever in her paws you'll understand.' "If StarClan finds me ever one day worthy, I wont let them down." She looks at Slatesnarl, to Chickbloom, to any other cat who met her gaze. Should StarClan ever think that highly of her to bless her with the lives of a leader she would not falter as Orangestar had. That was a promise.


trans female (she / her) / pansexual, single
33 moons old / ages realistically, every 22nd of the month
lead warrior of SkyClan
Daisyflight x Raven / sire to Sangriaflight, Coffeesong
mentoring Blizzard / mentored by Tallulahwing
previously mentored Wolfpaw, Daisydrop, Oleanderpaw
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Figfeather is a bright yellow she-cat with golden tabby markings that swirl across her body. She has big, amber-orange eyes and angular ears. Prominent jowls dangle from her cheeks, rounding out the shape of her face. Her right hind leg is twisted, wrapped in a large, discolored, bumpy scar.
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" Figfeather! " It's nearly a yelp, and the golden she-cat's name comes out in a scandalized meow. Doeblaze had wished Twitchbolt well and wandered off with every intent of fading into the crowd, but the marmalade tabby seems intent on making that difficult. As she dips and weaves among the flow of moving mouths and legs, even she cannot avoid Figfeather's defiant hiss, which winds through the dispersing Clan like sparks through dry tinder.

Let the ginger lead warrior hold what opinions she may, as she's entitled to, but to declare the cat who not a sunrise ago was her trusted leader a selfish coward—it intrudes upon Doeblaze's sensibilities with all the subtlety of an ox tracking across crushed porcelain. Her ripped ears tick back to pin against her scruffy skull, then back forwards just as fast.

Figfeather's defiant bray of Twitchbolt! is solidly cut into by another of their Clan's fierier types. Slatesnarl's growl brews in his chest like dry underbrush catching the heat from coals, heat rising on the cool leaf-bare air. More voices jostle in the crowd—Drowsynose, Howlfire, Chickbloom, all of them offering cooling salves to the burns the two warriors' voices painted on the air. It's not enough, though; Figfeather whirls on Slatesnarl with narrowed eyes and searing words.

The mention of Blazestar's name has her own shoulder fur bristling, and the tawny lead warrior paws agitatedly at the snow-dusted earth below. " Orangestar made her choice, and there's nothin' any of us can do about it now, " Doeblaze cuts in, her hoarse voice thick with a harried terseness. " Arguin' certainly isn't goin' to change her mind. " She pauses; Figfeather is her councilmate, but far be it from her to ignore an opportunity to pull rank with Slatesnarl. " That includes you, Slatesnarl. "

Doeblaze is a small, scruffy lilac tabby she-cat spotted with white. She has one jade-green eye, the other blotted out by a prominent scar.

thomas x champagne / sister to bloomfur / mother to many
shadowed blazestar / mentoring n/a
57 moons old as of 2/2/2025
penned by dejavu

Fireflyglow was expecting the outbursts, the cries of cowardice from his clanmates. He was expecting Orangestar to be seen as a flight-bird, taking off when things get hard. He sees it as her decision, and while he doesn't agree with her decision, he respects it. Orangestar is more than just the leader of SkyClan, she is a Warrior, a mother, a simple cat just like the rest of them.

"You will do well, Twitchbolt." Fireflyglow whispers, waiting for the orange and white molly to jump down from her place to join his side. This would be the first leader he has taken to the moonstone to have their lives stripped from their souls. This most certainly wouldn't be the last, but he hoped it wouldn't happen again.

He would have a talk with Twitchbolt.. After everything.​
[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] The cold air of the morning made Fawnpaw fluff out his fur a bit, he had been dutifully working when Orangestar called for a meeting, explaining thet it would be a brief one, bi-color eyes curious slip to settle next to Fireflyglow.

Orangestar was calm, serene even and yet the words that came from her lips was a shock to even the young apprentice. Orangestar was stepping down, refusing to complete the path that had been given to her, giving back the lives their ancestor had given them. A frown slipped on his lips, had something come up to bring her to such a conclusion to no longer wish to lead?

Some seem to accept this outcome, while others call Orangestar a coward. Meanwhile Fawnpaw sat there unable to imagine refusing the gifted path Starclan had chosen for him like Orangestar did now. Twitchbolt will now lead them, and even though Fawnpaw knew one day it would have happened, it was a shame it came from their current leader rejecting Starclan's gift.

Male (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤHetrosexual/Aromantic
ㅤ7 moons oldㅤ/ㅤAges on the 1st
ㅤMCA of Skyclan for 2 moons
ㅤmentoring N/Aㅤ/ㅤmentored by Fireflyglow
"Speak" 𓆩✧𓆪 Thoughts
ㅤpenned by Rynnarooㅤ/ㅤmessage Rinnaroo on discord for plots!

A lithe fawn tom with blue and yellow eyes, a plumed tail, and adorned in accessories (flower petals, plants, etc.). Fawnpaw appears meek and soft compared to his other clanmates and carries his heart on his sleeves, gentle and easygoing yet has a dash of sass mixed into everything as well.

Butterflytuft listens in stunned silence as Orangestar announces her retirement, the weight of the words sinking slowly into her heart. Orangestar was Blazestar's chosen successor, and to deny it is a change far more monumental than she could grasp in a heartbeat. A surge of mixed emotions swirls within her, but what rises to the surface most is a deep understanding. Surely, her leader has a reason? She can feel the ripple of shock through the crowd though and it causes her to flinch, mostly as Figfeather's words rise to meet their leader's announcement. The surprise of Orangestar's decision stings some, clearly. Her gaze shifts briefly to Doeblaze, who seems to understand more than most, and then to Slatesnarl, the not-so-silent protector of his mate. Flattening her ears, she feels herself shuffle backwards closer to the nursery. She doesn't want Ramkit or Lambkit to see this. It would be too confusing for them. She bows her head low, rounded gaze lingering on her sister as the confrontation continues.

She does not address any of them directly, not wanting to add fuel to the fire of anger that now simmers in the air. Instead, she focuses on Twitchbolt, who deserves to have support. "May StarClan guide you on the journey," She near-whispers to her dearest friend. But the voices continue to rise around her and her thoughts are clouded by the sheer volume. The air feels thick with uncertainty; she understands Figfeather's anger, even as it causes her stomach to tighten. Orangestar has carried so much on her shoulders. But she's stepping away. We need to support her, right? Or…is her reasoning enough? She shifts uncomfortably and her ears flick back slightly at the sound of her sister's voice rising in fury once more in retaliation. She is so certain, so steadfast in her beliefs, and in contrast Butterflytuft only feels a heavy apprehension.

Her gaze briefly moves to Drowsynose, his words softer, filled with sympathy, and she wonders if it's possible for everyone else to find that same peace in themselves. It's hard, near impossible, to stand by and watch her clanmates argue. She hopes that someone understands, someone sees how hard this decision was for Orangestar. Her eyes flick worriedly to Twitchbolt once more. He's been thrust into a heavy role. On top of everything else, now she will also fear for him. How will he handle it? Is he ready?

She squeezes her eyes shut. This is all so confusing, and it's just too much for her. Without another word, the quiet she-cat turns and disappears into the nursery to be with the kits, unable to deal with the nerves anymore.


Quill wasn't sure what to think of Orangestar stepping down. It was mostly taking a backseat to the shock that his mate was becoming leader.

He found it impossible not to feel a little spark of pride regardless of how pissed off his clanmates were over how it was happening, and his eyes quickly landed on his frustrated-looking counterpart. They looked just as agitated as everyone else, but the chimera couldn't find it in himself to share in their anger. It could have been the bleakest, bloodiest, most miserable aftermath to date, and his heart still would have beat a little harder for their accomplishments.

Leadership brought other issues though, things his mind had dared to touch on but never truly picked apart. Now, he would have no choice but to face them, but he was rather blatantly choosing not to focus on that right now. Not when he'd promised himself that he would support Twitchbolt when this moment finally came.

"Your gonna do amazing, babe." How could they not? Even if they were pissed off by how this was going down, Twitch wasn't to be underestimated. His mate had proven too many times that this was the path he wanted to walk, and Quill had made his peace with that. All that was left now was to support them as much as he could-- and to make sure those nine lives lasted as long as possible.

'Longer than me.'

OOC- Speaking to @TWITCHSTAR I'm passing out because it's late and im sleppy, but I had to post with this man. We absolutely need a priv!

skyclan - male - 31 months (Feb 17th) - Twitchbolts mate - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
  • Love

Budpaw heeds Orangestar's gentle call, and though her leader and mentor deems it a quick announcement, the seal point's attention is quickly captivated by the sing song trill of a distant bird. Bright blue eyes drift skyward, ebony ears filling with nature's music before sharply angling back at the uproar of her aunt. Only then does Budpaw snap back to reality.

Only then does she realize the weight of Orangestar's words and how the clan now reacts.

"We can still train together, right? You'll still be my mentor?" Budpaw asks as the din of concern and confusion quiets enough for her to get a word in. She cannot claim disappointment in Orangestar's decision… She does not have the life experience to do so. All Budpaw can truly be worried about is keeping Orangestar as a mentor. The apprentice trusts Twitchbolt to be a fine leader and believes that… well, everyone should be able to take breaks, right? Even leaders who have served their clans through really tough times.
[ penned by kerms ]

Misfortune after misfortune makes exhaustion weigh against his shoulders.

Greeneyes hardly slept prior, with eyes trained on the medicine den's entrance between heavy-set blinks and ears twitching at the slightest of sounds. Each of his mate's breaths, each of his apprentice's, their patient's. Each rustle of wind through the trees above their home, each shifting paw-step outside. He cannot let another ill-labeled clanmate step foot into the medicine den. He cannot let them try to kill Duskpool, cannot let them try to kill —

His stomach churns at the thought his storm-struck mind wills to cut off.

A sleepless night's end is marked with Orangestar's call. It is gentle, but there is nothing calming to the shift in her usual call to her clan. Bleary eyes blink at the sun's morning rays that welcome him out into the clearing, and he stands among gathering clanmates.

The words that follow don't sound real. Had he fallen asleep after all? Forged a new nightmare? His heart plummets at Orangestar's words, at sudden change to come in the form of a decision, rather than valiant death. Is that not the way of a leader?

Blazestar would never do this, he thinks. Greeneyes had carried Blazestar home, the SkyClan founder's blood against his shoulders — had the golden leader died just for his successor to step down when SkyClan needs them most? Had Greeneyes served her for nothing?

Stunned at her words, anger swells at his thoughts. How could she, how could she? How could she step down now? How could she act so calm?

His sister's burst of anger is more than enough to share with him — with the whole clan. Greeneyes watches with wide eyes, ears flattening against his head. Does his home really need this now? More anger? More tension? Couldn't Orangestar see the mess she's just created?

As Figfeather's words subside, the red tom looks toward Orangestar and Twitchbolt. His friend will be a good leader, he reminds himself. He's always had faith in his peer — at least he and SkyClan can have faith in him. He dips his head toward the two of them.

" I wish you two the best, " he meows, his face void of the usual smile he'd attempt to paint across it in times like this. He then moves to Fireflyglow's side, pressing his face into the tom's shoulder before looking up at him. He takes in the seal-point's face, as if memorizing details he already knows so well. " Stay safe, please. " SkyClan can't lose you too.


A stout, red tabby tom with a snow-masked face and a star-freckled form, Greeneyes carries a clover behind his ear and a colorful feather at the base of his hooked tail. A reminder of the Great Journey, a scar crawls across the back of his neck. The warrior believes he is cursed — brought on by the rhetoric that 'green is a deadly color.'


He / Him ⋅ Mate to Fireflyglow
Former Lead Warrior of SkyClan
Daisyflight † x Raven Ramble
Brother to Butterflytuft, Figfeather, Snowpath †, Violetnose †
Mentoring Fluffypaw ⋅ Mentored by Sheepcurl
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!
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he declaration of brevity is an unnecessary one. Candorflight has never asked for much, and amongst his few wishes and requests... the need for SkyClan's meetings to be shorter has never been one! Still, Candorflight settles. The russet tones of his ears perk in earnest, attuned to the blare of his Leader's voice.

Only— what becomes of his Leader, when she does not want to lead anymore?

Candorflight blinks. Surprise has him gaping wide, " What? " spilling unbidden from his mouth. Though unlike his mother, he saw no need to curb his word after the fact. For once in his life, Candorflight remains patient. For an explanation or maybe even a hearty belly-laugh, and said explanation would be that she was simply not serious. Anything to part the fog of confusion, really. Anything that satisfied the discontented writhing within him.

It does not come, though. Orangestar is perhaps as vague as she could manage to be. The longer the silence stretches, the more his face falls. He is not the only one. No, far from it.

Figfeather's word cuts through the silence. Does she speak what they all think? No, cries the word of Slatesnarl. The rest of them— they're hushed. None of it is truly an answer. It's... resignation. Dull acceptance, not the sort you would run through the hilltops to say. Acceptance should be freeing. It should be relief. It should be joy. Doeblaze simply tells them that's that.

Blazestar did not die for this. StarClan had not given her this gift, just for her to claim herself disinterested. Candorflight does not doubt that she has problems, but to kneel and the ground and concede defeat... She casts away the path her predecessor had carved for her. For he would never appoint a soul without conviction; would never appoint someone that he did not believe in. Blazestar had not just left them. He had left them with her.

He lifts his gaze to his former Leader, and perhaps only by his mother's word do he not raise his voice in tandem with Figfeather. To breed negativity... he supposes it was never the answer. And so he looks to his former mentor instead. It is unlike him to be so speechless. His word is an echo of Figfeather's. " Twitchbolt, " you must do what she could not manage.
